Thursday, June 04, 2009

Words of Encouragement


So I struggle all the time with why so many people read my blog. I'm such an ordinary girl with a very ordinary (but blessed) life. And then I think I know who my main audience is - Christian mothers in their 20's and 30's. And I keep learning that that is totally not true. There are many who read my blog who aren't Christians or are from other faiths. I know there are a lot of women who struggle with infertility who read my blog. But I'm pretty blown away by all the college aged girls and teenagers who read my blog - can't believe you want to read about an old woman in Arkansas. And obviously the number of singles who read my blog. I also know there are a lot of women older than me who read my blog with maybe teenagers or like my mom who likes to read blogs of younger women to remember the sweet time in her life when she had young children. And maybe I have other readers who don't fit any of those descriptions - what an amazing world this blog world is.

I know I talk about infertility a lot because that was my most recent struggle (besides the NICU stay). BUT your comments yesterday brought back a flood of emotions to me as I remember so greatly the pain of wanting to get married. I cried many times as I read your comments because I just hurt for you. I remember the feeling of wondering "what is wrong with me?" and "if I was just thinner, or prettier, or smarter, or funnier"......... I have a HUGE, HUGE burden for single girls. I really do know how it is hard to find your place in church. I'm thankful that Churches are family based and family focused. But sometimes it can make you feel very unwanted when you are sitting alone in the pew. I know that churches don't mean to do it just as married couples don't mean to leave their single friends out. But it can sure feel that way. I used to hate company picnics and Christmas parties because everyone brought their spouse and/or kids and there was loser me - hanging out by myself.

If you read the comments - you know you are NOT alone. And I realize more and more every day how many out there are hurting. Whether you are longing for a husband or a child, or you've lost a child or spouse, or you have a serious illness, or you've lost a parent, or you are suffering due to the recession (and that is SUCH an issue right now - so many are having a hard time).......there probably isn't anyone out there who is not hurting. And if you aren't.......just hold on ......your time will come.

Today I just feel led to list some verses of encouragement and hope. I would love for you to leave in the comments some words of hope or encouragement for each other. I think we all could use it.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. - Deuteronomy 31:6

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. – Matthew 11:28-30

Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 3:13-14

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. – Philippians 4:6

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going." – John 14:1-4

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. – Galatians 6:9

Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. – Psalm 42:5-6a


Megan said...

Lovely. Thank you for this today. I have nothing substantial to add, just this thank you!

m&msmommy said...

So many people struggle with difficulties in their lives, ranging from economic issues to loss of a loved one, and times can get VERY trying! The thing I repeat over and over again in my head when times are tough is, "This is all in God's timing and plan." It's SO hard to truly believe those words and fully grasp them, but when you do, they really help you come out of your "slump." One Sunday my pastor kept using that as a focus of his sermon, the following day as my sister was laying in the hospital in extremely pre-term labor I told her those words (little did I know how true they'd ring just a few days later when she lost her 3 triplet sons). I've been repeating that phrase over and over again to myself as my family has struggled with the loss of my father (on May 15th), my husband losing his job just a few days prior to that, and just the daily struggles of life. It is ALL in God's timing, and even in the darkest of days, and deepest of "holes" you may be in, God is there, this is part of His plan, and He'll pull you through it!!!! Love and prayers to you, Kelly, and to all of your readers.

By the way Harper is just beyond precious!!!!! :)

The Steele Family said...

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thy own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. This is a scripture I lean on alot and hope it brings encourgement to others as well.

Marla Taviano said...

Thanks for the verses today, Kelly! Blessings on your day!

Lindy said...

Thank you, Kelly! I appreciate the verses, I will mark them in my Bible. I think one of the reasons I love reading your blog is because God has given you such an understanding heart. You have been where I am and you know how it feels. That means so much.

Aura said...

You're very sweet and encouraging to a lot of people. And this reader is a non-Christian wife but not mom, yet.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful verses. Thank you for this today!

daftsonographer said...


I am SO thankful that you are able to serve God by blogging! We never know who we will touch. Although I never struggled with infertility, I know what it's like to be the only one "single". Also, I sometimes envy the parents who have "normal" children. Your comments yesterday really helped me remember that God knows all, sees all & loves me anyway. He knows what I'm going through & is there to help through the good, bad & ugly times of life!


bethany said...

I understand about all of this but there are a few of us that i've spoken to on here that are a little upset. We read several comments about people saying "People who got married young, have NO idea." What exactly does that mean? Just because we arent waiting on a husband doesnt mean we arent waiting on a baby etc... We are very thankful and blessed to have fount that sepcial someone so soon. Please reassure youre readers...

Heather said...

Thanks, Kelly! I needed that today!

Gram said...

Thank you for the verses of encouragement. I am not in any of the age groups you wrote about - I am a grandmother to a cutie pie who was born 2 weeks after your Harper. I came to your blog after seeing the Prayer for Harper button on another blog. I have stayed because I find your faith inspiring (and for the pics of Harper).

Minnesota Girl said...

You're very sweet! I was praying forever that I'd meet someone, and I finally did at age 27. We're now engaged to be married =)

I love your blog and your little Harper is simply adorable.

Sjn said...

You may not realize it, but you are a voice from God, brought about through your own shared troubles and joys. I believe you have so many followers from all walks of life b/c you preach hope. You are a minister of sorts, caring and praying for all of us out here in blogland and bringing us all together.
Thank you for just being you, a young mother from Arkansas, with a beautiful and caring heart.

Darla said...

just two days ago i was listening to Selah sing "Hold On" and "Press On" they both speak to these issues in our lives. thank God for annointed music like that, and thank God for blogs and other resourses we have to be encouraged by. the days are difficult for us all in one way or another.

LuLu said...

You are such an inspiration...this verse: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. – Philippians 4:6
is one that my SIL shared with me recently due to all my anxiety (which is brought on by things I cannot control, i.e. flying)...I've NEVER been worried about anything in my life until about two years ago...I guess with age you realize the reality of things...

Heather said...

You are a blessing to so many Kelly. Yes, we all have our struggles and God is definitely using you, your blog, your circumstances, from past and now for His glory to reach others. You are an inspiration to so many and the fact that so many people love you is that you are you. From what I can tell you don't hide much, you are real and that shows. You are anything but ordinary, for you are extrordinary in Christ, and your love for Him shines through every post. I love reading and I am a 29 year old mama and love that I found your blog last year!

Lauren said...

love, love, love you!

Enough said!

The end! :)

Gina said...

Thanks Kelly! :) I'm 32, single and never married, but I know that we all seem to be waiting on something. It is important for us to all try to remember that each stage is God's stage for us at that time. They can all be frustrating and heartbreaking but also filled with blessings. I always caution my fellow waiters (waiting for anything) to guard their heart. Bitterness is an easy thing for Satan to slip in when you focus on something other than God.
Blessings! -Gina

Candice Pair said...

Hey Kelly,

I have been following your blog since the day Harper was born, and I just wanted to thank you for always posting encouraging blogs, and for always speaking loud and clear about your faith. You are right, there are many people following this blog that are not believers, and hopefully your words will be the light that leads them to accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Thank you for being a great example!

Lucy Brazzell said...

Kelly I have been reading your blog and you are such an encouragement to everyone. As a PK myself I know how life can turn in a minute. I lost my mom to leukemia 3 1/2 years ago- I have watched my daddy grieve, my sweet daughter Burns talk on her "cell phone" to her Mimi in heaven and just missed my mama!!! Thanks for the scripture verses. There are no other words of encouragement that are better than Bible verses. Thank you for being a wonderful blogger!! I wish I could update as much as you do. You are GREAT!!!

Jess :) said...

Wonderful verses, Kelly! Thank you for those. I needed them today!

Love you TONS, sweet friend!

Jill said...

When my now husband and I were just dating, he broke up with me. I was crushed, and while it lasted only a few short months and he proposed quickly after we got back together, it was a time for me to really lean on God and now I see it as such a blessing because I grew so much closer to Him. A friend I taught with gave me a journal with some verses in it, and they helped me. Two of them:

Psalm 86:6-7 Hear my prayer, O Lord; listen to my cry for mercy. In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me.

I Peter 5:10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.

~Bekah said...

Kelly, thank u for this post today...even though i'm not hurting for any of the reasons you listed, these verses did speak and mean so much to me. i'm struggling, as i told you on FB yesterday, w/ when this baby will come and the fears that are arising from this wait and the changes in "my plan" that might occur. you're the best and such an encourager :)

Fullers1006 said...

Thank you for your words of encouragement there are so many who need to hear these words not only from you but from the Holy Bible. Thank you...

Mandy said...

I didn't comment yesterday because I'm no longer single, but I do understand the heartache. My desire from a very young age was to be a wife and a mother. Neither one came very easily, though. Without writing a novel in your comment space, I struggled through all of the questions and with my own self-worth. I found the guy of my dreams, the one God told me I was supposed to marry, and then he made some bad decisions and we broke up. God told me not to give up on him, and after the hardest 16 months of my life he finally came home and got right with God. We got back together and were married in a short amount of time. We are about to celebrate our 2 year anniversary and couldn't be happier together. Yet, when we wanted to start our own family, that was harder than we imagined as well. At only 21 and 23 years old, we just weren't getting pregnant month after month. We went through all of the infertility testing after a year and were diagnosed with "unexplained infertility". I did one round of Clomid and got pregnant right away. I'm expecting our first baby on August 25th.

Because of those two struggles, I will always have a heart for singles and infertiles. I know the daily fight that exists between who you believe that God is and what that means in the circumstances you are faced with. I started reading your blog when Harper was born and I came across the "Pray for Harper" links on other blogs, but I have continued reading because of the sweet heart that you have for your family and for others. I love celebrating life with someone who has received their miracles too! So, keep on writing and we'll keep on reading :-)

Hollie said...

Hi Kelly,

I am a first time commenter and just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. It is so positive and real. My husband and I have been trying to become parents for two years and are still pressing on with hope! I know it may sound strange, but I am grateful for this journey we are on, it has brought me closer to God and has strengthend our marriage even more .... what a precious gift God has given me, so that oneday I will be able to look at my child and know how much hope and faith and love it took to get him or her here. My heart is with all of those struggling in some way or another and we all are. God Bless your family Kelly!


Lilly, Reid, Matt, and Sara said...

I do love the verses as well. A couple of years ago, I prayed to have more faith and a closer relationship to God (for my husband and myself)...and as God answers prayers...he put us in a situation where our only option was trust in Him. It was so hard because we are planners and all of the sudden ALL of our plans were somehow changed and out of our control...I am talking job, housing, family growth....big plans! big changes! out of OUR CONTROL. But my prayers were answered, we had faith and we were able to see how AWESOME and POWERFUL and GENEROUS our God really is!! Also, His plans were (and are) so much better than all of the amazing plans we thought we had for our lives!!!!! So, to those waiting and struggling...know that you are not alone and He has plans for your lives and they are the perfect plans for your life!

Mrs. McB said...

Thank you so much for your faith Kelly. I really needed those scriptures today.

Frugal Jen said...

God is using you in a big way!

Today I am struggling with the simple yet hard phrase of "It isn't easy to do the right thing"

Galatians 6:9 really hits home today. Thank you Kelly!

Anonymous said...

My daughter was born 15 weeks early and spent 3 1/2 months in the NICU. By the grace of God she is healthy and doing amazing. True proof that miracles happen. While she was in the hospital everyday, all day I would keep telling myself, "If God brings you to it, he'll bring you through it." I truely believe that. Though we do not know why things happen the way they do in the end he has meaning and we only need to give him our trust!

Shana said...

Kelly, Don't struggle with the "why's" just know that you are doing your part in God's plan. Whether you are providing joy, comfort, or reassurance with your blog, THIS is your way of helping countless people! Everything truly happens for a reason! Thank you so much for keeping up with this. I just started following you recently, but I am addicted and I know several friends who are on your prayer request now after finding your link on my page! Keep it up girl! We love you and Harper, and Dawson!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to stop by and say thank you for all your encouraging words. They make me hopeful! Your blog is adorable by the way.

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

Kelly, I think people continue to read your blog because you are a real person, who puts their real life out there. You are someone who others can relate to. If we are not married now, then we want to be and you understand that, if we are not mothers now but we want to be you understand that. I remember so badly wanting to be married and in time, I found the person who was chosen for me. And now I want so badly to be a mommy and there is nothing harder then having to wait and know that God has a child for me and it is up to him to give them to me when he is ready. I think we all feel as though we struggle alone and the truth is we never do, we are never alone. And you remind us of that!!

Amber said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement Kelly! I am in the elementary education program at Alabama and they section all of us off so that we will all be together throughout graduation. Well, as of now, I think 13 of the 27 girls are engaged and some of them are even married. It just gets really hard with these girls being your best friend and seeing them so happy, engaged, and wedding planning with a big beautiful ring. I keep going to all of these bridal teas and weddings and just hope that one day they will all remember me! lol Thanks for remembering us single ladies out here!


MaryBe said...

I really have no words of encouragement that won't be mentioned by someone else...I just want to say there is someone out there for everyone. I truly believe that. You WILL find that love of your life.

Cayle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cayle said...

2. i love your site thank you.

Courtney said...

Thank you so much for those scriptures. I am going to print them out and hang them up in my house, so I can look at them and be encouraged every day. Thank you for all the encouraging words. I am always looking for your daily blog post for encouragement and that sweet little Harper's face!

Mrs. H said... are just so darn sweet! I got married early...almost 23, but I still remember all those thoughts and feelings you were just describing! Your words are so sweet...thank you for being so willing to share with all of us! Have a great day! God bless you!

Momto4 said...

I am a daily reader & love your blog. I started reading your blog because my daughter also spent 31 days in a NICU and so I was drawn to read about your precious Harper journey. She is just beautiful and our babies strength is amazing & inspiring. My daughter Kate is now 2 and you would never know that she was on a ventalator for 6 days, then labeled failure to thrive at 2 weeks old, then diagnosed with a Milk Soy Protein Allergy. She has come so far and is such a terrific little lady. She still has her dairy allergy but in the grand scheme of life she is doing very well. I just love her to pieces. You are a lovely woman and Mom. You are also a Fantastic blogger. Please keep blogging and sharing you precious Harper.

Jessica K. said...

What I have noticed for myself that I am sometimes stuck in yesterday. I know I plan my future and stuff like that. I have a name list for my future kids, I have visions of the house I would like to build with my future husband. I can see us living a happy life with many kids but all this is just getting me stuck in a place I dont want to be. In yesterday...

So now I am trying to free myself from yesterday!!

"You can't get anywhere today if you are still mired down with yesterdays..."

I have no clue if this made sense for anyone else but me!! :)

Thank you for praying for all of us!!

Sara Lynn said...

thank you for this blog. Very touching. And for the christmas parties and company picnics I just take a sister or friend of mine. That part im ok with. Sometimes I wonder if I have a better time with them than I would a guy. Who knows!

Sara in SC

Kristin said...

Kelly, you may just be a normal girl, but God is using you to do amazing things! He is using you to give people hope, to show the power of prayer, to bring us together, and most of all.....for us to want to be closer to Him. I can't tell you how much my life has changed because of your blog! Because of your blog, I now have a new best friend.....Veronica. She has blessed my life so much, and though you and I may never be best friends, just know that my life is better because I "met" you! You are a blessing!

Kristin from TX

Hayley said...

Love these scriptures! Matthew 11:28-30 is one of my all-time favorites. I'm Christian ("Mormon" to be more specific) and wanted to share these verses from an additional book of scripture we have.
"My son (or daughter), Peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high" Doctrine & Covenants 121:7-8... For more info about the LDS church, go to
Thanks for the wonderful words today. I really needed some encouragement.

Rachel Dominguez said...

I appreciate this post!!

Melissa's Thoughts said...

Kelly, you will never know the peace that God has brought my heart this morning. If you read my blog from last night you will see how down I was. Knowing the truth of the word and seeing it and then seeing a sister in Christ share it again is such a heart mender. Thank you for your obediance to your Father. You are a blessing.

Life is Sweet : The McClain Family said...

Hi Kelly,
I am a small town Christian newlywed from the upstate of SC, was recently introduced to the "world of blogging" a few months ago and came across your blog last week! Perfect timing! I have enjoyed reading about your journey and your words of encouragement have been a blessing. It's just what I need at this time. My father passed away suddenly last July - one month before my wedding in August -I am still heartbroken and this will be the first Father's Day without him. The verses John 14:1-4 & Deutoronomy 31:6 have helped me tremendously along the way, and I appreciate you sharing those with everyone today as a reminder/bit of encouragement just when we may need it most. Thanks again and may God bless you & your precious family :)

-Sandi, 25, South Carolina

Brown Girl said...

I think your amazing positive attitude is what draws all of us readers in. I'm a young 20 something year old and love reading your blog. You are NOT some old woman, you are funny and personable~

Thanks for all your encouraging words and wonderful stories!

dee said...

I must not be the typical reader, either. I am a 47 yr old Christian wife and mother of three ages 21, 16, and 15. But, I read every day! Your story is so inspiring and encouraging! It is truly a ministry to others. And what's not to love about getting to see Harper's beautiful pic each day! Thank you!

Jennifer said...

Thank you for putting these verses up today. They are good words of encouragement from our Lord. I love reading your blog and I am a college girl. I love to read because you are real and I feel like you are a role model to me because I am engaged and want to be a godly wife. I also hope to be a mother one day and you are a great role model for that. You have been through some very difficult times in your life and have held tight to the word of God, and that is to be admired! I hope that I can be half that woman you are one day!

Anonymous said...

Kelly: Thank you so much for these verses of encouragement. There is nothing better than clinging to the word of our Lord and Savior! We are so blessed to be able to stand upon His promises for us! Thank you for being such an amazing encourager through Christ!

5th Belle Avenue said...

What an AWESOME post! I talk so much about how blessed I am to have my husband, and sometimes it's easy to forget that I was also in the same shoes as all the single women yearning for a husband. When I was struggling with contentment in singleness, I loved the book, "What's A Girl To Do? While Waiting for Mr. Right", by: Jane Folger. Thank you for the verses, and for being an inspiration to those out there still waiting for their Mr. Right!

Molly said...

Thanks so much for your lovely blog!! I read everyday and laugh and cry and love that you are not afraid to profess your faith. I started my blog over a year ago after ai had to have emergency surgery and realized that God wanted me to profess to to others in ways I had never thought of. I know people might think I'm weird but I think of my blog readers as my new found friends because it is very hard to find true real friends. Have a great day!!!
~Molly P

SassyCassie said...

This post nearly made me cry! I think it's truly amazing how much you care about those that read your blog. Have a great day!

Carrie said...

Great verses! I am copying some of them down. I am a single girl who graduated college a year ago. I was in a relationship all through college and of course hoped for a ring but in the end it wasn't meant to be. Sometimes it is so hard to stay positive. I also love your blog because I am about to embark on an adventure by moving across county to be a nanny to two little babies so I love seeing about your day and the things Harper is doing because it gives me an idea (somewhat) of how my days will be.

Keep up the wonderful work! You clearly have found a special talent.

Myra @ My Blessed Life said...

Kelly, thanks for sharing these verses! They give us hope no matter what trial we might be in. I'm so blessed that my sister shared your blog with me. You are such an inspiration! I love your "realness", compassion, faith and the hope that you give others. God is using you in a powerful way! I'm just another "old" (we're not really old, you know!) Christian mommy who's inspired by you every day! :) Thanks for being you!

Liz said...

Thanks for the encouragement. One verse I've loved lately is,
"For I know the plans I have for you" Jeremiah 29:11

TamJo said...

First of are NOT old. Second of all, I am 25 single christian, and I LOVE reading your blog because you've been there and done that. Its sooo encouraging because there is truly a season for everything, and I can see that through your life. You are also such an encouraging christian. Right now I'm going through a blah time with church and it just helped soo much the other day when you said that, to know I'm NOT alone, that there are others! You just give us all something to relate to in some way! and you are just your self in your blog! Thanks sooo much for the encouraging verses!

Todd and Courtney said...

What a sweet post. I just wanted to let you know that the reason I read your blog is because I believe you've helped me grow closer with Christ. I always felt so ugly, out of place, too fat, weird, etc. when I was single. Even though I'm married now, those feelings can still haunt you. It's nice and refreshing to read daily posts from someone that has felt like you have, has now found happiness in a marriage, and has been blessed with a baby. You're very special Kelly!

tiarastantrums said...

this post is exactly why women read your posts . . . so encouraging, so selfless, and you always say just the right words and you have God's word to help you!

Lovely post!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for such a loving post. It's touching that you are so concerned for us single gals! (I'm 25 and read your blog religiously!)

Thanks again, and all the best!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for all the encouraging words today, it really helped start my day on the right foot. I am new to blogging and my friend recommended your page and I can’t tell you how much of an inspiration you are to me. I love to read your blog and I always leave feeling uplifted. Thanks again for taking the time to encourage others. You truly are a great person.

*Tabitha* said...

Thanks for your kind words!! Made my day happier :)


MEGAN said...

Kelly, people read your blog because you are loving, empathetic, and caring. You have something to offer everyone, just like Jesus has something to offer everyone (whether your readers believe in Him or not).

Anonymous said...

Love the post. You have a beautiful family and God has given you a gift. You are blessed. I was reading your bio and it bought back so many memories for me. God is good all the time. Thank you for what you are doing for this world.

Denise said...

I am a forty-something mom of 3 and a first-time commenter. I did not get married until I was 30 and WOW did I struggle with my place in the world during my twenties. I married a man that was barely 1 year in remission from cancer. He is still here 10+ years later and healthy and a wonderful husband and father. I read your blog because you always seem SO positive and happy - and I love to see that sweet Harper. I love your blog! Keep it up.

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

I actually had just come to your blog to find your email address to email you about this when I saw this post. I was going to ask you if you would write about what it was like to be single during your twenties, if you could tell us what you remember and how you grew with God. And then I see this post.

Thank you, Kelly. It really helps to know that it won't always be this way.

Love Being A Nonny said...

I don't fit in the *normal* category of readers because I am a 52 year old Nonny. But, I love how encouraging you are to others. What a heart you have. You are making a difference in this world and HE is pleased with you.


JAMIE said...


People don't read your blog in spite of the fact that you're ordinary, we read it BECAUSE you are ordinary. You are just a down to earth, regular person that people can really relate to. That's why people read your blog! :)

♥ H ♥ said...

I came over from Pocket Full of Pink....THANK YOU!! I loved the verses and I read your post from yesterday about the books...please enter me! I would love one..if I don't win, I'll def go out and buy them. I'm 24 and I feel like I'm the only one left who hasn't found "the one" I LOVE going to church but seeing the happy couples makes me feel lonely. I KNOW God has a plan for me. I have no doubt in my mind he will take care of me and place the right guy at the right time into my life, just sometimes it feels like it won't happen til I'm 50!!! I'd like to have kids by then LOL!! Thank you again...this made my day!

Jen said...


You are just so sweet to be thinking of all of us. Thank you so much for this post today and thank you for the versues. I wrote them down and put them next to my night stand so I can look at them when I go to bed at night.

I was going to leave a post yesterday but I decided not too. Then after reading your post today I thought that I would. I wasn't sure how people would react to a very recent young widow saying she wants to start dating and get married again one day. Several people have told me it is way to soon to even think about dating. Others have told me to follow my heart and do what feels best. When Shawn first died I told my friends that I would NEVER EVER get remarried, Shawn was the only one for me and I didn't want anyone else. It took me a long time to get to the point where I realized that I do want to love again and you know why. It's because Shawn and I had such a GREAT marriage. I want to be able to share that with another person. I also realized that Shawn would not want me to be 'alone' for the rest of my life. I will be 32 in Novemmber, Shawn would want me to live again, be happy, and have the family I always wanted. find the right man. Well I don't know if that is possible. Shawn was the ONE, he was perfect for me and we were perfect for each other. I often wonder if I will be able to find that again and I REFUSE to settle just so that I won't be alone, but deep deep down, I do want to love again, and I do want to get married. Of course when the time is right. I'm coming to understand that God has a plan for me and a plan for everthing else.

I know this is getting to be a long comment and I should have probably just emailed you but I also wanted you to know this....Shawn and I never went to church as a family. I think in the 12 years that we were together the only time we were ever in a church was for weddings and funerals. We both believed in God but that was about it. Actually just a few days before Shawn died the two of us were walking and we both told each other that it would take a MAJOR life event for either one of us to step foot into a church. Little did I know that a few days later my husband would die and I would have a misscarriage. It wasn't until I moved back to my home town that I met another young widow who is a Christian and got me going to church with her. The first few Sundays that I went I sat there and bawled my eyes out. The message was about 'Hope' and having hope when you think you have lost it all. I felt like the Pastor was talking right to me. Now I go to church everyday with Sarah and I'm begining to really work on my relationship with God.

So thank you! Thank you for writing your blog! Thank you for thinking about people who have been through or are in the worst time of their life. Thank you for your kindness. I appreciate it ever so much!

Annie said...

Hi Kelly, I'm a 25 year old I and LOVE reading your blog! You are definately not some old woman to me! You are so personable and "normal" ;)
I babysit for a few families and I've become such good friends with some of the Mom's and they are in between the ages of 35-40. I never think of them as "old"!

I came across your blog sometime last week and on Friday night my fiance was out of town so I read your blog pretty much from start to finish. I know...I should find something productive to do with my time. LOL! ;)

Your blog inspires me! I'm ready to get married and have a family and I enjoyed reading about your journey the past few years. I've started to pray again and I've been talking with my fiance about going to church, something I haven't done in over 10 years and he hasn't in over 15 years. We are both christians and raised in christan families but church has never been a big part of either of our lives. We were raised going to sunday school but it all ended after that.

Thank you for all your encouraging stories!
I look forward to reading your blog every day, you have the sweetest words to share with everyone. Thank you! Also, little Harper is such an angel, I love seeing her new pictures.

Sara said...

i love your blog and am very encouraged by it and of course love seeing and hearing all the updates about Harper esp since my baby was born in Jan too. Esp loving the room tours plesase leave the links on so i can go through them all. I've done almost 300 from last week . Its also a great way to pray for others but to know we aren't alone

Kelly said...

I'm a long time follower but leaving a comment for the first time.

Thank you so much for your post today. These verses are just what I needed to help my rainy day blues!

Melissa Miller said...

You are blessed with an amazing amount of support from readers from all over the world. You're right!

I'm married, no children and in my 40's. When I first started reading I wondered what I had in common with you since I'm not a mom.
I quickly realized I
do relate to all your sweet stories, decorating style and recipes.

Great blog! Thanks for shring your life with us.
~Melissa :)

Megan said...

You and your blog are such a blessing to me :) Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and most of all for sharing those amazing verses with us! Blessing to you today!

Mrs. G said...

Thank God you have the guts to say what so many of us think!

I also remember thinking that I would live with my parents forever because there was no one out there who would want to marry me. Unfortunately I didn't have much faith to help me in uncertain times.

However it seems we move from one longing (to be married) to another (to have children) quickly. Patience is not a strong point so I was glad to see the verses you posted today. Just a small reminder that there is a plan regardless of how limited our view point is.

I have been thinking about this verse a lot lately:

Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

I Thessalonians 5:16

It's a tall order but I think it is really important we always keep in mind that everything works according to God's will.

meganrowdy said...

Kelly thank you so much for your words of encouragement and the reminder that the Bible is the ultimate source of comfort and encouragement. One of my favorite "waiting" verses is Habakkuk 2:3 "For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end- it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay." (ESV)

Sarah Joy said...

Kelly - You're not an old woman! ha I found your blog just shortly after Harper was born. I am a nurse, so of course I couldn't resist coming back each day to pray for your little one and read about your struggles - eventually I want to be a NICU nurse. After you got to take Harper home, what kept me coming back to your blog was your faith, how real you always are, and of course - Harper! I am a 27 year old single girl, hoping to find the man of my dreams and start a family - that's all I've ever wanted, what I've dreamed of. You give me hope that it will happen!

Thanks for the words of encouragement today. The only thing I have to add is something my family is holding onto after losing my father ... for all those who have loved and lost ...

"Those who live in the Lord never see each other for the last time."

It has helped remind us that while my Dad's life on earth here is finished, we will see him again - longing for eternity!

Thanks for just being YOU!

Melissa said...

Just as you said we all have struggles~just different types. These verses have helped me alot during my recent struggles in this life.

Jeremiah 29:11-14: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity."

Vanessa said...

Your blog has actually opened my eyes to how truly lucky I am. I met my husband when I was 20 and we were married at 22. I got pregnant the first month we tried and have a beautiful happy and healthy baby girl. Although we do have hardships and we struggle through life just like everyone else I have really come to realize how blessed I am. I pray that each and every one out there that is hoping and praying for the desires of their hearts will have those desires fulfilled!

Gracie Beth said...

Thank you so much for this lovely post! And also thank you for posting those verses! I am in college and it is tough at my age to find a guy who has his heart in the right place because most of them are not looking for someone to spend their life with they are looking for someone to have fun with and it can be really tough! I am so comforted to know that there are others like me out there struggling with the same emotions and I am so very thankful that you brought attention to this!

Anonymous said...

I have been a believer in God for a very long time. I have struggled with a lot of things and use to think I was the only one, until God showed me that others hurt as well. Ethan is our miracle baby. They wanted us to abort him, b/c he was 'killing' me. He was suppose to be born with PUV (only found in boys). He had PUV in the womb and we did so many ultrasounds. My blood pressure was so high I'm so very thankful to be alive. My doctor after his six week check up just stared at him and couldn't believe his eyes. I'm so very thankful that my story turned out great, b/c so many others that I have read have not. I prayed for Harper. I live in Arkansas as well. Kelly, your never ordinary when God uses you. He picks ordinary people (look in the Bible) and just allows them to shine to give Him the glory. You are really such a wonderful gift to many. I love how you love God.

Andrea said...

I guess my encouragement comes as sounding rather odd. But here goes...

I was in a 5 year relationship with a guy I thought I would marry, ended up getting pregnant by accident and breaking up a month before I found out, only to have him tell me he would never marry me, and was in love with another girl who was also a close friend of ours. We argued over custody of this precious baby and somewhere in the midst I met a guy I was totally NOT interested in who simply offered friendship in my time of need even though he knew I was pregnant he offered to be there for me in whatever way I needed.

I lost the baby at 11 weeks, and even though I was sorry for the loss of a child, I was at the same time relieved (it still brings tears to my eyes to say that because of the guilt I feel for feeling relieved over a miscarriage which is HORRIBLE)because I didn't want to raise my child in that negative environment. My new guy friend was there through it all even when my parents were not able to be, and we ended up falling in love and getting married the following year with a renewed faith in God. We had 2 more miscarriages, more guilt over the 1st lost baby during those times...and wondering if I would ever be able to have children. Many tests, and the eventual well if it happens it's meant to be maybe we'll adopt mentality came into play. I took in my 3 little cousins one winter while their parents got their act together and got pregnant with our first daughter after 3 years of struggling with infertility. My cousins went back home to a sober Christan home, and my baby was born. Now not quite 2 years after her birth we welcomed our second little girl, and I would go through it ALL again for the same result.

I remember feeling so low that summer with my breakup, and miscarriage thinking I would never find anyone better than that guy. That STUPID guy...ha ha Well, God knew better than that, and I have a man who loves me more than I ever thought I deserved to be loved, and loves our girls.

I suppose the moral of my story is that even when we don't know, God knows, don't lose sight of Him.

Elena said...

Dearest Kelly, I have been reading your blog since Harper has been born but never left a comment. I want to encourage those who are waiting on the Lord for the desire of their hearts. I was raised in a Christian home, gave my life to the Lord at 13 and have served him ever since. I was single until I was 42 and my husband was single until he was 47. He was my dream come true for a husband, loves the Lord with all his heart and God answered my prayer after waiting 22 years. My other desire was to have a child. When I was 46 and my husband was 51 I gave birth to our daughter. We had no medical intervention, we just waited leaving it in God's hands. He blessed us beyond our wildest dreams! God never forgets. He has a plan for each of us! He is so good!

Sherri said...


You are so eloquent with your words. And that is why we all come to you daily. For the smiles you give us and the reminders of how GOOD God is!

I was introduced to your blog from my friend's blog right after Harper was born and she was asking for prayers for you and your family. I prayed hard and shed so many tears for you then and now I get to laugh daily reading about and looking at all of Harper's adorable pictures.

Thank you for letting us all be a part of your life.

Simple, Graceful Living said...

Psalm 27:13-14
I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the LORD.

I am a 37 year old southern girl who is this very day celebrating her 8 month wedding anniversary. My husband is 36 and a Christian (like me), and neither of us had ever been married before. It took a set of extraordinary God-circumstances to bring us together. This verse ministered to my heart so many times when I would cry out to God and say, "Where is he?!" God is so good, and so faithful, and I know whether I was married or not I could still say that. This is just maybe a little encouragement for those of you who feel like you have waited so long for your mate. You are not forgotten, and there is HOPE!

Tiffany Stegall
Springdale, AR

Nicole said...

Kelly, as I am typing this a tear is slowing running down the side of my face. Thanks soo much for what you said. It means alot. And just like your little saying says, we would so be friends if we met in real life!!

J. Johnson said...

I am a mom in her early forties, going through my own issues with a teenager and pre-teen, but remember well my struggle with infertility. We ended up adopting my kiddos, as I just couldn't continue going through infertility treatments - the emotional cycle took too much of a toll. However, one verse that I still hold close to this day is Luke 12:25 - Who of you by worrying can add a single moment to his life?

I would spend so much time worrying about not being able to give my husband a child, not being a mom, was I being punished for some of the things I had done in the past - when I read that verse, it just hit me like a ton of bricks. Fifteen years later, it is still my favorite verse.

Kristy said...

Two verses have really helped me lately. Mark 9:24 "Lord I believe, help my unbelief." It reminds me that He will give me hope when I lose it. And Mark 11:24 "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."

Marianne said...

I am a married mom of 2 young 20's children, both still living at home. I came to your blog because of Harper and stayed because of you. You are an inspiration to all, young & old, single and married, moms and yet-to-be-moms. You are ordinary as you say, just like us though. We all seek to connect with someone or to know that there are others out there just like ourselves, and you do that for us! Thanks and God bless!

Marianne in Cincinnati, OH

Schluter said...

Thanks for the encouraging words for all us single gals out there!

Kristin Stegent said...

Yeah, it is interesting all the different struggles...yet a lot of them bring about the same feelings. I had an eating disorder for years and struggled hard to even want to live. And I was very into God. I got to experience what felt like the agony of "waiting on God" to set me free...but it was really quite beautiful. I love Him more than ever because He loves me so much...and that is crazy awesome!

HappyascanB said...

This verse also comes to my mind, as it has others today: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. – Philippians 4:6

I begged God for a husband, pleaded with Him, cried and prayed. over and over and over again. In His perfect timing, I met my husband! I finally came to the realization that my God loves me and does not want to hurt me. I refused to believe He would give me such a strong desire to be a wife and a mother if He didn't have plans for it to happen. I'm now a happy wife with hopes of being a happy mother. Again, In His Time.

God bless YOU, Kelly, for your heart for hurting women. You are truly a vessel!!

Mish Meow said...

I'm 38. Happily married to a Marine. No kids. I had a hysterectomy at 30 due to endometriosis. We have since realized that children just don't fit into our lifestyle. God finally blessed me with peace about this subject after I came home from my surgery. I like to read blogs of people with babies because I like to live vicariously. :)

Born and raised Christian,
Michelle in NC

Ruby's Fairy Godmother said...

Thank you so much for your post and the bible verses. We all have different burden, after all this isn't heaven its not supposed to be the perfect place. I wish more churches would hear what you are saying and reach out to us Single Women (and men) and carve out a space for us. Church is so much easier than finding a Sunday School Class...when you too old to be a young single, but not yet a widow aged woman, your not a single parent...well you get the picture...I'm a 48 year old never been married woman...and there is no place for me...I'm not willing to change by church as it does define who I am.
So thank you for bring light to this issue.
On a side note, yesterday I told you my sweet grandmother was toward the end of her life here on earth, well she passed away this morning. She was wonderful woman, 99 years old...she would have turned 100 on Aug 8th. She will be so sorely missed, but there is a celebration in Heaven today!
Thanks again,

Unknown said...

You are precious! God is the answer to everything! Thanks!


LuLu said...

I thought of another verse that I love and seems fitting for this post:
Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

Erica said...

What an encouragement- such a good reminder to put my trust in God even in a difficult situation. I am happily married with a precious 1-year-old son, but he is having major difficulties right now with feeding. We are looking at having a feeding tube put in surgically. My heart is heavy with this burden, but I am trying hard to take HIS yoke upon me instead. Thank you for your encouragement!

Rachel said...

So thankful for your blog Kelly!

Bethany said...

I read your blog because you are uplifting, compassionate, adorable, lover of Christ, fun, beautiful (inside and out), a fabulous mother, and just an overall real person. I'm sure people read for many other reasons, but I just wanted you to know how awesome you are!

Shannon said...

I am so thankful that someone understands what it's like to be single and still try to be active in Church. Some Sundays I dread going, knowing I will be sitting in that pew by myself. I do not attend a Sunday School class anymore, b/c I feel so uncomfortable surrounded by my friends and church family all with their boyfriends,fiances,and husbands.It's so hard, they all have something that I want so badly, I try not to let it distract me from God and from worshipping...but it's so hard.
Thank you so much for paying special attention to us single ladies. Thank you for the verses and prayer.

kim_brough said...

Colossians 3:5 "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."

I came across this one today and I really liked it as I'm a trying (struggling) to be at peace and thankful for the life I had, even if it's the life I never wanted.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for these verses. I am currently looking for a teaching job, and these verses have encouraged me greatly! I know God has everything under control!!!!!!!

kim_brough said...

And, for the record you are SO not old! I'm a nurse so that's my professional medical opinion!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly! I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy reading your blog. I feel like I'm watching Harper grow up, and I've never even met you! I got married last May and my husband and I SO look forward to having children. It makes me even more excited as I read your stories of being a new mom! Thank you for your transparency with all of us, and for your encouragement as a Christian woman to others. Jesus shines through your words!

Ruthie said...

Thank you for your sensitive and inclusive heart. You have allowed the Lord to bring beauty and purpose out of the trials you have faced in this life. That is all any of us can hope to do, and you are an inspiration! Thank you for just being who you are and for being so loving.

I know when I'm facing a trial if I visualize the pruning and refining work it is doing, it helps me cope. Also, to keep an eternal perspective, as opposed to an earthly one, helps me not totally go crazy when in a trial or pit. Leaning hard into the scriptures and always speaking honestly to the Lord help me a lot too.

And, can I say, that picture of Harper from yesterday?? One of the cutest to date!


Esther said...

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Thank you Kelly for bringing these wonderful verses to light for us all out here in Blog Land. His word, shared by YOU! will guide us and comfort us no matter the troubles we may face. Thank you thank you for sharing yourself and your amazing spirit with us. Know that you are a huge source of joy and inspiration to many! :)

Gail said...

This verse has been an encouragement to me when going thru difficult times. It's Isaiah 58:11 " The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sunscorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well watered garden like a spring whose waters never fail."

Amanda said...

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever!
~Psalm 73:26

I love the desperate faith and hope in this verse. It seems to characterize how I feel so often.

Jamie said...

Hey Kelly,
I am one of your teenage readers! I've been following your blog since about half way through your pregnancy. I love the words of encouragement, they really mean a lot.

It's a wonderful life said...

Thank you for the verses and the encouragement.

Krista said...

I'm right along with all the other woman - old, young, single, married, moms, wifes etc! THANK YOU for being so encouraging. All that you've been through, and will go through gives us all hope that we are not alone! Thank you for the support - even if it is just in the blog world!
You have no idea how what an impact you've made on people, and continue to make on people!
~krista from SUNNY seattle! =)

Rach said...

thank you so much that was really encouraging! I'm a single Christian girl and sometimes it feels like i'll never find the fabled 'one'!!! I'm trying to abide in Gods plan for my life :)

Amy's Adventures said...

A wise friend of mine said...if you can't be content single you will never be content married; if you can't be conent married with no kids you will never be content married w/ kids...and so on. It is a good reminder for me to make the most of each stage of my life. Yes, I hope I am not always single and it is a "stage" but I want to make the most of it...

The Tranthams said...


Thank you for your words of encouragement! I ,too, struggled with thinking I was never going to find the "right" person, and when I thought I had bam! he was gone. I was 27 when God finally revealed to me who he would be! I am so thankful for the time I waited and listened and didn't rush, although it hurt at times. I remember feeling all the same things you mentioned.
All the single girls out there, God has something wonderful in store for you. When I met my husband, I was not in the mind set to date, I was solely focused on my relationship with Christ and making sure that was where it needed to be. I had just gotten out of, yet, another relationship and had all the same questions Kelly has mentioned! God knows what he's doing! Something I deal with on a daily basis is getting myself out of the way and allowing him to do it!
My husband and I will be married 2 years in July and recently discovered we could have some complications conceiving. We are currently have tests done and in the midst of it all we truly believe God knows what he's doing! We had been praying for "our verse" (funny thing, I just posted about this earlier today), something we could cling to during these times and really always. Well, Sunday, during the sermon, God spoke Psalm 73:25-26 (NLT) to us and it reads "whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; He is mine forever." What joy it is to know that know matter what God is ours forever!
I am sorry this is so long, but felt the need to share and encourage all you ladies out there, no matter what you are going through, our desire should be of God more than anything else! Keep doing what you are doing! Keep striving to be the wonderful Christian woman God has planned for you! One day you will be see God's perfect plan!

Blessings to all of you,


OKGardners said...

I am NOT typical either. I am a 64yr. old grandmother, with 3 grown kids, 2 stepsons, 14 grandchildren with another due in July, which will be #15.

I love reading your bright, refreshing blog with your little daughter who was in St. Francis Hospital, Tulsa, (where I birthed my 3 kids).

I also relate to you as a Christian Mom (with many years of difference in our ages). I enjoy hearing news of your parents and Scott's parents, and even Dawson's stories. I just find your blog worth visiting daily. Thanks for sharing your life and your heart with us.

Love & Prayers,
Betty in Oklahoma

Grandma~rella said...

HI Kelly~
I found you through a Pray For Harper button on Really Living, just after Harper was born. Have read every blog entry since, enjoyed the photo's and spend countless hours 'visiting' all the homes on Friday's. Your faith helps to keep me strong, within my own struggles and those of my grown children. I, too, struggled with infertility back in the 70's and now my own 30 year old daughter is struggling with it. I continue to encourage her to visit your blog...I KNOW your words will comfort her!
So~THANK YOU! Thank you for your friendship to the thousands of people out here in 'blog world'~including little old me. :)
(((HUGS))) G'Ma~rella

Megan {The Brick Bungalow} said...

I started reading your blog when Harper was in the hospital. I check it almost every day and love to see the updates, but also love that you're branching out into other areas of motherhood, marriage and everything else. I am a new mother and love to read your blog to see how you are handling motherhood too. Every day is a new adventure and it's nice to know that others are going through the same thing I am.

Daughter of The KING said...

How Great is Our God!! My favorite verse of promise.
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
What a promise and assurance of our God's care and Love for each one of us.
Blessings to all my sisters-in-Christ

tzweed said...

Just as you said to all of us, it's not our plan, but His. It was His plan for you to have Harper and to to be able to share His word via blogging. We do all have different struggles. I heard someone say the other day that if we all threw our problems in a big pile, we would end up pulling our own out after seeing everyone elses. God never gives us more than we can handle. I repeat that mantra over and over in tough times. I also tell myself that I was put on this Earth for a reason and that God has a plan. It's not for me to decide what comes next, it's just my job to spread His Word and live to the best of my ability. Thank you for being a daily blessing.

jenn said...

Thanks Kelly! For me, I love reading your blog because you are so postitive and encouraging even in your darkest times! Your faith shines through my computer! Your fun, southern, and your entire family is so precious! I can't wait to see what you post everyday! You offer hope to so many people! You are such a blessing! Thank You!

A Texas Gal said...

Thank you. I needed to read those words. I needed to feel like I will find him one day.

Natalie said...

I read a negative comment just a few up above me and I wanted to say- I love reading your blog. I love the Christian witness that you are and I REALLY wish we could meet up for a sonic happy hour drink! You go enjoy that little Harper of yours :)

k and c's mom said...

Full disclosure: probably closer to your Mom's age. Found the blog through "Pray for Harper" button. Having been praying and reading ever since! Taking notes for my future grandchildren!

Bailey said...

Hi Kelly!

I don't have any scripture or inspiring words to add, but just wanted to say hey. I have been following your blog for awhile now- I can't remember how I came across it, but yours is one I read almost daily. It is so cute and Harper is adorable and I just love reading about your life and family because it is what I have to look forward to (I hope!) in a couple of years. My fiance and I are getting married in September and I am already anxious to have children, although I know we will probably wait a few years. I'm just one of those girls whose known her whole life that she was born to be a Mommy! Anyway- thanks for sharing your life with us all!

-Bailey, 23, NC

Kelly said...

"Jennifer" - I would love to discuss what you have been commenting about if you would leave your email or real blog address. I have a lot to say on that issue - actually the BIBLE has a lot to say about it - but my blog is not the place for that discussion.

We've Got Scents said...

Sweet Kelly..thanks for sharing your heart, but most of all one thing I don't think you've considered is what you've done for so many others. The book giveaway for these single women is awesome and helped them find help-mates along the way, in this 'blog' world. You are precious to have put them together in this way and I pray they will be of great help to one another until it is His time for each of them to meet their mate. Bless you for sharing wonderful encouraging Scripture today also. You are such a sweetie and I appreciate you more than you know.
Blessings today and always,
AKA "President Kelly's Texas P":)
Matthew 21:22

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly,

I've never really commented on your blog before but I'm a college girl that goes to school in Indiana. And, I'm a finance (and marketing) major :) I have been reading for months and what I love SO much about your blog is your stories and inspiration in reference to your normal, but cute life. When it was just you, Scott, and Dawson...I thought it was so cute and perfect. And now it's even more perfect with Harper. Thanks for always thinking of others and telling your stories to all of us who hope for something like your cute family one day!

Kara in IN

Chari said...

What a wonderful post Kelly!

Lianna Knight said...


I can NOT thank you enough for all the you do. Going through infertility, you are SUCH a breath of fresh air and someone that I truly LOOK up to. Your faith is such an inspiration and I am so glad that I found your blog. You have a heart of gold!!!

Thanks too for theses verses. I copied them and pasted them in an email to myself so I can read them every single day.

I am standing in faith that the Lord will bless me with a baby just as precious as sweet Harper.

Many MORE blessings to you...Lianna

KK said...

Thanks, you have no idea how much I needed that today. All I ever wanted to be was a mom. I finally got married at 28 but he never would give in to "trying" then 3 years ago he got the woman he was having an affair with prenant and left me to marry her. Yesterday would have been our anniversary but I am single and childless at 37. God is so good but I'm feeling forgotten this week. You blessed me.

Maire said...

Hi Kelly, I love your blog, I'm one of those "other" moms, older children, been there done that. I love seeing the new journey you are taking into parenthood, you are so sweet, and Harper is adorable!! On the subject of marriage: on the flipside, I know how difficult it must have been for you to wait for just the "right" one, but I married way too young, to the wrong man. I did find the right man later, and feel truly blessed. I had to put my faith in the Lord finally, and he did answer my prayers. Even though my hubby and I have many trials right now, he is very ill, I wouldnt trade my time with him for anything in the world
Take care

Unknown said...

Thanks Kelly. Your 2nd paragraph brough tears to my eyes as it hit so close to home. It is really nice to hear some encouraging words from someone who has been through the same thing.

Michelle said...

Hi Kelly! Just found your blog via Pocket Full of Pink and I love it! I love your heart for single women, being one myself it is ever encouraging to have already married women praying for us and advising us along the way. So thank you!

Also, one of my fave verses is the Phil 4:6 one, but a new one has recently come to mind that I had to share, Psalm 118:8 "It is better to TRUST in the Lord than to place your confidence in man." So very true!

CaseyLew said...

Kelly you are so not OLD!!! I am 23 years old and have been married for 4 1/2 years and have no children, because I am a nursing student. I started reading your blog after Harper was born, then I just became addicted!!! You write some good stuff and are always so encouraging when I need it sometimes, it's kinda like they say on KLRC, you never know how a song is going to change someone's day. I am a Christian, I go to CPH in Rogers. :)

Facebook Recipes said...

My husband and I have been dealing with infertility for nearly 2 years now and I painted the words from Romans 12:12 "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer" and hung it in my bathroom so I would reflect on it while I get ready in the mornings (how's that for a run on sentence!).

Your blog has been SO encouraging to me. I dealt with a lot of anger at God but the Lord has used you and your blog to remind me to have faith. I serve an AMAZINGLY faithful God who can and will do exceedingly above all that I can imagine. Thank you for being a vessel for Him to use. =)

Marie said...

Hi Kelly, I can hear Scott saying" Lord, thank you for saving Kelly to be my wife , she is such an amazing person" Your wait for marriage was not time wasted, God was just looking for the right man for you and giving you Harper as a bonus !!

Rachel Price said...

I read your blog because it gives me hope. You were once where I am. Questioning why you were single and what was wrong with you and yet you now have a wonderful husband and child. It lets me know that it will happen just on God's time not mine.
Everyone needs to remember it's on God's time not ours. It all happens for a reason.
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and just being you and sharing your struggles. It let's the rest of us know its ok and that we are not alone.

Rachel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel said...

Thanks for sharing those wonderfully, encouraging words and scripture! Our God is so good, even when we are hurting. I haven't really commented before, but I'm a 17 year old and I've been so blessed by your blog. The Lord is using you in amazing ways, and I have been greatly encouraged by all that you share. Thank you!

Brittany said...

I am 16 and read your blog. I love it! It brightens my day! I have never dated and at this point am not really interested in it at the moment. The deepest desire of my heart is to get married and raise a family one day. I always struggle with thoughts like, "What if nobody wants to marry me? What if I can't have kids?" I am constantly asking this to myself but your post today reminded me that God has a plan for my life and his will is perfect! Thank you so much!

Heather said...

I have struggled with the frustration of being single (again) after a whirlwind romance turned out to be a huge, heartbreaking disappointment... and my "rich prince" lost his job for indiscretions with an employee. All I can say is that God is sooo good and He meets all my needs - emotional and physical in addition to spiritual. There is a passage in Isaiah that talks about how the Lord your maker is your husband that is such a comfort to me that I still sob every time I read it. I am comment number 140-something so I don't know who will see this... but God is aware of your "worst thing" that you're facing, even if in the eyes of the world it's less than someone else's worst thing. He cares for us so much!
And... btw... I'm a 40 something mother of three (nearly) grown children. That's my demographic.

Ter said...

I first came to your blog when I heard about your daughter being in NICU and as a bereaved mom, I always try to reach out to others who have either lost their babies or are in danger of losing their babies. I'm glad things turned out for you. and now in addition to being a bereaved mom, I'm a widow, and I'm in my early 30's. Don't follow any religion especially the last couple years making it more difficult to believe in good. I still try but...

Unknown said...

How I wish you would have started blogging as a single gal!!! We could publish it as our own handbook...LOL! I can happily say that I've enjoyed going back to your very first post and catching up! I look forward to reading daily! Thanks for praying for us! Sometimes it can be a disheartening journey!!! God through you makes it better!

Jo said...

I came to your blog threw a young woman whose hsb was in the USAF w/ my hsb. She asked me to keep you and Harper in my thoughts. I too had many years of infertility, got pregnant, miscarried, got pregnant again only to have a high risk pregancy that landed me on bedrest in the hospital for 4 weeks - she was born 6 wks early She then spent 4 weeks in NICU This past week she graduated from HS with honors and is on her way to college to major in landscape design. I think your blog touched me because I understood your feelings/frustrations and now I enjoy your motherhood passion. I'm one of your old lady readers at 53 - maybe you should take a survey on the age of the readers and how they came to your site.........Jo

Team Alix said...

Hi Kelly-
Actually your "burden" for singles is a bit refreshing for me. I know that sounds odd;let me explain a little.

I am married now, but I remember very well how it felt to be single, too. The difference is that I live in New England, where the emphasis is on being single and independent and where a woman who expresses her yearning to fulfill her calling as a wife and mother is somewhat frowned upon in the "you can do so much more than just someone's wife/mother; what do you want to DO with your life?". As a christian woman, its even harder, as the majority in my state are quick to label you "fanatical" if you should stray from the main view and then call yourself a Christian.
It's just nice to connect with like-minded people. (though I will admit that I "know" you better than you know me, and that checking in on your blog regularly makes me feel kinda stalker-ish sometimes. I swear I am praying for you, girl and I am not creepy! ha!)

Anyway, thank you for being a voice out there that says its okay, its *good* to aspire to be a wife and mother, to make those things a priority in your life and to want to do them well. I don't feel that because other little girls wanted to be doctors and firewomen when they were little and i wanted to be a Mommy, that I am less intelligent or valuable or that I am to be pitied for not wanting more out of life.

Thanks Kelly- you are doing the most important jobs and Scott, Harper and the rest of the world are better because you take the time to care for your family daily, thoughtfully and prayerfully!

enatp said...


Check out for encouragement and articles about being single.



you get so many comments a day, i dont know if you ever see mine, but i just want to thank you for the awesome words of encouragment, i'm trying to have a baby, and pray that God's perfect timing is soon. I love your faith! it gives me Hope :) if you ever get a free minute, stop by my blog on mondays, i post bible studies then.

Bethany said...

There are no words except for thank you, thank you, thank you. Your blog and story give me hope as I wait and wait for my guy...someday, soon I pray, he will come!

Ashley said...

Ok, first it made me giggle that you called yourself an old woman! You so are NOT an old woman! You are a great wife, mother and blogger who brings hope and laughter to everyone around you! I read your blog because you are so relate-able. I especially appreciate this post because that is exactly how I have felt for the last few years..."if only I was skinnier" or "no one will ever want to marry me" It's so nice to know that I'm not the only one who has felt that way and that there is hope. I've read your blog since Harper was a sick little one and it warms my heart to see her healthy and thriving! Thank you so much for your blog and encouragement!!

Caroline said...

This is such a beautiful and uplifting post! Speaking for myself personally I read your blog because I really look up to you. I am a childless Christian woman in a very commited relationship (4.5 years going and...where's my ring!?) :) I am so read to get married and have babies (God willing), and your faith in the Lord, dedication to your family, and optimistic heart fill me with joy everyday.
Thank you for all you do and the bits and pieces of your life you choose to share with us "strangers." You da bomb! :)
xoxo Caroline

Anna said...

You are such an encouragement to so many women. I am a senior in college and am newly married. I just absolutley love to read your blog. You truly allow God to speak truth through you, and I believe that He uses that to touch others lives. Thank you so much!! Your heart for women and for people is so sweet. God Bless you and your sweet family :)

Angie said...

That was a wonderful post. I too remember when I didn't have a date for 4 years and I wondered if anyone would ever love me. I didn't want to grow old alone and be single forever. I'm so thankful that I found my soul mate. I love your blog, thanks for posting this great post today!

Paul and Cathy said...

by Russell Kelfer
Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I cried;
Quietly, patiently, lovingly, God replied.
I pled and I wept for a clue to my fate . . .
And the Master so gently said, “Wait.”

“Wait? you say wait?” my indignant reply.
“Lord, I need answers, I need to know why!
Is your hand shortened? Or have you not heard?
By faith I have asked, and I’m claiming your Word.
“My future and all to which I relate
Hangs in the balance, and you tell me to wait?
I’m needing a ‘yes’, a go-ahead sign,
Or even a ‘no’ to which I can resign.
“You promised, dear Lord, that if we believe,
We need but to ask, and we shall receive.
And Lord I’ve been asking, and this is my cry:
I’m weary of asking! I need a reply.”
Then quietly, softly, I learned of my fate,
As my Master replied again, “Wait.”
So I slumped in my chair, defeated and taut,
And grumbled to God, “So, I’m waiting for what?”
He seemed then to kneel, and His eyes met with mine . . .
and He tenderly said, “I could give you a sign.
I could shake the heavens and darken the sun.
I could raise the dead and cause mountains to run.
“I could give all you seek and pleased you would be.
You’d have what you want, but you wouldn’t know Me.
You’d not know the depth of my love for each saint.
You’d not know the power that I give to the faint.
“You’d not learn to see through clouds of despair;
You’d not learn to trust just by knowing I’m there.
You’d not know the joy of resting in Me
When darkness and silence are all you can see.
“You’d never experience the fullness of love
When the peace of My spirit descends like a dove.
You would know that I give, and I save, for a start,
But you’d not know the depth of the beat of My heart.
“The glow of my comfort late into the night,
The faith that I give when you walk without sight.
The depth that’s beyond getting just what you ask
From an infinite God who makes what you have last.
“You’d never know, should your pain quickly flee,
What it means that My grace is sufficient for thee.
Yes, your dearest dreams overnight would come true,
But, oh, the loss, if you missed what I’m doing in you.
“So, be silent, my child, and in time you will see
That the greatest of gifts is to truly know me.
And though oft My answers seem terribly late,
My most precious answer of all is still . . . Wait.”

Got this off the blog I just love it!

The Whites said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

Thank you for your encouragement. And thank you for your sweet heart.

LWLH said...

Thanks for the encouragement..
Your such a sweet and sassy lady, who woulndn't read your blog? :)
I fit into the single (have a bf but not married) 20 some category and I love reading your blog cause you serve as inspiration.
You've been thru many trials and tribulations but you still keep your head up and your faith in's admirable! :)

Andolicious said...

Thank you Kelly. I love how you understand what single ladies are going through and I love that you have such a caring heart.
I'm not married, but I've been in a relationship for 6+ years, since we were 17. I haven't got married because I feel getting married so young is not a good idea. He's good to me and he loves me, I just have doubts because of his lack of determination and so on. I know it sounds selfish but I have a college degree and he delivers pizzas. And he's shy and even though he's known my family for all these years, he still says few words to them. It's just so hard to explain and I know they may be minor quirks but they can really get to me. I would like my possible future husband to have goals for himself. And also to care enough about me to get himself health insurance due to problems with his heart. I just wish God would make it clear if I should continue to stay with him.
I hope you don't think I'm stupid or anything like that for how I feel. Thank you for your blogs, I really enjoy reading them. You have such a blessed life!

Unknown said...

150 comments. Jimminy Crickets. You are like a blog super star : ). I have to keep reading so I can find out what is going on here : ). It must be good though. WOWZERS!

In This Wonderful Life said...

cute office! i have a lot of catching up to do!! ...with one hand :( thanks for the verses! you are an amazing lady!

Unknown said...

I cried as i read this today, although it was posted yesterday, i had a very hard day yesterday and i was not able to read your blog.
I wish i would've.
Oh i know that God has plans for me and Guess what Kelly... I got a job!!
Yes after being laid off i was blessed with a GREAT opportunity!!
and now, everything is going great with my boyfriend and I,
i am praying i will become his wife soon, and bear his child.
Thank you for your words of encouragement.

The Runyans said...

i think i've left you a comment before. . .if not, here i am. .. again. . .

anyways. i adore your friday house posts. that's how i got hooked up with your blog. .from someone else's site.

we, too, struggled with infertility, and i'm so thankful that you. . .reaching as many as you do with your blog will testify that you had your precious little one by god's grace. isn't he amazing! we named my oldest son samuel, because of 1 samuel 1:27, which i'm sure you know by heart. anyways. god is good!

with love. .from strawberry plains, tn!

Nicole Rodriguez said...

I do not exactly relate to longing for a husband - I am married and have 2 boys and a baby on the way. But, I do relate to pain and hurt - my husband and I lost a child 3 years ago and it was the hardest thing I/we have ever been thru. I understand the want and desire for that perfect family and life. I pray for all the women out there who are searching for their soul mates and for all the women longing for a baby. I have 3 very close friends who are all struggling with infertility right now. I long for the day they call me with that excitement of a positive test! And I know in my heart they will each be blessed. I just wanted to let all you women know that I will be a prayer warrior for you as well. And I also wanted to leave a favorite quote -

"A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her."


Amy Maze said...

Thanks again for always giving us 'single gals' a shout out on your blog. I'm 34 and never married, but hope to someday. I keep this one quote from Elisabeth Elliot up above my home office and read it every day...

"If you are single today, the portion assigned to you for today is singleness. It is God's gift. Singleness ought not to be viewed as a problem, nor marriage as a right. God in His Wisdom and love grants either as a gift. What may be your portion tomorrow is not your business today. Today's business is trust in the living God who precisely measures out, day by day, each one's portion"

Now I'm not saying that I've never questioned God about the status of my love (or lack of) life, but I mostly try to think of it in this way. I hope this quote can help someone else get through the single life. Thanks again.

Unknown said...


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I so needed to read your post today and to be reminded of all the beautiful verses you placed on your blog today. God placed you in this place at this time to minister via this great tool called a blog.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day as a wife and mother to minister to the hearts of those who read your blog each day.

I can't put into words what the words on your blog meant to me at this time, in this place today, but now that I have been blessed because of you.

Love you sister in Christ,

Kim said...

Thank you, Kelly! I've reread this post several times already and I know I will go back to those verses many times. You are a blessing.

Jaclyn said...

Kelly, thank you so much for your post on this day. I lost my dad in March just two weeks before my little girl was born. It was probably the worst thing I have been through in my life so far, but I found a lot of comfort in the verses you posted. The Lord is what has helped me get this far, and He will help me from here on!
Harper is precious! I am so glad you have had this wonderful blessing!

Connie said...

I don't fit your criteria for readers either as I am a 50 yr. old grandma of 3 precious ones. I found you recently thru Show Us Where You Live on someone's blog. Your little Harper is so cute in her pink with the head band! You are such an encouragement for many! Keep it up...we need more young women like you speaking out and encouraging others.

Love ya, Connie

Ms. Tonya said...

You sure hit this on the head. This actually made me teary because I am struggling so as a single with these very issues. The feelings sometime makes me not want to attend service as often because I am tired of attending service alone and yep, I feel like a loser sometimes when I do. Thank you for the beautiful reminder that our time will come. I really needed this.

Sarah said...

Thank you. One of my fave passages that I'm working on memorizing in The Message paraphrase is Eph goes (something) like this:

"I ask Him to strengthen you in His Spirit--not a brute strength, but a glorious inner strength--that Christ would live in you as you open the door and invite Him in. And I ask Him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you'll be able to take in, together with all Christians, the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God. God can do anything you know far more than you could ever guess or imagine or request in your wildest dreams. He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, His Spirit deeply and gently within us."

Just when I think I will NEVER have a husband and NEVER have a baby of my own, I am reminded that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD. And that His love is bigger and better than anything I could ever ask for (or desire) to start with.

All that to say, thank you for having a heart for us--single girls! :)

Blessings...and as usual, Harper is PRECIOUS!!!

Nan & Mike said...

Dear Kelly,

I was referred to you by Lauren Green and she has told me what a huge heart you have. Your site is amazing and it's sooo busy! I hope you get to read my post!
We recently lost our triplet angels, they were born too soon on 3-6-09 at 20 weeks. This post you wrote is so true, and its strange that I found you today and it was there, making alot of sense right in front of my nose.
I wanted to ask you if you would take a look at a site I created for my husband and all other grieving dads out there and if you like what you see I would like to know if you can post it on your site. I am pretty much relying on word of mouth until the search engines pick it up. There just isnt any help for men out there - but a ton for women, my husband brought this to my attention. So, please check it out and let me know what you think - if you can. If you want to write me, my email is on my triplet tribute site:

This is the mens site:


SDR said...

As a young Christian mom living in NC, i enjoy your blog because it is filled with the same moments that bring joy and peace to my own life. I love seeing God's blessings to His people and you are His daughter and we can call you blessed! I personally love family and having my blog allows me to capture all of the tender moments I share with family and loved ones each day that the Lord blesses me with. I WILL REJOYCE and be glad in it!