We had Bible Study this morning and when I went to pick up Harper afterwards - she wasn't in the nursery. She had moved on up to the big kids room! I think she was really happy in there! I know most moms probably get sad as their kids move up.......but I'm actually excited. I love watching her grow and change and I think it's so fun to experience each stage! They told me they just had to watch her and Sarah Kate because SK was Loving on her especially hard! :-)
She was reading this book that makes sounds this afternoon. She loves this!
She wouldn't wear her bow - so I put it on Dawson hoping it would encourage her. ha! I don't think he was too thrilled. He got it off himself faster than she gets it off her head.
I am learning so much in my Bible Study ("Lord Change My Attitude") - Boy do I have a lot to work on. After learning about not complaining and not grumbling........Laurie and I and a friend Karen went to lunch at Chili's. We were SOOOOOOO sad because they have changed the menu and the changes are NOT GOOD. Chili's has been one of my favorite restuarants for the last probably 20 years. But the one thing I have always ordered - chicken quesadillas is gone. They have jalepeno or bacon ranch quesadillas but not the normal kind. They also don't have normal dinner salads or baked potatos anymore. And they changed the chicken tacos to something weird. Basically everything the 3 of us wanted to order was changed. Good thing they still had chips and salsa or we might have bolted for the door. (If anyone from Chili's reads this - I REALLY hope you go back to what made you great!)
We had four girls between us: 1, almost 2, 3 and 4 and they all had big pink bows in their hair. I should have taken their picture but again they were 1,2,3 & 4. ha! Good luck getting a picture of that. We were lucky to just get to eat lunch. ha!About once a month for the last few months - I've gotten some kind of crazy eye infection. I had it when we went to El Salvador. My eyes get completely red. I look like someone that Dog the Bounty Hunter just arrested and put in his suburban. Harper and I went for a little outing today and my eyes were killing me so I bought some cheap sunglasses at T J Maxx. Harper helped me pick them out. I would try them on and she would smile real big when she liked them or look serious if she didn't. It was so much fun!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago