Almost 6 years ago, right after we got married, I SO wanted to be a good wife so I woke up one Saturday morning and tried to make pancakes for the first time in my life. I don't know why it was so hard for me but it was a horrible mess. I just didn't know when to flip them so I had a whole stack of horribly burnt pancakes or really loose liquidy ones that wouldn't flip. I was crying and smelled like pancake batter for most of the day. It pretty much scarred me for life because I have yet to attempt it again.But yesterday, Scott was really wanting pancakes only we didn't have syrup (I tried to google to see if I could make some by scratch but I didn't have maple flavoring sitting around the house) so I told Scott I would get some and get up early and make them before church this morning. and I was so proud of myself as we set off for church (almost) on time, all dressed and ready and tummies full of pancakes. Donna Reed eat your heart out! It almost makes me want to start wearing pearls and dresses every day as I do housework. (Oh wait - I already do). I should have been born in the 40's.

Yes indeed, God is good all the time - amen to that! Glad your pancakes turned out, they look yummy!!!
These pictures are so cute! Good for you for getting up and making breakfast before church, you inspire me!! My girl screamed for the first time this morning when I dropped her off at church, she will be 16 months this week, like clinging to my shirt crying and big ol' crocodile tears. It was awful! Ok, not that you wanted to know all that. Glad you had a great weekend!
I LOVE that picture of the two of you! You're such a beautiful mommy and Harper is gorgeous, as always!
It must have been a big weekend for pancakes, we had them too, but the box variety. Not very Martha Stewart of me!!!! Glad to hear that Harper was a little angel at church!!!
This was a wonderful post - it made my whole day!
Every picture of your sweet girl reminds me why I can't wait to have one of my own someday. She gets more adorable every day.
Congrats on the pancake success!
It is so true that it takes time to adjust to the new role of motherhood. Just as you get comfy and feel "back to normal" with a little one you do do it again and then the cycle begins again! It is fun stuff.
Kelly! Six months was the "life is so much better" milestone for me, too. When Mara learned to sit up the world just got so much better. She continued to have horrible, nasty reflux...but everything was easier. She could sit up front in the shopping cart, she could sit up on the floor and play, she could sit up so much more easily in the high chair. It was just all better.
Like you, it was also at 6 months that I thought I was a rockin' mom and could it again. Oh gee! That was crazy talk!!! Now, Mara is 17 months old and I'm pg again...and I'm SO not looking forward to doing it all again...and I SO hate being pregnant...but then I will all be better when Baby #2 hits 6 months...hopefully.
Gee...I sure did ramble on and on. Blessings to you this week! --Lisa
Hi Kelly,
Once you get the hang of it..pancakes are super simple and store well in the fridge for an easy breakfast. Especially when kids have to go to school. Kudos to you!
oh the darlingness of these pictures cannot be measured! so proud of that stamps momma!!
Kelly, I love the photo of you and Harper in this post - it is gorgeous!!! And I LOVE the amazing ring you are wearing? I have a daughter just a little older than Harper and I am thoroughly enjoying her also. As you say, God is Good!!! xx
Great pictures! I feel the same way that when you think things are getting under control I think maybe I would like to do this all over again. I hope you do! I love reading your blog :)
Love the pancake story! I actually tried pancake carnival molds yesterday morning....DON'T EVER TRY! It was horrible! They were oozing and burning! I think I scared my poor girls as they watched it all unfold! They had never seen their mama sweat while cooking pancakes before!:)
Love the pix of Harper! I also love your ring! :)
We love to have Belgin waffles and I use a waffle maker from William's Sanoma. They are so good. Glad you had a good weekend. Cute pics of Harper-always!
Lisa :)
Oh yes He is!!! All the time~
Those are our everyday dishes! Harper is so sweet and you ARE a good mom! Keep loving Him and loving on her!!!
I'm not a big fan of pancakes...but, I must say those look very delicious!
Love the pictures. Harper is so cute!
That is a SUPER cute picture of you and Harper!! :) I still wish I could've come over for breakfast this morning! Those pancakes looked fabulous!
Love and Hugs,
Jess :)
P.S. If anyone is reading this...PLEASE, PLEASE pray for my dear friend, Jen, and her precious Stellan.
You are so domestic. Love it! Maybe Harper will grow to like sweet potatoes!!
Your pancakes looks so yummy! I've always known you were a great mommy, but it I'm glad you feel like you're getting the hang of it! :)
Pancakes are hard for me too.. those looked awesome! I have a teenager now and well, I remember when he was the baby - and it's a GOOD thing sometimes...{giggle}.. my two little boys STILL want nothing to do with the chruch nursery or sunday school.. Chloe LOVES Yo Baby!!! The pics are beautiful - as usual! I need to get some of those bows for Chloe...too cute!
I laughed out loud when I read that you wear dresses and pearls...I think that is fantastic! My husband and I always joke that when he comes home from a trip I should be in a dress and have the kids all lined up to greet him. The reality is nothing like that! We are all usually crying (me for sure,) and he's lucky if I've got clothes on that match! I'm inspired though...gonna try harder to be dressed up for him! Your girl is precious!
Harper is THE most photogenic baby!!
I have THE best pancake recipe - it came from my Mom. It's been our family favorite for YEARS!
Don't worry. I destroyed my husband's waffle maker within one month of being married.
I have since improved my skillz, and stick mainly to my fool-proof overnight spatula-free pancakes.
Cute kid.
What a mighty God we serve, hey?
Your pancakes lot delicious!! I have yet to make pancakes by myself however they would probably turn out to be a disaster.
I had to laugh about your pancake story. I had a similar experience the first time I made pancakes...and probably the second and third times too!! Once I learned the secret to how hot the pan needs to be, I was finally able to do it! But I have to add some chocolate chips. Yummmm...
God is so good!! Glad you were able to make pancakes and be at church almost on time! :)
we are late almost every sunday! with 2 little ones its hard to be on time!
I feel the same way about being in the wrong decade!!!
Hi Kelly,
Our Sunday school class this morning focused on that exact thing..Is God Good all the Time? Do we always believe his plan is best? Very funny that you posted that...
shes so cute i love all her outfits!!:)
Just wait, in a couple months Little Miss Harper will be eating those yummy pancakes too. Pancakes were one of my childrens first "real" foods!
Yummm... I am usually not a pancake eater... but it's been my #1 pregnancy craving so far! However, I STILL feel like you did the first time you made them. So I stick to the waffle maker... or some pancake establishment. Talking about it is NOT helping the cravings! :o) P.S.: Yours look DELICIOUS!
I found your blog after seeing a lot of posts on the blogs I follow about your wedding dress post. I too feel like I should have been born in the 40s! I was on a bowling league last year and one the older ladies was talking about how they used to wear dresses and pearls when they bowled (and to the commissary...and hats too)! Glad your pancakes turned out, I'm not brave enough myself for that. And my daughter hated sweet potatoes, would never have anything to do with them. I totally hear you on the point where you feel like you could do it again. Although, now I'm less than a month away and I'm not so sure!
Okay, seriously....Harper is so darn cute!!
I used to have a hard time with pancakes, but found one that is super easy! It's on my old blog, if you're interested. The key on flipping them is when you start seeing all of the little bubbles form. :) Took me forever to figure that out.
Have a great week!
So glad to see that Harper is loving the Yo Baby. Lauren LOVED it as well and I was so excited to see that it came in several flavors.
As she got older, I mixed a little baby cereal (rice or mixed grains or oatmeal) in with it to thicken it up a little (it's kinda runny!) and to "trick" her to eat some more iron-fortified cereal, since she was Breastfed and needed that extra iron.
Good job on your pancakes!! They look yummy!!
harper is just beautiful! she always is such a fashionista too!
My stepfather makes homemade syrup, better then the store bought stuff. Glad they turned out great for you! And yes god is always good!
Yummo, they looked amazing!!!! I love pancakes!!! Come on over to my house and cook up a few! ;)
Harper is presh with that baby food, I can't wait until Avery eats like that! It will be so fun to feed her and watch her cute faces!
Congrats on reaching that goal - that is such an amazing time - when you finally feel you know what you are doing and the routine is settling in....I felt so empowered when I got to that point. Motherhood is such an amazing journey like no other - harder than anything else but also more rewarding than anything else too! Love the pics! :) What a cutie!!!
New to your blog, but I wanted to comment on all of Harper's adorable outfits! I love her bibs and her monogrammed things are just precious. You are so blessed in so many amazing ways!
I LOVE reading your blog! I was like you...when Lydia hit about 6 months old, I finally thought to myself "I think I could do this again!" And as far as nursery at church, I think being consistant is the key. Lydia wasn't too sure of it at first, but now she loves it! We went to a new church today and she walked in so confident and had a blast!
I think we have all at one point had the pancake blunders! ha ha! I love mellow weekends they can be the best weekends. Love the picture of you and HARPER! p.s. YOUR post is little bit like mine!
My husband usually handles the pancakes at my house... but when I decide to have breakfast for dinner, I make them from a recipe from scratch... and it all goes in a blender! Yes! Then you just mix, and pour... and when the bubble start to rise... flip to perfection. They are a bit spongy and fluffy and cakey... but they are pan "cakes!"
Hope you have a great week!
Your pancakes look delicious, dear one. just sugar and water boiled with any kind of flavoring makes a great syrup...or fruit. I just made a blueberry syrup with fresh blueberries.(on my blog today)
Your baby girl is adorable...
Mmm, you made me want some pancakes!
Next step, waffles!
WOW Kelly we have the same everyday dishes. I recieved them 5 years ago for my wedding. Aren't they great?
i knew i loved you! we have the same dishes! and i have just learned to make pancakes. well, from a box. does that count?
That green dress looks so good on Harper! I love that color on her (could she look bad in anything?? I think not!) Has anyone told you that Harper looks like your momma? I think she looks SO MUCH like her!! My husband can make the perfect pancakes...and I'm TERRIBLE at it...which works just fine for me because I get pancake breakfasts in bed every now and then! ;o)
The trick my mom always told me about pancakes was to wait until the holes the bubbles make stay open. Its not a perfect way to gage it (I actually made some this morning and the first two I flipped were a disaster) But when you start paying more attention to the little holes it gets a little easier.
I also have those every day dishes - we should start a club since there are so many of us!
No one would have ever guessed those pancakes were made by someone who had not tried to make them in 6 years!! My word, they look scrumptious .. Paula Dean would be proud. ha!
I understand by Harper loves YoBaby -- I mean have you tried it!! yummy!
I can't make pancakes either. :(
Been married for ALMOST 12 years and have YET to make pancakes! Must be a horrible wifey! ;)
I cover mine while they are cooking on the first side. I just put a cookie sheet over the pan. If I used a griddle... it wouldn't work. It sure makes flipping them easier though.
You can also mix sprite with bisquick... supposedly that's how they make them at IHOP. David tried it with root beer one time... not so good :)
Love the post!
You and Harper are so pretty!
Glad the pancakes worked out... I love them.
Great picture of you and Harper - adorable!
He is good indeed!
And the gagging is totally normal this early in solids. We have been eating them for a month and a half and there is still a lot of gagging anytime a new chunkier texture is introduced. Just remember that her body is doing it's job and helping to keep her form choking!
My Husband makes the pancakes at our house...breakfast in general is his's just too early for me to cook. He knows it is something special if I cook him breakfast!
I am excited about the Yo Baby Yogurt, I am going to get some for Jackson tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up!
Ohhh, there is nothing like that feeling of getting back into your stride again. I also thought I would never get there but I did. Hallelu!
You sure know how to make pancakes now! Yumm-OOOO!!!!
Love that song you ended your post with and sooooo true!
Your pancakes look yummy!!!
Do you really get dressed up with jewelry every day? I strive for that everyday too, but sometimes, I stay in my cozy Gap yoga pants and a tank
Thanks again for letting us into your life every week. Love all the pics.
Harper's smile is adorable! You have such a beautiful little girl!!
I never could make pancakes until one of my kids went to a pancake breakfast birthday party. The mom said the secret was to use Krusteuz pancake batter. They sell it everywhere and they turn out perfectly every time. I put out little ramekins with chocolate chips, strawberries, bananas, powdered sugar, m and m's ... and sometime whipped cream and we have pancake suppers. Add some bacon and it's all good! My kids cheer whenever I tell them we're having a pancake supper. :)
I had the same issue the first time I made pancakes. I waited years to try again and now I make them all the time. I could not flip them the first time I tried. Harper is so cute and you seem to be handling motherhood beautifully!
My girl is 13 now and I so remember that 6 months was the magic age ... it was like we all figured out what we were doing. Before that, I was a mess. I so love reading about your sweet girl!
I love making pancakes, too! I'm going to try to throw in some blueberries next time, too.
Yours look delish!
Pancakes looked yummy!
She is precious! I am still laughing at the video of her smiling to get her Daddy's attention! So so sweet!
I remember the first pancakes we made after we got married lol they were HUGE but good. Love the mommy and Harper picture. :)
Today was the first time I dropped my little one off in the nursery! Ah, we both made it!! :) Harper is a doll. Love the blog. If you want to win a pretty pretty something, drop by my site today! :)
Geeeez wa-leez your child is gorgeous!!!
The pic of you two is so cute!
I'm so glad you feel like you are getting a handle on everything! You are doing a great job!!!!! What a sweet picture of the two of you! Nice ring :) I have the same one :)
We'll be over for pancakes in the morning! And yogurt on the side.
The pancakes look so yummy! And don't worry, I think we all had a flop or 2 when we first got married and were trying to be good wives! Those things sure didn't seem funny at the time, but looking back it sure does get a laugh!
Hi, Kelly,
I teach all the Quick Breads in my Basic Foods'd be amazed at all my Pancake Flop stories...
It looks like you have it down now! Take care ~Natalie
Your pancakes look great! Congrats on having them turn out okay. I can do pancakes, but for some reason I can't make waffles.
Oh, and my mom makes a really simple homemade syrup. She just boils water and brown sugar. It's a little thinner than regular syrup, but it's really tasty. I especially love it on French toast.
Good for you- the pancakes looked delish!! Pie is my doomsday dessert. I spend all day trying to get the crust right, and end up covered in flour, sweat, and tears. Just cannot figure out why I can't make a pie!! Sigh.
We love Yo Baby, too, and it had its humble beginnings right here in NH. (Now they have Yo Kids, so happy!!) My Dad does the electrical work in the owners' home and always tells me I'd drool over the kitchen they have, ha!! Bring me along next time, Dad!!
I know how you feel..
I had a mini breakdown when I first made pancakes..they were horrible.
Her little smile is adorable! :)
Yay for successful pancakes! Love that picture of the two of you!
I'm so glad you're getting into a groove with Harper! I felt the same way for the longest time until we decided to add another little one. HA!
She is a little handfull isn't she? But oh so worth the wait....Love the pic of you two on this post...precious precious precious!
My kids always had a harder time with home made sweet potatoes. They loved the jars, but at first the ones I made must have been too stringy.
Pancakes for breakfast is always a special treat in my house! I'm glad they turned out! they looked delicious!
I'm so glad Harper is getting easier! Those first few months are always the hardest!
She is a doll!!!!
The video of her eating and smiling at Scott was fun to watch. Maybe the reason after she about gags THEN smils is she's smiling because she made it through another gag (or bite).hehe
Those pancakes look delish! Harper's hair has really grown. She's getting so big so fast! Don't you wish we could slow that down? I want to bottle mine up sometimes!
every saturday in our house we eat fresh pancakes and watch Imagination Movers on Disney! Experiment with your pancakes....add vanilla or almond (or both) extract to your batter...YUM!
Is that black ring a Stella & Dot ring? I sell S&D and we have a black enamel ring like that!! love it!! such cute stuff, in case you haven't seen any of it...
i love your blog! cute baby!
Love the pic of you and Harper face to face! She's such a sweetie, and you're a GREAT Mama! :)
Cute pictures of Miss Harper! I am also horrible at making pancakes. My hubs thinks he is the pro... and well, he is sort of! He always tells me not to try and flip the pancakes until they are bubbling. It has helped! Good Luck :)
Your pancakes looked delicious!
My husband makes the pancakes around here since I had a few bad pancake mishaps like you.
Pancakes are hard!! I've made them several times and every time I attempt it again I hold my breath waiting to make a big ol mess.
I remember our first year of marriage I made either pancakes, waffles or biscuits before church every Sunday. Now, 5 years later, I don't feel like I have to strive so hard to be perfect! Ha! We might have them once a month and my husband makes them!
Six to eight months is a hard time because they are soooo cute and perfect and easier than the first six months. We just went in for my son's 15 month checkup and the doctor said "okay, 15 months is the perfect birth control." Ha! Too bad I didn't wait for his 15 month speech and I'm 17 weeks pregnant!
Love that green check dress on Harper so sweet ;)
I love me some yummy pancakes too, my favorite are Crackerbarrel's blackberry pancakes with whip cream on top, Yum I'm hungry.
Our God is amazing isn't He? I need to start wearing my pearls when working in the house...I'm sure it would make the whole ordeal a lot more fun! I always say that I should have been a housewife in the 40's or
50's ha!
Of course those are beautiful pictures of Harper, but, wow! What a great picture of you, too! Congrats on the pancakes!
have you tried the book top 100 baby food purees? that's what i use for mary margaret (6.5 months). i make and freeze her baby food--and i grow it too. i'm also selling some at a local farmers market. :-) anyway, it's a great book and i really love growing and making her food--it's so rewarding.
Hi Kelly! She is cuter in every picture! Love the one of the two of you....frame-worthy for sure! Try mixing the sweet potatoes with something she applesauce. This seemed to work with my little guys....they got the new flavor, with a more familiar flavor!
I love it that we have the exact same everyday dishes! Don't you just love them? I love how versatile they are. (I'm a first-time commenter on your blog but I read it all the time!)
my daughter loved her some sweet potatoes and carrots so much that her nose turned an orange tint!! no lie!
she's just the cutest little cupcake. i would pretty much devour her if she was mine!! and the video of her eating?? yikes and ohmystars, she is the HAPPIEST BABY!!
Hi Kelly, I meant to ask you if you are excited for the Bachlorette finale tonight??? Do you think it will be Ed? Kypton? Or even REID?!? I can't wait!
Your pancakes look just perfect! And you have always had a handle on motherhood!!! Harper is one of the luckiest babies in the world.
I have always struggled with pancakes! They seem so easy. I have finally got them figured out. :)
Just for future reference, you can totally make your own pancake syrup. Unless you use pure maple syrup you won't notice a difference between this recipe and the other stuff in a bottle.
2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup water
bring to a boil
add 1 tsp vanilla
let cook for a few minutes turn off and let sit on the stove to cool down a bit while you finish cooking your pancakes.
Store leftovers in fridge. It will thicken up in there.
Long time reader, first time commenter...
Those pancakes look delicious!! If you're looking for an easier way, though, I highly recommend this:
I make them SO much more now that I have it b/c it's sooo much easier!!
And YAY for getting the hang of motherhood... it'll always throw you for a loop, but you'll get it figured out! I'm all excited for you at the thought that you might try again!!
Your pancakes look delicious!! You make me want to try pancakes now!
Harper just gets cuter and cuter all the time!! I just love hearing all about her!
That is the sweetest most precious picture of you and Harper! Love it. BTW- Making a big pancake breakfast before church and making it there all in one piece is super wife/momma!!!!
I have been reading your blog for a while and just started my own because I recently got married and moved from Texas to Georgia. I laughed so hard reading about your first pancake experience!! I have had SEVERAL of those moments during these first two months of marriage. At least my sweet husband is reassuring and always eats what I make... no matter how questionable it may have turned out!
Those pancakes look so yummy!
I like to get up on Saturdays and make my hubby and son Belgium waffles. They love it!
Harper is so adorable! She is super cute in that green outfit! I just love it! =) Makes my monday morning start of wonderfully!
Thanks for sharing your precious little girl!
Your pancakes looked yummy! Way to go on making that great breakfast and getting to church on time! You are super wife:)
Harper is so cute even with that baby food all over her!
Girl, those pancakes look so yummy, I may have that for dinner tonight! =) What cute pictures! Love all of them, but especially the 3rd one---what a cutie-pie!
Have a blessed week!
I like how your pancakes have a pat of butter for every pancake there is! Looks so yummy!
If you want to try some REALLY amazing pancakes. Try these.
They are the BEST! I promise.
So cute, I love the pancake story. We all have something like that! I have the yummiest syrup recipe, I will email it to you, or comment again when I have the recipe in front of me. It's made with things that you usually always have around the house!
You have always seemed to have a handle on motherhood! Love the picture, you have such a cute family!
Happy Monday!
Hi Kelly,
Your post this morning brought back some repressed memories of my first experience with pancakes. Yes like you I cried and smelled like pancake batter the rest of the day. My sweet husband managed to stomach them all the while I new they tasted as bad as they looked! Ha! Ha! I love the pic of you and Harper it is the cutest.
Happy Monday!
that was a great post! i cook dinner every night - and can make some awesome panini's for lunch, but i CANNOT cook ANY breakfast fooods! ;)
Harper is looking as cute as ever :) : )
My church says "God is good all the time, all the time God is good" responsively almost every Sunday. Thank you for keeping up with the prayer requests, Kelly. I know it is a lot of work for you, but I appreciate the prayer support when my husband died earlier this month. Thank you for using your readership for good.
Just wait until shes around one, then the fun really starts and keeps going. Geneviveve has been keeping me on my toes for the last 2 years. Shes 3 now, and oh man im with you on the teen years.
Yay and great job on the pancakes! They look just like the way my Hubby likes them, with tons of syrup!
I am so glad you're feeling like you finally have a handle on things! I love the pic of you and Harper together! So cute!!!
Please post your pancake recipe!!
she is as beautiful as ever!! I really wish that Lauren would stay in the nursery at church. :) She cries and I always have to go get her. Poor baby!
We love Yo Baby in our house--we call it YoYO!!
Just wanted to let you know that I am preggo, and after I saw your yummy pancakes, I decided that I *have* to have pancakes for dinner tonight! Nothing sounds good lately, and when I saw them, I was so excited...haha. Thanks for the inspiration :)
That picture of you holding Harper up next to your face is probably my favorite picture you've ever posted of the 2 of beautiful!
I love making pancakes and waffles for scratch. My husband is a diabetic so my recipe has no sugar but are still delicious.
Have a terrific week!
I can totally relate to feeling like you were born in the wrong era, I love all the Donna Reed type stuff too, but then I get excited when I remember that God has deliberately had us born in His timing!
My little Lucy is the same way with sweet potatoes! She'll eat them with a little bit of butter, cinnamon, and a pinch of salt, though! I love making my own baby food. Good for you for doing it as well!! I put great baby food recipes on my blog from time to time. You should check it out if you have time:
Your pancakes look yummy!
Harper is too sweet for words!
Your baby girl is precious.. I stumbled across your blog and have been following it for a few months. You are a blessing to single girls like me. :)
God bless,
It has been so much fun watching Harper grow and develop. She seems to have the neatest little personality! My neice recently turned 1, so she's a bit older than Harper, but I thought Harper might enjoy the same kiddie pool. I wish they had this when mine were little (they are 13 and 9 now)!! It is made by Banzai and is called "Baby Sprinkles Pool". It is available at Target (not sure about Walmart, didn't check). It is the cutest thing and my neice loves playing in it, and with all the spouting water. Adorable!
Those pancakes look delicious. I also love your plates and am looking for something similar. Can you tell me the pattern and where you got them.
Harper is also just the cutest. You have a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Girl I will tell you that I am awful at making "breakfast" and have almost ended up crying when trying to. I usually have a hard time with french toast. So glad Harper did well at church.
I'm glad your pancakes turned out...if you have time (funny, right?), check out my post about making pancakes back in April...
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