Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
Today in my Bible Study I'm doing ("Lord Change my Attitude by James MacDonald - I would HIGHLY reccommend it - it's awesome) we talked about faith and I thought it was so good I wanted to share a little. I get dozens of e-mails a day from some of you who say that my faith inspires you or you want to have faith like mine. Let me just tell you - that MORTIFIES me (chaws me!) and makes me feel so inadequate and small. I'm just a girl who grew up in church and loves Jesus with all her heart. I sin every day and I'm sure I make Him sad a lot. I don't feel like any kind of inspiration at all. And I totally can't fathom why so many of you read my blog BUT I do pray daily that people are attracted to my blog not because of me - but because you somehow see the love of Jesus through me. So many of you ask how you can grow your faith. And today we learned about three ways so I thought it might be good to pass those on. I know they helped me.
Cultivate your faith
You HAVE to read God's word and really get in the Bible to learn and grow in your faith. That's the #1 way to know God more and to hear Him speaking to you.
Confess your faith
Do you share? Do you talk about God in your life? You don't have to thump your Bible or preach to your co-workers but do the people in your life know you are a Christian? Ya'll may think I talk about God too much on my blog - but I won't apologize. He is more a part of my life than Harper or Scott and I can't talk about anything without bringing in my faith.
Corner your faith
I love this - you have to get yourself in a place where you HAVE to trust God. It's in our trials where we come to know God the most.
Faith is believing the Word of God and ACTING upon it. (Even the devil and the demons BELIEVE in God's not enough to just believe).
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1:6-7