My sweet baby girl -
Today (the 16th) - you will be one year old at 7:03 p.m. I will never forget the night before you were born. I packed my bag and lugged my HUGE stomach into bed and laid there awake most of the night wondering what you would be like and who you would look like and trying to believe that the next day I would finally become a MOM!
We had to get up early that Friday morning at 4 a.m. so I could fix my hair and make-up just so so you would be happy to see me when you came out. ha! It was a cold day and we drove to the hospital in the dark. I was so scared of what it would be like to deliver a baby but it was SO much easier than I ever dreamed. I got my epidural early and really never felt anything. I had everything pictured so perfectly in my head.
I had made all kinds of cute cookies for all the visitors we were going to have and goody bags for nurses. Your daddy didn't even pack a bag because he was going to get us both settled and then go home and check on Dawson and bring me some food and his clothes back with him. I was excited about all the cute pictures we would take after you were born and having the Grandparents hold you for the first time.
They say that the birth of your child is the best day of your life. Well, for me it was the absolute worst day of my life. Not because of you. But because instead of taking lots of pictures and holding you on my chest and watching you sleep in our room - you came out blue and not breathing. And you could have cut the tension in the room with a knife. Instead of celebrating your birth - I had a doctor standing by my bed saying you would likely not live and there was nothing more he could do for you there. Instead of swaddling you and holding you - they were wheeling you in in a tiny glass incubator and putting you on a helicopter to send you to another state. Instead of me and daddy having a great time in the hospital room that night and celebrating your birth - he was following your helicopter and I was left all alone crying through the night - scared to death I wouldn't get to keep you.
But we were so blessed and you got better. The day you were born was the worst day of my life. But 10 days later - when you opened your eyes and I got to see your sweet face for the first time - that was the best day! And when you were 12 days old - I finally got to hold you for the first time and that is a day I will NEVER forget.
Your time in the NICU was a hard, scary time but it was also a wonderful time. Because it was a time when we saw God in the flesh. You were prayed for my thousands of people all over the world. We witnessed the kindness of strangers first hand. Our friends and family and church members drove to see us and prayed for us. So many blog readers who I don't know if they even read this blog anymore but I can tell you right now -each of you that came to see us - I think about you EVERY SINGLE DAY! I thank God for your kindness. All the sweet strangers who sent us packages and cards - I think of you every day and I am inspired by you.
I never dreamed that I would love my child as much as I love you. All my life I have dreamed of becoming a mom. I never thought I would be 35 before that dream became a reality but every day with you has been sweeter than the day before. It's been hard. You weren't an easy baby and you still don't sleep very well. But I would give up sleep forever to look at your precious face. I think you are the sweetest, cutest little girl I've ever seen in my life. Your smile is the best thing and your laugh is the best music. You will never understand as long as you live just how much your daddy and I love you.
So today we are going to celebrate your little life. You have brought us so much joy I can't even begin to share half of it. I thank Jesus every single day for allowing me to be your mom and for blessing me with you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life loving you!

You are getting to be chubby! You weigh a little over 23 lbs. I'll find out your stats this week at your one year appointment.
You LOVE to eat and pretty much eat everything but meat. You spit meat out and make terrible faces. I'm not so sure about that. You do seem to have a sweet tooth!
You are so close to walking. You can push things around and walk behind them and you have taken 1-2 steps. You can get around this house fast though. You are constantly into everything. You want to get into the trash can and the pantry the most.
You still don't say many words. You babble constantly but mostly just say "hi", "dad-da" and "uh-oh". I know you will talk on your own time.
You wave, point, shake your head no, do your hands out when you say "hi", and smile all the time.
Everywhere we go people stop me to say how cute you are and I can't help but be so proud. Not because my baby is "cute" but because I know you are a sweet, happy baby and I pray you will be a kind, loving girl and woman!
You go to bed at 6 and sleep until 7:30 but you usually get up at least twice and lately you have been getting up every 3 hours. We are going to be working on that this week! :-)
You take a good 2 hour morning nap each day.
Happy Birthday to the most precious little girl I know!!! I love you so much!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 328 Newer› Newest»best mom ever! Can't wait to see birthday pictures sweet friend! Give her birthday hugs from Lauren!
Happy Birthday Sweet Harper! I have followed you since your were born and not only have you blessed me but your whole family has as well! Thank you Kelly for sharing your story and sweet baby girl with us! May the Lord continue to bless you and your beautiful family exceedingly and abundantly and I can't wait to see what God has in store for your sweet little Harper!
Happy Birthday Harper!! What a blessing you've been to your sweet mama and daddy, but to many thousands of people across the world who've prayed for you before you were even born. God is already using your life as a testimony to His goodness and glory!
And you know what, Kelly...I think SOMEDAY Harper will understand how incredibly much she is loved, and that is the day she becomes a mom! I think it was at the point that I had my first baby that I suddenly understood the way my parents had loved me.
Blessings to a wonderful family!! Have a WONDERFUL celebration!
Happy birthday Harper. You sure are a lucky little girl to have such loving parents.
happy birthday sweet harper!
happy birthday to your sweet little girl harper!
thanks for sharing your is a wonderful one with a wonderful ending!
What a sweet first birthday tribute - happy birthday to Harper!
Happy Birthday Harper!!
She is one lucky girl!
Thanks for sharing your life with all of us!
Happy Birthday Harper!!!
This made me cry! Happy birthday Harper and what a wonderful "anniversary" for you, Kelly, to reflect on God's grace to your family. Blessings!
happy birthday sweet harper!
Happy, happy birthday sweet Harper! Enjoy the party!
Happy Birthday Sweet Harper! I have loved, loved, loved reading about you since you were born! Enjoy your day....and your wonderful parents!
Happy Birthday sweet girl! I have been reading your blog since the first post about her being sick, and I can't believe it has already been a year! I have enjoyed watching her grow!
Happy 1st Anniversary of Mommyhood!
and Happy 1st Birthday, Harper!
Happy Birthday Harper! This is when I started to read your mommys blog and I prayed for you and it turned out I ended up pregnant too! Now I have a little girl!
You are so lucky to have such a good mommy!
Happy Birthday, Sweet little Harper! You and your family are such an inspiration!
I created a little something for your birthday! I hope that you enjoy it.
I'm bawling! Happy Birthday to sweet Harper! Have a wonderful day celebrating and making memories!!! Hugs to all of you!
Your post brought me to tears. She is going to love having this letter when she is older. Happy, happy birthday Harper!
Happy 1st birthday Harper! You are such a blessed
little girl, and I hope you have a fabulous day with many more celebrations throughout your life!!
Happy Birthday Harper!
Happy Birthday Harper! Can't believe it's been a year already!
Happy first birthday Harper!!
This brought tears to my eyes, what a beautiful letter & what an amazing & faithful God we have. I first started following your blog, 1 year ago exactly, the day Harper was born. I remember being so scared for you. I was up almost all night that night (because I had a 3 month old who was constantly waking up in the middle of the night). In the wee hours of the night, I remember holding & rocking my youngest daughter while reading through your archives the night of January 16th. I was crying & praying for you and your precious Harper. What a testimony this blog has been to other people. Congrats on being a mom for 1 year! I have so enjoyed reading your blog this year. May God continue to have his light shine through your family! Happy Birthday Harper!
Happy Birthday, Harper! God has already used your little life to share His love with so many, and pray that will be a lasting legacy you continue to build as long as you live! Enjoy your special day!
Happy Birthday precious one! You and your mama are a blessing to so many.
Happy Birthday Harper!
Aww this is sooo sweet, I had tears in my eyes(happy tears) I have read your past blogs when you were having problems and when finally got preggers and when you had this sweet little gift from GOD!!!!
Happy Birthday Miss Harper!!! Hope you have a wonderful party!!!!
Cannot wait to see pictures!!!!
Happy Birthday Harper. I have read about you every day since you were born and you and my Lilly shrieked back and forth to each other at Abuelo's one Sunday. I enjoy watching you and looking at you in your adorable little outfits. I can't wait to see what the next year holds for you and your family.
Oh, and Harper, you are a year old now--let's work on sleeping better for your Mommy!! Hope you have the best birthday!!
Tomorrow will mark one year since I started reading your blog. I feel so lucky to have "shared" in Harper's first year. She's a beautiful little girl, and I have to admit, when I'm having a bad day I go to one of her videos and she makes me smile. You surely have a special blessing!
Happy Birthday, Miss Harper!
Happy 1st Birthday Harper!! You have some amazing parents and you are one awesome little gal who God has big plans for. Enjoy your special day.
Wow, so many memories of that day, one year ago! I remember checking in constantly and than starting to worry and just knowing something wasn't right. And the praying, oh the praying! I prayed SO much for you and Scott and Harper. So thankful that God worked a miracle in her life and that today you get to celebrate her first birthday!!! Enjoy making all the sweet memories. You and Scott are just wonderful parents and I know Harper is so well loved and is so blessed because you share Jesus' love with her every day!
Happy Birthday Harper!
Happy Birthday, Harper! It's so good to keep up with your life and to see what a blessing you are! I can't wait to see pictures of your party!
Happy Birthday Harper!
Happy 1st Birthday, Precious Miracle Harper! May you be blessed with many, many more. It's been a joy for this "stranger" to watch you grow and pray for you.
Happy Birthday Harper! I am so thankful the Lord answered all of our prayers & that we have been able to hear all about your sweet life everyday! You're a great momma, Kelly & enjoy this sweet occasion with your family!
~Stacy :)
Happy Birthday Harper! What a sweet post. It's hard to believe she's already 1 year old!
Gosh, I got emotional reading that. I had just started reading your blog a few days before Harper was born. A friend told me I should look at it to see the cute things you were making the nurses and visitors. Days later began the waiting and praying for Harper. It really doesn't seem like a year ago I was praying and praying and waiting for you to post something ... anything to let us know how Harper was doing.
Looking at cute Harper now it's hard to believe that she had such a rough start.
Sweet girl, sweet family.
Thank you for sharing your/her story. And... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Harper!
I remember reading your blog the day she was born. My heart was breaking for you! I was on bedrest with my little girl and everyday I worried about something happening to Ava! I could not begin to know how you felt! I prayed so hard for you guys, I even woke up in the middle of the night with you on my mind and prayed. My hubby still laughs that I am a Kelly's Korner stalker!
Happy Birthday Harper! You are such a big blessing! We thank Jesus for your little life!
what a sweet, heartfelt letter to your precious blessing!!
Happy Birthday, Harper! You're a blessed little baby, that's for sure. Enjoy your special day!
With tears in my eyes because of the sweet letter from your mama, Happy Birthday Harper!
Happy Birthday to Miss Harper! I'll never forget how much I cried when I found out Harper was not doing well the day she was born. I was in constant prayer for God to heal her. So happy that God answered all our prayers.
Can't wait to see pictures of the birthday party!
Happy Birthday Harper! Birthdays, especially firsts, are such a milestone for us moms too. Thank you for sharing the story of your Harper. Enjoy the day together!
Happy Birthday Sweet Harper! You don't know me but I have been reading about you on your blog since the very first post from your mama! Boy you sure are a blessing, little one! I live here in Northwest Arkansas too! I'm sure someday I'll run into you and your mama somewhere and get to meet you! :) Enjoy your birthday!
Hooray Harper!! I remember this time last year. There was a terrible ice storm and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to get my update on you if the power went out. What a great post Kelly. You and Scott have much to be proud of today!!!
Happy 1st Birthday, Harper! And Happy Day to your parents! The journey of your little life is a blessing to so many people, and I thank you, Kelly, for sharing it.
Children are one of the greatest gifts we receive from God.
It's been a fabulous year, and it only gets better!!
Happy Birthday Harper... You don't know me BUT I sure do know you...
I love that your Mom shares you with me, a grandmotherless lady in Texas.
I have been following you and your family for a year now, I'm so glad that this story turned out just the way I wished it would.
Hope your special day is just as special as you are...
Happy, Happy 1st Birthday Harper!!
Even those of us who have never met you...only through this blog...are blessed by you and your Mom..and you Dad!
Happy Birthday to your sweet little Harper! Can't wait to hear about her party!
Cheers to you Kelly and Scott for being such great parents.
Happy Birthday Harper! Enjoy your cake! It's almost as good as Oreos!
Happy Birthday, to your little girl Harper!
Happy Birthday Harper!
Happy Birthday Harper!
I have been reading your blog since the Friday night you had Harper. I myself was in a hotel, close to the NICU where my four day old twins were. I felt bonded to you becuase we were going through the whole NICU experience at the same time! So thankful Harper is healthy and thankful also my twins are healthy too!! May God bless you and your family all the days of your life!
Happy Birthday, to your little girl Harper!
Happy Birthday, Harper! We don't even know you, but always love checking in on you and your mommy! Such a big day for you! Best Wishes!
Jodie and Baby Maggie:)
Happy first birthday, Harper! Praising the Lord for your little life!
Happy 1st Birthday, sweet little Harper Brown Stamps. I have been following your mommy's blog since before you were born, and still check in every day. What a lucky little girl (and vice versa) you are to have been born into such a loving family(yes Dawson including you)!! Harper, I know you will have so much fun on your big day.. your mommy has worked so hard to make every detail perfect, I'm sure!! Love you :)
This post made me tear up! I hope Harper has a wonderful birthday! God is good!
Happy Birthday sweet Harper!!!
Happy Birthday Happer! What a special blessing you are!
Happy Birthday Harper!!! My baby boy turns one in 3 days! I hope your party is fun!!
Happy birthday beautiful Harper! What an amazing story of God's faithfulness and grace. She is such a gift to you and all who know her, and to us, the blog readers who have read about her this past year! Enjoy your day sweet girl! :)
Happy Birthday sweet girl. I am thrilled beyond words to type that sentence. I remember praying so hard for you this time last year. You have grown to be such a beautiful reflection of your amazing parents. God bless you as you enter your second year.I look forward to seeing you one day at Wal-Mart with your momma! Haha!
Happy Birthday, Harper!
Nope, this follower hasn't stopped following your mom's blog and every time I read about you, I remember your majorly difficult first days and rejoice in the miracle that is YOU! I rejoice with your mom and dad, your grandparents, and all of your mom's blogbuddies!!
There's nothing harder or better than being a mom!!
Love y'all!
Happy Birthday Harper and Happy 1st Year of being parents to you and your hubby! Harper's first few weeks were so scary for many people who don't even know her in real life and in turn many people saw God shine through the kindness and faithfulness of y'all and the people who rallied around you. That was a long the middle of sheer panic (at least I wouldve been in that state,) the Lord showed Himself through how you responded to the situation so I'm thankful for who you are. God uses you to help people learn more about what it means to follow Christ. What a great thing to pass on to your Birthday girl!!
Happy Birthday Harper!!! My niece Emme was born on the 15th and the little boy I babysit for was born on the 14th and you are all 1 year old!!! You are all so cute and doing about the same things. I love reading about you and your parents!!!
Happy 1 year :)
Happy Bday Harper!! I started reading your blog right after you were born when someone told me that I needed to pray for a little baby. Your mom is amazing!! I live in Tulsa and even came to visit your mom in the hospital at St. Francis. Your family loves you so much and it's been a joy to watch you grow up this year!! I read your mommy's blog everday, but hardly post comments. I know she is busy and probably doesn't have time to read all of them...but I certainly wanted to post a comment today and wish you the best 1st bday ever!!!
Happy Birthday Day sweet Harper! You are a miracle and such a blessing! Kelly what a beautiful letter you have written for your daughter! I too have a little miracle baby who was born grey and God healed her heart. Through these times we become stronger as we depend on Him. Lets Celebrate!
Happy Birthday Harper! Your story has touched the world and through your mommys blogging, thousands of people are witnessing the mercy of Jesus firsthand. You have an incredible mommy who loves you to the moon and back. Tell her she can never stop blogging because all of us would miss little Harper way to much. Hope you have a special day Miss One Year Old!
oh i remember that awful day. i couldn't believe it. you made me cry all over again. what an amazing blessing!
Happy 1st Birthday Harper! What a blessing you have been to you Mom, Dad and yes, even Dawson. You are loved by so many members of your family and friends, and even by strangers who only know you and your precious family through this blog!
You have an amazing Mom and one who has touched my life in so many ways, ways she will never know, by her willingness to share about her faith, and about her singleness before she was blessed with the gift of your dad.
Enjoy this special day! Blessings to you and your family as they celebrate you!
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY HARPER!! I can't believe it's been a yr! Can't wait to see all your birthday photos.....take time Kelly to embrace the moments they pass so quickly!
Thank you for sharing Harper with us! She is a miracle baby! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Harper!! Your mama made me all teary-eyed!
I found your blog a year ago on Harper's birthday from a friend asking people to pray for Harper and for your family. I've been reading for the past year and I have loved reading about your life and watching your precious little girl grow up! Happy Birthday Harper!
Happy Birthday, Harper!! I came across your momma's blog through Neely's moms blog and was hooked from day one. It was about 4 or 5 months before you arrived. Just like thousands of other people I was so sad when it was posted you were so sick. I sent your story to many so they could pray for you. I anxiously awaited updates and was so thankful as your got better each day!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday party and just like Sara said; start sleeping through the night for your sweet momma!!!! It is lots of hard work being the momma of a sweet girl like you!!
I have been following your blog since you were praying that God would bless you with a baby. Then I got to rejoice with you when you became pregnant. I can't believe it has been a year since sweet Harper arrived. I prayed for her numerous times a day after her delivery with all the other people. AND then I had the joy of rejoicing in her leaving the NICU and coming home to AR. Thank you for sharing all this with us!
Kelly, I never knew the story of Harper. I am kinda of a lurker, that comments at times.
Harpers story is beautiful, just as she is!
Happy Birthday sweet Harper!
Happy Birthday Harper!!
I started reading your blog when you were pregnant with Harper and prayed so much for her after she was born. I am so happy that she has turned out to be such a happy baby!! She is beautiful!! Thanks for sharing your life on here!!!
Anna G
I just sat here bawling reading this!!! So sweet! I began reading yoru blog when Harper was born and then realized that my husband knows you! She is precious! We serve and incredible God and He orchestrates things the way that He deems necessary and to see it play out in your life and Harper's life is amazing. I am a social worker in the NICU at the hospital I work at and hearing your personal story touches my heart. I love that little girl and I have never even laid eyes on her...though I sure wish I could...maybe someday! ;) Happy Birthday Harper!!! Mine's not too far behind!
Happy Birthday Sweet Harper!! Today is my one year anniversary of reading your Mommy's blog, too! You have come a long way in this year!
Happy Birthday sweet Harper! I have been following your blog for a year now. I am thrilled that Harper has had a fantastic year. It goes by so quickly. Enjoy each moment.
Happy Birthday, Harper! Kelly, so thankful to God that he kept you and Harper safe during such a scary time. Here's to many more wonderful years!
That was such a sweet post, Kelly! I will never forget Harper's story as long as I live. When I read Veronica's story about how Harper changed her life, it was like I had written it myself, and Veronica is now my very best friend, even though we've never even met! So many beautiful things have happened since Harper was born. The Lord used her story to prompt me to remember Him, and that led to Him showing me a love I had never known before. Now I go to church, bible study, and my husband is saved. You encouraged me along the way and I will never forget that either.
Happy Birthday Harper Brown! You are one special little girl!
Happy First Birthday sweet Harper! What a beautiful letter Kelly! January 16th was the day that i gave birth to my first daughter (now I have three!), it is an amazing birthday! :)
Happy Birthday, Harper! I can't believe you are one year old! WOW! this year has flown by!!! Hope your party is oh-so fun!!
Kelly...just a little mom-to-mom fyi. Cash, was waking up a couple of weeks ago about every 3 hours. We had no idea why. Finally, one day, while I was changing his diaper, he opened his mouth really wide and I could see two tiny little 1 year molars popping through on each side of his mouth. After that, he is back to his normal sleeping self. on the look out. :)
Happy Birthday to Miss Miracle Harper!! I honestly cannot believe that she is one already!! She has definetely come a long way with all her sweet little smiles!!!
I can't wait to see pictures from her party!!
I'll never forget when sweet Harper was born and the days that followed. What an incredible story she already has!
Happy Birthday, sweet girl!
Such a sweet post...brought tears to my eyes! I love keeping up with you and that sweet, precious baby girl!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARPER!!!!! xoxo, Melanie
Happy 1st Birthday Harper!
wonderful to see His hand & really really appreciate it. I found your blog from the little "stamp" from another blog that read- Pray for Harper!
And I did, for a mom I didn't know who was living the unimaginable. Tears poured down as I "felt" what you lived. That is the joy of prayer- it doesn't matter who you are, where you are, how you do it. He hears it all.
Happy Birthday Mama! Happy Birthday Harper!
~Ada in Coastal Cali
Happy Birthday, Baby Harper!
"One" is such fun!!!
Blessings to you and your sweet family on your special day!! :-)
Happy Birthday Harper!! I remember getting tears in my eyes the day your cute mom held up a sign saying she was pregnant! I also remember gathering up my children and we knelt in prayer for you after you were born. You have brought more people than you will ever know closer to God. I hope your day is full of sweet and wonderful surprises!
OH happy DAY!
Happy Birthday Sweet girl!!! I have been following your blog since Harper was born and wow... can't believe it has been a year already!
Happy birthday to you! Have a wonderful time at the party - you'll remember it forever Kelly! I can't wait to see pictures! God bless!
Happy Birthday sweet Harper.
Happy 1st Birthday Harper!! You have an amazing mommy and I am so blessed that she has chosen to share your precious little life with us!! I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow with friends and family and I hope to one day soon have a playdate with you and get to hug and kiss that sweet face that I've been praying for over the last year and a half!!!
Much love!!!
Happy Birthday Harper! I have loved watching you grow this year, almost as much as I've enjoyed watching my own little girl! She's 4 months older than you and I know yall would be great friends! You are such a precious girl and we can't wait to see what the next year brings for you!
Happy 1st Birthday sweet Harper! I hope your day is just wonderful!!!!
Happy Birthday Harper!!
happy birthday harper!
Wow this year sure did go by fast. Happy Birthday Sweet Harper!!!!
Happy birthday Harper!
oh kelly that made me cry! what a beautiful miracle harper is and such a light for this world to see God in! may God continue to bless your family and happy birthday harper!!
Happy 1st Birthday Harper. 1st birthdays are so fun to do. Have fun with your baby girl and enjoy every minute of it.
Happy Birthday Miss Harper! You share a birthday with me. :) Hope you have a fabulous day.
Kelly, it brought tears to my eyes to read your recollection of Harper's birthday. I'm so sorry that you did not get the kind of day you dreamed of. Hopefully one day when you have a second, it will be exactly like that! God wrote an amazing story for Harper and only He knows the enormous impact your faithful walk has had on blogging moms all over the world. Well done, good and faithful mommy. Harper is a blessed little girl to have you. She is beautiful and it has been fun to see her personality shine through your pictures and stories. I pray she has a very blessed second year. Annabeth and I send birthday blessings her way!
Happy Birthday Harper!! You don't know me, nor does your family, but I have been praying for you since the day you were born. I hope you have a very special day. One that is filled with lots of family, friends, smiles, giggles, and CAKE!! Can't wait to read about your party!!
Thank you for sharing your little girl and your life. You are a constant encouragement for me because your blog just makes me smile. Congratulations you made it through your first year as a mommy and you are one of the BEST!!! Enjoy the party and continue to savor every moment with sweet Harper (I know you do!).
Happy Birthday Sweet Harper! What a wonderful year this has been and I am so glad I've found your blog to watch Harper grow. I agree, she's the cutest, sweetest little girl I've ever seen! Have a blast at her party, you all deserve a lot to celebrate this special time. God is so good!
Happy First Birthday, sweet little Harper! You are so precious and loved by so many! Eat lots of cake on your special day!:) Can't wait to see pictures of the big Birthday celebration. Kelly, you are such an amazing and inspiring mother!!
Happy Birthday, Harper.
I have enjoyed watching you grow up this year. Everyone loves you, so keep us entertained with all your Cute Stuff.
(Now... say "MAMA" - it will make her so happy!)
Betty in Oklahoma
Happy Birthday, Harper!! And to Kelly and Scott...Happy Anniversary of being parents to such a beautiful baby!
Happy 1st Birthday Harper!! Hope you and your mom and dad have fun celebrating your special day!
Happy Birthday baby girl!!! You have one amazing mama!! I've been reading your blog since the 1st day she was born and the post for prayers came out. It has been a joy to read!! Thanks for sharing Harpers 1st year of hard to believe a year ago I started reading yours and Jennas blogs. Geez..haha!! My son will be 4 years old on the 17th (but we are having his party tomorrow). He too is a miracle baby. He was born at 25 weeks gestation and spent 99(hard) days in the NICU.
Happy Birthday Harper!!!!
Lori from TN
Happy, happy birthday Harper! I have been following your story since right after you were born and have loved reading about all your adventures! I am hosting a birthday party tomorrow too for my baby girl, only she is turning 10!! Enjoy this birthday....the years go by so fast.
Happy 1st Birthday Harper!! You are just the cutest and have amazing parents! I can't believe it's been a year already! I hope this year is just as fabulous as last!
Happy Birthday Sweet Harper. It was this time last year that I started reading this blog. I remember praying so hard for Harper. Thank you Lord for healing this sweet girl and revealing yourself to this family. I have loved following your familiy's story. Thank you for sharing :)
Anna - TX
Happy 1st Birthday Miss Harper!! Wish I could be at your party tomorrow! Thank you, Kelly, for sharing each day of Harper's life! I have loved getting to know you and Harper and can't wait to watch her grow up to be a beautiful girl!!
Happy Birthday, sweet Harper! I'm sitting here in tears just remembering that it was one year today that I found your blog and was forever changed!
Kelly, you have touched so many with your genuineness and love for other people. Even people you've never met IRL.
I hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating Harper's birthday and making memories! I can't wait to read about it!
Happy 1st birthday Harper!
Happy Birthday sweet Harper! What a beautiful beautiful birthday post.
I started following your blog 1 year ago when Harper was born praying for her, thank you for letting us into your life ;)
I just cried reading your sweet letter to Harper!
I have been following your blog for a while - since before sweet Harper was born. I was so excited the day she was born!! I remember checking the blog constantly waiting to hear something. Of course I, and everyone else, got news we never expected. But through Harper, we all learned the power of prayer- even from thousands of people who had never met you. Harper has already had such an impact on the world in just one year. I can't wait to read about everything she does in all of the years to come.
Happy Birthday Harper!!
Happy Birthday Sweet Harper, you are one loved girl! Enjoy your special day!
I first started reading your blog while Harper was still in hospital and I have loved hearing all about your lovely little girl and hearing what life and child-rearing is like on the otherside of the world. Happy Birthday to Harper and congratulations for you and Scott.
What an amazing birth day story... I am a new follower so I am not 'in the loop'.
Little Harper truley is a blessing to her mommy & daddy!
Happy First Birthday Precious Harper!
Oh, this post made me cry! What a beautiful letter to Harper.
Happy birthday, sweet girl!
Happy Birthday baby girl!! Hope the day is perfect! I have been following your blog since before Hatper was born, and I feel like she is one of my own friends' babies! Ha! Enjoy this day!
Happy Birthday Harper Brown!!! I cannot believe she is a year old already! I started reading your blog the day you posted your "cheerleading pose" haha it was when you found out that you were going to be induced. I have been hooked ever since that day. My daughter, Olivia's, birthday is January 15 so she had just turned 2 the day before sweet Harper was born. And now she is 3!! OMG! Olivia knows Harper and always ask me "what's Harper doin?" whenever I sit down to read your blog. What a miracle she is! I will be celebrating Olivia's birthday today at Chuck E Cheese while you are celebrating Harpers! Hope you have an amazing day celebrating your sweet Harper.
Happy Birtday sweet sweet girl. I have enjoyed reading your mom's blog the past few months. I find comfort most days in her blogs.
Happy Birth Day Kelly! I am always humbled by your posts and Godliness!
I know that I am just one of many, Kelly, but I want you to know that I started following you and your story when Harper was first born. I prayed for your little girl, that she would make it through, that she would be a healthy baby, and that you would be able to see her grow into a darling toddler, a spunky teenager, and a woman of God. Amen, she was healed. Praise God that you are able to hold her today on her birthday and she is a bright, shining star.
I pray that her second year is just as sweet as her first. And that you get a little more sleep, too. :)
Have an amazing day cherishing your amazing daughter. Praise God!
what a precious little letter to her! you are an amazing mom! I have been following your blog since you were pregnant! harper has grown up so fast! its hard to believe its already been a year! Happy birthday miss harper!
Happy Birthday Sweet Harper!!
Kelly, your letter to Harper made me cry, it was so sweet. I can't believe a year has passed. Keeping up with Harper has made it go so much faster, something to look forward to. Thank you for sharing your life and your darling daughter with us. Can't wait to see birthday pictures.
Keeping you in my hert in Ga.
Happy Birthday Harper!
I remember waking up (i am in South Africa)...and the first thing i did was check my phone to see if there was any updates. And I remember my heart dropping when i read the title 'Please pray' was terrible.
But look how it all turned out...God is good.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I've loved watching your blog and Harper "grow up!"
Happy Birthday Harper!! I am still praising God for what He did a year ago. I will never forget it!
Have a wonderful and fun day celebrating your precious girl's 1st year of life. :)
Happy birthday, Harper! I loved reading about when your mom was pregnant with you, I joined the thousands of people who prayed for you after you were born, and I have loved seeing you grow over this past year.
Happy Birthday Harper! You are so blessed to have such a sweet and faithful mommy.
Happy Birthday Harper!
That post made me tear up, and wish that I had my own little family as well. :)
Happy Birthday Harper., I was praying for you when you were in the hospital and have read your blog everyday since. My son was born on Jan 16 and has given me pure joy every day for sixty years. He has a beautiful wife, three sons and daugher in laws and six grandchildren. They were all in OBU the same years you were. Harper have a great day and look forward to many more.
Amen! She is definitely one of God's precious little blessings!
Happy First Birthday to the little girl I prayed for! God is SO good!
Happy birthday to Harper!! You definitely have a lot to celebrate at her first birthday. Thanks for sharing your family with us!
Happy Birthday Harper, I have been reading your mom's blog for a long time and have enjoyed watching you grow, indeed you are a cutie pie,
Your mom's blog or journal is and will be the best birthday gift she can give to you someday .I can just see you reading and laughing when reading it when you are grown, I picture you as being as loving and as witty as your mom is now, Having God loving parents are such a awesome way to grow up, Be Thankful!! Have fun at your 1st party,
Happy Birthday, Harper!! So glad you are here- you have the best mommy!
Happy Birthday to the most beautiful baby girl in NWA. I feel blessed to know you and your family. You have the best smile and can light up a room and make each person in the room happy. I hope your 1st Birthday is GREAT! I can't wait for the celebration to begin in a few hours! Love The Stafford Family!
Happy Birthday Harper! Beautiful post,Kelly.
Happy Birthday sweet Harper! God is good!
What a special day for you to celebrate, Kelly. Enjoy every minute of it. You are blessed!!!
Happy Birthday Sweet Harper!
You'll never meet us but my husband and I have checked in on you every day of your first year. We cried and prayed for you when you were so sick and we've celebrated every milestone you've reached. We don't have children and we are old enough to be your grandparents so we get our baby fix from reading about you. If I had a grandchild, I would be so honored and thrilled to have a little girl just like you.
Harper, I pray that life will be kind to you. I pray that you will grow into a strong, God loving young woman and that you will make a difference in the world. I pray that the guidance your precious parents give you will prepare you for a big, wonderful life. I believe God has wonderful plans for you . The evidence is the strong and amazing family you have, that I know will prepare you well.
We look forward to another year of celebrating you.
Lynn and Rick in Alabama
Your post made me cry thinking about all the emotions of that day. Happy Day to you sweet Kelly and Happy Birthday to my beautiful darling precious "Great Niece". The world is a better place because of both of you! Love you all.
Happy Birthday Harper. I started following your blog last year and praying for your sweet little girl. It is so wonderful that a year later she is happy and healthy. Enjoy her birthday!
Yay for Harper! Happy Birthday beautiful girl (hopefully not covered in Oreos today ;) ).
I've been reading your blog since Harper was born and I have kept following it, watching Harper grow. It's been wonderful seeing that.
Have a wonderful birthday, Harper!
Oh, how I remember that day/night. I was crying so hard when I got word that Harper wasn't doing well. I had been praying all along for ALL of you and at that second...I got down on my knees and prayed like I had never prayed before. I just wept for you, Kelly, because I knew how the doctor's words had just crushed you and Scott. However, I also knew that our miraculous Lord could, indeed, perform MIRACLES and that HE did!!! Praise the LORD, for He is so good!
I feel incredibly BLESSED that I have gotten to walk/read/talk with you through this journey. Not only has the birth of Harper been such a JOY, but your openess, faithfulness and support has been more than I could ever ask for.
Thank you for not only being all of those things and so MANY more, but for being such an AMAZING mom to Harper. (I also know that Scott has been an OUTSTANDING father). :) She is one of the most BLESSED little girls and I'm just ever so thankful that the Lord gave her to both of you.
Happy 1st Birthday, sweet Harper Brown. I will ALWAYS remember the day you entered into this world. You have brought such smiles to my face each and every day since. My prayer for you is that you continue to grow to be a happy and healthy little girl who LOVES the LORD with all of her heart and soul. :) I know you will, though, because you've got some pretty awesome and amazing parents, grandparents, family and friends who all BELIEVE and will continue to teach you.
I love you precious girl. :) You are such a BLESSING to so many.
Jess :)
James 1:17 ~ Every good and perfect gift is from above.
Ephesians 3:20 ~ Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
It is so hard to believe it has been a year and so hard to think about those first few weeks of her sweet life. But God is God and HE knew His plans all along. What a sweetie she is, just like her momma! Have a wonderful celebration today, Kelly!! Happy Birthday to Harper!!
Happy Birthday precious little girl! May this be another year of blessings for you and your mommy and daddy!
Happy Birthday Harper, may all your dreams come true!!!
Happy Birthday Sweet Harper!!! Your a beautiful special little gift from god!!! Your mummy and daddy are special people also!!! An inspiration to the whole world!!
Ok, I've wiped my tears away so I can respond to your post!! Harper's story is definitely one that proves the work that God can do in our lives. I remember praying for her last year when she was born. We were patiently awaiting our little one at the time and realized just how quickly things could go wrong! I remember hollering to my husband when I was reading your update to tell him that baby Harper was doing better!!! What a wonderful, glorious story!! Happy Birthday Happer!!! Enjoy every second of her first birthday!
Happy Birthday Harper. You are blessed that so many people love you. I pray you follow Jesus all the days of your life!
Happy Birthday Harper! I've never commented but have been following since you were born. I hope you grow up knowing what a blessing your life has been to so many people. You've instilled a lot of hope in a lot of hearts!
That is the sweetest post!!
Happy Birthday, Harper!
This post made me cry. I am a new reader to your blog. I didn't know the specifics of Harper's birth (that she wasn't breathing when she was born). I am so glad that she is happy and healthy too!
I have a 5 month old, Hadley, and being a mommy is the best thing in the world!!!
Happy Birthday to sweet Harper! A couple of weeks ago, when you posted about some things for the birthday party, I went back and re-read all the posts from when Harper was born, and I had tears in my eyes. Right after Harper was born, I read something on someone else's blog asking everybody to pray for ya'll, so I clicked over here and started reading and praying, and have been here ever since. The blog world is a lot of fun, but this is a testimony to what a blessing it can be too....people all over the country, whom you've never met, who are willing to pray. What a wonderful, wonderful blessing! Kelly, you are a GREAT mama, and I feel like we're next-door neighbors! Enjoy this day celebrating your precious little miracle! Love and prayers of thanksgiving for this sweet girl!
Happy 1st Birthday Harper!!
(Jan is a great month to be born in, my birthday is the 25th.) :)
What a sweet post! My eyes are full of tears. I am so happy you have your sweet baby girl and can celebrate her life today!
Happy Birthday Harper!!
Such a sweet sweet post, Kelly!! Thanks again for sharing your life and wonderful daughter with us. I hope to be as lucky as you one day.
Happy Happy Birthday Harper!!!
Harper! I'm so happy I found your Mommy's blog & can read about your progress & see all of your precious pictures!
Happy 1st Birthday & I hope you & your family have the most wonderful time!!
Happy Birthday Harper!
This post made me cry Kelly. I have read your blog for a long time, through your struggle to get pregnant, to the joy when you got pregnant with Harper and the fear on the day she was born.
I was at work in my office a year ago today and remember telling people who didn't even know what a blog was that a very special baby was going to be born and then asking them to pray when things took a turn...I remember praying for you all of the days until you could take Harper home and then some after...
I am 33 and waiting patiently on a child and I will remember the strength and love that you had and pray that the same miracle can happen for me!
Cari in New England
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET HARPER!!! You and your sweet mommy bring a smile to my face everyday! Thanks for sharing your life with us! YOU ARE A MIRACLE!!! You are blessed with a wonderful Christian Mommy and Daddy and sweet grandparents that love you to the end of the earth and back! I hope one day you will come to realize that GOD put you in this world for a special reason! Can't wait to watch you grow up to be a strong woman of God like your Mom and Grandmothers!
Hope you have a great time at your party!
Love and Blessings On your special day!
Laura White
Happy 1st Birthday Harper!!! I cried alittle reading this! I'm so happy that she is healthy and you guys get to celebrate this special day with her!
Happy Birthday Harper!!
I cried my way through this post... I was one of those people who started reading your blog on Harper's birth day and prayed for her furiously and have grown to love that miracle baby girl!
But also, I have also grown to be so inspired by you, Kelly! You are such an awesome mom, and your love for Harper and your sweet heart just ring through every word you type.
I hope that today is a day filled with nothing but JOY and PRAISE and CELEBRATION!! Can't wait to see the pictures!
That was an emotional look back at those difficult days!!! What a blessing Harper is... and truthfully, Kelly, I know what a huge blessing you are to Harper to get to be her mom. She may not fully grasp how much you love her yet, but one day (probably when she has a baby of her own) she will! You and Scott are the most loving parents... that apple didn't fall far from the tree.
We're all celebrating Harper today!!
Happy Birthday Harper! You and your mommy are precious...and dear to my heart.
Blogging brings me so much delight...especially when I am reading "Kelly's Korner", and hearing all about YOU!
Have a very wonderful **First Birthday**
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Happy First Birthday, Harper! You are such a cutie and have made your mom and dad so very happy!
Kelly, I too became a mom for the first time at 35...well 3-weeks shy of my 35th birthday, but what a great present! While it wasn't my plan to be an "older" mom (ha!), it was God's plan and I love the confidence that comes with parenting in my late 30s!
Wishing you a day filled with much happiness,
I started reading your blog just recently. I can relate to your feelings of the worst day of your life when your baby is born. My son was born with an unattached esophagus and he was rushed off to radiology then the NICU before I could hold him. We spent a month in the NICU and I started reading your blog then and looked back at the similar journey of the NICU as I was living mine.
Your letter to me brings me great hope of what I get to look forward to in the future, his first birthday! Thank you for sharing your thoughts of your worst and best day rolled into one!
Happy Birthday Harper! She is precious!
Have fun with Harpers Party...try to get your girlfriends to take pictures so that you can be in them and focus on Miss H. I can't believe it has been a year...that is when I was introduced to your blog. Happy Birthday! Hilary
Happy Birthday, Harper!!! We can't believe how much you have grown in 1 short year! You are just precious! We miss you all, have a fun Birthday Party,
The Kays :)
Oh what a sweet post! Makes me so happy. God is so good and so faithful! I hope you all have a WONDERFUL day :)
Happy Birthday Harper!
I started reading your Mommy's blog right after you were born. I prayed for you, asking God for a miracle. And that is what you are! I've loved reading about you and watching you grow the last year. I hope you have a GREAT party today! Can't wait to see and read all about it!
(((BIG Birthday Hugs To You!)))
What a precious post. I remember coming home from my Friday night card game anticipating Harper's birth. I just cried and cried when I read the post and prayed and prayed for this sweet little girl. Hope she has a wonderful birthday! Happy Birthday Harper!
What a beautiful post written to your baby girl! I found you a few months ago through a friend's blog and I just love reading about your days with Harper. I look so forward to being a mom, and I hope I enjoy it half as much as you seem to. Congrats on celebrating your first year of mommyhood!
Happy Birthday, Harper!!
14+ hours a day Doesn't sound like such a bad sleeper to me. At night, just don't go to her. She'll learn to put herself back to sleep.
Happy Birthday sweet Harper!
Happy Birthday Harper! And, happy Harper's birthday to her Mommy & Daddy! What a year it has been for all of you. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. When I think about the power of prayer, I always remember Harper's recovery.
Happy birthday Harper!!
What a happy day for your family! I remember being glued to my computer screen last year waiting to get updates that you were ok. God truly has great things in store for you!
Have a great day celebrating!
Happy Birthday Harper! I was introduced to your blog through Harper's birth and I have been hooked ever since. I am so happy to see her everyday and see how healthy she is! Enjoy the day!
I became a follower of your blog the day after Harper was born. I was reading another blog that had posted a prayer request for the two of you and I clicked on it and spent the next two hours reading about your journey to that moment. At the time my daughter-in-law was expecting her first child and I called her and she jumped right on as well. We are both avid readers and call each other every day to say "did you see what baby Harper wore today?" We have a blast. Happy Birthday to Harper and I hope you cherish every minute of today.
Happy Birthday, Harper!
Happy Birthday Harper! Your sweet life has been such a blessing to so many people! May the Lord bless you as you celebrate your 1st birthday today! Happy Bithday Harper! =)
Happy Birthday Harper!
Kelly, that post brought tears to my eyes. So beautiful. I started reading your blog when you had Harper and I was one of the strangers that was praying for her to live. I'm still here today. I'm so happy for your family. God bless you all.
Happy Birthday sweet Harper! I've been praying for you every day since your mommy announced you were coming!
Kelly, this post was the best blog post I think I've ever read. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the day she was born. You are such a wonderful person and I am so thankful to have made friends with you.
Happy Birthday Harper!
Thanks for sharing your memory of her birth-day with us!
Can't wait to see party pictures!
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