I got a little springtime makeover by The Design Girl! Check out her site - she's giving out a free makeover!!! You could win!!So Happy Cinco De Mayo! This day has special meanings to me. One - it's just a great excuse to eat Mexican food which I could literally eat every day for the rest of my life and it would never get old. And also - two years ago this morning, I took a test that changed my life. It told me that I was going to finally be a mother. Little did I know on that morning how much this little bundle of energy would wear me out and how crazy I would be about her.
It's been one of those days when I have felt like I was going to lose my mind. Harper was up at 6 after I went to bed too late and got less than 6 hours of sleep (which unfortunately is normal but still). By 8:30 she had torn my house apart and gotten into everything she could possibly get into.She can open all doors and now she can open the dishwasher and climb in (which she did at least 100 times today). She also threw my phone into Dawson's water bowl for the second time in like a week, refused to take a nap, and spilled a bottle of hot pink nail polish all over her and my bathroom floor while I was trying to get ready. (I almost stopped to take a picture of that but I was too upset).
To say that I was severely exhausted and rattled by the time we met friends for lunch would be a HUGE understatement.But thank goodness for sweet friends who make me laugh and chips and salsa. I left lunch feeling energized.
After she took a nap, we headed to one of our city parks and tried to burn some energy. Notice Harper is wearing a Mexican dress in honor of the day. Isn't it the cutest? Melanie brought it to me when I met her and Sophie last summer and I have been waiting and waiting for Harper to wear it! I have ALWAYS been in love with Mexican dresses. In fact - I'm thinking I need one for myself right now.
Harper went up and down the slide at least a million times until we were both sweaty and tired. It was hot today and after playing - I decided we should walk down the street and have a treat!
I mean - cupcakes have to be another great way to celebrate the fifth of May? Mucho Bueno!
On another note -
I've just been so sad for all my friends in Nashville. It was so ironic that Pete's book "Plan B" came out yesterday on a day that his church was spending the entire day helping all the people who have been devastated by the flood. So many have lost their homes and had no flood insurance. Can you imagine? This has not been featured enough on the news. There are a few ways you can help. You can text "redcross" to 90999 to donate $10 and it will be billed to your cell phone.
I have a friend who wrote about another way you can help if you live in the area - HERE.
I know there are probably other ways to help so feel free to leave those in the comments if you know of some. And just lift these people up in prayer. They need it.
A Month Gone.
3 years ago