Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Reason You May Hear Less and Less of Me

This video may be a little boring to everyone but grandparents but it's just a picture of how my day is now. I have a little busy girl who wants to move constantly. This is her when I laid her down for a nap today. (I'm sorry about the hysterical laughing - I think I'm completely delirious from no sleep in days - plus she just cracks me up)

Needless to say - I took the Bumpers out of her crib this afternoon. I'm so sad because they were SO cute but she was using them to climb so they have to go.

She has been pulling up on me and other things in the last day or two and she really likes standing. She wants to do it constantly. Oh my life is getting so busy. :-)

We did get to have lunch with my friend Melissa today and I finally joined choir again tonight after a 10 month hiatus. It was good to be back!!!! (All of my choir friends who are reading - I really missed you! And I missed the chance to worship with you!) Scott kept Harper and fed her and put her to bed all by himself for the first time ever. He has kept her and he has helped me put her to bed but he's never done the whole routine alone before. But we had a success so I'm thinking he can do it again! ha!


Betsy said...

Girl...your life is about to change in a BIG way. As if you're not already busy enough! haha

I could hear Dawson barking in the background. Sounds like Rocky!! :)

Sarah said...

I so love reading your blog. We are in the exact same season right now, and it is so nice coming here and sympathizing with you! Life is crazy, but a ton of fun! She is precious, as always!

The Titsworth Family said...

What a cutie! She is growing so fast and by the way, I love her little outfit! Before you know it she'll be crawling!

Summer said...

Too cute! She's gonna be a little, I mean big handful! Ha!

Glad Scott was able to handle everything tonight! I know that's a big help and relief for you!

The B's said...

Harper reminds me of how busy Emma was/is!!! She has been a climber ever since she started pulling up. You think it's busy now...just wait! :) She is PRECIOUS!

The 'Ssippi Scoop said...

Ha! That's called fighting sleep. I have one that does the exact same thing. I'm so glad to hear that other mom's get help from their husbands. I don't know what I'd do without my husband most days. I'm comfortable with him doing everything but remembering to change her diaper even if he doesn't smell her and making her formula. The first couple of times I started getting back out to my montly club meetings and such I would write things down for him like he was the baby sitter or something and call and check and text, etc. But finally I just threw him in there and let him figure it out for himself. Believe it or not, they do a pretty good job. His work is much more flexible than mine and Bailey has been so sick this week. My husband has really stepped up to the plate and taken her to the doctor a few times for me. I'm just so thankful and blessed.

I'm having a problem with Bailey pulling up in the bathtub when I turn my head. Scares me to death. They just get so independent. I love Harper's smocked sea outfit. Too cute!

Melissa said...

Cute video and I love seeing them. Glad everything went well with bed time with Harper. Yeah for Scott. Thanks again for lunch and our times together. I look forward to growing our friendship and leaning on you for support. Have a great Thursday!

Love Melissa

carissa said...

i am right there with you kelly! my little hunter wears me out (although, i shouldn't say little - he is 23 lbs at 7 1/2 months!) and he keeps me busy. i am getting ready to baby-proof the house. the joys of mommyhood - a complete blessing!!! i just can't help but play with him all day long! i heart being a momma!

Christa said...

Love the video...she is too cute!

Cherit said...

Sweet video!

Jess :) said...

Sounds like you and Melissa had a fabulous lunch!! How fun! :)

Harper is just growing soooooo fast! I love her!

Thanks for the video...those are always the absolute BEST!

lots of love said...

That's such a cute video! I had to remove Rylie's bumpers too very early because they were thick like Harpers & she'd either climb on them, or fall asleep with her head under them! Babies R Us tho has some flat, breathable ones that are tall you could use to prevent Harper from getting arms/legs stuck between the crib rails-if she ever has that problem.

dogmom said...

I can't believe how big Harper is getting! It sure goes by fast, doesn't it?? She is such an adorable and sweet girl. I love all the pics and videos of her.
You and Scott are very blessed to have Harper! Perhaps one day Harper will have a little brother or sister??
You are doing such a wonderful job as a new mommy!!

Mommy of 2 boys in Massachusetts

Check out The Webels said...

Aww - that is too bad about the bumper removal. I was always thankful that my kids never really climbed on them because I never wanted to take them out! I love how it keeps them from getting arms and legs stuck in the bars!
Have you seen the wonder bumper pads that are just fabric that fit around each bar in the crib? If I had another baby I would be getting those!! :)

The Moser Fam... said...

Harper is so adorable. I have never commented on your blog before, but I have a little girl who was born January 28, 2009, so just a few weeks younger than Harper. Watching this video reminded me so much of my little one (Natalie). I love reading your blog! :) God bless!

ashley said...

ahhh! my baby girl audrey (7 months) just started crawling and pulling herself up too!!! i just can't wait for her to get it ALL figured out, but i just know how much more work that means in the future!!!!

Mary said...

Just want you to know I snorted watching her attack the camera. I have the same sense of humor I guess?? Ha! I thought she was going to sleep at one point there-when she layer down for a long time with her head buried in the bumper pad. You can tell she's so tired!

Mary said...

Ok I meant to type "laid" down...

Sarah said...

We are 1 month ahead of you and boy is your life about to change. She is adorable as always...I just love her cute little personality! It is great practice to have your hubby do the bedtime routine every now and then and even better that it worked for him!

Stacey said...

Harper is so cute! She is only going to get more and more active!!

Crystal said...

Harper is too cute! I love the videos that you share! Glad to hear you joined choir again!

little said...

Oh, I loved that video..So cute and those it. She is so cute.

Todd and Courtney said...

yay go Scott! I love it when Todd gives me a break after being gone at work for 4 days! Harper is sooooooo darn cute!

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

Go Scott!!!!!

Kenna said...

So cute! I remember when my Livie wouldn't sleep! I also remember her squealing just like Harper. I would get so embarrassed in the grocery store when she would screech so loudly - there's no telling what people thought I was doing to her. :)

Anonymous said...

Children have a way of doing that to our lives.....What a blessing..hehe~

Pink Velvet Mommy said...

Hilarious video...that is nap time at our house too!!

I would tell you my milestone book says when they start on something new like crawling or standing or walking that sleep becomes very hard for them because their little brains can only think about one thing and that is their new found talent. It talks about kids literally falling asleep in their beds from exhaustion because they just keep standing up and creeping around the bed!! I have now found that to be true, every time Hayden picks up something new...sleep becomes secondary for her(and for me:)

Good luck, it has all just begun, wait until she is crawling and will not need a gym membership or to have to sched working out, your life will become a full time work the best way!!!

Amy said...

Oh my word! How can you not just laugh and smile at that sweet little face? She is adorable. I love how her eyes are so expressive can just see the light in them every time she smiles. What a precious baby!

Ruth Ann said...

She is just soo cute! My boys are 4 and almost 3 years old....and I miss the baby stage most of all! Such a great age! I am also very blessed with a wonderful husband. When my boys were babies and they breastfed, my husband would get up every two hours with me for the feeding. He figured it wasn't fair that only I got up, so after they were done eating he would burp them and put them to bed! He was a great help! Also glad to see that you took the bumper pads out. Our doctor suggested us not using bumper pads....he said that it may increase the chance of SIDS because it blocks air circulation around the rails. They sure are cute though! Glad to see Harper is moving around well....pretty soon she'll be running around the house...and then you won't have time for anything! :)

Donna said...

Hi Kelly,
Don't you love Harper's determination. She has a "don't quit" attitude. So glad to see that, she doesn't give up and cry.
Keep the videos coming. They are anything but boring.Takes this Mama back to happy times.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.

JESSICA said...

Oh my! Kelly, what will you do for her 9, 10, 11 month, and 1-year photo updates with NO BUMPERS? I'm biting my nails just thinking about that because you just can't change the backdrop for those pictures! I look forward to those on the 16th of every month.

jsiewert said...

so cute, My 4 year old daughter loved the video of Harper.

momMYsliceoflife said...

Life is about the CHANGE for you! haha! London started taking steps 3 weeks ago and is walking everywhere she goes now. They grow up SO FAST!!!

Ashley said...

This is so funny, I just sat here and laughed and laughed! Harper is a cutie pie Kelly! We have to dress them up together!

And we have the same taste, I so bought that outfit at Dillards for $13.00 a few weeks back! I have GOT to find it so we can dress them up! HAHA! SO CUTE!!!!

XOXO! ;)

Kimberly said...

She is so cute! The only thing I was thinking the whole time was, "she's trying to go to sleep!" ;) Poor little thing. Hopefully she eventually got to nap. It is so sweet that you are having so much fun with her. She's adorable.

KK said...

So adorable!

Sheridith - mom to peeps said...

That looks just like Chloe...but she does it in the middle of the night! ugh... those girls!

Now... the fun really begins!

Go play with that beautiful baby...

Catherine said...

I don't ever leave comments but your video reminded me so much of my daughter from the grunting laugh to playing with the pacifier to the moving around. She's 8 1/5 months (born January 4th) and NEVER sits still. She pulls herself up all the time and has to have something in her hands to put in her mouth to chew on. Thank goodness for her play yard! She loves to crawl around or stand up holding on and play with her toys. I'm in there playing with her a ton but when I need my hands free in she goes.
Enjoy every minute with Harper. She's adorable. I love reading your blog since our daughters are so close in age. Take good care!

Anonymous said...

You know you have a CUTE baby when perfect strangers (like me!) can watch AND THOROUGHLY ENJOY a full 5-minute video of your child doing basically nothing. OH she's so adorable! I just love her laugh! (Yours too!) I'm sure the grandmas and grandpas really loved it too. :D

Hope you get some good sleep tonight, girl!

Dallas said...

Hello Kelly. I have been following your blog since Harper was born. And today I saw you two out (at Kohl's). Actually, I think I nearly ran you over in the parking lot. I apologize. My 3.5 year old was throwing a fit to test me as a mother...I won ;). Anyways, I didn't jump out of my car and scream, "KELLY!" and give you a great big hug because I didn't want you to start sprinting with your stroller to your car. That, and I had a 3.5 year old to deal with. But I did notice how cute your red shoes were. Maybe one day our paths will cross again.

Mrs. McFadden said...

Our now 1 1/2 year old did the extact same thing at 8 months old. We just let him crawl around his crib unti he fell asleep. Now, he gets his blanket at walks to his crib when he is tired. :0) It does get easier!! :0)

Heather said...

Dar-ling!! Hopefully you will get some sleep tonight! I have an idea for your bumpers-I will email you tomorrow

Amanda said...


I'm sure I've commented before, but not often. My son and I have recently started a routine of looking at your blog together in the morning over breakfast. He is almost one (born last October), so he and Harper are not too far apart in age. When I leave a picture of her up on the screen, he just shrieks and smiles and laughs like no one's business. I love it; I think he's found his first crush. Sorry if that sounds weird. Just wanted you to know that you and your girl bring smiles to our mornings!


Melanie said...

oh kelly if she isn't the most adorable thing EVER!

Anonymous said...

You're definitely going to have to keep an eye on that one! She's going to be strong enough to pull herself up and over the edge of the crib...she might be in a bed soon....
Stopping by to let you know I'm still here praying!
Psalms 16:7-8 I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons. I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
Prayer Bears
My email address

L said...

shes SO adorable! i agree with whoever left the comment saying "you know you have a cute baby when strangers can watch and enjoy.." my boyfriend even watched!she moves around so well! she is just too cute! take care god bless!

HeatherOz said...

Oh silly Harper! My Daisy thinks it's funny to wake up MANY time at night. I am so tired too!! Good thing they are so cute!!!

ty said...

She is adorable! How can you not laugh at the sweet little face and giggle. Such a blessing!

MEGAN said...

KELLY - I realized tonight I have never watched one of your videos before, soooo, I've never heard your Southern drawl, and I'm pretty sure you are my new BFF now!!!! Love the accent.

vera said...

You might wonder, since you're her mom, if you're just biased - so let me tell you as an impartial third party... yes, she really IS that cute!!!

SarahMerritt said...

That is about how my Adlie is right now and the same with the sleeping thing she is up all hours of the night. *Harper and Adlie are 3 weeks apart I think*
As I sit here at almost 5:30 am watching that video with a very awake baby in my arms and as soon as you started laughing Adlie was too! I love knowing I am not the only mama up all hours of the night!


Jennifer said...

I am up too. Evie is up for the 3rd time! So, is Harper taking a bottle now? How did Scott put her to bed? I would love to be able have someone else put her to bed every once in awhile. Glad you were able to get to choir.

Lianna Knight said...

Sweet video! I got a little tickled too when I saw her put her head down on the was like she was hiding from you or the cameras :)

Melanie said...

A little encouragement...

I actually think the next stage gets a little easier. Once my babies could sit up and were a little more mobile, they also entertained themselves a lot better. I actually found that I could do more, not less. Hopefully it's the same for you!

Summer said...

That video is sooo cute.... I couldn't stop laughing when you started laughing, cause Harper looked like she was cracking up too! Girly you just wait until they turn almost 3.... It's wonderful but busy, busy, busy! That's why I am blogging before she wakes up! Ha! Ha!
Summer :0)

Rory said...

We had to take Margaret's bumpers out too! She is crawling everywhere and is extremely interested in our fireplace, if you turn your back for one second she's over there! Grrr ;)

PS If you get a chance, go vote for Arkansas Children's Hospital

Rachel said...

I am so envious of Harper's clothes! She always has the cutest outfits!! Claire has been doing the same thing with the bumper pads, and I hadn't even thought to take them out. I can't believe how quiet she is is playing in there!

Anonymous said...

My two year old was watching that video with me and he said "NO BABY SLEEP PLAY WITH LUKE EDWIN!!"

He has also decided he is too busy for naps.

Enjoy this new phase. It is so much fun.

Wendy said...

Very cute! I miss that age! My dog heard Dawson barking in the back ground so my dog jumped up and went to the window and started barking!!!

Lauren said...

She is cuter than words can describe. Re: the bumpers, you can have them altered so that they only have a thin layer of batting inside. That way they will collapse when she climbs, and if the crib is on the lowest setting, it won't be even close to enough thickness to get her over the side. It is some leg-work, but they are so cute! If you can't find anyone in NWA, I can refer you to someone who is GREAT in LR. I was a manager at a children's custom bedding store before I had my little one, so we do this sort of thing all the time.

Julie said...

What a cutie! I always say with first babies we are always so excited for them to crawl, stand, walk, and talk.... then they do and we spend the next 5 years or so, saying "sit down & shhhh... time to be quiet" :) ha!

I wonder, could her crib bumper be made into rectangular pillows for a future big girl crib? Especially the one rectangle that says "Harper" :) SO CUTE!!

Julie D.

Melissa's Thoughts said...

Thank you for posting these videos of Harper. LOVE IT. What a blessing your day must be. And congrats on the choir. I know that you enjoyed that so much. Sing your praise to the Lord. :)

Ginny said...

She is so cute, Kelly. It's funny what you said about watching the home video and it being boring. There is this ongoing joke in our home about making other people watch our own home videos. We know from being forced to watch other family member's videos how torturous it can be!

Emily said...

Not boring AT ALL! Too funny and I LOVED you laughing. I found myself laughing that exact way at Sloan (uncontrollably) last night. She had suspended herself in the air across a laundry basket. Wished I had taken a picture, but was afraid she was going to fall face first if I turned my back. This is such a fun age.

The Drama Mama said...

Thanks for making my morning...your laugh CRACKED ME UP! Harper is so precious...I wouldn't get anything done! And BOO for having to get rid of those adorable bumpers...I would be sad too! LOVE & HUGS!

John, Riley and Parker said...

TOO PRECIOUS!! I know you are probably exhausted and I know you are always the go with busy Miss Harper! However, I know the love and happiness you have for her and because of her keeps you going. She's a doll!

Christine said...

Oh, Kelly, she is too sweet for words! She sure looked sleepy, but she sure didn't want to give in, did she?

Thanks for the info about the Gulf Shores rentals. I'm actually going down to Mobile in two weeks for a business trip...I may just drive down to the Gulf and check things out!!

Baylee and Blair's page said...

SOOOOO cute!!! Thanks for sharing that adorable video with us!

Your life will change soon as you will be going all over the house following her. I think it's great though when they start becoming a little more independent.

Hugs - Tiffany

The Allens said...

Oh my gosh! Aaron, who has been fussy, sat on my lap completely entranced for six wonderful minutes watching that video. Not a sound or a movement. Then it ended and he cried.

Amanda said...

Annabeth was sitting right here as I watched it and I tried not to let her see. I'm not ready to lose the bumpers!

The Haynes Family said...

Jackson (my 10 month old) was watching and he thinks Harper is a cute baby! He says that she's even worth 2 or 3 squeals. :) Very cute video and don't worry, we've all had those HORRIBLE nights of zero sleep. good luck!!! :)

Michele said...

Hi! Harper is adorable. My little girl does the same thing! She even watched this video w/ me! (She is 7 months and loves babies!! HA!)

About the bumpers...where there is a will there is a way. My little girl uses the slates to pull herself up to reach the top of her crib... and then when she use to fall straight backwards she would hit her head and if it wasn't for the bumpers it would have hurt! Just a thought.

Adrienne said...

We are on exactly the same page these days (and probably always since our babies are two days apart!) Jonah is busy, pulling up on everything and everyone, and still not sleeping through the night! We were up every two hours last night! (Do you think it might be a breastfed thing?) Jonah also uses his bumpers to try to pull up, but they aren't as plush as yours so they don't get him anywhere! :) So fun to see what your little sweetie is up to!

Keris said...

She is so cute! Do you just kiss her all day? I know I would! I still do that to mine, but they get annoyed! I have three girls and none of them like to sleep. My youngest, Emma is the closest I have to a "sleepy head". She is easy to get down for a nap or bedtime, but she has only slept through the night one time and she is 2! I guess girls just don't want to miss any of the fun! My oldest went through spells where she would wake up every hour on the hour. I remember those nights and just praying that God would please help me through!! You will make it, I know it is hard, but this too shall pass!

Trac~ said...

Harper is getting more beautiful by the day, Kelly! I wish I still lived in Arkansas so I could visit ya'll - my daughter would just eat her up - she LOVES LOVE LOVES baby girls! :o) Glad you were able to get back into choir and Scott played Mr. Mom for the night! Big hugs to all of you! :o)

Jenna said...

Oh girl, I'm with you! Brayden is ALL over the house. I left him for two seconds to grab my glass of water and when I turned around he'd gone from the family room to the entry! He's a crawling machine!
Such a cute video - but I'm sorry you still aren't getting much sleep! =(

Hers and His said...

I've been reading your blog for awhile now, but this is my first time commenting!

I love when Harper screams at the 5:00 mark! You have such a sweet family :)


Angela said...

I LOVE the beginning when she first sees you with the camera and gives you that sly smile like, "oh darn she caught me!" Sooo cute! :)

holly said...

Sounds like someone might be getting ready to cut some molars! My boys (who are 16 and 14 now)would have sleepless nights (after having slept through the night for several months)and then all of a sudden they would have THE smelliest diaper I have ever smelled in my life and soon after the teeth started to emerge! After that they were back to sleeping through the night:) My boys cut their molars early so I thought that I might put that thought in your head.

Great job Scott and I am so glad that you are able to join chior again Kelly. What a team you make...I'm sure the Lord is smiling down on your precious family!

Crystal Renee said...

She is too adorable. I love how you two are laughing in the beginning. Too cute. She is trying to go everywhere. ADORABLE!

laurensmommy said...

what a cutie-pie! My 16 month old LOVED watching this video...she sat on my lap and pointed and said "baby" the whole time! (thanks for the free entertainment! ha!)

I remember this age so well, and I miss it! Enjoy every (sleepless) moment! :)

Sara said...

She is so adorable and this video is too cute!

I have a question: you say that Harper was a horrible sleeper and never napped in the beginning. How did you finally get her to nap? In her crib?? Did it just happen one day, or did you start laying her down in there awake?

Thanks for any advice! My email is if you don't feel like blogging about it!

Lindsey said...

Have you seen this cute website? They have items on there until they sell out. They had baby girl shoes today and I thought you may want to see them!

Christi said...

i love her little outfit!

Just the 5 of us said...

How do they figure out that bumpers are climbing aids!? lol Mine does the same thing, but I refuse to take out the cute bumpers. :(

Harper is so sweet and this video really made me smile!

Jen said...

Hi Kelly,

A girlfriend of mine bought this bumper when her son started climbing.
Certainly not as cute, but if you're concerned about her waking up due to bumping her head, then this is an option.
So enjoy your site!
Jen, mom to Liliana Grace 16mos

CourtneyC said...

Watch out world Harper is on the move!!!

She, is cute as a button crawling.

Alisha Harris said...

SUPER CUTE video!! Harper is getting so big! I have a 5 week old and I can't wait for him to be able to laugh and giggle! :) She is too cute!

Aimee said...

Oh, my goodness, too cute! I thought I was the only mom in the world who had a child who would be up all night (every hour) and then refused to nap during the day as well. I was always bewildered by my son's lack of need to sleep. You would think they would be exhausted the next day. I know I was. Thank god I was home. And, I just could never let my son "cry it out". You know the Ferber Method! I would let him come into our bed. Oh well, I liked Dr. Sears' approach to sleep - attached parenting. Good luck getting sleep. It eventually gets better. For my son, two months after turning 2 he became a better sleeper.

madelyn'smommy said...

so daughter who is 2 would probably have watched this video all day if I would have let her. We stopped at 5 times. Hope you get some rest. God bless

heartchild said...

Hubby and I watched your video on this blog post last night. I just wanted to write and let you know that we enjoyed it so much. With our youngest of five turning five years old yesterday we were feeling a little nostalgic. Listening to you and Harper laugh made us laugh so hard and it felt nice to enjoy you enjoying your little one. It really does go by so fast!

Erin said...

She will be moving a lot more before you know it. I think its time to lower her crib a little or one day she just might not try but try to climb out.

She is so cute!

alyse said...

Kelly- This is too cute! I got so tickled listeng to you laugh at her! Harper is too precious for words! Hope you get some rest soon!

Peggi said...

Hi. Just a thought, you need to make sure that her matress is as far down as it will go so she doesn't fall out when she starts standing. Sure it will be any day that she pulls herself up. I put my sons down after he pulled up to a stand and I realized how tall he was. With the rest I put it down early.

Sunny said...

Harper is a GORGEOUS baby! I found myself watching the video and just smiling while looking at her. I bet you are enamored! I know I would be looking at my child. They are brilliant little miracles that just make the world a brighter place. I'm so glad you all have her. Such a blessing from the Heavenly Father.

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Oh how fun... that is the best stage!

Good for you for escaping for a bit... it's so good for both mama and daddy. Daddies really appreciate Mamas when the return home... makes it all worth it.

RN Mama said...

Hi Kelly! I didn't read through all the comments, so I apologize if someone already said this. Is your crib mattress still in the highest position? If so, move it down to the lower position, then you can leave the crib bumper on and she won't be able to climb out (well, not for awhile at least).

Oh, and I just loved listening to your southern accent in the video!

Sara Sexton said...

She is such a cutie. I could watch videos like that all day long. They're only that little once so it's great you're documenting all these moments. Such a precious girl!

Linda said...

Oh Yes! Lower that mattress ASAP!

She's a go-getter that's for sure,...but oh so cute!

Luv ya, Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

Jill said...

Harper is so cute! I have 3.5 year old twin girls, chloe and caitlyn and an 8 month old baby boy, jack. Jack has been walking for about 3 weeks now, crawling since 5 months. I'm convinced he's trying to get away from his sisters! Ha I haven't been able to update my blog since march, I totally understand being too busy!

Melissa said...

She is such a cute little wiggle worm!! Adorable video!

Cheerful Homemaker said...

You won't have to go to the gym soon once you start chasing after that baby girl all day!

The Hankins Family said...

Ok, so I admit I'm a lurker. I had twins about the same time that Harper was born and I've been keeping up for a while. My husband and I were at the Georgia game and I glanced back and your hubby was 2 rows back. I punched my husband in the arm and tried to explain that we were sitting by a celebrity! Of course he thought I was nutty. Small world!

. said...

ahhhhh... the bumpers are so cute, but now she'll have room for toys that should keep her occupied until she dozes off (and loves so much that she plays with them on waking and let's you have a bit of a sleep in!! here's hoping = )

Laura said...

Okay, I loved my bumper too, but there is a way you can keep it in the bed.. tuck it in the mattress, so it can be seen.. it is in between the mattress edge and the crib.. it worked for my girls!

LivingSimply, SimplyLiving said...

Harper is some beauty:)

Penny said...

On the bumper pad removal... you still have to reinstall them for her monthly picture! Otherwise, you'll mess up your collage! =)
Oh, and good job, Scott! =)

Sarah said...

Harper is SO PRECIOUS in that video (I finally had a chance to watch it!) LOVE IT! Wow, she is getting so big. Love the hair, love the outfit. Love me some baby laughs--not much better sound in the world than that! Hope you both got a better night's sleep last night! :) Thanks for sharing!

tiarastantrums said...

she is deliciously adorable! Her little brain is so active! (This video really makes me want another baby) Little baby Harper looks ssooo tired too! LOVe her Little Giraffe blankie - my daughter had that same one as a baby and we are NOW on the 5th one! each year she gets a new one b/c she has worn the old one out!

Liz said...

it is NOT possible that harper is pulling up like this!!! where has the time gone?!? don't you wish babies came with a built-in video camera? it's so fun to watch them play! but, there are sooo many times when olivia is talking and playing away in her crib, and i want to go in there soooo badly but i don't want to disturb her play. i can tell you i wouldn't get anything done if i could watch videos of her all day!!!

Unknown said...

Too bad about the bumpers, but they seem like they would make great decorative pillows later on her big girl bed. Just a thought...I think they would look super cute.

Unknown said...

Your little girl is adorable! You might consider lowering the crib mattress (if it isn't lowered already) instead of removing the bumpers if you want to keep them. I really enjoy reading your blog. You are a blessing!

PreppyBumpkin said...

How precious is Miss Harper?! She's such a blessing!