Scott and Steve left Thursday night for south Arkansas to hunt. So it's just been me and Harper the last few days. He picked a great time to leave us because poor baby has been getting her molars and is MISERABLE! She's been so fussy. Today was a little better so hopefully we are on the mend. I kept thinking today about how fun it will be in 4-5 years when Scott goes hunting for the weekend because she and I can have a REAL girls weekend and go to the movies, paint our toenails, eat at girly places that Daddy doesn't like, shop....... I look so forward to that! Of course I also think that there will come a day in about 12-13 years when she will likely not want to spend any time with me. :-( I'm scared of the teenage years.
Anyway.......we have not done much over the last two days because the weather has been dreadful and Harper has just felt crummy. We were supposed to go to a birthday party today but I hated to take my snotty girl to it. So we just stayed home.
Tonight we had 3 couples over from our Sunday School Class. We have a real fun fellowship a few times a year called "Guess Who's coming for dinner". One person in our class coordinates it and we have it in 2-4 homes. You are told whose home to go to and what to bring or if it's at your house you are told how many people are coming and what to make but you don't know who until they ring the doorbell. I had thought I had it all figured out but I was all wrong. But pleasantly surprised!!! I haven't entertained in a while so I broke out some flowers and crystal candlesticks. I may have gone to far because I used these paper linen monogrammed napkins and the guys later told me they were afraid to use them. ha!
I put Harper to bed before everyone came. I didn't want her to infect any of the kids and it was her bedtime anyway. This is poor Caleb having to use a pink highchair. ha!
The guys sat at one table with the kids and the girls sat at another. I had so much fun visiting with my friends. These fellowships are fun because it's just a few people and you really get to talk.

I couldn't believe Harper didn't wake up with all the noise we were making but towards the end she finally did. Neely and Parker who are both 2 came in with me to get her and she kept blinking her eyes and staring at them like "why are there kids in my room in the middle of the night? (8:30) ha!
Neely and Parker had fun together and they were hugging and kissing by the end of the night. Young Love.

Amanda, Robin and Jessica

I'm hoping to have a low key week this week. I actually don't have much planned which is nice for a change. I hope ya'll had a nice weekend too!