Okay - a few items of business first before I share my day!
- Due to some technicalities - I had to take the giveaway posts down early. Sorry about that but below are the winners. If you are a winner - please contact me by Sunday or I will draw a new winner. (kellyskornerblog@gmail.com)
Lisa Leonard $100 gift card - #17 - punkinmama at
www.moreontheotherside.blogspot.com and #1076 Deena at
www.deena-lovinglife.blogspot.comBlog Makeover - #451 - Kim at
www.kyndallssmile.blogspot.comand if you didn't win a blog makeover -
If you would like to order a blog makeover, Danielle is offering my readers $20 off her custom blog makeover package! For more details, email thedesigngirl@gmail.com
Danielle is also running a special on her pre-made blog templates. For the next week, you can purchase a pre-made blog template for just $20!
Be sure to stay tuned for her upcoming Christmas giveaway! Follow this blog to enter!
And she is donating $5 from each blog sold to COMPASSION!!!
Faith Baby ruffled bloomers - #160 - Pinkpolkadotaa at
www.faithbaby.com is donating a portion of all bloomers sold to Compassion during December as well!

Poor Laurie - her girls have been sick so much lately so she had to take Sarah Kate to the doctor today so I kept Emily for a few hours. It was during Harper's nap time so she helped me put up my big tree. She was a great helper.

She is also a precious little model!

Harper woke up right before Emily left and she went in her room to help me get her and Harper was SO happy to see her. She literally sat on the floor and smiled at Emily for the next 20 minutes and watched her EVERY move.

Emily wanted them both to wear tutus and flowers. Can you see how happy little Harper looks as she looks at her big cousin. I have a feeling she will be looking up to her for many years to come.

Years before I ever got pregnant (I know this will come as a shock because I spent a lot of time storing up treasures in hopes I would one day have a baby girl) I bought a bunch of pink,green and brown ornaments when they were on sale and have been saving them. I had planned to get a little white tree for Harper's room.

Until I went to Wal-Mart and found this cute pink tree for $15. And I am in LOVE with how cute it is in her room. I may keep it up all year long.
Tomorrow I am doing the "Show Us Your Life" blog tour on Christmas trees - so please come back and post pictures of yours (present or past). I love to get ideas on trees! I have FOUR so I will get them all posted - it will be up by the morning!

And finally - I made brussel sprouts tonight which is something that would have made me gag previously but my mom made them for Thanksgiving and I'm now obsessed. And they are super easy. I posted how I made them
here in case you want to fall in love with a vegetable. ha!
The little pink tree is adorable. Enjoy and delight. I love brussel sprouts, too. We had them for Thanksgiving with cranberries and toasted pecans.
LOVE the pink tree! I have a "pink" tree of my own to post on your blog carnival tomorrow! So excited!
i love harper's baby's 1st christmas ornament on the tree! where did you get it?
I love coming and seeing your designing ideas.. You have such good taste!
Love Harper's tree.
It is so fun having a girl isn't it!
Merry Christmas!
LOVE her little tree!!!! SO cute!!!
Oh my goodness, the pics of Emily and Harper are precious! Isn't it so sweet to see your little one so enthralled by someone/something. PRECIOUS!
B sprouts are my favorite!
Well, among 3,002 other foods.
Love the pink tree.
Harper and her older cousin are going to have so much fun down the road...I totally looked up to my big cousins.
Love the pink tree! I have one, too! Those brussel sprouts do look yummy!
I <3 <3 <3 Harper's tree!! SO cute & girly!
Harper looks so precious watching Emily! I thought that was the cutest thing!
I LOVE Harpers tree. It is precious. This holiday will be so much fun with her around this year!
Those pictures of Emily and Harper are so precious! And I love love love the pink tree!
I love the little pink tree
oh boo to technicalities! :) are you still going to do the BIG give-away you mentioned? Love the multiple trees. I only have 1. I thik it would be fun to have lots of different trees with themes though. Can't wait to see tomorrow.
That pink tree is too cute!
pk @ Room Remix
I love the pink tree (and the ornaments!). Adorable... Brussel sprouts? I'll have to think about that one. :-)
I got a pink tree too! I have it in my office at work. I LOVE how you decorated yours though! :) Very cute.. might copy the idea of the colors!
I had to share with you, when my daughter was little she is 9 now we left her little christmas tree up in her bedroom all year for probably 7 years of her life. I changed the decorations to match the season or holiday, even the lights were change and it was turned on everynight as her night light. I also wanted to share a tradition i have done every year since she was born, I make an ornament for our tree with her picture on it, it is so much fun to put up the tree every year and look back how she has grown. Enjoy every minute of the holiday they grow up so very fast!! michelle in nebraska
Cute pics, I love the one where Harper is looking at Emily, so excited! That needs to go in a frame :)
LOVE the pink tree. My kids each have their own little green one but my daughter would just love a pink one. Too cute!
i think we may have that same pink tree-got it pre-lit at walmart last year. it's in my daughter's room and does not look as cute as yours...but it is precious to me because i let my daughter decorate it all herself :)
harper looks so precious staring at emily-love it! maybe one day harper will have a baby brother or sister looking at her that same way :)
(apparently i'm obsessed with smiley faces today-haha)
Harpers tree is adorable! Very girly, just the way it should be!! I love brussel sprouts, so I will definitely be trying your recipe soon! Thanks for sharing it with us:)
My daughter has a pink tree in her room too! and my son has his silver one decorated with sports ornaments. They really love putting them up and they usually don't come down until February:)
I just love Harper's face looking at Emily! She looks so, so happy.
Only you can put prizes, trees, and brussel sprouts in the same post!!
I love it!!
Harper's tree is just perfect for her!
The pictures of Harper and Emily are so cute. Love the tutu pictures. Love the pink Christmas tree. You are inspiring me to do a kid tree for our son. We already have a have big one up... Our son is two and I just have to tell you that you are at great stage in age. They just keep on getting more fun every month from the point that you are at. Enjoy it!!!
Mmmmm....love me some brussel sprouts!! I knew Harper's tree would be adorable and it IS! :)
That picture of Harper looking at Emily is too cute. I can tell she thinks it is the coolest thing ever to have her over to play!!
I love Harper's tree. I was wondering if she would have one. These pictures are great! I love them!
So sweet of those two darling friends! The brussel sprouts look delish! :)
Harper looks so excited and happy to be hanging out with Emily- that picture of them in their tutu's and flowers is priceless. Hope yall are doing well.
The last picture of the girls together is too precious!!
I love Harper's pink tree! It turned out so cute, the colors look perfect together! Can't wait to see the rest of your trees tomorrow.
I'm charging my camera battery now, so I can do my post in the morning! It's my first tree as a married girl! I'm having fun decorating our house for our first Christmas together! :)
I'm kind of interested in the brussel sprouts. We'll see if I'm brave enough to try them. ha!
Love Harper's tree. Now that I found out we're having a girl, I'm gonna be decorating our tree with hot pink/brown ornaments in honor of our newest girl and your sweet girl! :)
Oh my gosh you can really tell that Harper was in her glory, so cute. I have a day off work tomorrow so I am going to put up our tree. Just in time to post it.
Looking forward to seeing all the beautiful Christmas Trees !
I love the pink tree and I can't wait to try the brussel sprouts!
I love the pink tree! I'm hoping for a girl one day so I can use all my christmas hello kitty decorations in her room!
My daughter would love to have a pink tree! So cute :)!
my girls would go crazy over that tree in their room! they saw a purple one and wanted it. might have to shop the after Christmas sales and get them one. how fun!
My mom made brussel sprouts to on Thanksgiving but she added pistachio nuts and dried apricots... i am still craving it . so yummy
We have a pink tree too for our little girls (2 and 6 months)...I decorate it with the seasons, and keep their bows on it the rest of the year...it is one of my favorite things in the room...Harper is getting so BIG!!! The picture of her and her big cousin with the flowers in their heads is absolutely adorable.
First - I love brussel sprouts, and so does my four year old daughter. (She calls them baby lettuce.) Second - your Christmas decor is beautiful! I just love looking at how different everyones is and how we all incorporate our own style into Christmas decorating. I actually just posted some photos of our Christmasy home today. {grin} Your daughter's pink tree is fabulous!!
I love your new blog design! Super cute. Harper's pink tree is adorable! :)
We have the same pink tree in our little girl's room too. We have doll ornaments on it. I must confess I bought the set of porcelin doll ornaments before I was pregnant. You are not the only crazy one, Kelly!
Oh my Harper is eating her up! TOoo cute! We also have a $15 pink WalMart tree, I passed it last year when my daughter was Harpers age and I literally shreeked out loud...Hubby looked at me and put it in the buggy! :)
I LOVE that tree!! :) LOOOVE IT!
Great pictures of the girls!
OH MY GOODNESS! Harper just gets cuter and cuter!
The girls are too cute and I love the look on Harpers face in all the pics. It looks as though she really admires Emily.
The pink tree is soooo CUTE!!! I've always wanted a little pink tree!
I too also have little girl stuff put up and I also have some little boy stuff put up. My mom is not sure if my brother and sister will ever have any more children, because they both are divorces and already have children, so when she finds stuff for definate steals that are really cute and able to be used in the future she buys them for me to put in my chests. She does this same thing with wedding and house supplies for me.
I have never made a plate of truly good brussel sprouts. You have now given me hope!
Oh my gosh, the pic of the two girls with the flowers and tutus is so incredibly precious!!! Harper looks so darn cute and happy and like she just adores Emily!
Hi Kelly, The pictures of the girls are adorable,worthy of going on the frig! You can tell Harper is really enjoying playing with Emily. Her pink tree is so cute! All your Christmas decorations are very beautiful. I know your whole house is lovely.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
I LOVE Harpers tree! such a great and cute idea!
I looooooooove brussel sprouts...so I'm excited to try your momma's recipe. I could eat those through my screen....
Harper's pink tree is TOO cute! And so is she, of course. :)
Those pics of Harper and her cousin are ADORABLE!!!! Love how enamored Harper is with her...precious! :) Love all your trees,too-Beautiful!!
Watch out for the boys! Those 2 are gonna be heartbreakers for sure! HA!
Kelly girl! you are CRAZY! Brussel sprouts are awesome raw, too!
Oh my! The picture of Harper smiling at Emily in their tutus and flower headbands is just PRECIOUS! She is so delighted with her cousin! And I think they look alike, too!
Love those pictures. Two adorable little girls :) Harper's tree is just precious!
i LOVE that pink tree! i may have to get one for myself as i've got two boys...my husband's going to think i'm crazy!
Made these brusell sprouts last night...SO GOOD!!!
I couldn't find a way to email you. I tried the contact link and it wouldn't let me do anything with it. I won the gift card. I hope it's not too late. I have finals this week so I was studying all weekend, and I didn't check up on the blogs until today. I'm really excited about this!! My husband and I were only planning on buying a few things for our daughters this year, and I'm so excited to buy something for our mothers. Thank you.
By the way, your daughter is beautiful. I have been reading your blog for a while now. I actually help out the with safehaven blog, and I pray for the prayer requests on your blog, as well.
Bell.deena@gmail.com is my email address.
Thanks again! :)
I really enjoy your blog. I love your recipes and decor ideas, but above all your Love for the Lord and your family:))
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