Okay - I fibbed just a little bit on that last post. I actually scheduled that post too to go up a couple of hours before we were due to be home. We weren't QUITE home when it posted. We ARE home now. THANK GOODNESS!
I'm going to post our vacation posts next but I have to share our travel story with you first. So we usually always drive to the beach. It's about a 12-14 hour drive but we usually break it up. But we decided this year it would be "easier" and "faster" to fly with a baby. Plus we had points and could get a free ticket. Going down there went smooth. Harper Brown is a very good traveller. She is starting to be very seasoned.
We figured today would be the same. Our flight from Mobile left at 3. Half way through they came on and said the Dallas airport was CLOSED due to weather and we would have to fly around for a while. An hour later, we landed in Waco. TWO hours later (after sitting on the plane the whole time - let's take a moment and reflect on how fun that must be with an 8 month old)....Does the picture tell you anything? SO, two hours of sitting on the plane on the runway in Waco - they tell us we can go inside for a while. (Rebekah Harris - I was very close to calling you to come and see us and to bring Cilla). There were four flights that were all grounded and about 50-60 people sitting in this one large room. Everyone is frustrated and we were the ONLY passengers with a small child so I think people felt the most pity for us. The thing I was worried about the most was I only had 3 diapers and a few wipes in my possession and I was trying to ration them in case it was the next day before we got home. STRESS!
I scanned the room and then I saw him. If you know me at all - you know that I am a HUGE David Crowder fan. I love Christian music but I listen to him 85% of the time. And who else is stranded in that room with us but David Crowder and his band! I think Scott about died because I made a bee line over to him like a crazy stalker and then once I got there all I could think to say was "Hi -I love your music" (or something like that). I mean all through our infertility, during my praise and rejoicing of being pregnant, during Harper's hospital stay and when Harper was first home and screamed all the time - I listened to David Crowder. He just has a deep understanding of the Lord and his music reflects that. I can't even tell you my favorite song because I love each and everyone so much for different reasons.I was SUPER chawed - but I insisted on getting our picture made with him. I look terrible because I had been locked on an airplane for 5 hours and I think it's hysterical that Harper is looking at him like "WHO are YOU?" She has never seen a beard like that one! ha!
So yes - we finally got to Dallas at 10. And we were SO lucky to hop on a flight that was about to leave and we got home at 12:30. (why am I still up?) Harper (bless her heart) was SO good. I had so many people tell me they couldn't believe how good she was being.
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
The delays in flights must have been so worth it to meet David Crowder! That is SO awesome you got to meet him!!!! And, I TOTALLY would have gotten a picture with him also!
Bless your heart!!!!! Glad you all made it home safe!!!
He's a different looking dude; that's for sure. I know about delays. Just went through that with a trip to Arizona that should have taken 4 flight time hours and it took over 7. Glad you are home.
how FUN to meet someone you love, when you are in a miserable situation! the Lord does work in mysterious ways! :) glad you guys made it home safely and that harper brown is a super traveler! sweet girl! have a great weekend!
Awesome, awesome post! I couldn't stop laughing! My husband had to come over and see the pic with you guys and David Crowder. He wanted to check out his facial hair-do.(we're huge fans too!)
I know I don't comment often, but I always read and always leave your page uplifted or laughing! Thanks for that!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Well, welcome home- officially!
I bet home never looked so good after those flights!!
This is just another reminder that God knows just what we need and when we need it! Meeting David Crowder...WOW! I'm glad you're home now but probably not as glad as you are!
And I totally giggled to myself when I saw that picture of Harper staring at him...she is too funny!
That is the coolest thing - I (well both my husband and I) absolutely looooove David Crowder too - you are so blessed!!! Crack up photo of Harper looking up too.
Well, it is always fun to meet someone that is famous! Harper is so cue and glad you guys made it home safe!
We drive everywhere, too. It just works better for us.
I CANNOT believe you were stranded in an airport with DCB ("poor" you, lol!). I LOVE DC!! I am so excited! Did you make the band sing for you, too? Ha! Glad you are home safely--that was quite the excursion!
Oh WOW what a story!!!! I bet it was almost worth being stranded on a plane with your 8 month old to meet David Crowder!!!
That is too cool that you meet David Crowder in the middle of that terrible situation of being trapped on a plane and then in a small room with a large crowd. Totally not a stalker to ask for his picture, I am sure half the people in the room didn't even know who he was. Yeah for you ;)
I'm A David Crowder fan too, so I think that is an awesome atory....one flight you will never forget.
I understand how terrible of an ordeal you had but let me tell you, flying is so much easier (with 1 kid) take the plane next time too, you can't get double bad luck in a row, or can you:-)
That picture of your daughter staring up at David Crowder is great! Maybe she was thinking "Seriously Mom, not one step closer of I'm going to get really nervous"
So cute.
"All things work together for good..." running late, getting stranded- all so you could meet David Crowder and let him know what a blessing his music has been to you!
We were running late once for the Tiger Show, while at Australia Zoo, and who should we bump into? Terri Irwin, who kindly posed for a pic with our girls. God always has a plan.
That is so awesome that you met David Crowder!! ISn't Waco his home town? that sucks to be stranded in your home town!! KLOVE the radio station that I listen to just did a giveaway with a chance to meet him and the band.
I love the way that Harper is looking at him. That is so cute!!!
Wow now THAT made some of the waiting more fun! Love how Harper is looking at him...like, "I'm pretty sure you're a stranger and I'm not sure why they're standing so close to you!"
Glad you all made it home but how cool was it to meet David Crowder! I love his music so much. God knew it would be a treat for you to meet him!!
Oh my goodness! I love love love David Crowder! He's awesome....and has a new CD coming out!
Now aren't you glad you got stranded?!? :)
Happy Friday!
Okay, that was a God wink FOR SURE! I mean, the delays & stress of it all...but, you were suppose to be grounded & go in there & meet him. You are no doubt likely his biggest fan & you so deserved that blessing. I am quite certain that he didn't realize how blessed he was to have met you, but we all know that he was! Congratulations on your celebrity sighting! & of anyone you could have met, how perfect was that?!?!? I got to go to the Oprah show this week. That was pretty big for me! LOL!
Sorry that the trip home was less than stellar, but how great was it that you got the meat David Crowder! I'm glad that ya'll are home safe and that sweet girl of yours was able to be such a trooper!
This post had me laughing out loud...too funny! I love the pic with DC...I never knew that's what he looked like! Harper is so funny with her "rubber-neck" trying to look at him! Glad you made it home safely...finally!
glad you are home safe! I went to the David Crowder Band concert a few weeks ago. Definitely one of my favorite concerts ever! Have a great weekend!
My hubby and I are so excited that you met him! We listed to Crowder all the time -- we're more like 95% of all the music we listen to is Crowder. We can't wait for his new CD -- it's amazing to me how the whole thing tells a story -- tells the story of Christ. Love his work. God has blessed him.
I'm sure that made your travels more enjoyable :)
Oh wow, wow, wow. Bless your heart. I am glad she did well and you didn't run out of diapers. We had to sit on a runway for 15 minutes and Aaron was not pleased.
So jealous! I LOVE David Crowder!
What a SUPER fun story you have to share with us all, though!!! :)
I love it! David Crowder...how AWESOME! I would say that I can only imagine the look on your face when you saw him, however, knowing how much you love him and his music...I'm pretty sure I KNOW what your face probably looked like!
So thrilled that you made it home safely! Can't wait to see more pics and hear more details about the trip!
Noone has obviously shared with you that you DO NOT DO ANY FLIGHTS WITH LAYOVERS with babies! We made the mistake ONCE and with our 6 littles always take non-stops to the beach! HUGS! Glad you made it and got to meet DC!
OMG, what an ordeal! I love the David Crowder band too, I can completely relate. I hope your next post is a little happier about your travels!!! :)
It was meant to be......
Did you tell David...he makes being stranded in an airport "glorious"
How exciting.....I dig him.
LOVE LOVE LOVE how Harper is staring at him! And I completely feel your pain, I've flown with my niece many times when we were stuck on the tarmac or rerouting- etc. Sounds like Harper handled it like a champ, what a little traveler!
How cool! I love David Crowder!
Oh bless your heart. I can't even imagine!! I know you are so tired from your day yesterday.
I love David Crowder and I love that you met him! Seriously, Harper staring at him cracks me up. She must have been star-struck! :)
That look Harper was giving him made me laugh out loud!!
What great timing to have a moment to remember for the GOOD that it brought, not the stress that it brought on :)
Seriously, you have the best luck, haha!!!! :)
Or timing, whatever you want to call it, LOL!!!
Bless your heart! I totally understand what you went through, minus the DCB sighting (which is awesome!).
A couple of years ago we flew from Dallas to Indianapolis to see my family. It was supposed to be a non-stop flight, but halfway there the plane had an electrical fire! So we made an emergency landing in Memphis. And were there for 7 hours!!! Oh, and my son was 2 at the time! Thankfully not a baby who required multiple diaper changes (though he was not potty-trained yet) or special food like formula or baby food, but a 2 year old boy is super hard to entertain. He had been awesome on the flight up till that point and was even great during our time in the airport because he got to run around. But the flight from Memphis to Indianapolis was awful! He threw such a fit. Thankfully everyone else just felt sorry for us because of the ridiculous amount of time spent in Memphis, but I felt the most sorry for the couple with a small baby. I'm so glad Harper did great for you!
Oh Kelly! I wish I had known you were here! I would've gone and bought you diaper and wipes and dinner! I'm so glad your short stay in Waco was pleasant thank you to Mr. Crowder who we all love to see on a regular basis :-D (not rubbing it in or anything, just saying you should come to Waco for his CD release or something! :-D)
That is seriously a hoot. Who knows, the Lord works in mysterious ways!
I know his music (and your love of it) but had KNOW IDEA that's what he looked like, not that it matters in the least. If I'd have been there with a child, I would have kept her away from that guy! Ha ha.
I live about 15 miles from the airport in Waco! I could have come and brought supplies! Wow! But, what a great way to be stranded...I bet you were tickled pink to meet DC!
Sorry you guys had such a hard time getting home! But how cool that you met David Crowder!! I'm sure that kind of made up for it!
Super exciting! I have been wanting to go to Gulf Shores for 2 years now!! I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures. I love the beach pictures of the family already!
What a blessing in disguise! That is so awesome! Harper's beautiful as always :)
We had a very similiar story happen to us with Cyler when we flew to Fort Myers - except we didnt have DC on our plane!
Looks like H did great - what a cutie pie she is!!
oh my goodness. This is crazy but you couldnt pay Todd to be based out of Dallas because of their issues. He loves Chicago as his base even though they have the horrible winters.
So glad you are home, safe & sound :)
How fun that you had a bright spot in your frustrating travel day. We love David Crowder! Jackson always asks for his songs, so I had fun showing him this picture. I'm sorry about your plane fiasco. That sounds awful. At least they let y'all off after 2 hours.
Girl you crack me up! =)
But just think...if you would have driven, or if you hadn't had the delays....you wouldn't have met David Crowder!!
Last summer when we all went to Barbados not only did we have TWO crazy plane delays, but once we arrived in Barbados we didn't have luggage!! Good thing Ethan was still nursing!!
That is just the most awesome story, Kelly! God is so good to us!
Never let go.... that's my FAVORITE David Crowder song :-)
Love the pic with Harper staring at David Crowder. I too am a fan (I went to Baylor & attended the church he leads worship at). We recently bought his Remedy CD & my 18 month old daughter LOVES #4 Neverending. We listen to that song over & over in the car. She flaps her arms to the music, bobs her head, & when the song ends, she "asks" for it again. I love how I can listen to his music with my daughter!
Oh my. Last year when we went to NYC we had the same situation. We were stuck on a plane, on the runway with 11 teenagers in tow. Thankfully, I think most of them slept. Worst.flight.ever.
It's exciting that you got to see David Crowder. It's even better that he was gracious enough to take a photo with you! My hubby would be so jealous.
What does "chawed" mean?
AAAHHHH!!! NO WAY!!! That is too cool! I love that you met him and got your picture taken with him!!! Bless your heart on all that waiting with Harper. So glad she is a travel champ!!
Oh you are so lucky! I love DCB music!Seems like you are always meeting these famous people by accident!love the pic!
How cool that God threw you guys together like that (your family and David Crowder)! What a wonderful chance to meet such a great guy!! Really neat! And Harper staring at his beard is priceless, LOL!
LOVE Harper looking at that beard!
A little nervous that I'm hopping on a plane to Dallas this afternoon!
I love David Crowder to!
I can't believe you were in Mobile! I so wish we could have met for lunch! I hope yall had an awesome trip!
Bless your heart!! What a LONG day!I'm glad that Harper is a good traveler though. My first, Dylan, is fantastic at it and always has been. My 11 month old little girl, London, not so good at it. I could not imagine how much she would be cutting up if that were us. Eek! We actually prefer to fly but drive because I don't want to be THAT person with a screaming child the entire flight. :) So, count your blessing with an easy traveler.
David Crowder...oh my word, does he even KNOW how famous YOU are? :)
The picture is hilarious!! Love it!
That is so cool! What a neat story! Sorry that you got delayed and had only a few diapers, but there was the rainbow after the rain, huh?
You are my hero! David Crowder. I love this music. He is so intune to God's calling in his life and how to express that through music.SO AWESOME.
That is SO fun that you met him! I love the way Harper is looking up at him!
Maybe Harper was just in awe of meeting him too! Ha!
so awesome! his music is amazing :)
the photo is so cute :) you all have a look of awe and amazement that you met him and your daughter is looking right up at him "cool" :)
too cute!
saying you were stressed out about the flight issue and all the times you listened to DC during the hard time in your life...kinda neat: almost like God had that all planned out :) did he sing for ya'll?
Driving to the beach sounds like a great idea! I'm glad that she was so good for you guys! :)
Too funny about David Crowder. My hubby would be the same as Scott ~ Omigosh, are you seriously acting like a child over this man? :) Harper is sooooo precious! I'm so glad she did so well on the trip!!
you crack me up
You'd probably like to know that David Crowder has not always had that insane beard! We grew up in the same church...my mom laughs at thinking she taught him in chior when he was little. She never thought he'd grow up to be such a celebrity!
I thought the story you're getting at about the shortage of diapers and wipes was that bearded man rescued you by sharing his daughters extra diapers with you. That's what I get for scanning the pictures first before reading the story. My apologies to David Crowder. I've heard his music but have never seen his face until today on your blog.
Glad you guys are safely from your vacation.
I can't believe you were in Mobile, my hometown and i didn't get to meet you and Harper :( oh well, glad you had fun at the beach and finally got home!!!
Did you ask him to entertain the room of waiting people?? I bet he would have been fantastic impromptu! I love David Crowder too, good for you for taking a picture :) Glad it was a fun trip! I can't believe you had to sit on the plane for an extra 2 hours...that stresses me out just reading about it!
I'm a huge Crowder fan too. I think seeing him would *almost* be worth all the trouble you had flying home.
I am extremely claustrophobic. Being 'stuck' on an airplane would send me into a panic attack. I pray SO hard when I fly that it doesn't happen to our plane.
Glad you survived...and that you met David C.
please forgive spelling or typing - holding baby. we love dcb!!! my 2 yr old loves hum too - i olayed his cd's when jacob was baby-baby and wgen he began to pull up and walk - he would dance to dcb only! he still gets excited to hear dcb....and i want to go to waco sometime to see him. i would do the exact same thing!!! are you a fan of his on facebook???
Mercy! That is a crazy flight. But, how fun that you got to meet David Crowder in the midst of it! That is worth the crazy plane rides and waits! Glad y'all are home safe and hopefully you're not too tired now after that day!
Reminds me of that Jon and Kate episdoe where they get stuck on the plane, too....with 8 kids! ha.
Must have been in the plan, since you got to meet David Crowder...how cool is that!?
hi Kelly! I've been reading your blog for a couple months now, but hadn't taken the time to comment yet. I have a son a few months older than Harper. We live in Dallas and the weather was HORRIBLE last night. Wind and rain and hail - the works! Now I know that God sent us that weather so you could meet David Crowder ;) I'm glad Harper was such a champ! :)
I hope he knew he was the one meeting 'the stars':) So thankful you were able to meet, even under not so great of circumstances.
Thankful you are home safe and sound.
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
Yeah, the weather here last night....NOT GREAT!! =) Glad you're home!
WOW what a journey home huh! We'll at least ya got to meet David Crowder! He's different looking huh! I love the pic of Harper looking at him trying to figure the beard out... That's funny!
Summer :0)
Uggh... flight delays! I cannot imagine going through that with a little one without losing my marbles!
YAY for y'all being in Waco!!! And meeting David Crowder! I live in Waco and am so blessed to be able to go see him at church whenever they are home :) How exciting for you! And the pic with Harper looking at him is hilarious!
Girl... that sounded like our trip back from Boston and getting stranded in Atlanta. That's where I got to meet WeeMan! :) FUNNY!
I'm glad you made it back safe. We drive to the beach every year and I will have to say that the past 5 years traveling with kids has not been bad at all! Especially with a DVD player!
Hugs - Tiff
Oh Kelly, you so make me laugh- posting a fake 'we're home'. You are the cutest thing, and that is something I would totally do, too!! We moms can't be too protective!!
Love David Crowder - so excited for you that you got to meet him!
How awesome that you got to meet David Crowder! Glad you had a good time at the Redneck Riveria!
SWEETTTTT!!! We love David Crowder at our house too....I would have done the very same thing...can't wait to hear more about your trip!!!
...April :)
How COOL is that??? You got to meet David Crowder!!! That is amazing. I would love to meet him. I love his music, too. I might have been just like Harper staring at his beard. That cracked me up! Sounds like if you have to be stranded at an airport with a child, Harper is the one to get stranded with! Glad you are home safe and sound!
Love your beach pics. And how awesome to meet David Crowder! We were at the beach at the same time as y'all! I just put a million pics of our trip on my blog. I adore Gulf Shores!
What a nightmare...with a happy ending, of course. Just be glad it happened on the way home and not on the way to AL.....that would not have been a good way to start a vacation!
I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WERE IN WACO!!!!!!!!!!! I know how it is though...you never know how long you will be waiting in the airport! Okay....you crack me up! We see Dave all the time around town but I never have my camera or the nerve to go up to him!!! I have to meet him before I leave Waco! I am coming to Arkansas in a couple of weeks for Laura's baby shower and I am going to drive up to Fayetteville for one day! I am planning to see you somehow, at some point that day! I HAVE to meet Harper and Cilla is dying to, too!!! I will email you! Glad you had a fun trip. Sad I didn't get to see you and take you around my fine town! HA! If you ever get stranded in Waco again, you always have a place to stay here!
That last pic is tooo funny! I'm glad you all made it and had fun.
~Blessings to you, Melissa :)
love the last picture. too cute :)
i can't believe you got to meet David!! OMGoodness!!! His music is really a blessing. He has an amazing gift.
we're thinking about taking Bryson on his first plane ride in November. a little nervous about making that trip.
so sorry you were stuck in our little waco airport!! last time we flew out, we were stuck in our own airport for 5 hours trying to get to dallas. we could have driven to dallas and back in the time we sat there! i know you're so thankful to be home...and love the pics at the beach...beautiful!
That is so neat that you got to meet him!
Oh my word, Harper is just hysterical! I love that photo...
I live in Waco so I know there's not much to that airport!! Awesome that Crowder was there, too :) You should come back in a couple of weeks for his CD release party!
hey - I'm David's publicist at Zondervan - he has a new book coming out in November. Shoot me an email if you would like a review copy for your blog. public.relations@zondervan.com
This picture of you guys with DC is PRICELESS!! LOL
I love the David Crowder band, i am sure the delay was worth it in the end, especially since Harper is such a good baby. :)
That picture of Harper looking up at DC is priceless!!!!
She is so precious! I love your blog. God bless your family!
Jann in Georgia
So cool you got to meet him that way! I love his music too but honestly would have never recognized him...LOL
It sucks that you were stuck but David Crowder is so worth it!
I can't imagine how frustrating that would have been with a baby. But getting to see David Crowder would be a-w-e-s-o-m-e!
How awesome! I love that pic of Harper starting at David Crowder! :)
I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I think you are absolutely wonderful. Thank you for having such a beautiful heart.
{your blog designer} -- just added that because I am signed in to my personal account.
God works in mysterious ways...it was obviously somewhat good that you got delayed! :)
Now that is what I call, icing on the cake. What a super way to end a lovely vacation. Plane ride, not so great, but look where it landed you..... Good for you. I sure enjoy your blog. Give Harper a hug.
That's so awful that happened to your flight. But I guess it could have been worse, and at least you're home now
That is such a cute picture! I love Harper's body language. ;)
That is awesome that you got to meet David Crowder! I agree with you on his music! What a neat blessing in the middle of chaos!
I can NOT believe that you met David Crowder. I may be 47, but I LOVE me some Davied Crowder. I have the Passion '06b DVD and play the song portion constantly.
We also vacation in Gulf Shores - my absolute favorite place.
How fun!! I LOVE famous people! I'm going to see Tobymac this weekend. Hopefully I'll be writing a post with a picture of me and him!
I am such a northerner - but what does "chawed" mean? Excited? Embarrassed? =]
When I ended up on the same elevator with "Blair" from "Facts of Life" and Patsy Clairmont this summer (they were staying at the same hotel as us in Seattle) I was a bumbling idiot when she tried to talk to me. I'm sure she's used to that!
I had no idea What David Crowder looked like - did a lot of people know who he was, or just you?
L in AK
Kelly, I wish I had known you were in Waco!! (I am a grad student at Baylor) I totally would have brought you a Sonic drink and some diapers :)
David Crowder rocks!! Glad you made it home safe. You are brave to fly with a baby. My kids are 6 and 3 and I still havent attempted it ;)
I can't believe you met David Crowder! Love his music. I don't think I could have went over and met but I would have been taking his picture from afar.
I spent 4 great years in waco when I went to Baylor (your trip to waco doesn't seem so memorable) AND I went to UBC the years I was there and that is the church David Crowder started and played for every sunday morning! Now that I'm living back in Houston I attend Beth Moore's home church...I guess I'm good at picking churches ;)
Love, love, love Dave Crowder!! It had to be worth it to meet him!! BTW, you do not look terrible!!
That is pretty cool! Harper looks so funny in the picture! And you look just fine!
Mark Schultz is my favorite Christian artist, and I would be so star-struck to run in to him somewhere.
So awesome that you met David Crowder!!! I think that made your horrible layover totally worth it. We just saw him in concert a couple weeks ago. He is my favorite!!!
Oh my gosh you were in Waco?? That is where we live! Well we live in Hewitt about 10 minutes away.
David Crowder is pretty amazing huh? He lives right down the street from our family business.
Glad you had a good experience visiting!
such a bummer about the delays but yah for David Crowder...so fun! love the picture.I don't think I have ever heard anyone use the word "chawed" except Sara Fish...too funny! :)
WACO!!! I only live about 30 mins from there! How fun that you got to meet David Crowder. We have attended his home church in Waco several times that he has been there to perform! Glad you made it home safe and sound!
Just found your blog via a google search for a college bishop (how funny!) LOVE your blog! Also love David Crowder!
Your little girl is precious and I love how you dress her. I'm a little childrens clothing obsessed myself. :-) So glad to find your blog!
PS-They sell baby diapers (one for $3- lol) and wipes in most airports. Sadly, I've found that out the hard way more than once!
You look great, especially for traveling!! I LOVE your shirt and am also obsessed with ruffle tops & dresses. Oh, and I used to live in Waco and ran in to David Crowder from time to time too, he's a nice guy, huh? Cute picture, and I'm cracking up at Harper looking at him like that!
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