Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Giveaway and SCC

I'm still on quarantine and don't have a lot to offer or share on a personal level today but I thought I'd give you two fun things:

Go and check out HERE - I am giving away FOUR of these awesome new Black & Decker flex mini canister vacs. If you have kids who make a lot of crumbs or messes (or like me have puffs all over the floor) or pets who shed - these are so great so you don't have to drag out your big vaccuum every time. Go read more and see how you can win!

Also - I've spoke many times of how I love Stephen Curtis Chapman and last year when he lost his daughter Maria - my heart just broke for his family. He has released a new album following that tragedy addressing pain and hope in Jesus Christ. These personal songs will literally take your breath away.
BUT here is the cool thing - TONIGHT at 9CST/10 EST - he will be on facebook http://www.facebook.com/stevencurtischapman
(just follow this link) and will be sharing live about the album and chatting with fans. It would be awesome to hear his story. If you have dealt with a tragedy of your own - I think it might touch you. If you haven't - I'm pretty sure it will be very meaningful anyway. I hope you will get the chance to check it out.


lots of love said...

Hope you feel better soon Kelly!

The Adventures of Baby Bond said...

We have puffs every where these days, too! I would love one of those things!! Thanks for sharing!

OUR WILD ZOO! said...

Hope you're feeling better- I'm not on facebook but I really want to check this out-thanks for the info =)

Real Simple said...

from sunny florida...some vitamin C. feel better

Hilary said...

Thanks Kelly! Get well soon! I am sick too so I have spent a lot of time on the web! Hang in there! Hilary

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

I love Steven Curtis Chapman. I can't wait to hear this CD!

The Daltons said...

Hope yall are feeling better soon!

Cassie said...

I hope you and Harper fet to feeling better soon! Get plenty of rest!!! :)

Amanda M. said...

Hope you both are better soon! We are still struggling w/the swine flu going thru our house and it stinks! :(

Michelle Allen said...

I just recently found out about your blog and I have really enjoyed reading it. Harper is just beautiful!! I hope you get to feeling better soon. Also, thanks for the great recipes :)

Unknown said...

OH' MY' I need that vac. I have three kids which equals 3 times the mess... ha!! YOU are so great, hope you feel 100% soon!

Love Being A Nonny said...

Love the vac and love SCChapman!!!

Rebecca Jo said...

Oh... you've never met a SCC fan like me... He's my ALL TIME favorite of my LIFE! I've been DYING for today - his new release! I'll be on Facebook FOR SURE!

Anonymous said...

I hope that flu - flies! Love that little picker-upper. I am sure that my four small grandchildren have a hole under their arms that emits small particles of stuff. That little machine would be a great help after they go home.



otherwise known as mom said...

I love his music....and have for years!! Hope you get to feeling better.

Creative Dragonfly said...

I would absolutely love to win one of those little vacuums! I'm a stay at home grandmother who babysits my granddaughter while her mother teaches and her father constructs and believe me, she can make big messes and I would love not to have to drag out my big vacuum. Plus, I make hats and other children's items and there's always thread or yarn hanging out on the floor just waiting for someone to vacuum them up.

I hope you're all feeling better soon! The flu is no fun at all especially for the little ones.

Allison said...

I've been a fan of SCC for years and I cried and cried when I watched the video of Maria's funeral. It just breaks my heart. I can't wait to hear his new album!

Jessica said...

We have lots of crumbs all over...I would love the vac!! I also love SCC...he's a great singer!

Kayla said...

That vac looks great, good for a vehicle too!

Love reading your blog! Thanks!

Jacquie said...

That's a cool little vacuum!

Oh, I wanted to poke fun of myself...I responded to your FB status last night as if it was a Tweet. HA!! Between FB and Twitter, my Blackberry gets a little confusing.

Brandi said...

I love reading your blog and hope you and Harper are feeling better soon. That little vac looks so handy!

Jennifer said...

We have puffs everywhere too! I would love this time-saving vacuum.

Ashley Jones said...

That is the most amazing looking/sounding vac I have ever seen!! What an awesome giveaway. PLEASE count me in! I have a 2 year old, and this would come in handy about 6 hours out of my day! :) Thank you so much for sharing. Hoping you and Harper are 100% ASAP! In my prayers. XOXO

Trace Car Driver said...

hope you and miss harper are on the road to recovery!
thanks for the chance to win that awesome lil vac... i could def use it at my house!
also thanks for the info on SCC! i love him :)

southern love and prayers from alabama!

Let'sMakeADifference said...

Loved the pics and comments that you posted on your anniversary!! The vacuum looks WONDERFUL! Life here on the farm with 8 children and a dog can be quite messy!

TheFancyFritter said...

Ohh...I have bible study tonight, but I wish I could log on! I know the Lord has taught him and strengthened him so much during that sad tragedy. I hope to win one of those vacuums too!! That would be great! Hope you're feeling better! ~Stacy

Anonymous said...

I love all of his songs...can't wait to hear the new CD....and lil' picker-uper...wow I would love that too!!!!

I hope I win!!!

God Bless!

Rachel H. said...

I've got to win the vacuum! :) And I'll check out SCC tonight! :)

Christi said...

LOVE the little vacuum! I am sure that I could find one or ninety messes to clean up!

Bec said...

The cd looks good. Hope you are all feeling better.

Unknown said...

What a neat little vacuum! It would be awesome if I won one!!!

Anonymous said...

That is a neat looking vacuum!!

They was talking about that cd today on the radio I listen to online.
Can't wait to hear it.

Hope you feel better!!

Clementsville: Population of 5! said...

I hope you and Harper are feeling better! It would be so cool to win that vacuum...



Anna H said...

I could really use one of these! With two little kids and two little dogs, I spend a lot of my day sweeping! I hope you feel better. Anna

Unknown said...

WOW how cool. i am so excited to tune in!! That truly was a gut-wrenching experience :(

I'm excited about your giveaway too! My little babygirl is about to start with the solid cereals and such. AND we have just moved into an apartment with our boxer so we've got LOTSSSS of yucky messes to vacuum up!! These things seem super handy :)

And GOODNESS I hope you're feeling better!!

Katie said...

Hope yall are feeling better today. I love SCC, can't wait to check this out on facebook. :)

Gretta said...

As a Mom of 4, I'd love to win that vacuum! Also, I love SCC and can't wait to hear his new album. Praying you & Harper both get to feeling better quickly!! Love & Prayers

Kasey said...

Kelly, i'm new to blogging and just found you! And your from Arkansas! yay! so am i! Your the first person that i've found that's actually from Arkansas. So are you still living here? You have a beautiful daughter! God Bless!

We've Got Scents said...

I bet SCC's new cd is incredibly touching and cannot wait to hear it. Thanks so much for sharing this information about his live chat and also thanks for the opportunity to win a great mini-vac!
Hope you and Harper are WELL very soon.
Blessings always,
Matthew 21:22

Courtney said...

That vacuum would be perfect in our new house! Great giveaway!

Lauren said...

My son, Connor, is now 9.5 months old and his snacks end up everywhere in the house and car. This would be great to have! I'll have to add it to my Christmas list :)

Emily V. said...

Hope you feel better soon. Would love to win the B&D vac. We had the flu a few weeks back. Tamiflu got us back on our feet, hang in there.

momofall said...

Kelly, I have been in the house with the flu for 8 days now. Thank the Lord and my praying Sisters in Christ today is the first day that I have felt like myself again. I am a second grade teacher and just love kids. Mine are all grown up but my husband sure does still make messes. I would love to win the little duster. I will be praying for you and scott while on your trip. God bless

Carol said...

I'm so sorry you've been sick! What a great giveaway! I'd be honored to win.


Trac~ said...

Feel better soon, Kelly!

Cecelia---Sis---Mom said...

I miss the days of Puffs everywhere, of course we had a beagle back then that didn't let them lie on the floor long. HA.

Sure hope you all are feeling better soon.


Susan said...

Love SCC! Met him when I was rehearsing for a pageant - he was in concert next door and it was such a blessing to meet him and see him "behind the scenes" and see him be the same person on stage and backstage. What a great testimony and love for Christ!

Kellsey said...

I would love to win one I have a cat who sheds alot and am in a wheelchair and one of these would make it easier for me to clean up


annabclark said...

I would love this vacuum. After using mine today, I realized just how nice a new one would be. I bet this one actually sucks crumbs up....unlike mine!

Alaina said...

Wow! I could use that baby daily! We have two dogs, two cats and TWO little girls on the way (Yay!) I can only imagine how my wood floors will look in a few months!

Kind Regards!


cristin steger said...


. said...

I would love one of these!!

Chris said...

ME ! ME ! :)
Hope that you feel better soon.

CarolinaGirl said...

With 4 kids and one on the way, my house is one big crumb :) I hope you feel better soon.

Heather said...

Hope you all are feeling better soon!

Siân said...

For some reason I can't post a comment on your other blog, so I hope that you are including these comments too - if not don't worry, I would love to win one of these - I've been after one ever since I saw it advertised in the Martha Stewart living magazine... Here's hoping!

Mr. and Mrs. Jackson said...

This mommy-to-be would love that new vacuum or the SCC CD! Both would be very useful! :)

Katie Patterson said...

Sorry to hear that you and Harper are sick...I hope you feel better soon!!!

Annie said...

I could really use that vaccum! I hope you feel better soon!

Unknown said...

Love your blog. I know that this giveaway would be great for anyone. It would help me a lot!

natalie {stickles 5} said...

Oh goodness! I just LOVE the vac!I am definitely going to have to look into one of these. I have a 5yr old and a 2.5 year old... It's always a mess! :)

Sarah said...

Can't wait to hear the CD--and that vaccum looks awesome!

Lexi Love said...

I would love to have this vaccuum. I have two big dogs and a two year old. I have dog hair everywhere and can't seem to find anything to get rid of it.

Tiffany said...

Three children, single mom and full time nurse, what more can I say? Such a great give away and beats getting a big vaccuum out everytime there's a mess!!
I was not able to leave a comment in the appropriate place either!


Christy said...

I hope you are better soon... I had h1n1 and pneumonia at the same time. I was down 11 days .. I mean down. I don't know how I'd have made it without my hubby taking care of both Piercen and I. I would love to win one of the giveaways.. piercensmommy@gmail.com

Tracee said...

It's finally our turn to be struck with the swine flu. Ick!

What a cool vacuum...looks to be just the right size for someone who isn't allowed to use a regular sized one due to hernias...count me in!

Hope you guys are feeling better soon!

Patrice and Higgins said...

Pick me for the VAC! My babies are now 17,15 & 11, all boys and pure animals when it comes to making a mess!! I NEED IT!! HA!

Claire said...

Oh I hope you are all better soon! Keep mending!


Charity said...

I would love to receive one of the vac's!!

Jenna said...

This Vac looks so neat, and looks like it would do the job!! I have the 'cone' and it just doesn't do justice for the crumbs! I hope I win one!

The Smittys said...

i love steven curtis chapman's heart for orphan care and adoption. he is such a great man! he is going to do a service on sunday for national orphan sunday! check out his website to get the info. pass along if you want!

we have 1 adopted and 2 bio kids, after infertlity and miscarriages. but i'm here to say, God is good!

kellydee said...

what a great giveaway!! I could definitely use one! Hope you and Harper feel better soon!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just ran across your awesome blog and wanted to say hi. Hope you and your beautiful daughter are feeling better soon!

ps- looks like a nifty little vacuum!

April said...

I posted two comments on the vacuum giveaway because my computer locked up on me and I didn't know it posted the first one. OOPS! Sorry! I'm not sure how to take it off. Just wanted you to know.

Amanda said...

The vacuum looks interesting! I hope you and precious Harper start feeling better soon!

mrs shortcake said...

I really hope you feel better before your trip - you're the second family I know that has come down with H1N1. Take care of yourself and your gorgeous girl!


get an eyefull of this... said...

I guess your post about SCC answered my question I posted to you on FB! Yay God! Love how, if we let Him, HE WILL turn our ashes into Beauty.