Harper and I had lunch with our friend Melissa today. It was a lot of fun. Melissa is pregnant with her little miracle baby in May. In a week or so - she and her husband are having a "gender reveal party" to share what they are having with all their friends. Everyone is supposed to wear pink or blue - whatever your guess is. I think that will be so much fun and I know which color I plan to wear!
Melissa gave me the prettiest scarf and this amazing necklace for my birthday. I did NOT expect her to give me a gift - so I was very surprised. I thought that was so thoughtful and I can't WAIT to wear that necklace (and the scarf!!)
Speaking of wearing.......for the last two years I have been wanting a pair of cowboy boots SO bad - mostly to wear with dresses for a fun look. I have not been able to find any I liked but I recently found a pair on e-bay for a great price and got them for a little birthday present to me. I got them yesterday and wore them today and I LOVE them. If you know me in person - you may start seeing them on me pretty much every day.
Harper has been refusing naps lately. She usually only takes a morning nap but she will NOT take one and would not take an afternoon nap either. I'm hoping it's just the holidays and that I can get her back on schedule. It may also be that she is VERY close to walking. Today she kept acting like she wanted to so bad and tried over and over but just couldn't make that first step. But she would laugh sooo hard every time she even thought about it. We are close.
Of course - she may not be sleeping now that I have started letting her drink diet coke.
(just a joke)I'm trying to get out of a rut of eating chicken breasts every night so I tried a new recipe tonight. I'm a HUGE fan of Gumbo. I LOVE it! So I saw Paula Deen make this one day - it's a Gumbo Casserole (or as I told Scott "Gumbo Bake" because he wouldn't have eaten it if I said casserole). I thought it was really good. It doesn't taste so much like real gumbo because there was no roux but it had similar ingredients and was really good. I put the recipe HERE.
(and I'm sure some of you are going to ask me what Gumbo is - it's a soup common in the south, especially Louisiana, that has seafood or chicken, sausage, okra and rice. It is YUM-O!)
And finally:
I just wanted to briefly share that one of my resolutions for 2010 is I’m changing a few things about my blog. I mentioned this yesterday and it’s nothing earth shattering - just a few personal adjustments. I started my blog to “scrapbook” my life and that is still my main goal. The great thing that has come out of it is being able to share my faith and to try to encourage others through prayer. I LOVE that! And I plan to continue that. I will continue my prayer blog but I’m also starting to work with www.prayergates.com and that has been an answer to prayer for me as a good way to keep up with and organize prayer requests. More on that in the next coming days!!!! (I’m also EXTREMELY behind on prayer requests (and praises) and hope to get it all updated by the first of next week!)
I will no longer be doing any giveaways or any form of product or website recommendations (there may be a VERY few exceptions). I never wanted to have a “big blog” and I have never sought out to increase my traffic. I found myself getting very stressed out about a lot of aspects of blogging this year and I feel like it has taken away time and energy from Harper and my life in general. So this year I’m just going to focus on documenting our lives. That’s what I’ve really tried to do recently but I’m just putting that back as the pure focus of my blog - my life and faith. That may mean that most of you quit following and I go back to having 10 readers and I’m okay with that. I do LOVE all of you who daily leave me comments. You have been an encouragement and a community to me as I stayed home this year. I’m thankful you have chosen to share our life with us.
I am going to do the Show Us Your Life Fridays because I think that is a great way to find other bloggers and it gives me a blog topic every Friday! Ha! And I will try to do as a part of that - show us your business once every few months so everyone can get their creative things featured. I love being able to help with that - but one on one - it has just become impossible.
I just wanted you to understand why some things might be different this year. There may possibly be an occasional giveaway through BlogHer if it is REALLY fun but other than that - I’m just going to write to preserve my memories and thoughts. I get SO many requests and I just have come to a point where I can’t keep up with them. Hopefully you can all understand that! I'm not trying to be selfish - I'm just trying to be a better wife and mother.
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 267 Newer› Newest»Good for you!!! I just stop taking orders for the same reasons! If I do move to LR, we have to hook up at some point!
was I really the first to comment!? Wow - I feel awesome!
Good for you on the changes! It is so important to put family first. BTW - my 3.5 year olds are addicted to Sonic slushes! They have only had them twice in their little lives but they ask every day if they can get one!
I'm just glad that you are going to continue blogging! I emailed you recently about my PRAISE - my husband and I are expecting our first child in July! Thank you for being real and for being an inspiration to me! Happy New Year!!!
Kelly -- I actually can't remember how I stumbled onto your blog (baby brain, I guess), but I have loved following your little family over the last few months. My younger daughter is just days older than Harper, and it's been such an encouragement to me to read your posts about raising your family. Thank you for sharing; I hope you begin to feel much less stressed about blogging. It is such a great way to keep track of all those things kiddos do!
Im think I was one of the readers before you went big and I loved you then...I love you now...and I love you even more today...so with saying that...Im here to stay if you will have me...smiles~
Why do our boys hate casseroles? They're so good. We should have casserole night and send them to Taco Bell. Ha!
I have been reading your blog since you became pregnant with Harper and I read just for the pure fact to read about your daily life and Harper. I found your blog through Angie Smith. You have such a positive outlook on life and such a cute family. Im looking forward to your blog in 2010 :)
Very well said, Kelly...I greatly admire your desire to re-focus your blog on your life, your family and your faith. You deserve it! God bless :)
Thanks for opening my eyes, ears and heart to prayergates. I'm still struggling with IF and the holidays have been especially hard however, it is comforting to know that I'm not alone. Thank you for giving me hope each day and Harper's pictures to put a smile on my face!
I think you've made a wonderful decision. I am very thankful that you are continuing to blog, as you've been such an inspiration to me this year. And a little request....could you keep the delicious recipes coming?
Kelly, I really enjoy reading your blog. I have been reading it for about a year now and I have so enjoyed watching Harper grow. She is a beautiful baby. Your faith has been uplifting and you are a great mommy. I enjoy all of Harper's pictures and I want to thank you for sharing your life. It has been a privilege. Mica Craig Lawrenceville, GA
i barely find time to blog period so i think you do an amazing job. personally i most enjoy the stories & pictures of harper & she should be your #1 focus. so i won't quit reading no matter what changes you make :)
and my husband won't eat anything that has "casserole" attached to it either!!
I have been reading your blog for years and will continue. As long as you still post pictures of sweet Harper I will continue to read. You are the first blog I check to see what Miss Harper is wearing! I don't blame you one bit for focusing more on your family and faith! Thanks for continue to share that with us!
I don't think that you will lose as many readers as you think!! You have such a sweet and interesting blog and you are such a loving person.....that shines through on your blog!! Quite frankly, I hate giveaways on blogs...I don't read blogs to win free stuff..I read because something grabs my heart! You and Harper have definitely grabbed my heart!
My daughter is 13 now and I so wish that this blogging world had been available to me when she was Harper's age because I would have such awesome documentation of her at various stages.
Your loyal reader always,
Yay! I'm actually really excited to read this change! I love the early days of this blog and I love looking back and reading your archive. I have loved following you and your family and I would feel a little sad when I'd check in and only find a give-away. You're an amazing role model and I look up to you in many ways!
Well said! That dinna looks goooood!!!!!!!!!!
Kelly: you do what's best for you. I am so glad that you aren't afraid of the changes. I don't comment often, but I will still follow (however, I don't have my little square on your 'followers' thing). I love your blog and it encourages me. Thank you for sharing all you do and for your honesty! :)
Just one more checking in to say that whatever you feel like doing, you do. I know I'm not here for the bling and I don't think too many others are either! It is the focus on faith and family that I check in for. Up north here, our culture is just different (no bows! jk) and I love seeing your experiences. Just don't stop the yummy recipes, please! :)
Take care of yourself and enjoy these waning days of what we all know was an AMAZING year for you and your family!
The boots are awesome! And If I thought I could pull them off I totally would buy a pair!
The gumbo "bake" also looks delicious! I will have to try that soon!
And good for you doing what is right for your family. I look forward to the Friday show us your life posts! They are my favorite!
I don't comment much (mainly because by the time I do there are already hundreds!), but I read daily. I have learned so much from your blog (got my list ready for the hospital from your post last year when you were pregnant with Harper!) and love how your relationship with God shines like a light! I completely understand why you have made the decision you have and I would be the same way if I were in your position. :)
I think your blog is just FABULOUS, giveaways or no giveaways. I love to read about your faith (it's so inspirational) and of course about darling Harper! Looking forward to following your blog in 2010!
I have also been reading your blog for years. I think this is great and I can't imagine all the work that goes into giveaways and the like. I'm just glad you're going to continue to share your life with us! My baby is 5 months younger than Harper so I enjoy seeing where we'll be in a few months. I also like the occasional recipes that you share. I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't know what gumbo is! But I'm a Texan so maybe it is a southern thing?
I'm totally behind you on the changes. I will definitely continue to read. Your Harper is just a few months behind my little girl in age and I love watching her grow. And I enjoy the Friday carnivals. Sometimes I participate, sometimes I don't. But I love reading and seeing creative things from other bloggers.
Good luck with all your changes.
I think you are going to have to try harder if you really want to get rid of blog fans :) I love reading about the daily grind...it is a great way to connect with other stay at homes and get ideas and encouragement. So,thanks for continuing to "scrapbook" your life with your beautiful family! Happy New Year!
I have watched your blog and sometimes have commented it and will continue to blog with you ! I just had a huge blog break and now that Im back , Im finding it hard to find something "blog worthy"!
I understand you wanting to only document your families life- but dont worry- I dont think you will lose one person over it! We love your blog for you , not just the giveaways!
Happy New Years ,
I think that is a very admirable decision Kelly, your blog should not become a "business" if you do not want it to be. I think it is great that your main priorities are Christ, Scott, and Harper;as it should be in my humble opinion. Thanks for keeping it real!
I always enjoy reading your blog, and I wish you all the best as you make the changes you see necessary to your blog. I have laughed, cried and been encouraged by you, with you and for you as you have journeyed through Harper's first year.
Best wishes to you, Scott and Harper in the New Year! I can't wait to see the decor for Harper's 1st Birthday. You know how to host, and I can't wait to see what special things you do for her party.
I think you made some great resolutions! I love blogging because of the community. I work full time and that gives me odd hours to fellowship with the gals from church. Blogging has given me some great friendships. I got distracted last year by trying to get followers and do giveaways and all that hoopla- but I did the same thing as you a few months ago. I want my time to meaningful for the Lord at the end of it all. . . Thanks for being a great example of a Godly wife and mother. I'll keep reading!
I think those are some good changes! I was afraid you were gonna kick us out! LOL!!
I have read your blog for over a year and just love it. It's one of my first stops on the web. I'd greatly miss it if you stopped!
Love that sweet little Harper!! :-)
I'm loving the boots! Harper looks so stinkin cute holding the diet coke can as a joke Ha! Ha!
Good for you on doing the right thing for your family! I am glad you are keeping Show us Your Life....That is sooo fun!
Summer :0)
I'm so glad you are going to keep writing! I joined your blog to hear about your life and all of that other "fluff," is so not necessary! Keep up the wonderful work and remember how to enjoy blogging!
Good for you! Why do something that only makes you stressed out?
Keep up the blogging about your life...it is fun to read. I think what draws the most readers to your blog is your perky and honest voice, not the giveaways!
I think you are making the right decision! Harper will only be little once. No one's lives will be worse if they don't get the chance to win a computer, or a drill, or a neat-o vacuum cleaner. I'll keep reading, thoug because I just think you are "Darlin' Plus." :-)
I have really gotten alot of insight and hope from your Blog! I wish I commented more often but I seem so bad at that. I really don't care about the giveaways.. ya know? I am more concerned with a little laughter, a little praise.. and what bow is Harper wearing today! (smiles & giggles)
Kudos for putting YOU and YOUR family FIRST!!
I love your blog and can't wait for the changes! I always look forward to coming home from work and reading your blog. Your faith has challenged me this year to look beyond myself and my community and do more. My little boy is 21 months so it is always fun to see what Harper is up to. I love all her cute outfits- with a boy it is jeans and khakis.
How can you go wrong with Paula, right?? Have you tried her shrimp and grits? Easy and yummy! I've never been a "grits kind of girl", but she added butter, cheese, and bacon, and, well, need I say more?? Hee Hee!
Kelly I never came to your blog for giveaways or to read ads.
I just enjoyed reading about your life and Harpers photos, recipes, and decorating aspects. I'm actually very happy you decided this!
Happy New Year & Many Blessings!
~Melissa :)
Even if you stop allowing comments I'd still follow you. This is the right decision for you and I'm so happy for you. I have found so much inspiration in your faith. Love to you, Scott, Harper and Dawson in the New Year!
Good for you Kelly! I am a recently new blog follower and I started following your blog simply because your blog was inspirational and interesting! I look forward to reading more!
Happy blogging & bless you and your family!
But thank you for keeping up with Show Us ... Fridays. I love looking at everybody's blogs and have made some serious blog-tastic friends because of it.
Kelly, I've never commented before, but I read and enjoy your blog regularly. Your family is beautiful and your blog is very uplifting, encouraging and fun.
I for one don't like when personal blogs morph into give-away and product review centered blogs. I'd rather read about people than about how much the blog author loves a certain product, etc.
There is nothing wrong with shifting your priorities and focusing on your family.
I will continue to read no matter what.
Good luck....and have a happy new year.
Sweet Kelly,
I don't think I've ever commented on your blog before, but I'm so thankful you're continuing to blog...no matter what it's about! Because of you I have tried headbands and leggings....two things I thought I'd NEVER pull off! Happy New Year to you!
-Jen :)
I'm so glad you are making those changed. Sometimes blogs get "commercialized" if you know what I mean. It's nice to have a simple blog with simple friends, nothing crazy :) Amanda and I still claim we're making a trip to Ak. Im going to her house for New Years Eve, wish you were in town!
I love your resolution for the new year and think it is a fabulous idea! I never came over here for giveaways or what have you, I just love seeing that little face of your precious baby! You know she has to be pretty cute when I have two cute babies of my own and still love seeing Harper's face! LOL
Goodness gracious - anyone who read this blog for your giveaways read it for the wrong reasons anyway! I read (present tense) it because I've kept up with you since you were pregnant with sweet HSB! I could care less about the giveaways!! Go girl and live your life the way you want to!! And, if this makes you a better mother and wife, God will be glorified even more than He already is!!
I just want to say that I don't think you will EVER go back to having just 10 readers like you said...because your blog, with or without the giveaways and fun things, is an encouragement to SO many..including me! Your statement of wanting to be a better wife and mother is just a testament of how you inspire others! Thank you! I'm looking forward to another year of great reading on your blog! Happy New Year!
good for you! i read your blog for the fellowship and it's light-heartedness!! (not the giveaways!)
Thanks for sharing with us all!
o and of course for all the fashion-tips and recipes!!
I don't think you have to worry at all about loosing readers... I think most of us just love to read about your little family! :)
Love the boots, the necklace, and most of all...that Miss Harper has already started on Diet Coke!!!!! ;) I know, she really hasn't, but that was a stinkin' precious picture!! She will soon enough.
And as far as how YOU run your blog...SISTER, you GO! :) I don't care if you write:
"I got up. Played with Harper. Took a shower. Played with Harper. Made dinner. Now, I'm off to bed."
I will be a FOREVER reader NO MATTER what (well, as long as you keep posting pics. of H) ;) and I'm so glad that you are doing what is BEST for you!!! You know I love you just the same!
I think your blog is super and I love reading about your life and about Harper! And I also think it is so neat to read about someone who lives in a different part of the country.
ps- in Minnesota we would call it "gumbo hot dish"!
I understand completely and think that you should blog for your own purpose! It is very encouraging and inspiring to read blogs from other sisters in Christ. Glorifying our Father in heaven should be top priority! Thanks for not being ashamed to share the love of Christ!
Blessings to your sweet family!!!
thanks so much for being real & honest! thanks for letting us have a glimpse of your life...i've been a reader since harper was born & and i love following along. i work in a NICU, and it's so encouraging to see "life after the NICU" through your blog! i can't wait to be a part of "show us your life" this year! :)
Your priority is clearly your family so I'm glad you're doing what you need to so you can best take care of them :)
So glad to know we will all still be able to read your great words...which is what I think the majority of us come here for in the first place!!
Your family and Harper ARE the most important right now....everything else can wait!
Can't wait to read and see what is in store for your family in 2010! (I do believe it will involve chasing a little one-year-old who is walking all over the house):)
I love your blog for what you share about your life and faith. I've never even entered a giveaway, and you have had some great ones! Looking forward to reading more in 2010!
Proud of you for making these changes! Stay real to yourself and your family!
I will continue to be a follower of course because I like you for you :)
I come to your blog (the first one I click on every night!) to read about your life and Harper....not to win contests. So, I am thrilled that you will continue to scrapbook your lives!
Love the boots and the necklace, too!
Robin :o)
Good for you!! I love reading your blog because of your faith, Harper and I just think you are just the cutest thing!!! I'm not really into giveaway's since I NEVER win anything anyway but it's just to much work and stress to leave comments all those different ways and never win. So I will continue to follow your journey just as a blog friend and I will keep being inspired by your faith.
Kelly, I think you are absolutely wonderful for realizing that about yourself and for bringing yourself back to what you want your reality to be: your family. May God continue to bless you, Scott, and Harper this year! :)
I am already loving your changes and they aren't even official yet! I have recently stopped following a few blogs b/c all they seemed to be were giveaways tucked in amongst the ads! I love reading blogs that are more like mine: family journaling and some adorable home projects--love me some decorating idesa!!! Kudos to you for standing up for what YOU want and not feeling the "pressure" to "compete" with some of these profesional bloggers--I bet your traffic only continues to increase for all of the right reasons =)
I've been reading since the big ball wreath of 2006:) and think that keeping blogs simple is the way to go. Good for you!
I am glad you are doing what is right for you and your family! I will still read no matter what :) Thank you for sharing your faith and life with others!!
You go girl! I like your blog because you are so genuine. I'm a newlywed and just love reading about what is hopefully down the road for us! I won't miss giveaways one bit!
I can not tell you how HAPPY your new years blog resolution makes me. The reason i started following your blog was because it was a great way for me to be encouraged in my faith and as my role as a wife and hopefully future mother. It does that for me and I pray for you literally every day because what you are doing is a ministry to so many.
To me, the giveaway and product promotion in Christian women's blogs is distracting. Of course if something is a huge love of someones or really helps there lives, then it is part of their lives, but that comes organically and would not be stressful i think.
It is so so hard to put family and God first as it is, and I just know that this might have been a scary decision to announce. The good news for your loyal readers is that we get more of he life of an authentic Christian woman and more of GOD and if God brings women to your blog like He did me, then it is HIS doing and nothing you need to worry about.
You are following HIM and that is all that matters!
In Him,
Margaret http://rrrforhim.blogspot.com/
Sweet Kelly, we are not going anywhere! You are doing such a great job as a wife and mother. Thank you for allowing us to peek in on your journey! The Lord is using you for great things!
Hey Kelly~
This is your personal blog, and everyone has fallen in love w/ you your family... and your journey w/ Harper. That is why "I THINK" you have over 6 thousand followers... SHEESH! YOU ARE JUST BEING SWEET YOU! also, your blog is a place for you to journal, so don't feel bad. I think your prayer blog is awesome, but I wouldn't worry about requests and what have yous.... like I said this is your personal space, do with it what you want. Hugs, Jenn
OH' AND I DIG THE COWBOY BOOTS, I WANT SOME, AND I ADORE THE BIB necklace.. they are all the rage now! lucky girl!
I just wanted to let ya know that I found your blog about a month ago and you are such a great blessing. You have such a cute family and blessed life. Thanks for sharing it with us. btw - Love, Love, Love the necklace!
Good for you Kelly! Your not losing this reader ;) I like the posts about your day to day life the most anyways.
I'll always be a loyal reader! Hope 2010 brings a little slower pace and simplicity to your life.
Though I don't leave many comments, I do read you on a daily basis just to see what's going on with Little Miss Harper and family. I am so happy for you and the blog changes you are making because in the end, everyone benefits. Happy Holidays!
my daughter dropped her 2nd nap right around her 1st birthday :) could be that too?
Love the idea for a gender reveal! How fun :)
P.S. I love reading about y'alls day to day. Definitely not here for the giveaways!
You and Harper are smart girls!
Kelly, I have been following your blog since a few days of Harper being born. I don't follow blogs to get extra chances on give-aways. I join them to enjoy the every day lives of people, happiness or sadness.
Good for you, it will less stressful I'm sure and not more like a business you have to deal with every day.
I think that is great, putting what is important first and letting everything else follow in proper order. You and your family will be blessed.
Honestly? I prefer to read about life stuff instead of giveaways and product recommendations. So here is a reader that you definitely won't lose!
Longtime reader and first time commenter......I would prefer you only post about your life! I find you to be an inspiring woman with a touching story and a cutie patoot of a daughter(and, you got me to pay attention to SEC football. I am a Big 10 fan and now know lots more about college football!!). I'm way more interested in your day-to-day (how you balance everything) than the giveaways and all that other jazz. It should be about you-it's your blog!!! Keep on rocking, Kelly!
Kelly- As long as you are here...I will be too. I love your blog, love little Harper and all of your fun commentary. I say "good for you!" for not doing giveaways. I find them annoying and commercialized. I love your blog because it is home-spun. I love seeing Harper's little outfits, smiles and milestones. I love the way you document your lives.
Have a wonderful 1010!
i have to say that i have been reading for a while now and you really just seem so sweet and genuine...my sister and i would get a kick out of having lunch with you one day if we were ever in arkansas (but with almost 5 kids between us it probably won't happen-haha).
i think it's great that you are doing what you feel is best for your family. happy new year!
I can't even imagine how many requests for giveaways you must receive. It must be a little crazy.
And if I'm being honest, while I enjoying winning giveaways, I enjoying getting a sneak peaks into everyone else lives by getting to reading about all the fun stuff. That's the main reason I like reading blogs. Definitely not for the giveaways.
I appreciate your reasons for changing the way you will be blogging. When I first read about it I was afraid you would stop scrapbooking about your life...much to my relief it was not. I enjoy reading your blog everyday...thank you for sharing Harper with us. I sent update emails with some of your pictures of Harper to all my prayer warrior friends as a praise report. They enjoy seeing her and seeing how she is thriving...it encourages everyone to see God's goodness at work. Happy New Year.
Genah in Indiana
Hey Kelly! Long time no comment but just wanted to tell you that I think the choices you're making to your blog are good ones. You really should be able to write about whatever you want to without feeling any sort of pressure to please others. It is meant to be for fun and not work!
I am so thankful for your friendship this year and I will be forever grateful for that! I have been so blessed to meet so many awesome friends through blogging, especially Kristin, who has become my best friend. :) Thanks so much for being real!
Yay for you! You totally need to focus on your family and do whatever is best for all of you. You'll still be encouraging to everyone who reads your blog and I know you'll still touch a lot of people by sharing your faith. You go girl!!!
i say you go girl! i never read your blog (or anyone else's) for the giveaways anyway! i think you are making a fabulous choice and i can not wait to see how God continues to bless you as you honor Him.
I don't read your blog for the give aways, I read it because it inspires me.
You have an amazing faith in God that shines through you. You are also a wonderful mother and wife.
I love reading all the updates on Harper and the family. That's why I'm here and will continue to come back on a daily basis.
Thank you for sharing your lives - however much of it you want - with us!!
I think it's funny how you wisely told Scott you made "Gumbo Bake" rather than Gumbo Casserole...I'm sure he liked it all the same. :)
Your goals for blogging this year sound like good ones. I'm so glad I started blogging as a way to record our family memories. I've been working on Dillan's 2nd year album and I've used my blog many times as a reference! :)
Can't wait to see what 2010 brings for your family!
what a cutie Harper is!!!!
i will be sticking around to read you blog, i love to read about your daily adventures with your sweet baby and about your relationship with God.
good for you for going back to your main reasons for having a blog :)
It is so important to always remember the purpose for our blogs...I try to not get down if i get like 2 comments - but then I remember I am writing this for my family and to scrapbook my life...and my Allikaye!
Great for you Kelly! I love how you are listening to God's leading and making decisions in light of what is best for your family. Motherhood is really such an incredible adventure. I really appreciate your sincerity and transparency and your beautiful love for God, your family, and friends. Wishing and praying for lots and lots of blessings to you, Scott, and Harper this New Year as you continue on in your journey.
I respect your decision. I have no doubt where your heart is Kelly. Sometimes you just have to get back to the basics.
Kelly, I remember not too long after I found your blog I literally stayed in front of the computer until I got caught up with all your posts. I have loved your blog from day one and will continue until the very last post you write, haha!!!!
Love you!!
I love to see women/mommies making decisions based completely on their family's needs! I've often wondered how some women who have "big" blogs keep up w/it all....God, husband, kids, house, job, etc. I can barely keep up w/my dinky blog! ;)
Enjoy your sweet girl and your casserole hatin' man! ;)
Fantastic! You should be pround...you are a great Mommy!
I understand completely! I don't understand from a "been there,done that" perspective since my little blog is not big at all, but I completely understand your thinking and wants. You put it into words so well. Sometimes I think something like 'I would love to have tons of readers and get tons of comments' but I have a hard time getting even 4 or 5 posts up in one week,let alone doing on every single day because people are expecting it! Which brings me to my second point(gosh,do I sound like a preacher or what! lol.). I've been wanting to say,but haven't because I didn't want it to seem like I was stepping out of "my place",but since you've become such a popular blogger you might feel like you have to post something interesting EVERY SINGLE DAY but I'm sure most(if not all)of us would understand completely if you cut it down to maybe only 5 posts a week.You're a mother to an almost-walker, for goodness sake! Please don't think that I'm trying to run your blog,just know that I for one would understand if you decided that trying to put up something "interesting"(I think its all interesting)every day. Sorry this is so long but I just wanted to say that. Give Harper a kiss for me! ♥♥
I think that's a great idea. I prefer just reading about people anyway.
As I've said before, your blog is my daily dose of sunshine. And I'm keeping reading just as long as you keep writing. xxx
I was a reader before your blog exploded - haha. I still love to read your stories because what I find the best part of bloggging is all of us mothers connecting and knowing we're not alone. It was never for the giveaways :) I hope you begin to feel less stressed!
Happy New Year.
You make me smile.
Good for you! And what cute new accessories! :)
Kelly, I am so proud of you and think you are making the very best decision for your family. Your blog is one of the very first I ever read and shared with so many others a long time ago.
You have inspired me personally and made me strive to live a better life. However, I must admit my favorite post have always been the ones about you, Scott and Harper.
I have always known your purpose was not to generate traffic and that you always seemed happiest when you were talking and focusing on the things you love the most...your family and your faith!
Thank you so much for keeping it real and hopefully putting some things in prospective for others out there that are struggling with the same issues.
I am looking forward to seeing more about Miss Harper, she is the cutest little thing EVAH!
Kelly, I love your blog and I love that you aren't trying to over-commercialize it. Your daughter is the cutest thing ever. Thank you so much for sharing yourself and her with us!
What a wonderful decision for you and your family ... As a mother of a toddler I totally understand your situation! The greatest thing I have learned as a mom is that our roles are always changing. I think it is heart warming that there are still moms out there ,like you, that put God and family first ! You go girl-Do a little happy dance :)
Kuddos Kelly!! I will NOT stop reading your blog just b/c you want to "scrapbook" the memories of your life & are not having contest & such (I like the contest but understand completly).
I don't always comment, sometimes I am even 2 weeks behind(due to my children & school), & I am VERY behind on my own blog (ha!! [w/ all 15 readers waiting on me]) but I do read every post about sweet Harper.
Thank You for being so honest & see you in 2010!
Love your blog and totally get your resolutions. Happy New Year!!!
Good for you! I don't have a big blog by any means...it's a private blog, just because I worry about putting pictures of my daughter out there in public, and this way I know exactly who the 60 people are who have access:)
But even with a blog that small, it can start to feel like a chore -- like "I have to blog today or the grandparents will be disappointed!" or "I'm getting so behind in documenting her life." I have to remind myself to live my life, not worry about documenting it all the time:)
I will definitely still keep following you, as my favorite thing is pictures of Harper and hearing about your life as a stay-at-home mom, since that's my life too:)
Oh Kelly!
I think you are making a smart move! I've been reading for almost a year and a half now, and I have to say my favorite posts are those you do about your family! Harper is just too cute not to want to see! Of course I'll keep reading, because she's just too darn adorable!
I wish you and your family the BEST new years!
Good for you! I totally know what you mean! Just with my "little" blog I get stressed out!
I'm working to come up with boundaries and set times to work online so that I can dedicate more time to Ridley, my hubby and my home.
LOVE you boot, btw! ;)
Not going anywhere! I have to have my Kelly and Harper fix. Your blog is so encouraging and fun to read!
Being a mom and wife ALWAYS comes first. You have no reason to explain. And you seem like a truly wonderful mom and wife. Keep up the great job. Also, don't give up on the naps. They keep your sanity. Once Harper starts walking, she may get more "pooped out" and will go back to napping. Good luck. Have fun and thanks for your uplifting blog.
I think you are awesome. I read your blogs simply for another Christian mom's perspective on being a mommy and loving life. Who cares about the giveaways!
Just wanted you to know that I think your focus is exactly where it should be... your faith and your family. God bless.
So glad to read this post Kelly!! I'm still following...and always pop in daily for a visit! I'm so encouraged to see how you are following the Lord's leading and keeping your faith and family FIRST in your life. There is always something to distract us and it's wonderful to see that you aren't gonna allow it! :)
P.S. My sweet grannybabies are 6 mos. and 8 mos. now. Love reading about Harper b/c I know what I get to look forward to next with my own!
I'm happy for you! I think simplicity is one of the keys to happiness. At one time, I wanted a "big" blog, and realized that I was focusing on something that wasn't honoring the Lord. I am happy with my few friends. I don't think that you will lose followers (not many anyway). I've never participated in the giveaways, and just drop in (almost daily) to see what you and your adorable daughter have been up to. Thank you for sharing your part of the world with us! Happy New Year!
Way to go, putting your family first! I love your "scrapbook" style and enjoy seeing new pics of Harper and reading about what she's been up to. I also enjoy reading your thoughts about what God is teaching you. Your passion for Him is such a challenge and inspiration to me!
Cute boots and good for you Kelly! There is no need to stress about blogging...it should be fun and relaxed...I will still keep reading, because I enjoy your blog...so happy I found it.
I can't wait for the Friday topics.
Happy New Year!
Kelly, Honey, you do what is right for you! Don't ever let blogging,or anything for that matter , take your focus off your family. We have precious little time as it is, and spend it with Scott and Harper. Everyone loved your blog the day you told about Harper throwing her toys out the doggie door...no give away that day. And seeing her Christmas outfits...no giveaway. So I don't think you will loose anyone for your decision to document your life,and not have giveaways .Unless, of course, we have a chance to win Miss Harper!! HA HA. Love the cowboy boots! Can't wait to see you in them. Have a wonderful New Year full of "Firsts" with Harper.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
OH, yeah. Forgotten thought...a Giveaway is not what impressed the Compassion people and led to the El Salvador trip. Just keep being Kelly. That is what we all love.
Good decision Kelly. I enjoy you sharing God's word and allowing us into the lives of you and your sweet little family. Watching Harper go from being a prayer in your heart that you shared with us to nearly walking is so encouraging and inspiring. Sometimes I am teary when I see her because she is proof of God's promises.
I'm for sure going to still keep reading! I love reading about your life, do what makes you happy and what's best for you and your family. Happy New Year!
I love your blog and I applaud your decision not to post giveaways. Too many of my favorite blogs have fallen prey to giveaways ... I hate that. It has almost gotten to the point that some blogs are extended commercials rather than diaries of peoples lives... Yeah Kelly Yeah
Love the boots and the necklace! I agree, blogging shouldn't be stressful. Your blog, but most importantly, you have been an inspiration to me since I started reading before Harper was born! Thank you for sharing your life with us!!
I love your blog so much and admire your decision. What a wonderful wife and mother you are...not to mention a mentor to young women like me!
Keep on keepin' on, Kelly!
I have been reading your blog for since Harper was born and just love it. I don't think you will lose any readers just because you are going to focus on just documenting your life. That is the only reason I have mine. I actually never pay any attention to the giveaways. I enjoy seeing and hearing about your beautiful little girl. I love that the tone of your blog is always so positive, innocent, and happy. That's what I keep coming back for. PS- my mom makes the same Hash Brown Casserole that you do all though she calls them Bunco Potatoes because she makes them every year at Christmas for her Bunco group. They are our absolute FAVORITE!!!
Good for you kelly!!! Anyone who gets upset over your changes clearly has their priorities out of whack! :) You are a blessing to so many and your family comes first, I love how polite you are in sharing with everyone even though you don't have to give an explanation!!
I will continue to read and love your blog!! You are an inspiration!
I just love your blog. I comment when I can and just love seeing little Harper since she was born so close to my own little one! :-) We also live in NWA (at least until May!) and it's fun to see what stores and restaurants you like.
I think your attitude and faith is so contagious. I smile everytime I read a post of yours because there's always something upbeat and postive OR something that opens your eyes (ie. Compassion).
I don't care about the giveaways. Sure, everyone loves to get free stuff. However, that's not why I come to your blog day after day. YOU and your personality (and Harper of course!) is what draws people here. Just keep being you...focus on your family and I know God will continue to bless you with what He feels you need.
I just started my blog this year, and while it is not--and never will be well-visited or popular (not the point)--I can appreciate the relief for you to unburden yourself from giveaways, etc. Interestingly, as a tax attorney, a friend of mine (whose wife has a very popular blog) recently asked my counsel related to receipt of income and benefits from giveaways and trips since his wife's blog "had morphed into her job" (his words).
What is truth, I think, remains, and the essential truth that is your journey (and what I think speaks to the many, many people who visit you and feel like they know you--like me), is the extraordinary--and sometimes, everyday--miracles that happen when you let go and let God and how one person's joys--be they in mothering, shopping, cooking or Sonicing (hey, it's an action, right?)--can inspire others to give their lives over to God, too.
Blessings, blessings--Here's to 2010!
Kelly, I am so glad for your revolutions. Thanks for staying true to your blog. It should be about your family and your faith and those young marrieds (like me) looking for advice will always flock here, whether you want us to or not. Happy 2010!
Way to go on minimizing distractions and focus on what's important!
There is no way you would lose readers. Your blog is so much more than any others...your positive words, strong faith, joyful heart, and most precious family EVER...are what keep people coming back each day!
It is such an encouragement for me to read your blog! Keep it up sister.
...Now if only my husband wasn't allergic to shrimp. The gumbo looks delish!
Kelly - I have never commented before but have been a faithful reader since Harper was born. A couple of other people have mentioned this too but I would rather just read about your daily antics, tips and see pictures versus seeing a bunch of ads and giveaways. All the best in 2010!
I understand and support you in this decision! Your focus must be your family. I love your blog and will continue to visit it and pray for you and your beautiful family.
I love your blog and will continue to read it no matter what! I rarely enter any giveaways anyway. I just don't win.
Kelly, wow it is amazing to see how much Harper has grown!!! I've not been around the blog world much since this summer. I did a post on focusing on family in the new year too. I think I had to put it out there in writing to keep me accountable!!!! Many blessing for the new year and I'll try to come back by on Friday's to see what your mimi is all about. http://learntolove-lovetolearn.blogspot.com/2009/12/merry-christmas-happy-new-year.html
I will still follow your blog because I am inspired by the way you live your life ;) It's your blog so make all the changes you want, I'm still sticking around ahahh! :)
Wish you a wonderful new year!
Way to go Kelly! I LOVE reading along with your blog & totally understand your stand point & the reasons why you plan to 'change' the blog.
One thing I've learnt about relationships is that it is best not to have expectations of ppl... and hopefully your readers are able to let go of any they've had of you too! :)
I stopped my painting business for the exact same reasons. You KNOW I will still be reading, no matter what you blog about! xoxo!
Good for you!! I REALLY enjoy reading your blog! When I read you were making changes, I thought, "Oh, no! Either she is not going to blog any more or she is going private"! I am thrilled that you are still going to blog. I have had major unpredictable changes that have happened in my life this year and my faith has grown stronger every day!( I emailed you about it 1 or 2 times. I know you probably don't remember, but you were so sweet in your email to me!) It is great to know that there are such wonderful Christian families in this world!
I look forward to reading more about y'all!!
Thanks for all you do!
I love your blog and have been reading since Harper was born! I check every day to see if it's been updated! I will continue to read no matter what you write about! I love how you share your faith with the world. And way to go Harper...can't wait to see a post saying she is walking! Stacie :0)
Kelly - I just love your blog. I really have no idea how I stumbled upon it. I think it was actually last Christmas break and I have been reading ever since! I remember last January constantly clicking "refresh" on my computer so I could see the first picture of Harper and I was just devastated when I found out that she was in the NICU. I do not read your blog for giveaways or ads - I read it because you are SUCH an inspiration to me and to others!
Happy New Year, Kelly!!
Christa (Magnolia, Texas)
Hi Kelly, I have been reading your blog since the day Harper was born. A blog that I read had a link to yours and I have come back every day since. In the begining it was make sure Harper was okay, and now it's just because I love reading what you have to say and I love looking at the pictures of your adorable daughter! Anyhow, I just wanted you to know that I don't read your blog for free things or giveaways, but because I love reading what you have to say and I think you have an amazing family!
I love your new ideas for the blog, Kelly! I read to keep up with you and your adorable friends and family, so I think the changes are brilliant!
Kelly- Your blog truly is an inspiration, as your faith and love of family always shine thru! I love reading your blog, and my 2 year old daughter, will often crawl up in my lap and say "look at ba-e Hawer (baby Harper)!!! It is a fun way to have "community" when you are a stay at home mom :). I pray 2010 will be a wonderful year for your family!
Blessings -
I had to laugh that your husband won't eat anything called a "casserole!" My husband is the same way!
Yay you! Who wouldn't understand all that??? And if they don't ... oh well. I pray that you are able to spend as much time as your desire with sweet little Harper. We all need to put our families first and live a little more simply. I hear ya girl and I feel it too! My family is first in 2010!
I am glad you are not going to quit blogging. Your blog is so cute! The giveaways have never been that big of deal to me.
The Gumbo casserole looks good. I saw one last year in Southern Living called Gumbo Pot Pie have been wanting to try. But can't get anyone to really agree and I am single.
Great idea! I'll definitely still read your blog. PS - my husband doesn't like casseroles either, so I am going to try the "bake" term!
GOOD FOR YOU MY FRIEND! there are plenty of other blogs out there where people can find giveaways on or product reviews.... you should not think twice about un-enlisting in that "job!" same for prayer requests... i think prayer gates is a wonderful way for people to share their requests without you having to feel like your the minister of your own church!
you may have 6000 followers, but ultimately this blog is still yours to do with what you please!
have a happy, relaxing 2010!!! i'll look forward to fridays with you!
I read your blog long before Harper was born. I actually will be glad to see you get back to the basics...but would read it and love it either way. Happy New Year!
Kelly you are so precious. I love reading your blog posts and seeing what you and Scott and Harper are up to.
I love how you are so real...and how you share your faith.
I will keep following and enjoy being your blog friend....and your mom's as well. You have a great family, and all of you lift up the Lord in your lives!
Love the pictures! The boots are cute.
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
awesome resolution!! my main focus is going to be on being a better mom, wife, and christas too.. less stress is definitely needed.. i dont "follow" u, but i read 3 blogs every day and urs is one of em.. i USED to read many, and I had to stop because THAT was taking too much time away from MY family.. happy holidays!!
Good for you! I love the idea!
Love the boots & necklace! So hot! :) hehe
I've never read your blog for give a ways! (As a matter of fact, I find them a tad annoying) I read to hear about Harper and to find out what you had for lunch that day :)
Harper is at the age where they give up that morning nap and take a 2 - 3 hour afternoon nap! Once you get over the holidays you may find that to be the case and you will LOVE that time she is napping. Good to hear you will still be blogging
Reading about your life and faith is the reason I come to your blog every day! I also like the occasional recipes that you post. :) But I've never been here for giveaways.
Good luck with getting Harper back to her naps. I dread the day my girls stop napping! I may send them to their room for 'quiet time' every day even if they don't sleep!
Good for you! I never knew how you managed it all to begin with.
You go girl! Family is the most important thing.
All things work together for good to those called according to His purpose.
Keep Him front and center!
So much in one post! LOVE the necklace and boots!! If I were going to your friend's gender reveal party, I'd wear pink. I have no idea why; I don't know her from Adam. But she looks like the mommy of a girl! :)
Kudos to you on focusing on what you wish for your blog to be. I can't imagine the stresses that come with having a blog that's so wildly popular. God's definitely used you time and time again to His glory. And that's awesome! I'm expecting our first child, and I oftentimes wonder how my blog will change. . . . I'm sure it'll be all about baby! :) I'll keep reading you because I think so much of you and admire you for so many reasons.
Keep on Keepin' on, sister!! Love love from Georgia!
I found your blog through the praying for Harper button on another blog last year and have been reading about you everydy since then. Your blog is awesome because it is about an adorable family with good values and cute ideas. I'll still read everyday and even set up my own blog so I could be a part of Fridays. I ended up being able to print my post about my daughter's birthday for her baby book--not only are you "scrapbooking" your life, you are helping other people do it too!
I personally read your blog because you share your faith through everyday life! Also, I think Harper is precious and I am enjoying watching her grow up, even though we may never meet, it is nice to know that there are other christian women out there raising there kids and trying to make the world a better place one day at a time. Thank you for sharing your life with us!
Kelly - You are just such a star! Good for you for prioritizing what is most important to you - like they say, those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter.
You and the rest of the 'gang' are always in my prayers! xo
i'm glad you are just going to documenting your life. i love reading about Harper and how your family is doing.
My best friend just had a "gender reveal" party! It was a blast! I was right...Girl!
I think the blogs about your daily life are the best ones. That is the reason I read it every day! I am nosey and I like to peek inside people's lives.
But more than that, it is your blog...do with it what you will! I don't think you will lose a single reader :o)
I don't think you'll lose readers if you stop doing giveaways, I feel it'll be just the opposite! To be honest over the past year it was feeling very commercialized...like weekly I would read about someone sending freebies to get a plug for their etsy store. Even though at times I wanted to stop reading (because of that)...I was drawn back to see sweet Harper's progress! She is such a sweetie and I totally agree with you decision. Regardless, it is your blog and your decision. I'll keep reading because I cannot get enough of Harper! :) Can't wait to see photos of her walking! I know it's just around the corner! Have a great New Years!
I think that is a great plan...I know you are a great Mom and wife already though. I will continue to read you!
I LOVE the boots! What brand are they?
Love the pics! LOVE LOVE LOVE Harper's room at your in-laws! That is awesome that they did that for her!
Hugs - Tiffany
Hello Kelly,
I've been reading your blog for a while now, and I LOVE it!! Your Harper is too sweet! I laughed when I read that you had to call the Gumbo Casserole, "Gumbo Bake"!!! :) My husband is the same way!! What is the problem with casserole?!?! lol
Happy New Year,
Kelly, I will continue to follow and read your blog no matter what. I didn't know about the give aways to start with and I only tried for one...so that's not why I'm here! I started following right after Harper was born and I love watching her grow up! She'll be walking in NO time!!! Happy New Year and good luck with all of your resolutions!!!
I check your blog every day when I get to work. I love seeing all the photos of Harper each day. She has just gotten cuter as the months have past by. You've also helped me realize that getting pregnant just takes time and to not give up hope. It is so hard not getting what you want right away, but I'm trying because I know it will happen for me too. Can't wait to see what you blog about in 2010!
Kelly I can't blame you one bit, I was thinking yesterday when you said some changes are coming that you might go private (woops, I didn't want to instill that thought in your brain, but I just did) I'm so happy you'll stil be sharing Harper with us, I've read and prayed for her since her birth, and I am so happy God healed her for you and Scott.
I loved your blog before you became a "big blog" so I will definately still be reading you!
I will MOST DEFINITELY continue to read your blog....giveaways or not! I read because I love to follow your precious family and you are such an admirable woman of faith. It is very commendable that you can see things that are stressing you and you're able to put your faith and family first. Just another reason we love you!
Looking forward to the change in 2010 - thank you for always being yourself! I enjoy reading your blog because of that:)
I will stick around! Harper is the best to read about! Your life is inspirational, and all of us in North Carolina wish we could be your best friend! :)
I don't comment often but I read every post in your blog! Personally I don't blame you a bit for the changes and I doubt you'll lose many readers. I don't know about everyone else, but I read FOR the personal stories and to hear about Harper and your life. If a blog I read does tons of giveaways (and is not just a giveaway blog) I tend to stop reading it. :) So thanks for continuing to let strangers like me peek in at your life! (oh and my 20 month old thinks Harper is adorable - she always points and giggles and says "BABY!" when she sees Harper on the computer!)
You can't go wrong when you obey that silent prodding and put your family first! I'll still be here ;D
I have no problem with your choice of changes for your blog. I didn't start reading your blog because of any of that stuff anyways!! You just keep posting pictures of sweet little Harper and that is fine by me!
Keep family first! I love that you are submitting to God in this. I have to remind myself to do that even though it's just me and my husband... but keep up the recipes! I don't think I've made one thing from your recipe blog that we didn't just love!
your posts about your daily life and little family are my favorite anyway- so i'm quite excited about your changes :)
i started reading your blog wayyyy before you had a million readers b/c i was going through infertility too. right after you had harper i lost our little boy at 34 weeks (2-3-09).... currently waiting our 3rd little miracle - due this feb.
i love seeing what harper and her momma are up to! i also just LOVE your parents! haha- i probably sound crazy- but ya'll are just so much like MY parents and my family (i have one brother too) that i can relate really well-- our parents houses are even very similiar from what i can see from pictures!!!
I totally understand your new blog idea. I never knew how you did it all. And you can count on me to keep reading! =)
The love and energy you put into your blog does not go unnoticed. It is a joy to watch you and your family grow and find strength through the Lord. I commend you for your step forward and "changes" for 2010.
Faithful fan-
Katie in North Carolina
Thank you for staying true to who you are and why you started. I love reading whatever you write so I'll always be a fan!!
I don't blame you at all for wanting to eliminate things that cause added stress to your life! I'm actually very proud of you for realizing that giveaways (although fun) aren't the best route for your family at this time. I read your blog because I love the genuine aspect of it. I feel as though I have gotten to know you and your sweet family since following your blog and love seeing the growth and changes y'all make throughout the years.
May God bless the Stamps in 2010 and all the years to follow!
Kelly, good for you! I am not reading your blog for the giveaways, I read because I enjoy watching Harper grow and see your happy face. You are very lucky to be able to stay home with your daughter. Enjoy the time you have with her because it will go by quickly. I still have a hard time believing my boys are 22 and 20, and my baby will be 17 soon. Take care. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
If you are doing what you want to be doing on your blog, than good for you! This blog is yours and it should be what you want on here! Follow your heart :)
Can't wait for 2010 :)
I think the changes are a great idea! This is your blog, and that's what it started with - you telling about your life. Too many big bloggers are becoming too commercially driven. You rock for staying true to the real reason for blogging - go girl! :)
Good thoughts about the giveaways! You can never ever go wrong trying to be a better wife and mother. Only YOU know how to do that! Love your blog and even though you won't be doing giveaways etc, I'm still going to lurk!!! :)
Good for you!! I'm just glad you are going to continue to share your faith and family with us. You really are an inspiration. I've so enjoyed watching Harper grow, she is just the cutest little thing. Just be yourself (that's why we read everyday)!!
Happy New Year!! xoxo
You go girl! Faith and Family is the BEST that you can spend your time on. Sharing our Faith and praying is what God desires. I read in a billy graham book yesterday...a great thought about prayer!"A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian. A prayerless Christian is also a contradiction, because we should yearn for fellowship with the ONE that redeemed us."Communication keeps our relationship with God going and keeps us strong! So you take the time to make the blog what you desire that will lead others to Christ. i do the same on mine. Sharing Christ. I don't have many followers but who i do i know God has chosen them. so God bless you and take care of your sweet family, because Harper will someday be 17 and graduating from high school, like our Molly or 25 and in her first teaching position and out of the house, like our Megan! come see my blog.
Love it Kelly! I think that is what your blog should be! You are such a witness each day. God bless you!
Kelly I think you are such a sweetie! I read your blog daily! and not because of your give-aways! You are an amazing woman! When Harper was so sick, you could have had a different outlook, but you held strong to your faith and that inspired me! So, keep up the good work, and I look forward to seeing sweet Harper on your blog!
Kelly, I would certainly hope that you wouldn't lose readers just because you're "getting back to basics" ... I began reading back when Harper was born, and all it was back then was just the desire of your heart that God heal your child. There were no giveaways or anything, but it was wonderful just coming by day after day to see the renewed blessings that He was pouring on your family. Your blog should serve YOUR needs, not everyone else's. More power to ya!
I didn't come here for the giveaways. I came because of our similarites with fertility struggles and our faith in Jesus. I just enjoy being virtual friends. My kids LOVE Harper and we are always excited to see what's brewing at the Stamp's house.
Good for you Kelly! You are a inspiration to me I love reading your blog and hearing about your life and that is what I enjoy about it! I am a life long reader!
Wow! I love the boots! They would look great with the necklace too!
Baby Peas
I'm so glad you are going back to the blog that we all fell in love with! Thank you for recognizing that the reason we follow you is about you and your family and faith...not the fluff! :)
I'll be one of the 10 that still reads you daily, Kelly! (I'm pretty impressed by your decision. That's really what I love about your blog... it's simply about your life, plus we get to see Harper every day.)
I LOVE that necklace... and what brand are the boots?
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