Monday, July 27, 2009

Baby Sitting, Swimming and a Giveaway

Remember how I said yesterday that I was finally feeling comfortable as a mother and maybe we would start thinking about #2? NO - I'm not pregnant. And I need to get Scott to agree on a "H" name first. ha! Just kidding. (His suggestion is Henrietta. YIKES!)(I already have several I like - it's convincing Scott that none of the names will make kids make fun of them). But today I got a little taste of what that might be like. I kept Laurie's girls for a few hours while she went to the doctor this morning. It actually was pretty easy. (As you can see Harper is just inches or days away from crawling.....she is almost there!)
Emily was so much help to me. She helped play with the two little ones and helped me change their diapers. She is such a sweet girl. They all got in the play pen to play.
I thought this was cute of Harper until I realized she had spit up all over right when I took this.
After Laurie got home, we walked to their neighborhood pool. Only the water was cold and it was overcast and Harper was tired so we ended up only staying probably 15 minutes.
I laid Harper down to take off her swimming diapers (thank you - I learned my lesson) and she was out. Bless her heart. Playing with big kids and few minutes of swimming just did her in!

I know so many of you are praying for Stellan today. Please continue to pray. Also pray for Abby. And there are SOOOOOO many more just like them who need our prayers. You can find a long list on my prayer blog. It is very overwhelming and I know a lot of my friends and I have talked about how it seems like there are SO many sick babies and kids and families......but I think the blogging world has just made things so small. Your inner circle probably doesn't know as much hurt - but these requests are from all over the globe. Thank for the love and support you give each other. I hope that in the blog world you are not just finding sadnes.......but also SO MUCH JOY!!! There are so many happy, funny, wonderful things out there as well!!!!

And one last thing......a fun thing. A prayer request that has had a good ending - sweet Bentley and her heart - her mother is going to do a giveaway for one of you of a blog design. Go here and check her out! She also gives away one design a month on her site so you might win there also! Just leave me a comment and let me know you are interested and one lucky winner will win! I'll draw for it on Wednesday!


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Samantha said...

that picture of her sleeping is so cute! looks like she had fun! :)

Sarah said...

The picture of Harper sleeping is so adorable! What a sweetie!

Lynette said...

Looks like you had a busy morning!Harpers little swim suit is so cute! I would love to be entered into the blog design giveaway.

~Shari said...

Oh Yeah!! I am so interested.I am also a follower of her. So.... I have my fingers crossed that I may win.

Ali said...

Here are some awesome 'H' names:

> Hadley (girl)
> Henry
> Hudson
> Hannah or Hanna
> Hooper (boy)
> Hill (boy)
> Haily
> Hank
> Harrison

Tons of awesome baby names that start with "H".

~ Ali

kimert said...

OOOh I love Hadley for another girl name! You got a great list of "H" names up there!! ;)

Cute pics!!!

ALYSSA said...

Thank you for always being so uplifting Kelly! I am interested in the blog design giveaway.

Tiffany said...

How funny I took my girl to the pool today too and she fell asleep on the way home and took a 2 hour nap!! I'm interested in the blog design and I have loved reading your blog the past few months! You give me so many great ideas!

Caroline said...

Love the Gymboree strawberry swim suit.....too cute!

It has been a hard day waiting and hearing about Stellen. The blog world has opened my eyes to sooo much sadness. Your blog helps, it is positive and God's work on Harper is all over it. Thank you!

I am interested in the new blog design, I could use it!

mrs boo radley said...

How about Hemlock, Hester, Haven, or Heloise?

Amanda Jo said...

Your little one is just precious!!!! Also, thank you for posting about Stellan, that little one is really on my heart today.

Please sign me up for the giveaway! Thanks! (love your blog)

Beth said...

I am so glad you have your prayer blog. That is so sweet of you to post the request of others. I have my own request for prayer today. Could you & your readers please include me in your prayers? Thank you so much! Harper looks so sweet when she is asleep. Hope you have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly, I'm so excited for you to have another one...I'll start thinking of "H" names for you! Houston, Holden, Hayden, Haylie, Hannah, Harley, Harrison, Helena, Hillary, Hunter, Hudson...should I keep going?! And i'm very interested in the blog giveaway!

Laura Fine said...

What a sweet picture of Harper!

We are definitely praying over the names on the prayer blog!

A new blog design sounds like fun....mine could definitely use a makeover :)

Anonymous said...

I like Hayleigh for a girl and Hayden, Harris, or Hudson for a boy - just let me know when you need ideas!! I will be here for you:)!!! Oh, and I would love to be entered into the giveaway.

Elizabeth Hubbard said...

love the picture of Harper sleeping...sooo cute! I am very interested in the blog design giveaway!

Lucy Marie said...

What a sweet photo of sleepy little Harper!

I'd love to be entered for the blog design.

Laurie said...

I KNOW you are so tired. These pictures are great! I love Harper sleeping on the chair.

Tara G. said...

Kelly, what a blessing to have your best girlfriend right there...I can only imagine how wonderful it must be! Rejoicing with you!

Kim said...

I love to read your blog and hear all about Harper! She is such a cutie! You have actually inspired me to begin my own blog, and I would love to be entered to get a blog design. Thanks!!

Nichole Fisher said...

I love the name Hadley for a girl. My friend has twins and one of them is a Hadley. I also like:

Henry (or Harry)
Helene (or Helena)

Mrs. Everything said...

Would LOVE a new blog design!

Nichole Fisher said...

By the way - I would LOVE a new blog design

Annie said...

What a sweet little bathing beauty :)

Looks like you had a busy day!

I would LOVE to win a blog makeover...I need HELP!

Anonymous said...

hey kelly! i too love the sleeping picture! so sweet! ya, those swimming diapers do not hold a thing! i would love to be entered into the giveaway! i am not able to click on "here" to get there! help!

Shelley said...

I love the names Hadley, Hope, Hannah, Holly, Hudson, Holden, Halston, and I am sure I have more that I cant come up with right now. Our last name starts with an "H" and we almost did the "H" thing. After having three girls I am glad we didnt start that. I would LOVE to have a blog make over!!! Once again, cute pics :) Happy Monday!

Claire said...

Oh bless little Harper! Precious one!


Anonymous said...

Harper is so cute. Look at her sleeping.I am interested in the blog design giveaway.

Leslie said...

Love hearing about Harper's adventures. My little Madeline is almost 5 months old, so it's nice to hear about how you keep conquering milestones. My other daughter is 6, so it's been a while since I've been in the baby business.

I would love a new blog. I am just now getting into it, but would love for my blog to have a cute look!

Mary Avery said...

See, you could be a mom of 3 girls, easy! She looks so cute in her pink bathing suit. I love it!

Anonymous said...

I am interested in the blog design giveaway!!

Also since everyone else is making H name suggestions,
I think Hansen or a girl or Hanson for a boy is a cute name.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh...ADORABLE picture of her sleeping!

Amazing how INSTANTLY they fall asleep after a few minutes at the pool.

Remember this little 'sleep' will come in handy when she's a little older....

Andrea said...

I love that picture of Harper sleeping! I can't wait to see her when she starts crawling. That's such a fun stage.

coble said...

I would love to be entered into the blog design. Thanks Kelly!

West Family said...

I see a few people have mentioned the name Hadley. That is one of my nieces names and I love it and have never heard of another Hadley! I would also love to be entered in the drawing for the blog giveaway

April Jackson said...

I have been a follower of Bentley's blog for a while. I think her mom does great blog designs. I hope I win!

Crystal said...

OOOHHHHH!!! I love Hadley and Hudson. Very cute and go perfectly with Harper. =)

I absolutely LOVE the picture of Harper sleeping. What a cutie!!

Amy said...

Hi Kelly,
Just wanted to say thank you for keeping your blog so positive all of the time. And I don't think you will have any trouble finding another H name, with all the blog world helping!
My kids think that everyone who has a blog has a sick baby. There does seem to be so many. Thanks for helping people know who to pray for.

Lindsey said...

Isn't a sleeping baby the most precious thing? And her swimwsuit! Oh my! She's absolutely adorable!

I'd love to win a blog makeover! I feel I switch backgrounds like I switch purses! Can we say addicted!?! :)

Thanks Kelly!

starlightmommy said...

Swim diapers.....lesson learned they hold in the Bowel Movements and the urine goes right first experience my son was 8 weeks old and I put him in a swim diaper and he immediately peed all over me. I know know what keeps them from swelling in the water! That was 3 years ago but some lessons take only one time.

Enter me in the blog giveaway.

C.C. and Double T said...

I'm interested in a blog makeover anytime! ;-)

Mommyto3andahusky said...

I would love a blog makeover!

Audrey has the same swimsuit! :)

Shortcake456 said...

Cute pictures!

Oh my, I would love help with a new blog. I currently have three...just b/c I keep trying to work with them on my own and I have no talent in that area!!!!

Thanks for your blog. I do follow it everyday. :)

Erin said...

Ooooh, count me in for interest in the blog makeover. Looks like you girls had a great time! Emily looks like such a helpful big sister!

Rachel said...

I would LOVE a new blog design! Thanks for entering me in the contest. I understand about the swimmer diapers- I had to learn my lesson too- I wish they would put instructions on the packaging or something!

Aura said...

I love the name Hayden, and it could go either way! Also Hanna and Hudson are cute.

Unknown said...

Harper is just too cute. God is good! I would love to be entered for the blog design!

Rob and Amy said...

What a precious post Kelly!!! I would love to be entered into the blog design giveaway!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

That pink swimsuit is just too cute for words! And the sweet baby wearing it is pretty cute, too!

Kelley said...

What a beautiful post today! Harper looks so cute sitting like a big girl!

Cochran Family said...

Oh my goodness, I would LOVE to win a blog design! I have been drooling over all the cute custom designs I see, but don't want to fork out the money to get one...ha! By the way, I LOVE reading your blog. I look forward to it each day :)

Lisa said...

Love the picture of her sleeping by the pool in her suit. What a cutie. I soooo enjoy reading you blog and I look forward to your daily posts. I would love to be entered into the giveaway. Thanks for all you do for others.

Lisa :)

The Gilliland Family said...

Looks as though you were a busy momma today! Not only did you get a dose of what it would be like with 2, but what it would be like with3!!! Ha! Oh and I would LOVE to win a blog design! I have been following Bentley & her fam and praying for her recovery, what a little miracle! Thanks for the giveaway and crossing my fingers that I will win it!


The Cochran Fam said...

Great pics of Miss H and the girls! Love that swimsuit!

I need a blog makeover!

Barclay Kathryn said...

I could use a blog makeover!

Beth said...

what a darling sleeping baby. Been praying for Stellan and Abby all day. My son suffers from the same condition that Abby has and had his surgery last year. he continues to amaze us with how well he is doing.

Amber said...

What about Hadley or Haley ?

I agree with what you said about the blog world being small and making it look like there is so much suffering out there. I've had a heavy heart about this lately and didn't know how to put it into words. Thank you, Kelly.

Were naming all our kids "A" names so we can reuse all the monogramed stuff! :)

Stewart Family said...

Go for #2. It really isn't that bad and I'm positive you would do great!!

Love the pics as always.

Oh, and of course I want to entered in the drawing. I've hit up every contest to get my blog made over but haven't won yet. Maybe this will be my chance ;)

Unknown said...

What a great day! And a great giveaway!

Ashley said...

THe giveaway is worth a shot! count me in!! Harper looked so cute with her friends! ;)

Paige said...

Thank you for always sharing your adventures with Miss Harper with us! I love seeing her sweet pictures!

Harlin is one of my favorite boy names!

Hope you, Harper and your hubby have a great week!

Stacey said...

The picture of Harper sleeping in her bathing suit is so cute!

Gretta said...

Would LOVE to win a blog design! My blog desperately needs a new look. Love all the pictures you post of your sweet Harper...she is SO precious!

Unknown said...

Who WOULDN'T love a new blog makeover from Bentlye's Mom??? =) Count me in!

Kristin Stegent said...

Harper looks so cute konked out in her swimsuit!

Definitely interested in the giveaway! Please enter me in! :)

ppinkmomma said...

I just have to tell you that I have a Harper (she's 4) and her big brother is a Hudson - he had a great-uncle with that name - so I'm offering it to you if you need it anytime soon:)
(I told my husband that we can have no more babies because I'm out of "H" names - ha!)
When Harper was sick, I just cried tears and prayed for her and thought "what if it was my Harper". It's so good to see her healthy and happy!

Tracy Williams said...

I would love to win a blog makeover! :)
Such a cute sleeping baby!

Erica @ All About Aleigha said...

Harper is sooo cute in her little bathing suit. I would love to be entered in the blog design give away.

Quinn's Mama said...

I would love to win a blog design. My blog is so boring but working at home doesn't leave the spare money to pay someone to design it. I just love reading your blog, and it is also so fresh and pretty!

Unknown said...

Super cute pictures- please enter me in blog design drawing! :)

jenniedub said...

I would love a new blog design!! And is that a little ruffle at the top of her bathing suit? Too cute!!!!

Grady's Mommy said...

I would love to be entered to have my blog designed! Thank you!

The Allens said...

Scott wants to make sure your names wouldn't make your child the subject of jokes, but he wants to go with Henrietta? Hmmmm. :) What's the story with the swim diapers? It is a nice to hear you talking about a possible #2. I am so glad you are in your groove!

Julia said...

I noticed a lot of people said the real southern belles of Louisville ;). I actually need "A" names and like Adley or Aubrey. I remember yours was Hudson. I'm interested in the drawing! :)

Christina said...

I would love to win a blog giveaway! Harper is so cute!

Beth said...

What a fun day with friends!
I would love to win the blog design. Mine just seems so blah after a while.

melissa said...

Looks like the girls had fun!
... I want to win! :)

KLD said...

Hadley is an awesome girl name!! You don't hear it a lot so it is unique!! Have a great day!

Mrs. Biscuit said...

I love H names! My son is Harrison...but we call him Harry (a family name). I also really liked Henry.

Tell Scott to get with the program!

( many kids do you want? Are you doing to be like the Duggars??)

Lindsay said...

Happy Monday!

The pic of Harper asleep in her bathing suit is just precious! That girl must have been worn out!

I would love to be entered in the drawing! Thank you!

Brianna said...

Oh. Yes, please. My blog needs help.

Harper is so sweet and getting so big.

Father's Grace Ministries said...

H names: One of our little twinnies has HADDON as a second name- after the famous preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

I felt moved to pray for Stellan & Mckmama today, I had tears in my eyes and a lump im throat, after reading the last post. Lord enveleope them all in Your peace that transcends all understanding...

Sherri said...

Hey Kelly,

I would love to be entered into the giveaway. Thanks so much!

I can't believe Harper fell right asleep like that...what a doll.

I have been praying for Stellan all day long. It is heartbreaking .

Abby said...

I'd love a new blog design! :)

Chari said...

I would love a bloggy makeover.

The picture of Harper in the pack and play is so cute!

Hayley said...

She is so cute! Thanks for the chance in the drawing! My blog could use a face lift! :)

Sarah said...

Looks like Harper's catching some rays! That picture is so cute.

I would love a blog makeover! :)

Leslie said...

I'd love to win a blog design. Thanks for the cute pics!

Nichole said...

I'm jealous Harper will fall asleep while out and about like that! It usually takes a small miracle to get Finn to sleep.

I'd love to be entered in the contest as well!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Harper is so cute! What fun!

Unknown said...

Love the H names. My girls are Hannah Grace and Hillary Faith. I have a girlfriend with a little girl named Hadleigh Grace- love it! I just found your blog and enjoy it, God bless.

Alexa said...

of course my blog would love a makeover... I mean I would~

HAppy Monday praying for Stellan and Abby!

opalessence said...

I would love to be entered into the drawing! I was just thinking last week how in need I am for a blog design overhaul! HA! *fingers crossed*

Amanda said...

Harper is such a CUTIE!! I'd love to win the blog design too!!

Laura said...

Just LOVE the picture of Harper asleep!

Unknown said...

I would love a blog re-design! Harper is getting so big.

Basham said...

Cute pictures! I am interested in the blog design..I wear my I heart Bently bracelet everyday!

Unknown said...

I love the name Harley (Harly) and would BE TEMPTED to use that name if I had another girl! Hannah is very sweet and cute too! Like everyone else said.. THE Pic. of Harper sleeping is just as sweet as can be!

Carol Sue said...

very interested in the blog give a way
I love your site

The Clark Clan! said...

We have a borrow a kid program at my house. My kids are 10, 8 & almost 6 so when I need a baby fix I just borrow a friends. It is great. I really need to do a blog post on that. I have some great pictures.
Looks like you had fun. Having the older girls over is a great way to tire a baby out. That stimulation is exhausting!!!!

The Armstrong Family said...

Love the pics of sweet Harper! What a Blessing! Please enter me in the blog design giveaway.

Have a Blessed Day!

Jenny said...

I would love to be entered in the blog design giveaway.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I would love to be entered....your girl just cannot get any cuter and I love watching her grow up....

Kate said...

Hi Kelly!
I have been reading your blog for a couple months and love comparing your day to mine with my little boy! I have an almost six month old who thinks Harper is really cute! Anyway, if we have a girl next her name will be Hadley...that's a good H name!

I am also interested in the giveaway. I just started a blog about helping your child learn to read. (I am a kindergarten teacher and reading specialist.)

Thanks for brightening my day everyday!


Allie said...

I would love to be entered in the design contest! I enjoy reading your blog. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us!

Bridgett said...

I really need a new blog design.

Heather said...

I love that picture of Harper sacked out in her swimsuit!!
I can't wait for you to have #2--but enjoy Harper now. (I know you are!)
Isn't being a Mommy the best job and the best thing in the whole world?!?!
I can't wait til we can get our girls together to play!

RN Mama said...

I would love to be entered into the contest!

Love following your blog! Harper is getting so big:)

Debbie Dankelson said...

Just started my blog a week ago and would love a design! Thanks!!

Anna Newman said...

Harper is getting so big and looks like an angel laid out and sleeping in bathing suit!!!! I would like to be entered in the blog design giveaway please

Tales from the Trails said...

I just started blogging about 6 months ago. I found your blog recently and love your message. Now, I feel that I have to catch up on Harper and the family often, HA! I would love to enter the blog design giveaway. Thanks for making my day a bit brighter.

Briana said...

I would love to win a blog design...I just started my blog so that would be super fun!

Kristin said...

I would love to win a blog design!

rita from georgia said...

Kelly, can't remember how i came across your blog but i enjoy it. in your own way i feel as though
your are providing a ministry. can't really put my finger on what it is but it is good. makes me feel good to read the blog. i am a 50 year old grandmother to twins.
by the way Harper looks just like
your mother. maybe the facial expressions.....a doll any way you
look at it.

cmb said...

I'd like to be considered for the blog design :)

have a great day! :)

Cameron said...

Yeah for Bentley!

I would definitely be interested in a blog makeover :)

~Allie~ said...

i would like to know your favorite H names!!!!!

krislyn. said...

Such a cute swim suit! I think you would be a great mother of two -- so many adorable "h" names, at least one of them Scott's got to like!! =)

I'm all about a blog design!

kelly k said...

Pick me! Pick me!:)

Scarlett said...

I think Hadley is a great name for a girl, and I like Hudson for a boy. Anyway, I read Bentley's blog but don't have one of my own. I'll have to pass on the givaway.

CourtneyC said...

Aww, Harper is too sweet sleeping like that.

I love your prayer wall that you do.

Kellie Staats said...

Harper is just so cute! I'm all about the blog design. I just got married and its time for my blog to change too! :)

O'Dell Family said...

Praying for Stellan and Abby.

Would LOVE to win a blog design!

Thanks for sharing your life!

Rooney said...

I would love to be entered to win the blog design giveaway!!!


Unknown said...

Harper is so stinking cute!!! Maybe a new look on my blog would help motivate me to blog more often!

Melissa Miller said...

Such precious photos! :)

Jane said...

I need a blog makeover! :)

The Dimino's said...

I would so LOVE a blog makeover!!!!! Oh, and Harper is just the cutest little thing!!!!

Molly said...

Harper is too adorable...spit up and all!
I would love one of Crystal's blog designs! What amazing work she does!

Jennifer said...

I would totally love a blog remodel. If you go to my blog you'll see how badly I need it. Thanks! :)

Natalie "The Pampered Mom" said...

Woah sign me up, I could so use a blog makeover!

Jennifer said...

Oh, I'd LOVE a blog make over!

Jen said...

Oh I would love to have new blog design! Thanks for the opportunity to participate!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE a custome blog!!!

Unknown said...

Please enter me for the blog makeover. I would love - okay I NEED - a new look! Desperately.

How about the name Hanleigh or Hanley?

laura said...

Thank you for keeping up with the prayer requests, it does make the circle a little tighter. I would love to start a blog and the blog design give away would be a great starting point.

Melissa said...

Harper is such a sweetie! My daughter and I love reading your blog. I'd love to be entered in the blog design giveaway!

Tonya said...

I would love to be entered for the blog design giveaway. I love the pictures of Harper! She's growing way too fast, isn't she?

Always A New Day said...

Why do they get so big so fast? She is precious!!

And, I would love a blog makeover :)


Happiness Is... said...

I love your prayer blog. It is hard to read sometimes, but just a testament to how many people need our prayers ALL the time.

On a lighter note, I would love a blog redesign. Mine is so NOT me! :)

Lindsey said...

I'm getting ready for a big life change and would love a blog change to go along with it!

Unknown said...

Cute pic! Would love a blog makeover!

Mama's the Boss said...

What little cuties!!!

Anonymous said...

Harper looks so precious sleeping in her little suit.

Crossing my fingers that I might win the blog design!

Patriot said...

I'd love to win a blog design!

(That little innocent baby sleeping in her swimsuit is precious!)

Sara Lynn said...

I would love to be entered into the design giveaway!!!

Kate in Austin said...

Praying fervently.

purejoy said...

awwww, little sleepy harper!
so cute!
now a free blog makeover?? i'm in!!
hope i win! and your pancakes looked DEE lish!!

Julie said...

The picture of Harper sleeping is too cute!!

Constant Family said...

Sign me up, my blog could use a makeover!!!
Harper is the cutest little thing.

Holli said...

Sign me up! Can't believe Harper is growing so fast!

Natalie said...

I love H names, too. I love Hudson (think you've mentioned liking that to) and Holly, too!

Sara said...

Love the swimsuit... so cute! I want to be entered in the contest as well! Thanks! :)

Sherre said...

I would LOVE to be included in the drawing for the free blog design. I'm a relatively new blogger and could definitely use the help. I have followed your story since Harper was born and enjoyed the journey along the way. However I think this is my first time to leave a comment. Maybe it'll be my lucky day (if I believed in luck, that is! ha!).

GotGRITS said...

Please add me to the blog design giveaway!!!

Judy said...

I like the names Hudson, Hayden, and Harrison for a boy. I like Hallie, Hailey, and Hadley for a girl. There are a lot of great "H" names, so I say go for another baby whenever you're ready. It's obvious that you really want another one!

Wendy said...

I vote for Hadley, too although Hope seems appropriate for any of us that have struggled w/ infertility! Oh, and watch out...after trying for years to get pg, then adopting, then having 1 miracle via IVF I got pg again 6 months later without any 'assistance'! In fact, tomoorow is the 1 year anniversary of discovering that awesome surprise! I hear it's a pretty fertile time after giving birth!
Oh...and please count me in for the giveaway! I need all the help I can get!!

Guatmama said...

Of course I am in for the giveaway! Follow you thru a friend!

The B's said...

Harper is SOOO cute!!! And OF COURSE I would LOVE a blog makeover! :)

Lindsey said...

I would love to win!

PS..Harper looks so cute in that little pink bathing suit!

Christy Lee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christy Lee said...

Hi Kelly!
Harper is so sweet!
I would love a blog design...I am definitely interested!


Nancy said...

I've never won anything in my life! I would love a blog like that!
Praying for the babies...and for the families. What a blessing to have this blog community.
Nancy H.

macphailfamilyx7 said...

Your little one is adorable! I love her unique! Please, Please, Please, I would love a blog makeover!

Alyssa said...

See, you'll do great with another child! I'd love to be entered for the custom blog!

In This Wonderful Life said...

praying for those on the list :) always! I think you will be great with multiple kiddos! :)

Sarah Sherman said...

I would love to be entered for the blog giveaway.

Mommara said...

Wow. I would love a new look. Thanks so much!

Heather said...

Harper looks so sweet, I love the precious picture of her in her little swim suit!

Ashley said...

I will be truly shocked if I win this because I never win giveaways, but I'll go for it anyway. I love your blog and your sweet little angel is the cutest. That bathing suit picture is precious!

Stephanie said...

I'd love a blog design too! You're little Harper is getting sweeter by the day. So glad you're getting into your "groove" as a mommy; I know those first few months are tough, but it does get easier...and much more fun too. My daughter just turned one and is more and more fun each day!

Grecia said...

I would love to be entered for the blog design! As always, Harper is just so precious! You'll be chasing after her in just a few days when she starts crawling (it may make you re-think #2 a little bit) HA HA!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered into the giveaway! She does a wonderful job!

Jennifer said...

I love the picture of Harper in her swimsuit. She is going to be too cute at the beach!
I am so glad you are thinking about an H name that way you can pass all of Harper's too cute monogrammed things to her! But really you need a Hudson next!:)

Allison Rose said...

I would love to be entered in the blog design giveaway! Thank You,'re so sweet!

My name is Sara. said...

The pictures of the girls are adorable! I lift up and pray for all of the people on the prayer blog at night before bed!

I would love to be entered for the blog makeover! I definately need one!

Danielle @ Living Out Loud said...

Hi Kelly,

I read your blog daily, but rarely comment! I wanted to comment today because I am so glad that you said what you said about the blog world making the world small. I often feel like all I read is sad stories about sick babies... so much so that it's making me a complete lunatic with my 3rd pregnancy! You are right though... I don't know anyone in my close circle of family/friends (praise God!), but the blogging world makes the big world seem small. I will continue to lift up these sick babies and children, while trying to remember that the vast majority of babies are born completely healthy :) And for what it's worth... I think you should go for #2! I am a 35 year old and just starting my 3rd pregnancy! You can do it :)

And I love Crystal and her blog designs! I would love to be entered to win one of her designs :)

Thanks for giving us some JOY amidst the sadness!

Danielle @ Living Out Loud

Gracie Beth said...

I am praying for Abby and Stellan! please enter me in the giveaway as well!

Virginia said...

Love the Gymboree strawberry swimsuit! :)

threeboysgee said...

I am also praying for Stellan and Abby...

I am interested in the blog design makeover!!


Leyla said...

Kelly I love reading your blog and can always count on you for a good daily read with so many great craft ideas and recipes. I have been reading it since you were about 4 months pregnant and found you because I was a couple months ahead of you pregnant too. My little Audrey is nine months old tomorrow...crazy how time flies!!! Anyway, I really enjoy your blog and love seeing all the adorable pictures of Harper!

I'm excited about the chance to win the blog design. Too cute!!!

God Bless!

momMYsliceoflife said...

I remember going back and forth on deciding if I could handle a second baby or not! LOL! I kept my nephews and other peoples kids and depending on the day would think "NO PROBLEM!" or "OH, NO WAY!". Truth is that when its your child, its so different. It was a bit harder for me to adjust to the second baby than it was the first, but I think I have it down pretty well now that she is almost 10 months! :D

momMYsliceoflife said...

I couldn't figure out how to edit my comment. I think you cant? But I would LOVE a blog makeover! So nice of y'all to give one away!

alisha herring said...

I like your blog design. I think it's so neat how a new pic pops up on your header everytime I log on! I would love to be entered in to the drawing for the blog design. thanks!

Bri said...

Harper is just so cute! I would defnitely be interested in the blog design! :o)

Ashley W said...

It is so wonderful to hear good news about baby Bentley. I would love to be entered into the blog design giveaway!

Laura Rucker said...

I need a blog make over!!

Jolynne said...

Ohh I would love a blog make do over :)

I love the name Halle.

Ps. I have always wanted to comment on your blog. I talk to my husband about you like your my best friend! lol.

Antonia said...

Harper is just too cute :) I love her little pink swimsuit.

I'd be interested in the blog makeover too!

The Mrs. said...

Love your blog!!!! That baby is gorgeous! Miss pink and green!

The Stein Five said...

Love your blog!! Would also LOVE to win a blog makeover! Count me in :)

Christy said...

I'd love, love, love to win a blog makeover!

Christa said...

I would LOVE a blog makeover!

Allie said...

I am just starting a blog and would love to get a blog make over. I love your blog. Your daughter is so adorable.

Elizabeth said...

I would love to have an updated blog design! Love your Header by the way- that is the most adorable picture of Harper!

Renia Flaishans said...

Oh Kelly, you could so have another one!! I know that it was hard when Harper was first born but you are such a natural now. My Jordyn was very sick as a newborn and I swore I would never have another one and I did (4 yrs later). And I Thank God I did, because I could never imagine my life with out either one of them.


Renia Flaishans said...

Oh and Kelly, I would love a blog makeover! I have a blog that I plan on using more and more!!

~Alicia~ said...

I thought you were settled on Hudson? Or do you mean you need another "H" name in case you have another girl?

Either way, Harper is just precious! When your blog loaded, the picture of Harper in her orange outfit came up & I aww-ed out loud, all the way over here in Sydney Australia! She is adorable!

(PS I'd love to win a blog re-design) :D

Bree said...

I am interested in the blog design! How nice of her to offer it! Good luck deciding on #2, they are so worth it! :) Also continuing to pray for Stellan!

Faith said...

Ohhh! I loved to win a background!

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