This morning we had Harper's birthday party and it was so much fun. We had around 60 adults and children come and it was a FULL house.
Here is the little birthday girl. I don't know if she knew WHAT was going on!

One proud grandpa

and a proud Gigi

I didn't get the best picture but we had the CUTEST banner hanging behind the drink table made by a blog friend Katherine.

These little candy jars filled with pink M&M's were the favors. I'm glad Harper's birthday is close to Valentines because it will always be easy to find "pink" candy!

The food table - all the food wasn't there yet when this picture was taken. You can see Harper's twelve months of pictures hanging on the wall behind. We had tortilla pinwheels, pesto cheese (I'll share the recipe this week!), fruit and fruit dip (I'll share that easy recipe too), spinach dip, pigs in a blankets, little quiches, and sausage balls.
And of course a CAKE!!! This came from Rick's Bakery - the best bake shoppe in our area. It was chocolate on the top layer and our personal favorite - red velvet on the bottom with cream cheese icing and SO good!

Emily and Sarah Kate in their cute matching dresses
My friend Hillary and her husband Josh drove up from Little Rock for the party - we were so thankful they could share this day with us!
Harper is always SO excited when she sees "Aunt Laurie"
My parents holding Harper and her friend Caleb
Three sweet friends - Ashley, Melissa and Cindy
Berkli, Little Lena and Tracy
Aren't these girls the cutest? They are cousins - Emeri and Alex
Kade and his momma Ginger
One of my favorite little boys EVER
John Michael and his daddy
My mom holding her future grandson-in-law Brody

I had a little candy bar set up as a favor table. This was the sign hanging above it.

My talented friend Robin made these cookies for me.

This is Harper's smash cake

Our family - so amazed and blessed from where we were a year ago today!

Here is a close up of that bear!

(and how fun if that comes true - this will make a great wedding slideshow picture!) ha!
It was kid overload!!!!
Precious Avery and Ashley. Avery never cries - she is just perfect!
Jennifer and Josh drove up to our party and I was so glad they came. Jennifer is a cake contissure (how is she so skinny) so she helped me figure out how to cut the cake!
Pretty little Neely
One of the sweetest friends I have Elizabeth
Cute Kinley and her momma Erin and Emily
Another one of Harper's friends - Brandon and his mom Vonda
Ella Kate - she is the CUTEST! She looks just like her mom and she has 2 younger twin sisters who are just as cute!
Parker and Jessica
And now the real fun - time for Harper to eat cake!
Everyone who was still there at that time sang Happy Birthday to her and watched!
She wasn't sure at first but it didn't take her long to dig in!
I think the look on her face says it all. I didn't let her eat much - I was too scared of a tummy ache later on.
Our family - we love cake!
And one of my favorite parts of the whole party - our friends were SO generous - this is all the stuff we collected for the Ronald McDonald House (and this doesn't include a lot of gift cards and money we also collected) I can't wait to take this to Tulsa in a few weeks! This was SO much better than getting gifts! I'm thrilled we can bless families who will be walking in the shoes we walked in last year.

I have a little more to share - like a gift her grandparents gave her that she just LOVED and a video Scott made that made me cry. It's long but I really want to share it with ya'll!
We are SO blessed to have so many friends and family who have prayed for us and been there for us and we were so thankful to celebrate with you! Thank you to everyone who came today and thank you for all of you out in blog land for sharing the day with us as well - don't you kind of feel like you were there after all of those pictures? ha!