Wednesday, December 23, 2009


This afternoon while Harper napped I made some red velvet cake balls to take with us to Christmas. The craze is sweeping twitter and it made me and Scott want some. I also made oreo truffles which are basically the same thing but you crumble up oreos and mix with cream cheese and then dip in the almond bark! Try it - you will thank me!!!!
Scott sent me these pink roses for my birthday. Only they didn't arrive until Today. I thought it was sweet. He used to send me flowers all the time when we were dating but quit once we got married. Which was okay by me. He had planned to send me flowers when Harper was born and well - nothing ended up like we planned with her birth. So I think these are what he would have sent me on January 16th. And I think he just wanted me to have a nice birthday. And I did!
Harper's birthday outfit came in today! I just love it. I figure she can wear it all year - not just at her party because she will be "one" all year! The pants are so precious! I had it made HERE.
I've had SO many people ask me about this in restaurants and on-line so let me tell you about my FAVORITE baby product right now. I'm in LOVE. (I have NO connections with the maker of this and they didn't ask me to write this......this is just pure mom love!) Once Harper started sitting in a high chair at restaurants and eating food - I had the new dilemna - how do I let her eat without touching the germy table? I tried using napkins which were awful. Then I started packing an extra burp cloth and she could eat off that which was great but 1. I would have to wash it every time and 2. she would always whip it off the table sending food flying. HUGE mess. So last time I was visiting my in-laws we went to this little baby store and I saw this mat! It has suction cups so it sticks to the table so baby can't pull it off, there is a little tray that hangs over the table that collects all the food babies are always dropping and you can wipe it clean very easily! And it rolls up easy in your diaper bag. Seriously it's the GREATEST thing. Anyway - it's a Kiddopotamus Tiny Diner and I found it on for $10.88! Worth every penny and I plan to start giving this as baby gifts. When you are having a baby - you never think (Or I sure didn't) you would need this because you are thinking tiny baby but this is a life saver if you like to eat out!!!
And while I'm at it - another thing I get asked about a lot is something a sweet friend Mary Katherine gave me when Harper was born and I LOVE it! I carry it with me everywhere I go and put puffs and melts in it for constant anytime snacks. You can also put formula in it. Each of the 5 little holders snap off so you can carry between 1-5 of them and put different things in each one. There is a little hole at the top of each of the containers so you can pour out whatever you are carrying. It's called a Packing Smart. Just something else I'm in love with! :-)j

I feel like I should break out into a chorus of "these are a few of my favorite things".................

Don't forget tomorrow I'm drawing the winner of the FREE COMPUTER!!!!!! So go enter and Merry Christmas!!


Annemarie said...

Love, love, love Harper's bday outfit! SO cute!!! XOXO

Anonymous said...

Those cake balls look delicious - I think I'm going to have to make them tonight :-)

ashley said...

i've been wanting one of those mats for eating out! now i know just where to get one - thanks :)

Lindsey said...

Great idea on the place mat.My SIL found me some disposable ones that stick to the table. I like that I can just toss them and the mess! Makes for easy clean up and no germs!


Those red velvet cake balls look sooo yum!!

Adorable outfit {as always}!!

Thanks for sharing all your fabulous finds with your readers : )

It sounds like you are happily enjoying this wonderful time of the year and making lots of special and wonderful memories!

jsiewert said...

Love the ideas and I cant wait to try to make some cake balls!

Marci said...

I have one of those mats too and they are great.

Have a Merry Christmas!

Jess :) said...

AWESOME post about this and that, Kel!!! :) I think I need to get one of those mats for Jorgen! My sis will thank me! We also just talked about the cake balls when we were Skyping a little bit ago! I think that's on our baking "to-do" list for when she finally makes it home!

Of course, they will be paired with Sonic Vanilla Diets! :) Oh, and Harper's Birthday outfit...ADORABLE! :)

Cochran Family said...

Know what's crazy? I came to your blog just now, specifically to get that red velvet cake ball recipe because I'll be making them tomorrow, and whaddaya know...this post!!! :)

Lindsay said...

That outfit is SOOOO CUTE!!! LOVE IT!!

Lauren said...

We have the same mat and love it also! And I love the birthday outfit!!

Tinsley said...

I have two of the mats for my boys and they are awesome...I do the same thing and give those as gifts. Great idea. Love the bday outfit too!

The Whites said...

I made the cake balls yesterday for a family dinner I was having. I used strawberry cake mix and strawberry icing and everyone loved them!! I think I want to try it again with lemon cake. Thanks for sharing your recipe!

Ani said...

love the bday outfit. we had one of those food savers with our son (in blue) and its one of the few baby items i kept for the second one (a GIRL!) bc i worried that i wouldn't find it again.

whimzie said...

I think if I had to vote for favorite baby product from the entire time my kids were babies, I'd vote for that mat. My kids aren't babies anymore and I'd forgotten how much I loved that. I think I'm going to pick up a few for baby shower gifts now that you reminded me about them!

mother of three fellas said...

I love the mat too! One of my favorites. I bought mine online at babiesRus.

Unknown said...

I made oreo truffles today too!! They are so good! I did have to try a couple before all the get togethers start tomorrow! Merry Christmas!

Our Happy Married Life... said...

i think everyone and their mother have made red velvet cake balls this season! I made them a couple weeks ago and several of my friends have followed suit. Then, just reading this made me laugh b/c YOU made them also! They are sooo good!

TheFancyFritter said...

That mat things is sooo neat! I definitely need to get one of those! I have one of those snack things like that & they are great!! Very convenient! I love Harper's b-day outfit too! She is going to look adorable! Have a Merry Christmas!

Sandy said...

Harper's birthday outfit is adorable and those red velvet cake balls look delicious!

Marianne said...

I finished my red velvet cake balls today and while not all of them were pretty they sure were yummy!

Kris said...

Happy belated birthday Kelly! Sounds like it was a great day :)
I made those cake balls Monday night and they are my new favorite. . . .they are SOOOOO good! BTW, Harper's BD outfit is precious!

Taylor said...

Love the flowers! My husband brought me some for no reason the other day!
Merry Christmas!

Tara G. said...

The oreo balls are one of my absolute favorites- yum! What beautiful flower! My husband buys the girls the # of roses they have in years for their birthdays- our oldest gets yellow and the youngest got her first pink one last May. He also began writing a special letter of blessing yearly on our daughter's 5th birthday and he'll continue with the others, too. The birthday outfit is adorable- there are so many wonderful things to enjoy and look forward to with children! Blessings, Kelly! Merry Christmas!

Kendra said...

OK--love the birthday outfit! :o)

We had the Kiddopotomus Tiny Diner for my now 2 1/2 year old and always loved it. Now we use the disposable place mats that you can color on--I can't think of who they're made by, but we LOVE them! And they're sticky on all 4 sides, so she can't get them off very easily.

Btw, you can throw the Tiny Diner in the dishwasher on top of everything in the top rack and it washes beautifully as well. :o)

Amanda M. said...

I made the red velvet cake balls today, too! :) I actually crushed candy canes and added that to the mix, too, for a holiday flair. So while I was mixing the cake batter, my 4 year old said to me:
"OH MAMA! Why are you making BLOOD cake!?" SO hilarious!
Anyway, thank you for the recipe (I got it from here of course) - the cake balls are SO delicious!!!

Nina said...

That's a pretty amazing little mat.

Kelly said...

I made cake balls this week, too! I made vanilla mixed with chocolate icing and rasberry filling all rolled up and dipped in chocolate (with cute, festive sprinkles!)!! We also have the table mat--terrific baby product!

I love Harper's outfit! I also wanted to make Oreo balls. The problem, when I went to make them, I discovered that my husband had eaten a row and a half of the Oreos! Oops!

The Dimino's said...

I love my tiny diner!! I got mine at Babies R Us!! Oh and Harper's birthday outfit is sooooooooooo cute!!

Megan said...

I would love to make your red velvet cake balls, but I searched all over for almond bark. I am in Columbus Ohio. I don't know if that makes any difference. I found vanilla bark, but no almond bark!!

noahandlylasmommi said...

cant wait to see harper in her birthday outfit! I will have to get one of those things for the tabletop. Great idea.

Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

Harper's outfit is super cute! She is going to be the most stylish 1 year old that I "know".

I attempted your cake truffle recipe for the first time yesterday and they turned out great! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Em said...

I have always loved the Kiddopotamus mats too. I will totally be getting one once I have a baby.

What are "puffs" and "melts?"

denise said...

I love the kiddopotamus mats, they also sell disposable ones if you aren't going to be home, we found these more helpful if when baby gets a bit bigger! I always give sippy cups, bowls, disposable bibs, infant spoons, etc. as a baby gift along with a box of rice cereal and oatmeal. Its a great way to make sure mommy has them.

Unknown said...
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Aimee said...

Love the cake balls and I made my daughter an outfit for her birthday.. can't believe what boutique clothes sell for.. so very glad I can sew!

Merry Christmas! Caiya's been home 7 months from China!!

The Garners said...

H's "1" outfit is ADORABLE!

We used one of those mats with Lex and you're right--it's WONDERFUL at restaurants. Lots of people would stop and ask me where I got it! It's about time to break it out again for C.

Jamie Kubeczka said...

Oh, I am right there with you on the snack pack, I love mine!! It's perfect for on the go, I found mine at a baby boutique. I am going out this weekend to get that mat!! I have been having the hardest time trying to find something that actually works! I even tried buying the plastic liners that stick to the table and all my son does is rip them up!! Grr.. Thanks for the mommy tip! Oh, and I love Harpers birthday outfit!! Super cute! :-)

Sarah said...

I just made the Oreo Balls today for the first time.I haven't put the chocolate on the outside yet but so far its PURE GOODNESS. :)

Brianna said...

I am in the middle of making red velvet cake balls right now- how funny!

Ashley said...

Wow!! You got that outfit super quick. Way to go US postal service! I can't wait to see little Harper wearing it.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. And thanks again for mentioning my website.

Staci said...

Thank you for introducing me to cake balls! They're a hit everywhere I take them. I found these that are a slight variation of them that I'm making for Christmas day. I'm making one to represent everyone in my family.

Dina said...

I guess I need to start taking notes on all the baby things! That mat is a great idea! And thanks for the congratulations. We still can't believe it's true!

Ambs said...

I tried Cake Balls this summer and it was an ABSOLUTE DISASTER!!! I'm glad they turned out well for you... I think I may have used too much icing

Unknown said...

Harper's birthday outfit is adorable!

I ordered my 10 month old daughter the Christmas dress from Ashley's website and LOVE it!

Ashley goes above and beyond to not only make adorable clothes, but make sure her customers are happy. Great recommendation Kelly :)

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

As a slight germophobe, those mats were a lifesaver for me at restaurants. I love them!
I've also been making those red velvet cake balls (so far for three different parties) and they've been the hit of every party. Yum!
Love Harper's outfit... can't wait to see her in it!

laurensmommy said...

I LOVE my tiny diner place mat (ours is green) and have had lots of comments on it while my little girl is using it at restraunts! You can also get them from Babies R Us if there is one near by! We still use ours at 19 months old! :)

Harper's outfit is so cute!

Donna said...

Kelly, I just got a chance to catch up with you and Harper inbetween all the Christmas doings. I want to wish you the happiest of birthday's and I hope next year tops this one.
Harper's birthday outfit is adorable. Can't wait to see it on her.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.

His Amazing Grace said...

Isn't funny how after you have a child of your own you discover all of these fun things!! I have decided I'm getting the "Tiny Diner" and matching bib as baby shower gifts from now on. We love them both! My daughter, Halle, takes EVERY bib with velcro off during her meals and the Kiddopotamus one stays on!! Love the birthday outfit!! Can't believe Harper will be ONE!!
Blessings to you!!

Chari said...

Pink roses are my favorite!!!

I have the same mat in green! We love ours.

Nicole said...

Kelly you have to get the SNACK TRAP too! It will save your life! Avery is almost 2 and we still use ours- i got it at Target! Merry Christmas

Marla said...

Wow I am so impressed how you find all these amazing baby items. I wish I had that when my son Noah was a baby!Again Merry Christmas-Having a child to celebrate the holidays with makes life complete!

We've Got Scents said...

Hey, I think I recognize a name in your post:)
Your cake balls look divine and your roses are beautiful.
ENJOY your CHRISTMAS with precious Harper and your family...blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22

Kristen said...

Her outfit is DARLING!! (Off to see my options for my 2 year old!) And I am wishing I had that food mat for my 3, what a help that would've been! Merry Christmas!

Our European adventure... said...

I love those placemats too! I had one for each of my toddlers until they were old enough to eat off a plate with out using the plate as a toy! I would get people at restaurants complimenting all the time when I used it. I miss those days sometimes. Now, I don't need them anymore. :( They also have them at Babies R Us. I had it on my registry and someone got it for me.

Summer said...

Ok so after seeing the cake balls I had to run to the grocery store yesterday and get the stuff to make some. They are soo good! Thanks for the recipe!!

Sheridan said...

Let me tell you how much I LOVE Harper's outfit!! Those pants are ADORABLE!!!

Also, the cake balls look delicious!! My mom makes oreo truffles all the time and she drizzles melted almond bark over them. They are so good!!

Have a great christmas!!

Ashlee said...

A friend of mine had a tiny diner that I saw her use while I was pregnant. I agree with you -- mommy love!

The Scott Family said...

I have 2 of those mats and never leave home without them!! You should check out the bib that is the same material...has a bigger pocket. I put them in the dishwasher and washing machine too if needed!!!!

annalee said...

merry christmas to your sweet family!
i couldn't agree more about the fabulousness of those mats. the first time i busted ours out at a restaurant, i had it turned around the opposite way. i felt like a total rookie mom when my friend pointed out the tray part was probably intended to hang over the table. haha. the bibs out of the same stuff are just as great as the mats. love them! i'm going to have to check out the packing smart as well. looks great!

Rachel Moss said...

We just gave that tiny diner tray to our daughter for Christmas. Glad to know it was a good buy!

Kristi said...

Those mats are great, aren't they?! We love ours! Now, I think I need to check out your snack container ;).