It's been a nice Saturday. I had to have a quick practice with my preschool choir this morning at church - we are singing at "Big Church" in the morning. I'm praying it goes okay. You never know. ha! When I got home, Scott and Harper took me for an early Mother's day lunch at Abuelo's. You know I wanted mexican food! Harper gave me a wonderful gift - she was PERFECT at lunch. I couldn't believe how well she behaved.
It was pretty cool here today but we went to a little park afterwards so Scott could see Harper in action. She showed him how she could climb and slide.
We had a lot of fun!

Laurie and I

Laurie and the girls
I wish each of you a Happy Mother's day! Being a mom is the BEST job and the hardest job there is. And to each of you who is dreading tomorrow because you want nothing more than to be a mother. I am thinking of you and praying for you. I pray that the peace of God that passes ALL UNDERSTANDING will rule your hearts tomorrow and that you will have great hope no matter how big the obstacles seem.
And to those of you who have lost your mothers and miss them so much on Mother's day - I pray that the memories of your moms will bring joy to your hearts.