Friday, July 10, 2009

Feeling Crafty

This morning Harper and I set out on our first walk with Harper facing out in her stroller. This made me really sad because I know she enjoyed it but I loved it more when she was in her car seat facing me so I could see her little face and talk to her. She looks so big in this picture to me. I need to stop and grab a kleenex.
We had a purpose in our walk this morning. Two friends from church who are sisters-in-law were having a garage sale and they have 3 girls between them who are always dressed SOOOOO cute every Sunday (and any other day) so I knew I could get some good finds. I got all of these outfits for Harper - they are all 24 months and up. I also got a cute little dress she wore later today but I didn't get her picture in it.

We got cleaned up and went and met these two pretty ladies for lunch.
And these two other pretty ladies, Elizabeth and Laurie. We ate Taste of Thai and it was good food and good company. We were so glad to catch up with Elizabeth.
This afternoon - while Harper lay in her bed NOT napping .....I was feeling kind of crafty. I got this cute dress from Cotton Candy Tutus and I think it's so cute.
But I decided to add my own little "Laverne and Shirley" touch to it. This guy at church teases me that Harper is a baby version of Laverne. If you are my age - you know what we are talking about.
I also made her this bib with some fun iron on rhinestones. It's not perfect - but I think it's so cute! Perfect for a princess!
This was what was going on in the meantime..............
Somebody had NO interest in napping today. She did so good at lunch that it made up for it! She is getting so big and so fun! She will look at me and smile and I literally feel my heart swell in pride. I could just eat her up with a spoon!

Hope you have a great weekend!!! We are so glad it's Friday!!!

Also - I wanted to update on the family who had lost a daughter at birth and were expecting a baby with Trisomy 18. Grayson was born on 7/7 and is still with them at home so far. Please keep this family in your prayers.


Kari said...

Love the rhinestones. Every little girl needs those!!! They get big fast, don't they? My 2nd, my son, was born Feb. 14, 2009 and is in 9 month clothing. He gets bigger each time I look at him :o) Love my kids! Glad you had fun shopping and lunching :o)

Christa said...

Wow I am the first to comment! Love the dress! Too cute!

Mama J said...

I agree, she does look grown up sitting that way in her stroller! Before I even read your words I, Kelly is probably misty-eyed about that!!!

Ashley W said...

She is getting so big! I love reading about her adventures every day! I love your little touch to her dress! cute cute

Jenna said...

I just heart that little girly!! And her momma!

Erin said...

She does look so big in that picture but she looks So cute!!!! I bet she loves looking out and seeing everything the world has to show her!

Looks like you found great deals at the garage sale! I love garage sales but have not hit one up lately! I need tog et on that :)

Shannon Willcutt said...

Love your crafty stuff!! That dress is adorable. Ya'll have a wonderful and fun weekend!!

Take care,

Tammy518 said...

Your lunch sounds like fun. It's always so nice to get out with friends.

What's really funny about the pics you posted of Harper in her crib is that she looks like, "Ooh, Mama just caught me!" when she should have been napping.

Have a great weekend!

Katie said...

that picture of Harper int he stroller is adorable!!

Mrs. M said...

I would just melt if I saw that face looking up at me!

Kristin said...

I was just thinking what a big girl she was in her stroller! So cute!

Aura said...

That bib is ADORABLE. You should make those and sell them!!

Todd and Courtney said...

cute new pictures & girl you are crafty!! I've got to learn to make things on my own instead of spending $$$$ on them. I want to learn how to make bows so we'll see how that goes. Glad you had fun at your parents!

Teale said...

Great garagle sale finds! Kudos to you for getting crafty even though there was no napping going on... we've been battling with this the past few days too. By the way, my daugher is named Harper also! :)

Sarah said...

All those dresses are precious! Ahhh- to have a girl!

Beth said...

I so get the Laverne & Shirley reference. I used to love to watch that show!

I tell my little girl (who is now 4-years-old that I could just eat her up with a spoon! LOL

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I just want to say that Harper is adorable and what a cute picture!

The Simmons Family said...

I wish I had a slow motion button on life right now. I savor every moment because they grow way too fast. With that comes some great milestones and your relationship with your little ones grow with them. I feel like I love them more and more everyday, but I don't know how that's possible.

Love the crafts. I have a bit of a craft but lately as well. Maybe it's all the heat.


Penny said...

I hate to admit, but I DO know who Laverne and Shirley are! hehe
Poor baby, her eyes look so tired in the last two pictures. At least she's smiling, though. =)

Anonymous said...

Awwww so sweet!

Jacylann Nix said...

what an adorable bib! too cute! I love her girls wear bows ALL THE TIME!

I am actually giving a big bow away this weekend! I will post details about it tonight...go check it out :)

Chari said...

Great job on your projects!

I love the pictures of Harper in her crib NOT napping. LOL Too cute.

Lift Like A Mom said...

How crafty you are! I love that bib. It's so cute! :)

Courtney said...

She is looking older everyday. Love all the great garage sale finds. I went to some garage sales this morning and found some great stuff for my nephew and my niece, who is on the way!

mccoy5 said...

she is getting so big and just cuter everyday! i love iron on rhinestone stuff too!!! :]]

Laurie said...

She looks so cute in that crib looking at you with those big eyes! I am impressed with your crafting skills.

purejoy said...

there is NOTHING BETTER than a great bargain-hunted outfit. so fun and i'm sure she'll look adorable (heck she'd make ashes and sackcloth look divine!!)
well done on the craftiness. i want me another baby so i can play too!!

Doodle Bugs said...

Harper is just precious! I love that first picture.

Unknown said...

Very nice job with the bid!! I must admit, I'm so happy to see she is finally in her crib. I just read all the recalls on the pack and plays and thought of Harper first thing.

I still think she looks tiny in her stroller. She's about as big as peanut ;o)

Karen said...

Love what you did with the dress, first I looked and thought you sewed it somehow, then I realized they were iron on, right?

Keep in touch with that family with 3 girls. That is what we have and I know we have a TON of clothes over the years.

How is Harper doing in her crib?

McCarty and Company said...

Harper is a doll!!! The bib looks must be an OCD sista!!! LOL very cute clothes you got, love hand me downs and garage sale finds. Have a great weekend.

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Ahh she's a big girl now...we switched our son out of the infant seat at 6 months because it was getting too heavy.

I love all of those clothes that you got for her.

and the rhinestones are perfect!

Lauren said...

Love what you added to the dress, so cute!

Unknown said...

Nothing like cute clean stain free hand me downs! Love the be-dazzled bib you did and Harpers name on the dress! Harper looks darling in her stroller with her big bow. They grow fast, my little guy is already 8 mos. I cannot believe it.

Julee said...

That dress and bib are too cute! Good job!! Harper looks so big facing forward and so sweet laying in her crib!!

Home of a Magnolia said...

Love your thrifty finds. I miss those afternoon naps when I could get so much done. You did a great job on the dress and bib.

Brunch at Saks said...

I love your two projects! That dress is just too cute for words! Happy weekend :) XOXO

Nancy said...

I would love to pay you to monogram something for my little Kenlee! Your girl is precious! Let me know if you ever make anything & sell it!

kimert said...

Your craftiness turned out really great!! The dress is cute as is the bib!! :) Love the Laverne and Shirley reference.

Betsy said...

Can you believe how fast they grow?? That is so funny about Harper being like Laverne!! I used to love that show.

Your little craft projects are super cute! You go girl! :)

momMYsliceoflife said...

She does look so big in her stroller!! LOVE the bib and dress! Good job, momma!

Jenn said...

You are right, Harper looks so BIG! What a cutie!! Speaking of cute, great job on the dress and the bib! Love it:)

Rachel said...

That's what you could from home and make cute stuff like that !! The bib looked perfect to me...don't pick yourself apart!!

The Brady's said...

Loving checking out all Harper's cute outfits and bows! What can of embrodiery (sp?) machine do you have? I would love to find an cheap one to do some monogramming on my girls clothes.

caknitter said...

The dress and the bib are so cute and crafty. What fun!

The Garners said...

I love your craft projects--very very cute!!!

Harper looks cute in her crib--even if she wasn't napping!

Hailey said...

Kelly, this is my first comment but I have been following your blog for a while, I just love reading your blog and it came into my life at the right time, I spent many late nights staying up reading all of your archives...maybe one day I will get up the courage to e mail you and tell you just how much it has meant to me, but for now I am leaving a comment to let you know I love your blog.
Your crafty creations are SO CUTE, and I love that picture of Harper in the stroller, such a precious little princess.

Kim said...

Look at you being all step for you is the B-Dazzler! ha!
I agree....Harper looks like a big girl in her stroller facing out! said...

just curious, do you have a schedule with her? my daughter didn't nap well/routinely until i put us on a strict schedule...that might help?

she's getting so big!! I can't believe how adorable she is!

Ashley said...

YAY! I am so proud of your craftiness... we need to get together and play! I love making things!!! And I have done the iron on with the crown for Avery but on a onesie and it's super super cute! It's on my blog, the one from 4th of July!! It hardly takes anything!!! hope you are well sweetie! Hope you are feeling better!


she is just beautiful. and she is already six months old!! time flies!!

Jenna said...

Thanks for the tip! I'll have to see - the other day my blog wouldn't work at all, so I'm thinking I may have a tad but too much stuff on it! =)

Jennifer said...

I love a good garage sale! The letters you put on that dress totally make the dress! Your house is just full of cuteness, I must say!

michelle said...

I love the stroller picture. She is getting so big!

Heather said...

It is so bittersweet when they start facing forward in their strollers, but my kids loved it! Just wait until you turn her car seat around! Then you really will cry! Love the garage sale finds. I guess I'm just too lazy to do all the work. I give all my kid's clothes away! Maybe you can find someone lazy like me! ;)

julie & joe said...

Cute craft! I love finding good deals on cute kids clothes at garage sales!!!! So much easier on the budget.

Ashley said...

I recently discovered appliques too...fabulous!

Jacquie said...

That stroller shot is TOO CUTE!! Your craft projects turned out great. Jodi and I were called "Laverne and Shirley" in high school. Ha!

Shannon said...

I love reading about your precious Harper. Those bows of hers are too cute! She just looks so grown up in that stroller! I can't believe it and I'm sure you can't either!

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

So cute!! That dress is just too cute! Good job!

Beth said...

I love the little dress and bib that you embellished! And Harper was so cute in her stroller!

Christie - Childhood 101 said...

It's amazing, the dress looks so much more finished with her name added. Very clever!


Lianna Knight said...

I was rolling over here about the Laverne comments...I LOVED Laverne and Shirley and always wanted an "L" on my shirts growing up too!!

Harper is still just as cute as ever!!!

Anonymous said...

Every lady need a little bling in her life! Harper is just darling. What fun it is to play Mommy. All too soon she will be the one deciding what to wear so enjoy this sweet time. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.


Rachel said...

You are crafty!! You could start your own business making things for little girls!

I just wanted to say how much I love your blog. It is the first and last thing I read in my day. It encourages me and lifts me up!

Blessings to you Kelly!

We've Got Scents said...

Love all of the great pictures, the cute clothing and your work on the dress and the bib! Too cute!
Little Harper wanted to watch her Mother put her name on things instead of napping!!!
Will certainly be in prayer for Grayson, thanks for sharing.
Blessings always,
Matthew 21:22

Carrie said...

The next big milestone: sitting them in the grocery cart without their car seat! That one really got to me. But on a side note, if you don't already have a grocery cart cover, you need to get one. I love mine SO much...I am sure someone can embroider her name on one :)

Lydia said...

L-O-V-E that big bow :)
And Yes, I agree it is a sad moment when they are big enough to sit like big girls in their strollers. :(

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Napping? What is that?

Just kidding.... my kids weren't much for napping when they were little and I really wished they did. :)

Blessings for a sweet weekend!

Anonymous said...

Love the new looks you did an awsome job
And she is getting so big

Shoshanah said...

I love how in the first picture Harper's bow is almost as big as her head

Unknown said...

That dress from tutu is so adorable!!

Heather said...

Harper is looking like a big girl in that stroller! How cute is she in that pink bow?!?!? I love how you put her name on her dress! You ARE crafty!
Hope you guys are having a great weekend!

The Smittys said...

Kelly, I love your blog! I read it here in NC! I gotta say, the bow-to-head ratio of that first picture is just perfect!

Michelle said...

She looks so grown up. She is too stinkin' cute!

Preppy Coastee said...

You have the cutest bibs for her!!

Alaska Girl said...

Great job on the dress & bib! I am a sucker for personalized items since my name is so unusual and I never got to pick up personalized things when we went on trips when I was little. I actually went to a 50's party with a big L like Laverne used to wear ~ my big costume!

L in Alaska =)

noahandlylasmommi said...

Wow crafty lady! Super cute. Wish I could do stuff like that... Wanna do a how to post??? ;) Love the Laverne comment.

{Katie Lane} said...

All you girlies are so cute!! Love the bling :)

BOWquet said...

That dress is adorable!!!

Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

I LOVE the new "looks"....isn't Danielle the best? She did a rotating header for me, too....I lOVE her!!!

Beautiful site and beautiful baby....I love keeping up with your fam!

Ali said...

I have a 3 month old little baby boy named Jack and I feel your pain about the night nursing and lack of sleep! It is such a blessing to be a Mommy but, if I could wish for anything right now it would be 8 straight hours of sleep! I miss sleep like missing a best friend! :)

I love the blog makeover! So awesome! She did a GREAT job!

Now I can't wait to see your living room makeover! Please post pics soon! I'm in the middle of doing some decorating at my is tough to do with kids in the house! Hope you know that I'm not complaining...I wouldn't trade my 3 blessings for anything! They are gifts from God! :)

~ Ali