So did you notice I got a new look? Christmas is over a little early at our house and I'm beginning to pack it up and start preparing for Harper's birthday so I thought our blog should go along with that! Danielle at The Design Girl did it and she is AWESOME! I'm pretty sure I might leave it this way all year!My parents have been in Dallas visiting family and they stopped by on their way home today to see their girl! Harper was SO excited to see them! She LOVES her grandparents and knows them all! I love that!
Harper had fun showing them what Santa brought her and playing with everything!

So if you are new to my blog (or if you have read for a while) - We started doing "Show us Your life" Fridays here last summer. We started by touring our homes and then did all kinds of different things like wedding shower ideas, baby shower ideas, kid parties, pets, fall and christmas decorations. You can see the past posts at
Ya'll gave me GREAT ideas and I have put together a schedule for 2010 (until June and then we'll go from there). I will post it on the SUYL site also. We start back Friday the 10th!!!
You may only want to join in on some of these but it's a great place to get ideas and I keep them all stored on the SUYL site so you can go back and keep getting ideas and finding great blogs to read!
Jan 8 - New Year Resolutions
Jan 15 - Weight Loss Tips, Diets, Workout Ideas
Jan 22 - Favorite shopping spots - stores and on-line
Jan 29 - Fashion Tips
Feb 5 - Beauty Tips - favorite hair and makeup products
Feb 12 - Valentines - Favorite date and/or gift
Feb 19 - What do you collect?
Feb 26 - What is your typical day like - I'd love to hear from single girls/Working moms/SAHM's/grandmothers! (If you read this post earlier today or yesterday - I MEANT it to say Working moms (instead of work at home - but want to hear from those too!) but I was really tired.......I thought it would be helpful for working moms to connect with other working moms!!!)
March 5 - Favorite Charities
Mar 12 - Share your mission trips
Mar 19 - Best Cleaning tips
Mar 26 - Best Organization ideas
April 2 - Idea for Teacher gifts
April 9 - How you met your husband/fiance
April 16 - Tips for saving money
April 23 - How you picked your kids names/future names
April 30 - Favorite books/ children books
May 7 - Show us your town
May 14 - Show us your Favorite Things/Things that make you happy
May 21 - Random Acts of Kindness Ideas
May 28 - Show us your china pattern
June 4 - Tell us your proposal stories (single girls - send your boyfriends to this post!)
June 11 - Activity ideas for kids
June 18 - Show us what you make (etsy/crafts/website shopping!!!)
June 25 - What is your favorite Bible Verse and why?
I'm looking forward to Fridays and Hope you will all join in!!!!
Love your new "blog topper". Harper is so precious! Love all the upcoming topics for SUYL, it will be fun!
sounds like fun Kelly, I can't wait. Harper's birthday picture is too cute. First birthdays are soo much fun. Enjoy the moments. Carol
So excited! The blog header is SO cute, I agree leave it all year! : )
Love the new look! Your blog looks like it's "been covered in Pepto Bismol" to quote Steel Magnolias, and IT'S GREAT! Show Us Your Life topics look awesome, too!
Love the new look!! I am looking forward the the SUYL in 2010... I have yet to post on one.. so perhaps I will this year! :)
I just cannot believe Harper is almost a year old! But she's gotten cuter every single day, and I feel so blessed having gotten to watch your little miracle in the making!
I've been on a blogging break for a couple of months, but today I was put on bed rest and am back now... it was good for me to focus on just my family for a couple of months, but I've really missed staying in touch with all of my blog friends - you're at the top! - so I'm glad to be back!
ALSO, one of my very very best friends just moved to Bentonville, so once this baby is born and bigger, I plan on making lots more trips to NWA!
Oh..I love your new look! I am getting ready to do the same thing. I love change. I can't wait to join in on some of your 2010 "Show us your Life's". And get lots of idea from everyone. Happy New Year to you all.
Love the new blog look! I hope I will be able to participate in Show Us Your Life more this year.
Have a great New Year!
Love the new look
Kelly - Love the new look! I've been reading your blog for awhile and this is my first time to comment. Love all the SUYL ideas - I plan to start participating! Also, I think it's great that you are going to cut down on the giveaways, etc. - you need to spend as much time with adorable girl of yours! Happy New Year!
The new look is darling and I can't wait to wish Harper a Happy Birthday!!! What a year it has been!
I love all the SUYL ideas!!! That is going to be fun.
I didn't get to comment on yesterday's post but I am SOOOO glad you are going to make your blog for YOU and not have it be so stressful or so much work. As of course you know, I was around at close to the beginning and I have watched it grow, which has been awesome, but I just want it to be fun and a blessing for you and not a stress! Being a Momma is tough enough some days!! That being said, I love what God has done with your blog and its ministry!!! You are a blessing to so many people, me included!!! We need to get a lunch date on the calendar- SOON!!! Love you friend!
cute new look....and i can't wait for show us your life topics...they look great and i will share too!
thank kelly!
yay! Can't wait for the new show us your life!!
Your new header is just adorable :) All the topics for this year look like so much fun!
Love the new design! I vote for leaving it all year! I mean seriously these babies grow so fast! Enjoy every minute! I am looking forward to the new SUYL series! I am getting ready!
I love the new look! I was just thinking I need to redo my blog. I wont take down my Christmas stuff in my house until New Years Day, but I might go ahead and change over the blog!
Love the list of planned SUYL. Looks like some really fun ones are in there!
Oh so fun, I know that took so time to think of! Good job girl! And the new header is just perfect! We have that Birthday Girl shirt, too! Love it! So hard to believe Harper is already turning ONE! She is going to have a beautiful birthday...I just know it! We did my daughters 1st birthday in brown and pink, because I just love those colors together and that's what I did her room in so I thought..why not!! Have a great rest of the night!
ps. we were in Arkansas this past week visiting family and I could not believe how flooded it, plenty of rain for all of 2010! :)
Great ideas for Show Us Your Life 2010! That will be fun! And the new blog look is adorable, Happy Bday, Harper (in a few weeks)!
Happy New Year!
Love the new blog look!! Harper is just too cute! I can't believe our babies are turning 1!!!!! Can't wait to see pictures from her party!!
Love all the topics!!
Thank you for giving me 6 months of Friday posts I can write now before school starts again! :)
You'll be my regularly Friday hero! :)
Love the new look!
Love the new look Kelly!
The SUYL series sounds great -- thanks for putting all of that together :)
Happy New Year to you!!!!
Love the cupcake theme! SUYL sounds like it is going to have a great line up for 2010!
LOVE the new look! Keeper. The pasta and peas pic should be in a frame! Every kid needs a shot like this:)
I love the new look. I can't believe she is a year old almost!! And...I love the Show Us Your Life topics!! Happy New Year!
Love the new blog design. I plan to keep reading your blog even though you are going to pear it down a bit. I can't even remember how I found your blog but it was through another blog I read. I started reading it when you had Harper.
Love the new look!
Your "changes" sound just like what you need.
God bless!
Love the new look and gosh how has it already been a yr?? Can not believe Harper is already turning 1!!!
I read one commenter that said she'd write all the SUYL posts now before school starts up again and I laughed out loud because that's EXACTLY what I had thought of, too! I may not get to all of them before school starts up, but I agree with her about the easy, regular Friday posts. Thanks for the help! :) And I LOVE the topics!
The new look is great! I think you should keep it all year. And I think I will definitely not just be a blog lurker on "show us your life" anymore and actually participate. I need to get organized on it! Happy New Year!
Cant wait for how you met your husband one. Todd and I met on an airplane. Go figure with him being a pilot! So funny!
I love the new look!!! It's perfect!!
I love your new blog! I am WAY to excited about Show Us Your Life, I just wrote them all in my calander(Im a nerd)! I am so glad that you are going to continue blogging, I would miss sweet Harper and hearing from you as well! Im also glad that you arent doing the giveaways! I read blogs for fun and to get fun ideas, not to shop! Thanks again for being an amazing blogger!!
Cute new design! I love it!
Quick question...I remember a Show Us Your Life post about favorite baby gear, but I haven't been able to find it on your site. Could you direct me to it? My husband and I recently found out the I am pregnant with our first child and I'd love to read what everyone thought were good things to have.
Thanks! Happy New Year!
I love the new blog design! You're right Danielle does a fabulous job! I'm so glad that your are going to continue with the "show us your life" I'm veryyy excited about it!!
Have a wonderful New Year!!
I love the blog design! Danielle always does such a great job.
Harper is such a doll even with gnocchi on her face. My daughter has a habit of rubbing food in her hair...makes bath time interesting!
LOVE the new look! Happy Birthday Harper!!! Looking forward to show us your life tour this year!!!:)Happy New Year!
I love the new look! I am beyond excited that all of the Show Us Your Life's will be in one spot, so I don't miss any!! Super excited!! Hope you and your family have a great New Year celebration!
Great new ideas for the SUYL, Kelly. I hope to participate more often in 2010! Love the pink color of your blog too!
I'm sorry I dont want to be THAT girl, but you said we're starting back SUYL on Friday the 10th? Is it supposed to be Friday Jan 8th?
I love the new SUYL schedule! I'm really lookin forward to the next 6 months of this!!
Love the new blog look!
I can't wait for all of these "Show Us Your Life" topics! I can participate in a lot of them! :D
Kelly ,My Favorite :Show Us Your . . . " Will May 14th. Because it's the day before my B -Day. I guess with that one we could include " Show Us What Your Obssed with" . Mine is Soooooooooo EASY, KEITH LIONEL URBAN ..... YUMMO!!!! LOL I've said it once & I'll say it again. "Nicole Mary Kidman is 1 lucky Lady!!!!
I can't believe Harper will be one soon! She is such a cutie pie & I love all the pictures you take of her. I hope you all have a blessed holiday.
<3 Bon
I love the new look! The little cupcake below your name is just too cute!
I haven't done any SUYL yet{I've only read}but I'm pretty sure I'll do of those! :)
Love the new blog header. The "birthday girl" picture of Harper is adorable.Keep it up all year. Maybe you should spoon feed Harper the gnochi next time. LOL That picture is too cute. Was Dawson under the table waiting for the tidbits that fell? Have a wonderful New Year's.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
Love the new blog header. The "birthday girl" picture of Harper is adorable.Keep it up all year. Maybe you should spoon feed Harper the gnochi next time. LOL That picture is too cute. Was Dawson under the table waiting for the tidbits that fell? Have a wonderful New Year's.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
Love the new page so much! That picture of Harper is so precious! I love all the SUYL ideas! You are so organized to have them all planned out. Happy New year to the Stamps!!
i love the new look! so excited for Harpers birthday and the schedule for SUYL looks like a lot of fun and can't wait to take part in it more often!
quick question - what do you use to store your ornaments? I'm looking for ideas..since it's my first Christmas married, we don't have a storage system...
Eeee! I love the SUYL ideas! Some of them are totally up my street!
LOVE the new look of your blog - so sweet! Sounds like the SUYL topics for 2010 are looking great. I've never joined in on that, but I think I'll give it a try for at least some of them. Happy New Year!
Love the new look! And all of the great ideas for posts. I think I may join in this year (I also like having ready made ideas for a Friday post.) A happy early birthday to Harper!
You HAVE to listen to Carrie Underwood's new CD. #4 Change is perfect and makes me think about you everytime I hear it. Very fitting for Compassion!!!
LOVE your new look!! I still cannot believe it is almost Harper's 1st birthday!! God is Good!!
Happy New Year Kelly, Scott and Harper and I look forward to visiting with you in 2010!!
Blessings and Hugs,
Kelly, I love the new blog topper--leave it up! And LOVE the new topics- wow you sure are ahead of the game!
LOVE THE NEW LOOK!!! :) And I absolutely LOVE the pic of Harper in her birthday girl shirt--so precious (it was the first time you posted it, too!) :) It's so neat that Harper knows & loves her grandparents...that is not true for my niece as her Daddy (my bro)'s side of the family lives 1000+ miles away, so Grandma & Granddaddy (and Aunt Sarah) are strangers each time we see her. :( Hopefully as she gets older and can put pictures with names and voices, this will change...I know your parents and Scott's don't take this for granted, but it's so special that they get to see Harper pretty much whenever they want instead of for a couple days a couple times a year. (No, I'm not having a pity party for myself or complaining, I just wanted to make a point, but I'm "preaching to the choir", I know! Ha!)
I am looking forward to participating in the "Show Us Your Life" some this year...
Until then, Happy New Year to Kelly and Scott and Harper and Dawson and the grandparents and Aunts and Uncles! :)
Looking forward to Fridays in the New Year! :)
Can we do April 23 now... We are expecting our first child and it is nearly impossible to pick a name for her. We are due April 2! Help!!!!
Love the new look! It is sooo cute! Etsy has the best stuff for 1st b-day planning.
I love the new look and those are some great topics for SUYL.
Hey Kelly! I've been a blog reader, yet not a commenter for awhile. I plan on getting involved in SUYL series. I can't wait. Thanks for posting what is up for the year ahead. I'm going to print it out and put it on my computer. . .so I'll be super -prepared!! I hope you have a Happy New Year!
I love the new layout! Can't wait for SUYL this year!
I have never participated in Show us your life but seeing the schedule for the upcoming year makes me want to! I hope I just actually do it! This is great!
I am glad you are still doing show us your life and i love the new header! I just nominated you for the beautiful blogger award, head over to my blog to see what to do next. I love your blog, Kelly!
I'm hoping to do more of these this year! I enjoy reading about you and your family, I hope you have a wonderful new years!
For your Feb 26 post (What is your typical day like - I'd love to hear from single girls/Work at home moms/SAHM's/grandmothers)...are you open to hearing from women who work outside the home, too?
Happy New Year Kelly,
I love checking in on your family when I have a moment. I have three kids of my own and your blog inspires me to be a better mom, wife and friend.
I am touched by your "truth" moments as I call them. Those times when you reveal a real life struggle or feeling you are experiencing. It makes me feel not so alone in this Mommy thing.
I do confess that I used to get sad after seeing the photos of Harper's grandparents with her. I would ask God, "why can't my kids have that too?"
But, God has given me peace about it and shown me that I can be the change I want to see. I can be that kind of grandparent someday. I can create my family's legacy and inspire generations to come.
Your blog was a part of that conclusion. Thank you so much!
I love your new layout!!! Harper's picture is too cute!!!
And the SUYL looks like fun!!! I can't wait to do it...I really didn't do it much but it will be one of my resolutions!!
I think one of the highlights of 2009 was me starting to read your blog!! You have such fun blogs and are a huge inspiration!!
Love the new look! Harper looks so pretty in her birthday picture at the top! Looking forward to the new SUYL schedule :)
I'm proud of you, Kelly, for giving up the giveaways and leaving your blog with its original purpose intact. I do feel that over time, the giveaways on blogs get out-of-hand, my interest dwindles, and I wonder if the blog author is only out for secondary gain. Good for you for taking a stand! I'm happy to keep following along. Happy Birthday, Harper!
Love the new look! Thanks too for posting the schedule. There were a few times I thought I would participate but I wouldn't have time when the subject came up. Now I can be prepared ahead, ha! I meant to post when you asked for suggestions earlier but didn't get to it. I would love some SUYL topics about organization. Even just the one thing you do that made a difference in your household. I am always looking for ideas and have a couple that might help others. Thanks for the fun blog and Happy New Year!
Cant wait for all the new show us your life posts!
love the new look of the blog! I have a question, if you get time to return the answer that would great. I just recently found out i'm pregnant with my second baby! I had a hard time finding crib bedding last time and i love Harper's set. Do mind telling me where you got it??? thanks so much!! Happy new year!
this is a great idea. I would love to see the organization post in January!
An idea for the fall could be "Easy meals to make for new Moms". I have lots of friends having babies, and I can always use a good easy meal to make them.
Love the SUYL series! Can you also include some recipe sharing topics in there too??? I've gotten so many great ideas in the previous postings. Thanks!
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