So today on Show us Your Life - it's all about telling us where you live - what is your town like. It's like a mini vacation tour of America (or other countries!) Be sure and put your town's name in the subject line!So I live in Arkansas - in the home of Wal-Mart! Maybe you've heard of it - it's a little store in a few towns. Or more like 4000 towns. It's a semi small town where I live - about 40,000 live here. I love it!
We have the cutest square and they have been working hard on improving it lately. We have First Fridays all through the summer where they have different themes and festivals. And every Saturday morning there is a farmer's market on the square. The original Wal-Mart is now a Wal-Mart museum.
A few minutes from our town is a really nice outdoor mall. And T J Maxx and Target are right near by. You know this is one of my favorite parts of town! ha!
They are building an ultra nice museum in our town called Crystal Bridges. It is going to be so wonderful - I can't wait for it to be finished. There is a beautiful trail that you can walk on now and overlook the construction.
And of course - just 30 minutes up the road is the University of Arkansas and Razorback stadium - one of my favorite landmarks!
Where do you live???? I might want to come visit!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago