It snowed all day yesterday and we wound up with about 6 inches of snow - which is a LOT for Arkansas. I think this is the most snow we have had in 10 years. Luckily it was more snow than ice so we didn't lose power. I think it is SO pretty!

Scott got up this morning and decided he would make Harper a snow man. It pretty much took him all day! Yes - he was using a shovel. The snow was dry and wouldn't pack well and he ended up making an enormous snowman!

I decided to make snow ice cream (well - Scott kept asking me to make snow ice cream)
All you do is get 2 quarts (or more) of FRESH CLEAN snow! Mix in a cup (or more) of sugar, a teaspoon of vanilla and milk until it reaches the consistency you want! It's really good!

Especially served with a hot brownie! :-)

We let Harper have some after lunch

And this was after she had it - think she liked it?

While Daddy worked on the snow man - Harper and I played and played and played

and played........

We took Harper out to see it!

She liked it!

She WASN'T so sure about being bundled up.

Just so you can get perspective on how big the snowman is! ha!

Dawson had a great time! He got some kind of burst of crazy energy and kept running around and around the snowman.

We love snow days around here!
It looks like we will have another one tomorrow because our church was cancelled. So hopefully we can get a few projects done around the house while we stay home.
I'm off to watch my own personal Super Bowl - MISS AMERICA! I can't wait for 3-4 more years when I can let Harper stay up and watch it with me! We are going to wear tiaras, eat cookie dough and keep score sheets! (Go Miss Arkansas!! Whoo Whoo!)