Harper and I met two "blog friends" today for lunch. I have been reading Jennifer and Julee's blogs for a while now. They are two sweet, beautiful girls and I felt a connection with them because they went to the same college that I did and we know a few of the same people. Jennifer grew up in a town that I lived in for a while and her son, Brody, is 3 months older than Harper so we just have a lot in common even though I am a good 10 years older than them. ha!
If we can raise enough money in the next 18 years - Harper and Brody will be at Ouachita together so we figured this was a great first date for the two. I'm not sure about my daughter - first she tried to impress Brody by trying to out eat him in a Puffs eating contest - I tried to tell her you don't stuff your face on a first date - you pick at a salad and then say "I'm full". ha!
Then she tried to grab him. He really wasn't all that impressed. ha! He is SO cute!!! Harper needs to play her cards right on this one. ha! Here we all are!
Harper really liked Julee - she loved her pretty long hair. So much more to grab than mommy's.

Jennifer and Brody
I had a lot of fun. I felt like I had known J&J for a long time. They were SO sweet in person!

Meeting them reminded me to come home and take a few pictures of Harper in her "Future OBU Tiger" Shirt and with her OBU tiger. I have meant to do this forever and just never can remember. OBU sends this to all the new babies born to alumni.
(Oopsies??? Maybe they don't send them to everyone? I have no idea - I thought they did because several of my friends got them? I don't want to cause a revolution!)

Ya'll know I'm CRAZY about the Razorbacks but I'm also very proud of my true alma mater - I am SO grateful to have gone to a small, Christian college. It was a HUGE blessing in my life!

I loved all the zillion comments I got yesterday and I am reading every one of them. It was VERY uplifting to read all the thankfulness you shared! I know that several of you who went to OBU came out of lurkville and told me you are reading already or you have previously commented to tell me you are reading but it thrills me to see other OBU grads and I would love to visit all of your blogs so if you are reading this post and you went to Ouachita - I'd love for you to comment and tell me what year you graduated, what club you were in and maybe your favorite thing about going to school there! (If you have seen my college pictures - you may quickly see that Walt's was probably my favorite thing). ha! For this one post - I'm even going to open up anonymous comments so if you don't have a blog - you can still leave me a comment!!!
If you didn't got to OBU - well........just skip on and come back tomorrow!!!
Where did you get Miss Harper's precious zebra leggings? We must have them! :)
I am so happy you opened your post to us "anonymous lurkers." My name is Jenny, and I live in Maryland, and I LOVE and am AMAZED by your blog. I just don't have an account or whatever you need to leave comments???? However, you have inspired my faith and made me hug my three kids a little closer during your sweet baby's ordeal. Keep up the good work, your blog is AWESOME, and I love reading about your good works. Thank you for the prayer and recipe blogs, too, they are wonderful. Oh, and I love your fashion, and my 17-year-old daughter is loving me going to Forever 21 - ha ha :) Blessings and love from Maryland!!!! (home of the steamed blue crabs with Old Bay :)
Cute as always..love Harper's headband and the OBU pics.
I am desperate to know where you got your black, white, and green diaper bag. Please email me and save me hours and hours of searching the internet. My husband would be most grateful.
I'm one of the "lurkers" :-). I found your blog through several other OBU grads and have been blessed by your story of God's blessings. I graduated from OBU in '02 and am a proud Tri Chi alumni. My favorite thing was the small atmosphere and the lifelong friendships that I was blessed with. For example, all my OBU girls that still live in Little Rock are thowing me a shower in October, even though I live in Dallas. How sweet is that?! Take care.
Your little girl is just too stinkin' cute! Makes me have baby fever! ;)
I am so glad you are opening your anonymous!!! I have been reminding myself to shoot you an email as soon as you opened it because i have been dying to tell you about this dress i bought for my neice. It is a dress made out of a pillow case, it has two bows for the "sleeves" (just like the one she was wearing on the beach) it has a big A on it and says "go hogs". It has polka dots on it and can go from a dress to a shirt with leggings when she gets bigger. a local women in decatur makes them and you can find some samples at: http://www.etsy.com/search_results.php?search_type=handmade&search_query=pillow+case+dresses&order=date_desc&ship_to=&page=2
They totally remind me of you. you can also get one with a cup cake on it and put as many candles as you want :) if you want more info on the local lady to get your hands on your very own dress email me at machewy@cox.net. ok now i can breath and not wake up thinking about telling you :). harper is just a doll and i love you blog!
Oh I was so glad you opened it up to us none blog people!!! I have been wondering how to write to you w/o a blog!!! I have been reading your blog for awhile now.I guess ever since Harper was born. And I enjoy reading your blog. I am a mother of 4 and I (like Jenny the other non blogger) held my kids tighter during your time in the hospital with Harper!! It is always a good reminder of how precious they are and that they are just loaned to us from the Lord. Love the "show us where you live" and the fashion tips!! Harper is so sweet and it is fun to see what she is up to everyday!! Thanks for sharing your faith in Jesus and your sweet little family!! Kate, from Iowa :)
Okay so I didn't go to OBU but you are precious! I soooo wish we could do lunch together! Todd over nights sometimes in AR so I need to tag along and bring Lauren!
Woohoo! Go OBU! Ha.
I graduated in 1999 (10 years ago!) and I was not in a club but I loved everything about Ouachita, the best years of my life!
I went to OBU from 96-98 and then moved to GA. I love reading about Harper and hearing about your life. I don't remember how I found your blog but I've been following it since February or March. I've been blessed with 2 little girls after 2 difficult pregnancies and I love reading about other Mom's and their journies.
hey kelly! i forgot to comment yesterday! i think i have commented before? but i really enjoy your blog, and today i am thankful for other stay at home mom's who can relate!
We got that shirt when Rachel was born (for some reason, they haven't published information about Lauren and haven't sent us a shirt yet even though we sent in the info ages ago...maybe the next Circle). Anyway, Brice and I have an ongoing debate about colleges....he went to Ouachita and I would have but I couldn't afford it...so I went to THE OTHER Baptist college...Central Baptist in Conway. Brice wants to move back to AR and teach college at OBU someday...I told him AFTER we are done having babies and I can go back to work and learn to live on a MUCH smaller salary!! =)
I came across your blog some how and I am addicted!! I think you are so funny, honest,and your heart for the Lord shines through! I am thankful to be pregnant for the third time with a baby boy due in October! I have a daughter Paige who is 3 1/2. I lost our first son Gabe at 18 weeks. (2nd pregnancy)I am leaning on the Lord only to help me through! I also started to read your blog so much beacause my husband works at Wal-Mart too!! ( we live outside of Atlanta, GA) and my husband is a Georgia boy who married a yankee(I am originally from New York) I am delurking:) Jennifer
OBU and CBC are great but don't forget Williams (used to be Southern) Baptist College in Walnut Ridge. They are an excellent four year Christian College with a small student body that allows for bonding with students, faculty, and Administration!
Robin WBC '93
Your pics are always so great! :)
Just wanted to comment to tell you that I love your blog. I feel like I know you well, even though I don't, but I'm sure we'll run into one another some day around NWA.
I went to Ouachita from 92-94 (I was the "famous" Chi Delta de-pledge in 93) and transferred to the U of A to finish my degree. I felt like I knew everybody at Ouachita because I worked in Academic Affairs with Edith! Everybody knew Edith! I loved that you could always go into Walt's and sit with someone you knew. Do they even call it Walt's anymore??
My blog is www.thejamesfive.com
I'm so excited you are allowing us lurkers to post...I don't have a blog or password, but I soooo love reading yours and seeing Harper grow. I wanted to post today what I am thankful for since it was a big day for me...7 am bloodwork and then 9am fertility doctors appt and getting to hear...It's a GO...my body is ready and the next two days are insemination days... We have a 19 month old son (conceived him on our third IUI try)and would love to be a family of four! I'm so thankful today for doctors and their expertise as well as the ladies who have been through this before me that has allowed my doctor to know how to best help me. I'm so excited I could be responsible for a new life...tomorrow. I hope this makes you smile (and say a quick prayer for us too) and I really really hope that you and Scott will together decide that another baby at some point is a good idea...you guys make really cute babies! Any idea when you might repost your e-mail address...just so I can e-mail you when I start telling everyone I'm pregnant!!!
I just had to tell you I was looking at your blog with my three year old daughter and she said "Mommy we need to pray for that baby." So I said okay go ahead her name is Harper and this is what she said "Thank you for my God thank you for Harper I pray she doesn't get sick Jesus name AMEN." it was so cute!
I love Harper's lil OBU outfit! It was time to get it out of the closet to take pictures of her in it!
I was @ Ouachita 07-08 & then fall of 08. Sadly, but happily I left Ouachita & am now a wife AND mommy now. I am a SAHM, but plan to be SAHM/Student at UCA.
My days @ OBU were limited, but I loved every single one of them! I was an EEE, as well as my mom, and my dad being a Beta. Like you said...if we save up enough money, maybe one day our little ones can enjoy their time their as well. But God will always provide!-He sure did for me!
I'm not ALL up into blogging myself yet, but hope to get more into it with my little man growing up so super fast!
LOVE your blog, and your special OBU shoutout!
Well, I'm not from OBU but I've just got to say -- Harper is looking as adorable as ever on this Monday!
I was at OBU from 1992-1996. I loved Walt's, making posters for the serenades, & O.C. Bailey!!!
Kelly, it's great to read about your life! We also worked at Siloam Springs camp together...that was quite a summer!!!
Harper is adorable & I'm glad you are so happy!!!
I am an OBU grad from the class of 2002 (I linked to your blog from Julie & Guy Green...fellow 02 grads). I loved OBU for the size and the friends I made while there. I love my OBU girls and our memories from while we were at OBU... but I love that we are still friends and still making memories together!
My son just graduated from Searcy High School in May and is attending OBU this fall...he is on their golf team. He just loves the school and the people, but has been very homesick. I kind of remember that feeling..haha. Anyway, I just pray he sticks it out there because I know he will have wonderful memories and great friends and that he will be greatly blessed. It is a wonderful school!!
Stacy Featherston
Searcy, AR
Adorable photos!! I think it is so neat that you met your bloggy friends in person! Your blog is great... I am a first time visitor! ;)
Very cute pictures . . I am hoping to meet a bunch of blog friends at Mudd Lake with Mckmama :)
I'll bet you had fun with Jenn and Julee. I am also from Benton and know Jennifer's sister pretty well! They are VERY sweet girls! Harper and Brody are too cute together!
I graduated from OBU in '05 and my husband graduated in '03. I loved the school part of school, and that's basically all I was involved in. =) So glad you posted, because I didn't know that alumni's little ones got a future tigers onesie! It's one of those things I'd love for Spencer to have, but probably would not buy--so I told my husband that we have to "announce" Spencer ASAP!! We are, of course, Razorback fans too. We are leaving Spencer all day for the first time ever this Saturday to tailgate and go to the game! I am sad and elated all at the same time.
ps--when I told my husband that we could get a free future tigers onesie he asked, "Can it say, 'Future Tiger if He Gets a Scholarship'?" My husband commutes and teaches adjunct at OBU in addition to his full-time job. Wonder if they let adjunct prof's kids go free? Thought it was funny that many of the comments are regarding scholarship hopes.
It is so cute to see your little girl in the onsie. I started my blog after I had taken those pictures of my own little girl in hers, so it brings back fun memories!! I heard about your blog when Harper was born and have continued to follow it. I think that you are a great inspiration to other mothers and christian women striving to raise their children accordingly. I graduated from OBU in dec of 1999. I went my last 2 1/2 years there after transferring in, thus never pledged because I had already done so.
Thanks for being such a great example to us all of exactly what one woman can do to inspire others!
I never get to comment b/c I don't have a blog - but I love reading your blog Kelly! It always makes me smile and gives some hope for this single 27 year old who has to endure being in 3 weddings in the next 3 months. Maybe my time will come! You are so blessed with your family and I truly enjoy reading your blog!
I know you only want questions through your email but considering you're email is down...I MUST ask where you got Harper's red shirt/zebra pants and bow! I MUST have one for Paelyn!
Kelly, I didn't get a chance to leave you a message yesterday, but I love, love, love your blog!!!!!!! You've inspired me in so many ways as I've told you before. You just have no idea what a gift you have!! We have a lot of the same interests, especially with our love of food! Ha! Of course that is the inspiration for my blog. Sometimes, I just crack myself up with how I can talk about food. You inspired me to start a blog and I am having so much fun with it.
I've left comments before, before you had almost 5000 followers!! Been following your blog since right before Harper was born and have been faithful ever since. I LOVE the story behind the dress. That is awesome and I'm so glad you shared it. Your blog is so uplifting and that, I believe, is the reason for your success. =)
I am so jealous of your fun lunch date!! Julee is such a dear friend of mine, She was my EEE little sis at OBU!!! We talk often. I am sure the three of you girls had the best time, I see all of your personalities really clicking! It would be so fun if all of our kids ended up at OBU together! Blogging makes you realize what a small world it is. Your blog makes me smile everyday. Your view on parenting is very refreshing.
Devin Bertram - OBU 99 - 03
I love you blog and read it every day. Harper is beautiful, but I can't stand those huge bows.
Okay, feel better now!
I graduated in '90 and was an EEE. My favorite thing about OBU was meeting my husband there (he graduated in '91). We were both on the Tigershark swim team. We have been married for 17 years and have 8 children (6 boys and 2 girls). My 8th was in the NICU for a week, so your journey with Harper brought back a lot of memories and yielded much I could relate to and pray for. Keep enjoying your first baby as later you will see how fast it is going. You are an amazing mother, wife, and woman of God.
Cindy S. sangalli10@gmx.com
Thanks for having lunch with Jennifer and me! We had so much fun! I loved getting to hold Harper!! She was so sweet talking to me! Hope to do it again soon!
Whoops!! I missed leaving a comment yesterday about reading your blog! I am an Alabama girl and I love some SEC football as well! No matter what ESPN says, SEC is truly the hardest conference of all! I love your blog and read it everyday! Keep up the great posts!
Hi Kelly! I was only at OBU for a year before I moved to UCA, but you know I was a Tri Chi just like you! :) In fact, I think you and I might be in the same family tree?
I have such great memories from my year there. We need to have another Tri Chi get together in NWA!!
Hi Kelly, I have been a "lurker" since Harper was born and I enjoy your blogs and all your pictures and I even made a recipe of yours thanks for being one of the highlights of my day!!
Hi Kelly! I read your blog daily!! Your words just continue to inspire! I went to OBU from 2000-2005(yes it took me 5 wonderful years:) I was a XXX just like you! Loved my years at OBU. We live in Fl now, so if you are ever down this way again( Gulf Shores isn't long:) I would love to meet you and sweet Harper:) Thank you for all that you do and speak about!
I have another HUGE (cute!) praise!!! http://verassong.blogspot.com/2009/09/we-are-having-big-healthy-baby.html
My husband went to OBU. He attended from '97-01. He made some great friends from OBU!
I love Jennifer's blog! I'll bet she is super in person and I am sure Brody is just awesome! I'm glad you did that. There are many blog friends I hope to meet eventually.
I was at OBU from 2000 to 2002. Since I transferred in, I didn't join a club. (I was a DZ at HSU "gasp"!) I loved attending a college where we were blessed to attend chapel each week. I wasn't regularly attending church at that time, so it was nice worshipping midweek!
I have commented before and have a couple of connections with you...
I am good friends with Katie and Sarah, some blogger friends of yours from Benton. Also my sister-in-law's husband went to high school with your husband- small world.
I have a 3 year old little girl and LOVE being a mommy to a girl!
Okay...I know I am not an OBU-er, but I wanted to comment since I am married to one!!! Todd was a Beta and he graduated in '95 I think. OH- and we totally never got an OBU outfit for Connor or AK....do you think that's because I am an "outsider?!?!" ha! Seriously, though...OBU is such a "family"--I never can believe how many people we run into that know Todd from there!
Just kidding, just kidding =), I had some friends from OBU.
I graduated from Henderson and liked the town so much, I decided to stay! Harper looks like a doll with her big ol' bows!
Hey girl! Well you know I went to OBU. 05 and Tri Chi! But you can visit my blog anyway if you like! Oh, and they didn't send me a "future tiger" shirt! I'm emailing the dean. :)
Kelly, I have commented once before when you posted about getting a fried chocolate pie from Whattaburger in Russellville. I'm from Russellville and also graduated from OBU in '05. I was a TRI CHI!!! I have been reading your blog since Harper was born. I came across it on Julee's facebook. She was asking for prayer for Harper. I have a 7 month old little girl...and she loves big hair bows too!
I loved loved loved dinner at Walt's with the XXX girls. It was the highlight of my day! Also, I can't believe no one has mentioned Tiger Toons...fun memories there as well (except the year we were Ants...LOL.) Harper is adorable!
OK, I'm jealous.... East Texas Baptist University doesn't send our new babies ANYTHING!
Melissa @ www.fordsbigbluehouse.blogspot.com
I didn't go to your college, however, I wanted you to know that I heart your blog. Your sweetie Harper is a DOLL and I love reading about you guys and seeing her grow up. I don't have a blog...just a website to order fun and easy food from...www.tastefullysimple.com/web/tdreist so you can at least see a picture of me and so I was thankful you opened up your comment section. Thanks and keep up the fun blog...you have a very sweet family, thanks for sharing! Hugs from Michigan!
Okay I missed commenting on the "lurker" post but I have been lurking for awhile...before you were even pregnant!! It seems like all of my favorite blogs are from you girls in Arkansas!!
(Shannon & Katie)
Even though I have never met any of you I do feel a connection I guess knowing that we are Christians and are all brothers and sisters in Christ. What a wonderful blessing to be apart of such a wonderful family!
I am so thankful for my family especially my 3yr old son. Being a parent is such a wonderful blessing from above!
I am excited to see your posts on Compassion International. Our youth group sponsers two children so I am excited to hear you blog about your first hand experience. What an awesome privilege and experience you will have!
God Bless!
While I didn't go to OBU, both of my parents did. That is where they met, and eventually married a few years later! My dad played baseball there for all 4 years!!! They got married in...ummm...1979, So that means my dad would have graduated in 79 as well!!
I graduated high school in 2001, and I had 2 friends from Plano Senior High head off to Ouachita, as well!
I actually was born in North Little Rock, and my parent and sister and I lived there until I was in 3rd grade, when we moved to Texas. My moms parents live in Pine Bluff where my grandfather was a Baptist preacher (Retired recently) and my other set of grandparents live in Benton, AR- right off I-30. I have relatives in Texarkana and other cities as well :)
My dad went to OBU and graduated in 1969. My brother was born in Arkadelphia (sp?) while my dad was in school there. I was born and raised in Alaska where my dad moved to pastor a church after he was done with school.
I, too, would love to know where you got your black white and green diaper bag.
Two comments on two posts in a row! I feel like I've gone from a blog lurker to a blog stalker!
Apparently I graduated from OBU about the same time most of your readers were born, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth in 1991.
I was a charter member of Tri Chi and also the first name you had to memorize but we've discussed this already.
Favorite thing about OBU? Good grief, that's tough to say. I guess my favorite thing would have to be the friendships that were formed there, several of which have stood the test of time and distance.
Sorry, I'm not from OBU so I am not following directions but I smile every time you write about these friends. I have a 6 and a 4 year old and it seems every one of the moms of their friends I have grown closest to are the ones who went to my high school--ten years after I did! Ah, well. I wouldn't change a thing about how my life unfolded but it makes me smile to see others with the same situation!
Have a blessed day tomorrow!
I told Jenn that I could see a wedding in Berry Chapel in your future!!! I love that Harper is already sporting the gold and purple!!! I was as an EEE and a Rho Sigma Sweetheart. I loved the lasting friendships I made while at OBU. Even the ones I continue to make. My father says OBU is like a cult....everyone knows everyone...and that is what I love!! Your lunch today is a perfect example!!! :)
Hey Kelly~
I hate to admit I am totally a "lurker". I have followed your blog since you were pregnant with Harper and after she was born, I became an every day lurker. I was at OBU from 98-02 and I was an EEE. So it was fun to see Julee make a cameo on your blog today, she's SUCH a sweetheart! My parents are also from Magnolia, so I love seeing when yall go down there as well. Thanks for always being so honest and refreshing with your blog and sharing your precious family with all of us! -Lindsey
Hi Kelly! I've been an OBU girl long before I graduated in 2004!! I grew up in Arkadelphia with sweet Julee too and both my parents work at OBU! My Dad was "the chapel guy" Ian Cosh. So they naturally have to be my favorite thing about OBU. I loved this post. I was so fun to read and see the comments from friends and fellow alum! Love your blog. Mine isn't nearly as entertaining! :)
Harding graduates here. Although, my cousin graduated from OBU. Also, my bil's grandfather use to teach at OBU in the bible department.
Kelly, I ready your blog daily and absolutely love it! I graduated from OBU in 2005, and I enjoyed every minute of my college life. I didn't join a club because I was too much of a "bookworm", but I did manage to meet my husband while I was there! Anyway, I love reading about Harper and the exciting life you live! My daughter Madi is about 1 1/2 months younger than Harper, so I love reading about what I can expect next from her. Oh...and I never received any future tiger stuff from OBU. What's up with that???
Yeah OBU!!! They really send future tiger outfits??? I'll have to make sure and get on that list one day =) I graduated in '02 and came across your blog, shortly before Harper was born, on "The Bunch Fam". I've been hooked ever since!
Hey Kelly!
I graduated in 98. Sigh. The scholarships ran out so I had to graduate.
I was an EEE.
I think my favorite thing about going to school there (at this moment) was the grass. Seriously, grab a blanket and go study (or make note cards - if you prefer) under a tree. That campus is seriously beautiful.
Hey Kelly, I don't have a blog, but read yours all the time. Actually, I started reading it when Julee asked us on her facebook to pray for Harper and your family. I started OBU in Fall of 01 and graduated in May of 06. I was a Chi Delta but was friends with people from all "social clubs" and "independents". My favorite things at OBU were of course Tunes and cafeteria time. I guess we weren't blessed enough to have the Walts. ;) But I seriously enjoy reading your blog, and hopefully I'll someday be able to start one of my own :) May God continue to bless you! Stacie Mackey
Hi Kelly,
I went to OBU and was also a Tri Chi (pledge class 99). I graduated in 2002, and my sister also graduated in 2006. We have several mutual friends, which is how I found your blog, and I guess I'm coming out of "lurkville" to say hi. What an encouragement you are to everybody! Keep it up!
Laura Norris Haywood
Hey Kelly! Two days in a row! I was at OBU 2000-2004 and was also a XXX. I was a freshman when they toward down Walt's. It was fun being a part of it. The new cafeteria was never the same! My Reed and Harper may be in the same graduating class one day! Love your blog, so much fun and inspirational!
Blog lurker here. I started reading when Harper was born. Loved the Arkansas, SEC, and mostly "sisters in Christ" connection. Was Mom B the dorm mom in OC Bailey when you were there? did you know her? she was my mother-in-law. and my now 22-year old daughter used to roam the halls of OC Bailey when she was little. Love reading your blog. Harper is adorable. sandybarksdale82@yahoo.com
Just checked in after not having been here in a bit. Jennifer's grandmother is my neighbor and J was on my Student Council group in middle school. I've watched her grow into a beautiful young woman. She loves being a mommy just as you do. Glad Harper is doing so well.
for all the anonymous posts... you can just open a google account and sign in with that. you do not need a blog.
I went to Ouachita from 1999-2002. I didn't graduate because i took all my prerequisites for Pharmacy school then transferred to UAMS. My first year of Walt's was the last year it existed. I loved it. I loved that the new cafeteria had a Starbucks! That was fabulous! My Senior year of high school I had narrowed my college choices to OBU or UCA. I'm so glad I made my choice of OBU!!! I was in the band my freshman year and met some awesome people. Good memories....
I have loved reading people's comments because I know some of them!
We had the best time today! You girls are just the sweetest! There are definatly more lunch dates and play dates in the future! I think you may have to bring Laurie and the girls next time, too so she can join in on the OBU fun. Plus, I am dying to meet funny Emily!
Whoooooo! YOu opened the anonymous comments... and Im taking advantage of it!:) For so long I wanted to thank you for the awesome blog you have, for being such an inspiration to so many, and for having a CLEAN blog! I can definitely tell you live by your faith and have a heart that thrives to be like Christ! Please do keep up the good work and may you be blessed for sharing your precious family. God is certainly being glorified, or so I think.
So many times Ive wanted to email you or run up to you and give you a good ole squeeze, because Ive cried many tears, laughed many laughs, and or just simply smiled in awe at the beautiful person you are in the inside (and out, of course)! You have a way of chatting in such happiness, I smile everytime I read your blog... love the happiness you share!Keep it up, the world needs more joy...and you are mighty good at spreading it like wildfire!:) You have a wonderful set of parents and a great husband, and oh, my... a darling, precious daughter! I know Im rambling on...but after wanting to comment for the past 6 months... I finally got a chance that I didnt want to lose. You deserved being told...A BIG thank you for just being YOU and for sharing your joy in serving the LORD!
Im a deaf lady married with 3 kids, and often go on blogs that are an inspiration to me, after all... I gotta have something inspirating to read since I cant listen to praise music. Thank you for allowing me to find joy and encouragement in reading your blog. Something about reading your journal, the joy I see...its like seeing Jesus face to face. Your blog is just one of a few I choose to follow daily. I appreciate how you are constantly praising God and constantly joyful!
Blessings to your family!
Heidi Carrico
I really enjoy reading your blog. I was directed to your blog through another OBU alum right after Harper was born and I have been reading ever since. I was an EEE and attended/graduated in the nineties. I actually remember Laurie being completely hilarious and a talented artist.. I enjoy getting a peak at her family thru your blog. You both have lovely girls!
Hey Kelly, I love reading your blog. I found it when you first found out you were pregnant with Harper. I went to Ouachita 94-95. My favorite part was getting to be the first to live in Maddox Hall- it was so nice. My dad is also a Baptist pastor, and I suffered from inferfility. I not have 2 miracle babies. Jennifer H.
YAH FOR OBU!!! Well, you know I went there but I graduated in 2002-I was an EEE but my husband was a XXX beau :) (and a Beta). I loved Walts too but was there when WALT himself "retired" and when it was torn down-a sad day! I appreciate Ouachita more and more the older I get. What a blessing it was to be able to go to a small Christian school. I love so many things...but especially..I love how the professors really invested in each student and I treasure the amazing lifelong friends I made...my pledge sisters are my prayer warriors!! we are saving now for Addelyn! :) thanks for this post--it's so much fun!
ha! im a lurker but love OBU! i graduated in 2002 and really feel blessed to have gone there! my husband and i laugh all the time saying that i will have to get a job there whenever my kiddos are old enough for college so they can go there too! my husband grew up with julee, so it was really funny to see her on your blog!
I'm one of those "lurkers" as well. I was directed to your blog during the first few days of Harper's life.
I'm an OBU grad as well.. I wasn't a part of any clubs, but I do have one great thing about attending there that sticks out more than any other....I met the man I married there. :-) If you know or knew a guy named "Spud", that's my husband. If you went to OBU during the years of 1996 and beyond, he taught math (and still does). So obviously, we're still in the Arkadoo area. He also is an OBU alumni... graduated in 1992. You can see a picture of him on the right side of my blog if you need a refresher face.
Kelly...I've been reading your blog for well over a year & look forward to your posts every day. Harper is beautiful & I always love how cute you dress her. I only hope one day I have a child of my own that I can dress up! :) You're an inspiring person...know that you have helped so many with blogging.
Many blessings! :)
Woo Hoo for OBU! I graduated in 2002. My favorite memory was when we had a ton of snow and they cancelled snow for 3 days...and there was no cafeteria delivery! We had a huge sleep over in the Formal Lounge! And went sledding down the hills in laundry baskets and trays from the caf!
Love your blog!
I would`ve posted last night what I was thankful for but couldn`t because I do not have a blog or any kind of "identity". I really wish you would have had it open for everyone last night. Why is anonymous not always an option? Frustrating...
I've left a few comments before but not sure I've ever told you that my husband and I also went to OBU. 2000-03. I was an E but had 2 room mates that were Tri Chi's. My husband, my granddad, my Dad and 2 of my uncles all played football at OBU. And my Mom and Aunt were Chi Delta's. I also have cousins that have been at OBU and two are there right now. You can say we are one big OBU family!! =) Also glad you went to lunch with Jennifer and Julee, they are both such sweet girls! Harper is getting so big and such a beautiful girl!!! I love following your blog and keeping up with you even though we've never met. (P.S. Your friend Laurie and I went to the Holy Land together with UBC back when I was in 10th grade. She's so sweet.)
I was at OBU from 1999-2003. I pledge EEE in 2000. The best part of OBU for me was being an E. I loved the social activities! Some of the funniest stories involve pledge sisters. It snowed almost 2 feet during our pledge week and we just kept going. Tiger Tunes, football games, Walt's, living in OC Bailey, I could keep going. Several people have talked about Walt's. I didn't think it was so great. Most of the time I had to sit on the floor to eat because there weren't enough chairs. But you really got to know people.
Love the pics of Harper in her OBU shirt! So cute! I have pics of my two older girls in their OBU shirts and I hope and pray they decide to go there when they are older :o) That and I think we will have to win the lottery...haha!
I graduated from OBU in 2000 and was a Chi Delta. I found your blog through my friend Jamie Garner's blog a couple years ago and it is one of my favorites ever since!
I loved the "bubble" environment at OBU.
I read your blog daily and never comment... BUT I have to since today is about OBU!
I went from 2002-2005; I was an EEE with Julee and Jennifer. Such a small world! I miss OBU so much! One of the best things I remember are the fresh waffles. I would smear them with peanut butter, then top them with soft serve vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup. (I wonder why I had to work out so much when I was there! ha!)
I have a little girl named Tilly who is just a little older than Harper & Brody. Maybe they'll all end up at school together! (God & Scholarships willing!!)
I am a faithful non-commenting reader b/c I don't have a blog. I look up to all you gals who know how to get blogs going and keep it going! I so love being able to keep in touch/have a glimpse of yours and Laurie's lives through your blogs!! We had some really fun, carefree days at OBU. Harper is a beautiful baby and she has a very special mom! Would love to see you next time I'm visiting your neck of the woods!!
Christy (Cowling) Wallace
Did you see Miss Harper on the Crazy Hairbows website!? I nearly FLIPPED when looking through them and came across her picture of her sitting in the Jesus Loves Me Rocking Chair!!
Hey guys! My name is Lauren and I'm one of the alumni directors at Ouachita. I am SO EXCITED that Kelly posted those precious pics of Harper in her OBU shirt! We absolutely DO want to send a baby tee to all of our alumni who have a new baby. If you are an alumnae with a new baby who has not gotten a shirt, please email me at landl@obu.edu so we can send you a shirt and note your fantastic news in the "Circle" alumni magazine!!!
Been keeping up with you guys for a while now and I think I have only commented once before...can't imagine how you have time to read all these comments. I read your comments from today because I was interested in finding out about other OBUers who read your blog and I must say thanks for the connections with a few folks I hadn't been in contact with for some time.
I was a Tri Chi and graduated from OBU in '99. Looking forward to a little 10 year class reunion in October. Have two little guys, Kade and Ryne...the youngest of which was born just before Harper. I, like other OBU alumni Mommies, am praying for my boys to choose OBU and have the brains to earn scholarships. Just took pics of Ryne in his Future Tiger t-shirt this week so I was excited to see Harper sporting hers as well.
My favorite part of Ouachita changes every time I think about it. I think now I'm going to say it has to be the "lifelong family connections" that are forged there. Tomorrow I might have to say Tiger Traks!
My husband and I moved to Washington state last October to plant a new church. One of the things that I love about reading your blog is that it gives me a little taste of AR! Thanks for sharing your life with all of us out here in blogland. And ULTIMATELY thanks for bringing glory to our Jesus through it.
If you want to check us out: www.thelewallens.blogspot.com
Happy Blogging-
Terry Williams Lewallen
I love his little faux-hawk!
Hi Kelly, I posted yesterday. My husband and I are OBU alums - graduated in 90 (started in 85 but it took us 5 years to finish!) I was not in a club but was there when the Tri-Chi's started and was friends with many of the T.C. girls. I was super involved in the BSU. My favorite thing about OBU was meeting and marrying my husband there (we were married in Berry Chapel), my awesome roomie, Kecia, and all the wonderful friends I made there. Although the food at Walt's left a lot to be desired, I have many happy memories of the fun we had there everyday. We've been overseas as missionaries since 97.
Hi Kelly! Jeremy graduated from OBU in 2003. He joined the army soon after (we have a 6 month old little boy) and now we have been traveling wherever the army sends us! Jeremy loved OBU, I hear lots of stories! I graduated from UCA in 2005.
Please Please tell us what Etsy shop you ordered that darling monogrammed eyelet dress with pink ribbons that Harper wore on the beach???!! I must order one for my godchild! LOVE IT! LOVE YOUR BLOG! YOU Have THE perfect life! I envy you!
I too am a "lurker." I found your blog while you were still pregnant and look forward to reading it daily. I was at OBU from 1994-1998.I was an EEE and loved Walt's as well. Tiger Tunes, pledge week, and the unity that brings OBU together are some of my favorite things. Thanks for sharing your world with us.
Hey Kelly,
I really enjoy reading your blog! I too graduated from OBU (in 2005); I was also a Tri Chi...
I ran across your blog when I was living in NWA and a friend of mine (Erin Freeze) put Harper's name on our prayer request list...then I heard your name through numerous OBU friends that were praying for you and Harper both...so I got out there and found your page...I might be a "lurker" ...but I enjoy reading your story.
I have been reading your blog for a while--I'm a lurker, I guess! :)
I spent 3 of the best years of my life at OBU (1987-1990)then transferred to the University of Alabama to finish my degree. I am an above the knee amputee (lost my leg to a very rare form of cancer at 16). My husband (I ended up marrying an Alabama boy and staying here!) and I struggled with infertility because of the chemo I took. God blessed us with Gracen 10 years ago and she is the joy of our lives. She has grown up way too fast for my liking but we knew so early that she would be our only that we prayed for God to help us thoroughly enjoy every stage--and He has!!
Would love for you to visit my blog if you have time. :)
Hey Kelly,
I've been reading your blog for a while now. I've commented on it a few times. I love reading it and thanks for all the inspiration as a Christian mom and wife! My husband and I both went to OBU from '97-'01. I was an EEE and he was a Beta. I LOVED OBU. I met some of my best friends there. And what's so amazing is that we all still keep in touch all the time. I'm from NLR, but my husband and I moved to Nashville after getting married (for his job), but I miss Arkansas and especially my friends that are there. Our son is two so maybe him and Harper will be at OBU together one day!!! Julie
I have loved reading these comments. How did I not know that my friend Amy Arnold was a fellow Chi Delta? Craziness.
Anyway, you know when I was at OBU, unless you've lost enough sleep that you've forgotten.
My favorite things were...being your roommate...having you make my bed for me every day, watching you paint your nails EVERY DAY, iron your clothes EVERY DAY (even iron both of our t-shirts before we went for a walk as exercise), watching you cross stitch while you watched Brady Bunch while I studied, and LAUGHING HARDER IN THREE YEARS THAN I WILL EVER LAUGH AGAIN. Except at my children probably...since Annie has started dunking babies and stuffed animals after the lights go down at night. Not sure if she's bathing or baptizing, but that's a whole other story. And meeting Lance at OBU...that was my other favorite.
Another OBU Alum here, 1999-2003. (I love that I found some fellow college friends' blogs just by reading your comments.) I started reading your blog in January when my friend, Jennifer (McInturff) Mills, fellow XXX, posted the Praying for Harper link and I've been hooked ever since. I didn't pledge a social club, but had many friends that did. My hubby is from Arkansas so we're fellow Razorback fans here as well. I love reading your blog and seeing your pictures of your precious miracle. Look me up if you ever need a lunch companion in Dallas!
Kelly, My hubby and I went to OBU. 1987, and now we have a son graduating this year from there. He loves it! They are Rho Sigma guys. We live in northwest AR, and I found your blog thru Meredith B when your baby was sick. I have a twelve year old daughter who enjoys seeing Harper in her Bows. She was a bow girl herself and you will be glad to know she left for 7th grade today with a ribbon tied in her pony tail. Thanks for sharing your life it makes the world seem like a much smaller, friendlier place.
I'm a "lurker" and enjoy reading your blog every day. I graduated from OBU in 1991. It is a special place & cherish the life long friendships I made there. A group of us just met this summer & celebrated our 40th birthdays! Go Tigers!!
Hey, Kelly!
My hubby and I both graduated from OBU in 2000. I think my favorite thing was the family feel. We got married our junior year, and so much of the staff helped carry us through our first miscarriage in 1999. I miss that place so much!
Love your blog!
Just wanted to tell you I LOVE your blog. YOur family is so precious. I thought you would like to check out the website www.bodenusa.com They have the cutest clothes for adults and kids and some really nice RUFLLE dresses.
I am one of the many who LOVES keeping up with your blog!! One of the many reasons that I love reading your blog is because of our OBU connection! I went to OBU (2003-2007) - with Julee and Jennifer (Jen was actually my sweet roomie!) I was an EEE, and loved every minute at my time at OBU! Thanks for all the encouragement you offer through your blog!! Oh, and I think Harper is just precious!
Hi Kelly! I commented yesterday for the first time. I went to OBU from 95-99. I was a Tri Chi too, but I didn't pledge until 97 (I am so mad at myself for not pledging in 96!). One of my favorite memories is from Tiger Tunes. I was a green crayon the year we won Tiger Tunes while I was there. It was so much fun! I really loved OBU and being a Tri Chi. I loved how friendly everyone was, how you felt like you knew everyone, and the christian spirit of the campus as a whole. I have a little girl six weeks younger than Harper and you are my style guru. I can't wait to see what Harper has on each day and I wish I had all her bows. :) BTW, no OBU onesie for my little boy or my little girl. You have started something now, lol!
Hi Kelly, it's Shari Provence Ulery! We were in Tri Chi at the same time. I've been reading since Harper was born and also have left you a couple of FB comments. OBU was a huge blessing in my life as well. I still visit from time to time, because we are close, in Conway. Harper is a doll!! Crawling today, walking tomorrow. Hold on to your hat!
Go Tigers! We are actually having Lane's first birthday party there this weekend. We are going to tailgate before the football game. Can't wait to go back to our old stomping grounds! Thanks for all of the great memories you helped me make there! Looking forward to the day Lane and Harper can meet up there! O-U-A-C-H-I-T-A
Former OBUer reader! I graduated in 98 and was a Tri Chi. Isn't it sad that Walt's is no more? Every time I step on campus, no matter how long it's been, it always seems like home.
I've really enjoyed looking through the comments...especially since some of them are old friends! I went to OBU from '98-'02 and my husband went to OBU from '95-'99. All of my in-laws also went to OBU ('92-'96 and sometime in the '70s) so we have some strong ties. I was a Chi Delta, and my two best friends were a Tri Chi and an EEE. My husband, Luke, and I lived in LR and NWA for a few years before moving to Savannah, GA. Some of favorite OBU memories are: the Omelette lady singing at Walt's ("Hey Sugah, Sugah, Hey Honey, Honey"), when it snowed 2 feet during pledge week and we skipped classes to sled down into the ravine on cafeteria trays and trash bags, guarding the tiger, Tiger Tunes, and Tiger Tracks! Those were truly the most fun years of my life and I wouldn't trade them for anything!!
I was encouraged when I read your entry from January 17, 2008 "Lady in Waiting" (I'm going backwards through your blog until I catch up). I came across the verses at the end that come from Psalm 37. I have several verses from this particular Psalm posted at my desk area at work. The part that I'm trying to remember right now is verse 7 "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him..." I have also struggled with infertility (6+ years now) and I know that there is a very real possibility that the Lord may not ever allow me to have a child. If this is His plan for my life, then it's still His plan. But whatever He chooses, I have to wait patiently on Him. Everything is the Lord's and it helps to remember that I'm His bought "property" to use as He sees fit...whether that's as a mommy or not.
Thank you for your blog...it's been an encouragement to me in many ways!
What a fun lunch!
I graduated from OBU in 2002 and loved every minute of it! I was pretty active in the BSU, but wasn't in a social club. I grew up in a suburb of Dallas, so moving to a small town was an experience! One of my favorite things about my college experience is the creative things my friends and I would come up with to have fun! OBU was empty on the weekends and we had a blast!
Now don't go promising Harper to any little boys just yet....my little boy Zane is just a week or two older than Miss Harper, and if he follows in his mom & dad's footsteps, he'll be an OBU Tiger in no time! Ha!
I graduated in 02, was a Chi Delta, and cheered for 3 years. I LOVED Ouachita...some of the best years of my life (though I spent way too much time in the science building!). When I think of OBU, I am reminded of how God works in mysterious ways. I had planned to go to another school and didn't know a soul at OBU...had no real reason to go there. Now I know that's where I was sent to meet my wonderful husband! (Matt, 03, Beta).
I need to get a pic up of Z in his OBU shirt....Thanks for reminding me!
Sarah Bell
I enjoy reading your blog and I think it's great that you can minister to so many people through this avenue. Your Harper is just precious!
I graduated from OBU in December '02 (a semester earlier than the rest of my class). Although I'm now living in Colorado, I still have strong connections with many of my OBU friends. I just love that place! I wasn't in a social club but many of my friends were Tri Chi's. I even went with them on a couple of their outings to Dallas. :)
Keep up the inspiring and beautiful blogging! God bless~
I enjoy both of their blogs too, such sweeties! Looks like such a fun day.
I have been reading your blog but never comment. I think you are such a sweet mom!! Harper is so lucky to have you. I have two beautiful daughters. One is 21 months the other is 6 1/2 months.
I didn't go to OBU (I'm actually an Auburn girl) but my 86 year old grandmother went there and has wonderful memories that she shares with me OFTEN, ha! She actually refers to it Ouachita Baptist College...I guess it became a University later on. Harper looks adorable in her little tiger shirt!
I am also a luker. I have found your site from the Bevins family blog. I read it every day. Harper is too cute, I love the bows, the legging are IT! I love that you share your faith with us every day. Keep it up.
Hi Kelly! I really wanted to tell you how your post about Harper's dress( the one you bought before you were pregnant) touched me. I started sobbing when I realized I wanted to go out and buy a dress so badly but I hadn't given myself permission to think along those lines yet. My husband Daniel was diagnosed almost 3 years ago with stage 4 cancer and now we are facing infertility as a result. I praise God for allowing my husband to be so strong and healthy even though he still has disease. Thank you for allowing God to use you in a mighty way with your life story. Our story is at www.caringbridge.org/visit/danieleppinette
~ Erin Eppinette
I started reading your blog after hearing about it from Meredith @ Life At 7000 Feet. Also, several friends posted the prayers for Harper on their blogs. I was at OBU from 1996 - 2003. I left for a year after my husband graduated in 99 than came back when he took a job at OBU. I attended part time for 3 years to finish. We married my freshman and his sophmore year so our OBU experience was different but we still LOVED it. Favorite things were getting to know our professors, OBU in the summers, Tunes, and the marriage retreats. Looking back now after 12 yeasrs of marriage we realize how much of a blessing those retreats were to us!
Hey Kelly- I started reading your blog when Harper was in the NICU and most all of my friends posted the "pray for Harper" button on their blogs.
I am an OBU XXX alumni- 97-2001. I loved so much about OBU but for me, the deep friendships, the sense of family while I was so far from mine, the fun outings- ALL of that brings back the most special memories.
I'd love for our son to go to OBU and experience the same things but I might need to win the lottery to make that happen- j/k!!! I enjoy keeping up with you and reading your encouraging posts -
Hey Kelly! I love your shout out to OBU grads! I graduated in 2004, I grew up Little Rock and now live in Austin, Tx, I started reading your blog around the time Harper was born and found it through a button on another blog! You make me miss living in Arkansas for sure! I have a ten month old named Isabelle, our blog is www.eppersfamily.com. Thanks for sharing your life with us! Go tigers! Harper and Izzy would be in the same graduating class! Ha!
I went to OBU 1996-200 and was a Tri Chi! I live in Shreveport now with my husband who was a KX. We have 2 little boys! A couple of our friends are now working at OBU. We make an effort to go to Homecoming every year. This will be the first year we take our boys to Tiger Tunes! I love to find fellow OBU alumni. We also have a blog.
Hi Kelly! I have been reading your blog since you were pregnant with Harper- I found it through Meredith B.'s blog (we were friends at OBU.) I attended Ouachita from 1987-1991 and I was an EEE. Some of my best friends helped to get the Tri-Chi's started! I absolutely loved my experience at OBU- my favorite thing was meeting my wonderful husband there (he was a Beta.) We also dealt with infertility and were eventually blessed with our precious now 12 year old twin girls. I really enjoy reading your blog and think you are a great example of a Christian wife, mom and woman!
hi, kelly!
i graduated from obu in 2001...was an eee and a kx little sis. obu was amazing...i met my husband there and my bestest girlfriends ever there.
i can't remember how i wandered over to your blog, but it was probably through hannah fulks's blog.
thanks for doing an obu shout-out...it was fun to read comments from folks i remember! like tiger tunes without the travel!
I'm an OBU alum from 2003. :) I've recognized a few names from the comments. Too funny!
I love reading your blog. It's a refreshing way to spend some of my little free time. I'm shocked by some of the rude comments and hope you don't take them personally. I hope you continue to enjoy each moment with your sweet baby girl - she is precious.
Kelly, I just wanted to say, again, thank you for opening up parts of your life and sharing with everyone on the world wide web. Harper is a beautiful baby and you are a wonderful mother. Do I agree with everything you do and say, no, not really. But I do agree with most of it, and I certainly enjoy reading your blog on a daily basis. I have to be honest with you, I hated big head band bows....until I kept seeing pictures of your Harper in them, and now I'm secretly jealous that I didn't get them for Bailey. I mean there's still time to do it, but she is just so precious and what I'm trying to say is I so enjoy what you write about. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here. Do other people really think that they are so untouchable as to question and make comments about things such as Harper's toes and her experience in the NICU. Folks need to realize that they are just as human as you and I, and our babies, and but for the grace of God go you and I. Those people have obviously never experienced such hurt. Thank you for sharing and please I hope that you are able to shrug such comments off and continue doing what you are doing. You are clearly touching so many!
Even though I have never met you or your family, you and sweet Harper made it into my dream the other night. Harper was an angel and let me hold her the entire time, and you were as sweet as can be. Nice dream, huh!
I pray for all of you daily. Thanks for sharing your life with me!
Alli :)
I am also a lurker, and a little behind. I have been reading your blog since Harper was born. I was directed here from Angie Smith's blog. I usually don't comment because I barely have time to read. I really enjoy reading about your life and seeing Harper dressed up in all those cute outfits. She is so sweet. I have a 2 yr old girl. They grow so fast. I live in Western KY, so no OBU. Just wanted to let you know you are a blessing to my family. By the way, my daughter loves watching the video clips of Harper.
God bless,
Christy Simpson
i've commented before. just wanted to say again that i love your blog and i love obu.
harper is too cute in her shirt. I loved when we got karolines and the folder with a letter saying they were enrolling her in the class of 2025(or whatever year that will be). Man i hope that can happen!!!
I don't think there is another place on earth i would have enjoyed going to college. Even though i grew up in arkadelphia(with julee) i always wanted to go to obu. The friendships i made there are still going strong. I love my obu girls! I was an EEE and my husband played baseball there.
wonderful memories!!!!!
Hi Kelly, I'm sorry you had to turn off the anonymous option. It's too bad that people share nasty things and then hide. You forgot to delete one nasty comment. It's about 3/4 of the way down after Julie, and above Kandi West. It upset me, so I could imagine it would be hurtful to you too. I think you are beautiful, your baby is ADORABLE, and I love that you share your family and thoughts with us. I really enjoy your blog...don't let the nasty comments get to you :)
Hugs ~ Kathryn
My name is Kelly too and I was born with six toes on one of my feet, as well. I had surgery, like Harper, when I was little. I am now 22 and a great cross country runner! How ironic! I love your blog and your little girl is so adorable!
I know Jennifer! We went to Junior highschool together. She is a year older than me. What a small world :)
Little late on the comments, but I have been behind on blog reading. Doing some catch up this weekend.
As you know, I went to OBU (94-98) - with you for part of the time! I was a Tri Chi, and I would have to say that most of my best memories from OBU revolve around that group of ladies. My mom was diagnosed and then passed away from Breast Cancer while I was at OBU. Sweet Jesus and the ladies of Tri Chi helped carry me through that time. Some of my best, life-long friends were from Ouachita, including my husband (who's parents lived down the street from your parents and went to your dad's church until they moved to MO.) I've been reading your blog A LONG TIME. I don't remember how I found it, but it is ALWAYS a blessing.
Landon will also hopefully attend OBU someday. It really is a wonderful place.
Shelley Hodges
You don't have to have a blog to have a Blog/Google account. I established mine through Google. Elaine
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