Tuesday, July 21, 2009



Chawed is a word that Laurie and I have said since college. Laurie got it from Scott's grandmother (who was her great aunt). It's the perfect word that describes when you feel embarrassed/mortified.....well just "chawed". We laugh because Laurie has Emily using that word now. When we all went to South Arkansas, Emily was doing something and we asked her to do it again and she said "I don't want Scott to be chawed". I have never laughed so hard hearing her little voice saying that.

Anyway......chawed is how I feel about seeing myself on video or having someone refer to me as a popular blogger. SUPER CHAWED. But a lot of you asked......so here it is. You are all a part of this whole little blogging world. Thanks for all the love and support you have given my family in the past year!


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Lindsay said...

you look great!

Unknown said...

Kelly, that is awesome! Thank you for sharing!


lots of love said...

that's such a good story/interview!! you looked great & harper was so cute playin in her exersaucer! hehe

Anonymous said...

You did GREAT!!
Even if you are chawed!!!

Kristi said...

You are too cute! Great job on the interview, and it's so neat to see you and Harper "in action" rather than just still photos.

Rhonda said...

Kelly you did fabulous! I can't get over how many visitors you have to your site; I know I check in with you everyday - more than I do with my own family! I just love to read about your little Harper, and see her latest pix. Thanks for sharing.

Michelle said...

That was a great interview...you looked wonderful !!

Whitney said...

You did SO good! My husband and I both watched it.

Hayley said...

OK, so I have to steal your word - "chawed" cracks me up and I have to share it!!! Of course, in Alabama, it will be "chaaawwwwwed" (HA!)

Also, you did an excellent job in the interview! Thank you for sharing your life with us!

Taylor said...

I had my boys dvr it so I could watch it when I got home from work and I thought you did GREAT!! It was so good and you looked great!

Jen said...

Oh, that was a great interview! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Leigh Ann said...

hey, I'm so glad you posted the video. I missed it and was happy to see it on here! Also, tell Scott to buy you the 50mm 1.4 lens. There is nothing like it and you will love it. you know mckmama is always talking about blurring the background, well that is the magic lens. I use it for all of my newborn shots. The bad thing is that you or Scott will have to learn to use manual to really get your bang for you buck! let me know if you get it and I'll do what I can to help. I just know that if you are going to photograph that beauty, you will get perfect shots with it!

TeamRB said...

I love the word "chawed" and think it will have to become a part of my vocabulary. -Also, I can imagine that this "blogging fame" can be overwhelming at times, but I just want to say Thank you. I am sure that there are thousands of women just like you with similar stories, but God chose to use you and I am glad he did. I love to read your blog! Thank you for your heart and for the love that you have for the Lord.

Anonymous said...

wooohooo kelly you look great!!!!! congrats girl

Anonymous said...

7 million?! You've had 7 million come on here?! All I can say is...wow!
Know that I'm continuing to lift up prayers!
Psalms 27:4-5 One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Anonymous said...

Kelly just watched this in Perth, Western Australia. I LOVE your voice! Congratulations. I continue to read and pray with you. I am looking forward to trying your yummy recipe tomorrow night. Lots of love xxxx

StephieAnne said...

I am a "closet follower" from Oregon - so fun to see the newscast and hear your voice. Your daughter is so gorgeous - thanks for providing such a positive place to stop in and visit when I'm taking a computer "me time". I love that your blog primarily just chronicles you and your family's life and doesn't pretend to be anything else (other than the awesome links for prayer for others)- it's a beautiful thing and what an enormous blessing it will be for your family with the gift of you recording these precious memories.

Katie said...

Congrats! You look amazing and that was a wonderful interview :)

Shelley said...

Good job, Gorgeous!

Natalie said...

It is SO nice to hear another southern accent :) This Alabama girl approves! You looked great- good job (no "chawed", ok?)

Thanks for the link to designgirl- I got my makeover today!

Todd and Courtney said...

You did A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!

Megan said...

What a charming interview, and how fun! I am a KNWA watcher myself, and I didn't know to switch over for tonight, so thanks for sharing the clip.

KK said...

So cool, way to go Kelly!

Christy said...

I think it is awesome.. I'd come read your blog before I attend most concerts. NO JOKE! I love it. I read and feel challenged, inspired, I feel 'common' not alone when other ladies deal with the same things I do. I think the interview was great and you looked so pretty. I have to add Dawson AND sweet Harper made it even better!!! :D

Tasha said...

thats awesome!

Christa said...

I just loved watching your interview! You did awesome! It was cool seeing you in video instead of pictures!

Anonymous said...

You looked & sounded W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L!

JanMarie said...

Great interview! I don't comment very often but stay updated with your blog. It's exciting and encouraging to see God working in other peoples lives :)
Harper is adorable (as you know!) and it's been neat to watch her grow.
Blessings to you all!!
-JanMarie in Sicily

Samantha said...

I LOVE your voice! :)

And I just HAVE to say this- I have the same laptop! APPLE ROCKS!! ;)

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

Too cute!!! I think you did a great job!

Marlene said...

KElly! u are too cute!

Stacey said...

You did a wonderful job!

Sarah said...

That was a wonderful interview Kelly!! I lurk from British Columbia Canada! So nice to hear your voice :o)

Roxanne said...

My grandma-in law is in South Africa and she called saying" oh I saw this cute southern girl on the tv about blogs." I respond " oh yea do you remeber her name?" " yea kelly something or another ! but whats a blog any who ?"

I tell her and proceed to talk about when she reads my journal that is a blog . You looked great , I would have been so nervous .


Pineapple Princess said...

Awesome interview, Kelly! You looked and sounded so pretty. God gave you the perfect words to say!

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Fantastic interview! You are a celebrity!!! I loved watching "Kelly Live"!!!

You Rock!

Jenny said...

I loved it Kelly!!
You should do a weekly vlog. You're a natural on camera!!
Thanks for sharing!

Kristin said...

I feel like a proud Momma watching you on TV! You did great :)

I love Dawson sitting on your laptop. LOL!!

What a great news story! It was fun seeing you "come to life".

Darla said...

awwwwww....kelly! that is soooo awesome! i have been reading for a while but i don't comment because i know you get tons of them. my girls and i Love seeing Harper everyday and i especially appreciate your southern rooted recipes and such. thanks for sharing with us all...great news story!!!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

You look great and what a super interview.....You did good!!!!

Troy and Rachel said...

Wow, that is sooo cool!! I LOVE your accent!!!

Bills Family said...

Well done! You did awesome! I feel like I've met you since I've heard you talk!hehehe Thanks for sharing it with all of us!!!

Anonymous said...

You look adorable and did a great job! You should be proud!

Julie said...

You did great Kelly

Tins and Treasures said...

Congratulations on a great feature. I agree...blogging is like journaling and scrapbooking all in one. My girls are now away at college and they look at my blog every day to see what's up...

Sara said...

Great job!! It is so much fun to see fellow bloggers "in person"!

Father's Grace Ministries said...

Enjoyed seeing you in 3D instead of 2D! Wonderful job, Kelly! Watching you from The Sunshine Coast in South East Queensland.
God bless

Monogrammed Favors said...

Thank you for sharing that with us! You did great!

Claire said...

What a sweet piece! You really are cute as a button, Kelly! I just love your accent.


Immeasurably More Mama said...

It was a great interview, Kelly! You have no reason to be "chawed" by it...HA HA!

A said...

Great job! Thanks for posting it for us to see :-) I live in Australia and just love reading your blog!

Unknown said...

Nice interview. Keep up the great work in progress with your blog. I love it!

Lauren said...

What a wonderful news clip! Congratulations! (Even Dawson made the news!) Blogging is a wonderful way to connect to others and get ideas. You have provided so many people these oportunities as well! Thanks Kelly! Oh-and isn't your southern accent soooo cute?! :)

Lauren said...

Don't be "chawed"! You did such a good job!



Phillips Family said...

Being a fellow Arkansan, I think you controlled that accent beautifully :). Great interview and Harper just looked beautiful!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Loved it! You are so freaking cute! I hope I look that cute when I am a mom! Yay!

Amanda Ledford said...

You looked great! No need to feel chawed! Haha!

djp said...

you are too cute :) thanks for sharing!

Rachel H. said...

You look great and what an awesome thing to be able to do! Congratulations!! :)

Perfectly Imperfect said...

I think you look great!!! Awesome job hon!

Jenna said...

Girlfriend, I have never seen a more chaw-free video in my life! You are precious - you look gorgeous and you did wonderful. Loved it!

caycee said...

Kelly! You looked great:) When my husband got home from the gym I made him watch it, so he would know that I didnt make my friend Kelly up!

Leslie said...

cute, cute, cute Kelly! I love that pearl ring!!!

petrii said...

This was such a great piece!! You must be thrilled with the way it turned out. And that little Harper playing in the background was so cute!!!

Have a Blessed day,

amy said...

okay, you are just TOO beautiful, did a GREAT job (no reason to be chawed!), and I loved hearing your sweet voice! God is using you in MIGHTY ways, Kelly!

Angela said...

Kelly, You sound different when you are talking to an adult! Almost didn't think it was your voice. :-) HA!
Great interview and story. You did marvelous darling!

Anonymous said...

This was SO cool!! Great job, Kelly!!! Even my 6 and 7 year old begged to watch it twice.


amywelborn said...

GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Angela said...

Don't you always hate to hear yourself on video? I always do once I am video taped, never been on the news..ha! ;-)
You did great!! You sounded so professional!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

You sound just as I imagined you would. :) (I was called a Yankee when we lived in Houston b/c of my "Midwest" dialect). Great job on the interview, Kelly.

Jenny said...

You did an awesome job Kelly!!! I thought you looked as beautiful as always!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great job you did although I have to say that I think little Harper was the star of that clip! How cute is she? Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I know, right? What is it about your life we all find so fascinating? I can tell you for me it's your persistent cheer, and faith in Jesus, and your home, everything is so pretty, and shiny and happy. sigh.
I love your life.

I know it's not all a bucket of roses, but gosh- it smells like it to me.


Puttin' On The GRITS said...

Aw, you did great!! :) :)

Anonymous said...

I loved the interview. My fiance teases me because I read complete strangers' blogs. I really enjoy your updates and Harper is just too sweet. We have a puppy as our first born but after we get married, I hope to start our family. Thanks for everything that you have shared with the world!

Amy @ Keep'n The SunnySide said...

Great interview!

Kelly said...

Now Dawson is famous too!

Lilly's Mommy said...

Oh Kelly this was great! This was so interesting and you came out so natural. Born blogger star!I will have my hubby watch it tonight cause he knows I am your big fan!
I haven't left a comment in a while but still read your blog every single day! You are my inspiration.
Have a blessed day!
Agata from IL

Jayme said...

Not sure why, but I kind of teared up watching your video! I guess blogging means so much to me after we moved away from Arkansas. All of my friends and family are still there and this is the best way to keep up with them. My MIL says our blog is what gets her through each day, getting to see her sweet Ellie!
You should not feel embarassed at all...you did great and did us other mommy bloggers proud! Thanks again for sharing your story!

Tonya said...

LOVED seeing your interview! You look great! Thanks for sharing with us!


Alissa said...

Kelly! You are so cute! :) Great job!

Lisa said...

That is awesome Kelly!!!!

Jess :) said...

Girl...you ROCKED that news story! :) I also have to say that you looked beautiful and what "diet" are you talking about? You look fabulous, sister! Just saying!!

Oh, and I finally got to see the 4th header...the picture with you, Scott, and Harper!! I was so excited...because that one has still never come up for me! :) YAY!

EC said...

You did great!!! That is just too neat!

Unknown said...

Wow!! I just stumbled on your blog recently, and I'm hooked. :)

Unknown said...

kelly you looked FAB-U-LOUS!!! great job girl!!

and CHAWED -- that word cracks me up!!
i love it and i think i'm gonna have to steal that one and share it; of course, being from Georgia you know it will pronounced "chaawwwwwwed"!!!

i can't wait to say, "i'm so chawwed y'all" ha ha ha!!

Lauren said...

That was AWESOME, Kelly! Congrats on the story. You should be proud of yourself!!

Preppy Mama said...

Wow you were great!! Its so nice to hear your "real" voice after reading your blog for so long!!

Alisha Harris said...

Don't feel "chawed" you looked great!! Loved it!

Lauren said...

Girl... loved it, you did a wonderful job. They did a great job of putting the story together!! :)

Steph said...

I stayed up last night so I could watch it and I thought it was awesome!!!! My husband also said that it was a really good interview!!!

Mrs. Shelton said...

You look great! It is so funny to actually "meet" you and put a voice with a face. I know you have been an inspiration to me and many other bloggers. You are the first blog I read each day and my husband and I look forward to seeing what Harper is doing each day! Great news clip!

Katie said...

Cute, Kelly!! You looked and sounded great! Does Dawson sit up there between your hands when you type alot?? That was too funny...but probably very familiar to you. Trust me, it's funny!! ;o)

And the chawed bit with Emily....HAHAHAHA! That's fabulous! Every once in a while Amelia will come out with something, either talking or doing, and I'm thinking "Oh my word, I do (say) that, and she's getting that from me." It's like they are little mirrors of yourself and you get to see things that you don't realize sometimes! Chawed...I love it!

Rach@In His Hands said...

No need to be chawed, Kelly!! God has blessed you......and we are blessed to know you. :-) You were fabulous!

Anonymous said...

You did a great job!!!!

Green Mountain Living said...

*scream* Oh my goodness I felt nervous for you but you did so great hee hee. You looked adorable...your a natural on camera Kelly...think this will spiral into a talk show?? LOL.

Joyce K said...

Great story Kelly! No reason to be chawed over it. Harper is a doll!

Anna said...

you did so good!! and can I just say I absolutely LOVE your pillows! sorry that was very random.

Rachel said...

You did totally awesome...SUPERSTAR!! And Dawson, he just stole the show. I'm so glad I found your blog 2 yrs ago. It's part of my daily routine and I thank you for sharing your life with us....the good and the bad.

tonya said...

So happy that you shared this! You represented blogging moms BEAUTIFULLY...made me proud to be one!!

Alli said...

That was FANTASTIC!! Congratulations!

Rachel said...

What a GREAT video! You should feel very honored that they chose to talk to you. You look like a natural on camera!

Kayla said...

You are adorable! God is definitely using you through this blog. I love checking in on your precious family.

Megan said...

I think this story gave a nice representation of your blog. The piece made me cry and I'm not really sure why. Maybe it's thinking about how you've blessed so many by sharing your life on your blog. I look forward to reading it every day. I also look forward to seeing you again one day and meeting Harper Brown.

Carrie said...

So that's what you sound like...I've always wondered :) I love the ring you are wearing, very trendy!

Because of your 'coolness' I think I am going to start to buy cool chunky rings, you've inspired me.

Where does your husband work? It has got to be in marketing/design/advertising. That is one of the neatest work spaces I have seen!

Deb said...

Loved the video. You did a great job! Thanks for sharing your life with us:)

Traci said...

You done good girl! And you've never looked better. I have to tell you that my son (who is about to be 13) is in LOVE with Harper. He asked me for weeks on a daily basis how Harper was doing, saying she was the cutest baby he had ever seen. Now he's just decided to read your blog everyday so he can keep up on his own.

And...yesterday he brought the chicken recipe to me and asked if I'd make it. Hilarious.

Sara said...

I think you did great! It is neat to see you all in action instead of just photos! Thanks for sharing!


Great job Kelly! I think you pretty much summed up everything about blogging mom's! I love to blog and I love to read about your family! Harper looks adorable, as always!

My baby is only 3 months older than Harper, (I know this is crazy, considering we have never met), but it's fun to watch them grow up together!

Anonymous said...

That was great Kelly!! I think it really highlighted your personality! I loved seeing you and Harper in "real life" instead of pictures....that's a nice change. You should be proud!

In His Army said...

Oh I'm SO glad you shared this! You did great girl!!!!

michelle said...

Great job!

Joshua and Rachel said...

That is so awesome!! I have really enjoyed reading your blog for almost the last year! You crack me up. I now have gotten my mom & a friend from work addicted to your blog as well!

Julia said...

Is it sad that I actually CRIED when I watched this? It's either that I'm so very proud of you because I have been reading your blog for 2 years now...or I'm having PMS...or this big bump on my forehead has given me concussion. I think it's the first...I'm SOOOOO proud of you Kelly! You may not feel like it, but you have inspired so many women (not just Moms) and you are very funny and cute and God is using you in mighty ways to reach His NATIONS!!!

I love chawed! haha, that's awesome! I just love things like that between friends. My BF from college and I always call each other Tisha, we have no idea why...haha!

Anyway, YOU are soooo cute, and Dawsome is soooo cute, and Harper is soooooooooooo cute!!! I love it!

OK, so I tried to Direct Message you on Twitter and it won't let me. What's up with that?

Suzi said...

I've never really commented before but I love reading your blog and think you did a wonderful job in your interview... you looked so comfortable! God bless you and baby Harper. She is adorable!

Suzi from Dallas

Kate said...

you did such a great job!

jaime said...

that was a great story!! You did a really great job!

Michelle said...


Great story. You look wonderful on camera! ;-)

melissa said...

Your so cute!

BOWquet said...

That's awesome! You are so cute! You sound just as I imagined. A sweet and beautiful southern belle! :)

Renee said...

GREAT segment Kelly! Thanks for saying it so well for all us momma's out there in bloggy land! ;-D

Anna said...

I loved it. You did a fantastic job. Being an AR girl I get the accent thing. I can't leave the state without someone saying "where are you from?".

Johanne said...

AWESOME!!! You look great. As neat as it is for you to see who is reading , its neat to see that I am part of this crowd of readers. Wow. Keep up the good work.

Karen~ said...

Not a thing to be embarrassed about, you did a wonderful job Kelly!! How exciting is that!!!

I also love the fact you included Dawson, how sweet!


Sweet Simplicity said...

What a neat piece! You looked great on camera!!

Mrs.HVK said...

You are so cute! Love the accent:)

PunkRockChic said...

You look great! I've been following your blog since you were pregnant and have always admired your heart and transparency. This little snippet truly shows your heart and makes me like and admire you that much more!

Liberty Ruffles said...

Thanks for sharing that. Ir brought me to tears to see your family interacting and seeing Harper playing in the background.

My name is Sara. said...

I have been reading for quite some time and have never commented. I saw your story on the news! You are a wonderful inspiration to all women! Keep up your wonderfulness(Is that a word?) =)
Sara - Fort Smith

Anonymous said...

That was great! You didn't look "chawed" at all!

The Sweet Life said...

You did awesome!!!

Erica said...

You did a GREAT job! I'm a local NWA girl and I missed it, so I'm glad you posted it here.

Unknown said...

Fabulous video!

Kirsten said...

Thats awsome!! You should think of it as a blessing and a way to spread the good news. I know how you feel when you see yourself on video, you never think that sounds like you. :) You look great!

Becky said...

Don't feel "chawed" that was perfect! You are just precious and your story is still inspiring! You looked great too! :)

Kelley said...

You did awesome! Great job.

Aimee said...

My husband and I both watched last night!! You did an awesome job! And Harper is absolutely adorable!

The Haymans said...

Yay Kelly!! OH my gosh! You did SO good! I would have been so nervous! As always, Harper is such a doll!!!

MaryAZ said...

What a great news report. You all looked great, no reason to be embarrassed...even your fur baby was cute! I like how your dog likes to watch the computer!

Melissa said...

You did wonderful! You should feel honored and proud of yourself. BTW you looked amazing! I bet you cried when you watched it!

Chelsa said...

it was fun to hear your voice :)

Anonymous said...

I adore you and little Harper Brown. I read your blog all the time and feel like you are a close friend, I haven't met yet. You are so level-headed and real. Thanks for being who God wants you to be to bless us other mommies who need to be reminded we are not alone on this journey.

Ruthie said...

Kelly, I loved it! I always love acutally hearing the voice of a blogger I read all the time and seeing your mannerisms, etc. You did such a great job!!! I totally teared up when they were talking about Harper being born sick, etc. It was so good to see her happy, healthy face and be reminded once again of God's miracle in her life!

Awesome job!

Crystal said...

Kelly you so good! I would have been very nervous! I live in NC but I wish I could have saw the whole interview live on TV. I saw that your friends are moving to Charlotte, NC...Charlotte is GREAT they will love it! Good place to visit too :)

Abby said...

Kelly, you are so stinkin' cute! Your interview went wonderful - you have no reason to be "chawed!"

Haley said...

You did great! What an awesome interview. I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now and it is amazing! You have a beautiful family. My husband just got home from Iraq a few months ago and we are trying to have a baby :) Best of luck to you and your family! Harper is ADORABLE!

Because of Love said...

That was great! You did wonderful (and looked so pretty!)

Megan said...

You did great! I loved what you had to say. And Harper was a STAR in her cameo! You have no reason to be chawed (I'm spreading that to Houston, by the way - love it!)

Misti said...

That was great! Thank you for sharing it with us!

Rachel said...

Great job !!! But I know how you feel, I always pick myself apart on camera too !!!

Lindsey said...

What a great interview...you did a wonderful job! I loved how Dawson had to get in on the action...cute!!!

Sassy said...

Kelly you did great!

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

How fun! You looked great!!! Blogging is such a wonderful way to be in contact with others who may be going through what you're going through. Fantastic interview!

Unknown said...

WHATEVER!!!! you are adorable, I love your accent! (did I spell that right?) WOW' 7 million people at one point or time... HOLLY cow! Harper sure helps make your blog so sweet! LOVE YOUR BLOG, your so sweet and great!

Anonymous said...

Great job! Wow! It was neat to see you in person! I thought you would of had a stronger accent! Ha! You looked great! Good for you! I finally have joined the blogging world and love it!

Anonymous said...

Love it! No need to feel "chawed", although that phrase is hilarious!

Miss Marnie said...

You are adorable!! It was fun to see Harper in the background in her little saucer and Dawson helping you out on the computer :)
God bless you and your family.

Anita Grace said...

Thanks for sharing! It's amazing how this whole blogging world has grown so much over the past few years... and you shouldn't be feeling 'chawed' at all!

Veronica said...

Kelly, you did such an awesome job! It was so neat to be able to watch you and see you talk in real life! Alyssa was watching it with me and she was like, "Can we watch it again?" So cute! I also loved seeing Dawson sitting on your lap and Harper did such a great job playing right there next to you!

k and c's mom said...

KELLY! We are all so proud of you! You gave an amazing interview. Thanks for daily joy on your blog.

Heather said...

That's so stinking cool!! You look fabulous and did so great! Your a natural behind the camera, and what's even cooler is the way the Lord is using you, around the world even! Your like a missionary on-line! I am one of those mom's who is so happy that I found your blog!

Shannon said...

You did great!! I've been reading your blog daily since Harper was born and really enjoy you guys!! It was fun to actually get to 'see and hear' you on the video!! Put a voice with the face! Keep up the great work!!

Jocelyn said...

Great story. And you should not be chawed... you look and sound great!!

Leigh Ann said...

I loved it! You did FANTASTIC and should not be chawed (that made me laugh out loud). I do think there might be something wrong with me though because I am crying after watching it! All those pictures of Harper in the hospital got me again!

P.S. Can I have your autograph?

Maryellen said...

You did so great! You shouldn't be "chawed" at all!


A Texas Gal said...

It is so nice to hear your voice! :) You did great!

Jennifer said...

Thanks for sharing! I am so happy you blog. I look forward to reading yours everyday! You are such an inspiration!

CAMoore said...

Girl you are a doll! Great job!

2SetsOfTwins4Me said...

You are so pretty Kelly.
And no need to be embaressed, you did a wonderful job and you looked great.

KVH said...

You did wonderful! I don't know why you were freaking out in the beginning. It's great to know what your voice sounds like - now I can hear it in my head when I read your blog.

Heather said...

You did AWESOME!!! Love it and love you!

Marianne said...

Chawed??? Never!! That was fabulous! You looked great and was very well-spoken. Wait until Harper gets to see that someday, she'll be so proud of her momma.

momMYsliceoflife said...

You did great, Kelly! You and Harper both looked super cute!

Jacquie said...

I told you you were famous! Ha! They did a great job and I loved seeing Harper and Dawson just hanging out with you.

Ells said...

Fantastic! You did a great job in the interview!

Michelle said...

Girl, you have no reason to feel CHAWED (which by he way, I'm SO using that word now!), you are TOO CUTE! Great job!

purejoy said...

i don't know why i keep coming back, but i do!! your interview was great and it was so neat to hear your voice and know you just a little bit better. i say that not as a creeper/blogstalker, but as an e-friend.

Merissa said...

You are adorable. I love your house...you have great taste. You did a fantastic job on the news. I use Google reader to keep up with my blogs and you are in my "daily" section. I love seeing what you have to say.

The Fabulous Baker Boys said...

You did GREAT! And you look FABULOUS! I agree it was nice to see you, Scott, & Harper in action. I also visit your site everyday just to see what y'all are up to. Have a great day!

Waters, Inc. said...

My favorite part is seeing Dawson in your lap while you are trying to type. Adorable!

Kristine McKowen said...

You are just adorable!

B.D.Riehl said...

Aw...you did such a good job!!! You look wonderful :)

Angel said...

I just loved hearing your voice finally! You did great!

Melissa said...

I think you did great! You are so cute!!

Melissa said...

Don't feel chawed!! You were fabulous!

Nancy said...

Loved it! I love blogging & keeping memories alive for my family & friends to see. Again...you are doing a great job & I'm thankful to have found your site!

Tiffany said...

I loved the video! I'm new to the blogging world but have been reading your blog long before I started my own. I am still trying to get my blog up and going successfully.You are truly blessed!


Kristen said...

Too fun - you did GREAT! Why are you embarrassed? You have no reason to be - what a honor to be featured like that!

Never heard of the word chawed before but now I might have to use it - I like it!

Cindy S. said...

You're so cute :) Loved seeing you!

Ms. Tonya said...

Awesome video Kelly!

Reflecting the Sparks said...

How AWESOME! Thanks for sharing. You were great!

Anonymous said...

Cool!! Thanks for sharing!

Viva Cuervo said...

Nice interview. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Lindsay said...

Thank you for sharing this! I was hoping you would post it! You look beautiful and did a wonderful job!

Tonia Hobbs said...

Dont feel chawed!! It was wonderful! Just really inspiring. I love blogging and I am so glad you are an inspiration to keep on. . .

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

You are just the cutest little thing... and you did so good girl! My goodness, your hair is so adorable. You can't go too wrong if you're having a good hair day!!

Michelle Whitlow said...

awww, that was so nice!!! It was so nice to be able to hear your voice :)

The Simmons Family said...

Oh you did great!!! I know exactly what you mean about feeling "chawed". We did a news interview on Owen and I felt the SAME way. I definetly know my calling is NOT in television! :)

Blogging is great! I only wish I would have started sooner. 2 years now and I a post a day and I have a bazillion memories documented. I don't think I'll ever tire of it.


Leslie said...

You did a great job!! How exciting.

Andrea said...

Kelly- I was an opera performance major in college, and I have always hated to watch myself on tv too, but I think you did great, and you are too cute!

I loved seeing Harper smile towards the end...:-)

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