Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

I'm not usually one for Wordless Wednesday ........ because I always have a lot to say. But I took a few pics of Harper yesterday and I wanted to post them. I'm a little under the weather today - I think it's just extreme tiredness. So I really just don't have the energy to do much more than post these pics.

HAPPY WEDNESDAY - the summer is flying by too fast!!!


Jessica K. said...

GREAT pictures!! She is sooo precious! And that last pic is my favorite one of the two of you! It is just beautiful!!

Rachel said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon! Harper is too cute as always!

Jessica K. said...

OK seriously!? I was first????
WOW! I should get a prize for that!!
Happy wednesday!! :)

Rathi said...

Love all the pictures! thanks for both of the emails yesterday,i really needed those! Happy Wednesday and have a great rest of your week! Hugs to Harper!

Alyssa said...

Get well soon! Harper is a living doll!

Lea Ann said...

Hope you feel better soon and get some much needed rest. Harper is beautiful!

Janessa said...

How is Harpers "skin condition" doing?

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Such CUTE expressions on her face!Yes! The summer is going by TOO fast!!! We are having SO much fun this summer and I keep thinking about all the fun you and Harper will have next summer when she's toddling around! She'll be the same age as D is's a fun age!

Blessed Chick said...

Hi Kelley,
I am coming out of lurking to say that I love your blog! Harper is too cute and I just love the updates!

I also love your recipe blog!

Hope you feel better soon!

Todd and Courtney said...

Hope you feel better soon!! Love the new pictures and the last one is soooo sweet. Her little look is just too cute for words!

Jennifer said...

Harper is too cute for words anyway!:) Hope you get some rest and get feeling better!

Veronica said...

Praying that you'll get to feeling better soon! It's hard when you're not feeling well and you have a little one to take care of...I've been there.

Love that last pic of Harper!

Brunch at Saks said...

Feel better lovey! Those pictures are too adorable- you are so blessed :) XO

Beth said...

O.K. I'm not going to be a lurker any longer either!
Hope you are feeling better by now. Love the pics of Harper especially the one in the limey blankie!

Melissa Miller said...

She's so sweet!
Feel better soon. :)

Jo said...

Awww...I just wanna grab those cute little monkey toes!!! So sweet.

Anonymous said...

Love her!!

Jessica Scarberry said...

Hope you are able to get some sleep tonight! I have a 2-month old so I know what you mean about no sleep! Love the 2nd picture...way too cute!!

momMYsliceoflife said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. My Daddy can take Harper and let you go to bed early tonight. That is what we do here at my house. It is sure to work for being overly tired!

Harper, as always, is precious.

Jess :) said...

SOOOOOO adorable!! I saw that you weren't feeling well when you posted earlier on FB...I was hoping it would go away, so I'm sad to hear that it hasn't! I wish I could come watch Harper for you! I'd even bring you a Sonic! :)

Praying you feel better SOON!

Love and Hugs

LuLu said...

So sweet and pretty!!! Hope you feel better...get some rest!

Lauren said...

Precious pics! I hope you get to feeling better Kelly!!! :)

MEGAN said...

Kelly, summer hasn't even STARTED YET! I think it starts on the 21st! Get some rest : )

Brandi said...

Aww she is soo cute.

Courtney said...

Hope you are feeling better. Harper is adorable in all the pictures. I love the last one!

Katie said...

Hope you feel better soon.
I dont think I was made to live in Texas. English summers were obviously nothing like this and I find the summers drag on and on!! 100 degrees is too much unless you can alternate sitting in the shade with a cold drink or be in a pool!!
Katie :o)

Mrs. Southern said...

Hope your week picks up! :) I've been a little under the weather too, I like to blame mine on pregnancy tiredness. Harper just gets cuter and cuter as the days go by!

Heather said...

Saying a prayer for you right now that you feel better! Harper is ADORABLE!

jenmom said...

I totally understand the tiredness. I have an 11 year old, a three year old, and an almost 4 month old. There never seems to be any "down" time. I don't know if you have heard Trace Adkins' "You're gonna Miss this" but it makes me cry every time I do. One day I think I'll wish these busy days were back!!!
Try to get some rest.

Charity said...

her new lip biting thing is just sooo cute!!!

feel better soon!! <3

Ann said...

So cute!

Maybe it's time for you to slow down a bit, take care and feel better.

Keely said...

She's so cute. The last picture is beautiful. Feel better.

Tiffany Lockette said...

She is so super cute. Sometimes the picture says it all and no words are required. Love your post. Harper is absolutely adorable.

~M~ said...

AW! Such cute photos! :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you can catch a break and get some rest and feel better soon!

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

She's so sweet... Hope you get some rest soon! Being a mommy of a little one can be so exhausting. You think you'll never feel not tired ever again.


Myra @ My Blessed Life said...

I love the photo where Harper's in the bathtub. She looks like she's gonna turn the water on...on her head! Super cute! Feel better soon!

Michelle L. said...

Love the pics! Hope you getting feeling better soon! I understand the tired feeling.

Rachel said...

So cute!

And don't say summer is going by so fast! I am a teacher and my summer officially starts Friday!!

The Simmons Family said...

I hope you get some rest today. We all have those icky days where we are exhausted. The pictures are great, but that last one is seriously beautiful. There's nothing like snuggling up to a clean baby.


Kelly said...

Cute pictures!! Harper is just so adorable. Hope you can get some rest!

the Spocks said...

In Texas we want the summer to fly by fast we have had over 100 degree temps for a week.

Happy Wednesday.

The Whites said...

Cute pictures. Hope you are feeling better soon. Blessings!

Clementsville: Population of 5! said...

Harper is just the cutest ever and is getting to be such a big girl. I hope you start feeling better soon!

Patti said...

Take some Mommy time and relax. Stuff around the house can wait, you deserve to rest. That is hard to do sometimes, I completely understand. :)

Harper is a little doll, love her joyful expressions!!!

"Emersyn Grace: Our Biggest Little Blessing"

JCF said...

Adorable! I can't remember if I've posted before telling you this (mommy brain...) but my daughter Eleanor was born the same day as Harper, and I just love seeing what Harper is up to and how she and Eleanor are similar and different:

E is just starting to roll over, hasn't started any solids yet, and she weighs over 17 pounds! Harper looks like a wee little sprite in comparison to Eleanor's cheeks alone! It is so much fun to see her grow up!

JCF said...

Oh, I'll also add that Eleanor is NOT sleeping through the night either, so I feel your pain on that one!

hayden said...

Oh girl. do I ever understand the tiredness! Hey, the PotteryBarn Kids by my house is going out of business and everything is 75% off! I don't have a whole lot of friends with little baby girls (weird right?) but I thought of you...and if you want a SUPER CHEAP black velvet Christmas dress, or any other PBK type girly item/clothes (their dollhouse and all the dolls are on sale!!!), let me know and I'll get you whatever and mail it to you! I got the cutest "Baby's 1st Christmas" frames for $2.50! They have tons of stuff!

Julia said...

Hey! That last post from"Hayden" was supposed to be from me! I guess he was logged in :) Oh well, if you do want anything from PBK just email, Facebook or Tweet me and I'll get ya hooked up.

Unknown said...

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.

Sonya said...

she is getting so big!! I love looking at pictures of her. Thanks for sharing

Hana said...

Cute as always! Hope you're feeling better soon! God Bless!


Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

She is so adorable!! I hope you are able to get a few hours of shut-eye soon- feel better!

Beth said...

Hope you are taking a nap today, Kelly...summer is not even here yet. Officially...the is not even out here in Cali.

Tara G. said...


Claire said...

Love that last pic! Hope you feel better soon!


Rebecca said...

There's nothing like a clean baby being cuddled by here mama!

Feel better!

Jenna said...

The pictures say it all, my friend! I LOVE that last one of you two pretty girls! I adore YA'LL!

Erin said...

I agree that the summer is already flying by! I cant believe its the middle of JUNE!!

Meg said...

She is adorable. I love any and every pictures of Ms. Harper.

She is beautiful.

I hope you get some sleep soon, I'll be praying for you guys.

autumn23 said...

Harper is SOO cute! My little sister was on my computer and went to my bookmarks and clicked on your blog. The first thing she said was 'that is the cutest baby I have ever seen'. She went and looked at all your pictures! Harper takes great pictures.

Ashlee said...

I was just thinking last night that I bet you're so tired getting up with Harper so much during the night still. I hope that she gives you a good night's sleep soon!

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful!

Sara Campbell said...

She is such a cutie!!! Kelly, I remember you saying once that you didn't want to read any books before having her or go by any certain plan. Do you still feel that way? I just know that putting my kiddos on a schedule (yes, Babywise!!!! Some people are so critical of it, but all I can say is that it worked for me 5 kids slept all night at just a few weeks, yahooooo!) really helped me feel refreshed and cope better as a mom. You may not want advise, but just thought I'd throw that out. You have the God-given wisdom to use a book like that and do what works for you. I used it as a guide, but also my mom-sense. And I was so thankful for it. Just thought I'd throw that out...

Sara Campbell said...

p.s. I know you don't mind getting up with her! Who could resist middle of the night feeds with her?! :) Just thought I'd tell you what worked for me.

Maryellen said...

Harper has such curious eyes. She's just adorable!

nanc said...

Lovely pictures. Sounds like you don't get much sleep. Maybe Harper is getting too big for her pack n play and wakes herself up scooting around.

Melissa said...

love the last one. the way you are smiling at her is too sweet. hope you get to feeling better soon!

Linda said...

Always love your pictures of your sweet baby.

Feel better soon!

Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

Anonymous said...

Hope you are able to get some rest and feel better soon. I love checking in and seeing new pictures of Harper!

2 Little Irish Boys said...

I hear ya on the tiredness!! It doesn't get better let me just tell ya--but I am not complaining. Life is going by way too fast!!!!

Amy said...

What kind of highchair is that? I like it because it looks petite and wood (is that right?) yet still has a tray. I'd love for you to post the brand and your review of it! I've been SO unhappy w/ mine I've been thinking about getting a different one (and i have a 1.5 year old)

Crystal said...

She's too stinkin' cute!!!

Hope you get to feeling better soon!!!

the Spocks said...

How can you not be paying attention to Ar in the College World Series? Baseball is important too.

A Texan who married an Arkansan who loves the Hogs.

Mary Avery said...

Getting up every 2 hours or so WILL eventually catch up with you. It is so hard to not have that sleep that you really need. I hope Harper will sleep through the night soon! Feel better!

Unknown said...

She's just precious! Love the bath pics especially - there's nothing quite like a freshly washed baby! : )

John and Susan Combs said...

Hey Kelly,
I know some say it won't get better, but oh it so does. You will sleep longer than two hours at a time one day very soon. If it didn't get better, noone would have more than one child!

Hang in there! Praying for you!


she just looks like she is having a relaxing day lol :) hope you feel better!!

Jacquie said...

Hope you're feeling better, Kelly. Don't forget to take care of yourself. (Hard, I know.)

Anonymous said...

I don't comment much because I know you get so many, but I just wanted to tell you I hope you feel better soon Kelly!!

Leigh Ann said...

Harper doesn't look tired. Ha! Hope you get some rest! Oh, how I miss bath time in that little tub!!! That was always my favorite time of the day!

Jaclyn said...

Feel better soon!!!
LOVE the picture of Harper in her little bathtub...too cute!

Anonymous said...

Ahem....explaining it means it wasn't wordless...but that's okay!
Know that I'm continuing to pray here in Seattle!

His oath, His covenant, and blood
Support me in the whelming flood;
When every earthly prop gives way,
He then is all my Hope and Stay.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
The Lutheran Hymnal #370, verse 3
Prayer Bears
My email address

Melissa Stover said...

don't you love them rolling around on the floor? so cute. hope you feel better quick.

donatelli98 said...

Thanks for blogging - she is too cute and I love reading about how much you love the Lord! So refreshing!

Jennifer said...

Harper is gorgeous and growing way too fast. Hope you feel better soon.

Unknown said...

She is such a darling little girl!

Mary said...

very cute pics!
Kelly...i think you need a day at the spa with a girlfriend...maybe not even a day at the spa if you can't be gone that long..but maybe a massage or something?? i can just tell you need a i hope you are able to get one soon.

In His Army said...

Love the pics! Take care of yourself, Kelly!

Desha said...

She is such a beautiful baby! Hope you feel better soon!

p.s. Has anyone else mentioned having a hard time loading your blog? I think it might be the backgroound or something, but it always aborts unless I only click on the topic. just curious if its my computer or the page!

Unknown said...

kelly- i love reading your blog! haper is precious!!! i wanted to tell you about a book that helped me with my babies. i am 27, stay at home mom of three kids all 18 months apart, ages 4 1/2, 3 and 18 months! i could not have survived without putting my kids on a schedule to make them learn to sleep! the book is called "Babywise" by Ezzo. i didnt do everything the book said, but i did what worked for me and my kids! by no means do i know much..but i do know that this works and all 3 of my kids were sleeping through the night by 10 weeks old! just a suggestion! :) it's by a christian author by the way!

Megan said...

Harper is SOOOOO cute!!!!! Kelly hope you feel better.:)

Mrs. Dunbar said...

She really is just scrumptious!!

The Family Lewis said...

She is too cute for words anyway! :)

Sarah said...

Your Sweetness is too precious. Hope you get lots of rest and feel 100% soon! :)

Ashley said...

I happen to stumble across your blog while reading a friend's blog. I read your profile and I can relate to it. My husband and I have been married for 6 years and we tried for 2 years to the month for our daughter who was born in January 08. Your daughter is beautiful and I love her name.

Lin said...

She is so adorable!

Rebekah said...

Hope you feel better soon ... and as always great pictures of your girl!! Love her sweet face!

Rebekah and her girls

Traci Reynolds said...

Oh how precious to see Harper in the towel I made for her...I am glad you are getting great use out of it...I loved the colors....have a blessed week...Hugs Traci

Laura Ann said...

Time goes by so fast...I can hardly believe that Little Harper is already 5 months old.

sadiesmommy said...

Hi Kelly,
Uggh, I am going to comment and I NEVER do this! But, I'm inspired! I hope you can get some rest. Harper needs sleep as much as you. I'm sure you've heard about the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child... if not, get it! It is wonderful, so many useful tips and things about infant sleep that most people don't know. Also, my son had baby acne for a while, then at 4 mos developed eczema. Didn't get better with the usual treatment so at 6 mos he was referred to an allergist and he is also allergic to peanuts. He had never had solid food at this point. Only breastmilk. I continued breastfeeding (he didn't test allergic to fish but we have to avoid them anyway)and avoided the above. I breastfed for 14 months and it was easy to avoid peanuts and seafood. Even though I love both! He takes antihistamines 2x/day and that has made a HUGE difference in his skin and quality of life. He just was itchy all of the time-- bless his heart. Back to the sleep thing. I did "sleep training" with my son at 6 mos. b/c he was still waking to be fed and this was not necessary as he was big and healthy. Our ped told us to go ahead and teach him to put himself back to sleep without having to nurse. It only took 3 nights and he sleeps 10.5-11.5 hrs every night and does not wake up and call out for me. He is a very healthy (never been sick) and happy boy and I'm convinced it's b/c he is well rested. I noticed Harper's dark circles-- my son has these too and they're from his allergies... I bet hers are too. Tell tale sign. Anyway, much luck and rest!
I loved getting tips from other moms, especially concerning infant sleep tips... there's just so much to know and do. Good luck!

Unknown said...

What a precious girl! I certainly hope you get some rest soon. I know what I felt like the first time I slept through the night. I bet it will help you (and probably Harper) when she moves to her own room! I couldn't sleep with my daughter. She would turn over and I'd wake up. Not good!

Take care and take a nap today!

xinex said...

Such a cutie!!!!...Christine

Unknown said...

She is just too adorable!

Chris said...

i am glad that Harper is growing up healthy and she is growing up too fast! :D she is adorable! :D