We've been at Scott's hometown the last few days so Scott and Steve can hunt with his dad.

Beauty and the beasts

Harper was wondering why her daddy and pap-pa had those bright orange hats on. Don't worry Harper- we have NOT turned into Tennessee fans!

Our little country family

One of Scott's favorite things about deer hunting - Chick-a-dilly fried chicken

Daddy's girl

We went to church with Scott's parents today. I took Harper into "big church" for the first time since she was a tiny baby. We didn't last long. We ALMOST made it to the sermon. Man I am thankful for our church nursery! :-)

Last night I was watching a show on the food network - it was a competition between four families who were cooking their version of Thanksgiving dinner. There was middle eastern version, a traditional version, a southern version and a vegetarian version. The middle east family won which was a little questionable - since it was NOTHING anyone normally eats on this holiday. But each family had to cook a turkey, a second protein, five side dishes and a dessert (and not one family made a pie - strange). I was trying to decide what I would cook if I was in the contest.
I think I would make cornbread dressing, green bean bundles (or green bean casserole), potato casserole, sweet potato casserole and a 7 layer salad and for dessert chocolate pecan pie. And I was a little stumped on the second meat because we already have a turkey but Paula Deen makes these great little bacon chicken bite appetizers that might be a good addition.
WHAT WOULD YOU MAKE IF YOU WERE IN THE CONTEST???? I'm curious since there are readers from all over.
You guys look so great and beautiful.... as always! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving week with family! :)
I would do turkey, ham, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, traditional stuffing, oyster dressing (a tradition in my family), corn casserole and for dessert I would do pumpkin cheesecake. I LOVE pumpkin cheesecake!!!
We always have turkey AND ham, along with dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potato casserole, squash, green bean casserole, etc. etc. etc. and you HAVE to have a pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving :)
But Kelley...it's okay to become a BIG ORANGE Tennessee fan :)!!!
For my meal it would be turkey, ham, cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoe casserole, green beans, cranberry salad, and pumpkin pie. Actually...that is pretty much what we will be having...along with some other stuff too!
Cute pictures!
Jan from Knoxville, TN
Oh.... and I would do pumkin pie! And Ham! mmm now I'm hungry!
We always make turkey, orange ham, mashed potatos, sweet potatos, corn casserole, grandma's homemade cranberry sauce, buns, relish tray and usually some other salad of some sort. Also we make a lot of pies...this year will be pecan, pumpkin, lemon and cherry! I'm getting hungry already!
There's nothing wrong with being a TN fan, Harper! HA!!!
Tuna or salmon steak (my husband doesn't eat meat except seafood)
Corn casserole
Sweet potato casserole
Mashed potatoes
Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake (thank you Paula Deen)
Is there anyway you would have time to post your dressing recipe? I am in desperate need for one!! Thanks :o)
Oh, and I think I commented before about buying my first David Crowder Band CD a while back. Well...I'm now the owner of two of his CD's! Thanks for introducing him to me -- love him!!
We are doing our own dinner this year for the first time here is the menu---
Mashed potatoes
Sweet Potatoes
Green bean casserole
Stuffing loaf
Stuffing balls
Cole slaw
Noodles cooked in turkey juices
Deviled eggs
port wine cheese ball and crackers
veggies and dip
pumpkin and apple pie
pumpkin muffins
and punch.
I agree...there's nothing wrong with a little orange (UT) in your life! ;)
I'd lose the competition since I cheat and get a honey baked turkey! But..I do make green bean casserole, whipped potatoes, fried corn and a seven layer salad!
Happy Thanksgiving!
LOL that pic is funny of Harper looking at her pawpaw and daddy in those bright orange hats!
That is strange the competition didn't make a pie!
I would make of course
Seasoned turkey, sweet potatoe strussel casserole, mashed potatoes, corn, stuffing and for the second meat thing you could always have a Turduckin!! Turkey, Chicken, and Duck SCORE!!
Summer :0)
Do yall ever go to the ole feed house while there? It is sooooo good!
This already makes me hungry! I love Thanksgiving! This year I am going to try to make Fried Macaroni & Cheese!
Yummy! Everyone's food sounds so good!
I would do the following:
Cheesy hashbrown casserole
Broccoli salad
Caramel Apple Salad (Apples, Snickers, coolwhip, caramel pudding - so yummy!)
Caeasar salad
Sourdough or french bread
Pumpkin Cheesecake or a pumpkin roll
Is it Thanksgiving yet???
Well my family always has lamb at the holidays. And for sides - sweet potato casserole, steamed broccoli and cream cheese sauce, roasted carrots with olive oil and rosemary, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. For dessert pumpkin pie with homemade whip cream. Oh heavens I am hungry and cant wait for Thursday! :)
My father's side of my family is Cuban, so we always have black beans and rice. Which unfortunately this year I will not be partaking in since I am nursing. Beans and baby do not mix! But other then that turkey, mimosa ham (ham cooked in oj and champagne, YUMMO!), real cranberry sauce (not that jelly can stuff!), green bean casserole, and about ten more sides...
Oh man I can not wait until THURSDAY, but better yet the next day for turkey sandwiches!!
Go VOLS!!!! Sorry...had to be done. :o)
I would make potato casserole, green bean bundles, corn, orzo salad, lots and lots of rolls, ham, and for dessert a buttermilk pie. I know buttermilk pie does NOT sound appetizing - but it is SO delicious and it's what my grandmother ALWAYS made for holidays and now I make it for my family. Yumm-O!
oh gosh, I have NO idea what I would make. BUT your family picture is GREAT!! Seriously, I think my favorite picture of the three of your together!! Harper's little grin is darn cute and you both look great! LOVE IT!
YUM! And Harper looks so cute in that picture.
We always have both turkey and ham - I actually eat the ham instead of the turkey - but it is always good to have both options :)
Cornbread Dressing
Green Bean Bundles
Broccoli Rice Casserole
Yam Patties
Hashbrown Casserole
Pecan Pie or Pupmkin Pie with freshpumkin...good 'ole southern cooking!
Last Tgiving we ate with a family from our church from the midwest and the way they make their dressing is TOTALLY different...I don't care much for it! :)
My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is that it does expand to almost all cuisines! Our family always started with 2 ravioli for everyone because of all the Italians who felt it wasn't a meal without something with red sauce. Your menu sounds great--have a happy one!
Turkey. Ham.
Sweet potato casserole. Hash brown casserole. Green beans(or green bean casserole) Copper Pennies(a carrot salad to die for)and cranberry congealed salad.
Pumpkin Pie for dessert...of course!
Cornbread Dressing
Sweet Potato Casserole
Corn Casserole
Broccoli with Lemon Butter
Twice Baked Potatoes
Pecan Pie and Sour Cream Pound Cake
I love H's bib in the picture with she and Scott. I knew one day she'd be big enough to wear it!! Hope you are having fun! :)
Duck a l'orange
Buttermilk mashed potatoes
Toasted corn pudding
Roasted brussel sprouts with bacon and shallots
Whisky glazed carrots
Ambrosia salad
For dessert I'd either do a bourbon pecan tart or cranberry upside-down cake. With whipped cream of course!
Oh wow...that's fun. I'd do turkey, cornbread dressing, green beans with mushrooms, squash casserole, fruit salad (maybe with some mint added), and maybe butter beans. Another protein??? Hmmm...maybe a pork loin with a cranberry marinade? And for dessert I'd probably do my grandmother's pecan pie...it's the best. Though I think this year, I'm going to try a tiramisu cake. Tiramisu is my brother's favorite dessert but I don't want to make that...but a cake, could be fun!
I hear ALL about Chick-A-Dilly from my friend Laurie. Since she grew up in Magnolia, she swears it's the best chicken she has ever eaten!:)
This is what my mom always cooks so this is what I would cook:
Hasbrown Potatoe casserole
Green bean bundles (is that a protein since it has bacon? Ha!)
Squash casserole
7 layer salad
Chocolate pie or 4 layer delight for dessert
We would be the southern version! :)
Well, Kelly...I actually just posted about this! Our Thanksgiving dinner traditions :)
Broccoli and Cheese Casserole
Chicken Salad
Deviled Eggs
Sweet Potato Casserole
and Pumpkin or Sweet Potato Pie with Whip Cream!
I'm so glad you did a post about Thanksgiving Dinners! YUM! I can't wait to spend time with family and EAT!!! I hope you and yours has an amazing holiday, you all deserve it :)
My personal blog:
If any of your readers would ever like a new blog design (including you!) I would love to work with all of you!
I have a pumpkin dessert my kids adore! It has chocolate chips, pumpkin and its DIVINE! I would add that! Harper is too precious :)
i'm a minnesota girl temporarily displaced to ohio...
i'd do turkey
ham (have a couple cousins that don't do turkey)
pioneer woman's mashed potatoes...seriously the best ever
green bean hotdish (hehe)
sweet potato bake
stuffing and gravy
homemade bread
apple crisp
i wouldn't win the challenge because i don't have enough items!
Since my husband is Italian, I always add a touch of it for Thanksgiving Dinner:
Mashed potatoes
sweet potato pie
Baked Ziti
Apples filled with stuffing
Cauliflower with cheese sauce
spinach balls
stuffed mushrooms
plain string beans
apple pie
First of all, that fried chicken looks scrumptious! YUMMY!! But to answer your Thanksgiving question, our family is very, very traditional. Turkey, Ham, green beans, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, stuffing and cranberry sauce. The dessert is a toughy because we have an amazing family recipe apple pie and pumpkin pie and chocolate pie and apple bars :-) Can you tell we LOVE our desserts! LOL
For the challenge I would make:
Smoked Turkey
Honey-baked Ham
Sweet Potato Casserole
Turnip Gratin
Homemade Mashed Potatoes
Fresh creamed corn
Deviled Eggs
Yeast Rolls
and for dessert...Pumpkin Rolls!
Great pictures and glad y'all had a good time!
Since I am in Tenn. right next to you, our meals would not be much different, but here's what I would of made and what we are going to have this Thursday :)
turkey, ham, stuffing, green bean casserole, squash casserole, sweet potato casserole,potato salad and pecan pie... YUMMY!!! I can't wait!
In New England we love 3 things most, Chowda, Patriots & Thanksgiving :)
My menu looks something like this:
Baked Haddock
Cornbread Stuffing
Mashed Potato & Turkey Pan Gravy
Mashed Turnips & Carrots
Green Beans
Broccoli Casserole
Cranberry Sauce
Apple Crisp A la Mode (of course)
My family would also bring some dishes: Meat Stuffing, Bread Stuffing, Pumpkin Pie, Apple Pie & Blueberry Pie
great. great pictures.
if i were in this contest (wish i was) i would make:
smoked or fried turkey
herb crusted pork tenderloin
green bean casserole
macaroni & cheese
mashed potatoes & gravy
deviled eggs
pecan pie
ok...now, i'm hungry
I am such a picky eater the only things I eat at Thanksgiving and Christmas is ham and crescent rolls. For both holidays the menus are pretty much the traditional items. Though the desserts can change but normally there is pecan pie. Mincemeat pie, pumpkin pie, and coconut cake switch out.
I hate i missed the show I had seen the commercials for it but I guess I didn't make it back in time.
I would do:
fried turkey (fried by hubby)
green bean casseole
sweet potatoes
corn casserole
pea salad
pecan pie
Man I'm hungry!!
Happy Turkey Day!
I just have to say that I am new to the south. Until today I thought "dressings" was something you put on salad. When my church had a Thanksgiving lunch today I learned that dressing is in fact the same as filling or stuffing. I don't know when I'll get used to the way people talk around here. :)
Anyway, Thanksgiving is pretty traditional around here (it's Christmas where my roots show) Turkey, stuffing (homemade, with Italian sausage) (2nd protein??), green bean casserole, creamed corn, mashed potatoes, biscuits, applesauce, cranberry sauce and pumpkin spice cake for dessert....along with apple pie, blueberry pie, and pumpkin pie. :)
We make turkey the traditional way but with stuffing made simply from white bread cubes, onion, celery, poultry seasoning, salt & pepper and lots of butter! Simple!
Then we have mashed potatoes, and cauliflower with a mayo/mustard dressing covered in melted cheese. That's probably the yummiest part.
For dessert we have trifle made the way my granny from Scotland makes it who taught my mum from Scotland who then taught me. With lots of booze soaked cake!
I was raised in Florida by two Midwestern parents so my list would be:
Shrimp cocktail for appetizer (2nd protein - we always had it!)
Sausage stuffing
Mashed Potatoes
Candied Sweet Potatoes
Green beans with sliced almonds
Crescent rolls
Pumpkin pie
i would do this: http://tearinguphouses.blogspot.com/2009/11/this-is-love-thanksgiving.html
thank you, jean pierre's cooking school! oh, and mom!
p.s. your fam is adorable...
I would make:
my husband's sausage & cornbread stuffing
sweet potato casserole
green bean casserole
mashed potatoes w/ turkey gravy
cranberry Jell-o salad
dinner rolls w/ butter
pumpkin pie w/ whipped cream
Yep, that about sums it up. Mmmm! I can't wait for Thursday now!
I would make a turkey and a honey baked ham (yum!), with dressing, loaded mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, broccoli and rice casserole, cranberry sauce, and a relish tray. For dessert, I would make a pumpkin pie, lemon chess pie, and a caramel apple pie.
In South Dakota it would be turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, dressing, corn, green bean casserole, homemade buns,cookie salad, pistacho salad, relish trays, pecan and pumpkin pies. And if mother-in-law fixes she also makes the best baked beans!!
turkey, ham,
cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, cranberry "stuff" (cranberries, raspberry jello, can of pineapples, & sugar+ cool whip on top), & green beans.
Don't forget some rolls &
Oooooohhhh! I make the best dressing. My Mom's recipe. It's really awesome. :)
Firstly, you do look amazing as usual. LOVE the pic with Harper looking at the guys like "what? I thought our color was red, not orange?" ha. :)
Secondly, what are green bean bundles??? Sorry, I'm from OH originally (now in Dallas)
Well, if I was in the contest, which I wouldn't be b/c I don't/can't cook, but my Mom makes:
1) Turkey
2) Stuffing (from a box; no, it's not a sacrilege, just not a big deal in the north!)
3) Mashed potatoes
4) Cranberry sauce (sometimes Grandma's recipe, which I like)
5) Green bean casserole, sometime made with broccoli instead
6) Fruit salad, which is lemon/tapioca pudding with pineapple, maraschino cherries and other fruit I can't remember!
7) pumpkin and pecan pies
Why would you need a second protein? I guess I'd have cocktail shrimp with red sauce...
So, nothing horribly exciting from a non-cook! :)
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! :0)
Hey! I resemble that remark about the Tennessee Vols! LOL GO VOLS!
(Beth from TN)
I watched that show last night--that was one nasty looking turkey. If prensentation alone counted, no way would they have won!
I have to have cranberries at Thanksgiving--in fact the jellied canned stuff is about my favorite!!
We had thanksgiving this weekend with my parents and I made your green bundles. I also really like spinach squares, a recipe I got from a friend and they are now a family favorite! (Spinach, monterey jack, pepper jack cheese are the basics...yummy!) And must have squash casserole. We also ALWAYS have broccoli rice cheese casserole and pecan and chocolate pies.
I am doing thanksgiving for the first time this year and am making ham, green bean bundles (thanks for these Kelly...LOVE THEM!!), sweet potato casserole, cornbread dressing, rolls, and tea. We are going somewhere else for dessert but if we weren't I'd probably make pecan pie or chocolate pie, or both!
I would do ham, cornbread dressing, green beans, corn casserole, glazed carrots,baked apples, and pumpkin pie for dessert! Yum, I can't wait for Thanksgiving!
My father was one of 6 and I have 27 cousins. Plus, our family business was a meat packing company. Needless to say, with that many people and that kind of connections we ALWAYS had turkey, ham and beef every Thanksgiving. We also had noodles which were everyone's fave. For dinner after Thanksgiving lunch my grandmother always took the leftover turkey and made Turkey Endive (some people may know as Turkey Under Glass?). I miss those huge dinners....thanks for rekindling the memories!
Ooo, this is fun! I love to eat and it is making my mouth water looking at everyone's menu!
Born and raised in Kentucky, here is what I would make:
dressing balls
mashed potatoes and gravy
broccoli and cheese casserole
green bean casserole
sweet potato casserole
orange jello salad
green stuff (pistachio pudding mix, pineapple, cool whip, and someting I am forgetting)
Hmmm, and for dessert pecan pie and pumpkin pie.
I think that is too much food! But I am used to dinner for 30 at our family Thanksgiving!
Fried Turkey, Dr. Pepper Ham, chicken and dressing, Macaroni Salad, Cranberry Salad, Fried Corn, Chicken and Dumplings, Candied Yams, and of course Pumpkin Pie
we are going to have the meat, corn, green beans, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatos, dressing, pecan pie, and i'm going to do lemon cookies as well just to snack on. . .you know.....after we are all so full we can't stand it.
it's not so bad being a tennessee fan!
Scott's parents are just glowing! I know they were so happy to get to have Scott, you, and Harper in church with them! It is wonderful that Harper has parents and grandparents that love her so much!!
Yes! Thank goodness for Church Nurseries!! :) I don't think London (13mo) would make it past praise and worship. My little boy, Dylan (5) would proabably be okay with a pen and some paper. haha!
I would have to cook a good ole traditional Southern Thanksgiving for the contest. We always have a fried turkey and a roasted turkey (can that count as two meats? haha!) For the sides I would do the following casseroles: sweet potato, green bean, broccoli cheese rice and then dressing with giblet gravy, home made sour dough rolls, chef salad, and cranberry salad. If I could only do one dessert, I feel like it would have to be a pumpkin pie!
I watched the show, too. I loved the side dishes on the middle eastern menu - they looked so interesting and good, just not for Thanksgiving! :(
We have turkey, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, deviled eggs, pumpkin and derby pie, veggie plate, cranberries, corn.....I am about the only person on Earth that doesn't like turkey, so I'd add ham at Thanksgiving. ;) Also, I love everything Southern, even though I am from the North! :)
I love all your pictures! Oh there is nothing better than fried chicken.
That shows sounds like such fun.
I would make a turkey and shrimp cocktail as an appetizer (as the 2nd protein)
Five sides: Sausage stuffing, Mashed potaotes, sweet potato casserole, green peas with sauteed onions, broccoli casserole. My favorites.
Dessert: Pumpkin pie, for sure.
Now my mouth is watering and I am so ready for Thurs:)
Turkey, cornbread stuffing, ham, sweet potato casserole, green beans with almonds, corn pudding, 7 layer salad and derby pie for dessert along with pumpkin pie of course!
Let's see, my meal would be:
mashed potatoes with turnips YUM
Stove top stuffing (my favorite)
cranberry sauce
green bean casserole
apple pie
Harpers hair is growing in so nicely. It looks like such a pretty color. She is adorable.
Fun photos!
I wouldn't have any trouble getting a second protein... my momma makes a meat giblet stuffing instead of bread stuffing/dressing. I LOVE IT!! It's my favorite thing on my Thanksgiving plate.
I think I would make the same things as you. I like my Thanksgiving to be traditional. I heard last week that Paula Deen's Thanksgiving meal is around 5000 calories. I'm sure it's worth every bite. :)
This post cracked me up because I am from TN (the south!) and never had a Thanksgiving without turkey and ham (two meats). With that it is corn casserole, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and stuffing. Then a pie for dessert.
I didn't realize that people didn't have those two meats until I got married to my Italian husband that has sausage and meatballs for Turkey Day!
But over the past 5 years of marriage we have worked to have both for Thanksgiving.
I love seeing these pictures. Wish one of them would get a deer.
Smoked turkey, mashed potatoes, cornbread dressing, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie (my specialty), green beans, hmm, what else?
My grandmother makes Oyster Stuffing because they live on the East Coast near Charleston - but she also does stuffing. Really there is NO stuffing like good ol' cornbread stuffing! Perfect for a southern gal like me!
Just got through with my grocery shopping! This year (like all years past), we're having:
turkey, cornbread dressing, fresh broccoli, cranberry sauce, rice and gravy, candied sweet potatoes (like my grandmama used to make), corn (a relatively new addition 'cause my niece-in-law says it just isn't Thanksgiving without corn :D) and russian salad (a yummy lime green jello congealed salad).
This is only the 2nd or 3rd time I've cooked Thanksgiving dinner for our family, but I'm looking forward to having everyone here. They will be bringing dessert, and I hear that we'll be having pecan pie, sweet potato pie, cherry pie, apple pie and pumpkin pie. I also have peanut butter pie in the freezer-just in case!
Have a great Thanksgiving y'all!
Two things: First, all 4 of my children came home from the hospital in full camo...the girls, had ruffles on their booties but were still in camo...yep, my hubby loves to hunt!
2nd: My dinner would include a Ham...a Turkey (brined this year!!! WOO HOO), sweet potato casserole, cheesy mashed potatoes, asparagus, tomato and onion salad (served cold with italian dressing), stuffing (only because hubby loves it, I can't stand it), turnip greens (because my MIL makes AMAZING ones) and pumpkin and made from scratch apple pie with crumbled topping for dessert with MADE FROM SCRATCH whipped cream!!! Oh and coffee, of course!
I would do a Deep-Fried Turkey (well my hubby would :-), Green Bean Casserole, Sweet Potatoes w/Marshmallows, Stuffing, Blueberry/Cranberry Sauce, & Brown Sugar Carrots.
For dessert, Chocolate Pie & Pumpkin Pie.
I've never made a Pecan Pie, so I just may try that this year.
Hope your Thanksgiving is delicious!
A little UT Orange in your wardrobe isn't a bad thing! My children could teach Harper all the words to Rocky Top if you want! :o) It's still Great to be a Tennessee Vol (even if we do have a couple of ignorant players dressed in UT athletic dept. gear while robbing two other students at gunpoint!)
I'd make a turkey, ham, Skoby's corn (an absolutely awesome, easy corn dish), broccoli casserole, sweet potato soufle, slaw, and dressing. I'd tack on pumpkin pie for dessert. In reality, there's no way I could do all of this with a four year old and a two year old to keep up with!
i like the orange hats, but I also live in TN. GO VOLS!! thats more of a floursant orange though. Love you blog and Harper is super cute.
HOW CUTE is Harper's smile in that last shot? Love it!
I know what I would make...turkey, stuffing, stuffing, stuffing and some more stuffing!!!
Alright, since I am from Savannah I should cook some of Paula's dishes, but I would go with our traditional southern meal. Fried Turkey (my fav), ham, green bean cassorole, mac and cheese, sweet potato souffle with the marshmallows on top, cornbread stuffing, cresant rolls, 7 layer salad, and we always have pecan and pumpkin pies. Yum yum! We also always have a lot more cassoroles on thanksgiving, but that's what I would make for the comp.
I live in Nevada, but my paternal grandma/great aunt who always cooked Thanksgiving when I was growing up are from Texas.
I would make:
* Broccoli cheese rice casserole
* baked sweet potatoes with marshmellows on top
* mashed potatoes with sour cream and cream cheese (from the crockpot 365 blog)
* homemade cranberry sauce
* uh, canned corn...? (that's what we have)
* rolls
* dessert = pecan pie. My great aunt has the best ever recipe
* second meat = I have no idea.
second meat: brunswick stew
5 sides: mashed potatoes
pineapple casserole
dressing w/gravy
green beans
mushroom rice
dessert: peanut butter cake
natalie @ our old southern house
Southern Living had a recipe for Carmel Pecan Pumkin Bread Pudding last month that sounded delicious. I tried it out last week for some friends and it was big hit...it will be served this week at my Thanksgiving dinner along with a side of Blue Bell French Vanilla! It was also really easy and mostly all was prepared the nigth before...plus!
We always have turkey and ham, although I could easily forgo the turkey. My inlaws don't have turkey, just ham. Also chicken and cornbread dressing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, deviled eggs, and rolls. We also have other things I don't really eat such as corn casserole, sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce. Pretty much a traditional thanksgiving feast. As long as I have some ham, dressing and bread I am usually happy.
That's a great family picture!
Happy Thanksgiving! Maybe we can work it out for a quick hello while we're both home this week?!!? I know it will be super busy and a quick trip--would love to see y'all and C & C though!
I would do a honey baked ham, cornbread dressing, corn casserole, Homamade Mac & Cheese (Paula Deens recipe) Sweet Potato Casserole and Hashbrown Casserole. For Dessert Pumpkin Bars. I LOVE Thanksgiving!!!
Could someone post a link to Paula Deen's bacon chicken bites? I can't find them anywhere and they sound like they would be tasty! I need to make something amazing to take to my mother-in-law's this week! Thanks!
I'd do the turkey, and I'm stumped on the 2nd meat, so maybe a ham too.... mashed potatoes and cheesy potatoes, broccoli cauliflower casserole, sweet potatoes, mom's famous fruit salad, and pumpkin and pecan pies....
now I'm really hungry....
Absolutely beautiful pictures of your family. Hope you are enjoying your time with Scott's family.
If I had to enter a contest (ha), it would certainly be as traditional as possible and hope all the favorites I try to make for everyone would turn out well!!
Blessings always and please know how very thankful I am for you and your constant positive inspiration to me and so many others.
Travel safe this week,
Matthew 21:22
Oh yummm, I am so excited about Thanksgiving...it is always so good! Plus we close on our 1st house the day before Thanksgiving and we have a new baby in our family that we get to meet for the 1st time this year! So much to be thankful for! Ok, I would cook a turkey, honey ham with pineapples, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, new potato mashed potatoes with roasted garlic and a must to leave the skin on the potatoes...yumm-o! and pecan pie with ice cream! ok, now i'm hungry!
I've heard you talk about Chik-a-Dilly chicken and I have to admit...it looks GOOOOD! Wow. Y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving week. I know you feel so grateful to be celebrating Thanksgiving with a healthy Harper this year! Happy Hunting to the guys,
Hi Kelly!
If It were my Thanksgiving dinner, it would be smoked BBQ Turkey, Brisket, scalloped potatoes, corn casserole, pea salad and upside down pecan apple pie. Pretty generic I know! Sounds like that was a great show to watch! Wish I would have caught it! Love your blog! Audrey
I'd 'make' ...reservations ...at your table!!! All sounds good to me!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you all! (bridgitgatlin@yahoo.com)
I am from Canada and we have turkey, cold ham, mashed potatoes, broccolii casserole with almonds, stuffing, brussel sprouts or cauliflower with cheese sauce, buns, cranberry sauce and gravy. For dessert we always have either pumpkin pie and/or apple pie.
This is fun! I would make ...
Honey Baked Ham
Sweet Potatoes
Bread Dressing
Cranberry Salad
Oyster Dressing
Broccoli Casserole and
Pumpkin Pie!
My husband wears that same "uniform!" That black & white shirt in the last family picture of yours is cute...I'm in need of some cute tops.
Ok, turkey, crescent chicken squares, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, grape congealed salad with pecans, sauteed squash & corn on the cob for our 9 year old. :)
I would cook crock pot chicken and dressing, ham, paula deen's green beans and potatoes, veggie casserole, baked macaroni and cheese and apple pie.
And we love your little country family!!!!! haha!! :)
LOVED all the pics!!!!
I had to comment because of Chick-a-Dilly. The BEST fried chicken ever. :~)
This will be our first Thanksgiving out of the US. We have been in the Philippines for 7 weeks. I plan for us to have a rotisserie chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes and hot pandesal (delicious rolls), but things are not always available here so we will see what is available on Thursday! I have no idea about a dessert. :~)
I enjoy your blog. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I saw that show too. I was a little surprised by the winner too. Throw in a buttermilk pie and I'd call it Thanksgiving.
I watched this and also wondered what I would make. The southern meal they had some questionable southern dishes! I would do cornbread dressing, sweet potato souffle with pecan crumble on top, squash casserole, collards, and macaroni and cheese. I think I would have pork loin with cranberry raisin sauce for the second protein and definitely pumpkin cheesecake for dessert! Yum!
I agree on the addition of a buttermilk pie, as well as, a broccoli and rice casserole. It's delicious if you ever want the recipe! :) And really easy! And perfect for a southern family! :)
I would do turkey, ham, green bean cass. baked corn, collard greens, homemade dressing, mashed taters, homemade rolls... and for dessert either sweet tater pie or cranberry apple crisp YUMMY... now I am really excited for Thanksgiving :)
I love that last picture of the three of you!!!!
hhmmm... I would make:
2)Cranberry Crunch (fabulous family recipe with cranberries, oatmeal, brown sugar, and butter- doesn't get much better than that!)
3)Carrots with brown sugar and bacon
4)Garlic Mashed Potatoes
5)Pumpkin Soup
6)Homemade Potato Rolls
7) Cooking Lights Pumpkin Cake with Pomegranate and Manadarin Organes (very tasty)
Around Thanksgiving, I want to give thanks for you and your blog! I have been a faithful reader through a friend. I read your blog all through my pregnancy and admire your trust and faith in God. YOU have been part of the reason we are leading our family back to Him. This past weekend, my husband and I attended a Family Life retreat called A Weekend to Remember. One of the main speakers was a guy names Mark from Arkansas - I think close to where you may be. Have you and Scott ever attended one? You would LOVE it! I am highly recommending it to all my married friends and friends thinking about getting married. I don't work for them. I am a teacher, newlywed and new mom as well and I just LOVED the weekend. You can read about it on my blog if you want www.babyballantyne.blogspot.com but I wanted to let you know about it since you are one of the reasons we were drawn to opening God back up in our lives! Thank you!
This is what I would cook for the competition...(it's also some of what we had yesterday..we celebrate Thanksgiving the Sunday before in my family)
-Turkey and Meat Balls (for the meats)
-Broccoli Casserole (My favorite!)
-Home made baked Mac and Cheese
-Corn pudding
-Potatoe Salad
and an apple pie and chocolate meringe pie for desert. YUM!
My oh My!! reading all these wonderful posts is making me Hungry. There are so many great ideas, I think my favorite is meatballs!!
So with that here is what I would make.
Roast Turkey
Prime Rib
Smashed Potatoes with horseradish
Cornbread Dressing
Corn Casserole
Vegtable Casserole
Spinach Salad with Blue Cheese & Candied Pecans
Pumpkin Pie
Pear Crisp (Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond)
Lemon Pie from my gramma
I am soooo hungry!!
Blessed Thanksgiving wishes to you, Kelly and your family.
Love Wins!
I had so many things running through my head for menu options that I felt pulled to comment! LOL
green beans with bacon and walnuts
apple banana salad
mashed potatoes with gravy
mashed acorn squash with maple flavoring
Only ONE dessert? How can that be?
For the one dessert for the competition I would make my grandma's raisin pie. But at my house we also must have pumpkin pie and apple pie. And this year I'm throwing in a cherry pie in honor of my husband being home for the holiday and not off in Montana hunting something.
This is so fun! I would have:
Turkey smoked on The Big Green Egg
Pork tenderloin
Cornbread dressing
Hashbrown casserole
Broccoli & rice casserole
Turnip greens
Sweet potato casserole
My mom's homemade cheesecake
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Love the orange hats!!
I just found out that I was supposed to bring a potato casserole to our Christmas dinner.
How do you make yours?
Ours would be turkey, baked chicken wrapped in bacon (or maybe bbqued with a dry rub?), sweet potato casserole, 7-layer salad, cornbread dressing with apples and nuts, homemade cranberry salad/relish, and southern green beans (you know, with fatback) for my youngest who eats them up. For dessert I would have to go with a pumpkin bread with a glaze. Wouldn't it have been great if one of the families had cooked up some venison or rabbit stew for their protein dish?? :)
My brother and his wife won't be with us this Thanksgiving and my husband will be at the camp, so my mom is doing something different this year. Instead of the traditional meal that she prepares, she is making chicken and sausage gumbo - a true Louisiana delicacy and something different and new. I'm excited about it!
Kelly -
I would make:
Turkey & gravy
Broccoli & Rice Casserole
Creamy mashed potatoes
Sweet potatoes (with brown sugar & marshmallows)
Strawberry poppyseed salad
Pumpkin pie
I hope you and your sweet family have a wonderful holiday! Hopefully, next year I will have a cute baby like your daughter Harper!
Ooops - I forgot the second meat dish. I would do an appetizer of little smokeys wrapped in bacon drizzed with brown sugar. YUM!
For the competition I would make…
Cajun flavored deep fried turkey
Brown sugar spiral ham
Mashed potatoes w/ gravy
Paula Deen's mushroom green bean casserole
Corn casserole
Yeast rolls
Chocolate Pecan Pie(my husbands favorite)
Definitely more sides and desserts for real Thanksgiving though!
We dont celebrate thankgiving here in the Dominican Republic, but I will just say some holiday dishes:
Turkey (filled with rice, apple, raisins, bacon and almonds), shrimps in white wine and red pepper, rice and beans (moro de guandules), Russian Salad (potatos, purple beets, mayo and onions), Pinapple salad (ham, raisins, almonds, green apples, pinapple, mayo), Pasteles en hoja (plantain dish), Strawberry glazed ham (here is a side dish) and for dessert apple cinnamon pie :)
ok......turkey/gravy, cornbread dressing, sweet potato casserole (my version), mashed potatoes, green been casserole, and pumpkin cheesecake.....for sure!!!
I would make turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce, green salad, rolls and a pumpkin cheesecake :)
The following are always Thanksgiving requirements for my family/hayden's family
Fried Turkey ala Hayden
Baked Ham
Roasted Turkey
Cornbread dressing
canned cranberry sauce (not the whole cranberries, but the jellied) shaped like the can
Green Bean Casserole
Sweet Potato Casserole with both marshmallow AND pecan topping
Corn Casserole - YUUUUMMMMM
Mashed Potatoes
Macaroni & Cheese (for my SIL)
Pecan Pie (2)
Yeast Rolls
Sweeeeet Tea
Chocolate Pie or Pumpkin Cheesecake
1 Thanksgiving Parade
1 nap & 1 walk around the neighborhood
WOW!!! Sounds like I need to blog about our massive food needs!
-Baked Ham with Pineapple Rings (mmm)
-Baked Brie in a pastry crust topped with warm cranberry sauce
-Green Bean Casserole
-Stove Top haha
-Fruit Salad
-Sweet Potatoes
-Lemon Meringue Pie MmmmMMmMMmMm
I love Thanksgiving yummy!
I watched that same challenge. The mango mousse they made sounded fantastic.
I'd make the turkey, then bacon wrapped lil smokies with brown sugar, green bean casserole, sweet potatoe casserole, "pasta house" salad, mashed potatoes and turkey gravy, and corn with cream cheese. For dessert, I'd make my contest winning chocolate pecan pie. :-)
Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet and sour green beans, squash, creamed corn, fruit salad, rolls, pumpkin pie and French silk pie. I love Thanksgiving!
I'm a southern girl, too. :)
To go with the turkey, I would make a ham, a green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, sweet corn, broccoli casserole, and a chocolate pie.
Mashed Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
My Grandma's Fruit Salad
Pecan Pie
I'm from California, but lived in Collierville, TN for two years and now I believe I was Southern in a previous life!
I would have no idea how to cook a turkey - and besides, here in Australia we don't do Thanksgiving, so I'll pretend we have to make a Christmas meal instead!
Because it's hot here at Christmas time, we usually have seafood - prawns or something like that. Although we do often have roast lamb or pork as well, just for variety. Then I'd make potato bake, and we often have honeyed carrots as well. Is that five things?!
For dessert, I can't decide- I'd either make a Toblerone cheesecake (my favourite!) or if I'm going totally Aussie, it'd have to be a pavlova.
Oh wait, I need something with vegemite! (Just kidding, we only use that when we spread it on our toast!)
I've seen your blog on a few of the ones I follow. I thought you looked familiar, I'd seen you and your family at Saint Francis in the NICU. Our little guy was in there at the same time! Glad to see your sweet girl is doing so good!!
Kelly, Last weekend I was able to go to the WOF conference in Houston! I sponsered a child through World Vision! I'm catching up on my favorite blogs this morning and I just read all about your trip! I'm crying! Maybe I'll make it to Zimbabwe some day...Lord willing! I would love to meet my little girl!!!
beauty and the beasts... how cute! :)
Could you post if you liked the Graco carseat you recently purchased for Harper after installing it and using it a few times? I'm due in Feb and we are adding items to our registry and thought we would register for the toddler seat too.
I would make "Carlson Chili" My husband Kelly & I made it one time by mixin a whole bunch of kinds of beans, different tomatoes, and turkey meat.
It was so good we wrote down the recipe and have made it ever since and we always get compliments!
*we are even making it tonight for the inlaws**
I would make "Carlson Chili" My husband Kelly & I made it one time by mixin a whole bunch of kinds of beans, different tomatoes, and turkey meat.
It was so good we wrote down the recipe and have made it ever since and we always get compliments!
*we are even making it tonight for the inlaws**
That last picture is a great family picture of you guys, everyone is looking and smiling! You have such a sweet family and I love how close ya'll seem. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and give that sweet little girl an extra squeeze for me!
Growing up we always had turkey AND spiral sliced ham AND shrimp as an appy (I'm from FL). And not holiday meal is complete without both pumpkin and my homemade apple pie with fresh whipped cream.
Thanks for sharing your vacation fun. Yes, Harper, I was wondering about those hats too...but I think its so they don't accidentally get hurt out there hunting-LOL! But you would think the bright orange color might scare away the prey.
Anyway, I would definitely make my grandmas macaroni and cheese. It is (seriously) just a pan on cheesy goodness. Its fattening and yummy and you have to burn the top a little bit- yum! So good.
Have a great thanksgiving!
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