Today Harper had her one year appointment and we were both so happy until the shots came! ha! Our doctor thought everything looked and sounded great. Harper is a BIG girl! She weighed right at 24 lbs (which is 75-90%) and is 30 inches long (75% in height). So she is a tall girl! He told me that tall babies often walk a little later because their center of gravity is so much higher.
BUT Harper walked a BUNCH today!!!! My parents were here and got to see her in action! I was so excited!
We were in the waiting room with another couple and their brand new baby and when the nurse called us - we found out their baby was a Harper too. (I'm not excited that her name seems to becoming popular. I really picked it because it WASN'T. I'm really going to have to work on Baby #2 - when there is one - having an uncommon (but not weird) name! ) :-)

This was us today waiting on the doctor!

When we got home - my parents came for a visit. They are headed to the basketball game tonight. Harper was trying to get the tickets. She knows how much fun Hog Ball can be!

Some of you noticed - but YES - we got her a new highchair for her birthday!
This was what we had - a Svan Anka chair. A lot of you have asked me if I liked it. And I did for a while but it reached a point where I absolutely HATED it. For one thing -all the paint completely chipped off and it looked awful. It was also hard to keep clean. But the worse part is it wouldn't keep her strapped in and she had started standing up in the chair constantly and it was SO dangerous. She could have fallen on her head easily so I went out and bought a good old Graco that had a 5 point harness and we are much happier. ha!

And here we were 11 months ago at her first appointment. I can't believe how much she has changed!

Daddy came and met us and we were so glad to have him there!

I always dress her up for doctor appointments! I just love any excuse to dress her up!

1. Just a personal story to give a few of you hope - I have friends from college who tried to get pregnant for years and tried EVERYTHING including 3 IVF's ...using a gestational surrogate twice. Nothing worked. So this year they adopted a precious daughter. And they are now almost 12 weeks pregnant - completely natural and they quit trying 2.5 years ago. I share this with you because NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! Even when it seems like it. We just never know what His plan or His timing might be for our lives!
(and I think anyone who has adopted will probably tell you that God's plan could not be better when it involves giving them a child that way!)
2. There is an infant form for Lou Gehrig's disease called SMA. It's basically a death sentence for children. 1 in 40 people are carriers for this. It's a horrible deadly genetic disease. Chase Bank is giving $1 milion dollars to a charity and the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation is up for it. This is a charity that is raising money to do research for SMA. You can read their personal blog here:
The voting ends tomorrow and I'd love to see them win!! I've heard personal stories from other moms of SMA and I can't imagine what they have been through.
The voting is on facebook - so if you have facebook - PLEASE take a minute and vote!