Friday, April 30, 2010

I will Carry You Giveaway

If you have read my blog for any length of time - you know that I just adore this girl above. Angie Smith and her husband Todd (he sings with the Christian group Selah) are an amazing couple with three girls, one on the way and one sweet baby who is with Jesus, Audrey.

I stumbled upon Angie's blog right after she started it and couldn't quit reading. I was drawn in by her story and prayed for her and for Audrey. I remember reading this post and bawling my eyes out. Angie has a gift for writing.

And she has written a book telling the story of Audrey. I'm not a reader and I read it in less than two days. I couldn't put it down. If you know anyone who has suffered the loss of a child - this would be an amazing book to give them. And Angie talks at the end about how to help those who lose a child. I was so thankful for that because I think at some point in our lives we will probably all know someone, unfortunately, who will go through this and I'm saving her book as a reference.

"I Will Carry You" comes out tomorrow nation wide and you can find it in Barnes and Noble, Books a Million , and Lifeway. I really encourage you to buy a copy. You will love it!

And I'm also giving away THREE COPIES!! I am giving them away HERE and I will draw the winners Sunday night. Please make sure you enter on my review blog and NOT here! Thanks!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Show Us Your life - Money Saving Tips

Today's Show Us Your life is all about Money Saving Tips!

I know there are a lot of you smart coupon cutting/frugal women who have great ideas for the rest of us and I can't wait to hear them!

and the good news is I finally have ALL the past Show Us Your Life Fridays now in one spot:

and the remaining schedule is also there!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Share Hope

This week is National Infertility Week

I can't help but think back to all the days I just cried in desperation wondering if I would ever be called "mom". I knew God had not forgotten me but I wondered what His plan was. I begged Him........PLEADED with him daily to please let me be a mother. It was the hardest thing I have ever endured. I used to just there a light at the end of my tunnel?

And now sometimes I think back to myself 2 or 3 years ago and how much pain I felt and I just want to somehow tell that girl "You have no idea what is in store for you." I think that's what God must feel like as he looks at us.

I'm praying for so many of you. I've been keeping a running prayer list for those waiting for a child for the last few years. And I've seen story after story of God answering what seemed to be the MOST hopeless of prayers. I've rejoiced while I've written "Praise" by 171 names.

Just today I was reading a post by a sweet girl, Adrienne, who has suffered TOO many miscarriages and eventually adopted two children and is now pregnant! It's such an awesome story.

I thought maybe it would be neat if any of you who suffered through infertility and now have children - through pregnancy or adoption could leave a quick testimony of hope in the comments.

And if you are waiting.....................wondering if there is ANY HOPE? Maybe these stories will be an encouragement to you today. I pray that they are.

I'll start:
Three years of infertility, one miscarriage, a year of drugs and failed IUI's, told our only option was IVF........decided to just put all my trust in God and He gave me a peace pregnant on our own when I was 35. She is now 15 months old.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Back To Life........Back to Reality

Today is back to our normal life. :-) Including things like Harper dumping a whole bag of smores goldfish all over me. This was after it happened. It didn't stop Harper and Dawson from trying to eat the mess up. Never a dull moment.

Today we had lunch with my friends Melissa, Jennifer and Jill. I didn't take any pictures at lunch except of Harper and Brody. You know I keep holding out hope that I will need these pictures one day for their wedding slideshow. I think they make the cutest little pair ever!
After lunch Harper and I made a few stops and then I took her to a nearby trail to try and take a few pictures. I figured since I haven't posted any pictures of her in several days - I better try and make up for it.

I was THRILLED this weekend because Beth Moore referred to Travis Cottrell - her worship leader - as a "mess"!!!! Clearly - she and I speak the same language. When I see this picture that is the word that comes to mind for my baby girl.
It is next to impossible to get a good picture of a 15 month old by yourself I have decided. I didn't have our good camera with me and she refused to let me take her pacifier out. It was either the pacifier or pictures of her screaming. So you can see what I chose. ha!

I loved this picture of her walking.

Yes - it was so nice to have a break and just be with the girls for a weekend - but it's sure nice to be home and be with this girl! :-)

Monday, April 26, 2010

So Long Insecurity

These are some of the amazing bloggers and people I met on Saturday. I wish I could just post each picture and tell you about them all but that would take days to read! And I didn't get pictures with all of them and I hate it. I was so overwhelmed to meet so many sweet people and I spent a lot of the day very "insecure". I wanted to start this blog by saying "It was pouring rain and humid and I was having the WORST hair day and my face broke out for the first time in years and ..........." but I just spent a day learning how insecurity is really the worst form of PRIDE. And how if we could just quit obsessing about ourselves and be a secure woman......we could forgive others and think of others first and serve others and in turn - show the love of God!
I want that more than anything. But it's still hard not to be insecure when you are in a building with 9000 amazing women.
(There were over 300,000 women watching over simulcast. I hope that's 300,000 women who WON'T feel insecure and will help their daughters and granddaughters NOT to feel insecure)! Were you watching on simulcast???
Probably my favorite thing was the praise and worship and to hear 9000 women singing "The Revelation song" - it sounded just like heaven will to me. Or to hear us just sing old hymns. I was overcome to be so blessed to be surrounded by women who love Jesus as much as I do.

I was so blessed to spend the day with two of my very best friends, two of my bridesmaids, two girls I KNOW will be my friends when I am 65 and gray headed (wait I already am gray headed). ha! Laurie and Hillary make me laugh more than anyone on earth.
Caroline, me and Jenna
(we did not plan to match in our black, flowers and pearls. ha!)
And these two girls are two of my blog friends from way back. We have e-mailed and talked and kept up for a long time. And they are both CUTE AS BUTTONS and SINGLE! I know all you blog readers have cute sons, brothers, need to hook these girls up!
(I keep telling them we are going to have "Show us your Single Boys Friday" so we can get all these sweet single girls I know some husbands. I think the blog community alone could make it happen!)
And Faith has been my blog friend for an equally long time. And I have prayed for her and Chad for so long and I have so much hope that God is going to bless them immensely. I was honored to meet her this weekend and spend time with her. I don't have a picture of me and my friend Mandi on here for some reason but she is one of the sweetest people I have EVER met and I was thrilled to meet someone who I have prayed for also!

After the conference we went to Copelands and ate dinner. We had a great time. Jill, Joy and their mom ate with us! I enjoyed meeting them so much!
Terri is a sweet girl who went to OBU and lives in Atlanta. She came and met us for dinner. She and Jennifer were friends at OBU. Terri is seriously one of the cutest girls I've ever seen.

We were SOOOOOOO tired after dinner. I wanted to visit with EVERYONE but I couldn't seem to even move. Hillary, Amanda, Laurie and I kept talking and talking in our room. We kept meaning to go visit all other girls and then we would get going on another subject and before we knew it it was way past our bedtime.
We got up early the next morning and flew home. But not before one last picture at the airport.
All 5 of us had one thing on our mind when we landed in Branson - Cantina Laredo. I was ready for some guacamole. Here are Amanda, Hillary and Laurie. I'm surprised Laurie was even in this picture because she was so busy eating like 20 bowls of salsa while we were there. Amanda is one of the funniest people I know. She made me laugh SO hard this weekend. I was so glad she went with us!
Me and Jennifer. She is one of my new favorite people. She just constantly cracks me up! I was SO happy she went with us! It was so fun to have a girls weekend away. Girls trips are one of my favorite things in the world. There is just nothing better than time with your girlfriends and I think as moms - we really need a little time of refreshment.

But I missed my family SO much!!!! And I was never happier than this morning when my mom brought Harper back to me. (Except for the fact that Harper screamed and cried and CLUNG to my mother and wanted nothing to do with me. Talk about "insecurity" as a mom. She finally remembered she loved me after my mother left. And all is right in the world once again. Do you think maybe her grandparents spoiled her?) Thank you mom and dad for keeping Harper for me. I knew she was in the BEST hands and I was so thankful to get to go on this trip!

Well - I have still only read a few chapters out of "So Long Insecurity" and I need to go finish it while it is fresh on my mind. We should ALL read it!
Unless you don't deal with insecurity..................and if you don't...........well - that makes me insecure. ha!

(And I have to add this........I've been trying to find a way to explain this to my friends and those close to me all weekend............I got to meet so many bloggers but it was VERY awkward and uncomfortable for me because I feel like God has given me this blog as a ministry. I pray every day to let me shine HIS love that others would be drawn to Him. I HATE attention on myself. The thing is - if you are drawn to me at's more than likely it's because you are drawn to my love for Jesus. And it's very humbling to me for people to want to meet me because I'm nothing special.....but HE is. I have NO desire to be a blog celebrity. But being given a platform to share my faith IS a very unique and amazing thing and I will do my best because Jesus is EVERYTHING to me and all that really matters. But I pray it always stays a LOT more about God than it does about me.) (I even pray it's more about God than about how cute Harper is. Even though I think she is pretty cute.) ha!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Atlanta Part 1

I just got back from SUCH a fun weekend. So much happened and I have so many pics that I'm going to break this up into two parts!

Friday afternoon I picked up my friends Amanda, Jennifer and Laurie and we drove to Branson. We got cheap flights out of there to Atlanta. We met Hillary there. The Branson airport is interesting. It looks like some kind of lodge (like Big Cedar if you are familiar). It's really nice and there is like one flight out a day - so security was a breeze!

Here we are in front of the waterfall in the airport. We were so excited to be headed out for a girls' weekend!
Jennifer, Hillary and me
When we arrived in atlanta - we were greeted by blog friends Caroline, Jenna and Faith! They came to pick us up. We had a blast with them and they were so sweet to drive us around all weekend. I'm so thankful because we would have been LOST without them.
It was pretty late but we were hungry so we headed to an Atlanta must visit - The Varsity!
We had our picture taken by our waitress who told us (in a very pleasant manner) that we needed to get out of that part of town because people could "just be trying to watch the TV and people would come in their house and rob them blind" and then she showed us that she was packing a stun gun. Needless to say - we were loaded up in the cars and headed out within in about 5 minutes. ha! (Yes - I realize I look 8 months pregnant in this picture - I promise it's the dress) (and maybe those onion rings I ate).

We stayed up talking WAY TOO LATE and got up WAY TOO EARLY. (so much for all the sleep I could get without Harper.) ha!
Saturday morning I went to Cracker Barrel and met up with some fun bloggers! This is Rachel, Kim (she made Harper's name painting in her room), Jennifer and Natalie (they are twins if you can't tell).
I also got to eat with Megan, Erin, Rachel and Dina
Lyndsey, Lianna, and Amy also met up with us. It was nice to visit with each of these girls. I didn't get to stay long because my ride was leaving EARLY to line up to see Beth Moore. It's fun to meet people you have only seen on blogs or twitter and hear their voices and see them in real life. It's almost a little surreal.

Next up........................The Beth Moore Conference and the rest of the weekend!

(P.S. If you are wondering what Harper has been up to over the weekend - you can check out here:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Show Us your Life - How you met your husband

Today on Show Us your life Friday - it's "how you met your husband/wife/fiancee". All of you sweet girls who are single.....I hope maybe you will find some stories on this tour to give you hope! God is still writing your story! :-)

This is my story - I shared this about 3 years ago - but here it is again!

Once upon a time there was a cute little boy named Scott who was born in Magnolia, AR
and one state away in Dallas, TX there lived a little girl named Kelly
They both grew up in wonderful Christian homes with loving parents

As you can see they lived in similar styled home and liked to do the same things (ha!)
Scott grew up in the same house in the same town his whole life.
Kelly went to six different schools in six years and lived in Dallas, New Orleans, Benton, AR and Ft. Worth, TX

But they both spent junior high and high school in small towns in Arkansas and Kelly was a cheerleader and Scott played football.

Scott went to college at SAU and Kelly went to Ouachita and they both graduated college but neither one found the "one" in college

But Kelly did make a best friend in college who just "happened" to be Scott's cousin (or maybe God divinely planned it that way) and she decided to fix them up. So in June 2000 they met for a blind date.
This is a picture of Scott and Kelly on their third date.

(I knew he was the one after the second date. I finally felt AT HOME! )

And then after 3 1/2 years of dating........

they finally said "I do" on November 1, 2003

And that is really just the beginning of the story!

We've been married 6 1/2 years and every year just gets better!

Can't wait to read your stories!

How we Met

A bunch of fun bloggers are doing a series on marriage.  They are sharing how they met.  This is the short version of our story.

You can see more about the series HERE on Shay's blog!

Once upon a time there was a cute little boy named Scott who was born in Magnolia, AR
and one state away in Dallas, TX there lived a little girl named Kelly
They both grew up in wonderful Christian homes with loving parents

As you can see they lived in similar styled home and liked to do the same things (ha!)
Scott grew up in the same house in the same town his whole life.
Kelly went to six different schools in six years and lived in Dallas, New Orleans, Benton, AR and Ft. Worth, TX

But they both spent junior high and high school in small towns in Arkansas and Kelly was a cheerleader and Scott played football.

Scott went to college at SAU and Kelly went to Ouachita and they both graduated college but neither one found the "one" in college

But Kelly did make a best friend in college who just "happened" to be Scott's cousin (or maybe God divinely planned it that way) and she decided to fix them up. So in June 2000 they met for a blind date.
This is a picture of Scott and Kelly on their third date.
(I knew he was the one after the second date. I finally felt AT HOME! )
And then after 3 1/2 years of dating........
they finally said "I do" on November 1, 2003
And that is really just the beginning of the story!
We've been married nine years and every year just gets better!

Our family has grown and I am so blessed!

Marriage is HARD and WONDERFUL all at the same time.  It takes a lot of work, effort and prayer to keep it going but it's worth every second! 

You can read more with Shay, Mandy, Jenna, Jenn, Lindsey, and Megan