We've been out of town the last few days. Wednesday afternoon we headed down to Scott's parents. Scott has been working from home for a company in south AR. So he worked down there Thursday and Friday and then we spent the rest of the weekend with his family. (By the way - Scott working at home is going better than I expected. He stays in his office all day and it's so nice that at 5 or 5:30 when he comes out - he's HOME! I love that!)
Thursday was Scott's birthday so when he got home from work - we had a little mini party for him. This is our family - Scott is holding the card Harper gave him.
She even drew on the envelope for him. I told him I was pretty sure that says "I love you daddy - happy birthday!" ha!
Scott's dad worked all day smoking brisket and ribs for dinner and it was seriously some of the best barbecue I've EVER had. Let me just stop right now and tell you - I had lost 7 lbs before I headed to Magnolia and I found every one of those pounds down there. We had all of my favorites and I lost my mind. (but starting tomorrow it's back on!) We also had the best potato casserole and Sister Schubert Rolls. Can I get an amen on how good those are?
Scott's aunt, uncle, cousin and his wife and daughter came over and ate with us and we had ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. Hello sweet goodness!

I love this picture I took of Harper and her Gigi under the budding
Red buds. Everything was bloomed out down there and it was SO pretty! I just love the dogwoods and
red buds in the spring!

I think this is sweet of them walking together. Scott's mom surprised me Friday morning and told me I had an appointment that afternoon. She had booked a facial and manicure for me at a local spa and she kept Harper while I had a little relaxation and pampering. That was such a sweet surprise and I would be lying if I said I didn't love every last second of it!!!! Thanks again Judy!!!

Harper got very spoiled being at her grandparents. I'm afraid she is going to expect to be held every second this week. ha!

I love the picture above but I love this wrinkled up smile the best! Friday night we had Fried Chicken for dinner (chick-a-dilly for all of you south Arkansans) and it was so good! Then we watched the Blind Side. I had already seen it but Scott and his parents liked it too!

Harper's mom plays the organ and Harper got her first lessons while we were down there. She also played the piano a bunch. I just know she is going to be a musical girl!

Saturday Scott and his dad went and shot guns at their deer camp and us girls went shopping and ate lunch. That night we had my absolute favorite - fried catfish. And Harper got to have her first bite of what I know will be a lifelong love affair -
HUSH PUPPIES! She went crazy and ate more than I could count. Actually it was probably a tie between me and her over who ate the most. I love
hush puppies. (I already had someone ask me on twitter so let me tell all of you who don't know -
hush puppies are fried cornbread. They can come in a log form or a ball form. I prefer the balls. Harper preferred the logs. And if you have never had hush puppies - I am SO sorry and you need to find a way to go to a catfish restaurant and get some before you die!) ha!

(These are what hushpuppies look like on the outside.)
We left this morning and headed home. It was a wonderful few days but we are glad to be home! Hope you had a great weekend too!