Last night Harper got to try one of the greatest foods there is - CHEESE! :-) I needed to go to the grocery store and I was trying to think of something she could eat so I thought I would let her try it and she LOVED it. I mean seriously - who doesn't love cheese???
She is kind of "over" baby food now that I'm giving her more and more table food. She loves eating with her hands and feeding herself. We have just had bananas, peaches, pears and cheese but I think tonight we will try carrots and maybe a little chicken. I just can't get over how big she is getting.
We have a sweet friend in Georgia, Donna, who has kind of adopted Harper. She has made all kinds of wonderful things for Harper. I wish I had so much talent. Today we came home from church and found this Razorback cheerleader Harper bear that she had MADE! Harper LOVED her!!!

I mean seriously - she even has a monogrammed "H" sweater and a flower head band? We can't thank you enough Donna - SO precious!!!!! This is an heirloom!

A lot of nights after Harper goes to bed I will make a trip to Wal-Mart. I savor those trips. I never thought I would savor a trip to Wal-Mart but I just love taking my time looking around and the store is usually pretty empty and quiet. It's like a little retreat. Last night I took a few pictures and I thought I would share. If you follow me on twitter - you already saw these.
(Little sidenote - I LOVE twitter. At first I thought it was really stupid but then I got an iphone and now I'm just in love. In fact - I've kind of fallen off the facebook wagon (not totally) and jumped right on with twitter. Do you tweet????) (Another sidenote - I'd love for you to follow me on twitter but I'm keeping facebook to real life friends - just didn't want you to hurt your feelings if I don't add you).
ANYWAY - I know plaid is real in style this season and they had this shirt for $12 and I thought it was so cute so I got it. I wore it to Bible Study today! I can throw a cardigan on with it and voila - cuteness! :-) Maybe a black scarf?

AND THEN - I saw these pants/leggings? Anyone want to explain these to me? Anyone plan on buying something like this? Now these are Miley Cyrus brand - I am old enough to be her mom which is why I probably will not be joining this fashion trend but yikes! I've heard stirrup pants are on a comeback too. Oh dear!
OH MY -- are those pants also velour??? And what's with the scrunched up bottoms???
While I did wear leggings and sitrrup pants back in the day, I have NO plans to ever do so again. YUCK!!!!
Harper is just such a doll. Thank you for sharing your lives with all of us. I truly enjoy reading about your family.
Those Miley Cyrus Leggings are great! Kidding!
Oh my Goodness ...I hope those pants do not become our future trend...I would rather dress in a paper bag, Ha! Now really, who comes up with this stuff. I love Wal Mart and being able to shop alone. I do find I spend more but it's Wal Mart and that makes it ok..hehe. Do you ever feel weird bringing your camera? I bring mine everywhere and take pictures. I do ask before I take pictures ingift shops and such. I would hate to make someone angry. People usually find it an honor but I still feel funny sometimes taking pictures in public. It's getting better now...My kids just wont shop with me any longer...maybe a good things~ Smiles~
Oh my goodness gracious on those pants. Yikes! I sooooo need a quiet Wal Mart trip soon. After Lauren goes to bed, If Todd is home, I try to venture out but we live right on a bluff, on a mountain, so it's a hike! Harper is precious!!!
Brody likes string cheese a lot. I just pull it into little strings and put it on his tray.
I seriously have flashback to the 80s when I see those leggings. I swear my mom wore something similar to aerobics in the 80s! Haha!
I like your shirt you bought. I almost bought the purple and black one the other night, but went with the sheer black one I wore to Brody's bday party. :)
Yes, I saw those pants there too!!! I honestly think they are very ugly :(
Love the plaid shirt, too cute :)
I completely know what you mean about savoring your trips to Wal-mart now! I never thought I'd see the day when I was excited about going grocery shopping. Of course I LOVE time with my little one, but there is something so refreshing about doing a little shopping on your own!!
Thanks for make me feel a little more normal!
Those pants should be illegal!
Mmm I love cheese too! (And those pants are awful!) Harper is adorable, thanks for sharing her with us!
My daughter gave up "baby" food as soon as she got her hands on table food. I tried for a few days to continue feeding her, but it was a lost cause. The big plus is now you can just give her little pieces of what you are having! And clothes shopping - I just avoid most stores these days. Too many scary things out there!
Those pants are the worst things I've EVER seen- and sadly I was a HUGE fan of stirrup pants "back in the day"- but do NOT want to revisit those days!!!
LOVE the razorback doll!!!
This has got to be a joke, right!? Are you sure you weren't in the halloween isle???? I can't imagine some actually wearing those on the street!
Thanks for sharing Harper with us. She just gets cuter and cuter every day! :)
I like leggings (with my dresses) but those leggings are hideous? Did you see the print ones that they have also? Wow!
Kathy no worse than velour they are fake leather/vinyl or something! I saw them in the store the other day and they are even more hideous in person. Seriously who would wear those?!
those pants are a RIOT!!! LOLOLOLOL!!! I don't understand them either... and would just die laughing if I see them on someone!
There are a few things that should never come back in style and stirrup pants are definitely one of them. I will not be in style if those are what's going to be in style! :) Wearing them everyday in jr. high was enough to last me a lifetime!
I tweeted you about these pants, crazy huh. I saw these last week when I went to Wal-Mart all by myself, oh the joy, shopping in Wal-Mart alone, Lol. By the way, Aidan loves cheese, sweet potatoes baked with a little cinnamon, baked potatoes, fried ham, roast beef, baked or cooked chicken, he is starting to hate baby food and grunts at our food.
I often go to Wal-Mart or Target after the kids' bed time as well. My favorite time of the year is approaching, the holidays. Then the stores are open until about 11 and the mall is open late too. I love that late night "me time".
My draw dropped when I saw you posted those pants. I saw them in Wal-Mart on Friday. They are ridiculous! So funny that you even took a picture!
Jenny in MN
I cannot believe that those leggings are in style!! Who honestly can get away with wearing them? I guess I am getting too old to follow fashion :-(
I do love the plaid shirt though - it's really cute.
Wow !!! I say no to the legging's. My 11 year old loves Miley..I think I would even have to think about her buying those? Harper is growing so fast..
Many Blessing's
Thank you so much for sharing as much as you do. To me you are a fashion inspiration! Thanks for responding to an email I sent you earlier in the year telling me about Forever 21 and Francesscas. I have purchased 6 items between the two of them and I have been eying the Sam Moon website. Also I looked at Walmart online all places I hadn't heard of or wouldn't have thought of. Thanks again. Harper is such a cutie and I enjoy reading about her.
I LOVE Twitter too! I'm quite the tweeter. ha!
Seriously ~ are they stirrup pants? I don't get them either..but that's ok. At this point in life I couldn't get them on one leg. Ha. Love Harper's bear. GO HARPER!!
Hello Kelly,
I am a long time reader and love your blog. I have recently started a blog and came accross an opportunity to enter a contest for a 6 mo. blogging gig. The first step in this process is votes and I need 2000. Please feel free to check out my blog at to get a feel for what kind of person I am. I am just an ordinary girl who is speaking from a sincere heart.
That is sooo funny you posted on those Miley Cyrus pants cause my mom and I saw them the other day while we were in Walmart and OH MY! We were appalled, to say the least. And the Azria brand Miley partnered with is a really good brand you see in higher end dept stores, so we were stunned!
good to know that I am not the only one who cherishes random trips to walmart WITHOUT kids! So what pants are you going to wear with the plaid shirt?
Also, be glad she is getting over babyfood- my 15 month old little girl WON'T get over babyfood- still won't eat any kind of fruit or veggie that isn't babyfood!
Love you bangs!
Those pants remind me of M.C. Hammer pants from back in the day:) Ha!! I can't believe she is old enough for table food...I feel like she was just born! Can't imagine how you must feel:)
Those pants scare me! I'd love for someone to respond and say they've worn them...or for that matter see a picture of someone wearing them. :)
Yes! I have seen these pants, too and I totally have no clue what they are supposed to be getting at.
On a side not, I was in ShopCo in WI last week and I saw a pair of leggings that were printed like stonewash jeans. Even the "pockets" and "zipper" were printed on them!
Oh my I just saw those pants at Wals the other day! I almost died. The funny thing was earlier in the store I saw a lady (probably 40s) wearing some almost like it! HIDEOUS!
Ok, in all fairness my 15 year old has those pants and they look really cool on her. I really did not want to buy them, but what do I know about cool. I am old! ha
I make trips at night after my LO goes down also. It's the one time I am out and don't worry about what time she will wake up. I too, take my time looking around. I remind myself this season is short and will pass soon. I wonder if you could get Donna to share that bear pattern. It is just beautiful. I love it!
That Doll is the cutest thing EVER! And Harper is precious too! Thanks for sharing!
I don't understand the pants/leggings at all. Were they for Halloween? They remind me of some of the stirrup pants I wore in the 8th grade.
A few other good foods to try are avocado, peas, small pasta like rotini with shredded cheese on top, ground turkey, hard boiled egg yolks, etc. My girls loved when they could finally feed themselves.
Cute top! Terrible pants! We should ask Big Mama to do a Fashion Friday post on pants! Ha! Love seeing Harper enjoying cheese. I heart cheese myself!
I have the same shirt! Love Walmart stuff-cheap and trendy! And the pants...well there are some styles I just cannot follow..eww.
I really feel like Harper has grown up SO fast! Already eating cheese--wow! Where did (almost) a year go!!?? It's scary how time flies. She's so cute!
I saw those pants in our Wal-Mart here the other morning, and busted out laughing. Another woman who admired me laughing hysterically with tears in my eyes, got a pair and went to try them on so we could all see what they looked like! (Yes, we drew a crowd!) Needless to say, I opted out on this purchase!
Love the cheerleader bear. I have a doll made very similar to that one, and at the tender age of 31, I still have it on my bed.
Have a great week!
Saw those leggings/pants at WM today and laughed! All I could think of was Rachel Zoe last night styling a photo shoot as a throwback to Xanadu! Totally!
Yikes! I love tights but not those type! LOL
Harper is so cute! Love your blog Kelly!
What a cute bear!! I'm loving it! :) And I'm not sure what those pants are...unreal! :/
Oh Kelly, I am mopping up tears from the picture of Harper and her bear. Thank you so much for putting that on the blog, I am going to print it, a real keepsake.
She will enjoy playing with her bear and teaching her to call the Hogs. What a true blessing she is.
Steal some baby sugar for me.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
That Razorback cheerleader is beyond cute! You're right, it is an heirloom.
No, I will not be wearing any leggings like those. And I hope to goodness that stirrup pants DO NOT make a comeback. They won't be making a comeback at my house. They kill my feet.
OMG I saw those same pants at WalMart today & had the same reaction. I wont be jumping on that fashion trend either!!!!
You are right, stirrup pants are making a comeback! I just saw them at Old Navy. I don't think I can go there. I have strong memories of wearing them in grade school. YIKES!
LOL Kely, I dont understand the fashion behind those leggings either! I think they are horrendous looking! HAHA Oy!
Miss Harper however is incredibly cute!!! Love the bear!!
OH MY WORD - Our Walmart has stirrup pants! I see visions of middle school again and it is NOT PRETTY!
The shirt is really cute though and Harper is precious as always!
so uh, maybe I'm showing that I'm 22 and possibly younger than alot of your followers because they're referencing the 80's and I wasn't born till 87 but oh well -- here goes. I think the pants are CUTE! Ok, so maybe not on the rack, but leggings are so in and alot of tall people scrunch them a bit to make the full length ones look like mid calf ones, or short people scrunch short ones to make them fit (lol). I bet they'd be super cute on with a big sweater dress.
I tweeted you about those. I have a purple plaid and leggings similar to those, not as many ruffles. They are darling ON, as opposed to what they look like on the racks. Mine are not Miley's brand however.
I think they are gorgeous. And honestly, you would look good in anything you would wear Kelly!
I don't think it's the age thing with those leggings. I'm 20 and I would never be caught dead in those things!
I just wanted to BEG you to pleeease feed that sweet baby REAL cheese and not "processed cheese food" like Velveeta and American cheese. The Tillamook brand cheddar cheese at Walmart is a very good quality cheese at a good price. It comes in a "baby loaf" that you cut pieces off of. Happy and healthy October to you and your family!
Uh Oh! Not only for those leggings (!?) but I found that once I started them on the cheese, there was no turning back! They were hooked! Who could blame them! ;)
I know what you mean about loving your trips to Walmart, solo. I can't even go to the bathroom without an audience anymore, but I wouldn't trade these days for anything.
Has Harper tried yogurt yet? There is a baby, organic kind at Walmart that my babies LOVED. It's always so much fun to introduce new foods to them and to watch their little faces!
Harper is a doll. Love the bear. My baby will hardly eat baby food. He's 8.5 months and is just not that interested. Granted he's not lacking....he weighs in at 24 pounds.
Would you mind letting me know where you got that cute red car toy? email: crmercer at
Our little one was at a museum last Tuesday and loved the one that was there. Thought we might get him one! Thanks so much!
Oh girl, I saw stirrup LEGGINGS at the mall today. Oh heavens, they were horrible. At first I thought they were tights b/c they were pretty thin but the dress/shirt was WAY too short. Then I looked down and there were the stirrups. Oh it was BAD.
they have those leggings for little girls too and I think they are atrocious!! I am glad that Harper is doing so well on table food!
I just bought the exact same plaid top from Walmart for Texas Tech football games =) I am a Red Raider and plan to wear my new shirt to one of the up and coming games! GREAT style you have my friend =)
I am the same way with my night trips to Target as you are with Walmart!! My husband thinks its kind of funny, I'm so glad to hear that I am not alone! haha!
I love that little shirt. I have a couple of the large plaid print pieces for this fall/winter and am really excited to wear them. I think that shirt would be prec with a black scarf. I also think it would be cute with jeans tucked into black uggs!
With those pants, I'm pretty sure they are just spandex (I can't tell the material) leggings that are sewn to be gathered at the bottom? I think they would be precious with a long tunic and some great shoes for a teen.
oh my....what year is this. The pants would make a LOVELY 80's outfit for Halloween. BTW..I bought the same shirt in purple...LOVE IT!!
Hi Kelly
I love reading your blog just thought I would write my two cents worth and suggest giving Harper yogurt and avocado. I watch a little girl and her favorite foods are salmon and avocado. And avocados are so nutritious.
I think you should have a "Show Us Your Life-Dressed all from Wal-Mart" Friday! That would be fun, especially if someone modeled the Miley Cyrus pants! HA!
Miley Cyrus' Walmart line came straight out of my closet in 8th grade, seriously. All she needs to add are some LA Gear style high tops and big hair and we'll be all set to do it all over again. Except I'm happy to leave 1988 in the past where it belongs!!! =)
I think I won't be going back to stirrup pants...I lived in them when I was a kid, and I wouldn't wear blue jeans til middle school. Only dresses and leggings for me! And I think those leggings are just wrong, on so many levels! and yay for Harper's cute little doll, that is so cute!
Those pants would show every dent and dimple on my butt and thighs. I am guessing Miley doesn't have to worry about that yet.
Love the red and black shirt!
ewwwwwwww those pants look like balled up Lawn and Leaf trash bags. Woof!!!! Vonda
AHH oh my goodness those pants do need an explanation don't they!!
I was at Wal-Mart yesterday and saw those same leggings. First, I didn't even know Miley Cyrus had a clothing line. Second, those are just completely terrible!!
I saw those same pants at Walmart last weekend and wondered who in the world would wear those! I'm thinking they were created for those who need to get in touch with their inner rock star persona...definitely not me!
Harper is so cute! I love her bear that your friend made. It is an heirloom!
I am not old enough to by Miley's mom and I wouldn't be caught dead in those pants! They're terrible!
I just love going to the store by myself. It is so, so relaxing getting to take your time and actually look at stuff:) Those pants are the craziest thing I've ever seen. What in the world? Oh dear is right.
Have you found the Twitter Updater app on Facebook? You can link your Twitter and Facebook accounts so that when you tweet it will post on Facebook's AWESOME! There is also another site called that you can use to have your blog posts be automatically updated on Twitter for you. Not sure if you had heard of either of those but they have really made life MUCH simpler for me, it saves so much time when you can update it all in one place! :) Good stuff!
For Pete's sake... those stirrup pants are atrocious! Will NOT wear those, actually COULD NOT after having kids!!!
Go Harper... cheese is great, just wait till mama gives you Brie!
I have seen so much of the plaid shirts like that this season and can I say that I cannot stand that material. It is very 80s or early 90s and I am not ready for it to some back. Sorry
That is so funny that you do that - I've often thought about running out to Target when my little guy goes to bed, but I'm usually too pooped. Those leggings are pretty crazy - I've seen her stuff in the store and I really felt old. And yes, I hear leggings are coming back - oh my!
I TOTALLY understand wandering walmart at night just to get out by yourself! :)
I had seen you comment on stirrup pants a while back and thought "No way"... but YEP! I saw some at walmart recently! ARe bodysutis and chokers next?! THey are like adult onesies! haha!
And I must admit I still think twitter is dumb :) I don't get it!
Ah... I remember how I used to value those alone shopping trips! My daugter is 7 and now it is so much fun to take her with me. She is my little shopping partner!
And that shirt is so cute! I can't believe it's from Walmart!
Aww, Harper's getting to be so grown up, eating real food and all.
Those pants are ridiculously scary!
I'm going to have nightmares because of those pants. Thank you. ;)
I just bought the same shirt from walmart a few days ago! I get TONS of comments on it. I bought it bigger so I could wear it with leggins. (Not the ones you pictured!)
Those leggins-are "liquid" leggins. They are very shiny and latex-ish looking. I am not sure about the "roushing" at the bottom, but I suppose on the right 15 year old, with stick legs, they would work? I stick to my cotton ones-with my booty COMPLETELY covered. =)
And I love Harper's new bear. So precious.
You and Jenna are twins -- she made a HUGE Wal-Mart trip before she left to meet me the other night! And she got the CUTEST clothes, too!
Although? Those pants? Well, I'd rather go pantless I think. ;)
I agree that cheese is the best thing ever. How awesome that Harper likes it!!! Then, again how could someone not like it.
Those Miley pants are AWFUL!!!
I follow you on twitter and enjoy your tweets. I was laughing so hard last night when I saw the tweet about those crazy black pants. They are wild!!
I love twitter fun!
you think those pants are scary...i saw the maternity version yesterday when i was buying some new clothes....yikes! although i must confess i did buy some jeggings. what are those you ask? jean leggings. i will probably look like miley cyrus's pregnant mother. teehee!! ;)
I twitter too (yankeemama) just started back up recently and I love it!
Oh and I am right there with you on the whole late night Wal-Mart thing! I do the same thing-too funny! I never would have pictured myself there when I was firt married!
The knitted doll is SO cute! I LOVE IT! Seriously a TON of talent!
I saw those pants the other day and thought... OH MY GOODNESS. They were awful! I found some cute shirts at the Rogers store. It's amazing how stores less than 10 miles from each other can have such different clothes!
Hugs - Tiff
I love the top, but am not feeling the pants! I went shopping this evening, too, and overheard some women talking about stirrup pants! I was like, oh no. That is something that does NOT need to come back in style! LoL. Love the bear! Way too adorable!
Your baby girl is getting big, and oh so beautiful :)
((hugs & blessings))
The bear is just toooo cute! :)
You go Harper! Chesse is the best.
Harper is so cute and getting so big. They grow up way too quickly!
I am not sure what is up with those pants. They are a bit scary!
I love the bear!
Those leggings are hysterical!! Yes, I am a follower of yours on Twitter!! I TOO got on the Twitter bandwagon when I got my iPhone!! I am not as serious of a twitterer as you but I read all my tweets before I got bed!!
I too keep Facebook for my In real life friends!!
Anyhoo, Love following you!!
A girl at church Sunday had on a long sweater with stir-up pants. Good grief, I never thought the 80's fashion would come back.
It is fun to feed our babies real food:)
You will be adorable in that shirt!
Also, can you imagine how AMAZING cheese tastes after weeks of baby food??
Harper looks so much like her Daddy, Kelly!
Those "pants" are horrid...almost look like at bad attempt at balloon window shades...I hate saying this, but it looks like they would easily stretch to fit five bodies at once. Hahaha!!
Oh wow, those pants are just awful! However, that shirt is cute..I've been thinking about grabbing one myself, and $12 what a deal! :) Love Harpers new cheer bear! Too cute...I also thought about Twitter..I just might be lost, but I'm sure I would figure it out, it does sound like fun! :)
Thumbs up for cheese- I grew up in WI. And cute bear!! I seriously can do without the 80s fashion re-run. And I just deleted my FB account with no regrets!
Yay for cheese! And that bear is adorable!
The shirt is adorable! And the pants? Oh my! I was in Wal-Mart last night and they had stirrup pants! I couldn't believe it.
By the way, the Harper Cheerleader Bear is adorable!
Kelly, I cannot get over how big Harper is getting. She is just precious! I still thank God during my quiet time for allowing Harper to be here with you. When I see these pictures of her it brings tears to my eyes, sad tears to think how close you were to not having this time and happy tears to know how blessed you are now. Give Harper a big hug from me...I know she has a lot of "Aunties" all over the US who love and pray for her.
Genah in Indiana
oh my... those pants are hideous! And I saw with my very own eyes, a girl in her mid to late 20's wearing stirrup pants. I think i might have even said outloud how I hoped that was a trend that would not be making a comeback. Looks like you have confirmed it is!
oh and i'm glad you are raising Harper right... to be a girl who likes her some cheese!
God Bless
~Heather in Pennsylvania
Yay for cheese! Our baby is due in March and I sure hope he or she is a cheese lover! Thank you for sharing that and Harper's sweet outfits. I love it. I'm totally bringing monogramming to the Seattle area. It will be BIG here by the time I'm done!
Emily says no wonder they are so tacky, being Hannah Montana brand! (And she's 12!) :)
Harper is a girl after my own heart. Cheese is my favorite food!! Everything is good when it has cheese on it.
Thank you for sending me Robin Harper's info. She is making cookies for me for two different occasions! She is so talented!!! Is Harper named after her?
i love the shirt, but not too excited about those pants....but who knows it might be one of those items that it looks better on you ;) so you shouldve tried them on :)
I saw those leggings at our Walmart in Texas too and though, "Who in the world would wear these!". I'm only 25 and I still think these are ridiculous. Your plaid tunic is super cute. I have like 5 of them from different stores. Plaid is everywhere these days. Pair them with some plain black leggings and black flats and you have the perfect fall outfit
Oh yikes! Those pants are painful to look at. I guess every generation has their fashion fads, but some should never be repeated. Harper is growing so fast! You have a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing with everyone.
Isn't crazy how quick they grow up once they hit about 6 months?? It's like the twins changed overnight! I can't wait until they are eating table food like Harper.
I don't know if you will get a chance to answer this and if you can't I understand... The plaid shirt you got at Walmart what brand was that? There were diffrent styles there. Thanks so much!
that bear is ADORABLE!!!!!
Those pants are awful! Why do they make such things?
Cute plaid shirt though!
Wow those are some pants! I saw the stirrups in a few stores and I have to say it is very disturbing. A few years ago a co worker of mine commented on my parachute pants and explained that since she was old enough to wear them the first time around she would not be partaking this time. I did not get it at the time. Now I do!
OMG I was watching Chelsey Lately tonight and she was wearing these same..looking pants!!
Ohh those leggings are aweful! I am sorry -- at first I thought they were window drapes of some sort! Ha .. But more power to the girl/lady/woman who can wear those and pull them off!! =)
my sis and i were in walmart the other day and saw those pant things!! we started cracking up!! they reminded us of the mc hammer pants...soooo not cute. i almost tried on a pair for fun but i didn't have time!! LOL can't believe how quick harper grown!! she is just precious and i really enjoy your blog..have a grrrreat thursday...much love and blessings from a RAINY ga~erin
Bought the red plaid shirt online - they didn't have it at the Wal-mart near me. Thanks for showing it. I'm a GA Bulldog fan so this is great (even though it's a terrible season, I still bleed red and black!) and also for the holidays! Again, thanks!
I saw the stirrup pants, too, and thought no way I'm going back to those!!
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