We leave for El Salvador in the morning and I would love to have your prayers. I'm not really nervous or scared of the trip because I KNOW it's going to be awesome. I'm just nervous about getting there. It feels like Satan is doing everything he can to keep me from getting there. I've been so crazy today trying to get things ready to go. I waited until today to do anything because I've been busy all week mostly trying to get Harper ready to spend a week with her grandparents.
She went home with them yesterday and so far is having the time of her life (and they are too!) She has been so happy and good and I'm pretty sure we miss her a LOT more than she misses us. I'm not worried about her at all because she is in great hands. If you have Harper withdrawl this week you can always check my mom's blog - she is promising to post pictures for me!
El Salvador has been having hurricanes and floods and so far 124 people have been killed. That's not really helping my anxiety. And have I mentioned I don't love flying? But maybe we are going at a perfect time.But because Satan is fighting me so bad - tells me that God is up to something REALLY special this week. See this little girl? Her name is Daniela. She turned 6 on Halloween and she is the child our family is sponsoring. We have sponsored a little boy in Nicaragua for 2 years (ever since I read about Boomama's trip to Uganda with Compassion). And now we have a little girl! And on Thursday I get to meet her and I can't wait to say "Buenos Dias" in my country Arkansas accent and hug that sweet little face.
I asked Shaun Groves this week what we could bring her for gifts and I envisioned all these cute outfits and hair bows and barbie dolls and do you know what he said "she would love toothpaste and socks. These kids don't have closets. They don't need elaborate toys. They just want a toothbrush". And then I thought about Harper's RIDICULOUS closet and I was very ashamed and very humbled. And it made me want to sign up to sponsor 10 more kids. And after I meet them this week - we probably will.
On my right sidebar is a compassion button and if you click it - you can go read all the other Compassion bloggers on my trip with me! And on my left is a button that you can click to sign up to sponsor a child!And there will be much more about this later but I want to tell you about an awesome thing that I'm getting involved with and I hope you will too! You know how much prayer means in my life and how burdened I am to pray for so many of you! There is a new website called www.prayergates.com and I hope you will check it out. This is a WONDERFUL place to take your prayer requests. You can sign up and leave requests, join prayer circles, find other people going through the same circumstances as you, to be encouraged. You can read a guest entry by Angie Smith that is up right now. I'll be writing more about this awesome prayer community in the future but I wanted to share about it tonight because I'm so excited about it! I know how many of you are just in need of support and prayer from fellow believers.
Right now I just keep thinking about something I read on Shaun Groves' blog after he asked me to go on this trip. He wrote about going on his first Compassion trip (to El Salvador) and how it changed his life and that's when he started working for them and when he really realized that being a Christian didn't just mean that we are saved FROM something but that we are saved FOR something. And that something is to go and tell the good news and to pray and to help others and to be God's hands and feet here on earth. And I can't think of anything I'd rather do with my life!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
As you climb on that place, whisper to yourself, "there is no where I can go away from His presence." He is there already, waiting for you to see another piece of His Kingdom. Blessings on your journey!
I will be thinking about you guys all week! Praying for a safe, wonderful trip!!!
Praying God works in BIG ways this week! I know He will!
Awesome...thanks for sharing! God will be with you as you travel (especially away from your baby). Good luck and I cant wait to hear all of the stories.
God's blessing on you Kelly. When we stand up for God, we can expect resistance. Take it as a sure sign of God's approval and blessing on your endeavor.
Kelly, I will be praying for you this week...hope ya'll have a great trip!!
Have a wonderful trip
This is my first comment...I have followed your blog since Harper's birth and I love your honesty and transparency.I was truly inspired by your unselfishness and trust in God when you said you would be taking this trip. God will bless you immensely because of your obedience to Him. Looking forward to hearing what God has in store for you.
I can't wait to hear all about your trip. I will pray for your safe return :)
I hope you have a very safe trip!!! I will be thinking about you and praying for all of you going, and for Harper and her grandparents this week! Can't wait to read the blog and see all of your pictures!
I am so excited to see the work that God will do through you and inside of you this week. I'll be praying fervently.
Good luck on your trip. Harper will be in good hands. What you are doing is so wonderful and inspiring. You truly are a missionary sent here to do great work! all the while being a great mommy, wife, and role model. HAVE FUN! ENJOY!
Prayers over all of you as you travel this week and serve as liasons for God and for those of us who are not there. Bless you.
Have a great and safe trip
I am a follower of your moms.........cannot wait to read her blogs
My prayers are with all the ppl in El Salvador!!!
Oh, my goodness, Kelly, I am so excited for you. I share your lack of enthusiasm for flying but the trip of a lifetime is at the other end. We will hold you all in our hearts and prayers while you are there, as ever!
I have been to El Salvador on two different missions trips with the "King's Castles Ministries". Those were some AMAZING trips!!!
Praying for you, Kelly!
God will bless you immensly for what you are about to do, Kelley and Scott. Satan always tries...but when God is in your heart, he's wasting his time. I will be in prayer for you and your teammates and can't wait to hear all the wonderful things that will happen because of people like you.
I've been thinking about you all day. Amanda and I had lunch at the mall and shopped and chatted about how awesome your trip is going to be. I'm so excited for you all. I soooo wish Lauren and I could come play with Harper this week! :)
Praying for safe travels! Can't wait to hear about it.
My husband has said before that he would love for us to go on a mission trip together. It would be really neat to go for the first time together, and see a side of your spouse that you have never experienced before!
You Go Girl!!! Have a blast! Remember that Jesus is with you! You've got thousands of prayer warriors behind you! God is going to do amazing things in and through you! I can't wait to hear all about it and see all the amazing pictures! Praying that you won't miss Harper too much :) Praying that you stay healthy. And praying for everyone on the trip!
God speed!
Praying and praying!!! I am proud of you, girl - can't WAIT to see God move this week through ya'll's trip. Going to be awesome!!! Love ya'll!!!
Praying for you guys! Hope you have a wonderful trip and can't wait to read your updates. Read your mom's blog and Harper looks so happy with your parents! Sure you miss her like crazy but glad we get to keep up with her thru her blog!
You are doing HIS amazing work...it will change your life & probably every single one of your readers. Thank you for being honest & sharing your journey with us!
I will add you to my prayer list!
I am so excited about you going on this trip! I will be praying for safe travel, strength for you while you are away from Harper for the first time, and amazing things to be done in the name of Jesus!
I will be praying for safe travels for you! How exciting to meet your sponsor child!
You will be in my prayers this week. I hope you have a great trip.
You are in my thoughts and prayers this week!
Have a wonderful trip! I can't wait to hear about all of the wonderful things you saw & learned about them and about yourself! God Bless You!
Praying for a safe and meaningful trip for you! Mission trips are life changing!
Praying for you Kelly as you go on this trip! I just know it will be life-changing. Praying that being apart from Harper isn't too hard and that God really blesses you for making that sacrifice for His Kingdom! Love to you all!
PRAYING for you and Scott as you travel on this journey together. You are going to change lives over there...I can just feel it. What a BLESSING you will be to those children, Kel. Oh, what I wouldn't give to go with you.
I will be lifting you and Scott, Harper and your mom and dad up in prayer, all week. I will also add this to my special post about PRAYER that I'm working on for tomorrow.
Lots of LOVE and HUGS being sent your way. I can't wait to hear about all of the wonderful things you will get to see and do.
Praying for your safe travel and wonderful journey- of the heart and soul.
Much love!
Sweet Kelly.. I love you so much friend! I am so proud of you guys and praying God's hands on your entire trip. I know God will be with you and great things are going to come from this wonderful trip! When you get back I want a long lunch with all the details and pictures.
Thinking about you.. always!
Ash ;)
My your travels be safe, your works well done. You are an amazing person Kelly. God is working through you even here in our own country. I pray that He will watch over you and Scott as you are away from home. I pray that He'll give you a peace, and that Satan will walk away knowing he is defeated.
I also pray that sweet little Harper will be as good as gold for her grand-parents, I'm sure she will be. And for Daniela, may her simple needs and wants be a reminder to us all of our boundless blessings!!
God bless you. Have a wonderful trip, can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it.
You all will be in my prayers for safe travels, good weather, to reach many hearts this week and for little Harper.
Great post. Neat website. Thank you for doing what God wants all of us to do. Prayers for you this week. Hilary
God bless you and all you are doing!!!
I couldn't have been more thrilled to get to see Harper AND Rhett today!! It has blessed my heart to see you girls... that I think so much of... have precious children of your own. What a joy!!
David and I began sponsoring a boy from India when Angie Smith went there this year. His name is Amit. There trip and the way that they shared moved me to do something. I'm praying that same thing for y'all this week!! God IS about to do something great through y'all... and you have a ready heart. Can't wait to hear!!
praying for you and family for the trip! hopefully hurricane Ida won't slow your trip down! Can't wait to see what God has for you and hear all about it!
That's awesome that you get to meet Daniela! I love that!
A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. Psalm 68:5
Praying for a great trip for you, for peace and safety, and for God to do great things!
I've been sort of lurker since Harper was born (I have a little one just a bit older).
I will surely be in prayer for you and how exciting to meet your little girl that you sponsor. We sponsor a little girl through Compassion also!!
May your time be filled with so many blessings and stomp out the evil attempts to thwart the Lord's work.
Praying for a safe trip!!!! Have a great time and just remember that there's no better hands to be in than His!! You know He will be watching over you all!!
Kelly - I admire you so much for going on this trip and leaving Harper in the very capable hands of your parents! They will have precious memories of this time with her, and I am praying the Lord uses you mightily and draws you ever closer to Him.
Praying for all the details!! Julie
beautiful post!!! i will be praying for your trip, and praying that the weather gets better, and praying that the families affected are comforted and spared. sending you hugs and lots of love...
Kelly, I am so excited for you. You will be surrounded with our prayers all week! Let that big warm heart of yours show many who Jesus is. I can't wait to hear about it.
Oh my land, Kelly, you are going to be wrecked and transformed! We went on a family missions trip for a month in Swaziland this last summer and God is still using our yes, which humbles us completely. Today we had the opportunity to use our videos to encourage hundreds of kids to make Operation Christmas Child boxes, because we were able to be part of giving God's gifts to so many orphans. Samaritans Purse and Compassion (who I believe you are going with) are such incredible ministries impacting millions and millions. We live right down the street from Compassion Int. and continue to be inspired by so many from that ministry. The trip you are taking is going to change lives now, forever, and in all eternity and in ways you cannot even fathom. I am so excited to hear how God is bringing his hope and glory to all you will come in contact with in the days to come. I can't wait to follow what God is doing through you going and read your blog. So excited to hear about the all the lives you touch, but also how your life will be transformed. Praying for you tonight and in the days to come! God is Good!!!!!!!!!
Praying for a safe trip!
Numbers 6:24-26: The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Prayer Bears
My email address
Kelly, I wish you a great trip.. please be careful.. I will keep you in my prayers..
Praying for you and yours this week. Can't wait to read your El Salvador posts- I'm looking forward to hearing some wonderful testimonies of God's Grace this week.
My husband has done Christian work in a couple of developing nations, and has found that its often the poorest of folk that have the biggest hearts for giving and hospitality. The believers he's met in other countries are very dear to our hearts.
Praying for you and your family this week! Hope you have a safe and wonderful trip! :0)
I clicked on the Compassion site. What precious children and what special work you are doing for the Lord. I pray that you will have a safe trip and experience God's presence in a powerful way.
Our family will be praying for you and the entire mission team! We can't wait to hear about what God has in store!!!
That quote is so awesome!
If we were just saved FROM something - then God would have taken us on home when we accepted Jesus as our Savior. But our purpose to stay is to glorify HIM and share what we have with others! Sanctification!
You will be in my thoughts this week. I'm sure GOD has great things in store for you this week and I can't wait to hear all about them.
Enjoy your trip! May you glorify His name!
praying for you and a safe trip! i can't wait to see how God works through you on this mission!
You have my prayers for a safe trip! I can't wait to read all about it! You're going to have an amazing time!
He is going to use you in big ways this week!
If you see our sponsor girl, will you give her a great big hug from Iowa for us?
You are such an encouragement! I'm praying that God will do amazing things through you and in your life. I'm praying that you will be strong in the Lord--He is mighty to save. I'm praying that you will continue to be the light that he calls us to be, even in trying times. This is going to be an amazing trip! I can't wait to hear about all that He is going to do in your life and in the lives of the people of El Salvador!
Praying for you this week and the entire team! Please write and blog...I love hearing about you and God's work!!
Kelly, you're in my thoughts and prayers for a safe journey to & from El Salvador. God bless all of you for your mission!
Lynn in TX
You and Scott have a safe trip!
This is going to be a life changing trip for you and I am a tad bit jealous I am not going! Have a wonderful time, I can't wait to read your posts about all the wonderful things that are about to happen!
Even though we haven't met in person, God has given me a love for you because we are sisters in Christ. I have been praying for a few days for you and Scott and all who are going on this trip with you. I started praying after I read about the flooding and storms. Satan always fight us the hardest when a breakthrough is coming or a BIG work of God is going to take place. You all are going to be a miracle for those who need help, a voice because they can't speak for themselves. Your faith in our God is encouraging to me. This area has a special place in my heart because a sweet young man that is like my son was a missionary there for 5 years. May God bless you this week and I cannot wait to join you as I read along this week!!
Have a blessed trip Kelly! I know the Lord will be faithful to show you the things He's called you to on this trip AND to show you the value of your precious little girl that you sponsor. We sponsor a little boy in Ecuador and when his little letters and drawings come in the mail, it melts my heart every time. LOVE the ministry of compassion international. Can't wait to hear how your week is!
Praying for you guys!
Thinking and praying for you on this journey! Can't wait to hear about it when you return! :)
Your sponsor child is just precious!!
Praying for you and all the others going on the trip. May you be a blessing to those in El Salvador!!
Praying for you and Scott! I know that you will do great things! Have a safe trip!
Oh my goodness!! I cannot wait to hear about and see pictures of your trip. I will be praying for safe travels and lots of wonderful times with your child. We sponsor a little boy there as well and are just dying to make a trip one day. I was reading the newsletter about this trip and so wished to be able to go.
If you see Roberto Igdaly Garcia Hernandez (8 years old) give him a big hug from us(Ricardo and Lauren)
Oh what an incredible experience!
Have a WONDERFUL trip! I cannot wait to read about your adventure and the wonderful stories you'll bring back.
I love that last quote on your blog entry - It's so true we are saved for something not just from something. I pray that your trip goes really well. Looking forward to your posts...
Thank you for posting the link to prayergates. I believe this sight will be a great tool of support, love and fellowship. I have already joined, started a new prayer circle (Praying for a Baby) and posted there. Thanks for all of your encouragement, love for our Lord, and of course your wonderful posts! I hope you have a safe and wonderful time in El Salvador!
have a safe trip!!
may your trip be safe and filled with God's love and words! so proud of y'all for going on this journey and thankful you will be sharing it with us to read all about your experience and the people you meet.
Hi Kelly,
I went to Guatemala on a missions trip and I faced similar anxieties, but just know you're going to have a powerful experience, especially when you encounter the world that these children live in. Toothpaste, in fact, is a dire need -- all the kids I met had terrible teeth, poor loves. More than anything, though, hug them, love on them, use as much Spanish as possible -- "Te amo" is "I love you." They will be thrilled to hear you speak in their own language! Have a great time, Godspeed!
Hi Kelly, Hope your trip is everything you have hoped for and more. I know you will love that little girl on sight,want to scoop her up and bring her home with you. Can't wait to read your posts about the trip. Even if you can't speak Spanish, your smile will bridge all gaps. Godspeed.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
Hope you bought the Barbie anyway!
Praying for a safe trip for you guys & for God's will to be done through you, with you, and in you!
Peace be with you!
I so needed this today!
Praying for you and Scott and the entire Compassion team. Be safe and cling to HIM.
Blessings and prayers,
Matthew 21:22
I'm saying a prayer for y'all right now, Kelly...praying for safety and for the Lord to work in you and through you. I cannot wait to hear your stories about it all. Daniela looks beautiful and precious! I just want to give her a sweet hug. Have fun, Kelly, and God be with y'all!
Praying for a safe trip. I can't wait to hear all about it.
Praying for a safe trip for you all. May God use you for His glory.
Tania @ Larger Family Life
Great post! you are a huge inspiration Kelly!
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