Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A little of This, A little of That and Christmas Shirts

This post is just a bunch of random things I'm combining together:

For the last 7 years - we have been used to Dawson begging at our knees while we eat our meals. But yesterday Scott was trying to eat lunch and suddenly he had two beggars. Ha! I couldn't help but snap a picture!
When we found out that Harper was a girl - her aunt and uncle sent her this dress. I just love it. I dressed her up today to take her to Bible Study. I thought she just looked precious. She was in the nursery with about 4 boys but they had to take her over to the bigger kids room for a while because she was so loud and active. ha! All the younger boys were trying to nap! ha! Get used to it boys - I have a feeling it will be this way for the rest of your lives. The guys trying to nap and the women wanting to talk. ha!
Nothing makes Harper happier than when daddy comes home for lunch. They were having fun playing in the floor today while he was here. (notice her favorite toy is tupperware)

She is standing on her own a LOT now and today she has started trying to reach forward and step! Yikes ! I'm not ready for a walker! She always puts her hands in the air when she stands like "Ta Da!!"
An anonymous blogger sent Harper this precious Christmas outfit and something for me. They didn't give me their name or return address so I just want to thank you if you reading this. That was SO sweet and Harper is going to be precious in that outfit. I can't wait for her to wear it!
It came from here (http://www.julianneoriginals.com/) - thinking she is the one who sent it???
And speaking of Christmas outfits......ya'll know how I am NUTS over monogramming (I'm pretty sure most of you think I'm just plain nuts!) ha! Well - I'm giving away one monogrammed Christmas shirt from http://www.initiallyyoursdesigns.com/

Just leave me a comment and tell me who you want to give it to and on Friday at noon I will draw with the random number drawing and pick a winner!!!
(I have several fun giveaways coming up in the next few weeks so get excited and stay tuned!)


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Beth said...

i would love a shirt for my 2 boys age 5 and 1 month

Tammy said...

I would love one of these shirts for my daughter. She is 8 years old, so it's hard to find "cute" clothes for her anymore.

Kenzie's Mom said...

I would give it to my neighbor Sarah Kate!

Hope said...

It would have to be 1 of my girls :) Probably my little one, cause she's turning 1 tomorrow and it would be a great little, delayed, gift lol

Carrie said...

I would love to have one for my baby girl Caroline.

Kim said...

I would like to give it to my 10 month old daughter, Abby.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Plasterer Family said...

those are adorable! I would love one for my 3 yr. old daughter Lexi!

Seth and Christie said...

I would love to have one for my daughter! I haven't found her the "perfect" Christmas outfit yet and she needs one!

Ford Family said...

I would love a Christmas shirt for my 6 month old little girl!

Julie Ford

Little Bitty Boutique said...

I would give it to my "baby" Alyssa, she will be 7 this Friday!!! :( Why do they have to grow up so fast??!!!

Thanks Kelly, you are a true inspiration!!

Addimando's said...

I would love to give a shirt to my niece Alyssa and daughter Madison 'cause I just love them soo much.

lovinlife said...

The shirt is adorable! I would love one for my little angel that will be 1 on Dec. 3rd. I think if I win it I will have to order a matching one for me. Thanks!

Kathryn said...

I would like it for my daughter Klara. She is so excited when she sees a K or her name.

weltyc said...

I was just looking to get a monogrammed something for one of my best friends who just had her sweet little girl yesterday! Ella would look precious in one of these!!!

Unknown said...

I would love to see it on my 1 year old, newley adopted baby girl, Gretta!!!

Thanks Kelly!!

housemover said...

I would give it to my 6 year old grand daughter - Bridgett. She would love it. Can't believe how big Harper is getting!!

kandace said...

I would love to have one to give to my precious niece that lives 14 hours away from us! She is will be 6 months old at Christmas!

Bearcub Mama said...

I love your blog and think Harper is just the cutest thing! I also LOVE her name! :) A monogrammed shirt would be for my 3-year-old cutie pie ... home now from Russia for his THIRD Christmas coming up (where does time go??). Thanks!! Have a wonderful holiday season... :)

Kristie said...

I would give one of these shirts to a little girl named Aubrielle. She is the daughter of some of our dear friends and she just turned one and is going to be a big sister in January!

Ginny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lovinsanta said...

I would love to give my daughter one as I can't find cute monogrammed stuff for her at 8. I love these!


Heather in Santa Claus IN

The Trombly's said...

I would love one of the shirts for my daughter! So cute.

Wow, Harper standing already -- she needs to stay small!! :)

Jennifer said...

I would love to get a cute shirt for my precious daughter Madilyn, age 8 months!

Linzi said...

I would love a monogrammed shirt for my cute little 2 year old. Her name is Tessa!

Ginny said...

I would love a short for my son, 7. He will be getting too old for stuff like that and his big sister always gets these types of gifts.

It would be nice for him.


Paige said...

I would LOVE one for one of my girls- then I will just have to get the other one - one just like it...they have to match :) Girls are even more fun in pairs!!!!

KatieB. said...

That shirt is precious and my friend Lauren would love it for her new baby girl, Emma. Emma is two weeks old tomorrow and would be adorable in it in a few years! :)

Bev said...

These shirts are adorable. I would love one for my son but being that it is the season for giving, I would give it to my brother in law's new baby girl.

Catherine said...

My 2 year old little princess would love a cute shirt like that!!!

Taylin said...

I think this would look adorable on my little Miss Chloe Wren!

Hailey said...

I would love to have one of the shirts for my 2 year old little girl named Payton. We are CRAZY about monogrammed clothes!!

Jenn said...

There is nothing like a father/daughter relationship. So sweet!

My daughters would love these shirts! I would, of course, buy the other one so they would match! :D

saraiwithani said...

I would love a shirt for my little niece, Reagan. So cute!

E @ Oh! Apostrophe said...

Oh I would love to get one for my sweet niece Sophie who just became a big sister this month!

Katie @ Modern-Day Family said...

I'd get one for my 4th month old molly!

Heidi said...

I would love a monogrammed shirt for my 3 year old daughter!

Pinkie Winkie said...

My 6 month old daughter, Ava.

Todd and Courtney said...

oh Kelly she's so precious and I love how long her hair is getting. Its so cute! And I love the monogrammed shirts. Lauren would be sylin and proflin :) Amanda I are making wreaths tomorrow...wish you were here!!!

Allikaye's Mama said...

Cute pictures!
I would love a shirt for my Allikaye, of course!!! I love me some giveaways!!!

Charlie's Mommy (Beth) said...

I would love one for my daugher Charlotte.

Lindsay said...

I'd love a shirt for my 18-month old, Logan!!!

Shaina N said...

It'd have to be for my daughter, Keevia! She was born on October 29th, and is pretty much adorable. I don't have any monogrammed clothes either!

LC said...

Harper is adorable with her arms in the air like that! what a cutie!

I would love a shirt for my neice Adeline who is due to arrive Dec 15th. just in time for christmas:)

Jason and Kristin Hunderman said...

I would LOVE one of those shirts for my 9 month old son Caden!

Sherri said...

Great pictures! I just laughed out loud at the beggers:) She is definitely going to be walking very soon! Get ready mama!

My daughter, Sophie, would love a monogrammed shirt. We are nuts over it too.

Unknown said...

I would love a shirt for my 3 month old Walker! I'm pretty sure he would love one too:)

BeickerFamily said...

I would give it to one of my daughters and then buy a matching one for the other. (2yrs & 4yrs)

Ashley Jones said...

My sweet 2 year old Grace would look precious in one of these!
Blessing to you and your family!

Sara said...

I would love to give one of these shirts to my little girl Grace who will be turning 1 soon!! :)

Tracy Williams said...

I would love to give it to my sweet almost 4 year old daughter, Addyson! Thanks for the giveaway!

Stori said...

How precious is her little gymnast stance! What a sweet little angel, I just want to cover her with kisses :).

J said...

Believe it or not my son has NOTHING with his name or Monogram on it so I'd love to win one for him! Thanks so much for the giveaway!!!

Susan said...

I would give it to my daughter.
they are really cute.

Bais Family said...

I would LOVE one of those shirts for my son Jackson!

Rikki said...

Those shirts are precious! If I won the giveaway I'd probably get it for my daughter.

Barclay Kathryn said...

Well I'd love to get one for my baby girl! Then I'll just have to purchase another for my other sweetie! : )

Kristin Brannan Wilson said...

I would give it to my 1 year old son, Conner. Poor child never gets anything new for himself..always hand me downs from his big 3 year old brother, Cameron.

Leah said...

I'd love to get a monogrammed shirt for my 19 month old son, JJ!

The DeYoungs said...

I would love one of these shirts for my precious baby girl. I don't think I have anything with her monogram or name on it. They sure are cute

jsiewert said...

I would love to have a monogrammed shirt for my daughter Keiley... she is 4 and doesn't have anything monogrammed.

Emily V. said...

My little Brooks would look so cute in the Christmas shirt. Boys are so hard to put in monogrammed stuff but these are precious.

Morgan said...

I would love one for my boys!

The Palmtag Family said...

I would love to give it to my little bundle of joy Mya!

Mike and Molly Spivey said...

I would like one for my best friend's son Isaiah!

Kristin said...

If I win it would be for my 3 year old Connor.

Cayce said...

I would love to have it for my 9 month old son. Cute! Cute!

The Donley's said...

I would LOVE this for Chatham- I am just as nuts about Monogramming as you (and Harper)!!!

Kristin said...

So adorable...I think one of these would be perfect for my Lily. She's 5.

Anonymous said...

My baby girl, Lauren, whom we call LuLu who turns 1 on December 19th! Too cute!

The Clark Family Blog said...

My 2 year old Ashlyn would look stunning in one of these shirts! Thanks for all of your encouragement Kelly, love reading!

The Evans Family said...

I would give it to my sweet Analiese. We can NEVER find anything with her name on it!

Anonymous said...

Harper is such a doll! I would love a shirt for my 2 year old.

cmb said...

I would love one of these shirts for one of my little ones- probaby my sweet 2 year old girlie :)

harper looks so pretty in red!

Mykla said...

I would LOVE to give it to my sweet baby girl Kallie! She is 14 months!

Melanie said...

those are precious! I think my 4 yr old Kyley Grace would LOVE it!!!

Lauren said...

Something tells me that your hands about to be even fuller with a walker on your hands, haha!!

I would so love to get a shirt for my niece!! :)

Megan said...

I would LOVE a shirt for my little man! He will be one 3 days before Christmas!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I have a 2 year old and 6 week old- it would be for one of them and I'd buy another!


Becca B. said...

I'd love to have one of those cute shirts to give to my foster son. We are trying to make his Christmas really special since we don't know how long we will get to celebrate Christmas' with him, or how special Christmas will be for him in a different home.

Lisa said...

My little guy would look quite dapper in a monogrammed Christmas shirt!

CB said...

So cute...I would give it to our son, who is due to be born in a few weeks!

Landen and family said...

I would love to have one of these shirts for my just turned 2 yr old daughter Maddie! I love monogrammed stuff too!! :)

Thanks for the chance to win!

Cori said...

I would love one of those adorable shirts for my 3 year old lil girl. :) They are super cute!!

HappyascanB said...

My precious niece would be too stinkin' cute in the lime corduroy dress! Cute stuff!!

Jessica V. said...

I would love a shirt for my little girl! She won't be able to wear it this Christmas because she won't be here until February but next Christmas for sure!

Brandi said...

I would give it to my 14 month son Landon.

rachel said...

way so cute...my daughter Addelyn is in major need of a christmas monogrammed shirt...so precious!

Kaylan said...

hmmm...I would definitely want one for both of my boys...Isaac and Johnson (5 and almost 11 months)....BUT if I won one, I would probably give it to my cousin's new baby girl....or maybe I will buy one for each of them!!! :)

kb's blogspot said...

I love these cute Christmas shirts. My daughter would love one - she is 17 months going on 17!

Lauren said...

First, how cute with her arms up in the air when she stands! One of Spencer's favorite toys is tupperware too, and daddy's alarm clock, and cell phones, and remote controls....
So, obviously I would give the monogrammed shirt to Spencer. Believe it or not, he has never worn anything with his name monogrammed on it.!!! He does have some "lovies" with his name. He's getting big, so I better get a shirt on him before he knows to balk!

Shannon Weems said...

Adorable! Would love one for my daughter!!

Anonymous said...

I would give it to my 7 year old daughter Hannah!!

Carol P. said...

The shirts are so cute. I am the proud grandparent of a 16 month little boy named Carter. Carter is our first grandchild and I cannot believe he has changed our life so much. We just love him to death and would love for him to have a shirt. Thanks.

elliotts said...

This would be perfect for our future daughter we are adopting from China...18 months would be a good guess on size, and her name is going to be Tatum!!

Shannon said...

I would give it to my friend's daughter, Gracie! Those shirts are too cute!

Rincon Family said...

This is so cute! I would love a shirt for my daughter who is 21 months old. She doesn't have anything monogrammed so this would be a first for us!

Sugar and Spice said...

I would love to get one for my 10 month old daughter, Emma!

Anonymous said...

Those shirts are adorable!! I'd love one for my boys (ages 3 and 19 months)

Staci said...

I'd love one for my sweet baby, Olivia. She has many cute Christmas outfits that were her older sisters, but she needs something special of her very own.

Francine said...

I love the shirts they are adorable. I think i would give it to my nephew ryan who I lovingly call ryry..he is my heart!

Harper is adorable and i think she just get prettier everytime i see her! christmas will be so fun this year for yall!

Mandy said...

Oh I just Love it.... I would like to give it to my sweet 14 month old Seth: )

Anonymous said...

elle would look too cute in that shirt! love it!

Keeping Up With Kaegan said...

I love monogramming and dont have near enough of it. I would give this to my darling daughter for Christmas outfit.

Leah said...

I would love a shirt for my little girl!!


Amy said...

I'd love a shirt for my daughter. Most of her holiday things are hand me downs from my niece, so I'd love for her to have something that is just for her!

The Tylers said...

So cute! I would give it to my little girl Bailey. :) She'll be one 2 days after Christmas.

SaraBeth said...

I would love to give it to my daughter!

Anonymous said...

I would love the shirt for my daughter Ava who is 7 weeks old. It would be adorable for her first christmas.

Southerner said...

I would give it to my great nephew Peyton.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'd love to have one to give to my daughter Payton.

newmanfamily said...

I would give my sweet baby girl the ornament shirt. I love that Rudolph pillowcase dress! If I hadn't already bought her about 6 Christmas dresses I would order it, maybe next year. Very reasonably priced!

harmonysong said...

Great pictures of the little lady! Love the little beggers one!

I'd love to win the shirt for my friend's little girl! :)

Alyssa said...

so cute! harper has gotten SO big!!! i'd give the shirt to my cousins baby, she had him when she was young and is struggling

Amy H. said...

Oh I would get one either for my 3 yr old or 2 week old!

- Amy


Jill said...

I'd love to give this to my almost 2 year old, Harris.

The Stockton Crew said...

I have two kiddos, so it would be hard to choose. But I would probably get it for my daughter so she could wear it another year (she's two). I don't think my 4 year old would like it! :(

Jeff and Lauren said...

I would love a shirt for my 9 month old, Will. This is his first Christmas. :)

Ashley said...

I would give it to my 4 year old niece, Londyn. She has a new little sister that she is having a hard time adjusting to. This would make her little day. She's such a girly girl.

Lea Liz said...

Harper is just too adorable!!! brody loves tupperware too!!!!!! She looks precious in her little red dress!!

I love the shirts and would love one for my Brody!!

The Stephens Family said...

I'd love this for my daughter!

Amye Jo said...

I would give it to my daughter who just turned 2.

Lindsey Oliver said...

I would give the shirt to my little baby girl, Nora (7 months)

Brinkley's Mommy said...

I would love to give a shirt to my neice!

Wade's World said...

I would love a shirt for my little man, Jackson. He's 3 and he woulb be precious in one of these!

Shelby said...

I would love a shirt for my oldest daughter. Her name is Annie and she can never find anything with her name on it. We always find Anna or Ann but never Annie. I am sure a shirt with her name on it would be very special to her.

Jessica said...

This shirt would be so precious on my 4 month old son, Lucas!

Brittney said...

I would like to have one for my baby girl Sophia:)

Summer said...

i would love it for my 16 month old daughter. too cute!!

cancantodd said...

I would love to have one for my 2yr old little boy, Zeke..

Ashley said...

I would love to have a shirt for my youngest daugther, Mackenzie, she is 3.5

Cheryl said...

My sister has lost 98 lbs in a year (no surgery) and has nothing to wear. She was wearing a 2x and now a large/medium. I'm so proud of her and would love to win a shirt for her.

Enjoy your blog!

Emery Wilkerson said...

I would love a monogrammed Christmas shirt for my sweet baby boy, Hudson!! He is 4 months old so we will be celebrating Christmas with him for the first time this year! :-)

Rachel said...

I would love to give this shirt to my 16 month old son, Wyatt. It is so precious!

Becky said...

I would love a shirt for my little boy, whose almost 16 months. Sometimes it's hard to find boy monogramming that's not too frilly for my husband's approval. These are adorable!

Lauren said...

I would love to give one to my niece, Ainslee, who will turn 2 in December!

Kate Craig said...

my new neice!

Mary Ann said...

I would love to give this to my first little great granddaughter, Allie.

The Furman's said...

I would love to get it for my God Son - Ethan.

Jason, Betsy, Jackson said...

I would give this to my precious 2 year old little boy - Jackson!!!

Lin said...

What a great giveaway!

I would give this shirt to my god-daugther Sophia. She would love it!

Love Being A Nonny said...

I would give it to my granddaughter, Emma Claire. They are adorable.

Beth said...

No question...I would want a shirt for my 4 year old daughter, Madison. She would LOVE it :)

ashley said...

i would love to give it to my baby girl audrey! :)

Nina said...

I would give it to my niece, Danica. She would look adorable in the one with the Christmas ball. How cute!

Amy Kennedy said...

LOVE those Christmas shirts!! I've been looking for a few weeks now and haven't been able to justify getting any for my little girl!! Only 1 month to wear it but seriously she NEEDS some cute Christmas attire, right? It's her first Christmas too! Would love a 12 month size if I win!!

Melissa said...

I would love to see my 16 month old in that cute little Christmas shirt. Heading over to the website now!

Beth said...

I would love a shirt for my sweet 6 year old son. So cute

Kelly said...

I would love to give one to my 4 month old niece Leah! :)

Leslie said...

I would love one for my little princess Bailey! She is 20 months and is the equivalent to a bull in a china shop!! But is always ready to say "cheesh" for the camera:)

Sara Campbell said...

My baby boy Benaiah!!!

Evie Kate and Family! said...

I would love to have one for my sweet baby girl. Her birthday is in December so it would be just perfect for the Holidays and Birthday!!

chelle said...

I would love to give one to one of my 4 darling granddaughters.

Lindsay said...

I would give it to my friend's daughter Sarah Kate. or my other friend's daughter Isabelle. Oh tough choice! :)

HLB said...

Cute shirts! I would give it to my 15 month old son! :)

The Whitakers said...

I love the shirt with th truck and tree on it! Too cute!!

Bronson Family said...

This would look so cute on one of my daughters!

Patti said...

I would love to give it to my 15 month old daughter, Emersyn Grace!!! SOO cute!!

Meg Jahnke said...

I would love one for my son!!!

Jessica said...

I can't believe that someone sent you clothes for Harper! That is so sweet...and the dress is gorgeous!

I love these shirts,too. I think my little sister would look adorable in one.

And, for the record, I don't think you're crazy for liking monograms. I would be the SAME way if I could afford it! :)

natalie said...

I would love this for my niece Brooke!

Thanks for the opportunity!


jenmom said...

I would love to have a shirt for my sweet JennaBeth!!
Thanks for the chance to win a cute shirt for her. She is 8 months old.

Cosey Family said...

I have been following your blog for a couple of months now. In fact, i have always wanted to sponsor a child from another country and your trip inspired our family to sponsor a boy from Tanzania on Sunday night at the Travis Cottrell concert at our church. I just want to say THANK YOU for opening up your life to us crazy blogers on a daily basis. ALSO, I was shocked to see that my friend sent you that cute Christmas outfit. Her name is Julie from Julianne Originals and we go to church together and our kids go to school together (we are from Knoxville, TN). She is SO sweet and her stuff is adorable. I'm sure you can go on her website to find her address. Small world isn't it?

Lindsey said...

I'd love a shirt for my little nephews!

Missy said...

Those are precious! My own little Ella is 9 months old. She would look adorable in that shirt :)

Anonymous said...

I usually find all kinds of stuff for my daughter...so I'm thinking this would be cute for one of my boys!

Anonymous said...

I would give it to my daughter, Isabelle. She is four & loves to see her name on stuff :)

April Kay said...

I would give one to my 18 month old son, Mason Thomas! SO cute!

Laura said...

I would love to have one for my little man Keller! :)

sweet tea in a pink glass said...

These are so cute! I gave birth 5 weeks ago to a beautiful little girl at 27 weeks, weighing 1 lb and 13 oz, named Abby. In the last 2 weeks they have aloud me to put a headband on her and onesies for photo purposes. I remember reading you blog when Harper was in the NICU and you walked in and she had a little bow in her hair and how happy that made you, it's really amazing how something so little can mean so much. We probably won't beable to go home until after Christmas, so I would love for my little girl to sport a monogrammed onesie on Christmas Day. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us.
God Bless,

Kristy said...

I would love a shirt for my 21 month old son.

Adeline said...

I'd love to have one for my son who just turned one! They are super cute!

Sara said...

I love those shirts! Beautiful.. I'd LOVE to give one to my 5 year old daughter!

Alexis said...

I would love one for my niece!

Alison said...

My sweet little Lauren is six months old and would be so precious in that shirt :)

Love the beggar pic~ looks like my house!

Michael & Jennifer said...

Would love a shirt for my 2-yr. old boy- so cute!

Kubin's said...

HA, I love that picture of Harper standing! Too cute!!

I would give my daughter Kynlie the shirt. Too cute!

Amanda said...

I would love to have one for my daughter, Preslei! :)

Blenda Koder said...

I love readying your g=blog and keeping up with Harper and all of her monogrammed outfits...I would give it to my grand baby...she is only a couple of months older than Harper!

Unknown said...

I would LOVE a Christmas shirt for my two year old Madison Claire! Yeah! Hope I win!

ashpuck said...

Cute shirts! I would give it to my godson who just turned 1 month old yesterday. He is my name sake so I think it would be cool to give him something with his name on it.

My name is Ashley and his name is Ashton. So sweet


The Oplotnik's said...

I would love one for my son that is 12 months old!

Adrienne said...

I would love to give this to my oldest daughter, Ainsley!

Unknown said...

I'd love one for my 17-month old daughter, Tatum. They are adorable!

jenn said...

i would give it to my 10 month old son..he would lookk adorbale in it:)


Nancy said...

My little one would love something monogrammed! I haven't ever won anything before!!
The Daddy/Harper pictures are so cute! She just loves him!! You can tell by the way they look at each other! So sweet!

Erica said...

i have a 3 yr old son and a 9 mo old son but if i had to choose just one to give it to, i'd say the 9 mo old since this will be his first christmas!

beckylbranch said...

Those shirts are just precious and of course I would like one for baby Connor :) Harper looks ADORABLE in that dress too...so cute!

Meghan said...

I would love these shirts for my son Bryce. He is two and a half. We are searching for just the right Christmas shirt!

kimert said...

Cute pics!! Harper is getting so big. :)

I'd love a tee for my daughter (she's 6)!

ni5c said...

i would love one for my daughter mallory!

thanks for the fun giveaway

ps. i'm nuts about monogramming too :)

Ange said...

I would love one for my little guy!

Swartzmomto3 said...

My niece, Lyla! This will be her first Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Such a smart girl! If her favorite toy is tupperware, she has more money to spend on shoes, dresses and bows :)

Beth said...

I would love to shirt for my 9 month old boy.

Jenna said...

I would LOVE to give this to my three year old nephew Lincoln.

Heather said...

Hey girl! LOVE the picture of Scott with the 2 "beggars!!" I would love to get these shirts for Connor and Avery Kate! Precious!

Jen @ Halo Headaches said...

I would love to have one of these for my daughter, Emily. Enjoy those little days of learning to walk. Emily is 21 months, and it seems like the time has flown by. Last Christmas she was just about at Harper's stage, and now you can't keep her down. Thanks for the chance at the great shirt!

Briana said...

Awww, my daughter, Olive, would look so cute in that ornament one!

CulyQFun said...

Sooo cute!
I would give one to my daughter Ellia.

Taylor said...

I would love to give one to my best friend's little boy (20 months old) or my cousin's baby girl, who is due in February.

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