Today is a catch up day. We started it off by meeting our friend and neighbor Melissa to go walking this morning at 6:45! We were excited because today is Melissa's 30th birthday!! So go and wish her a happy birthday! (and pray that God blesses with her a child this year - I'm praying SO hard for it myself!)After a quick morning nap, we both got ready and headed to Sam's and Wal-Mart. Can you see how extremely NON excited Harper looks?
This is once she got inside and saw all the wonderful things you can buy IN BULK! No Harper - I can not buy you candy bars in bulk just yet! But I did find some great steaks on sale that we will be having tonight. (well - not you - me and your dad. You are getting to try CARROTS for the first time tonight!)
Now I'm home trying to climb the enormous mountain of laundry that has built itself up and trying to attempt to answer e-mails and several other tasks I put off around here. I'm going to try a new recipe I saw in Southern Living yesterday at my mom's house for okra (I heart okra) so if it turns out good - I'll post it tomorrow or tonight. I didn't write it down so I'm totally going off memory - so it will be MY version of the recipe. ha!
Okay - so two things:
Lisa Smith - you won the blog design giveaway!!! I pulled a random # and it's you! E-mail me at and I'll get you hooked up!
Next - YEAY - I finally got around to putting all the Friday "Show Us your Life" posts in one spot with all the links attached. I will update this each Monday so you can always go back and refer and keep going through them. I know I'm still trying to go through them little by little.
So go HERE and check it out!! You can also send me YOUR suggestions for SHOW US YOUR LIFE topics!!! Fun! Fun! I don't think anything will top the wedding dress day! :-) There is also a schedule on the right so you know what is coming up!!!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
Harper is so cute, that is so funny she loves to shop! Yes please put the okra reciepe up.(todd and I planted okra and we have a ton of it and I dont know what to do with it ha!
Harper is too stinking cute! I have a prayer request for you, there is a little 8 year old boy in Boise Idaho missing. His name is Robert and he has been missing for a few days now. you can read the story hear, WWW.KTVB.Com
Harper is so Adorable!! I heart okra too FRIED!!
I love okra too!! Soo yummy!
Shopping with my baby girl is so much fun! I always hated going alone, but it's fun to go with her. People must think I'm crazy b/c I talk to her the whole time and act silly to make her laugh. lol
Pretty soon you will be able to put Harper sitting in the shopping cart and it will be so much easier! :)
how do you have room to shop in bulk when she's in the back of the cart? maybe i should borrow someone's kiddo to go to costco or sam's because i think i feel like i HAVE to fill the cart! costs me a fortune! she is precious. post that okra recipe when you're done, can't wait!
I am so glad you put Harper in the cart and not on the seat... when my son was little we had him in his carrier on top (like most people do) and in Walmart's parking lot we hit a large crack and he went flipping off. It was so scary, but, by a miracle I managed to catch him in the split second before he hit the ground. We still took him to the ER to be safe because he did hit his little head on the back of the cart-but it could have been such a tragedy had had he hit his head on the concrete. Anyway, yay for a new recipe:)
Ahh! Liza Smith! Thats ME. How exciting. I never win anything! I'll e-mail you. Is it the grilled okra from SL? Its very good if so.
Harper's little smile just brightens my day!!
Harper is such a cutie. My baby is about to be 8months old. I love this age too. They are so much fun!
What a fun day for you two! I love shopping at Sam's Club. :)
I saw the okra recipe and thought it looked good too. I actually tried the EASY enchilada recipe they had in there tonight.... However, it wasn't so easy.. espcially with my toddler running around.. I hope to post on it tonight. :)
I love the picture of Harper in Sam's with the HUGH smile on her face.. Too cute!
THANK YOU , THANK YOU for the links on the home tours!! I was just talking about this today on my blog cause I got dining room furniture and now I can go back through for ideas! Harper is a doll, hope your steaks are good, my mouth is watering!
I just stumbled across your blog today. Your daughter is adorable and I love her name, how beautiful! Hope you don't mind another follower!
I'm going to Sam's after my doc's appt tomorrow. I miss being close to one. I heart okra, too.
i love your blog! and your daughter is absolutely adorable and has such a pretty and unique name!
Why have I NEVER heard of Okra before??? What is wrong with me? I'm going to google it now and I hope you post (your version) of the receipe so I can try it out. Okra huh? Is that a vege??
Love the picture of Harper! Do you take your Big camera with you everywhere? I do, and people look at me like I'm nuts.
Ha! Guess I don't ever win anything. Just looked closer (didn't click the link last time) and it is LiSa Smith...not LiZa Smith. Oh well congats Lisa!
Oh my, I just adore that picture of Harper's grin when she realises she's shopping. :D
That Harper has become the smiling-est baby I've ever seen!! Love it!
Harper's smile is soooo precious!! I thought of her yesterday as I was watching Young and the Restless...a little girl had a hair bow in like Harper loves to wear....sooo sweet!
We just went to Sam's and bought Grandma's cookies in bulk. BAD IDEA! I'm going to have to give some away before eating all of them away.
ooooooo, my husband loves okra, so I'm looking forward to hearing how it turns out!
Harper is just too precious!! That picture is HILARIOUS!!!
That child is so cute I can't take it! And I am loving the big Sam's smile - that girl knows what's up.
Can't wait to know about the okra (or OKREY as my granddaddy used to say). I LOVE it so much too. We used to have the BEST fried okra at Big Al's restaurant (and luckily sometimes Daddy will bring it to a kitchen near us.) :-)
Have a great night, girl!
so sweet and adorable!!
I'm excited for some of the upcoming show us your life! Should be a lot of fun!
Miss Harper is just darlin! Please let us know how the okra turns out b/c I love it!
I love how big Harper smiles when she goes shopping!
One idea I have for the Show Us Your about hairstyles? Maybe previous hairstyles you've had? Or current ways you can wear your hair like straight, curly, up, etc.
We all probably have some hair styles we could get a kick out of!!
Thanks for visiting my blog!! And just let me know when you get your TV show up and running :)
I'm so glad she is learning early about the goodness that is Sam's Club. :)
I have never seen a baby that excited abotu Sam's, haha!!!!! She takes after her momma!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE okra! Can't wait to hear how it turned out!!! :)
I'm from Michigan and have NO CLUE what okra is. I'm going to have to google that one!
Love Harper's facial expressions :)
Ahhh...Melissa is a sweetie...I didn't know you guys were neighbors :)
And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that pic of Harper...what a happy little princess she is.
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes on my blog today. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing pictures of Harper. Thank you also for being Melissa's friend. She needs positive people in her life and I am thankful that you are there for her when she needs it. Have a great weekend.
As always, Miss Harper looks just precious. I have a pile of "catch up" laundry to get to myself. Ugh.
How about show us your baby pictures compared to your children's baby pictures? People are always asking me "who do your boys look like?"
That is the cutest thing ever!!! The "I'm bored" vs. "I'm shopping" face.
This doesn't really follow the show us your life norm but favorite baby/children names would be really fun. To hear everyones list of favorite names could be helpful for anyone looking or really just a fun way to showcase all those cute names people have come up with :)
Ahhh, do you have contact info for Caroline??? Won't let me comment on her page. I want to know where she gets that BOLD jewelry - her make up and those clothes! I'm loving that dress she's wearing in the pic. You both are so cute!!! Always loving your outfits as well :)
Ahh, I'll be praying that God blessed you with another!
I love her smile!! She is so gorgeous!!
What is Okra!!! I'm from Australia. I keep hearing about it on Southern blogs- ( I love learning about Southern Culture!!)- I wonder if we have it here under another name, or a similar vegetable we can use.
I love Sam's!!! Harper and Avery need to go together sometime! ;) HEHE!
Hope you are having a great week, see you Saturday!
Hi Kelly! I have really had you on my heart "holy spirit radar" as I call it. I wish we lived closer so we could hang out and our girls could play! We need to plan a meeting this fall....maybe on a Razorback weekend or sometime when you are coming through Conway.
Thanks for being a blessing to me and so many! I am praying for you!
Love ya!
Isn't it crazy how we can't put the infant seat on the top part of the cart? It makes grocery shopping a little difficult!!
I just checked out the one stop spot for "Show us your life" and viewed the upcoming schedule. I am so excited for show us your pets on October 2nd!!! I love my doggies!!!
Oh, I love okra too! But only fried, I don't care for it boiled or pickled or anything like that!
Someone did not know what okra was...say it ain't so?! :o Okra is absolutly one of my fave veggies :)
YAHOO for Harper liking carrots. One day she may even like carrot soup :)
I was a rep at Costco when my daughter was little. My husband would bring her to me so I could nurse her 1/2 way through the day. He HATED the carrier in the cart. So one day when she was about 3 months old, here he comes down the isle with her in the back of the cart in her BUMBO! I almost died. I laughed and laughed. She was so happy to be able to look around and have everyone paying attention to her. She would have the same big smile as Harper. Such a funny memory.
I LOVE fried okra! I have never made it myself before but you have inspired me :) I live in the south as well but my parents were born and raised in the midwest and my dad's parents were German. One thing we had a lot of when we visited was sauerkraut. Sounds strange but I like to mix it in with mashed potatoes and corn. My grandma told me once that was called "Dutchman's Delight". My grandpa was also semi-famous (at least in their town) for his homemade turtle soup.
First, LOVE the look on Harper's face once she's inside the store. How fun! That's priceless! :) Also, how can people NOT KNOW WHAT OKRA IS???? Hello! I heart fried okra...sad to say that's the only kind I've tried. I'm from OH but moved to TX 8 years ago...but my Dad grew up in TX so Mom learned how to make fried okra. One of the first things I had (even while on Weight Watchers) was fried okra when I moved to TX! Now I sadly can only have it now and again as I have NO SELF CONTROL and could eat an entire plate of it!
Thanks for always making my day with your sweet girl's smile. What a blessing she is! :)
A girl after my own heart....she is EXCITED to shop :)
My baby loves carrots! One of his favs...hope that they went over well for Harper too!
One fact about eye sight and carrots. They do not help you have good eye sight, the vitamin A in them helps your eyes adjust from light to dark easily. An example of this would be something we have all experienced; walking into the movie theater and having to wait a few seconds or more for our eyes to adjust to the darkness, and then we are able to find our seats. People that do not have enough vitamin A have a hard time adjusting to this. Another common example is when you are driving at night and someone is driving toward you. It takes your eyes a few seconds to adjust to these bright lights, then back again to the darkness after the car passes.
So keep feeding her the carrots, sweet potatoes, acorn squash and other dark yellow or orange veggies! But not to the point of her skin turning orangish. Vitamin A is stored by the body and can build up to toxic levels if given extreme amounts.
Former Home Economics/Nutrition teacher.
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