Saturday, January 02, 2010

2010 so far..........

Well - what have we been up to the last few days? We had a quiet New Years Eve at home. We got Chili's to go (yum) and watched a movie. We didn't plan to stay up until midnight but when it was 11:45 and we were still up - we went and woke up Harper and brought her in to see the ball drop and kiss her and say "Happy New year" a bunch of times and then we all went to bed. I wish I would have taken pictures - but it's one of those moments I won't forget.
On New Years Day - Scott volunteered to keep Harper for the afternoon so I could have a few hours out so I went to the mall and T J Maxx and enjoyed some quiet shopping hours! :-) I found a few great bargains so that was exciting! I think Harper and daddy enjoyed their bonding time together.
Today Laurie and Steve and us had our sweet friend Hannah come keep all 3 girls (bless her heart) for a few hours so we could go to the movies. Steve and Scott went to Avatar and Laurie and I saw Blind Side. I have been dying to see it and it did NOT disappoint. Of course I loved it - Tim McGraw, Sandra Bullock, SEC football, kindness to others, true story...............SO great! I have to tell you -sad movies about people dying don't make me cry, break-ups, sad love stories - no tears........but sports movies make me sob. Remember the Titans, Hoosiers, Facing the Giants......all made me weep.

Harper was NOT happy about this point.
We ran home so we could watch the Razorback's bowl game. Harper was all dressed for it and needed a pre game snack of yogurt melts.
Harper is now in bed and I'm making chili and it is supposed to snow tonight. BRRRRR!!! So far 2010 is going pretty much great. How about for you?


Sarah said...

I give you so much credit! We didn't even make it to 10pm on NYE. We were both asleep by about 9:45pm on the couch! I rang in the new year in the rocker in the nursery while nursing Mckenna! Have a great 2010!

Laurie said...

I had a great time! I bet Hannah is in the bed by now too! Chili and snow......very exciting!

Kelli said...

Sounds exactly like the start to our 2010!! It's freezing here in GA, and boy do I wish it would snow! Love Harper's razorback dress!

Kara said...

I'm waiting for The Blind Side to come out on DVD because I don't trust myself not to sob! I deal with tons of kids who need homes and I'm afraid it will just be too much... I had to do the same thing on "Marley and Me"

andrea said...

harper is so stinking cute! that is way fun that you woke her up to say happy new year!!:)
we spent new years eve at home..with our 2 year and 4 year old:)
i fell asleep at 11, woke up at 1155:)
and we've watched lots of football!!

ps loved the blindside!!

Jill said...

Great so far! You and Laurie both look fantastic, by the way.

Jennifer said...

Sounds like a fun day!

I bet Hannah had a lot of fun with those 3! We were at OBU together.I remember her going through rush, even though she pledged TC.:)

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love that outfit you are wearing! You look super cute! Rockin the cowboy boots =) Happy New Year!

Staci said...

How fun! And the boots look too cute with that dress! I'm dying to see Blindside, too. I haven't heard anything but great reviews!

Joyce said...

We saw the Blindside with our girls (college students) when they were home for Thanksgiving. We all loved it...definitely requires kleenex!

So far I'm loving girls are home from university for another week and we've had such a wonderful visit. We celebrated the New Year in New York City...friends let us use their apartment which overlooked Rockefeller was FUN!

Happy 2010...your little Harper will be so much fun this year...talking! My favorite thing about having daughters...they talk ALOT...enjoy!

Love Being A Nonny said...

I just saw The Blind Side last weekend....I'm like you. Those kind of movies make me teary. I just wanted to go out and take someone in!!!

Harper is a always!! Love her smocked dress!

ashley said...

glad we aren't the only ones to wake up our baby to say happy new years :) so far 2010 is wonderful! :)

Melissa said...

I love that last picture of Harper!

Southern Cinderella said...

Harper is adorable as always! I love the dress your wearing too! I loved the Blinside and had a tear or two by the end!

Andy and Wendy Ingram said...

Such cute pictures of Harper. That is so wonderful that you three brought in the New Year together. Your right, you will never forget those sweet moments and memories. We LOVE spending New Years eve with our kids as a family. We have had some years in the past when they were younger and we left them with a sitter, but have found that we prefer passing on the parties, etc. We love to spend time just as a family sometimes and I am thankful that our teenagers still enjoy spending time that way. Now our teen kids are old enough they are getting invited to New Years parties, but they passed this year so we could celebrate as a family. The five of us went to a really fun fondue restaurant called The Melting Pot and we had a blast. One of our traditions is to bring in the New Year at midnight with sparkling cider-the kids never let us forget. These simple memories are the best blessings.

Alison said... is cold. I'm quite happy watching the Hogs on TV instead of in Memphis today. I love Harper's Razorback dress. Did you eat your black eyed peas and cabbage for New Years?

King J's Queen said...

It's cold and WINDY here. Everything is blowing around. But, our 2010 is off to a good start. :-)

bethany said...

Hi Kelly...

I saw Blindside with my friend Julie on New Years was an amazing movie!!! It was fun to ring in the new year at the movies...never done that before :)
So glad that you enjoyed it too.
So far 2010 is eventful! Been dealing with a backed up main line in my house...yeah, plumbing problems are not fun but God must think that this is a humbling way for me to start the new year!

Nina said...

Harper even has the cutest pouty face. :)

User Not Found said...

The Blind Side was so good! I was kind of dumb as to the SEC coaches... I went to Clemson, so I DID get the Lou Holtz reference! We had a wonderful New Year's Eve; went to a bed & breakfast and accidentally slept through the ball drop! We have been de-cluttering our house for the past 2 days. I've been calling it "the cleanse." It feels great to get rid of junk!

Kristin said...

She has some of the sweetest expressions! I just saw Facing the Giants on New Year's Eve and I loved it!

Shannon said...

Kelly, I've been reading and following your blog for some time now and I've finally started a blog of my own! Happy twenty-ten!

CCO MOMS said...

Kelly,,,I so love that last photo of Harper....just have to myself...are you watching 'the game'?....tied up and ECU has the ball....Go pirates! (sorry,,,I am from NC)

Todd and Courtney said...

very cute! I want to see the Blind Side too. We celebrated New Years Eve at Amanda Ledford's house, watching the Tennessee game, and now Todd is back to flying. I'm on my own with Lauren and she's sleeping :)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Kelly! Sounds like you're having fun and the new year has just begun! Hope it continues to be a fun year for you and your little family!! (BTW...I'm waiting for The Blide Side to show up On Demand. I love movies...but never find the time to get there!) Like, Whitney...we've been de-cluttering since New Year's Eve. Lots of fun to see so much space appear! Frees up the mind, too!

Judy said...

LOVED The Blindside. My family went snowmobiling today (in -5 temps). I stayed home and cleaned. :) I just heard it's supposed to be -25 tonight. That is just not right. I think I'd rather be where you are.

Buttercup said...

Looking forward to seeing The Blind Side. The year has been great. Fun dinner with my bible study friends on NYE and seeing another friend yesterday. I'm decluttering -- it's very cold out so it's a perfect time -- and getting a lot done. Wishes for hope, health and happiness in the new year.

Julie said...

Man, did someone die in Blind Side?? Gah, wish I had not read that. I hate when I find out what happens before I see a movie. ;(

Mary Madeline said...

I loved that movie!!! And I feel the same way about sports movies. I love them all!!!! Happy New Year!!!

Linda said...

Hi Kelly...Happy New Year.
I went to bed about 10:30 on New Year's Eve. I am not much of a party animal! ha!

That is cute that you and Scott woke up Harper so that you could all start the New Year together as a family.

Glad you got to see the Blindside. My hubby and I saw it and loved it! It was a very moving true story. I loved Facing The Giants too...but Fireproof was my favorite. (I'm not into football) (:>)

It is really cold here in Kansas and I have spent the last couple of days at home. So my year has started out good...just getting to take it easy after the hectic rush of Christmas.

I am excited about the fresh new start that the new year brings. And looking forward to the blessings that the Lord has in store.

God Bless You!

Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

Amo said...

I'm excited about the snow tonight! In past years, it hasn't snowed this much! I love it! And the pictures of your daughter are so cute! I love the Hogs outfit she is wearing.

Brooke said...

Happy New Year!! What a bowl game going on right now!!!
The SEC needs Ark to pull out a win!!

God Bless.

tam said...

Just watched the game....congrats.

Angie said...

Happy New Year Kelli! I just love seeing Harper's pretty little face...she is adorable :)

Sounds like a fun New Year so far.

Oh and I love your boots...I have been wanting some forever, and being a Texas girl I really should have a pair. I think they look so adorable with dresses, so hopefully I'll find a pair soon!

Have a great rest of the weekend!

Shannon said...

Happy 2010!! The Hogs started it off right! What a game! I am a UGA fan, and was pulling hard for the Razorbacks and the SEC tonight. Poor Hartman for ECU though, bless his heart. I have been following your blog since Harper was born, and I will continue to follow even with the changes! HA, I guess I have to get a Harper fix from time to time! Happy New Year from South Carolina!

Crystal said...

Happy New Year to you and your family! So far 2010 has been great for me! Spent the past two days just hanging out with my hubby! I love The Blind Side too!!!!

Kimberly said...

Kelly, next time you have a chance to get to the movies go see It's Complicated. Saw it on New Year's Eve and its hysterical!


Allison said...

I secretly love yogurt melts:) Happy New Year! I love all the pictures of Harper.

Vanessa said...

My poor hubby worked until 11pm on New Year's Eve and then had to get back up to work at 5am on New Year's Day and since I am pregnant I was so exhausted. We drank some sparkling grape juice and then we were out! haha

I just watched a documentary on the real family featured in the blind side and they are such an inspiration. I can't wait to see the movie.

Melissa's Thoughts said...

sounds like you had a great weekend. I want to see Blind Side so badly. My sister and I went to see Avatar and was so disappointed in the movie. I spend New Years Eve with my boy and his girl. It was amazing.

Beth said...

I am enjoying the first two days of 2010 and know God is going to do great things in my life! I am looking forward to going to Utah to celebrate my sweet grand-daughter's FIRST birthday on the 10th. It will be cold in Utah and I am looking forward to spending some time in cold snowy weather. I will be with my daughter, son-in-law and grandbaby and nothing could be sweeter!

capperson said...

I went and saw Blind Side yesterday. It was amazing. I absolutely loved it. I'm a big football movie watcher also. I have not missed a movie about football ever :)

I love the look on Harper's face in that last pic!

Rhonda said...

How about those Hogs! Woooohoooo! Such a sweet thing to do to ring in the new year together. Cute!

CourtneyC said...

Blindside is a great movie!! I always cry too during sports movies.

Anonymous said...

We could so be best friends,Ha! Marc and I went to Chili's and watched the game. It was so funny when Alex missed the kick, Marc said I bet Kelly is going to tweet about him. Hahahaha! I have never laughed so hard with food in my mouth. The game went into overtime (which meant Madison was able to get the brownie and icecream desert) Go hogs go! WE are already starting to plan our next trip up there and this time I so hope we can do lunch with yall and Shannon too! Im looking forward to a New Year and maybe a new kicker..harhar... ((hugs))

Jordan said...

Sounds fun! My family & I went to see The Blind Side on Christmas Eve. It was one of those movies that you leave actually FEELING something! Really made me want to help & make a difference in the world!

Courtney said...

And your Hogs won!!!! It wasn't pretty, but it's a W!! About time somebody represents the SEC! I sure hope my Crimson Tide doesn't look as badly as most of the SEC teams have this year!
I'm with you on sports movies too! "The Natural" still makes me cry!

Taylor said...

Congrats on your win!! I graduated from ECU. Whenever I found out we were playing Arkansas in the Libery Bowl, I kept telling everyone were playing Kelly's, from Kellys Korner, team. I'm sure it is an exiting night in your town, but sad here in NC!

Donna said...

I was reading the other comments that were talking about de-cluttering. My experience with that is that junk expands to fill all available space. So de-cluttering never seems to work. It is cold here too and may snow on Thurs., and this is Georgia! Good Grief! Of course, if one snow flake falls there is a run on the grocery store and all the bread and milk are sold out. We don't know how to handle snow here. Glad you are having a good 2010 beginning. Much happiness for the rest of the year.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.

Hillary said...

I want snow!! Another thing I miss about NWA. The Blind Side was sooooo good! I'm glad you and LO enjoyed it!

Karo said...

I haven't seen The Blind Side yet, but I did see Avatar. I loved it! As for the snow, I hope you enjoy it--I still have the remnants of about 18 inches in my yard from back before Christmas! Heat. I want heat. :)

Tutu said...

I'm sure now that the game is over, your day seems even better!!

We saw The Blind Side on our anniversary date, and LOVED it. I'm the same way about sports movies. They get me every time.

Lynda @ SportsMadGirl said...

How about them Hogs!! It looks like your 2010 is starting off great. I saw the Blind Side right after it came out and LOVED it!! You just can't go wrong with a good football movie.

I wish we were getting snow here in GA. We have a chance for snow on Thursday (crossing my fingers). It's just plain COLD here. It has given me plenty of time to start cleaning and purging all the junk in the basement. Me and Goodwill are going to be great friends this year!!

Happy New Year!!

Elizabeth said...

Congrats on your win!! I am an ECU grad. It was so neat for our teams to play each other. I feel like I know lots about the Razorback's via your blog.

I have been reading your blog for over a year now and I have enjoyed reading about the Stamps family. Thanks for being so willing to share!

Happy New Year! Harper looks precious in her Hogs dress!

Kelley said...

congrats on your hogs beating my pirates!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Harper is so precious! Looks like you guys had fun!

Krissy said...

A friend just got me Facing the Giants for Christmas and me and my hubby watched it earlier this week. And yes, I cried! :)

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

OK, I've never heard of Facing the Giants, but if you loved it, I will HAVE to see it. I don't even LIKE sports, but I loved Remember the Titans, Blind Side, Hoosiers, and the best one of all: RUDY! There will just never be another Rudy, as far as I'm concerned!

Melissa Miller said...

We made chili too!'s cold here as well. :)

Laura said...

I love the way you layer Harper's outfits! I would have never thought about sticking a turtleneck under a smocked bishop! Like mother like daughter!

Brian and Ashley said...

When Arkansas won tonight, I told my husband that you would be happy. It sounded like a great game!

I loved The Blind Side too! Fabulous movie!

tara said...

definitely looking forward to 2010! Jim was blessed with a job after 8 months of searching, praying and waiting. I am seriously going to clean less, worry about my house less so I can be 100% better mama and wife. I am also vowing to blog more, and worry less about having the perfect post topic/pictures.
thank-you for sharing your sweet blog and life with us kelly!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great start to the new year!

Mrs. Chapman's 2nd Grade Class said...

Sounds like you are starting the new year out right! Love Harper's dress. Soooo cute!

christim73 said...

I thought of you when Arkansas won tonight. I was cheering for them because of you. I couldn't believe ECU missed 3 field goals. Gotta love it though! Now we need Texas to win on Thurs. I can't wait for the game. Hook'em Horns!!

I loved The Blind Side. I had to see it a 2nd time! I also love sports movies, especially the true stories. The Express, We Are Marshall, and probably my all time favorite RUDY!

Ashley said...

Happy New Year!
That dress looks exactly like the one I tried on at Francesca's. Looks WAY cuter on you (assuming it's the same dress).

Stay warm!

Claire said...

Have you seen Rudy? That movie makes me sob and sob and sob!


Nicole said...

HAHA! I only cry at sorts movies too! Did you ever see The Rookie with Dennis Quaid? Omg i bawled like a baby, but i make myself feel better by saying i only cried because the little boy in the movie appealed to my maternal side :-)
Happy New Year!

Sarah said...

That dress of Harper's is it the look on her face in the last pic. I was cheering for your 'Hogs' when you won in OT...what a great game! :) Congrats! :) Happy 2010!

Maryellen said...

Hubby and I saw The Blindside and loved it. Hubby is not a sports fan, I know YIKES but he really enjoyed the movie anyway.
We had a quiet New Years eve, we made our own snacks and both fell sound asleep LOL
Can't wait to see what Harper is up to in 2010 . . . she's a busy little one :)

Michele said...

We just saw Blindside last night; LOVED IT! It is now one of my favorite movies. And, of course, I cried, too. Great movie!

Mandy said...

I LOVED The Blind Side too...I picked up the book so that I could sob over it all over again in the privacy of my own home... ;)

that's one we will be buying on BluRay when it comes out!

Happy New Year!

These Are The Days said...

I'm loving your boots know how to rock them!

C.Thompson said...

What a great start. Loved the movie Blindside too. Enjoy the rest of your weekend:-)

Becca said...

I am the same way about sports movies! Nothing else makes me cry like a good sports movie, and I LOVED Blindside!
Happy New Year to you and yours. God Bless.

Rachel said...

Kelly, Harper is just getting cuter and cuter! She is precious!

I've heard the Blindside is great (and being from Mississippi it really interests me!) but you should definitely see Avatar! I hate sci-fi movies but it was the BEST movie I think I have ever seen. I really recommend it! :)

Home of a Magnolia said...

What a great way to bring in the new year! I too want to see Blindside, but haven't found the time. My hubby and son saw it and told me I would love it. It is one of those movies we will probably buy once it comes out on DVD- can't wait. Happy New Year. Look forward to reading more of your blog this year.

Hester 5 said...

LOVE that last picture! I have looked for a HOGS smocked dress like Harpers since I saw it the first time she wore it...can't find one ANYWHERE!!! Guess it's an original! =)

TheFancyFritter said...

How fun!! I loved the Blind Side! It was such a great & humbling movie! Harper is such a cute Razorback fan! My hubby & I watched the Hogs win last night & I thought about ya'll!! LOL Ya'll did much better than our Tigers! :(

Have a great Sunday!


Jacquie said...

I'll admit that I cry in pretty much any sad movie... but all those that you listed I sobbed in too. I found myself crying at what I thought were strange times in Blind Side. Maybe because Kale was fixin' to leave us for Texas?? One of the times I cried that surprised me was in the party scene when the gun went off... and then there was a baby cry. All I could think of was... "WHY in the world did that mother have a baby in that environment!!??" I lost it! (Hello, it's just a movie, Jacquie!)

noahandlylasmommi said...

Love her dress. She has the best wardrobe ever!

Tina said...

I've heard the Blind Side was great as well!! I bought my fil the book for Christmas and he say's it is even better!
~PS~ you look too cute with the new boots!!

Lisa said...

I thought about you a few times during the bowl game!! Your team was playing my team :) Lucky for you, our kicker forgot to show up. I hope you enjoyed the win. :)

harmonysong said...

I just have to say it is so great to see Laurie in your pics- healthy and well. What a scary time it was a while back, and every time I see a picture of her, I thank the Lord for healing her!

Lynn said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR Kelly!!! My uncle saw Blind Side and highly recommended it!
Glad to hear your team won the bowl game! Yeah!!

Take care and God Bless!

Creekmore's said...

Aren't you glad you were home to watch the game. My husband was there and it was COLD!! At least we won, that made it worth it!

And on your last post - congratulations on the snow. We are in some kind of bubble over here on Crowley's Ridge that has let us get no more than a few flurries while counties all around us are out of school tomorrow. We're holding out hope for Thursday! And on the ice storm - let's not repeat that one! I'm still not over it!

Ashley said...

I LOVEd Blindside!! It was one of the best movies i have seen in a long time!!

I love Harper's HOG dress!! TOO TOO CUTE!! I hope i can find cute little stuff like that one day if i have a little girl!!

Christie - Childhood 101 said...

I don't understand American sport at all, but how cute are those last two photos of Harper! Gorgeous!