Harper and I have been two busy bees the last two days but we have been having so much fun.
Yesterday morning we went to play group at Laurie's house. I think there were 11 moms and babies there. This is Mary Avery holding our newest baby - Ben. Mary Avery will be having the next baby in November! I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl!!!!

Neely and Sarah Kate - they are SO cute!
We only got to stay at play group for 30 minutes because we had to go the doctor. After the doctor, I needed to go to Wal-Mart but Harper and I were both hungry so we ended up having our VERY first mother/daughter lunch out. I hope this will the first of many lunches out over a lifetime.

Harper spent most of her time throwing food on the floor or staring at the waitresses.

We ate at my VERY favorite lunch place - Crumpet Tea room. This is my favorite lunch of all times - chicken salad, orange roll (to DIE for) and fruit with
poppyseed dressing. I craved this SO much when I was pregnant and haven't had it since I had Harper.

Last night my friend Ginger hosted Girl's Night Out at her house. I left Harper sleeping and Scott watching Ole Miss get beat and had SO much fun. Scott asked me what we did and I told him we ate and talked - mostly about our deliveries. Probably because there were 15 girls there and 6 are pregnant and a lot of the rest of us have babies. We laughed and laughed and I ate and ate. ha! I can't say enough how important girlfriends are in your life.

This group played scrabble. I'm not smart enough to be in that group - I stuck with the talkers. ha! I hope we can do this again OFTEN!

This morning we had a play date with Laurie and a girl from our MOPS group. She has 2 boys so our 3 girls weren't used to all the cars and
dinosaurs. ha! Once again - Harper latched on and held the boy's hand. I'm very concerned that she instantly holds hands with every boy she meets. Scott is really going to have to talk to her soon.

We left there and went to meet our friend Rebekah for lunch who is in town briefly from Texas. We were excited to meet each other's daughters for the first time. This is her sweet girl

We had a great time at lunch with these 2 girls!
Cilla and Harper are 2 months apart and they both weighed almost 10 pounds at birth! We had a lot in common to talk about!
I figured out this morning why Harper has not slept at all for the last week - she has two new TEETH! I was brushing her teeth this morning and realized she has two top teeth that have come about half way in! She hasn't drooled or been chewing or really been fussy but hopefully the no sleep was her symptom. I can't believe she now has 4 teeth!
We are looking forward to a relaxing weekend at home and hopefully catching up on lots of home projects! I hope you have a great weekend too!
So glad u have so many girlfriends to hang out with!
I just discovered a new tooth this morning in my little guys mouth too! Can't believe how fast they grow!
You two have had such fun the last two days!
I seriously love the Tea Room and that is exactly what I get to eat too. Those orange rolls are soooo good!
Cilla is so cute! I know you girls had fun at lunch!
Hope you have a great weekend!
I'll tell you what Mrs. Kelly, you've got one beautiful little girl on your hands!
Precious photos! And I love that you have great girlfriends there. I've been praying for good girlfriends ever since I moved from Atlanta to Chattanooga! I love Harper holding the little boy's hand and your lunch looks AMAZING!
The Crumpet is a favorite of mine, too! I am sure Harper will love it someday soon! Have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend too! All of the pictures are great!
Harper is getting so big!!!
Sounds like so much fun! I meant to tell you that I sent a message out to campus earlier this week to take it easy on your Razorbacks this weekend. :) This will be the only week I root against y'all this whole year! Roll Tide!
Looks like you have had a lot of fun this week! That plate from the tea room looks delicious! I love tea rooms!
tee hee! Cill'as crying face is adorable and funny!
Ya'll are just too fun! Hope ya'll have a great weekend, my friend!
Your first lunch out together... how adorable!!
Kennedy is wearing the EXACT same outfit as Neely today! :) Great pics!!! Sounds like a fun day!
awww Crumpet Tea room. My mom and I went there, during one of my visits, it was very nice and yummy. Once I saw the picture I new except where you went.
MOPS is awesome isn't, I am so thankful for.
Harper is a doll, as always.
How RUDE OF YOU.....to show that yummy looking lunch! orange roll... sigh, no fair! I couldn't agree with you more, we all need girl nights or outings. Hapers in her polka dots holding a boy's hand, oh' so cute!
sorry... "Harper"
What a fun couple of days you had with the girls. I am really looking forward to those moments with my daughter. BTW, that lunch looked to die for. I am so having poppyseed dressing on my salad tomorrow, it looked wonderful to this pregnant lady too!
I'm waiting as I type for my girlfriend to pick me up- an overnighter to the outlets! Hooray!
I love Harper's brown and green outfit and the big brown bow.
I used to love chicken salad at our tearoom but I have been allergic now for several years to all poultry and eggs and all nuts. I make tuna salads and add fruit and "pretend" it's chicken! ha!
Looks like you and your girlie are pretty social. Girlfriends and get togethers are necessary! (:>)
Glad you discovered the two new teeth. I hope she will sleep now that she has cut them.
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
I seriously wished I lived in your area, because we could be the best of friends and I could share in girlfriend time....I'm so jealous! LOL
I totally agree that girl's night out is the best!
How fun!!!! How cute.... Harper has four teeth now.... Yay!
Yay for girlfriend time!! Didn't you have one of your baby showers at that tea room? If so,how fun to go there on your first mother/daughter lunches there! ♥
Mmm. Poppyseed dressing is so good on everything. You do keep busy! And what lovely supportive friends you have.
Harper is JUST SO DARN CUTE!! :)
And the Mr and I have a Scrabble tourney every Thanksgiving after dinner. It gets SO competitive, we can only play once a year! Ha!
Sounds like a fun couple of days, you busy bees! :)
Hurray for girlfriends and for mother/daughter lunches. Loved my lunches with my mom!
That lunch looks soooo good!
You are so lucky to have such great church friends. It really seems like a second family for you. I wish so badly I had that. I have been searching for a church in CT. since I moved here a couple of years ago. It's hard though when you don't know anyone. The people I teach with do not go to church and so I cannot ask anyone. I've found some churches but none that I have really connected with. Kelly, you are always such an inspiration and I feel blessed each day I read your blog. You give me so much hope for the future. Thank you!!! ~Nina
So many cute kids and sweet Mom's!
Thanks for sharing.
Hope your precious family has a wonderfully blessed weekend,
Matthew 21:22
Oh, it's so important to spend time with other moms. We mommies need to stick together!
It is hilarious that Harper holds hands with the boys...but I'm sure her Daddy is not too thrilled! :)
Just wanted to drop a line and say that we love you blog, BUT...Roll Tide Roll!!!!!
I think it's cute that you brush Harper's teeth! =) Lauren was almost 10 lbs at birth too!! Two weeks early!!! Here's to big babies!
Yes, be sure to stay in touch with your girlfriends...they will keep you sane! Have a wonderful weekend. ~Natalie
You girls have been BUSY. Love that you had your first mommy daughter lunch. Looking forward to one of those with Ava in a few months!
That cracks me up that she holds boy's hands. My daughter loves men too. She is convinced that anyone with gray hair is her PaPa and will just go up to strange men and climb on their lap. I AM ALWAYS right behind her!!! Scares me sometimes though.
That is so funny, because I always think nothing bonds us gals together like our pregnancy/delivery stories.
Enjoy you weekend girl!
Usally the way it goes is you have to get the shot gun out to keep the boys away..that may not be your problum :) :) :)
Awwww....it's so great to have so many good girlfriends. New moms need that so much! Plus all those kids are perfect little friends for Harper! :) Fun times!
I HAD to comment to let you know about the best dessert I've had in a long time. I went to Cheesecake Factory and they have a new flavor of Cheesecake....Red Velvet Cake Cheesecake!!! It was by far the best cheesecake I've ever had. You have to try it!
it was so GREAT to meet you too, kelly! harper is absolutely precious. maybe next time we can actually plan for the babies to hangout!
p.s. i don't know how you keep up with all of the comments on your blog. when i get like 10 comments i feel completely overwhelmed and it takes me a week to write back. props to you!!!
That's so great that you've met some women at MOPS! I'm on the ministry team for our church up here and it's been such a blessing!
You girls have been busy! Love the Crumpet Tea Room! Glad you got to indulge of their yumminess. Congrats on the new teeth Ms. Harper.
Group of close friends is special and every girl needs that in their life :) Looks like you had a great time and that it was quite delicious!
Can't stop giggling at the pic of Harper holding that boys hand! Too cute! :)
Oh I'm so jealous! Surrounded by so many babies!! I'm missing the baby stage so much!! I was with friends today and one of them has a 6mth old and I was in heaven... I hope you get to relax a lot this weekend!!
Newbie to blogging. love your blog! I will be back often! I spotlighted yours on mine:)
Girlfriends are such blessings!
Phew...it does sound like you and Harper have been busy the last few days. It also sounds like you have had a great time.
I agree great, amazing, and wonderful girlfriends are such a blessing in your life.
Have fun watching football this weekend.
Oh my, you've had a BUSY week. Sounds like fun.
Hi Kelly!!! LOVE your blog, you remind me so much of a best friend of mine...she lives in Alabama, and you two even resemble one another.. ;) anyway, I made the cake balls last night and had major issues w/ the almond bark not being thin and creamy enough I wasn't able to dip the cake balls into it, with out them falling apart, the almond bark was so thick and pasty...I tried melting it in the micro as well as the stovetop, to no avail..any tips? Lisa in Kansas City, Mo.
Sounds like you have been busy busy and having a blast. :)
hey girl!! Harper is just growing up so fast!! she is just so precious...i still enjoy all of ur posts, but i dont have much time these days to comment:) just wanted to hi!!!
Girls nights are so fun!! My favorite is doing what y'all did. Staying in, but with no kids! You have got to tell me where you got those outfits Harper has worn in the last couple of posts. One was pink and brown and the one in this post is green and brown. They look similar and are SO cute!
Was wondering if you could send me some pictures of Harper and I make a gift for you with them...I didn't want to take any of you blog without your permission..and I want the pictures you love the most so I can make it perfect for you ...
my email is jenifer.trett@sbcglobal.net
if you would like me to make you the gift if not i understand
So fun, I love play dates! Looks like you are having a very nice time! Harper's a doll! Have a great weekend! :)
Cilla is a doll baby too! Harper is precious holding hands with her new buddy! And I LOVE the crumpet tea room!!! i'm thinking I may have to go there next week!
That looks like the perfect girly lunch to me. Yum! :)
Love, love, love the picture of Harper holding the boy's hand! How sweet.
Your lunch looks so yummy! Wish I lived there. Love the photos too, as always.
That chicken salad looks so good! I have been craving tomatoes...guess that is my thing. Harper looks so precious and I love all the pictures and hair bows :) Much love, Becky
I guarantee you that I will have that orange roll if my toes step across the Arkansas state line.
I just wanted to say thanks so much for posting the picture of that orange roll. I have not had one from that restaurant, but it is all my pregnant mind can think about. I even dreamed about it last night! However, I don't think my husband would like to travel from Alabama to Arkansas to get me one at 2 in the morning. I am going to check a local bakery for something close.
Oh my goodness! You were so busy! Thanks for fitting us in your busy schedule! We loved having lunch with you girls! I have been telling everyone how good Harper was and how bad Cilla was at lunch! Oh my goodness! Next time we might just come visit you at your house! If you are looking for some cute cowboy boots that are super comfy...I got a pair of the Jessica Simpson brand a couple of seasons ago and I LOVE them. Most cowboy boots hurt my feet but these are so so cute and are actually pretty comfy. I got my at Nordstrom, but I bet you could search the web and find some cheaper. They are a must have! If it makes you feel any better...I still wear my maternity jeans too!
Oh my, you've had a BUSY week. Sounds like fun. Make website india
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