So I thought I would share a few sneak previews of Harper's birthday. I realize by now you might be sick of hearing about her party. I just can't help it - I'm so excited. Maybe it's because I longed for a child for so long. I realize she is one and has no idea it's even her birthday. I realize I may be going overboard.
But the thing is - last year when she was still so critical and was on 100% oxygen and in a coma and we weren't able to hold her or hardly touch her .......we would sit in the waiting room with our families and try to talk positive and imagine what she would be like a year from then. We talked often of her first birthday party and how much fun it would be and how we just knew she would be a healthy and fun girl by then. (I had no idea JUST how healthy and fun she WOULD be!)
I held on to hope by imagining her party so I couldn't let it go without planning all the fun details and inviting lots of friends and family to celebrate with us. And since I can't invite all of you - I just want you to share in this very happy day with us!
This is her invitation. I think it turned out so cute!!! I had this blogger do her invitation for us and I LOVE it! We had to change the time of her party after we sent it out because I found out another friend was having a party at the exact same time and most of the same people were invited. And another friend moved her little boy's party to the next week because there were already two this day! ha! I have a lot of friends with January babies and I told them we were going to have to sit down next December and decide when all the parties would be so we don't conflict. ha!

Tonight I made tissue paper flowers to hang in the dining room where the main food table will be. I know I'm decorating 10 days out but I don't want to stress at the last minute so I'm taking my time. Here are instructions for these - they are Easy!
I have a lot more things planned so I'll be sharing pictures either in the next week or after the party. I'm having so much fun putting this all together and planning the menu. I ordered the cake and Harper's cake today and I can't wait to see them. I really can't wait to watch Harper eat her cake.

I made a banner for our mantle. I think I'm going to put picture frames with her pictures in them resting on the mantle. More pictures to follow!

A close up. It's hard to see the colors in this picture but I think it turned out cute!
I got everything at Hobby Lobby - I just cut pink card stock into rectangles. Then I got 3 different kinds of scrapbooking papers. I used scissors with ruffled edges to cut rectangles out of those - I glued them onto the card stock. I found letters out of chipboard in pink, green and brown and hot glued them on. Punched holes and hung on coordinating ribbon. Super easy!

I'm just so full of joy and thankfulness as I think back on this past year and see how much God has blessed us. I keep thinking of this time last year as I was getting so close to having her and then the days that followed. I never imagined just how much I would love my baby. I am SO blessed!
How did you make her banner, where did you get your supplies? My baby girl's birthday is this month also and I would like to make her one, but I don't have a creative bone in my body! Help!
It is all so wonderful Kelly! How fun for you all and for Harper! Yes, continue to show us and take pictures and share. It is a blessing to see how it is coming together.
Do you have a Cricut? I thought maybe you did the letters with one, but then you mentioned the chipboard letters. I did themed parties for my children too - and homemade Halloween costumes ~ children are gifts from the Lord and should be celebrated! =]
Having little ones is great!! Totally don't think your going over board with the birthday. It's your baby girls 1st birthday your supposed to go over the top :)
I have a 7yr old and a 14mth old and after 7 years I still go over the top and stress and plan the parties. I just love it all. So enjoy this and every other birthday she has!!
You are so fun! And so organized. My little one's bday is the 14th and I still don't know what we'll be doing or even who all will be invited!!!
Kelly, I LOVE the did a great job! And her invitation is adorable!
You are so creative!! Have a great time, they only the 1st birthday once!!!
By all means, decorate ahead!!
The 1st birthday party is just the sweetest!!
Keep on having fun!
I ♥ you, Kelly! You are JUST like me. My little girl will be one on January 20th, and we are celebrating on the 30th. It is 12:45AM, and I am still awake just GOOGLING everything I can for more ideas.
I finally decided on an outfit, and I am praying that Ashley (same girl who did Harper's) can make it for me. I emailed her earlier.
My invitations will be here this week, and I am pretty sure that I have decided to cook. I have two boys - 7 and 2 - and we always had their birthdays catered. This time, it's all on me. I am SO excited for everyone to be able to see our little angel on her special day. (Typing all of this is helping me remember what I still lack!)
I can't wait to see all of your other ideas. I love me some Harper!!! :)
Oh enjoy every minute of the planning! I remeber this time last year, not being able to wait for your next update on Harper's progress! What a beautiful little girl she has turned out! Her face brings a smile to my face - she is precious! Looking forward to photo's of this special day! Sending hugs from South Africa!
Very cute! You're a great DIYer! Keep the pictures coming!
your creative!!!
very cute banner and invite!!!
You enjoy yourself mama! Every single moment, milk for all the joy and fun you can - the planning, the anticipation, the event, and the aftermath and recuperation (in a good way!) You are celebrating one of God's most AMAZING gifts to you! I think He's looking down from above and enjoying it right along with you! He's probably even asked the angels if they heard about Harper's party yet! ;)
Thank you for linking to my tutorial : ) I am so in LOVE with your birthday decor and colors! I can't wait to see more birthday photos.
Ok Kelly this is just to crazy! Our girls are close in age my Adlie turned 1 on the 27th of December! She and Harper had the same Christmas jammies and now they are having their first birthday parties on the same day! Oh how fun this last year has been!
I am also working on a banner like that for our fire place!
my last 4 babies were in NICU when they were born, touch and go for months, I see their birthdays the same way, it's such a blessing and a major event, thinking of what almost wasn't that i want to celebrate it as much as i can ;)
Awww, happy (almost) birthday to your little sweet pea - what a blessing her life is!
i love having photos at a birthday party!
when my first child was turning one, i bought a set of 12-14 4x6 silver frames, and at each of my childrens' (we have three now) parties, i set out favorite photos of the birthday child from their last year. and we don't do home birthday parties--i lug the frames to wherever we're doing the party and use them as centerpieces. and they make great conversation pieces, too!
after the party, the grandmothers and aunts, etc. always have fun choosing the photos they want to snag out of the frames to take home with them!
then later, i have another set of the "birthday photos" printed so i can put them in their scrapbooks.
i love, love, love children's birthday parties! my son turns one in may, and i'm already working on his! ha! i need something to keep me busy after the Christmas let-down. hee hee!
I love the mantel decorations.......they are so adorable!!! Go overboard all you are her mommy & you are aloud to be excited about this & every birthday in her bright future!!
Adorable decorations! I really like the banner. It could even be an annual tradition.
We used to make those flowers in church when I was little...for Mother's Day. We used pink boxed tissues and pipe cleaners. When they were done, the teacher would spritz them with a little rose-scented perfume. I've never tried it with tissue paper, but they look so festive!
I think you have ALL the RIGHTS in the world to be going overboard with her bday party. After all, we can call her your miracle baby.
Thanks for your sweet comment and prayers on my blog (situation). I am trying really hard to keep my faith and you sure are one of my inspirations.
Happy Birthday Miss Harper... I love the banner..way to go mom..
Don't ever apologize for your feelings...I think it's your blog and you can "talk" about whatever you want!! :) I think 1st birthdays are SO FUN, and really in a lot of ways, a celebration for the parents of making it through the 1st hard year of adjustments and learning how to be a parents. My niece had a big time 1st birthday and it was great...I'm so glad I was able to go from TX to OH to be there to share in that special time.
How much more special for you since you struggled with infertility and then Harper's scary beginning. I am still holding out hope (against hope) that some day I'll be able to celebrate my baby girl's first birthday...but first I need a husband and then money to adopt a baby since I had a hyst @ 27 yrs old. God is able, but as time passes, it seems less and less likely.
Oh well, this is not about me. The deco's look AWESOME!!! I love the mantle banner and paper flowers. Looks on Harper's face on prior posts are great--she looks like such a little ham and I'm so happy for you...really. Her hair is getting longer and I'm certain you're excited about the hair accessory possibilities! :)
Congratulations on all the fun you're having with your baby--never feel bad for that or apologize--it's your blog and as you said, it's for you and your you go, girl! :) (and, don't you think Harper's 'brother' should have his own special cake??? Just a thought! Ha. :))
Have a great week. :0)
Awesome banner and invite. What a great mom you are! You can be as excited as you want for Harper's party... you deserve to be!!!
Harper's party will be wonderful. And sure she's only one and has no clue what's going on, but she only turns one once! :) When my daughter was in the NICU for 3 months we were an ocean away from all family. The thing that kept me going in the worst days was envisioning that joyful reunion at the airport when I introduced my family to my daughter. We flew on Christmas Day- the best Christmas present EVER for all. I get it Kelly- you've waited a long time and this was your happy and hopeful vision for the future that brought you through. Go for it! She'll love the pictures and hearing about it when she's older. And how smart of you to do a little at a time so you aren't so stressed on the big day. Happy Birthday Harper!
The birthday banner is soooo pretty and it is a good thing to decorate early. You won't be rushed and you will be able to enjoy every aspect of planning the party!
It is an honor to share in Harper's 1st birthday! I just praise God for healing her and she is such a beautiful girl!
This is bringing back memories of my son's 1st birthdays...oh what fun it is to plan and enjoy the day. :)
Hi Kelly, Great job being on top of things with the party! When I was looking at your pics and how crafty you are, and I got to the tissue paper flower part, I really thought those were SHOWER PUFFS! Too funny! :)
What fun! 1st birthday parties are the best & you are smart to get ready early. We take a monthly chair photo on the 21st (my girls' birthday). I put those photos in frames on our mantle & it was fun to see how much they have grown. I know you have a photo each month that you could do this with! : ) the guests really liked looking at them too.
I love your banner too! The party I'm sure will be SO cute and SO fun - hopefully it will warm up just a bit!!
I say you go ahead and plan ANY kind of party you want. After seeing your baby struggle like that right after she was born, you and she deserves it!
Enjoy your party and your miracle!
I still remember all of those posts after she was born - and crying and on my knees praying for all of you whom I had never met. Harper is a miracle and celebrating her first birthday is something to be really celebrated! God is good! All of the decorations you've done so far are awesome - you are so creative!
Love the banner and tissue flowers, Kelly! Looks like such lovely decor!
I celebrate our children's birthdays BIG time - its their day, it was a joyous and blessed day and I love to celebrate it. I always do cake and dinner at home with family on the actual birth day and then a party with their little friends on a separate date. Funny though, I have done everything from big place rentals to a small group at home with a bounce/jump house and the one our oldest loved the most was the simple one at home :)
I am not sick of the birthday posts at all! It's your blog and if you want to post 100 birthday posts of course you should. We love birthdays and we celebrate living another year (sometimes about 3 or 4 times)! When M was born, the average median age for kids with CF was 31 (now it's 37), I can't wait for her 31st birthday - it's going to be fantastic...maybe I should start planning now :).
I'm so glad that you are sharing all of the details! You have some amazing ideas! I also want to encourage you to CELEBRATE! I think as believers we should celebrate life at every opportunity unashamedly! Just my two cents! =)
Happy 1st Birthday, Harper!
One year! God is so good. I remember keeping your site pulled up so that I could see the latest update on our sweet Harper. Thank you so much for posting these pictures. Makes me feel like I'm there with you decorating.
Seriously! Are you and I on the same wave length or what?!!? I am in the middle of planning my youngest daugthers (not my youngest child) 5th birthday party and in our house it is a big one. I am making a banner and the pom pom things -- not unlike yours =).
Except we are having a Pink Pirate Party and the colors are Hot pink and black with some zebra print added in of course!
Don't forget my giveaway --
Happy Birthday Harper!!!!
in HIM -
You probably don't need any more birthday party ideas, but I'm sharing anyway :) I always feel the need to have some kind of activity for the adult guests to do. It's no fun if all the games or activities are for kids only. The best grown-up games I ever did for 1st birthdays are these:
1. Place 12 photos of the birthday kid around the room - 1 from each month of his/her life. Mark them A through L so each one can be easily identified, but in random order. Then, as guests mill around and talk and eat, give them a piece of paper and small pencil and ask them to put them in chronological order. The first few months will be easy, but it is often very hard to tell the 7 month photo from the 9 month photo. Whoever gets them all right or gets the closest wins.
2. This one also involves photos... Pick 5-10 very funny photos of Harper from her first year -- the ones when she is making the craziest face, or doing the funniest thing. You can also include other family members in these, like one when Grandpa is throwing her in the air or something. Enlarge them to at least 8x10 size so they are big. Then, put out stickers cut in the shape of "word bubbles" with pens. Ask people to write a caption for the photo, something funny that Harper might be saying or thinking in that photo, and then stick the word bubble on the photo. We got some of the funniest responses to this game, and everyone loved walking around and seeing the photos and the captions that others had written and stuck on them. This made a great keepsake, too, as I took down the photos after the party and kept them for my kids. My 8 year old loves to see the funny things her family wrote on her pictures at her 1st birthday party.
Hope Harper's party is special and magnificent.
I love it so far. I'm taking notes since we're getting our first girl in 3 short weeks. Oh the excitement!! I've always gone overboard on my son's parties, and he's only 4. We've hung those sparkly twisty things from light fixtures before. Not sure of the actual name, but you can find them in the garden section of JoAnn's. That's a great section to look in for fun colored things perfect for kid's parties. Can't wait to see more :)
I have chills reading sweet!I never knew about your blog before, so I don't know Harpers story, but I know you must feel so blessed!
I just LOVE the banner... what a great idea! I think you may have inspired me to make one. HA! We also had a baby that spent his first weeks on oxygen in the NICU and I so get it. Her 1st birthday is something big to celebrate and to praise God for. Happy 1st birthday Harper!
I LOVE THE BANNER! It looks just like the ones in Pottery Barn! Thanks for the tip on how to make them :0)
I enjoy reading of Harper's B-day and all the excitement you have for her and the big day! I too have a miracle baby and she is 3! We celebrate real big each year.... I understand exactly how you feel!
Summer :0)
I love that banner! My fiance is turning 40 (eek!) in 2 weeks, and he doesn't want to do anything for it....but I'd love to do this banner and hang it up in his den ("guy colors" of course...which is probably, like, cammo colors)!
Love it!! I say blow it out! You made it through the first year and your little girl is fabulous!! Hope you guys have the best time. I love the tissue paper flowers-can't wait to find an occasion to make some.
I love the banner!! you did a great job!
I adore that banner. I'm definitely heading to hobby lobby next week to make one for my baby's birthday!
There's no way you are going overboard. You do what makes you feel right and what makes Harper happy!
I love the banner and flowers! It looks great and you are so awesome for planning in advance--I can never seem to!
Birthdays are meant for celebrating and being special! You are not overboard:-)
everything is precious... Can't wait for more pics!
Happy Birthday, Harper!
Thank you for posting the paper flower link, I am going to make some for my sister's baby shower this spring! :)
Thanks for the reminder that a birthday party is not work but a celebration of my child's life. It's easy to forget after you've done so many but I never want to forget what a blessing each life is that God has blessed me with! Every day is a gift and I so want to spend this year being thankful for each day and focusng on my gratitude! Thanks agin!
Please keep sharing! We are all thankful for little Harper :).
love the decorations so far...especially the banner! it is so weird to see her without a bow in her yesterday's pic she almost didn't look like herself...I think the bow is her signature look :o)
Kelly, I'm so glad you are sharing. I LOVE all the ideas so far. My sweet Kennedy turns 1 in April and I am trying to get lots of ideas. Oh and I know how you feel with the birthday date dilemma only I am competing with the Kentucky Derby!!! We are from Kentucky and Kennedy was born Derby weekend and most people are in Louisville for the races or are planning derby parties....sheesh... I will have to focus on the weekend either before or after. Anyways... I'm so excited to see more! So happy that Harper is happy and healthy. What a blessing!
Kelly, Have you not ever heard of the Birthday Week! My mom always did decorations for our birthdays for the week prior to. That way it made it super special so rock those decorations for 10 days!
That is awesome! It will be a wonderful party!
Kelly enjoy these days they go by so quickly. I have an 11 and a 16 year old. It seem like just yesterday we were celebrating 1st birthday. Thanks for sharing. Great photos.
I LOVE those invitations, so cute! Everything is going to be so perfect!
Looks amazing Kelly! I went all out for my first's 1st birthday, too. It was more for the adults than the kids, but I know they had fun, too! For my second little one (January 11th birthday), we're just doing a small party at home with family and cake and ice cream. Even though it's simple, I'd better get started on it! Thanks for the inspiration!
love the decor! It's adorable and the invitation is precious too, especially with her beautiful little face on it :)
Enjoy her first bday, you will look back and enjoy all of these memories!
Kelly - I love all of your ideas. And I do not think you are crazy or going overboard. My daughter isn't even born yet, and I am already thinking of ideas for her first and second birthday parties. :-)
I love it, and we have definitely NOT heard too much about the birthday. Keep it coming!
My daughter's first birthday is the 28th, and her party is the 30th, and I'm planning to start decorating for it as soon as I take the Christmas decorations down! I can't wait!
(if anyone doesn't get enough of a b-day decor fix here, please pop over to my blog throughout January!)
Everything looks great. Harper is going to have a wonderful first birthday... can't wait to see more pictures. Happy Day!
I love the banner! It is very creative and turned out so cute! It looks very professional. :)
I can't believe she's almost one! I will so be thinking of her and you on that special day. What a wonderful year this has been! I could just tear up thinking about God's miracle in her birth and those awful few weeks that followed! Happy Birthday Harper!
SO PRECIOUS!!! Love it...she is going to LOVE her birthday party! You are such an amazing Mama, Kelly!
Hi Kelly,
I really enjoy your blog so much. Thanks for sharing. I did my youngest daughter's first birthday at home too (last year). Home parties are so nice. I just wish I had a little more room. :-P I made a first year album through the website for people to look through and I left this pretty paper out for people to write a sweet sentiment to our girl. I would then add it to the album. Enjoy your planning! Can't wait to hear the menu -- that one is always so tough for me.
you are right on! its a celebration of her being alive and well AND such a cutie!!!
Party on! As long as she doesn't get a BMW for her 16th birthday... i don't think you're going overboard at all!! :D
Happy Birthday to Harper!
LOVE your decorations....great idea!!!
Yu never forget their first Birthday, so go all out!!!!!!!
As a mother of a three year old son that went to be with our Lord over sixteen years ago I just wanted to tell you to never, ever apologize for celebrating every single thing you experience with Harper...especially the Oreo moments! She is precious in His sight and you are too!
You are such a blessing and I have followed your blog since she was born and have continued to pray for you and your precious family.
My 25 year old daughter is getting ready to have her second child in about 4 weeks, a little girl, (she has a little boy that just turned two) and I promise you that as with her son, we will celebrate and cherish EVERYTHING because we know firsthand just how brief life here really is.
God bless you and thank you for sharing your life and your family with us!
In Christ,
Teresa Allen
Darling...the banner is precious! The first birthday is one that you will remember always...enjoy!
I think everything is pulling together so very nicely, Kelly! You're doing a fabulous job and you can blog about it as much as you want!!
My oldest has MANY close friends with birthdays just days apart. For those early years, since the mommas are great friends too, we hosted large parties for all the kids. The first one at 3 was a giant carnival for 6 birthday kids. It was amazing! The following year 4 of the kids had a Wild West party, that was too too fun! Now at 8 there are some combo parties, but mostly we just check with each other a few months in advance and start talking dates.
Enjoy your baby girls day, so special!
Fab job on the banner!! And you are so smart to get ahead of the game as much as possible so you don't stress yourself out and can enjoy the moments as they come...because they come quickly! :) Enjoy! Can't wait to see more!
I am the same way with my kids parties! You have to start early when you have a bunch of crafty projects. My husband just loves how we can't touch anything in the house for a week before a birthday party. ; ) Can't wait to see all of the pictures!
I'm a firm believer in big birthdays! Especially big first birthdays! :) We just had Annabelle's party in December and it was so much fun! Our theme was "One Sweet Year" and we did lots of candy and lollipops and sweets... even during the Christmas season and everything else that was going on, we still had about 70 people here to celebrate! Everything you have done so far looks awesome! Love it! Cant wait to see her cake and the rest of the party pics!
Love everything so far!! Soooo cute! I just put the pom pom link on my favorites for my son's 2nd birthday (in September!) I've seen them before, but have never seen a tutorial...thanks for sharing! I too went overboard with planning my son's 1st birthday, but it meant a lot to ME. I wanted it for my memories (and pictures for him when he's older) all of our guests had a great time and I had so much fun planning!
Her birthday is going to be so cute...I love the banner you made! I am already getting good ideas for my little one! :)
Never feel bad at all about celebrating someone's birth! Besides, I love reading about parties of any kind, and I suspect many other people do, too. There's a site I love that features a different party every day and I just adore it:
(I'm not affiliated with them in any way; I'm just a fan!)
I also think you're BRILLIANT for planning ahead with the decorating! I have GOT to remember that. ;)
I have read your blog for sometime but this is my first comment. My niece was born 2 months before your Harper. She was 9 lbs and also spend about 10 days in ICU for under developed lungs.She is absolutely fine now. My sister in law and brother had a BIG open house for her first birthday. And like them, I believe you just want to celebrate and be thankful for what the Lord has done. It is less about the fact she is turning one, and all about the fact that the Lord healed her and she is turning one. Does that make any sense? I don't think anyone who has not been through those types of terrifying can completely understand. But all moms want a memorable first birthday for their children. I am sure Harper's will be filled with joy laughter and fun!
The banner you made for overyour fireplace is SO cute! I love it! Can't wait to see the rest of what you have done for Harper's big day!
Love the banner! My crafty sister made me a darling one out of cloth that I can use for all our birthdays. Got it out for our little one's 4th b-day yesterday!
So cute! I am knee deep in birthday party prep for Jan 24. It is our first non-family party and I am really excited! I made soap with embedded dinosaur toys for little gifts for all the kids. I plan to make a bean bag toss and we will dig for dinosaurs.
I hope we have as much fun as your party looks like it will be!
Love it! Can't wait to see all her birthday pics! Love the banner, I will have to do one of those next April!!
Precious flowers and banner Kelly!
You are a blessed family! :)
I love your banner! I am so happy for you!!! Harper is so special and I don't blame you one bit for wanting this special day to celebrate!
Kelly!! I read your blog everyday and I only usually comment when there's a giveaway... But I couldn't help but share this easy and super cute banner idea with you. I do this for all my kids birthdays and I always get compliments. Find your favorite pictures of Harper from the year (try to find 12, one from each month and all the same orientation (long vs sideways)). Get them printed in size 4x6. Just like you did for the word banner, punch holes in the top of the pictures at the corners and string ribbon through. You will have the most adorable photo banner that starts with a newborn on one side and you can literally watch her GROW and be a 1 year old on the right side. After the party I usually keep it up in the child's room so they can look at themselves (kids love this) for a while then I fold it up and put it in a keepsake box. .. Simple, easy, super cute, and a great way to display those fun photos. .... ... You heard it here first! :) Leslie from California.
There is NOTHING wrong with being excited over her party! I was excited every single time I planned a party. Now I am excited as a Nonny! The joy of a child is undescribable. No need to apologize!! Happy early birthday Harper!
Harper is going to have the cutest party! Love the come and go idea. I am right there with you on being so thankful for my sweet baby that I just couldn't help but go a little overboard with her party. I posted pics here if you wanna check out her sweet shoppe party: Can't wait to see more pics from Harper's party!
I am with you, and I think going all out or over board is perfect! our kids are gifs from God and deserve all we can do for them and the big celebrations too. Our stories aren't the same, as I adopted my girls. But after years of wanting nothing more than to be a mommy, and thinking it wouldn't happen, and the adoption roller coaster, we went all out for her first too! It was beyond wild! But I wouldn't trade it for anything! And I think everything you are doing is beyond beautiful and awesome! So enjoy and continue to share wtih us all!
I love the banner and it certainly doesn't LOOK easy ;) I just know her party is really going to be something special, because you have such a special little girl!
Very cute theme!!! I totally understand about going all out and starting DD B-Day is in Feb.(turning 3)and if I don't start thinking about it around Sept. or Oct. I am in trouble. With Halloween, Thansgiving, Christmas, New Years (which we go all out on and usually host),and several B-day's in Jan.including my twin sister and mine. Also,I usually make her invitations, which usually consists of around 30-35 and that is just immediate family and close friends, and her I have to start early or they wouldn't get done!
As far as going all out on 1st B-Day everyone told me I was doing to much and she wouldn't remember it but she is only 1 once and we waited a long time to have a 1st I say do whatever you want!!!
(Sorry for the, but I hope Harper has a GREAT 1st B-Day and make sure you take the time to enjoy it also!!!)
Kelly, I think every first time mommy goes over board with the first birthday... I sure did! AND I think there is NOTHING wrong with that! :)And I love that you are sharing the party planning with us. I hope you do a big ole post with lots and lots of pictures of the party! haha! That banner is the cutest thing! I may have to steal the idea! :)
I love the banner and the flowers! I am going to have to steal the flower idea for an event I'm doing in March-they are just so cute! I think it's so cute how much fun you're having planning Harper's birthday-it looks great so far! :-)
I love seeing all the pics and ideas!!! Keep them coming!
Kelly- after Harper's love affair with the Oreos a few days ago, I think you should totally consider doing a cake smash photo shoot. I have seen some on photography blogs and they are adorable. Here's a blog I follow with some: I'm sure you and Scott could shoot it yourselves!
aww kelly it looks great! She is going to love it and she will love looking back on all these pictures when she is older!
The decorations are great... and it's gonna be so fun dropping in from my warm living room!!
So cute! You are an amazing have much to celebrate. Have fun!
You may not see this but if you do can you tell me what your 'no gifts please, see attached letter' was refering too? It may be private so I understand if responding isn't best. I have been looking for ideas and just curious. I also am 'stealing' your signage idea, LOVE IT! My son, also a NICU baby (CPAP issues), will be one in a few weeks and I tooo am so thrilled to celebrate his LIFE!
Hey Kelly-
**LOVE** the birthday banner- and don't feel bashful about celebrating your little love; she's well worth it and you have lots to celebrate!
Harper's party is going to be PERFECT! It sounds like it will be one of the best 1st birthday parties! I LOVE that you are decorating early! That just means you get to celebrate all week instead of just her birthday and party day!!
Looking good!
I love it! I can't wait to see what else you have planned. I'll be planning an April Bday for my little one yr. old too. I can't wait to get started on it. It is so much fun :)
Looks GREAT Kelly! I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve. The banner turned out really cute.
My cousin did her wedding in the same colors and had a large vase filled with chocolate Whoppers and strawberry Whoppers layered in it. It was really cute! Just an idea.
Don't worry about going overboard. We all do it. 1st birthdays are really for the parents anyway! HAVE FUN and go ALL OUT!
You are not going overboard. Your daughter is a walking blessing/miracle so you have every right to celebrate her birthday and every single day of her life if you please.
I so love the banner and starting early with the decorations was a smart idea.
I love your party post! Everything is looking great, and I'm getting some inspiration to start planning for my twin girls, who will be one in April.
I LOVE your idea of a donation rather than gifts, and we have decided to do the same thing to benefit our local NICU. I was glad to see how you worded the invitation, and I'd be very interested to see an excerpt of your letter when you share more about the party!
If you are anything like me then this won't be the only bday party you will be going all out for!! It's just way too much fun and they only have a birthday once a year so there is no harm having some with it. They will be amazing memories when she is grown:) I love the banner!!
Cute decorations! I can't wait for more posts on her birthday!
My daughter is turning 9 on the 21st and we are having her party on the 16th also. We are "kidnapping" 4 of her friends in the morning and bringing them to our house for breakfast. We are doing the party in orange and pink (her favorite colors). I am SOOO going to make those tissue paper balls and hang them in the dining room!! looks like it's going to be a beautiful party. Can't wait to see pictures of the cakes.
Oh my goodness Harper is going to have the best Birthday party EVER! :)
Love all that you have done! Invitations are so Sweet! Love it!
I can't wait to see what else you have creatively come up with! We will be celebrating our daughter's first birthday toward the end of February. I get so giddy just thinking about her party:) Have a blast! Can I ask what you are doing in lieu of gifts?
Kelly, isn't Tricia the sweetest person to work with? She did the design for my blog and was so great. Can't wait to see the party pictures. Harper is so sweet and so blessed to have parents who treasure her the way you do.
i'm about to be snowed in too! i'm gonna work on a few project too...a perfect way to pass the time! i love the flowers, i'm gonna have to try these.
i'm so happy for you and your family, what a great celebration of faithfulness!
You have been very blessed (Harper too - to have such an Amazing Mommy). I love all of your decorations!
Sweet Kelly,
The decorations are beautiful! I can't wait to see more!
I don't think it is possible to go overboard on your babies birthday! It's worth making a big deal out of God blessing our lives with little miracles.
I, too, had a hard time conceiving. With IVF, I finally had my little miracle girl ! Her FIRST birthday wasn't just about celebrating her birthday, but about reminding people that God hears prayer!
May your little Harper's day be filled with love, happiness, cake, and lots of PINK!
Your sister in Christ,
Sarah (Ella's mom)
Hi Kelly, My name is Amy. Just wanted to say i really enjoy following your blog. I have a 6 month old boy and its so fun to see what i've got to look forward to. I'm a stay at home Mum and it gives me a little something to read while its nap time. Hope you guys enjoy Harpers 1st.
My baby girl turned 1 in November. Your little one may not remember her party or understand what's going on, but she'll be able to enjoy the pictures when she's older. The invitations are so cute!
I LOVE all the party prep, everything is super cute. And just give into the desires! I went totally overboard on my daughters 1st birthday and let me tell you...she is 7 now and all 6 birthdays following her 1st have been just as much of a big deal! I can't help myself, it's so fun to make the big day into a fantastic party! Her birthday is in June and she is still talking about her party! We don't usually spend a ton of money but focusing on all the details is so fun as a Mom & it pays off when you see their smiles! Harper is one blessed little girl to have such great parents and family that loves her! I can't wait to see all the party pictures!
Love the banner! Now picture ...I wanna see a close up of the stuff on the table behind the couch :-) I'm eyeballing the feathers ...reminds me of your tree topper ...which I loved!
I gave you an award over at my blog!! And how on earth did you ever get more than 6000 followers!
Go all out, sister!! You have a lot to celebrate!
My son's 2nd birthday party is on the 16th, too!! What a fun day!!
I love the birthday banner! Since Harper usually has the cutest bows, I think you should make big bows to hang on the ends of each row (where the string attaches to the mantle) It would look super girly and cutesy! Cant wait to see party pictures!
Hi Kelly!! This is my first time commenting on your blog, but I've been a fan of your blog for quite some time. I think it is fabulous to make such a big deal about Harper's first birthday... I think going all out is the only way to go !!!!
Hope you are having a fantastic day!!
Cheers! From Kelli in Vermont!!
I love the adorable banner and the flowers!!! I think for the pictures on the mantle you should put her monthly pictures. Or maybe the first one could be the one of her in the NICU and then from her first month to 12 months. Maybe for the 12 month picture, you could take it of her in her little birthday outfit on her actual birthday.
I still cannot believe she is ONE! She has come a long way and is still as adorable as ever!!
Thanks for linking up to my was such an honor to do Harper's birthday invites!! And the decor is SO cute Kelly. I want to make those tissue flowers and hang them in the apartment...just cause.
She is going to have a wonderful party! We went all out for Kate's party too! After all, you are celebrating not only her 1st birthday but also the anniversary of the end of your successful pregnancy, the celebration of her overcoming some issues at birth (we are too familiar with NICU and children's hospitals), and the miracle of her life.
We sent thank you notes and cupcakes to the hospital staff that helped us at Kate's birth on her 1st birthday. We know that to them, it was just their job, but to us...they changed our lives, they are unforgettable.
Another fun idea that we were given that we now treasure is to buy a large picture frame with a matte around it. Put a cute picture in it for the party and leave the glass out of the frame. Have everyone that comes to the party sign it, and you can even let the little ones that come make a few color marks. After the party, replace the picture with a good one from the party (we did the cake covered face picture), put the glass back in the frame, and you have a sweet keepsake!
You are such a big fan of WalMart but have you seen this?
Perhaps you should contact WalMart and ask them to donate all these clothes to Compassion (or better yet, a US-based charity helping American kids) rather than destroying the brand new, unwanted clothing!
Girl, enjoy that party to the fullest!! Invite everybody that you want and takes LOTS of pictures!!!
This is going to be the party of the decade :) Love all the details!
I'm doing a giveaway you may be interested in. stop by in you have a second.
Pls. DO NOT apologize. Everyone knows that the 1st birthday party is for the parents, not the child (ha). Even those of us who do not have a miracle baby went all out and got a little crazy for #1. That is the pure joy of being a mommy, especially with your first- born. My "baby" is now 10 and I remember that first party like it was yesterday (we had pony rides for goodness sake). This year she had a skating party and donated everything to a children's hospital - so there will be time for other things. HAVE FUN at your party. So many of us are celebrating Harper with you ;)
oh I love it all. the banner is adorable!!! cant wait to see all the pictures and hear all the details!!
after she chowed down on that cookie she will be in heaven for that cake!
Kelly we all rejoice with you that Harper is a healthy and happy one year old now. She is a beautiful little girl and you are a wonderful mommy.
You have every right to celebrate the first birthday of your sweet little girl in any way that you want to.
I know that it will be such fun and that your decorations will be very creative. The things you showed us so far are great!
I have enjoyed reading your blog this past year, and I look forward to following Harper's second year too.
The Lord is good! I thank Him for hearing all of our prayers for Harper.
Love you,
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
I have so much joy for you!!! You plan, decorate and celebrate away girl! I pray the day will be a wonderful celebration of a sweet and precious life! Many blessings to everyone, and congrats on 1 year of parenthood -- it's the best!
Kim (in Michigan)
I love the banner...and Lindsay from CA, I love the picture idea. My girls are 10 and 14 and I always have huge parties for them. I could do a picture from every party. Kelly, I love the paper flower idea from the lights too. I think I'm going to swipe these ideas!
Everything looks BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for telling us how you made the banner - I want to make a similar one for my littlest girl! :)
You did a great job on the banner! I LOVE it!! I all of the sudden want to go buy some tissue paper and make flowers!ha! Harper's 1st birthday is going to be awesome, and I can't wait to see more pics!
WOW I love the banner. You are talented. It is so nice.
You could open a business. hah
Great job . . . Enjoy each moment, she is only ONE once. !
Oh, I love hearing about all the details! The banner is great!
That banner is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E! You should sell those on Etsy! Makes me wish I had a little girl!!! Tomorrow is my son's second birthday and I feel like a total slacker now!
Hey Kelly-
Love Harpers birthday banner!!! She is such a lucky girl!! Also, the tissue paper flowers take me back to my highschool days when I made every color possible to decorate our Jaybettes float for Homecoming!! LOVE the pics and videos of Harper in the pantry!! I'd double fist oreos too!! Hope yall are well, and wish we were getting just a little of the snow yall have!! Congrats to your friends on the new baby girl, and good luck with the brthday prep!! Harper has a good bday..same as my bestfriends!!
Allison :)
You bless me with your birthday enthusiasm!
Oh everything is soo cute!! The invitations are adorable! I am so behind, but God is incredible! Makes me tear up just thinking about everything you guys and sweet little Harper went through! We still remember when our BabyBoy was in the NICU with so many tubes coming out of everywhere, a surgery later, and he is an amazing little 2 1/2 year old with no problems at all!
I also wanted to tell you that you had me on your prayer blog, we had a high risk 1st preggy, a miscarriage, then we were praying that everything would be alright with our NextEdition, and I say with tears in my eyes that he is an amazing little 5 month old now and we had no problems during the rest of the pregnancy and the birth was incredible! I have an '09 recap as my latest post if you want to take a quick peak at two more sweet little miracles!
Can't wait to keep up more regularly again!
Hi Kelly!
Planning parties are a lot of fun!
The invitiation is perfect. Your
birthday banner came out beautiful!
I love the colors. I am enjoying
all the pictures you are posting.
I would be just like you, starting
to decorate a little at a time.
I can just feel how excited you
are for the party. It makes me smile! :) Enjoy this special time
you deserve it! God Bless! Andrea
Aren't you suppose to go overboard for birthday parties?? Gee, I thought it was a requirement or something. If you can't go overboard for your kids, then what is this world coming to. I'm enjoying hearing about all your plans for Harper's big day. Feel like I'm almost there helping you decorate. Keep the pictures coming.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
We didn't go overboard at all for our daughter's first birthday in August -- many family members invited themselves here:) when we actually planned to be on a little getaway for just the 3 of us (so we adjusted and did that trip a week and a half after her b-day and it was wonderful:).
We just had it at a park right by our house and had the grandpas grill out -- and it was wonderful:)
But, oh, you're so right! Watching her eat the cake -- so fun:) I made this super healthy no eggs/no sugar cake and a frosting made from cream cheese and apple juice -- but she hadn't had anything like it, so she thought it was incredible. One of my very favorite pictures of her is her looking right at me (I was taking pictures) holding her cake in her hands, with her mouth wide open in a smile like "Can you believe this, Mom???"
Such fun! Can't wait to see all the pictures of Harper...the banner is super cute! I ordered one with my daughter's name from etsy and had it up in the living room on her b-day, and now it hangs in her room...I'm excited to have it be something I put out for her birthday every year, as I had a birthday banner that my mom's friend made for me when I was little:)
I love how excited you are over Harper's party. I am the same way with my children. I am currently planning my daughter's 6th birthday. I spend months planning parties. I enjoy every minute of it. I want my children to know how special they are to us. My daughter had a Ladybug Picnic for her first birthday. Have fun and Happy Birthday Harper!!!
I love the birthday sign! Soo cute!
Hi there, I'm not sure if I've ever left you a real comment before, but this post has eased me out of "lurker-dom." :) I've never really felt like a "lurker" before, just a sister in Christ who was directed to your blog via BooMama when Harper had such a bumpy start. My own daughter had a bumpy start as well; she was born at 29 weeks and weighed only 2lbs. and 5 oz! Now, she is nine and 1/2 (going on 21) but those early days of sitting outside the NICU with all of the other moms are fresh in my mind. (In fact, I just teared up telling my husband that I was writing to you now!) We ALL planned those first birthday parties, which seemed surreal during the almost eight weeks I was waiting in that waiting room...but did we ever enjoy that party when it came to be!! You enjoy Harper's party and the miracle that you are having it just as you prayed for. God is good-- all the time!
Kelly, One Harper's birthday trace her hand print behind one of the letters of her Happy Birthday Harper Banner. Use a marker and write the date. Continue to do this each her until she's 18! I did this with my twins and my three year old. It's neat so see how fast they grow from year to year. I did laminate my banners before starting the process. I also hang my banners up at each party even if they don't match the theme/colors. It's like the classic Happy Birthday banner that you take out for each year. Have a great time celebrating one of God's greatest blessings! Misti
Kelly, I love all of the decorations for Harper's party! I actually bought a banner really similar to the one you made on etsy for Ella's b-day at the end of the month. I thought about making it myself, but knew I probably wouldn't be able to finish. Your's turned out awesome!
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