I hope ya'll had a good weekend. We have had the most beautiful weather this weekend. We tried to get outside as much as we could. We also had a few more "firsts" this weekend. Besides Harper's first tooth coming in...............We took our first FAMILY walk at the "park" as we call it. Daddy, Mommy, Harper and Dawson. I'm pretty sure Dawson enjoyed it the most. It was nice to get out and do something as a family of 4. ha!
This morning, Harper had her FIRST day in the church nursery!!!! Here we are before church. Everyone working there said she did really good. Our Sunday School is after church so I went in between to feed her and when she saw me - she flashed the biggest smile. It was the greatest thing EVER. She fell asleep before she barely ate anything. So I took her back and let her sleep in one of the cribs during Sunday School. When we went to get her - they told me she had just woken up and was just laying there so happy and she was. And then I figured out why. She had pooped ALL OVER herself and the bed. Probably the worst blow out of all times. What is it with me and POOP???? ha!
Is this not the cutest little sailor you've ever seen? Her JiJi got her this cute outfit - she looked so precious in it!
Church wore this girl OUT! We came home and I fed her and she slept for 2.5 hours. This girl NEVER naps so we are looking forward to more Sunday naps we hope! ha!
(it looks like she is wearing her bib like a cape. ha!)This afternoon - Scott's aunt and uncle and his little cousin Drew came to visit us. They were in town to see his aunt's brother and his family. I love this picture of Drew - it's so cool with the background all blurred!

Before I move on to a few prayer requests - can I just address a little issue?? If you know me at all - you know I love dresses. Especially in the summer. Last week I got a couple of new dresses at T J Maxx and Target. One of which I wore today. Several of you have asked me how I handle that with nursing. Well - I don't. I am not a fan of skirts and shirts or pants and shirts and I have tried to convert but I miss dresses. So I rebel and wear them anyway. And that works fine at home. But when I get to church and realize that I need to nurse and the only way is to hike my dress up to my neck - it's not a good thing. (Don't worry - I was alone in the room). Thank goodness for the hooter hider (great invention of basically a big drape you put over you that hides everything) and a private nursing room. And I don't want to buy special nursing dresses. Because I just don't. So I guess I'll just deal with it. ha!
Here are a few prayer requests sent my way recently. Some have blogs and some don't. I'm afraid a lot requests get lost among my comments and e-mails so if you have one you need me to get out - my e-mail is now on my profile. Please put "prayer request" in the subject.
- Gram's neice is 20 weeks pregnant - baby possibly has down's syndrome and is going to a specialist tomorrow
- Christi - after 2 years of trying to get pregnant - finally did and at the last Dr visit - there was no heartbeat
- Sarah - baby born at 27 weeks to a pastor in Louisiana
- Avery - this baby is from my area and is currently in AR children's NICU. She was born with a heart defect and had surgery this weekend. She has been on my heart because she has been on ECMO and Harper was just hours away from being on that and I just can't imagine. I pray that she has the same healing that my sweet girl had. She is very critical today and they need your prayers.