Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Road Trip

Harper and I had such a fun day today! Nonny, Harper and I headed out this morning and went to Tulsa. (There are so many of you in Tulsa that I would love to have called to see but we had a very quick whirlwind trip so there just wasn't time this time!)
We made a quick stop at the NICU at St. Francis. It felt weird to be at the hospital on a 100 degree day since we had been there during very cold weather and a snow storm. All of our nurses and Harper's doctor were either off or in classes so we didn't see anyone we knew but it was bittersweet to be back where we spent so many hours.
Then we went for a quick lunch at Pei Wei. YUMMY!!!! Dummy me ordered Kung Pou Chicken which I love but then I got it and remembered that I can't eat peanuts (which it has) or anything cooked in peanut oil (which I was scared it was) so I had to make mom trade meals with me. I'm still getting used to avoiding foods for Harper's allergies.
And then the reason for our trip - we got to meet BOOMAMA and BIGMAMA!!!!!!!!!

Um, I think Caroline needs a little sister????? :-)
They were EXACTLY as you think they would be. So fun and friendly and nice and hilarious! Sophie and Melanie were the first blogs I ever read of people I didn't know. I think I started reading both of them about 3 years ago (I really have no idea how I stumbled upon them but they have been my daily read every single morning since.) Seriously - no matter what I do - I start my day by reading their blogs and they always leave me laughing. I was just THRILLED to death to meet them today - I never dreamed I would get to meet them - especially both at once! I even felt so at home - I actually sat and fed Harper in front of them (I can't believe I did that but Harper was furious and hungry). ha!
They had just spent the last few days at Pioneer Woman's ranch and Ree sent two pans of her famous cinnamon rolls - one each for me and my mom. I can't believe I actually have in my possession cinnamon rolls made by THE pioneer woman. And OH SWEET GOODNESS HEAVENS TO BETSY they are some kind of good. I'm pretty sure I will eat the entire pan myself in 2 days. You can get the recipe here and if you read it - you can imagine why they are over the moon good. I will be making some soon.

Yep - it's been one fun day!


Anonymous said...

I am so jealous.

Amanda Ledford said...

Looks like you had a fun day! I hate that your nurses weren't working today, it always makes me happy to see how well my patients are doing! I'm glad you got to meet those fabulous bloggers! And YUM! I think I want a cinnamon roll now!

Kodi said...

Those cinnamon rolls look to die for.

Sara F. said...

I made those cinnamon rolls and they are indeed every bit as good as they look!

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

Your hair looks Great! Love Harper's outfit. Looks like a wonderful day!

Holley said...

I am so jealous that Ree cooked for you. I am sure they are wonderful!!!

It's a wonderful life said...

Looks like you had a great day!! I always like to take Savana by he NICU at Baptist-LR. That is cool that you got to other bloggers.

Michelle said...

OH HOW EXCITING! WOW! Meeting those two girls must have been a hoot!

Diamonds & Dumptrucks Boutique said...

aw fun! You and Harper look adorable! You're dress is SO cute did you get it at old navy?

Todd and Courtney said...

Ok seriously can I have a cinnamon roll? HA!! You look fab in the pictures and I'm so glad ya'll had such a fun day!!

Jess :) said...

How incredibly FUN!! Like I mentioned earlier...I so wish I could've been with you!

Thanks for sharing your day with us! It's always so much fun to hear what you and Harper (and Nonny) did! :)

Love and Hugs

Heather said...

What a fun day!! Y'all look so cute in the pictures!! What I would have given to be in Tulsa today!! thanks for sharing with us!!

Katie said...

Aww, what a sweet day it sounds like! I always hear (well, read rather) about people saying here in blogland things along the lines of "if I knew so-and-so in real life, we'd be friends." But, you know what, to me, it is my real life and I have really made some great friends that, like you, I start my days off with, I pray about, laugh with, cry with, everything...just like I have known them my whole life. So I think it is so sweet and truly precious that you got to meet some of your friends! And, um, really sweet and precious that you got that pan of cinnamon rolls! ;o)

Gracie Beth said...

That looks like so much fun! Those Cinnamon rolls look yummy!

Julie D. said...

i would feel the same way about cinnamon rolls from THE pioneer woman! Maybe you should just save the last one! or maybe not... what a great day.

Big Mama said...

We had so much fun with y'all today. I would have just carried Harper on the plane with me and brought her home. She is a doll!

Annie said...

Wow what a great visit...looks like you all had fun. I know what it means to visit the nurses...after my hubby's stay in the hospital I'm still friends with some of his nurses (they are amazing people with such a gift)!

I'm going to have to check out the recipe for cinnamon buns!

Leslie said...

Sounds like a FUN day, and the picture of those cinnamon rolls made my mouth water.

Spender Sally to Saver Sue said...

So glad my three favorite bloggers got together!!!!!

Glad you had a great time, and how fun to have some of PW's cinnamon rolls - enjoy!!!

Melissa Stover said...

how exciting! i love meeting bloggers. it's like meeting old friends, in a strange way.

We've Got Scents said...

I am so thankful you ladies had a great 'day trip'!
And so thankful you were able to meet up with the "Mama's" of all "Mama's" :)
Will have to check out the recipe, those cinnamon rolls look delish.
Thanks for sharing and blessings always,
Matthew 21:22

Buttercup said...

What a great day. Can't wait to meet some of my bloggy friends. Have become very close to another group met on-line and they are among the truest friends I have. After five years 12 of us met in person last fall and what a super time we had. Another trip planned for this fall. People were even nicer than they seemed on-line.

Anonymous said...

I am jealous that you got to spend time with THE pioneer woman. Now I'm in the mood for Cinnamon rolls And, my, Harper is looking sooo big! Especially in the first picture.


Aura said...

Beautiful Mama and baby! And I am craving a cinnamon roll, now.

The Gatties said...

Just a few things....
1. you look FAB! <3 Way to go girl!
2. lucky you to spend time with Ree. She's cutie-pa-tootie in my book!


Anonymous said...

I couldn't wait to read your blog tonight. I have been wondering if Melanie is as funny in person as on her blog. She cracks me up every day. The nerd in me wanted to Twitter you and tell her how much I love her. lol Then I thought better of it and restrained myself.

Looks like you ladies had a great time. So glad!

Jen said...

So glad you had a good day.

It's always exciting to finally meet somone who reads your blog. I met a nice lady a few weeks ago for lunch and we had a great time. In the next few weeks I will be meeting another reader and a friend from the WebMd fertility board and I'm so excited.

By the way Harpers' outfit was oh so always.

Bonnie said...

Those cinnamon rolls look so good, but really hard to make! I'm not that great at making things from scratch :P My ADD would probably force me to skip over an important ingredient by reading the directions to fast (trust me, this happens a lot!) HA. That is neat you got to meet a few fellow bloggers.
<3 Bon

AKat said...

Sounds like fun!!! I'm in OKC and want to have a blog gathering one day of OK/AR bloggers. I love the Body of Christ, don't you?! We are all just one big family! Heaven's going to be FUN!

Watkins Wackiness said...

I AM SOOOO JEALOUS!!! I love the Pioneer Woman and am just dying to visit her ranch!!! I think right now that would be my dream vacation. My husband thinks I'm crazy but he loves all the things I cook from her website!!!
Harper looked adorable. I wish all her buddies would have been working at NICU! They need to see how dang cute she is!!!

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Girl, I am telling you... I am so jealous. I can't believe I'm missing out on all this Pioneer Woman-Big Mama-Kelly-Cinnamon roll fun!! I just love all you girls and your blogs too!

Looks like everyone is having fun hanging out and I'm sure my invite to y'all's party just got lost in the mail. (grin)


Kathy said...

How fuuuunnn!! So cool that you got to meet them and get some of Ree's cinnamon rolls. That is making me HUNGRY.

I know you would have loved to see some of Harper's nurses today. How special to go back there and visit with a healthy baby!!

2SetsOfTwins4Me said...

Yep, that EOPC sign looks very familiar. LOL
Thats where all 4 of my boys were the 1st month of 2 of their lives.

Harper looks adorable and those cinnamon rolls look delicious

Anonymous said...

I've had the privilege of meeting some people that I first met's such an amazing thing to be able to do! And you got to share it with two of them! Now if I can only figure out how to climb through the internet to and get to those cinnamon rolls....
Continuing to pray for your family!
1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Julianne Hendrickson said...

I love reading your blog, Kelly. I am a new wife (at 24!) and you are such an inspirational person. Thanks for sharing your life with me!

momMYsliceoflife said...

I'm wont lie. I'm a little jelous. Mostly about the cinamon rolls, but really all of it. ;)

It sounds like a really fun day! And I LOVE Harper's bow! I'm pretty sure London might have the same one but in pink (and black and brown) is it a Wee Ones?

BOWquet said...

Those cinnamon rolls look SO good!!! it's making me hungry! :)

Love Harper in her little green outfit! :)

Melanie said...

I am going to be meeting my first blog friend within the next month! I am so excited!!!! Glad you had a great day, and those cinnamon rolls look delicious!!!!! YUM

Melissa Marie said...

OMG... I had a batch of cinnamon rolls already made... and decided to try that maple icing you linked to. UNBELIEVABLE. That will most certainly get me in a lot of trouble. ;)

Anonymous said...

You lucky duck! I would love to meet those ladies (I read both their blogs) and would LOVE to sample Ree's cinnamon rolls (also addicted to her blog). Wonderful the community that blogs creates, right?
God is good!

boomama said...

LOVED seeing y'all - and that Harper is absolutely beautiful. Can't wait to see you again!

Sarah said...

Jealous!!! I made her cinnamon rolls a few weeks back and they are delicious! I'm sure her's were to die for!

Connie said...

Your littler Harper is getting cuter every week and looking more like her mama! :)

Those cinnamon rolls sure made my mouth water and from the Pioneer Woman too. You are one lucky girl!
I think I will try her recipe because I do love a good cinnamon roll.

Meeting other bloggers is so much fun...glad you had a great time.


Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Looks like an awesome day. It's soo much fun meeting up with other bloggers.

And YUM on those cinnamon rolls. I'm totally jealous.

Darla said...

NOT fair! i love reading Big Mama's did you arrange this? actually i'm really happy for you, just a little jealous. hehe.

King J's Queen said...

Color me GREEN with envy! What a day!

Rachel H. said...

Sounds like a great day!! And those cinnamon rolls look awesome!!

Anonymous said...

How awesome you got to meet blog friends IRL. And I am so jealous of those cinnamon rolls as I sit here with my coffee and eat Cheerios along with my 13 month old :)

Lauren said...

So so fun!!! I'm so jealous!!! :O)

Jill said...

What fun!! You are part of my daily blog reads too. I just never comment.
I made the PW Cinnamon Rolls for Christmas gifts this year for neighbors. They'd already asked if I'm making them for 4th of July-they can't go 6 months more without them.

Chell said...

OHHHHH Pei Wei is a favorite here! Our office makes a trip there for lunch at least every other week. Sounds/looks like you had a great time! I can totally relate there with getting up in the morning and reading all the blog updates of my favorite blogs!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Awe, how fun! Those cinnamon rolls look soooo good!

Blessed Chick said...

That chinese food looks incredible. SO does the rolls. Perhaps I am just hungry!

Unknown said...

Meeting boo and big AND getting PW's cinnamon rolls all on the same day??!! Your summer is complete.

Sara Sexton said... were in Tulsa...within a 10 mile radius from me yesterday? I'm sulking :(

It looks like you had a wonderful time & I'm oh so jealous you got to meet Big Momma, BooMama & get TPW cinnamon have the life! :)


southerninspiration said...

oh, a perfect day!!


Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

I just knew ya'll would have a great time together! I'd love to meet up with you too, Kelly. Sophie & I live in the same town & have met up a few times. Can't wait to hear the scoop on the whole trip.

and lucky you, to get cinnamon rolls to boot from PW!! I have got to make some of those. All her recipes are to die for.

Melissa's Thoughts said...

I found myself licking my screen for just a taste of the cin rolls. YUMO!

Chari said...

What a nice little trip!
St Francis is where I had my baby! And I don't live very far away from it!

wow, do you know how BLESSED you are to get those cinnamon rolls?! lol

Jobie said...

I am so jealous! Though I don't know what would have been more fun - meeting Harper or meeting the three of you! Hmmm ... probably Harper, no offense!

Beth said...

I found BooMama and BigMama's blogs thanks to your blog, and yes, I read them everyday, too! I am so happy for you that you got to meet them in person. I often think how fun it would be to meet some of the women I have been reading about...
Enjoy your cinnamon rolls!

Angie said...

Wow that is hella cool! I read Ree's blog all the time, how amazing! Thanks for this post!

purejoy said...

how fun. i was reading big mama today and saw her pic with y'all. harper was looking none too happy. i laughed when BM said it was her that made harper cry!
always enjoy your blog, and although i don't comment all the time, i am an every post reader. i'm far from having a newbie inthe house, but enjoy reliving those days!
take care and enjoy those cinnamon rolls. yum!! (ps i'd leave out the part about her giving your mom a pan. i would have conveniently "forgotten" it ha!)

Lindsey said...

Love the new hair-do, Kelly! As always...everybody looks happy and healthy!

MamaBird Jentes said...

Hi Kelly,

Just wanted to let you know that your site is my must-read blog in the morning. After many weeks of hospital bedrest and then losing my son's twin last summer, it's been a source of comfort and strength for me, along with Angie's Smith's site and a few others. If you ever want to check out my blog, which I don't get to update as often as you do, it's:
Thanks again for you say on your blog, We would so be friends if we met in real
life." :->

Laurie in NJ

Alicia said...

Those cinnamon rolls sure look tasty! So hungry. :) The trip to Tulsa must have been so bittersweet. How great will it be to take Harper there once she is older and will know what took place there. She is a miracle!! Happy Thursday.

Courtney Cox said...

Oh girl, I am so jealous of those cinnamon rolls. I can't wait to run into Harper and you again.

Courtney Cox

Erin said...

Kelly, I have the same flower ring! I just love it. Love reading your blog. You and Harper look adorable.

Amy said...

How fun! I love, love, love Boo Mama and Big Mama!!! And then you throw in Pioneer Woman, and I am oh so jealous. So glad you had a wonderful time.

Have a blessed day!

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Pei Wei and Kung Pao Chicken are our favorites! When we're in the city, we always eat at Pei Wei!

Anonymous said...

Harper looks so cute, and I know you had fun meeting Sophie and Melanie. I haven't met Melanie, but Sophie was my sorority big sister at Mississippi State. And she is just as funny and wonderful in person as she is on her blog. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, who knew her at MSU loved her! She could walk into a room and have everybody there in stitches with just a couple of words. She has such a fast wit, and her laugh is contagious, isn't it?

I sure am enjoying your blog. Our almost-3-year-old son loves to look at pictures of babies and he saw Harper's picture a minute ago and said, "Pretty baby, Mama!" He's no fool!

Kacey said...

Wow! What a day - Sophie, Melanie AND Ree! Amazing.

The DeYoungs said...

Funny how you talked about reading peoples blogs you don't even know. I don't know you and someone got me hooked onto your blog. This was after Harper was already home from the hospital. I love your blog. It's fun to see what other SAHM are doing during the day. Thank you for sharing your lives with us. God Bless

Sherri said...

What a fun, fun day! Love, Love Harpers white bow. I look so forward to meeting some of my bloggy friends too one day too. There are so many that I feel exactly the same as you...that my day is not complete unless I read them. Yours in certainly in my daily list:)

SassyCassie said...

I really really want a cinnamon roll now!

Teresa said...

My bloggers paths crossed again ! I began following you from Jessi's blog "Babes Having Babes" and praying for Harper then I started following PW's blog from Bakerlla's blog. Then reading PW's blog today I followed a link about her visitors and saw Harper ! I had to do a double take. I think it's meant to be ! It's so good to see both you so happy and healthy. God is Good!

k and c's mom said...

I love it! Feel like I had a vacation in my head with all of you! Thanks for posting pictures.(Maybe Harper was upset because BooMama and BigMama didn't bring their kids.)

Laura said...

OMGoodness, Kelly! I just realized - as I scarf down my 6 Chic-fil-a nuggets (@ 33 calories a piece, thank you very much! Can you tell I'm dieting?) that you can't eat Chic-fil-a!! Well, of course you CAN, but if you're wanting to watch what you eat for Harper, you shouldn't! They fry everything in peanut oil! Oh, well. I guess that means more SONIC!! Ha! BTW, lovin' your tweets!

Julia said...

I'm so JEALOUS!!! I LOVE the Pioneer Woman! I have never stopped by either of those blogs, so I'll have to check them out if I can ever find time. What an awesome trip, but I'm so sad that Harper's doctors and nurses didn't get to see how well she is doing now.

Unknown said...

Food allergies are a hard thing to deal with. We've been dealing with them for about three months although my daughter is much older than yours. It's good you were able to find out about Harpers allergies so early.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous trip!

beckylbranch said...

Wow! What a FAB day you had with great friends :) So glad you got to meet up with some blog friends-that is always so much fun!

Stacy said...

Sounds like a great time! I could use a road trip and some cinnamon rolls!


Lori said...

My son spent his first 29 days of life in that same EOPC - The staff there are amazing! I send them updates and pictures, but haven't been by to visit in person yet. I'll probably wait until it's cooler :-) Lucky you and the cinnamon rolls!!

Jessica Scarberry said...

Looks like you had a great day! Your hair looks great!

Kate said...

Oh my goodness, Pioneer Woman sweet rolls. Amazing!!

Love Being A Nonny said...

What a great day! Aren't you so proud of Harper? You have really settled into motherhood and Harper is blessed to have you!!

Your hair looked great and I love the big ring you had on. Fun that your mom got to go with you. Thanks for sharing!!!

Mary said...

I'm wishing I had those cinnamon rolls at my house right now. It looks like y'all had a great time!

purejoy said...

oh i know you have a vast amount of admirers but i just felt compelled to nominate you for an award on my blog. i swear you make my day on so many occasions. i know you're busy, but perhaps you'll take a minute to play along. at any rate, congrats!

Team Alix said...

Pioneer Woman's cinnamon rolls? Oh, I am tremendously envious right now! Enjoy them!

Ells said...

what a fun day... and what gorgeous cinnamon rolls! LOVE Harper's delectable hair bow. :)

Sallie said... fun! Like several said, I am so jealous!! Don't know any of ya'll, and yet, i feel like we are all friends! Ha! Discovered Bigmama and Boomama at a Beth Moore weekend, and they led me to your blog, and also, Pioneer
Woman's. I read them all every day! I can just picture nothing but alot of laughter!!

Cindy said...

Kelly, I read your blog every day! I wanted to tell you that the picture you have at the top of this blog is the cutest one yet! It's a framer! LOVE it!!! :-)

Lindsey said...

Yours, Big and Boo are my daily reads of people I don't know! It's so much fun! I didn't even know about yours until they posted a link on the day you were having Harper! I've been a fan ever since!

Kristen said...

I love them too! And Shannon from Rocks in My Dryer! How fun!

Jacquie said...

I was kinda sad for you when you said you didn't see anyone at the NICU that you knew. (They'll be sad, too, when they read this.)

Pretty jealous y'all got to meet "the Mama's"!! They are my morning "must reads" too. SOOOO funny!

CourtneyC said...

Oh my goodness what a super fun day!!!

Marla Taviano said...

I LOVED meeting Melanie and Sophie! I would love to meet you and Harper someday too!!

And I think Melanie's wearing a necklace my sister made! How fun!!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

I love Pei Wei!

And you got to have Ree's food? I'm crazy jealous.

Surprise package headed your way, from me, today. :)

rachel said...

Harper is so stinking cute!! I love that picture of her looking at the "Mamas". And I hear you on the feeding thing. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do! :)

Gray Cardigan said...

That was great! Meeting 2 great bloggers and cinnamon rolls from THE Blogger! Ohh Emm Gee!!!

Sally said...

Sounds like a great trip! And those cinnamon rolls......look wonderful! I've been wanting to try that recipe, but I'm afraid I will get addicted to them and gain 5000 pounds!