Oh my goodness - Y'ALL - I totally forgot our Show us your life tour this week! Sorry - being out of town for a week and on holiday - I didn't even realize it was FRIDAY!
I'm going to leave my post blank but I would LOVE to hear your family Christmas traditions. I want a lot of great ideas for us to do with Harper.
I have a regular post below this one I just posted also!

I think something is weird with McLinky...maybe it's just me?
Each Christmas Eve my kids get to open a present that is new Christmas Jammies and a new Christmas book. So before bed, they snuggle in their jammies and we read Christmas books. It is the best tradition.
I can't get on MckLinky so will write my tradition. It is for after Christmas. When I pack up my nativity scene, I write a little note to include in the box. I may even leave my Christmas letter. I write about the weather, what is currently happening in the family and a little about Christmas day. I have years and years of these notes and love looking back at them. My daughter is now 39 and I have done it every year since her birth.
I love reading others traditions and may use some with my grand kids.
I was telling my husband last night that I think one of my favorite parts of Thanksgiving is the fact that Thursday (Thanksgiving) feels like Saturday, Friday feels like Sunday - and then Friday night you realize the weekend is just beginning!! I totally did not realize that it was Friday, either. Have a great weekend!!
I had to laugh Kelly at this one and thought I would share with you~ My husband was given 4 tickets to the LSU/Ark. game for this evening. He was so exicited and could not wait to get to the game...problem was they have to sit on the LSU side...HA! My poor daughter didnt understand why Daddy would not let her wear her new Hogs cheerleading outfit we bought her at "Hog Heaven" while visiting Ark. Bless her heart! Daddy said it would not be nice to his boss and she must understand....cheer from the inside baby,you know in your head...Go Hogs Go..hehe. She just called me from the game and was giggling and was trying to whisper that the Hogs were winning. Have a great one! Susie~
Oh Susie, like you we're rooting for the Hogs!!
Look forward to seeing your home decorated in her holiday dress, Kelly!
Hi Kelly,
Something my husband's family always did when he was little that we have continued is Christmas jammas. Santa Claus usually makes a passby over our house and "drops" new pajamas. We make sure that we've crushed ice around them to make them cold and tie them with huge bows. Sometimes they are found on the eaves of our house...a small tree in the front yard...wherever they just "fell" from Santa's sleigh. Typically we go to church on Christmas eve, so they are there when we return. However, on occasions when we go on Christmas day...we just stage a time where the children are unaware and go for it. We've even jingled bells and given a "ho-ho-ho" to alert the children then raced to the back of the house to get in before being seen. :) My daughter is now 15 and son is 9...and they still hope for their Santa Jammies. :) Happy Holidays!!!
Valerie King
Noel Piper has a wonderful book out called Treasuring God in Our Traditions that you might want to pick up and read- she shares wonderful ideas that you can copy or modify to suit your family for all sorts of occasions. We have her Noel calendar- it's a neat advent calendar that has a script you read nightly. On the second night, you read Day 1 and Day 2, etc. By the end, the children have a great deal memorized; I remember my oldest playing it with her dolls/animals when she was only 2 and what a blessing to hear her little voice reciting pieces of Scripture and that marvelous story! I love it because it's transportable- we've had to put it in a suitcase before and will do so again as we move this month (well, I think we are- AF is going to let us know I hope this week). I am not sure those are available right now, but perhaps you could ask Molly now that you know her. :)
I'm totally late with this post, but this is one I couldn't pass up.
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