We have continued our Christmas fun over the last few days. Harper's favorite toy this week is her toothbrush. ha! She has always LOVED brushing her teeth (and since she has had 8 teeth for a WHILE and at least 2 since she was 4 months old) - we have been brushing them for a while. She found it in her bag and has chewed on it ever since. I had to go buy her a new one today.
Yesterday a lot of Scott's extended family came over for Christmas lunch. I guess we were too busy eating to take many pictures. This is us getting ready to chow down.
This is Harper's plate. The girl can put away some food. I think she's starting to chunk up a little. ha! I'll be interested to find out her stats at her 1 year appointment (which reminds me I need to schedule that).
Harper got a few more gifts from her great aunt and uncle last night and she was so excited!
( You may notice that right now I can not get Harper to keep a bow in her hair. We had to quit wearing the big bow bands because she would rip those right off. I know that was her signature look and I LOVED it. So when she finally got hair I started putting little bows in her hair and I'm working with her to keep those in. As she gets older and gets more hair - we will be bringing the big bows back!!!)

We will have a lot of fun playing with all her toys when we get home. I bought a big basket today to keep toys in in our living room to try and keep thinks a "little" organized.

We gave Scott's little cousin gator golf and he really liked it!

Harper liked it too. I would peg her as a future Tiger Woods but I don't think anyone wants to put that label on their child right now. (Just another reminder that we just can't put anyone up on a pedestal - only God will never let us down).

Harper was up ALL night last night. We had a ROUGH night. I don't think anything was wrong - she just did not want to sleep. She didn't nap yesterday either. Needless to say I was WORN out this morning so I took a nap from 7-9 while Scott and his family took care of her. And she was happy as a clam and put on a little show for them.

She has started dancing constantly. It's SOO funny. My favorite thing is when she will get on all fours and put her booty in the air and "shake it like she just don't care". It's HILARIOUS. I really need to get it on video.

Scott, his dad, and Steve have been doing a lot of hunting over the last few days. His dad killed a deer tonight. I'm hoping Scott continues to have no luck. ha! We are headed home tomorrow. We have had a wonderful Christmas but I'll be happy to get home. I'm ready to take down Christmas and get my house clean and organized. I guess that will keep me busy over the next week!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and weekend!
Our youngest is 20 months and hasn't slept the past 3 nights now. It's so tiring on parents! Prayers that you ALL get sleep tonight!
Hope you have a great week...enjoyed the pictures!!
Glad Harper doesn't like the bows either.
Yes please share a video of Harper dancing! Love the pictures!
Hi Kelly, it looks like your family had a wonderful time this Christmas. Harper is adorable as always. May you and your family have a wonderful 2010 year with good health.Also, thank you for your blogs, I so enjoy reading about you and your family. My daughter and her family surprised me tonight with a sleep over. I am so excited to have them here. Her daughter is 18 months old and she is expecting another in March. Please keep her in your prayers. Have a wonderful week.
Hi Kelly!
My Brooke has reached the end of the BIG BOW ERA too!! No matter what I do, she will NOT keep them on her head!
I'm working on clips or pig tails these days, but those aren't working very well either!
I'm praying that she'll learn to love them again as a 'big girl!'
Happy Holidays!
Keep a hold of those big bows...they WILL come back. Melanie is almost three and everyday insist on having her big bows now! :)
so cute!!
Lauren has been a fiesty little sleeper the past few days too. I just assume it's all of the stimulation that she's been around. Poor girlies need to get back on their schedules!
You have a beautiful little girl! My daughter's best friend's name is Harper. Such a cute name! I just wanted to stop by and say hello. I just started following.
So glad you had a Merry Christmas! Wishing you safe travels home.
Isn't funny that after getting all sorts of toys little kids still like their favorite things to play with like toothbrushes? I always laugh when our kids are playing with the boxes toys came in this time of year rather than the toys!
My almost one year old Grace had trouble going to sleep on Christmas as well. She was up till 930 and then fell asleep in the car. When we got home twenty mintues later and tried putting her to bed she was not having it. She was way overtired and I had to rock her to sleep. Which I have to admit I loved! Sounds like maybe Harper was overstimulated too? Glad to hear you had a good Christmas.
I remember the bows... they would end up in their mouths!
Then when they got older and had more hair, we switched over to pony tails with pretty ribbons!
I miss those times...... Happy Holidays,
Praying for more sleep for you tonight! SO glad you guys had a great Christmas!
Yay for good oral hygiene! That's always a good value to instill. ;) I have no doubt those big bows will be back, every southern belle needs herself a good bow. And boo to the no sleeping! I would be going crazy! I hope that cute little girl tires herself out soon!
Bailey won't keep her bows in either, although my husband would not allow the big bows, he said he'd disown us both, haha! She finally got enough hair for the small bows but has not left those in for about 2 months now. She feels around up there until she finds it, pulls it out, and hands it to me. She needs a little trim but I refuse to do it so now I need the kind you have been putting in Harper's hair. They are really cute but I can't find them around here.
Bailey also loves her toothbrush like that, so I just let her have that one to play with and we have a different one that we use to actually brush her teeth. She has 6 with 2 more coming in and I think it's the fat rubbery feel of that particular toothbrush. She is using it more of a teether.
Bailey hasn't slept well either the past few days. We went to my parents in Alabama for a few days and when we got back, the sleep was off. Even though we think they don't quite know what is going on, I think they do know and are just as out of sorts as we get. Plus, we have two more teeth coming in and Bailey NEVER sleeps when she is teething. I'm glad you got some rest. I actually sent Bailey to my MIL's for some much needed rest yesterday. I thought maybe she'd wear her out and she might sleep a little better last night, but no such luck. haha!
We are getting our one year check up next week and I DREAD the MMR. I just dread it! Are you letting Harper get the regular flu shot or has she gotten it already? I can't decide what to do about that. And we have our first dentist appointment in about 3 weeks, as well. That ought to be interesting.
Harper is just the cutest thing. I enjoy reading your blog but I think what keeps me coming back are all these cute pics of her!
The bow thing gets better. My daughter went through that phase, now at 15 months she picks out which one she wants to wear for the day. HA! Love all your pictures. Looks like you had a blessed and busy Christmas
It looks like you had an awesome Christmas, Harper looked beautiful as always. I am glad to hear the Scott has had no luck hunting--yuck, I never understood why people do that.
How sweet for your fam to watch your little one so you could get some sleep. Hopefully you guys have a better night tonight--good luck! :)
How long does your family keep the Christmas decorations up? We used to take it down for New years, until I found out about the significance of the 12 days of Christmas, so now we take it down on the 6th January- it's lovely to let Christmas linger don't you think?
We had the same night with our 1 year old. I think they must have just been really excited that it was Christmas!
Harper's little animal print leggings are adorable! What a cutie.
I just saw your Birthday Banner on Twitter! So Cute!! I totally understand the getting home to clean up!! I am there today! I cant wait to see the new schedule for Show Us Your Life!!!
What IS the deal with all the non-sleeping trends?! This is gonna be a huge challenge this next week for my little girl to get back on schedule!1
Hey Kelly,
My little Abby got to rippin' out the bows just before a year, also. I couldn't get her to keep a clippie in with much luck until I found the eensy-teensiest rubber bands at Target. They are so small, almost like braces rubber bands. They work pretty well, simply because pulling hair hurts!
Abby is now 24 months and asks for bows. I think she just wanted to look at them most of the time!
My daughter loves to brush her teeth too & just loved getting one in her stocking! :) I love that it is the little things that make them the happiest! LOL Glad to hear ya'll have a fun Christmas! :)
My daughter started standing at 8 1/2 months and walking by 9 months and for a month or so she wasn't sleeping well. In one of my mommy books it said something about when your child starts to gain some independence it might mess with their sleep for a little while. I'm sure she'll start sleeping well again soon.
Oh goodness, I hope you get some good sleep soon! :)
The bows will be back. My littlest girl was born with TONS of hair - like we could actually fasten little bows in her hair the first week she was home! But she started wanting to pull them out right around 10-11 months, too. I just kept working with her and before no time, she was over it and interested in getting into other things. hehe ;)
So precious! Oh please show us the dancing on video. LOL! :)
My friend has little girls and when they are babies, like Harper, she puts them in "bow training." Not sure how she does that exactly but I need to find out since I am about to have a little girl myself.
You know whats funny I was kinda wondering about the bows :) My little girl is 3 months old and I put them on her like crazy and I want o buy more but I keep thinking...when will she start hating them and ripping them off ? :)
BTW you should check out my blog cuz Faith has a little hunter onesie and it would be so cute for Harper since her daddy likes hunting :)
Hey Girly, I am so glad you had a wonderful Christmas. I ate at Mimi's the other day and thought about you! And, how I left my trunk open the whole time we were eating, haha. Or even better how I got a flat while going to meet you for lunch. When you get a chance we need to do lunch again! See you soon!
We don't do bows either but I can't wait until we can again. I just can't get the baby to keep them in! Sounds like you had a great Christmas. I know what you mean about being ready to get the house cleaned up from Christmas. I love Christmas but am always ready to get the decor put away at the end of the season. I hope that you get some rest!
Oh, I feel ya on the bows. Em was my baldy baby so we did the headbands. When she started to get more hair, we switched to bows. She's not a fan! If she even thinks I've put one in her hair, she reaches up to pull it out. My oldest two never did that. I guess they had more hair from the start so they were just used to them. HA!
I glad y'all had a great Christmas.
Harper is as adorable with or without the bows. LOL!
I haven't taken down Christmas yet, but I'm on my way. Gotta get those big bins out! I just started working on streamlining my boys bedroom/playroom and throwing out a lot of toys to be a "little" more organized.
My #1 resolution for the new year is to be clutter free in every way possible!
Our Christmas was awesome, but I was ready to get home, too. And now I'm overwhelmed with wanting to get the house straightened up! Plus, we just found out we have to move, so I've got to start showing it! I am so glad you had a blessed first Christmas with Harper. She is a doll.
Kelly, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who is ready to put away the decorations! I feel like a Scrooge, but our Christmas decorations have been up since Thanksgiving and as much as I love them, I'm looking forward to having a less cluttered house. Thanks for sharing my sentiments on that one:)
Harper is so precious- I'm glad you had a wonderful first Christmas with her:) My daughter had the same toothbrush when she was her age;)
Note about the sleeping. It seems contradictory, but when they don't nap well during the day they don't sleep well at night. I'm sure once she's home and back in her routine all will be well. If not, check out Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Mark Weissbluth, M.D. This book save my sanity.
We are home for the holiday but have guests. Love them to death but am ready to have my house back. It's hard to impress on your five year old to be quiet so big cousins up until all hours of the night can sleep in.
Wishing you a blessed New Year!
Just a quick bow tip.
My little girl was BALD until right before her second birthday and would NEVER wear the headbands.
So when Tessie Mayes got a teeny sprout of hair, I put it in a those little clear rubber bands and the clip a big honking bow to it! It stays put in the finest of hair and those bands don't break the hair either.
She has a darling little bob now but her bangs are right in her face, so I still do the pebbles type ponytail for her bangs with her big bows attached daily. I'ts her "look."
Just thought you might be able to try it with Harper.
Y'all had a beautiful Christmas! Nothing like baby's first to make your heart burst.
So glad you had a fun filled Christmas in LA. I am trying to get my house organized too - where are all these new toys going to go?????
Sounds like you all had a great Christmas! I just posted pics of how I celebrated too :)
I love the little bows and you will find that as her hair gets long enough to get in her eyes she will be wanting a bow in it to keep the hair out of her eyes.....glad you are having a great Christmas
I know what you mean about Scott having no luck hunting :) My honey went duck hunting AND ice fishing this weekend and didn't get anything! Yipee! No trout or duck in my freezer :)
I'm with your Dad! That sweet baby doesn't need bows, she's adorable without them!
hahahaha. please get a video of her dancing! I can't wait to see that!
I have a 6 month old baby girl, and i can't wait till she can dance.
Just wanted to let you know that I found your green bean bundles on your recipe blog and i LOVE them. I made them for Thanksgiving and they were such a hit with my husbands family that I made them again for Christmas. And then again for my side of the family's Christmas get together. We just love them. Thank you for sharing. I gave you a shout out on my blog, telling about the bundles.
I'm glad ya'll had a good Christmas. Harper is precious, even without the bows :)
Great photos! The kids are adorable!
I love her little zebra outfit!! You don't see many little girls in blue - I love it!
Good morning Kelly! Loved all the wonderful photos from your alls Christmas! I am flying to Utah to help my sweet grand-daughter,Grace celebrate her first birthday (jan 10). Seems like only a short time ago that we were celebrating Grace's birth and praying for sweet Harper! And look at them NOW! :-D
Kelly, I tried to find that cute green dress you got at Belk--the New Direction brand. I can't seem to find it on their website or anywhere online. I don't have a Belk near me so I wanted to be able to order it online. I am in desperate need of some long sleeve dresses that do not hug my stomach. I had a baby a few months ago and the last few pounds are hanging on for dear life! Do you know where I could order it? My email is aggiekris12@yahoo.com
P.S. Harper is such a cutie!!!
Cute pictures! You definitely need to video Harper dancing, I'm sure it would be hilarious!
Harper is sooo cute! Don't worry she will eventually like the "BIG" Bows again! They go through those stages....
She is just as precious without one :0)
looks like you guys have had some WONDERFUL Christmas gatherings!!! :)
Kelly, I can totally relate on the bows. My 1-year old is known for wearing cute bows. I had to ditch the bow-bands around 11 months, and I've been putting the little bows in since. However, most of the time, the only time I can get her to leave those in is if she has a little "fountain" ponytail.
Hi Kelly,
I stumbled across your blog and just wanted to share how much I am enjoying the stories of your sweet Harper. I too have a daughter named Harper and she was born on Christmas Eve 2008, so we just celebrated her first birthday. I look forward to following your blog and keeping up with what your Harper is up to...what a beautiful blessing both our little girls are! Thanks for sharing!
I have 3 girls who all went through the same thing with pulling their bows out. I got the Orthodontic rubber bands (for braces) and started putting a small ponytail in their hair. Once they got used to the ponytail, I slowly added the bows in. They never noticed until they saw themselves in the mirror. They were all "Bow girls" and I loved it! Give it a try!
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to your family. Harper is too cute!
Hey, I like your blog! If it needs a makeover stop by Bloggy Blog Designz. We do headers, backgrounds, buttons, signatures, navbars and more!
You have had one fun and busy week. aren't the holidays the best:-) I also hear ya on the bow thing. Kohen is 19 will not keep a bow in her hair for anything. I can not wait until this phases passes and we can go back to wearing bows again:-)
I saw Harper and your dad in the ABC newsletter today! So cute!
I was wondering if you'd ever do a post on the foods you feed Harper. Like what you started with, what you've moved on to, how much she eats, and so on. My little girl is 7 months and although she'll eat various foods, she isn't thrilled to eat a lot of them and still loves the bottle (and I know it's important to still feed her formula). But I'm really hoping to have her off formula by 12 months. Any suggestions? Thanks!!
Love the bow being a "signature look"! Reminded me of the movie "Steel Magnolias" where "blush" and "bashful" were her signature colors. Merry Christmas!
I feel your pain about them ripping out the bows!!! We have the same problems!!!
Hi Kelly!! I just had to say, as a mom of three little girls, who LOVES to put big bows in their hair. DON'T STOP!!! If you stop with the bows (and even headbands), even for a while, they will never tolerate them again! Just keep putting them on, even if she pulls them off. Eventually, she will give in and just tolerate it. My girls got to where they didn't feel "dressed" without a bow, and even my almost 10 year old still likes to put a bow in her hair everyday! Just keep being persistent, but don't give in or you will never get the bow-wearing back!!
I love hunting too! Hope your hubby gets one! ;)
Great photos! Glad ya'll had a wonderful Christmas!!!
Thanks for sharing!
My 1 yr old got a tooth brush for christmas and it's her favorite too!! Silly girls!
Hey Kelly, this is totally not related to this post but I couldn't find an "email me" link. I was wondering what church you go to. I live in TX, so not close enough to go to there... so I guess more accurately the question should be Is your church a one and only or is it part of a larger church network? We have been here in TX for close to a year now and are still searching for a home church. It is horrible to be 1400 miles away from family and not to have a church family either. Anyway, if you are comfortable sharing that info I'd appreciate it. If not, I understand - really. You can contact me through my blog or foxyfoxfamily at gmail dot com
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