Thursday, July 23, 2009

Just Wait.........

All of those nights when I was so lonely and cried wondering what was wrong with me that I couldn't find a husband. All those months when the test was negative again and I wondered if I would ever be a mother. All those days when I thought God was punishing me or maybe He had forgotten me..............

I'm pretty sure God was smiling on those days and saying to Himself ...." Just Wait". Because he knew that in the years to come.....there would be days like today - a beautiful day in July when I felt like my heart would burst with happiness from how blessed I feel.

There was nothing extraordinary about today. I didn't win any awards. I didn't earn a large amount of money. I didn't run 15 miles. But my baby wore a new dress that I thought was adorable.
We didn't go on vacation or lay on a beach today......but we played with cute boys at play group like Caleb and his momma Robin.
We didn't eat at a fancy restaurant.....but we had tacos and cupcakes at our friend Jessica's house and watched kids like John Michael and Neely get chocolate all over their faces as they devoured their cupcakes. That beats cavier anyday!
We don't have a perfect clean house or a manicured lawn to come home to.....but we saw little Kade smile for the first time today!
And we got to go to the camp I grew up going to and saw Harper's grandparents who are crazy about her. (I asked them if they were on their way to an Auburn football game. ha!)
We didn't go to Disneyworld or the Circus but we saw some of my parent's church kids playing volleyball.
We didn't go shopping at the Galleria.....but we got a coke from the Snack Shack where mommy spent many, many hours working every summer during college at camp.
Yes, it wasn't an extraordinary day. But it was a wonderful, wonderful day full of friends and family and a baby I love more than life. And every sad moment I ever had in my life, every minute I thought God wasn't hearing my prayers......He was. And His answer has been better than my wildest dream. Sometimes I worry I'm going to wake up and have to give this life back because it's better than I deserve.

P.S. I thought you might like to see a video we made tonight of Harper eating. First I'm feeding her avacados and applesauce. She does not like it. So we go back to just applesauce. She cracks us up because she always takes a bite and then looks to see if her daddy is looking and then flashes a HUGE smile. I could eat her up with a spoon. (I didn't put a bib on her because I was about to get her ready for bed and I had to wash her outfit anyway so why dirty a bib too??? ha!)


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Leslie @ Lamberts Lately said...

So cute! Is the video private for everyone else? I can't see it.

Kara said...

Kelly, I can't think of anyone who deserves this happiness than you. Soak it all in, girl! You DO deserve it! Harper is BEAUTIFUL as always! God Bless!

ClintandGina said...

I felt like I waited forever for a married at age 28. Now, I see that it was all in God's perfect timing. Love Harper's outfit! I found out this week that baby Ava is allergic to protein in cow's milk, so I am trying to give up milk products. Any words of wisdom?

Ashley said...

I can't see it either :o( I love those extra special days, too. God is so sweet to us, isn't He?

Shea said...

I've never left you a comment before, but like so many others find myself reading your blog daily. The words you said today must be the most beautiful I've read. You spoke from every mother's heart! God is doing such awesome work through you!

Emily said...

I LOVED that camp. Oh.. such good memories!

the day's said...

so true!! may god bless you, harper, and all the wonderful days to come! :)

Heather said...

Love the video! Great post! It's the little things that make life special and it's amazing how God can keep the world spinning and pay attention to every detail in our lives, we are blessed!

Nicole said...

Could your baby be any cuter?? That dress is adorable!! This was such a great post. I really needed to hear this today , it really spoke to me! Thanks (grin)

BTW - The video was private here too :o(

The Taffs said...

WAR EAGLE!!! I love to see anyone wearing orange and blue....even a couple of Arkansas fans!

Priscilla said...

I LOVE Harper's new dress!! It seems like Harper loves it too. She is absolutley adorable. She is one stylin' and happy baby!!!!!! I love all the pictures with her pacifier, it reminds me of my son when he was a baby. They do make life a little easier :)

Aurelie said...

Harper is super adorable! I could just eat her up!

Kara said...

P.S. The video is precious, and I know that big grin melts that Daddy's heart! and Momma's too =)
P.P.S. Your words sure do make the "waiting" easier! Thanks Kelly!

Jill said...

i feel the same way...SO thankful for the life i have been given. i may not have tons of money or get to jet off to fabulous vacations, but i have an amazing husband and two children who make my heart burst every day. i struggle sometimes thinking that i do NOT deserve these blessings...but i am so thankful for them!
glad you had a great day...summer camps are awesome and i love that darling dress harper is wearing!

Kris and Lisa Goodwin said...

How cute! I loved the video-her smile is just precious.

I really needed to hear what you posted today. Thank you! Just Wait-its hard sometimes and have been going through waiting for a child for three years now, but know God is having us wait for a reason. Thank you Kelly.

Lisa Goodwin

Myra @ My Blessed Life said...

Kelly, this is such a precious post! Loving life and mommyhood is SO SO special! I love little Caleb's outfit! I have the same one for Ridley! Cute! Harper is just so precious!

Heather said...

oh and my 5 year old just pointed out how clean your kitchen table is. She said, "Mommy, her table is all nice and clean, yours (mine) is a messier than hers." She also said Harper was cute.

Cynthia said...

Awww! That is the cutest video ever! SO cute how she keeps going from eating to flashing a huge grin for daddy!

Leslie @ Lamberts Lately said...

I can see it now...that is the most precious thing I've ever seen!

Thanks for this post...I really needed something like this right now!

Kathy said...

That video is ADORABLE!!!!!!

She is a DOLL!

Glad you had an awesome day! :)

Melissa Miller said...

What a living doll! Sweet post! :)

Anonymous said...

That video is precious. You can certainly see that she will always have daddy wrapped around her finger with that big smile! Too cute!

Christa said...


I loved the post! That video was too cute...I just love her smile!!!!

Have a good evening!

Myra @ My Blessed Life said...

Harper's smile just made me laugh out loud! Does she kick her right leg alot? Ridley seems to do it constantly when he's eating. Kinda like "give me more!" Ha!

Holly Bailey said...

I totally love how you feel like God has totally begun to show you His grace in having you wait to find your husband. I too have started to realize many things like that recently due to my husband coming home from his second deployment. I am about to freak you out a bit, but I know Robin from a camp called T Bar M that we worked at in the summer of 2001. Can you please tell her that Holly Baker (that is my maiden name) says hello and tell her that I have a blog and would love to hear from her. Kelly, your positive attitude and your amazing love for the Lord has inspired me in many ways, thank you!

Holly Bailey

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Harper is a lucky little girl, I never got to taste avacados until I was 50+. And those smiles to Daddy are priceless!

jenmom said...

Hey! I was wondering about the avacados. My little girl is 5 months old and we've just started rice cereal. Is there a particular nutritional benefit to the avacados?

Alyssa said...

How precious. I feel the same way about God recently. I went through a depression and anxiety for THREE MONTHS and I was convinced God hated me. Now, I know he loves me with everything. And that video of Harper, talk about precious! That smile!

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness! That video of Harper is soo stinkin' cute! Sweet, sweet smiles :))

Julie D. said...

oh my word, that is too cute. My 8 month old hates avocados too. Doesn't matter what we mix them in. Oh well! I absolutely love that smile she flashes to her daddy! How stinkin cute is that?!!

Samantha said...

what a beautiful post!

Tasha said...

yall are just too cute

Pamela said...

Kelly she is adorable and you all definently had a day full of treasures! But one thing...where is her bib?? You always have a bib on her!:) My boy enjoyed watching a baby they do not know as they pointed out to me.

Sarah Thompson said...

that video is adorable! what a sweet little girl!

Jennifer T said...

HOW CUTE!!! i just sat here and laughed everytime she looked over and smiled!! loved that!

Jessica said...

I laughed so hard at the video. Her smile is so precious!

Sweet, Sassy, Southern and Classy said...

What a great post, Kelly! I loved this! You are so right, it is the little things in life that make the biggest difference. I loved watching the video of Harper. I giggled every time she flashed her huge smile! Little kids bring so much joy.


i really needed to hear the first couple lines.. "just wait". :))) your fabulous.

This Texas Momma said...

Aww, thank you for reminding me to count my blessings and take comfort in the little things!

Cathy said...

I'm from Auburn so I love your parents' fashion choices. War Eagle! Harper's a cutie!

Anna said...

That video is just hilarious!! She is so adorable!!

Jo said...

She has already learned how to get her Daddy wrapped around her finger I love the video!......Jo

Bethany said...

Adorable video!

Thank you so much for your posts- they are so inspirational to me. I'm going to start printing some of them out to read when I'm down!! ;)

The Plunks said...

What a beautiful smile! I even made my husband come in and see it. I'll bet your husband is just over the moon for her.

Holli said...

That was the sweetest post EVER! I love love Harper's flashy smile! Smacking those little lips trying to get every drop...there is nothing sweeter! Thanks for sharing!

The Allens said...

I love the dress and this was a wonderful post.

Taylor said...

Awww...I love it! And yes you do deserve every bit of if sister! That little girl has no idea (yet) how incredibly blessed she is to have such wonderful parents!!!

Jennifer said...

I LOVED the video! It was so precious when she would smile at her daddy.
I loved the Snack Shack. That's so fun that you worked there.
I'm so glad you had such a wonderful day!

Jill said...

For three years, I would hear God say, "it's not your turn." I thank Him every day, since finding out that I'm pregnant...He finally said, "it's your turn!" Nothing like it!! :)

Awww...those pics make me miss my counselor days at Siloam!!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

This brings back so many memories...all of these "little" things are so much sweeter when you've waited for them awhile. Enjoy every minute, Kelly!

Melissa said...

Hi Kelly,
I'm one of the single girls on your prayer list. 36 and waiting for the perfect husband and, God willing, a couple of precious kiddos to even it all out. But you know what? I had the same kind of day you did. Completely full of joy and--literally--breathless anticipation. Even though my heart often aches for a family of my own, more and more I am seeing and taking advantage of the many, many blessings God has for me in the here and now. After so many years of waiting and watching and, frankly, coveting, I think I'm finally figuring out how to love the life I have, even as I dream about all that I hope is to come. God is SO GOOD!

(And that Harper...sigh...I could eat her with a spoon, too! P.R.E.C.I.O.U.S!)


Whitney said...

This is absoutly precious. I am planning a wedding and this makes me so ready for the chapters that are ahead for me. Keep up this ministry!

amy said...

War Eagle! :)

The Whites said...

your video is precious!!

Elyse said...

Waiting patiently here! I do not have a desire to marry yet but one day, I know, my time will come. Thanks for the encouragement. Harper totally cracked me up with her smiles. TOO CUTE!

Tracy said...

Kelly, Great Post! What a great day!

Kelli said...

Great post and that video is the best!

5th Belle Avenue said...

What an awesome post!! I can only imagine how encouraging it is for the single ladies out there. Thank you for posting this piece of your heart!

Wendy said...

She is too cute with her smiles after each bite. Each smile makes it ALL worth it. Just wait until she says 'mama', then you will be completely wrapped around her little finger!

Rick and Amanda said...

Kelly, your blog is wonderful! I read it everyday! Today's post was so adorable! Harper is a cutie, especially in the video! Thanks for sharing!


Unknown said...

AWESOME post!! You never know what you're one day away from.... and thank God that He does things on His own timing and NOT ours! Praise the Lord. :)

Colleen said...

Kelly she is SO beautiful! I love her new dress. I still thank God for saving precious Harper. She is such a darling baby and I know you love her so much.

THE SPIVEY"S said...

Loved the video. After a bad day it really made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that. :)

Donna Spivey in Lexington, SC

momMYsliceoflife said...

Kelly, this is my favorite post to date, I think. So inspiring! It really just makes me want to praise the Lord :). I love days like what you just described.

Ps. I'm in love with the dress Harper is wearing! I think you should share where each outfit is from b/c I love what she is wearing! :D

Jess :) said...

That is just too precious!! Oh my goodness gracious! I was SMILING bigger than she was just because I was watching her. It had me cracking up, also!

Thank you for being such a glorious light in my life, Kelly! :)

Milla & her mommy said...

Oh the days I spent working at the Sugar Shack at my summer camp! I put on my freshman 15 before college even started! Great times!

Thank you for reminding me of my blessings, I needed that today.

Amie Trees-Whiting said...

This is the cutest thing ever!!! My husband and I watched it twice and we both laughed so hard!! She is so adorable!! Thanks for sharing!!!

mc richie said...

Hey Kelly - I know you don't know me, but I have been reading about you and Harper for some time now...I am not real sure how I randomly found your blog, maybe God just wanted me to find y'all!! I feel like your words "just wait" came right out of my mouth. although our stories are somewhat different, all I have ever wanted to be my whole life is a mommy... and a wife (but I wanted a baby more than anything)!!! After spending 8 long years in a not so wonderful relationship that was going no where... I thought my dreams were out of reach! Luckily I re-connected with an old friend, and 6 months later was engaged (I just had to be patient for the right time and the right guy to come back into my life)! Then, after getting married at 28, I was told that I have PCOS badly and that IF I was even able to conceive it would be VERY hard and may take a while. We had discussed differnt options and how long we would wait and see if I could get pregnant on my own. Much to our surprise, I was actually pregnant the entire time we were talking about these plans. I was rushed to the ER last October, thinking I was passing another kidney stone...just to find out that we were expecting, and not only was I pregnant but 16...YES 16 weeks along with NO IDEA!! No sickness, no tiredness, just clueless!! I delivered my Beckham on March 13th by c-section! He was 3 weeks early and only weighed 5 pounds 10 ounces...he spent 6 days in the NICU in Ft. Worth just to help him regulate his bloodsugar levels. His levels were low due to my gestational diabetes. He is doing great and growing like a weed. All this to say, that I too need to "just wait" for God's timing. I couldn't be more blessed and often feel like I don't deserve this sure is perfect to me! I enjoy so much reading about your precious Harper...she is a step or 2 ahead of Beckham, so it is fun to see what is coming our way. He just went for his 4 month check up and started rice cereal today! Your blog inspires me...I am not so good with it year, however I have promised myself that I will so better and catch up over the summer before I go back to teaching (elementary special ed). It is so nice to meet you via blog... I feel like I know you!! - Molly Richie (Cleburne, Tx)

Kelli said...

Thanks for your ever encouraging words for those of us in waiting. Thought you might like to know that you are being talked about in Peru! (I am here for the summer and some of my friends saw me looking at your blog and said "who is that CUTE baby?!" :)


Tara G. said...

Priceless! Rejoicing with you!

Charity said...

Thanks so much for this post. I really needed to hear that today. Infertility is one of the hardest things I've faced. Let's just say it's been one of those days. (Could you please add me to your prayer blog?)

Love the little dress and the big smiles! :)

Annie said...

You have a precious family. Harper looks divine with that dress.

Ashley said...

She's perfect!

Darla said...

Really appreciated this post today!! Loved seeing the video of Harper too, it was so cute how she smiled for the video!!

CurlyKates said...

thanks so much for this post. you really wrote a lot of what i needed to read tonight. i hope that my "just wait" moment comes sometime soon ;) sometimes i just don't know...but i'm trying not to lose faith. thanks for letting God speak through you. i love your blog!

Shannon Willcutt said...

Love those days that remind us of how God is SO good ALL of the time!


Bamawhitney said...

those big smiles on that video are PRECIOUS!!!

Unknown said...

Oh' that was so DARLING! I just love how she would smile everytime she made eye contact with her daddy! What a doll! P.S. my hubby was leaning over and watching it with me he got a kick out of her loving her some daddy! My hubs also said your home aka kitchen is gorgeous. DIDO!

Megan said...

Thank you so much for the encouragement!

Jordan said...

That video is just about the most precious thing I have ever seen!! I love the way she flashes that big grin off and on it's like sje was hitting a light switch!

Kristin Stegent said...

So cute! Love that smile as she looks up at her daddy! :)

lil mama said...

What a beautifully sweet post :).

Mrs. H said...

Oh my goodness that was the sweetest video! Melt my heart!

Makes me wish my baby was still that age! Instead we are in the terrible 2's! But you know what...he still melts my heart...even those days I could pinch his little head off!

Enjoy your blog! Harper is just precious!
Krystal in North East TX

vcr said...

very random question...what kind of highchair is that? :)

Josh and Maggie said...

Thank you for your words of wisdom! I definitely needed to hear them today as I wait on God's timing in my life.

Michelle said...

Love this post!!

KK said...

So glad you had a good day and are appreciating the blessings you have been given.

Mommara said...

So cute! Love those special days. :)

Robyn said...

Ok I am not even her momma and I tell you that is precious!!!! I love the dress amd her little personality is just adorable. The way she flashes that smile at Daddy....oh my!

and I know exactly how you feel...isn't motherhood grand?! I sometimes have to pinch myself thinking of what God has given me

Kristen and Andy said...

What a sweet video - they are so much fun at that age - so much personality trapped inside a small body. Enjoy every minute! She is just so precious....

Love reading your blog and seeing Harper getting bigger and bigger - she is just too sweet!

Tyra said...

I was overcome with emotion as I was reading your blog post from today.

The video of Harper tickled me so much it made my teary-eyed!

God Bless

Anonymous said...


I'm a regular reader, but I hardly ever comment. I just wanted to let you know that your post was EXACTLY what I needed to see tonight. I'm waiting for my husband, but in a different way. God has already brought us together, but we're currently 5,000 miles apart from each other and have been for 11 months now. We're WAITING for U.S. immigration services to allow us to be together.

I just LOVE the idea that God is thinking "Just wait!" As you know, it's so HARD to wait, but reading your post tonight was very encouraging.

And the video of Harper was SO precious! I laughed right along with you and Scott every time that she flashed her beautiful smile at him :)

Thank you so much for sharing :)

Stephanie said...

I hope I have days like that someday! Harper made me laugh because of how she would smile for Daddy! So darn cute!

Stacey said...

The video of Harper was so sweet! It cracked me up when she would turn to your husband and smile the biggest smile. She is a true blessing!

Kristen said...

That sounds like a perfect day!

Jodi Lansink said...

Great post---brought tears to my eyes. With just losing my precious Jillian last week, it has been hard to think of "good things" but I think reading that just made me think about how extremely lucky I am to have 2 little girls I love with everything, and one little angel watching over us.

Thanks for this great post, and glad you had a wonderful day! :)

Becky said...

What a sweetheart Harper it! Glad you enjoyed your day. God is so good!!!

Shosh said...

Those spontaneous smiles are awesome!!!!

Emily Ann said...

Her smiling after each bite is just ahhhh so cute! Omg, made my heart just flutter every time! She's a dollbaby.

Beth said...

Oh Kelly, I was laughing so hard at Harper's adorable grin at her Daddy! She was so serious and focused on eating and then that huge grin! I showed my hubby and he was getting a kick out of her too! Harper and Gracie (our grand-daughter) are so close in age and doing much of the same things. My daughter, Gracie's mama, (who also follows your blog) has a blog too. If you get a chance check it out.

Kristi said...

Thanks for reminding me that some things are worth the wait. I really feel like you've been put "in my life" for such a time as this. Thanks.

Marla said...

So sweet how she would look up to her daddy and smile! Thanks for sharing!

Jacquie said...

Such a sweet post!! I got tickled by how you keep the highchair clean while Harper's eating!! Tyler would've had that dishrag covering his head or eating it or something.

Harper has THE sweetest personality!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Well said! I wouldn't change my life for anything!

Holly said...

My girls have that same sweet outfit! I love it!! God is good and perfect in every way....especially his timing!
Your sister in Him,
Gadsden, AL

Stacey said...

What a wonderful post! I love the video!

Jenn said...

That video of her smiling from ear to ear at her Daddy is the sweetest thing!

God is so good!!!

Holly said...

Love the video! Her smile is precious!

Aura said...

I thought this picture of Harper was really cute edited a little!

Hana said...

Isn't God just awesome! I wish every person would step back and realize what all they have to be thankful for! I'm glad that you are giving God the glory for what He has done in your life!! Harper looks adorable as usual! I wish I could figure out how to do the video thing...mine always end up w/o sound. I guess I'm sticking to photos for now! Today we played in the sprinklers...something simple but fun! Happy Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, this is one of the most adorable videos I have ever seen! We are in the process of getting ready for a move so I have been going through closets, organizing, and all sorts of things and decided to take a little break to check out a few blogs. I always love to see what you and Miss Harper are up to and just love this post! I am just sitting here in VA laughing so...goodness, I can just hear the love in Scott's voice as he is laughing and talking in the background...such a proud daddy! You all share such a special love and are such a blessing to so many! I know you and Harper have put a smile on my face, made me giggle, or sprinkled my day with a sweet thought so many times since I have been visiting your blog. I am still smiling at that adorable glad you shared it with us!! Each time I think of her smiling that amazing smile, I will just giggle allover again! :)



Robin and Stephen said...

Oh my goodness! That is the sweetest thing! She is so stinkin' cute!

Esther said...

That video was so funny! I just loved the smile she flashed her daddy. Such a Daddy's girl!

Tammy said...

What a beautiful, heartfelt, uplifting, encouraging post. Thanks for sharing about God's blessings!

Donna said...

Help!! I can't see the Harper video or your interview. Rats! I know they were great. Treasure all the "average"days with Harper. They will be the best.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.

DG said...

Ooooh, I so love that video, Harper could not be any cuter, love that smile, just what I needed tonight!

Julee said...

After a really hard day today your post not only made me smile and laugh, it also encouraged me! Thank you! :) That video is absolutely precious!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, the love you have for your precious baby is contagious. It makes me wanna go wake my babies up (1 & 2) and give them one more kiss and snuggle :) Every moment is truly a blessing, no matter if its a big, fancy event, or just another day at home with the family...I've learned to love each moment the same. Thank you so much for this post- it made my day

Anonymous said...

Is that Bogg Springs church camp? It looks kinda familiar!

Robin said...

Oh wow, the video was precious! I was laughing so much, my husband had to watch it too! We both agreed that it was ADORABLE! Thank you so much for sharing with us!



krislyn. said...

This made my night!! Harper's grin is priceless. =) And you are right, that dress is adorable.

Thank you for the encouragment -- Just wait .. It's what I needed to hear!

C said...

We waited 2 years to get pregnant with our sweet baby girl, and I feel the same way every, so grateful.
I LOVE how Harper turns that smile off and back on so quickly...absolutely hilarious:)

Lauren said...

I always add lime juice and greek seasoning to my avocado. My boy and girl both loved it. I know other momma's may think I am crazy, but I am from the south and love a little seasoning! Turns out so do my kids!

Brittany said...

Oh my goodness, Kelly. I am in hysterics over here! She is such a ham!

Thank you for the words of encouragement. As young people (I'm speaking for myself and so many others) life is just difficult sometimes. Today was one of those days where I wondered what God was doing in my life. Your words truly lifted me up. Thank you so much!

Hannah Elisabeth said...

I love that smile for her Daddy!!!
That is so precious!

Your southern voice is so precious!!!

mrs boo radley said...

LOVE her smile! She's so hilarious. You are so blessed. I love the simplicity of this post. Kudos.

~Amy Rose said...


Her smile w/ your laugh....Makes me smile! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I'm a single mother of two and let me tell you there are days where I look at my life and ask myself why am I being punished? Why don't my kids dads care and why can't I find the right guy. I feel hated by everyone and simply drained of everything. I must say your pictures show the true moments we live to see. I always cheer up when I see my babies smile at me and remember that I have a lot to be thankful for. I'm lucky to even have my son. I have been blessed and I pray every night that god could please do it again. I know he's there for me. He's looking over me and he will help me! Great post!

Claire said...

What a gorgeous post! And that video is just darling. :-)


Amber said...

Thank you for the reminder that God does have a plan for us. We too easily get caught up in our own plans. It's nice to be reminded every now and then.

LA said...

I had tears in my eyes when I read this post because I feel just the way you do. At 31 I still wasn't married and didn't have any "prospects". I was so lonely. Then I decided that I couldn't do anything to make a man marry me, but I could be a Mommy. I applied to adopt and was blessed with my daughter, Grace. She was the answer to so many prayers.

Then, out of the blue, I got a phone call from a guy whose parents went to my church. He asked me out and said that Grace could come on our date with us. I turned him down at first. Long story short, we finally went out and it turns out he was the one God had chosen for me. We married, he adopted Grace too, and we have two more "homegrown" babies.

I am happier than I've ever been , but still remember the sting of loneliness and feeling that God just didn't hear my cries. He did and has blessed me over and over.

Kelly said...

Happy for you. Thanks for sharing the video. I always enjoy them.

Buford Betty said...

What a sweet, sweet post! And I love the video - too darn cute!

Lynn and Jim said...

This video is soo adorable! I've watched it several times and can't stop laughing at how cute she is! You are truly blessd!
Lynn said...

So so cute...but the best part of the video is Scott's laugh. He just sounds so delighted. My husband always (and still) is so delighted when our daughter shows how much she adores her Daddy...and she's 17!

Sarah said...

So, so sweet. I'm crying and it's not even 8AM yet!

Katelyn said...

Oh my lanta, I can see why you want to eat her up with a spoon. That grin is so adorable! Thanks for sharing the cute video! :)

Beth said...

Oh, I so felt the same way when I was wanting a baby so badly!! I felt as if God wasn't listening to ALL my prayers...then I had my baby girl. All I can say is to eat her up now because these baby moments will be gone in a heartbeat!

Lauren said...

I love this post! You are so blesses, Kelly!

The video is a riot!

Stephaine Eads said...

GREAT POST! I think we should all take a second be thankful for what we have. I was just telling my husband we always seem to pray when we need something, but sometimes it is nice to pray and say thank you. Because every day is special in its own way...even if it is just an ordinary day.

tonya said...

This post is incredible! Thank you for reminding me of how very blessed I am.

Harper's outfit is SO pretty & the video is the cutest!!

Twinkletoes said...

So cute - that smile could brighten any room! I love that you feed her without a bib! I was cracking up!

Robin said...

Such a sweet post! I think I remember going to a church camp out there one summer.

That video is precious! I wish Caleb would eat like that. He's not too crazy about eating solids, hopefully soon he'll like it!

Good to see you today!

Anonymous said...

What a great post! I played the waiting game for three years before I got my Ethan....precious! That video is too cute!!

Misti said...

What a sweet video! My son (almost 3) was watching it with me & he would just laugh every time she looked over & smiled. He waned to watch it over & over. I think Harper has a new fan! ;o)

April said...

I just loved reading this blog, it describes exactly how I feel about my little girl! I loved your video, it made me laugh that you have pics of Harper with so many cute bibs and then when you are feeding her she isn't wearing one! She seemed to be a neat eater though! :) God Bless!

Shannon said...

what a sweet, sweet post! children are a blessing! Love your daughter's name, btw... so cute! And original! First time visiting, but I'll be back! I even think I"m going to participate in your meme today - it's a fun one! ;)

Sarah said...

Thanks for the "just wait" post...needed to hear that. Just turned 36, never married and likely will never be a mother (at least it looks like that at this point)...but God knows my heart.

Harper is beautiful as always, as are your wedding pics. :)

Anonymous said...

That was a beautiful post and such a cute video. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, you put my feelings into your words that describes exactly how I feel. I thought I would never have a baby as we tried for over 5 years. I have a sweet little girl too that is almost 3. I never gave up hope and trusted God, but like you said when that stick was negative you just think why not? Great post. I LOVE your blog.

sara said...

I love the video - that huge smile warmed my heart and I found myself watching with a huge grin on my face, too! Harper is a blessing, and what a beautiful post you wrote. I feel that same way every time I think about my sweet Alexandra (15 months). Motherhood has been the greatest joy of my life!

Lucky in Love said...

Oh Kelly. I can't even stand how cute she is! That little smile is cracking me up!

Keeping Up With Kaegan said...

You couldnt have put that feeling into words any better. Sometimes we do have to "Just Wait" and he will answer our prayers. Harper is a dollface and that video of her eating is too cute. Have a good weekend.

Lauren said...

How fun, and those pics of Harper are soooo precious!!! :)

Amy P. said...

So stinkin' cute!! I'm so happy for you. I'm like you....I feel like I have just the greatest life. Great husband--two wonderful boys!! Life is good and I know I'm so blessed and lucky. Keep the cute video's coming. Harper makes me laugh!

Kristen said...

aww love the video... can't help but smile when you see that big grin of hers!

Lindsey said...

What an encouraging post!! I always read and never comment, I know your busy with tons of emails and comments. But today I had to let you know this post couldn't have come at a better time. I too am an Arkansas/OBU girl and loving visiting your blog. Thank you for the uplifting words today. And that video....TOO CUTE!!

Misty Rice said...

Just a parenting THOUGHT or suggestion..... I was once told or read some place, now I can't recall.... to give them the unsweet items more often and FIRST before giving them anything sweet. Also when you feed them something they don't like, make sure to feed it to them when they are REALLY hungry. Hold of on the snack or expand the feeding after the snack a little bit and see if that helps her to be more open to avocados. The applesauce is a over powering flavor to the avocados, so that may be causing the dislike of it.

Just a thought and I think you inspired me to share my wedding dress pics today.

Anonymous said...

I feel the exact same way as you do. I wish that I would have had a stronger faith to keep me from feeling so hopeless all those years. My life is amazing now but I never believed that I could be this happy. I cried every night pondering if I even wanted to stay here on this earth because I was in so much pain. I just wrote about this a few days ago. I'm really glad I stuck around. "Just Wait" is the right sentiment. It only gets better.

Sherri said...

You brought tears to my eyes today. Good tears....just by helping me remember all that I have to be thankful for. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I love that video....Harper is just too sweet.

Anonymous said...

That was THE cutest video!! Thanks for sharing it with us so that we could smile and laugh right along with you all.

The Sweet Life said...

Her smile in that video is to die for...she is so stinkin' cute!!

Maddy said...

thats soo funny when she looksup and then smiles!:):)

Lisa Binford said...

That video is precious!!! LOVED IT!!

SassyCassie said...

Haha! Those big 'ol smiles are super cute! I think you should post even more videos-it's great to see her in action :)

This entire post really made me realize that maybe my happy ending will come just when it's supposed to.

Cochran Family said...

Oh my goodness, that smile just just precious!!!

Stephanie said...

AWESOME post! Waiting is so very hard and a lesson I struggle with often.
That video is precious!(and really funny too) Harper has quiet the little personality showing through on there! LOVED it!

gillian said...

Read your blog daily, but I don't think I have ever commented?! Anyway, I think Harper turning and smiling at her Daddy in that video is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen!

Brandie said...

I love this post. I often focus on the things I don't have rather than being thankful for things I do. Thanks, Kelly!

Karen said...

aww, she is so sweet and happy:) Love that face with the avocado. My youngest didn't like it either. I remember hearing how babies love it, she did NOT:)

Courtney said...

Love the cute pictures and the video is just too cute. Her outfit is adorable!

Hanna said...

thank you for this post... its exactly what i needed to hear today =)

jilljohnandhope said...

Love this! Makes me want to go and enjoy today and quit counting down the days until Disney World! Thanks

Rathi said...

I just loved this post.. it goes along with the post that you did how, babies change everything!! The video is precious too, she is too cute smiling at her daddy after every bite! Have a great weekend!!

Summer Athena said...

Thank you so much for this. I am in the middle of my first IVF cycle and well, hopefully the only one I need. I drop in from time to time to say hello. Harper is a doll!

Annie said...

The video of Harper eating is way too cute! Her smile makes me smile. She sure loves her Daddy!
You have such an adorable family :)

Courtney @ One Fine Wire said...

Can we say precious!!

Viva Cuervo said...

Absolutely adorable! This is such a cute video. Love her big smile!

Kristina said...

"just wait" Thanks! I needed that today.

EnigLdy said...

It is refreshing to see how much she loves her Daddy! He must be an attentive father to get such a big smile from his adoring fan. Precious to watch!

Amanda said...

Great post!

Melissa said...

Who's heart wouldn't melt looking at that precious smile? What a beautiful dress too!

Love Being A Nonny said...

I would love for you to do a Friday post on *Tell us where you went to summer camp*. It might be a GREAT way to reconnect with campers and staff members from long ago. I too grew up at a summer camp and have such wonderful memories!!!

annalee said...

i teared up over the pure sweetness of this post. so true, God's blessings are always better than our plans. if only i could remember that daily!

Abby said...

This post really touched me because the "before baby" you remind me of exactly how I feel right now. Every month we keep getting another negative (again this week) and I keep wondering if I will ever be a mother. I wasn't a child that grew up wanting to do a specific career or be anything other than a stay at home mommy. It's all my husband and I want. I know that God has a plan and all things will work together. It's just hard to live in the "just wait" phase. Thanks for this post. It made my day.

Sonya said...

God definitely has smiled on you. He has blessed you with such a wonderful beautiful family!!

Heather said...

Kelly- We have always said we were twins but I have never felt it as much as when I read this....I could have written this EXACT thing! I have had so many of those days....staying home with your baby and "living the dream!" I am so happy for you and so happy we can share our lives together!

The Jeffcoats said...

oh my!!!! i just love how she turns to her daddy and goes back to eating just cracks me up! she is just the sweetest thing! the good lord can do some amazing things!!!!
Lamesa Texas

RLR said...

LOVE this post! I do a series on my blog called "Ordinary Extraordinary" that I'd love to turn into an 'event' like your "Show us your..." series. Hmmm.... Time to start looking into McLinky!

aimymichelle said...

oh man that child is the cutest thing ever!

Kelley said...

Is that not the cutest thing you have ever seen! How she smiles for her Daddy is priceless.

Unknown said...

I'm in Ft. Smith and saw you on ch. 5 news. You're so pretty and sweet, and your angel Harper is adorable. Love the blog, esp. 'just wait'. I'll be following you. GO HOGS!

Deric said...

That is too cute!!! I love it!! She is such a sweet girl! Can't wait till my husband and I are blessed with the gift of a child!

Laura White Photography said...

" When you delight yourself in the Lord, He WILL give you the desires of your heart!"
My pastor has been doing a sermon seris called "From the pasture to the Palace" He's been teaching about how sometimes you have to work hard in the pasture like David did. There's hardly any credit or glory that goes along with the job you have in your "pasture" but when you have learned all He's trying to teach you and He feels like you can handle what He's ready to give you then you He allows you to move into the Palace! That's what your this post reminds me of! "Our God shall supply ALL our needs according to His riches in Glory".
Aren't you glad GOD is in control, if we just allow Him to give us what HE has for us then it's ALWAYS better than what we would have for ourselves!

By the way... The video was HILARIOUS!!! My 5 year old Jack wanted to watch is over and over!
Thanks for sharing your life with us!!! You are a blessing!!!

Brittney said...

Harper's little grinning game with Dad is too cute :)

Lisa said...

Harper is a doll as always, with a smile to melt anyone.

p.s. my friend has a little boy and has been trying to get the avocados in his diet for 4 months...she consistently gets the same reaction from him that you get from your sweet Harper.

LWLH said...

You deserve all the happiness in the world! : )
And Harper is such a little ham, what a cutie!

William, Megan and Avery said...

I grew up going to the same camp! Who knows?! You might have been working the snack shack when I came to buy a candy stash!

And actually, my family moved to the area in the fall of '93 and we had trouble finding a house so we lived on the campgrounds in an RV for a little while... every kid's dream! :D

Steph Gets Skinny said...

Oh, I just want to eat her up! She is so yummy! My babies are about to turn 4 and it goes by SO fast! Enjoy!

None None said...

Kelly - I've never commented before but I wanted to say that I love reading your blog. It is full of inspiration and praises to God. Thank you for reminding me how wonderful He is. Harper is so precious and the video was wonderful. Thank you for the smiles tonight.

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