Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Haiti Donate Online

My heart is heavy for Haiti tonight. It was last night also. I went to bed so sad. After going to El Salvador and seeing the kind of poverty that is probably 100 times worse in Haiti - I can't bear to imagine what the people of Haiti are going through.

All day today as I put a diaper on Harper or fed her or just held her - I thought about all the mothers in Haiti who are looking at their babies and children and not knowing where they will sleep, what they will eat or if they will have clean water. My heart is so tender for those mothers.
I know you have all seen the devastation and I pray you realize how blessed we all are and that your hearts will be open to help those who have been destroyed by this earthquake. Even if all you can do is pray for them - God loves the people of Haiti and hears our prayers.

There are many ways you can donate - an easy way is to text "Haiti" to 90999 to give $10 to the Red Cross. It will be on your next phone bill. OR you can text "disaster" to 90999 to give $10 to Compassion's disaster relief program. They will be working directly with the local churches who know where these families live and will be providing immediate relief to them. You could also visit HERE to donate.

There is a blogger who has set up a website : Hope for Haiti - they are going to be doing giveaways to raise money to support the people of Haiti.

Scott and I know first hand after going to El Salvador that we are MORE than blessed. We feel like God has given to us so we can give to others. That is why for every person who leaves a comment on this post and lets me know that you have donated (Please share where you have donated - I know there are other organizations helping besides compassion and Red Cross) - we will donate $1 to the compassion disaster relief to Haiti up to $1000.

Please only comment on this post if you have given money to the people of Haiti. You don't need to share the amount.

P.S. (and no one has even mentioned this but I wanted to make it clear) - we aren't doing this to say "look at us - we are giving"'s just we have been blessed and we wanted a way to encourage others who can to give. I'm hoping that is the case and that y'all know our hearts!

"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:17-18


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Heather said...

I just donated. Thanks for letting us know how easy it is to do that.

Heather said...

Sorry - donated to the Red Cross

Courtney @ One Fine Wire said...

Thank you for this information, Kelly. It is so tragic what has happened, the people of Haiti will certainly be in my prayers.

amy said...

I just donated to Red Cross...very easy & made me feel good about doing something to help! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Your post just brought tears to my eyes, the fact you are so willing to donate up to $1000. So giving and inspiring. I donated Via text to the RED CROSS. SO EASY and so worthwile. Thank you Kelly.
Praying for Don and his family.

Gina said...

I donated through Compassion this afternoon. I feel led to donate again later. I am beside myself all day. I am so sorry to heat about your friend. I worry about him now too.
I feel so lucky for all I have yet disgusted by all that I have as well. It is a nightmare.

Rikki said...

We donated through the red cross.

kristine said...

Praying for your friend Don and his family. Thanks for sharing this. I donated through Compassion today. Praying for Haiti with you.


Leslie Ruth Petree said...

I gave to the Red Cross...and so privileged to be a part of what you will give too. Thanks for doing that!

Laura P said...

My family has donated through

Heather Bug said...

Donated to Compassion and Red Cross.....just sick over the devastation. Praying for your friend.

Brit said...

I donated through Compassion and we also chose a precious little girl to sponsor from Haiti tonight. Flooding heaven for all those precious people.

the single mama said...

Donated to Red Cross. Thank you for being so fruitful and compassionate. It's showing so many others to do the same.

emily s said...

I'm a lurker coming out for a good cause! I donated through World Vision. I've done mission work in Haiti- it is a place very close to my heart. I can't imagine the suffering... I'm glad for everyone that is willing/able to donate and help reduce the pain and suffering!

Carrie said...

Praying for all the people of Haiti - both native and visitors, like Compassion. We have a sponsored child in El Salvador who just celebrated his 10th birthday. We just texted "disaster" to donate to Compassion - we are also going to include a passage from your post in an all church email from my husband, who is a pastor at our church. Several Sunday school/small groups have sponsored children - in Haiti. -Carrie

Monica said...

Thank you for posting. I just donated through Compassion.

Buttercup said...

Donated to the Joint Distribution Committee. We are also doing a clothes drive at work and the Red Cross will ship what we collect. My prayers for Dan and his family and all in Haiti.

Kristen said...

Kelly, your post is beautiful, just like your heart. Thank you for giving and leading the way. We will be praying for Dan and his family and for the incredible work of Compassion.

Just texted "disaster" to Compassion.

Kendra said...

We donated via text to the Red Cross this morning. Praying for everyone in Haiti.

The Davis Family said...

Donated to Compassion :) My husband and I are getting our two little girls Compassion Children for Easter! Much better than teeth rotting candy ;)

Sarah @ Preaching In Pumps said...

We just donated through - which actually brought me to the Red Cross. Thanks for encouraging people to do it. I just want to hold all of my family members tonight.

Please keep us updated on Dan.

Liz and Garth said...

Been thinking about Haiti all day. Donated to the Red Cross.

In Due Time said...

We've donated (and I've blogged) today. The devastation breaks my heart.

FrancisMoore said...

I just donated through Compassion International in Colorado Springs, CO. Thanks for what you are doing to help. God Bless.

Britni said...

I donated through Red Cross.

Sarah said...

Kelly, I've been reading (and loving) your blog for a long time but have never commented. Thank you for this information, and for your loving heart and generosity- I will donate to the Red Cross, and I'm thinking of your friend and his family.

Lyndall said...

I donated to compassion. We're on a very tight income but there is always something that can be put aside for these times. You're right... we forget how blessed we are sometimes just to live in a country with safety and things that are taken for granted. My heart goes out to the people of Haiti during this awful time.

Renee and Damian said...

I donated to Yele Haiti! I'm going to donate to Compassion, too!

The Mommy One said...

I just donated through Compassion. Thank you for making it so easy Kelly.


Samantha said...

I donated.

Thanks Kelly!

Amy Mc said...

I just texted a donation to the red cross. And, I want you to know that I am now sponsoring a child because of your blog! Thanks for being the hands and feet of Jesus and helping us to do the same!

Amber said...

What a wonderful thing you are doing! I donated to Doctors Without Borders. I have family who moved to the US from Haiti several years ago, and they are waiting on news from family and friends there.

Brittney said...

I just donated to the "90999" but I want to make sure it went through - I haven't received a second text.

Jennifer said...

Thanks for giving us an easy way to donate. I will donate to the Red Cross when I go back downstairs. You put a face on this disaster for me. THANK YOU!!!

Pixel Perfect said...

How sweet of you to give so much! We just donated to compassion.


Melissa Marie said...

I donated through Compassion but compiled a list of other great organizations accepting donations on my blog earlier today.

My heart absolutely breaks at all of the devastation and loss of loved ones in Haiti. We will definitely be praying for Dan. Please keep us posted.

Kelly said...

Thanks for sharing this easy way to donate. I have donated to both the Red Cross and Compassion. God bless!

Courtney said...

Just donated to Compassion and the Red Cross via text. Thanks for letting me know how easy it is. I have told all of my friends and family how to donate.

Valerie said...

Hi Kelly, I just donated to Compassion, thank you so much for showing us ways that we can help during this tragic time.
In Christ,


Christy said...

Kelly - earlier today, I retweeted the Red Cross tweet about texting HAITI to 90999 and then I tried it...I received a message back saying my provider wasn't participating so I tweeted my frustration with Verizon. I just found where a PR guy with Verizon found my tweet and replied that they ARE participating (there was a mess up with former Alltel customers that had been fixed). So I tried again and it worked.

I know you really didn't care to hear all of that but I am always so impressed with companies actively searching Twitter and responding to people and glad someone from Verizon reached out to me so I could donate in such an easy manner.

I'm also going to go now and text to the Compassion disaster relief program!

Melissa @ Southern Mommas said...

I donated supplies to a local church who has a mission team in Haiti right now. They were there when the quake hit but they have all been accounted for. The main leader of the mission is named Helen Little. I met her several years ago when she was collecting art supplies for the children at the orphanage in Haiti. She has worked with the children for 30 years. She is an amazing woman ! Luckily they were there on an unrelated mission that brought doctors to the area and arrived the day the quake hit. talk about God's timing!! Ling sotry short her church is down the street from my house and they are sending out a plane on friday and next Wednesday with supplies to go to the area. The orphanage has been destroyed and they are still trying to account for all the children. I too have been holding my 18 month old tighter today. Thanks for donating the $1 - I took med suppplies and toiletries. Anyone who wants to send stuff to the church I will post a link on my blog at
Thanks again for doing this :) prayers going to heaven for all of them

Megan said...

I donated to the Red Cross via text. I can't get through the pictures without crying. I too ache for those mothers.

April said...

My husband and I donated tonight. Such a heartbreaking tragedy.

Tessa said...

Just donated to Compassion. I will also spread the word on how easy it is to donate via text.

CinderellaMommy said...

We just donated to both the Red Cross & Compassion relief programs via the text options. I didn't even know that was available. THANK YOU for telling all of us about it. We will be in prayer for Don, his family, and for the citizens and visitors in Haiti. May God be with them each and every minute and see them through this disaster.

With a heavy heart turned to the Father,

Jill said...

I donated. Thank you for being such a blessing to these people in need.

Renee said...

I donated. Such a heavy heart... it would be so much easier to put my head in the sand, but that's not what we're called to do.

God Bless...

MER said...

Thanks Kelly! I just posted something similar asking people to share where/how they are donating. We must use our blogs to help in times like this.

Jessica McCarl said...

I just donated to Compassion. :-) You and Scott have incredibly giving spirits!

CinderellaMommy said...

ERrr. Sorry I mistyped "Dan." Please know I meant no disrespect and am praying for him as well as his wife and boys as they wait and pray, too.

Tara said...

texted to the Red Cross...praying...

Courtney said...

I donated via text ti Haiti. Bless your family for doing more to help.

Nicole Buser said...

I just texted 90999 and donated to the Red Cross.. man, I feel like a shmuck.. I sat around in a total funk today because I ate too much.. how ridiculous!! God has truly given me SOOO many blessings.. I have three healthy boys, a fabulous hubby, a house, two working vehicles, a wonderful mom.. I feel a lil better that I gave $10 tho.. thanks for showing us how easy it is.. I have to go pray..

Flores Family... said...

We are donating through the red cross. What a terrible devestation that breaks my heart for each and every victim! Praying for God's peace in their hearts.

jenni said...

Donated through compassion today. Praying hard!

MomMom said...

Thanks for your example and encouragement to all of us. We just donated through Compassion.

Traci said...

just donated to compassion. Thank you Kelly!

Beth McC. said...

I donated but I wish I could do more!

EC said...

This is just awesome what everyone is doing.... I texted to Red Cross. Thank you!

Joy said...

I am donating to Yele Haiti. My mom is an immigration lawyer in Miami and she mainly deals with Haitians. She has spent the majority of her life trying to help the Haitians that are in America. She fights for them to be able to stay in America and not be deported back to poverty-stricken Haiti. I too can't imagine what Haitians are going through. I am so proud that you posted about this. Your blog reaches so many people and hopefully they will all donate and pray for Haiti. God belss you Kelly!

Ashlee said...

Just donated to Compassion. Thanks for encouraging us to do that. Two of my nursing school classmates are from Haiti. One of them told me that she hasn't been able to speak to anyone yet, and most everyone that she knows is in the capital area.

Hannah said...

my church in MN is packaging food for Feed My Starving Children. All the food we package goes to Haiti. We did this last year and packaged over 1 million meals, and plan on exceeding that this year...all in one week. But we also pay for all the meals and the shipping...which is where my money is going. My youth leader went to Haiti this past December with compassion, and showed us some awesome photos/videos. i can't imagine some of those kids missing. Praying!

Erin said...

Donated to Compassion. Thank you for the info!! We have a girl from our church who is a missionary in Haiti at an orphanage right now. She was in the disaster area though. My heart is heavy.

The Panke's said...

As I watched the news tonight I too thought of how blessed we were to have the things we have. I saw a parent holding their child, not much younger then mine, and wanted to cry. I couldn't imagine being in that situation with my child not knowing if we were going to be ok and just holding onto our faith.

Becky said...

We donated to Compassion.

Amanda Holley said...

I just donated to Compassion!

Simply Donna...... said...

Donated to the Red Cross via the text information you gave. I was not aware that was available, so thanks for sharing. Praying for your friend and his family. Hope you don't mind, I am going to share the texting donation information on my blog. Praying for Haiti..........

Heather said...

Thanks Stamps family! Donated to world vision for Haiti.

Unknown said...

Donated to the Red Cross. Thank you for the information and all you are doing.

The Pressley Family said...

I texted today and put the number out on my Twitter also. Being at Passion a couple of weeks ago, I got to experience some gripping and heartbreaking of stories of people living in these countries. In my flesh I say, "Why them God?" but His ways are perfect so I have no doubts.

Sheridith - mom to peeps said...

I sent a text to 90999! I am having my husband and son do this as well. Not sure how many times you can do it on one line. We get paid next week & I am going to try & donate to Compassion directly then. Thank you for reminding us that no matter what we think is wrong with our lives, we are BLESSED!

Sarah said...

Love the post Kelly! My husband and I both donated via text to The Red Cross. Thanks for your donation!

Jenny said...

thank you sooo much for sharing this!

Rush Family said...

Thank you for your post. My dad was suppose to leave for Haiti this week on one of his monthly visits, but had rescheduled (we are so thankful for God's protection). Our family is on the board at Double Harvest Haiti Mission. My parents always stay in the Hotel Montana. I will be praying for Dan & esp. his wife and children as they have yet to hear from him.

On the last church group trip (that my husband and I were suppose to go on, but couldn't {God had other plans- a new baby on the way!}) - at one of the poorest villages during a devotional a woman stood up and sang "I will praise you in the storm" How amazing, that someone who lives with absolutely nothing, sees her children starving, can stand and sing that with all her heart.

We will be giving to Haiti through Double Harvest.

Thank you again for having a heart for those in such need.

Marla Taviano said...

I gave through Compassion. Bless you, Scott and Kelly.

Rush Family said...

Thank you for your post. My dad was suppose to leave for Haiti this week on one of his monthly visits, but had rescheduled (we are so thankful for God's protection). Our family is on the board at Double Harvest Haiti Mission. My parents always stay in the Hotel Montana. I will be praying for Dan & esp. his wife and children as they have yet to hear from him.

On the last church group trip (that my husband and I were suppose to go on, but couldn't {God had other plans- a new baby on the way!}) - at one of the poorest villages during a devotional a woman stood up and sang "I will praise you in the storm" How amazing, that someone who lives with absolutely nothing, sees her children starving, can stand and sing that with all her heart.

We will be giving to Haiti through Double Harvest.

Thank you again for having a heart for those in such need.

Laurie said...

I donated, via text, to the Red Cross. Thanks for letting us know how easy it is to donate.

The Harper Family said...

Just donated by text to Compassion Disaster Relief. Thanks for letting us know!

Suzanne said...

Very moving post and so sad to watch what has happened. I donated to the RedCross.

Christy said...

Oh no, Kelly! I got the response that my carrier was not participating when I tried to text to Disaster to 90999 for Compassion...I'll have to go to the site.

Lindsay said...

Just donated to the red cross. :)

Candice Lynn said...

I just donated to the Red easy! May God be with your friend and his family and bring them peace in the days to come.

God is good--all the time.

Kelley said...

i donated to the red cross earlier today. Praying for miracles to be worked. Thank you for doing what you all are doing!

Spicy Magnolia said...

We donated to Compassion. Thank you for being an example in generosity, Kelly, and praying for Dan and his family!

Courtney said...

I donated to the Red Cross -- thanks for what you are doing!

Anonymous said...

My husband's grandmother started a foundation 33 years ago (when she was in her 60s) to help build schools and churches in Haiti. The main village where the foundation's guesthouse and home church are located is 40 miles SW of Port-Au-Prince, right in the heart of the most devastated area. 100% of the money sent through the Haiti Education Foundation ( goes directly to the children in the mountains of southern Haiti. It is a wonderful foundation and a true testament to the fact that you are never too old to begin a ministry that will change lives. My husband and I have both had the opportunity to travel to Haiti with his grandmother and there are no words to describe the poverty and filth of Port-au-Prince and the surrounding areas. However, the people are phenomenal and are so eager to hear God's Word and embrace the love of Jesus! We could all learn a little bit from them :) God Bless!

Kim said...

donated via text to the Red Cross

Amanda said...

I just donated !!! Thanks for sharing the info. I almost cried reading your post. It made my heart heavy...I know I can spare the money to donate. May God Bless the people in Haiti and I pray for your friend from Compassion and his family.

Samantha Wrigley said...

We just donated through Compassion. Thank you for sharing this!

Jennie said...

Just donated--you are an amazing person. Thank you.

davidkayla716 said...

Thanks so much for giving us this info. I have been thinking and praying about those people all day. Just sent a text. Thanks Again!

The Starr Family said...

Thanks Kelly for inspiring and encouraging others to give. We just donated through Compassion!

Amber said...

My husband and I donated through Episcopal Relief and Development.

Megan said...

That is so incredibly generous, Kelly. I donated to the International Response of the Red Cross on their website.

Shelle H. said...

Thank you for doing this. I just contributed through Compassions website! It also gave me a reason to write to my child! :) Praying for everyone involved!

Megan said...

We donated to Compassion earlier today.

The Lord is going to make beauty from ashes through this disaster. May all the body of Christ does be for His glory.

Anonymous said...

Lurker coming out!!! I donated to Compassion. Thanks for doing this!

soho said...

We donate through compassion.

Melissa at Raised by Wolfs said...

Thank you for your generosity -- I love your sweet, tender heart! My husband and I already sponsor a little boy from India through Compassion, so we donated to their Haiti Relief Fund.

KansasGirl said...

I just donated to the Red Cross. Thank you for this and for your blog. You are such an inspiration and touch more people than you even know! Our prayers are with the people of Haiti and their loved ones.

Unknown said...

I texted "Haiti" to donate to the Red Cross. What a great and EASY way to do something so small that will hopefully have a big impact.

Amy said...

Thank you for encouraging everyone to give. Though I have never gone to Haiti - or to anywhere outside of the U.S. for that matter - it is heavy on my heart and mind. I donated this morning by text to the Red Cross and now will donate again through Compassion.

What a wonderful thing you and Scott are doing. :)

Anonymous said...

I donated through the red cross

Payton's mom said...

Just texted Compassion, thanks for letting us know!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly! Thank you so much for the information. I donated some money through the Compassion website that you linked in your post. thank you so much and please keep us updated on the Dan situation. Praying hard about that tonight. with love, Audrey

Amanda said...

I donated to both Red Cross and Compassion. I also posted something on my Facebook page. You are such an amazing person Kelly!

Brandi said...


I have been reading your post for quite a while now and this post totally hit home. Our Compassion sponsor child is in Haiti and it is heartbreaking not knowing if she is dead or alive. My heart breaks for all the families of Haiti. Our church is very involved with Haitian missions and we have started a relief effort taking all types of supplies and money. I donated money towards Compassion and have a huge bag full of stuff to donate to my church. I also plan to make a family donation as well. Thank you so much for the post and getting the word out!


JC said...

Thank you for opening my eyes! Your post touched my heart! I just donated through Compassion! It was so easy! Thank you for letting me know how I can help! I will also be praying for Dan and his family!

What a wonderful thing you are doing! There will be so many more people helped because of you!

Anonymous said...

I am so pleased you posted a blog entry about Haiti and came up with a way to encourage donations. Good for you.

I am even more pleased to see that you are encouraging donations to Red Cross - which is a non-denominational organisation with no religious affiliations. This is one of the best organisations to donate to in a disaster situation. Another good one is Doctors without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) who like the Red Cross are already on the ground in Haiti saving lives.

PS: I have already donated $1000 to the Red Cross Haiti fund so please include me in your donation calculation.

Thank you.

Andrea said...

We donated to the Red Cross. Thanks for your generosity to encourage this!

Brinkley's Mommy said...

I donated through Red Cross. Thanks for letting us know how to help!

Wiz said...

Thanks for mentioning this! I donated to UNICEF through google's Haiti crises website. It was easy to do and they already had my credit card on file from Amazon purchases so I didn't even have to get up. Its the little things when you have a toddler! I hope you get lots of comments!

Karen said...

World Relief

Brittany said...

What a wonderful thing to do, Kelly. I donated to the Red Cross this afternoon. My prayers are with Dan and with the people of Haiti :(

Susanne said...

I donated to red cross and will be donating again through church where I can take advantage of matching funs. Thank you for bring awareness to so many. Your generosity is amazing!

C said...

My family donated to the Red Cross...I did not hear about it until this morning and am literally SICK over it. I want to do MORE then just give money (although I know that is very much needed at this time)...I just see all the faces on TV...the scared children, the panicked mother, the fathers pulling their children from the rubble...and all I can do is watch...I want to hold is sooo awful- I cannot even put into words...I ache for them...

Joanne said...


I love your sweet heart to do this. Thank you!! I just donated to Samaritan's Purse. I'm praying for the people of Haiti and your friend, Dan.

Thanks for all the good you do and for inspiring so many people to give. We are SO blessed and we need to give back any time we can.

Happy birthday to your sweet girl!!

St. Petersburg, Florida

Anonymous said...

I donated by texting Haiti to 90999 today.

Meghan said...

My husband and I each sponsor a child through Compassion in Haiti. We of course will continue to support the community there. I am so saddened by this horrific disaster. Praying that our sweet little girl and boy are alive and safe.

Lizzie C. said...

Red Cross

Kira said...

I just donated to the red cross and my hubby will be flying to haiti tomorrow to provide disaster relief.

Justin and Kristin said...

Thank you for making it so simple, Kelly. I just donated and probably will again next week.

lauren said...

donated to the red cross and praying for the people of haiti tonight!

Life, or Something Like It said...

I gave to World Vision. Thanks Kelly. It is such a tragedy

Kristi said...

We just donated through Compassion. Praying for the people of's just so heartbreaking.

Justin and Kristin said...

Compassion. Thank you for showing me how to do it so easily.

Betsy McK said...

I sent a text to 90999 to Red Cross, thanks for letting us know such an easy way to help. I'm gonna get my hubby to do it also. My heart just breaks for all those affected in Haiti.

Devon said...

thank you for that was so easy!

i donated to the red cross....

thank you for doing this...

Lynette said...

Donated through Compassion, thank you for what you are doing!

Ashley said...

I just donated to Compassion. Thanks for making it so easy :)

Kristen said...

I donated via Red Cross text messaging.

Em said...

Wow, thanks for letting us all know how easy it could be to help out. I just donated to the Red Cross. I love your heart and how truly compassionate you are to help. You inspire me!

By the way, I've been following your blog since Harper was born, but I think this is my first comment. Love reading your blog though, and I've finally started my own:

Jonnie Honse said...

I just donated by texting to the Red Cross. Thank you for sharing that info.

R said...

I haven't donated but a really wonderful organization to donate to is Partners In Health, they came to speak at my school last year and the work they do is really inspiring, I'm pretty sure they're also doing texting as well.

Jennifer said...

I donated to Compassion. Praying for Dan and his family.

Julie said...

donated through compassion

Sarah said...

I donated to World Concern (one branch of the organization I work for). Praying for everyone in Haiti!

Jenn said...

I just donated to Haiti relief through World Vision. I think it's awesome of you and Scott to be matching donations. Please keep us updated on Dan. Love and prayers to his family.

Julie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

After reading about your Compassion trip, our family began sponsoring a boy in Haiti. Today our hearts are burdened and sad for the people of Haiti. We donated to Compassion Disaster Relief.

Stephanie said...

My heart is so broken for the people of Haiti and all else who are there serving. We will probably never experience need on a level as great as this and are so blessed with what we have. We are donating through Compassion tonight and ironically talked about picking up another Compassion child a few months ago and had decided on Haiti. There is so much need it seems overwhelming to think about, but God's love for these people is far greater than mine and that brings me peace and hope tonight.

Bethany said...

Thank you, Kelly for donating. We donated to both Compassion and the Red Cross. My heart and stomach just ache for the people there.

Cynthia Jill Photography said...

I don't post much on here, but am a regular reader and was compelled to respond to this post. Kelly, you are an inspiration! Seems like you're always giving - always putting the word out about those in need. We need more people in the world like you and your husband!

I think we all really need to rally together to get our government over there NOW to lead the relief efforts. It seems no one is in charge, therefore there's been no rescue efforts and no one receiving the supplies that have already landed there. Its amazing that Al Roker & Anderson Cooper had no problems getting there in less than 24 hours to report on this, yet all the avenues of help are unable to get there (to the people) to really make a difference. Can we all just pray that America steps up in these critical hours? Who knows how many people are still alive but trapped or injured with no chance of surviving if they don't get the help they so desperately need in possibly less than a few hours.

PS- Isn't the word "Haiti" what we're supposed to text to 90999 (the Red Cross)??

God Bless,

Ashley said...

If my husband and I were not struggling so hard financially, we would make a donation right now. We are hoping to save money and take it directly to some of our Haitian friends that we met working at Disney when we go in February. My latest post is on our Haitian friends and I mentioned the generosity of you and your husband in hopes that more people will donate and come here to comment. I hope that is ok. Every dollar counts.

Susan P. said...

My family and I just donated to Compassion. Praying for the precious people of Haiti.

Debbie said...

Just donated to Compassion via text. Thanks for letting us know about this and for your family's generosity!

Our Happy Married Life... said...

My husband and I donated to the red cross. Thank you for the inspiration. You are great!

Tiffany said...

Donated to Compassion. Will include Dan and his family specifically in our prayers for Haiti.

Traci Hallmark said...

Hello Kelly, My family just donated to Samaritan's Purse for the disaster relief in Haiti.

Meg said...

I donated through the Red Cross.

Kelly, my heart is heavy, too. My heart is so heavy for those that are already in such poor conditions to have to bear the burden of such additional devastation. Thank you for your generosity.

karen said...

Thanks Kelly, I didn't learn about the earthquake until I read about it here. I gave to Compassion. I pray that the Lord's will be done in Dan's life because His will is perfect.

KT said...

I have donated to

I worked with this organization on a mission trip last May. My fiance and his mom have gone every 2 years for the last ten years and last year was my first time. It truly saved my life. Healing Hands for Haiti is an organization dedicating to helping the physically handicapped people of Haiti. It provides rehab services and prosthesis for patients. They recently have branched out to working in community clinics and orphanages which is what we did when we went in May.

It's a fantastic organization and another place to donate for those of you that are inclined.

Rachel said...


The Graham Family said...

I just donated through the Compassion website. It was easy and fast. Thanks for setting up the link. You are so thoughtful!

Heidi said...

Red Cross! Thanks for doing this.

Kendra said...

Our adoption agency, Bethany Christian Services, has two children's orphanages in Hayti, both of which miraculously survived this devastation. They are taking donations to help their agency help other children over there who have been left without homes or family to care for them. And we also have given to the Red Cross. Because we have been given too much to not help. Thank you, Kelly, for giving to selflessly to help!

Laura said...

I just donated through Compassion. Thank you for sharing this!

Mark and Courtney said...

My family just texted a donation to the Red Cross. Thank you for letting us know how we can help.

Cara Greninger said...

Thanks for your blog and your heart for God and His people. My husband and I provide monthly support to our good friends - a couple who does ministry in Haiti. Our friend Kevin was in Haiti during the earthquake and is already distributing food and water. We are so thankful he is safe and can extend help to others.

liz said...

I gave to the Red Cross.

tksthoughts said...

My heart is just breaking! I have donated to the American Red Cross, Yele, and Compassion. I wish I could do much more, I just can't stop thinking about the beautiful people of Haiti.....

Kate in Austin said...

Hi Kelly. Your love for Compassion moved me to donate. I just donated through their website and will talk w/my husband about getting a child to contribute to monthly. Blessings.

Tabitha Dickerson said...

donated to the red cross!

Katie said...

What a wonderful thing you're doing! I just donated $10 to the Red Cross.

Summer said...

I just donated to the Red Cross. My heart just aches for all those people and families! I think it is just Awesome what you and Scott are doing by matching $1.00 for everyone who donates....

Martha said...

Thanks for the info... I donated to the Red Cross and to Compassion.

michelle ellis said...

Thank you so much for posting this. Praying for your friend and his wife.
Donated to the Red Cross.

Kelly said...

I donated through the Red Cross

Kelly @ Love Well said...

We are donating to two of our favorite Christian world relief organizations -- Food for the Hungry and Food for the Poor. Both have been intricately involved in Haiti for years. (Seeing as we also sponsor kids through World Vision and Compassion, I imagine we'll end up donating there as well. But for today, we've left it at just those top two.)

Emily said...

It's such a sad day today for the whole world as we read that this might be one of the worst disasters in history, which is heartbreaking in and of itself. Recently a dear friends sister went to Haiti for missons and returned this very weekend and my thoughts immeditaly jumped to her when news broke out. I thanked God that his hand of protection was upon them as they ministered the Gospel, knowing that God's purpose for them was far greater than they or even ourselves can comprehend at this moment. What a blessing in this time of grief. I will continue to lift up this country, and your dear friend as well, praying that God will surround everyone with love in this great time of sadness.

Sabrina said...

Just donated through Compassion. Thanks for letting us know! Praying for Dan and family!!! said...

We just donated through the red cross. Thank you for the information!! it was so easy to donate!

Meghan said...

Donated throught compassion. Thanks for putting this together. Please keep us updated on your friend.

Ashley said...

Donating text to Red Cross tonight! ;)

The Goshorn 5 said...

Donated to Compassion because of YOU. Thank you!

J said...

Just donated to Compassion's disaster relief program. Thanks for making it so easy!!! My heart too is broken for them. So sad.

Today I found out we were pregnant with baby #2, one we thought we'd probably never have. Should have been a wonderful day but the news of Haiti kept lingering it. So much sadness in the world. Glad I was able to help.

Makila said...

We donated through Compassion. Our compassion child lives in Haiti. We're waiting to hear about him. He doesn't live in Port-au-Prince but I still want to know he is okay.

Thanks Scott & Kelly!

Lisa said...

Our church has a sponsor church in Haiti that we are giving funds directly to.

Jenn E said...

Donated to Compassion tonight. Thanks, Kelly. You're an inspiration in many ways!

Anonymous said...

i just donated to both organizations!

Jessica Miller Kelley said...

I gave through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Bless you for your generosity, and I join you in praying for Dan and all those affected.

Adventures of Laura said...

Hi Kelly - We just donated to Compassion. Thank you for helping to raise awareness and for being so generous and willing to help.

Jamie B. said...

I donated to Compassion. Thanks for your generosity!

Becca said...

I just donated through the red cross (by text). Thanks for the motivation to do something I knew I needed to do!!!

Carrie said...

We donated through World Concern. This whole thing is just heartbreaking.

Katie said...

Just donated both through Compassion and Red Cross. Thank you for making it so easy for us to donate and for your contribution. Praying from ND.

Rachel said...

I texted the Red Cross, and my husband did the same.

It is CRAZY how blessed we are...

The Sweet Life said...

Thanks so much for sharing ways to help...I have felt so sad for the people of Haiti, but never even thought to help them. I am so glad to be a part of helping them to overcome this tragedy. I donated through the website provided.

Katy P. said...

Just texted the American Red Cross!
-A former RC Volunteer

Anonymous said...

My husband and I just donated to the Compassion fund. I visited Haiti 12 years ago for a Young Life work trip and I am worried about the children I met there. I know they are probably grown now but it is so scary. Please pray!

Michelle said...

We just donated to the Red Cross and Compassion through text! Thanks for letting us know about this option.

Pam said...

My husband went to Haiti in 1991 on a mission trip. He talked so much about the extreme poverty and their need of the Lord. We gave a donation through Compassion. Thank you for providing the link.

Keeley Graves said...

Thank you for your suggestion, I donated to Compassion in honor of my girls, Ava and Sylvie.

mudflapmomma said...

I donated to the above- they give away water filters in the Dominican Republic and Haiti and are already there.

Clean waster is crucial

kellimoss said...

Just donated to Compassion...

David and Melody said...

Donated via text...thanks for doing this! Praying for Dan and his family. Keep us updated on that!

Sara said...

My husband and I are donating to American Red Cross and Compassion. I posted the link on my website as well.

May God Bless Them...

Heather said...

Donated to both....thanks so much for letting us know how. Praying for the people of Haiti tonight, esp. the mothers and children. So heartbreaking.

mudflapmomma said...

I donated to Filterpure. They make water filters for families and give them away in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Keeping Up With Kaegan said...

I donated to the Red Cross earlier today. You and Scott are true blessings. Thank you so much for your passion.

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