Your Choice - Laundry Room/PlayRoom/Bonus Room - Any Combo of these
Are ya'll enjoying the home tours???
We have a few more weeks of this and then if you can think of any suggestions and enjoy the Friday tours - maybe we could find some other themes? I've had wedding pictures suggested. Any other ideas?

Today is bathrooms. We have 3 bathrooms. This is the bathroom that is between the guest room and Harper's room. When we moved in - I found a bunch of "jungle" themed things that went with a set of pictures I already had (you can see in the mirror) - so I just kind of went with that. I think I got everything at T J Maxx. I've been wanting to change it up but couldn't decide if I wanted to make it girly to go with Harper's room or what. I have other rooms I'd rather work on first. :-)

When Scott and I got married - we decided it was in the best interest of both of us to have separate bathrooms. ha! Best move we ever made. So this is Scott's bathroom. Honestly - it works so well for us. We can get ready at the same time and never argue over counter space or showers. Except when we go on vacations and have to share a bathroom - it throws us off. ha! ha!

And this is MY bathroom (or the master bath). Do any of you have glass showers? They are SO hard to keep clean? I'd love to hear your tips if you have any!

I'm afraid bathrooms (at least mine) aren't too exciting but I know some of you will have very interesting ones and it's always fun to peek!!!
Show us Where You Live Friday ParticipantsPowered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
Not that I have one since I live in a tiny apartment, but I think yards/flower beds/decks, etc. would be fun to share.
First?.... AWESOME!!
Kelly i LOVE YOUR blog!
i am a 20 year old reader in TX, and i try and comment every post, i have never been first!
I love your house it's so beautiful, and i wish i could post my link, but i don't have a blog.
I'll continue reading and seeing the other homes!
Thanks for your blog!
I enjoy reading about little Harper!
Have a blessed Friday!
I read somewhere to try Bar Keeper's Friend on glass shower walls, and it works pretty well, but takes some elbow grease! The tried and true baking soda, salt, and white vinegar seems to work best for me, though. Good luck!
You have a gorgeous master bath. I wish I had 3 bathrooms. I have glass doors. Now I never do this(too lazy) but the best way is to keep a squeegee in the shower and use it after you are through to wipe the water off the doors/walls. My hubs does it but I shower after him so it is a fruitless effort on his part.
my husband and i house sat for a summer (back in the days before kids LOL) and they had a glass shower. they kept a squeegie (sp?) in the shower and they told us after every shower just squeegie it. it kept it much cleaner then i though, & only took a couple mins after every shower!
as for ideas... i think weddings are awesome (who doesn't love to share their wedding pictures?). girls who aren't married can not only get ideas from everyone but also share pictures of their ideas or weddings they have been in. also vacations or favorite memories or family photos or best friends would be fun!
thanks for all your posts. you're always so fun and happy :) i appreciate that!
Cute bathrooms! We realized when we first got married that we had to have double sink vanity's in the master bath to make things happy for us all. LOL
Oh and for shower doors, I use this stuff called No Work from Melaleuca. I'm not a rep or anything. Just something that I've used that actually works. :)
I love your master bath fixtures!
Kelly, I started reading when Harper was born, and I really enjoy your blog! I think you read my niece Patrice's blog (about Jonah). Thanks for supporting them and popping in to say hello to her ... she loves knowing that other bloggers support them in Christ!
I love all of your bathrooms. You haven't shown a room yet that I don't love!! I LOVE that floral arrangement in Scott's bathroom, did you do that one too? We also have the glass shower and it is a paing to keep clean. I like Arm and Hammer shower clean. You spray it while it's wet, usually I do it right after I shower and just let it run off and it works pretty well. Love your bathrooms!!
I think it's so funny you have seperate bathrooms. We always joke that we're always late for church on Sunday because it's the only day of the week we both have to get ready in the bathroom. We have seperate sinks, but that doesn't seem to help us not to be late. LOL
Great Bathrooms. I really like the style of them. I also have the glass shower. I have a great way to get them clean. Fail proof. I have a 6 year old that loved to get his train and fire truck sponges in there. He starts whipping the glass down with soap and then he uses a plastic ketchup bottle to rinse them off. It occupies him for a least an hour and gets the glass very clean. You have a few more years before Harper would be interested in having some cleaning fun.
gorgeous moldings - as always!! were these in the house when you moved in??
I have the same leopard print towels in my powder room! Love RL!
Wow I am new to the "blogging world!" but I just wanted to pop in & say hi!
I just read your life story and I am so happy to see another sister in the Lord!
I just had a litle girl as well born on January 27th of this year!
Blessings to you and Harper!
Deuteronomy 6:5
I am sad because we do not move into our new house until June 24. Our condo wasn't big enough to share on Show Us Where You Live Friday. Oh well...maybe we can expand show us where you live Friday to include pictures of our neighborhoods and attractions in the city where we live. Or...Odd picture Friday...we could take pictures of odd happenings in and around where we live and share those??? Just an idea! I love looking at your rooms...this was a great idea.
I would love to have such a large master bath! We have a glass shower door & I use a squeegee after every shower and clean with a Mr. Clean eraser once a week or so. Thanks for hosting the tour!
Pretty bathrooms!
If you use WD-40 on your glass the water will just bead up and stay clean.
I clean glass shower doors with straight white vinegar! It gets off the soap scum and streaks.! Works wonderful!
Did you clean up hubby's bathroom before taking pictures??? It's soo clean for a guys bathroom.
Love the idea of separate baths!
Ideas....garden tours or pantrys.
Your bathrooms are lovely. As is the rest of your house, your taste is evident and done so well. Baby Harper is just about 2 weeks younger than my first grand daughter. Love watching her grow and your well written blogs. Thank you for sharing!
your bathrooms are beautiful! I am so jealous!
I really do not like our glass showers either. My husband uses Seventh Generation on them and they usually turn out perfect.
Always here praying!
Psalms 18:1-2 I will love thee, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
Prayer Bears
My email address
Lemon Pledge is THE BEST for cleaning glass shower doors. I know it sounds weird, but trust me, it will work :-)
I am not even going to post my bathrooms. They need serious help. One thing I like about our big bathroom though is the glass shower. The squeegie trick posted in a few other comments really does work and it doesn't take long. When Harper gets older you can strip her down and let her paint on the inside of the glass doors and herself with water colors. My boys love that. When they finish it is easy to clean up. Love your tip of separate bathrooms. Our second bathroom just has cold water though. Don't know how Darling Husband would take that.
Kelly . . . You don't know me but I have enjoyed following your blog since Sara Campbell requested prayed for Harper. I have especially enjoyed the home tours.
I struggled with glass shower doors and keeping them clean until I found the Magic Eraser. It even gets the water spots off chrome fixtures. Don't know if you have tried that. My sister uses a squiggy after each shower . . . Takes just a minute and well worth it.
Just wanted to say hello and tell you how much I enjoy your blog.
Melanie Keffer
P. S. These home tours have inspired me to finish my decorating!
Wow! jealous much! I loooove all of your bathrooms! I have to share with a two year old aaand a boy!
I feel you on the glass showers, if I only knew before I had one!! The biggest tips are to clean it with a white vinegar solution then use rain-x (yes, for car windshields) and squeegee after each use. It is a pain, but the rain-x really works wonders and I haven't had a difficult clean since using it.
You can squeegee the shower doors... after you shower that will get rid of the water spots.
Love the master bath- looks like a perfect retreat!
an idea for a weekly blog post could be SHOW US WHAT YOU EAT FRIDAY-one week your favorite main dish with pics/recipe, then dessert, then maybe appetizer, drinks, etc. it would be a great way to try new recipes, i get tired of making the same thing every week!
Your bathrooms look great! Such a spacious master - bet you love that!
What a wonderful tour! My idea is to show our backyards, show our closet, post about our favorite TV shows, share our favorite "creative" (recipes, crafts, ect...) blogs to read!
Hi Kelly, we also have glass shower doors. I recently cleaned them with CLR (yellow bottle). I had tried a number of things but this worked the best. We also squeege after every shower. They are nice looking but such a pain to keep clean!
I LOVE your tub and how spacious your bathroom is. Mine is so small and cramped. If we ever move the two things I will be looking for is a bigger kitchen and a bigger master bathroom!! I would love to have a sitting area. I always see those on TV in the bathrooms and think that would be really neat to have. :)
You absolutely have to have a wedding picture "tour." I am 20 and single and would absolutely DIE if all your followers actually posted wedding photos. Do it!
I LOVE your bathrooms and I am especially jealous that you have more than one! My husband and I currently live in a little condo with just one bathroom and the "must have" for our next place is at LEAST 2 bathrooms!
I love the idea of a tour of wedding pictures, that would be so much fun!
Thanks for hosting this every week :)
Your bathrooms are so nice. We live in an older home and just have the one.
I screwed up linking up to your Mr. Linky. I entered my name and hit tab. Instead of going down to where I enter my post location, it tabbed me to your office Linky. I don't know if you can delete me from there or not. Sorry, me bad.
I've not read all of the comments so someone else may have suggested this but have you tried cleaning the shower with newspaper and whatever solution you normally use? That helps prevent streaks. Although you may be talking about buildup.
Thanks for hosting and for being so gracious to open up your home to all of us. Harper is just adorable. Have a great weekend.
I also have a glass shower, and I hardly ever have to clean the inside of the glass since we started using Method Daily Shower spray. You can find it at Target. I just spray it on the glass as I'm stepping of the shower, and it stays nice and sparkly clear. I do windex the outside of the glass every now and then.
I think your bathrooms are beautiful! I have glass shower doors and I have found that the magic eraser cleans the glass really good! Thanks for all the tours.
Kelly, I need you to come decorate my house when I get one! I love every room of your house! You have great taste!
Love your master bath. Don't know about the glass shower. That is why we went with a floor to ceiling tile shower. Have a blessed day! HUGS! Come check out our bathroom!
You can so tell Scott's bathroom cause the toilet seat is up HA!!! Oh.. and I use a squeegee to clean glass shower doors.
i love your blog! and a tip for glass showers; use a squeegee on your way out! works so well!!!
We use the squeegee and RainX on our glass shower door. The RainX is really for car windshields, but it's made to make the water bead and roll right off. Works like a charm, but using the squeegee after every shower helps, too.
To continue the Home Tours for another week I would love to see EXTERIORS and YARD/LANDSCAPING.
Anyone else interested?
I didn't read the other comments, so I don't know if this was already suggested, but you could do the exterior of your house for another week of "Show us where you live!"
Love your master bathroom! I wish I had all that room, and the shower is gorgeous. I bet it is a pain to keep clean though!
Your bathrooms remind me of our last home. It was brand new and I loved how everything was updated and had tall ceilings.
Now we update room by room.
I love your master bath!! And how nice that you each have your own bathroom...sooo jealous! :) Thanks for hosting!
Your bathrooms look great!! We have a glass shower door in our master bathroom and I always struggled to keep it clean before we hired a cleaning lady :). I need to ask her what her secret is but I'm pretty sure she uses some mix of vinegar and something else. I do know that she uses Rain-x after so that when we do take a shower, the water beads up. We also squeege every day!!
Ah, the 2 bathroom dilemmas of all times solved! How do you share and How do you clean those pesky glass doors. I'd never thought of separated baths but think that's a great solution. For most mornings, my husbands schedule and mine are separated by enough time that it's not an issue but weekends are another story. Thanks to the comments, I'm armed with some new cleaning ideas. I've been married 29 years and can still learn a thing or two!
Love the idea of separate Mr and Mrs baths!! I'm rather low-maintenance, but...yeah, that just seems like a win-win.
Have you tried a squeegee to keep the glass walls spot-free? That works for us- hope that helps!!
I once read to coat your glass/mirrors with shaving cream to ease the cleaning time. It does work but you must do it often which is a pain.
Anthing animal print or "GLAM" looking I love! the batrooms look great especially yours!
Love your batrhooms!
I like the idea of wedding pcitures-that would be fun.
Hey Kelly, I clean houses and have tried many things to get glass showers clean. I finally found a combo that hasn't let me down yet. I use Soft Scrub with bleach and a magic eraser. I've had customers that were amazed at how good the glass looked after I'm done. It does take a while to rinse but it does the trick. Hope this helps!
I keep trying to sign up for the tours, but i'm not sure if it's posting my link. I've done it 3 times... I don't see me up there.. lol
Anyways, I love your bathrooms! Your house is gorgeous!
I did participate if you want to check it out.
I have heard that using Rain X works well for the shower doors. You know, the stuff you put on your car winshields?? We just use a squeegee.
Very pretty, Kelly! I have no wisdom about glass showers. It did remind me that walls are a good thing- once when we were in Europe my husband had not quite mastered the stall-less shower system and water was not only all over the bathroom, but ran into the other part of our suite. Yikes!
I love your style! What a great idea to have seperate bathrooms - maybe I need to suggest that :)
You need to be sharing your secret for glass showers!!!! They were so shiney!!!!! I can never get mine that clean!!!
Beautiful and so cozy too! I am behind on my pics, I will post mine soon. For the glass shower doors I use CLR KITCHEN AND BATH spray it is a yellow spray bottle and the best glass cleaner I have used. It really makes the glass look new again!!!!
1 have 4 baths, so I better get going!
your bathrooms are so pretty! :-) mine are WAY too boring to share haha
Your bathrooms are beautiful!
I love reading your blog. I am a stay at home mommy to a 20 month old boy and I just now got into a little business called Internet Ceo Moms. I wanted to stay home with my little man but also make some money. Soooo, long story short, I get people signed up with a company that sells the most awesomest (if that's even a word HA!) all natural products. I started using them over the weekend and we have a glass shower. Their products got that glass soooooo clean and I didn't get a headache cleaning. Maybe you should try those products out. It's also safer for little ones (the main reason why I am switching all my cleaning products!)
P.S. The laundry detergent and spot treatment works miracles!! :-)
Let me know if you want to learn more about it!! I also remeber you saying Little Harper has exzema, so does my son, BAD, and I am using their childrens products and my mentor told me that her 9 month old son no longer has problems after using them.
Anyway, I love reading your blog and let me know if you are interested in hearing about these all-natural products :-) My email is alyssamaliska@ymail.com
Thought I would share for the first time. Been reading for a while (you have quite a story), but only blogging for a few weeks now.
2 things for keeping the glass shower clean:
1. Keep a squigy (sp???) in the shower on a little hook and use it to get the water off the glass after you shower. It really takes about 30 seconds and helps a TON.
2. You can also use some lemon or orange essential oil and rub it on the glass with a cloth. It will help keep the soap scum off... and it smells divine.
Hope that helps!!
Method (all natural) has a product for shower / glass that works well and entails no scrubbing. Can buy it at Target.
Hi Kelly! I love reading your blog and Harper is just the cutest thing. :) Our master bath has a glass shower and I do two things to keep it looking nice - put Rain-X on the glass and use a squeegee. Rain-X doesn't need to be put on every day (I reapply right after I clean), but the squeegee needs to be done every time someone uses the shower. Hope this helps! It definitely keeps the shower looking nice between cleanings.
Nice, you get the master bath. :) It's really pretty, I love it! And as for the bathroom by Harper's room....are you guys going to have more kids? I am holding off decorating the bathroom b/t my daughter's bedroom and our guest bedroom because we plan to have another baby and it could be a boy and I doubt he'd appreciate having to get ready in a girly bathroom!
Oh, and I vote playrooms for the next week. But I also like the suggestion someone made about backyards because some people have some really pretty landscaping ideas.
I love the wedding picture idea after the tour of homes is complete. I have LOVED looking at all the beautiful rooms, but since I'm not much of a decorator I haven't participated. This is a great way to link up with other bloggers!
Hi Kelly, I have galss showers too. And what I do to keep them shining at all times is this: once a week I take scrubbing bubbles and spray the inside down, scrub the sray in w/ a sponge that has a rough side, rince, squeggee(SP?) all the glass, windex and enjoy the sparkle-takes 5 min. tops! Then everytime I take a shower during the week when I finish up I just squeggee the glass. : )
cracking up at the separate bathrooms, and yet SUCH a GREAT idea!!! i really like harper's bathroom touches.
Dear Kelly,
Will you please come to my undecorated home and decorate it? If you will, I will clean your glass shower. Thank you in advance.
squeegie (sp?) the glass after each use! And good ol TILEX works wonders on hard water spots. I squeegied after every shower and it worked pretty good. Then Tilexed once a week. Total pain! We built a house recently, and I said NO THANKS to having a glass shower. They look so nice, but totally high maintenance!
Squeegies work wonders, but the trick is you have to do it EVERY time after your shower.
Hi Kelly,
I didn't do the tour this week b/c the bathrooms are the still undecorated rooms in our house. As for your shower, I'm with all the other suggestions, a squeegee is the way to go.
I suggest patios or outdoors...also Mr. Clean erasers seem to work well on my glass doors of my shower!! Harper is sooo stinkin' cute!!!
I absolutely LOVE your blog! I don't even know you, but you have really sucked me in. We have a glass shower, and the hard water is the worse to get off. Make sure you get a squeegee and use it every day to get most of the water off. That helps a lot!
Love your bathrooms Kelly. You are so very stylish. Id Love to have you decorate my house :) We are in Hilton Head Island, SC for Lauren's first beach trip and I'm checking the blog from the hotel....LOVE IT!
The shopaholic in me is wondering if you plan to feature master closets on a given Friday? :-) I would love to see how other people organize their clothes & shoes and show my methods too!
Kelly- I love your blog! Harper is precious and I love seeing her pictures and reading about the little things going on in ya'lls life. My name is Ashley and I am a wife and teacher in Hoover, AL. Thanks for the encouragement you send out through your blog!
You have such a gorgeous house. I have to admit this blog tour has made me covetous in a way I've never experienced--but it's a good lesson in gratitude and contentment. We are so lucky to have the home we do (especially compared to the rest of the world) but I do hope one day to have a more "pretty" house like yours!
A wedding tour would be a fun series--one week dresses, one week flowers, etc.
I love Fridays!!! I never seem to be early enough though!
and the main problem I have is Fridays (now) make me want to thrift shop at lunch instead of work out! Good for the house, not good for the figure!
Your bathrooms are gorgeous! We have more than 1 too but I dare only show the powder room at this time. The others haven't even begun construction yet. :)
I think outdoor areas/yards/decks is a great idea for summer! :) Have a great weekend!
I LOVE your blog! It is so fun, and always brightens even the darkest day!!! Thank you!!!
I also found out that we have a mutual friend...Leigh Ann Horton. Our husbands fly together, and she and I both live in Maumelle, so we were in the same running club too. Small world!
Love your bathrooms!
I think since it's getting to be vacation season I'd be fun to see your/our favorite vacation destination. It would give a lot of people ideas on where to go.
Kelly - I have been soooo swamped at work this week, but I HAD to take a minute to check in on you and Harper. I missed like 4 posts! First off, I LOVE that you got an iPhone! I got one for my birthday last year and it's so addictive!!! I've been following you on Twitter, so I better be seeing more Tweets! Secondly, the rainbow thing made me cry at my desk. Your words are so encouraging as I struggle through wanting to be at home with Asher. Thirdly, Brayden is SOOOOO CUTE! Thirdly, I didn't notice that about the Robeez...you're NOT a terrible Mother, you're awesome one!!!
And lastly, I so love how you love Wal-Mart and TJMAXX, we are kindred spirits!!!
Enjoy your weekend!
Use rain x on your shower doors just like you would on your windshield. Sorry I don't have a cute bathroom to share..
Use Rain X on your glass shower :)
Lol, too funny...my husband and I use separate bathrooms too! It makes it so much easier to just leave my stuff all over the counter! I know, I'm going to be said when this all over, I've been looking forward to Fridays even more because of this whole tour thing. Thanks again!
Your bathrooms are lovely! Here's my tip for keeping your glass shower door clean...just take baths. =)
My mom has the glass walled shower and she keeps a small squeegie like thing in the shower so you can just do a quick wipe down when you are done. I guess it looks like the thing they have at the gas station to clean your windows off. Love your bathroom!
Tour Idea: Fireplaces
Just a tour of fireplace pictures might inspire some of us to properly decorate this part of a room.....
Your bathrooms look fabulous!
That's hilarious---Kurt and I also have separate bathrooms! I don't know what we'll do when we end up having a master that's big enough to share. Is there a master big enough?...hahaha! That's so funny that we do the same thing. I love having my own bathroom..
Hey, Kelly, my post on my masterbath is old, but I linked.
As far as keeping shower doors clean, the best thing I've found is to use Clean Shower or the Tilex clear shower everyday cleaner. You spray it on after each shower (once the doors are good and clean). No more soap scum! It really does work. The doors stay clean without that buildup. Best thing I ever started doing.
I think separate bathrooms may be in my future...
I linked to my single-girls' bathroom!
I use to sell homes and my builder would tell everyone that the best way to keep the glass shower clean was to keep a squeegee in the shower and squeegee the water off the walls when you were done with your shower. It may take a little extra time (and it's hard enough to find the time JUST to shower, much less squeegee it after your done with a baby around,lol) but it saves a lot of elbow grease for you on cleaning days!!! Your house is goregous by the way....thanks for sharing!!!!
Love all your bathrooms Kelly! I am really enjoying the home tours...I have gotten so many great ideas =) thank you for doing this!!
Your bathrooms are beautiful. I would love to join the tour but I think I could easily win a contest for the ugliest bathroom. Maybe I can get ideas to help it!
Your bathrooms are gorgeous, thanks for sharing.
You are such a blessing,
Matthew 21:22
My boyfriend & I are talking about marriage and one of my 'stipulations' is separate bathrooms. I'm glad to hear that it's served you well! I'm 35 so I'm pretty used to not having to share! :-)
Keep shining for the Lord!
Hi, your bathrooms are so nice! I love your decorating style--I don't think there has been one thing that you have posted yet that I didn't like!
Thanks for starting the home tours! It has been so much fun! Can't wait to see what we're gonna do next!
Kelly, I love your bathrooms! They are beautiful as is every other part of your house that we have toured! :) I think it would be super fun to do wedding photos...even with different categories (before, during, after, with family, together, reception, getaway, honeymoon etc) each week...just a thought!Have a great weekend!
We have a stand up shower and we use Clean Shower by Arm and Hammer every day after the shower. You don't have to wipe it or anything. It works great!
Each week I say I am going to partake in this and never do. Today, I tried and I could not get my pics to upload to Blogger and I was not able to get your widget on my blog. Help, if you can, I appreciate it.
Your bathroom is way more exciting than mine! mine is the size of a shoebox! :) So glad I could join the tour again today. You have stunning design taste, as I've said before. :) Have a great weekend!
Wash once. Apply RAIN-X (like you use on your car windshield. Never (well hardly ever) have spots again. Woot Woot!!!
I love your bathrooms!! Your house is so gorgeous!!! Somebody's already said but that Method shower cleaner is awesome for glass doors. Also just plain old vinegar and lemon juice.
I love reading about Harper, too!! She's a doll baby.
Hi Kelly-
I love your blog, I have been reading for a LONG time but never comment (I know shame on me). Your bathrooms are so cute, I love them! We have a glass shower and we use Kaboom to clean it. It works really well. Good luck!
You have a GORGEOUS bathroom!! Well, all of them are! I wish I had pretty bathrooms. I just moved in with my fiance in a tiny apartment with one bathroom. I am having to make room for all of my stuff/clean up all of his stuff, so eventually I will get to the bathroom to make it pretty.
My husband takes a razor blade to glass shower. Whatever works since I don't have to put in the extra elbow grease...he's the best :o)
What about doing a theme on kid's (or adults) birthday parties. I've gotten a lot of ideas through other people's blogs. My little girl, Emily, is turning 4 in a couple of weeks so it is on my mind.
I haven't read all the comments above, but I think that outsides of houses would be really neat...and would go with the theme!
I love your bathroom! It seems like a wonderful place to enjoy a nice long bath and a glass of wine! Great idea about having separate bathrooms!
thanks Kelly..enjoy your blog so much!
Hey Kelly- I love every room in your house!!! We bought a house that is roomy but really outdated so we have been doing the renovations 1 room at a time. We haven't gotten to the big ones yet like the kitchen or bathrooms. But I wanted to tell you a tip for your glass shower. When I was in high school I had a frend with a NEAT FREAK Mom. They had a squeegee (is that really how you spell that?) that hung in their shower, and we had to "squeegee the glass down before we got out and dried off...it only takes a couple of minutes, but assuming Harper will give those 2 minutes to you it might help save 10 minutes of shower cleaning at the end of the week.
Hi Kelly,
Thank you again for hosting such a wonderful meme for all of us!
We all have so much fun touring all the rooms and getting ideas.
Your bathrooms are huge! I'm having some serious bathroom envy. LOL!
Have a wonderful weekend.
~Warmly, Melissa :)
I love your bathrooms.. especially the master. Gorgeous! I also LOVE the floral arrangement in your hubby's bathroom. You have great taste!
Well how fun is this! My kind of place! I think this is my first visit, hooray for me to find so many fun links to look at!
just wanted to tell you how beautiful your home is and thank you for sharing each room with us. i thought i'd suggest to you the cleaner i use to clean our glass shower doors. i read it in a martha steward cleaning book my mom gave me for christmas a few years ago. it is super easy, super cheap and kid friendly! dawn dishsoap...i use the basic blue one and a soft brush. just squirt some on the brush and scrub onto the glass (very soft, flat, medium sized brush), rinse with water and there you go...clean glass! doesn't take much elbow grease at all!
If you have hard water deposits or any area's of build-up on your glass you can use the ceramic stove top cleaner - works great!
I saw on Tip Junkie that you can use Rain-X on a glass shower! Apparently, if you clean it really good and then apply the Rain-X it keeps it clean and shiny for weeks. Makes sense, right? I haven't tried it yet, but I plan to. :)
Party ideas.....Patio, Front Porch, Kids Room, Entry
I have tried and tried to get your blog to come up all day and it just isn't working. Please add me to you list.
Love your bathrooms!! My husband knows better than to get in my way while I'm getting ready. He gets baby ready to go while I'm getting around. It took me many months to 'train' him.
I vote for house exteriors.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Kelly, this is Mary Avery's mother, Dana. I wanted to answer your question about keeping clear glass walls and doors in bathrooms cleaner.
First, clean them thoroughly and wipe dry with a soft, non-linty cloth. The apply a good coat of lemon OIL using a soft cloth. Let dry. The water spots and soap scum just "sheet" off. Just be careful not to get any in the bottom of the shower enclosure, as it is slippery.
Repeat occasionally. You will not have to clean as often!!
Hope it works for you.
That is hilarious you have seperate bathrooms. When, we bought our house we had to have at least a double vanity in the master bathroom so we could share. Living in the apartment and having to share a sink was awful!!!
You could do wedding pictures, favorite vacation pictures, or childhood pictures. Just some options. Or you can do a favorite things. Like picture of favorite wedding picture, then favorite electronic, favorite book, etc. Just some random ideas.
Hope you and your family have a great weekend!!!
Kelly, I have a glass shower and use a squeegee every day after showering. I have never had a problem with buildup/soapscum since I started using it 7 years ago. btw...I am a huge fan of separate bathrooms. My husband and I also have our own bathrooms. :)
Love you master bath! I have 3 too and i looked at all 3 today and decided I had to take a Friday off! We just finished our basement and got new furnature in our family room so my house is TRASHED! I will paly again next week. I think the before mentioned yards/patio's and wedding pics are great ideas!
Have a great weekend!
Love your bathrooms. And, what a great idea to have his and hers. You're so darn cute and your house is too :)
I love your bathroom...especially the master. And you get it all to yourself...how nice!!
I don't have glass shower doors so haven't tried this, but I read somewhere the other day to use lemon oil furniture polish with a soft cloth. It said it made them sparkle. Let me know if you try it and it works!!
Thanks for hosting each week. Excited that you are looking to continue the Friday tours. I'll put my thinking cap on to try and make suggestions. I'm excited to get some inspiration for my upstairs baths!
I love your blog! You are such a sweet mom! As for the shower, use a squeegee (like the kind you use to clean windows) after each shower. It only takes a few seconds and it leaves the glass totally streak-less and spotless. You'll only need to use Windex every other week or so.
glass shower tip! i dont know if someone already posted this-but seriously put rain-x on the glass to keep the water off it & also keep a squeegie (sold at bed bath & beyond) in there too & squeegie the water off after you shower-takes 1 min max.
I don't know if anyone suggested this (i didn't read through comments!) Use rain x on your glass shower! Hope it helps! Sarah
How nice that you get that nice master bath all to yourself! You have all of your rooms decorated so nicely - this is really making me feel like I need to do something about mine. My master bath is BORING! After being here 4 years I think it's time to change it up a bit!
Your bathrooms are great! I love the arrangement in Scott's bathroom and the clock hanging in yours.
I have one other suggestion, I love your recipes and have tried many of them (all of which we have LOVED)...maybe a recipe exchange. Everyone could post their favorite recipes! Pics of the ingredients, final product, etc.
Hi again!
I finally figured out how to do this. Please check out my blog.
I just came across your blog! You have a wonderful family. Cute little girl, with an adorable room that I wish I had. ;) I wish I read your blog before you've done all the rooms for people to look at!
I just came across your blog - CUTE! Your little girl is ADORABLE! :) I LOVE looking at everyone's baths so thanks for doing this! Such inspiration! I posted my kids bath I just re-did but need to check out everyone else's for ideas for the master - it's a BORING builder type bath - you know big mirror, faux oak wood and white everywhere!!! Getting some tea and time to take the tours! LOVE IT! :) Have a great weekend!!!
I read your blog every day, but this is the first time commenting. Harper is just adorable! I am loving the home tours, unfortunately I don't keep a blog of my own so I can't participate, but I love getting ideas from you and all your readers. What about a week where we tour people's backyards/patios/outdoor living spaces?
Something tells me you probably hear a lot of "Man, I have such a small bladder - I am gonna have to run to the bathroom AGAIN!" comments when you have visitors....I'd be wanting to hang out in the gorgeous bathrooms, too!
I've been lying in bed trying to sleep, but can't because I'm trying to think of ideas to take place of show us where you live Friday. I thought of a recipe thing... and I noticed someone already posted the idea for show us what you eat Friday. I'd like to second that motion. Another thought is show us your art. Maybe make a craft every Friday and people post pictures of their craft. Even something as simple as coloring a picture is art!
Kelly - love reading your blog. Your home is beautiful, I really love your decorating style! Would you mind sharing your paint color throughout your home? It is such a nice warm, but neutral color! I love the shade of brown!
Beautiful baths. I could have definately used three baths when the kids were teens and still living at home. Thanks for sharing.
We had one in our old house. Lemon oil worked and that tip came from Martha Stewart haha...but it can be hard to find sometimes.
Oh how I love your decor in every room Kelly! I will take some ideas from this for sure. Thank you for doing this, I enjoy it so much! Can't wait for the birthday carnival one!! I love to throw parties for the 3 girlies, actually have one coming up in 2 weeks for my soon to be 10 year old!! Ahhhh! Thanks again!
Best thing I've ever used for our glass shower is Bar Keeper's Friend. It's a powder and you make a paste with it with a wet paper towel and then rub where the water marks are. Takes them right off! Bonus, it's really cheep too. I posted about it a while back on my blog here: http://www.newlywedsnextdoor.com/2009/03/is-your-stainless-steel-not-so.html
No, I don't get paid by them. I just love the product and could not live without it!
Email me if you have questions at newlywedsnextdoor@gmail.com
try scrubbing bubbles - spray all over it gets the soap scum film off ..then try windex...good luck
i love your blog!!!
We have glass shower walls and my husband didn't like how you could see inside of them while you were in the bathroom because you can see all of the junk (tons of shampoo bottles, body wash, shaving cream, face washes, etc), so he bought this film that he put on the outside of the glass. It's like you are applying a sheet of window tint, but it's not tinted, it's makes it look like we have frosted glass instead of clear glass. It turned out really nice, and I have to say, it makes the bathroom look a lot tidier!
I love all your ideas!
Sorry if someone else told you this. I didn't read through the massive amount of comments to see. ( I am jealous! I only get 2-3 comments if I'm lucky on my posts)
Rain-X is suppose to work wonderful. Just be careful to not get it on the floor as it will make it very slippery. It lasts for months.
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