Scott had to go to Cincinnati for work this week and he was going by himself so Harper and I decided to buy a ticket and tag along. I've never been to Ohio so I thought it was as good a chance as any. :-)
I was a nervous wreck about flying with Harper for the first time but we could NOT have had a better experience both ways. Since we bought our tickets separate - we weren't seated together but we ended up together on all 4 flights and I was so happy! I could not have imagined sitting that close to a stranger and trying to nurse or wrestle Harper. ha! She is SUCH a good traveller! She slept on most of the flights (see exhibit A. above) and she was so happy the rest of the time. She may look just like her daddy but she's social and likes to be on the go like her momma! :-)
We stayed in downtown and this was the view outside our window. While Scott went and worked yesterday afternoon - Harper and I walked around that square. They had live music and even a live cooking show and several restaurants. There was a lot of good people watching.

Harper and daddy hanging out on the hotel bed

Before the whole "food posts from other areas" thing - I had never heard of Skyline Chili - but here it was so I took Harper's picture by it for all you Cincinnati girls. (I didn't actually eat any but we took a picture anyway).

We ended up eating dinner at Chipolte which I LOVE! They had some GOOD guacamole! yum!

Harper HATED the hotel crib and would NOT go to sleep so we ended up putting her in the bed with us. We've never done that before and it might be a long time before we do it again. I don't think any of us got much sleep.

While we were getting ready this morning, Harper CRASHED. Scott went on to work and I had planned for Harper and I to go to a few stores and eat lunch while we waited on him to finish but I finally had to wake her up before it was time to check out because she was exhausted.

She and I ate lunch at PotBelly. Because we were in a downtown area - everyone in that square were business people at lunch - you could tell by the way they were all dressed. Everyone was eating outside at tables and Harper and I stuck out like sore thumbs. There were no other moms and babies wandering around. I had her in a cute outfit and a big bow and one lady asked me if "I had come downtown to have her picture made". I thought that was funny.

Here is the little world traveler on one of our flights home. She slept most of the way home. I'm glad she did so good. I want so badly to be able to take her places and see the world with her. I just want to give her every opportunity that we can.

And when we got home we were excited to open the mailbox and find our season tickets for HOG FOOTBALL!!! I can't believe it's already time. We have a tough schedule this year - we have to play AT Florida, Alabama, LSU and Ole Miss. Yikes! I told Scott I was glad most of the big games were away this year so I can stay home and watch them on TV. I won't be going to all the games this year for the first time in probably 20 years but as much as I love razorback football with a HUGE passion - I'll take staying home with Harper any day!
(I think I'm going to slip in a Friday soon where we tell our favorite college teams and game day traditions! )
I don't really have an update on Baby Reese and the Rowe family right now. Can you please just pray for their family. God knows their needs and knows your hearts. I really have not thought of anything else for the last two days and my heart is hurting so much for them. I know so many of you reading this now have lost babies at birth and my heart hurts for you too. There are a lot of days that I feel very guilty that Harper lived when so many didn't. We certainly didn't deserve that outcome. But not a day goes by that I don't realize it could have been different and that I don't hug her tight and I'm so thankful for her. And it makes me pray for all of you who lost a child that much harder. May God give you comfort every day.
We continue to pray for little Reese and her family.
Praying in NC
Loved getting to talk to you so much over the last couple of days...even if it was under terrible circumstances.
On a much lighter note though...I'm not going to all the hog games either but I sure hope we go to some of the same ones. I'd hate to have to watch a hog game with you and Scott behind me!
You totally deserved the outcome you got...of Harper living.
All of us parents deserved that outcome. All of our children deserved that outcome.
So sadly, all of our children did not get that outcome. So, so sadly.
But please know you deserve it. I deserved it...Our children did (do) as well...
Thanks for all the updates on Twitter this morning and such on Reese. I am Jason's 2nd cousin, and I found out about Reese through your twitter/blog. We have since been finding information through Jason's grandmother. We are praying, and we appreciate the prayers. :)
I would LOVE a Friday post with gameday traditions and favorite school!! Great idea with football season only 24 days away!!!
I will be praying for the Rowe family.
Sounds like ya'll had a good trip! I am continuing to pray for baby Reese.
Looks like yall had a great trip! Harper is such a ham for the camera! So cute! Still praying for baby Reese! Hope to hear good news soon.
ROLLLL TIDE!!! I can't wait for football. Huge Alabama fan here. We can still be friends right? lol
I have been praying all day for Katie and Baby Reese and their whole family. I just wish I could wrap my arms around them, and just carry some of that load. I just can't imagine. Loving them and praying with my whole heart for them!
What a fun little outing for you guys and I am the only one that noticed the horse's booty in that picture, it made me laugh for some reason. Also Harper's hair is totally starting to come in!! So cute! Go Cats, although football season will be long, basketball should be a different story!!
I have been praying for your friend Katie and praying for their sweet baby.
Consider it a HUGE blessing that Harper slept on the plan. I traveled with my daughter Taylynn at 6 months and she threw up all over me and her. And you know how bad that smells. I had to wear those clothes all day, but brought an extra set for her.
I love the picture of her sleeping in the bed, so looks soooo comfortable.
Cute plane pictures! Ive been wanting to take Lauren to see Todd at the airport in Chicago while he's working and then stay downtown. I'm a chicken and havent flown with her yet :) You should totally do a post on what you'd recommend for flying with a baby!
Still praying for Reese, breaks my heart!
I've been praying for Baby Reese today and shed some tears several times just looking at my own babies. We are so very blessed and my heart just aches for them!
I know you were flying and couldn't take much with you, but I learned of a VERY useful traveling "tool" that we now can't live without. It's a padded, 2 inch thick mattress for a pack 'n' play. I got it from ($17) and it's actually a mattress for a "portable crib", but it's the exact dimensions of a pack'n'play and uses the same sheets. All my friends have them now. My baby now sleeps wonderful when we travel! Who wouldn't choose a comfy mattress over a piece of cardboard anyway?
Enjoyed your trip pictures. She's such a sweet, cuddly little girl!
It's fun tagging along on work-related trips. The comment about getting Harper's picture taken cracked me up! Way to go Harper for being such a great traveler!!!
Also, I shared some BIG news over on my blog while you were away! :)
Harper is so cute in the pictures! Glad to see you guys had a safe trip! Praying for baby Reese and family!
Praying for baby Reese and Mom.
She is so stinking cute! I am glad you had a great time. She looked so cozy in the hotel bed. I am also sooo excited about Hog football season and the fall weather. Just can't wait to get those mums and pumpkins on my front porch! I will continue to pray for your friend and her sweet family. Thanks for sharing with us!
That picture of her crashing on the bed after a long night of being in a new bed is too cute. Sounds like a fun trip!
Kelly, that's so cool! I'm originally from the Cincinnati area. Let's must have been staying at the Westin on Fountain Square. I've had many a good times at Fountain Square. Also, you really missed out by not trying the Skyline. It's different, but oh so good. My parents always brings us cans of Cincinnati style chili when they visit.
Hi Kelly(!)...wish I'd known you'd be up in our neck of the woods. My hubby was in Cincy for business yesterday...I would have driven w/him (and our "rottens" in tow) to meet you. :) Btw, Skyline Chili = blech. I promise you didn't miss much (imo).
Fervently praying for Katie, Reese, and family. Our Meredith is our miracle baby; and I too have pondered God's plan when situations like this w/the Rowes arise. My mortal mind just doesn't 'get it'...
Praying for Reese! I live in Cincinnati and would have LOVED to show you around if I knew you were here. Skyline Chili is fantastic.
Oh my word, I used to love watching WKRP reruns. And I love that the babe is such a good traveler and that ya'll had fun! The comment about Harper going downtown to have her pictures done is cracking me up.
And I have just been thinking about the Rowe's all day long. Praying for that sweet family so much.
I went to college near Cincy (Cedarville University). It's a beautiful city! And Skyline Chili is the BEST!! You should have tried it. I have a great recipe if you want to make it. It would make a great football food!
Yes, you missed a great meal by skipping the Skyline. Thankfully, in Nashville we can buy it by the can at Kroger.
And Fountain Square is tremendous at Christmas! They have a very large lighted tree, with ice skating.
So glad it was a good trip.
Kelly, I was Katie's college roommate and she's still one of my dearest friends. I found out about everything going on through your blog. I'm praying for God's peace which surpasses all understanding - and have not wanted to bother the family so please continue to update us when you can. Your blog is a blessing as the Lord uses at as an avenue to prayer.
Great pictures, I love the last one of Harper on the plane! :)
First, on a serious note, I understand how you feel about Harper being healthy, when so many others have suffered. A good church friend and I were pregnant together and our girls were born one month apart. Her baby drowned at 16-months and I felt so guilty that my daughter was fine. I'm praying for Baby Reese and family.
On a happier note: When will Harper get to attend her first Hog football game? We detoured thru northern Arkansas on our way home to Dallas from St. Louis, so I could see the stadium (been to games in L.R., but never Fayetteville). We're going to try to make it up for at least one game in Fayetteville this year. Hubby said the atmosphere was so much more fun on campus. I can't wait! Whooooo Pig, Sooooiiiieeee.
Sounds like a great trip with Harper. Still praying for baby Reese.
We travelled a lot with our babies - take advantage of them flying free... I now have to buy plane tickets for both my girls and OUCH that's pricey!!
Am continuing to pray for your friend!
Are you going to be able to come to the Florida game? I would love to meet you at the stadium! What can I say besides... Go Gators!!! I hope you get to come!
I loved travelling with my husband when he was on business...he loved that he didn't have to leave us as well!!
I've been praying for baby Reese and the Rowe family. You know what they are feeling right now more than most of us...I can only pray for their comfort and doctor's wisdom. Always expect a miracle.
Praying in Seattle!
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Prayer Bears
My email address
Looks like a good time! I also LOVE LOVE Chipotle!!!! Now I am hungry for it! :)
Keeping Reese in my prayers....
What fun to have a little get-away!! Avery Kate has those same PJ's that Harper is wearing and they are my FAV--SO CUTE!
Love ya!
I live in the Cincinnati area, I would have loved to have shown you around!!!
I am sorry you d/n get to eat Skyline~~YUMMY! Of course I couls always send you a can and you could make your own!!!! It is a lov or hate kind of food, there is no inbetween.
I am glad you made the flights safely.
What a fun and quick get away! How cute was Harper! I'm glad that she had a big southern bow for her downtown debut. ;)
please, please, please don't feel one ounce of guilt about the outcome you received!! I have no good answers as to why Harper recouperated while others perish. All I can come up with is that life is such an unknown... you just can't take it for granted for a second. I will tell you this... there isn't a day that goes by that you don't feel gratitude and an overwhelming love for that baby.
I live in Cincy. I love the ft. Square photo and the Skyline photo... priceless :)
Kelly, still praying for your friend Katie, husband, son and Reese! So glad you got to go on that trip with your hubbie. It is so fun to do stuff like that "as a family" and I would just encourage you to continue to enjoy each other and God's blessings like you already do! I understand all about guilt feelings with being "the survivor", not so much with my kids and feeling pain when others lose their children, but the guilt has been more with my own life. My best friend died from ALS, leaving three young kids and husband behind, when she was 36. They were so young when she died, they will never know her and her love for them or her love for Christ and his world and people. She was such an incredible Christian woman and I struggled for so long with the guilt of why not me God, why her? There were times I would ask God that over and over. I still don't understand, yet I trust that He is bigger and much greater than my why and I am learning to rest in Him and His good will! Not that I would want to lose my life, because I obviously would not want that for my own family, but it was just tough as I struggled with feeling guilt for so long. It is a bit better now, 7 years later, but still hard. I guess when we love others with Christs love, I think we are willing to sacrifice our own lives. Praying for you Kelly as I can imagine how your heart hurts so deeply for your friends!!!!!!!
HI Kelly, So glad you got to tag along on Scott's business trip. Be glad Harper has embraced the paci. It helps to equalize the presure in her ears during flight. My son was on a flight with a poor baby that screamed for hours because her ears hurt so much. I have been to Cinci on a decorative painting convention and really loved it.
You certaily DO deserve Harper. She is a blessing to so many, but especially to you and Scott. I don't understand why these awful things happen to good people, but I sure do have a list of questions when I hit the pearly gates.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
Keep us posted on baby Reese.
No offense to all you lovely gals who live in Cincy, but next time you come to Ohio, Kelly, come to COLUMBUS!! (soooo much better!) ;)
We so could have met up!! Oh well :)
So glad Harper travels well! Our baby girl does as well, which makes those long plane trips to visit the grandparents much more tolerable:)
You should have tried Cincinnati chili!:) Though I prefer Gold Star to Skyline:)
I am glad you got your season tickets in. I just have 3 little words of wisdom for you to remember: ROLL TIDE BABY!!! :)
What a fun trip! I'm so glad that you and Harper got to go with Scott!
And I'm continuing to pray for the Rowe family.
What a relief to know Harper is a great travelor!! And I am sure there are going to be many many more plane rides in her future. Such a fun this to tag along on Scott's trip, looks like you all made the best of it! I guess those city/buisness folks just do not know that no little girl leaves the house with out a pretty dress and bow!! =)
Also, thank you for keeping us updated with the Rowes .. Praying for comfort and the Mighty Hand to be at work!
Have a wonderful evening.
It sounds like you had a nice little trip. I'm so glad she was good on the plane!
Continuing to pray for Reese.
You should have tried Skyline Chili!!! It is awesome!!
Glad you had fun in Cincy! I used to work downtown and I can remember when we got the Tiffany's I was so excited to go spend my paycheck there!!
I'm glad she did so good travelling! now you can take her across the world! :)
oh she's a doll. the worst part of traveling with a baby is the sleeping part. once mine get used to their own beds it's so hard to get them to sleep anywhere else.
What a great trip! My hubby is from Ohio and we have family members in Cincinatti. It's wonderful!
I'm still praying for the sweet baby girl. I can't even imagine how hard it must be.
oh how I love chipotle, Dan and I go there at least twice a month. We had our first date there and he surprised me with an upgrade to my engagement ring there. People thought we were getting engaged LOL
Wow! Those sites look familiar, since I live here! :) Wish I could have met you but I understand that you probably wanted some family time. I'm glad you enjoyed Cincinnati (I'm not a native, actually from Kansas but I have come to love Cincinnati chili).
Praying you have a wonderful day!
I love it that you take Harper everwhere. I think it's very important...she will look back at all the pictures of the places that you and Scott took her and love you both even more :)
Thanks for visiting Ohio! Come on back anytime! I live about a hour from Cincinnati. I don't get there too often. Glad Harper did so well on the plane. My daughter had her first ride at 11 months and did very well on such a loooong flight.
Looks like you guys had a blast!
I continue to pray for baby Reese and her family. My mind has been on them so much too.
Glad you had a great experience traveling to Cincinnati. I LOVE skyline chili!!! My old roommate was from there and she introduced me to it. It is sooooo yummy!
I've been lurking on your blog for a while and I have to say I love it!
What I love more is that you guys are as excited about football season as we are :)
We will be praying for the Rowe family as we just lost our sweet Megan Grace a little over 6 weeks ago at birth.
Your blog has been a breath of fresh air along with many others. Thank you!
That's funny that someone asked you if you were getting Harper's picture taken - people used to ask me that all the time with my girls because I always had them dressed up and in bows! Then they would give me a weird look when I told them that no, we were just going to the grocery store - haha!
I'm definitely praying for baby Reese, and hoping there is an update soon.
Sure wish I had known you were going to be so close! I live just on the other side of the river (KY) Your right, Cincy's downtown is all business... little family. I'm glad you had a safe trip.
Woo hoo! You visited Kentucky too, since the Cincy airport is actually in KY. Woo hoo for Skyline and woo hoo for Fountain Square!
(I'm a Kentucky girl, but I do enjoy a weekend in Cincy, especially when the Reds play!)
Looks like such a fun trip! There's an Ikea not to far from where you were. We two hours north in Columbus.
How exciting that Harper got her first plane trip!!
Go VOLS!!! HA.
Im a Cincy girl. Looks like you had a good time while you were here. If I would of known you were here I would of told you to get some Graters Ice-cream, its the best in the city and is right at Fountain Square!
Kelly, I love reading your blog! I am so glad that you all had a fun time this week!! Glad that you are back safely!
You are so brave about the plane trip - our girls are 4 and 2 and I am still scared. I will drive that 8 hour trip from Texas to Missouri every other month like it is nothing - but I'm scared to put them on a plane.
I know what you are saying about the gilt of Harper being healthy. My nephew was born at 25 weeks and today he is a very active healthy 5 year old - starting kindergarten today - my sister says all the time how she feels guilty when her friends lose babies. She recently had to attend a babies funeral and it was so hard on her. Even harder than it is on most.
I'm so glad you all had a good trip!
Umm could you please do the football post, because I chill bumps just thinking about my Fightin' Gators!!!!
Glad Harper loves flying so much. My son went right to sleep on airplanes too.
We will be praying for Reese and his family.
Glad you and Harper got to take in Cincy. I grew up about an hour away from there, so I have spent a lot of time downtown. Personally I prefer Gold Star Chili instead of Skyline-it is a milder form, I can't believe you didn't give it a try. Have a great day!
So glad you were able to get away even if it was for a for a couple of days and so glad Harper did well :)
Hi Kelly! I pray this comment won't be taken the wrong way, but you most certainly DID deserve the outcome you got with Harper. You are such a wonderful mommy, and your daughter is truly blessed. I in no way am saying that the parents who lost their children deserved the loss though. My heart aches terribly for them, and I pray that God will comfort and protect them and bless them with the children their hearts desire.
Looks like you all had a fabulous trip!
God bless,
Harper is such a beautiful baby. Every time you post pictures of her I think she gets prettier. I'm so glad you had a fun trip and Harper did so well on the plain.
What a cutie pie sleeping on that comfortable looking hotel bed! I have NEVER seen a hotel bed look that comfy!!! I love that people "up north" don't understand Southern things like big bows...makes you feel like you're in some sort of secret southern society!
Still continuing to pray for Baby Reese and the Rowes. Update us if you can!
Your post brought back memories! I'm a Kentucky girl, but visited Cincy often growing up. I don't live near there now, and oh how I miss Skyline Chili! My husband even proposed at Fountain Square at Christmas time with it decorated with little white lights! I really enjoy your blog!
You were in Ohio?!? You were probably about an hour away from my home. Hope you enjoyed your visit. I have been keeping your friend in my prayers.
I'm a Hoosier... but that chili from Ohio. It's like no other!
Glad you enjoyed Cincy! I miss it very much but do love my new close-to-the-beach life. :)
Kelly-you definitely deserve Harper! I will continue to keep little Reese and his family in my prayers!
Kelly--I found your blog the day Harper was born. I've continued to read and pray for you all these months. I love reading about you. Mainly because I think if we met in real life we would sooo be friends. Being a southern girl, loving God, Ballard designs, fried food, hospitality, and SEC football allows me to really relate to you. HOWEVER....I'm gonna have to stay away from early September until January!!! We will interrupt this connection for fooball season! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!
I'm kidding. Kind of!
Looks like you guys had a wonderful time on the trip, and she was so good! And we are praying for Katie and Baby Reese!
Welcome to Ohio Kelly!!!! I am glad you had an enjoyable trip. Was that your first Chipotle experience? My husband loves it! I wanted to tell you that we do not have a Sonic up here in Cleveland. Gasp, can you believe it? I really need to try one, your blog makes it sound heavenly. Thank you for updating us on Baby Reese, I have prayed for her all day.
I haven't posted in a long time, but wanted to let you know that I still follow along and that YOU HAVE THE MOST INCREDIBLE HAIR! :)
Glad you had a great trip...and also GOOOOO SOONERS!!! ;)
Glad you came to visit the fine city of Cincinnati, I love it here. Next time try the chili, unless of course you don't want to become addicted. We have to ship our out of town family cans of it so they can get their fix.
Isn't flying with a baby CRAZY?! At least she slept for you! Cyler was screaming/whining almost most of the trip to FL -
Oh and we took his big ol Britax car seat too for him to sit in! I kinda think that was a mistake! He would have rather sat in our lap...but oh well. You live and you learn! :)
PS. I nursed Cyler on the plane too! How akward was that for you? I felt so weird doing that! I know it's natural and all...but I felt like people were starring at me! Of course, I had my hooter hider blanket in use!
too bad I didnt know you were coming to cincinnati I could have told you some good places to go!:( i live a little north of cincinnati and i am a stay at home mom.:) hope you liked your visit!
It is probably good to skipped the Skyline Chili!! (Sorry to you Cinci folk!!) We are in South FL, but because we have so many transplants from the midwest, we too, have Skyline Chili!! My "boys" love it (hubby and 2 sons) but the girls and I gross out just a little!! :)
Wow, not far from me. I think that was Fountain Square, right? Trust me when I tell you you did not miss a thing with the Skyline Chili.
Looks like you had a great time but can I please make one suggestion? Riding in an airplane isn't that much different than riding in a car...please, please, please, keep your beautiful little girl safe and don't let her ride on your lap, buy her a ticket and have her ride in her car seat. It was a pain with my son...but I could never live with myself if we hit turbulence or had a hard landing and something happened to him.
I used to live in Cincy! What a great city! Too bad on the Skyline, but it's def something you have to try more then once, so you might not have liked it at first! Glad Harper did great! I agree with the sleeping thing, I am a nervous wreck whenever our daughter sleeps with us, which is not often at all!
I can't believe you were so close to me and I didn't even know it! We live across the bridge in KY - and my dad works downtown at the 5/3 building (right on the square!). Small world...
Becks and I could have been great tour guides ;)
I don't note here often but I read you regularly. I was sad to see that I missed you in Cincy since that is where I live. Maybe next time
I work in one of our local NICUs in NWA. It's hard to see the little babies everyday, but it's such a blessing when they are discharged and come back to visit. A prayer goes out from me at every admission.
I wanted to let you know that I have recently become a Patty-cakes consultant. I had them done as a child so my babies had them done and we LOVE them.
You can read about them at or contact me at
Little Miss Harper is growing FAST and getting cuter by the day. Isn't this age so much fun? My youngest is 8 mos old already. It goes by too fast.
What a fun trip! I am glad you all were able to go with Scott and visit Ohio. :)
We are gearing up for Tennessee football in Knoxville!! 22 days until opening day!! We are so excited and I can't wait until you do our fav team/traditions .
Have a great Thursday!
Still praying for Katie and Reese.
I haven't been to Cincinatti in forever....Skyline Chili is the BEST.....if you go again, you must try it!
It will be a long time before we travel like that with A. He gets motion sickness (like his mommy).
I was at Twin's the other night and we were both reading your blog and at the same time we both said we could see a change in Harper. I know when your with them all the time you don't really notice but she has changed in the last week or two a lot. Such a cutie!
Thanks for stopping by Ohio! :) I'm near Cleveland. I would LOVE a college post--GO BUCKS!!
Oh my goodness! I wish I would have known you were here! I work downtown right at Fountain Square in the 525 building...I was even eating lunch outside and listening to the music too with some friends on my lunch break! I cannot believe you were right here and I didn't even get to see you and sweet little Harper!!!
Next time (if you ever make it here again), you need to let me know. I would have LOVED to meet you both in person.
Hugs from Cincinnati,
Mom to Trista
glad you got to come to my neck of the woods =)
My baby girl is wearing those exact same pj's right now :) Glad Harper traveled so well ... praying for the same here when we treck back to AL for a visit.
Oh Kelly you forgot that USC is one of the teams to beat for the upcoming season. I am like you- once we had our daughter the games weren't as important as they used to be- but oh the love we have for our Gamecocks is I am sure the same love you have for your Hogs.
Chi Anne
Isn't football season SO exciting?!? Go Cocks!!!
Sending up a prayer for them! Glad you had such a fun trip. You have a beautiful little lady!
First- Loving Harper's pink stroller!
I think it is great you are flying and traveling with Harper now. It will make it easier as she grows older. I have a 3 year old sis in law (weird, I know!) who has been flying since she was only a few months old. She flew with us about a month ago and had the whole plane in stitches because she was singing and talking so much! Good thing the flight was short or those people around us would probably asked to be moved!
I'm so glad Harper did so well. Now you will not have to worry about flying to the beach since she will be a pro!
i gave you my moms email!
welcome to Cincy,
not a bad town, of course there is more to see, go to the zoo here in Cincy, it is pretty nice
hope you have a great time
she is a doll baby!!
you were so close to me!!
love the pics!!
looks like you guys had a wonderful trip!!! So ready for razorback football!! :)
Kelly!! I just love your blog :-)
What a sweet post, and such a thoughtful comment at the end too... You should just feel thankful, never guilty that Harper lived. She's such a sweet gift, and you have such a heart for others and their situations. God is using you and your blog as such a ministry.
it took four flights for you to get to cincinnati?!?! good grief, you are a trooper. I would have never done that trip, I hate changing planes. And you made all of the connections? wow! a feat that is nearly impossible without a baby.
Sounds like a great trip! I hope baby Reese is doing better today!
I'm praying for the Rowe family. I too live very near Cincy and when we first moved here from PA, thought no way am I eating chili and cheese on my spaghetti, but I finally did and it's good.
If ya'll want to come to Tuscaloosa to see the Bama game, email me and I might can hook you up with some tickets. RTR
Quick tip for hotel staying with a baby. If you are flying and not taking your own play yard/crib. Take your own crib sheet and the blanket you cover her with at night. Bed will smell and feel like her bed, and she will be more comfortable.
Awesome post! My mom lives in Cinci. I've spent a lot of time in Ohio and I think you did the right thing by sticking to restaurants we have in the South. There is a noticable lack of seasoning in the North in my opinion. Speaking of regional foods, I made Pork Tacos this week and had to go buy a can of Rotel. I think of you every time I use Rotel now.
On some deeper notes, I can relate to your guilty feelings. I struggled with them mightily because I was able to get pregnant so easily. And then because I had an easy pregnancy and then because Aaron was so healthy, happy and easy. I have friends and relatives struggling with all of the above and it is difficult for me to know how to act. I want to apologize a lot. My mom has tried to reason with me about it, but it's hard.
Also, I related a lot to your 'Being a Mom' post and I thank you for exploring those issues. I have struggled with the feeling of judgment a lot. I hope, though, that most of it is me FEELING judged and not me actually being judged, but your perception makes it real to you and it is certainly difficult.
Finally, I think you are great and I love your blog, but I went to Ole Miss and we are FINALLY not horrible at football, so Hotty Toddy!
Harper is a doll! The hubs and I are huge Hog fans as well....we are going to try to make the Florida game this year!
good move not going to Skyline... gross!
Chipotle... yum!
Wow, hope you enjoyed your time Cincinnati! Next time try Skyline and definitely go to Graeters!!!
Hi Kelly,
Congratulations on a successful trip with H! The pics are cute, and it looks like you all had fun!
Something you said struck me, regarding feelings about your daughter. I've often felt that way with my son Jordan, who had a heart transplant as an infant. Every time I celebrate another year of his life, I immediately think about the little baby who died and gave him his heart. It's the most aching,bittersweet feeling knowing someone else died to save your son. He's too young to ever understand this, but it haunts me. Having met the donor mom, I know how much pain she suffered. But her spirit for doing good is so strong. Prayers for baby Reece. No one ever deserves pain, there's no rationale explanation for it. Sometimes though, there's a reason why things happen that may make itself clear down the line. Or not.
Ha! I love that your post title tells me we're around the same age. :D
I live in Florence (about 15-20 mins from Cinci!!!) We definitely could've all had a big get together! Glad you enjoyed our kneck of the woods! :)
And you and Scott definitely deserve your precious Harper!
I know there are serious and sad things going on in this world, but can I just say I got a little giddy when I saw your pic of the Hog helmet? It's almost here!!!
you were there and you didn't eat the real skyline? oh my!
I'm not from Cincinnati but I lived there for a short time! It's one of my favorite cities to visit. :)
I get to go there often for photography, and that makes me happy!
You have a beautiful little girl!
hi... i live in california but i grew up in ohio.. hope you had a nice time! you were way down south.. im from ne ohio.
anyway... if you have a favorite quilt or love them like me... i would love for you to check out my post today on my quilt collection and anyone can link to it.. come check it out!
That's so funny that you were in Cinci this week! :) I'm originally from Fort Smith but live about 30 minutes north of Cinci these days. I was just down at Fountain Square a couple of weeks ago - I bet I can guess which hotel you stayed at! Hope you checked out Tiffany and Palamino's!!
I remember going to Cincinnati once in high school. I didn't have any of the chili, but I do remember Grater's ice cream being pretty amazing.
Also, I think a college teams would be a really fun show me your life idea
Sooooo glad your flights went well.
Never been to Cincy but may have a chance to go in the Fall....will let you know. heart is so heavy for your friends and that precious baby. I just ache.
Loving my children and husband so much tighter tonight and hopefully every day.
I am excited as well about some Hog Football! I can't believe that time of year is already rolling around.
Hugs - Tiff
I'm so glad you were in our neck of the woods...I'm from Northern Ohio and I live in Kentucky now but I spend a lot of time in Cinci! Too bad you didn't try Skyline! It's delish! Did anyone advise you about Graeters Ice Cream?? Because it's the bomb and the chunks of chocolate are full chocolate bars!!! Looks like you had a great time tho!
LOVe Cincinnati! I live about 2.5 hours north in Columbus. Cinci is a great city. Glad you got to come see our part of the world. Harper is such a precious little baby. So adorable!
I love your picture with the Skyline sign, but I can't believe that you were there and didn't eat there.
I know you didn't have time to go into Kentucky, but since the Cincinnati Airport is in Kentucky you should have made one more stop. . .and that should have been to the Creation Museum.
This museum is fantastic and if you believe the inspired Word of God, you don't want to miss this museum! It is run by Answers In Genesis Organization.
This is a Christian museum that isn't 2nd rate. It has Disney Universal Studios quality.
I'm glad you got to get away and travel some. Your pictures are proof of a grand time being a family!
From the looks of your pictures, I think you stayed in the same hotel that my husband and I stayed at when we went to Cincinnati! That's the same view we had out of our window! I am so excited for some SEC football in less than a month!!!! Yay!
Oh, sweet Skyline! I went to Cincinnati Bible College and that brings back some memories. :) Congrats on your first successful venture of flying with a baby.
I'm so glad that Harper was a great little traveler!! I live about 70 miles east of Cincy and would have driven the distance to see you and Harper. I'll bet it was nice just to get away for a few days.
Roll Tide!
I grew up in Cincinnati. It was fun to see it in your photos! I can't believe you were at a Skyline and didn't try it! You definitely should have to have the full Cincinnati experience. :) Do you guys not have Chipotle in Arkansas? I LOVE it! I would be SO sad if we didn't have it where we lived! Glad you had a good little trip and that Harper did so great with the travel!
I just have one thing to say to ya girl......
and GOOD LUCK!!! (lol)
You're right to have a little fear this football season...because if you're not a Gator, you must be Gator bait! And it's our Homecoming game...I can't wait!!!
Next trip to Cincy let me know. I would love to meet you for lunch and so would my little Jr. Blogger.
How fun that you got to go to Ohio- I live not far from Cinci myself and would have loved to meet you. I've had Skyline Chili but truthfully I'm not a fan. My friends would kill me if they heard that though! ;)
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