All of those nights when I was so lonely and cried wondering what was wrong with me that I couldn't find a husband. All those months when the test was negative again and I wondered if I would ever be a mother. All those days when I thought God was punishing me or maybe He had forgotten me..............
I'm pretty sure God was smiling on those days and saying to Himself ...." Just Wait". Because he knew that in the years to come.....there would be days like today - a beautiful day in July when I felt like my heart would burst with happiness from how blessed I feel.
There was nothing extraordinary about today. I didn't win any awards. I didn't earn a large amount of money. I didn't run 15 miles. But my baby wore a new dress that I thought was adorable.
We didn't go on vacation or lay on a beach today......but we played with cute boys at play group like Caleb and his momma Robin.
We didn't eat at a fancy restaurant.....but we had tacos and cupcakes at our friend Jessica's house and watched kids like John Michael and Neely get chocolate all over their faces as they devoured their cupcakes. That beats cavier anyday!
We don't have a perfect clean house or a manicured lawn to come home to.....but we saw little Kade smile for the first time today!
And we got to go to the camp I grew up going to and saw Harper's grandparents who are crazy about her. (I asked them if they were on their way to an Auburn football game. ha!)
We didn't go to Disneyworld or the Circus but we saw some of my parent's church kids playing volleyball.
We didn't go shopping at the Galleria.....but we got a coke from the Snack Shack where mommy spent many, many hours working every summer during college at camp.
Yes, it wasn't an extraordinary day. But it was a wonderful, wonderful day full of friends and family and a baby I love more than life. And every sad moment I ever had in my life, every minute I thought God wasn't hearing my prayers......He was. And His answer has been better than my wildest dream. Sometimes I worry I'm going to wake up and have to give this life back because it's better than I deserve.

P.S. I thought you might like to see a video we made tonight of Harper eating. First I'm feeding her avacados and applesauce. She does not like it. So we go back to just applesauce. She cracks us up because she always takes a bite and then looks to see if her daddy is looking and then flashes a HUGE smile. I could eat her up with a spoon. (I didn't put a bib on her because I was about to get her ready for bed and I had to wash her outfit anyway so why dirty a bib too??? ha!)
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 216 of 216 Newer› Newest»that is the sweetest little smile!!!!
Kelly, what a great post and a great reminder for me to just keep waiting on God and His perfect time for my husband!!
Harper is SO sweet!!!!
I love this posting. I just found your blog and it is so fun to hear the rewards of another stay at home mom. you took the words right out of my mouth.
honestly this was one of the cutest videos ever. seriously her smiles were the CUTEST!!!!!!! i LOVED this blog, as it gave me the confidence to keep on waiting for mr. right to walk in my life!!!
you think you treasure these videos now, wait a few years til when you 'stumble' upon them and you'll be AMAZED at how cute and adorable and tiny harper was! we just started watching some videos today of my 4 and 6 year old nieces and all those memories (which i totally forgot about!) melt my heart!!!!!
xoxo megan from wi
Miss Harper, you made my day!!
I wish that video was an HOUR LONGER . . so cute. I could watch her chomped on that spoon and then flash the big grin forever.
God is so good!!
What a cute post!! And the video at the end is adorable!!! Love it all. Makes me even more excited for the arrival of our little one in December!
That is the cutest thing I have seen in a LOOOOONNNG time! She is just precious! :)
I love watching your videos of you and Harper! For one, I love to hear your cute little accent (!), but I also love to see Harper laughing!!
Thanks again for the encouragement about waiting. It's getting harder and harder and I'm definitely at the state where I'm questioning everything about myself.
Thanks again!
OHHH MYYYY GOOODNESS! That's the cutest thing-hers a daddy's girl!
Kelly, this is such a beautiful post. Thank you so much for sharing your heart. I was at a conference with Lysa Terkeurst last year and she talked about this a bit and every time I think about it I just tear up. She reminded us that what God has planned is so much better than what we think we want or have planned and that there are times that we have to "wait on the Lord" and rest in His perfect timing.
Kelly, thank you for this post - it is such a ministry to us single girls - thank you for reminding us that God is listening and thinking 'just wait.' P.S. LOVE the video, Harper's smile is just too cute.
I love this post! I know exactly how you feel! The biggest joys come from seeing the little baby girls smile...not by a new dress or pair of shoes or get a gift or going on a wonderful vacation! I love her litte dress and her big smile!
This was the cutest, most awesome, and funny thing yet! Just like all little girls, flash that huge smile for Daddy! She is a doll!
Oh my word, she is too precious! And I am glad you explained about the bib, because I was so nervous watching it. Whew. I can exhale now.
Applesauce won't stain but here is my mom tip - BANANAS ARE FOREVER.
Love the video. Her little faces are too funny.
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