Today has been SUCH a fun day! Two of my best friends and favorite people drove up from Little Rock to visit me! Kandi and Leigh Ann were two of my best college friends/roommates. I wish I could see them more often. They had planned to come visit Harper in the hospital but we got to go home the day before they were going to come. So they came today and they got here right as tornado sirens were going off and a HUGE storm blew through. It was a little scary for a minute and I thought we might have to all hang out in our closet. (I hate storms)
Harper was very interested in them. I told her all week that two of mommy's best friends were coming to see her. She was NOT interested in sleep today (or the last few nights) so that made for one fussy/crying/screaming baby but they got to see a few smiles from her.
Kandi and Leigh Ann both have two beautiful children each. Kandi has two girls and Leigh Ann has a boy and a girl. They left them home for the day and I'm pretty sure they enjoyed having the time in the car to catch up and visit. I fixed us a lunch of Poppyseed chicken, green bean bundles and brownies and ice cream.

Here is Harper during some of her happier moments

Kandi was my roommate for 3 years at OBU. She was so smart she graduated in 3 years. Our joke is that she was always studying (she made straight A's) and I was always watching TV and making cards and notes for friends and basically NOT studying (hey - I got my degree and had a pretty good job!) I also made her bed for her every single day. I really don't know why she continued to live with me each semester. ha!
Leigh Ann is one of the sweetest people you will EVER meet. If you don't read her blog - you should. I couldn't believe when she and Kandi told me that next month they will both celebrate FIFTEEN years of marriage. Are we really that old? ha! (Of course we are just at 5 years!) They are both married to the EXACT perfect man for each of them. I like their husbands so much!

Here we are in college with our other roommate Jennifer. And yes that is me in the red shirt with dark hair. (and bright red lipstick). (This was 1992 I think).

I had to show them during one of Harper's meltdowns what our magic potion is - Praise Baby DVD's. At first we thought it was Baby Enstein and she will tolerate those for a few minutes but we have one Praise Baby DVD and she will watch that over and over and over and it calms her down every time. I think it's because she probably heard a lot of worship music when she was in my tummy and when she was in the hospital and got in her own room - we played CD's for her constantly. Yesterday I went and bought two more because we were getting tired of the same songs over and over. But THANK GOODNESS for these DVD's - I think she just loves the music more than anything! I SO hope she will be musically inclined. (But it won't come from her parents).
Yay! I think I'm first to comment! I'm so glad you guys had some fun visitors today!! Harper is just super sweet and I'm sure that poor thing didn't get hardly any attention today! ha!
I hate storms too! I think the storms you had this morning, are currently hitting us! I love the Praise Worship DVD's. We show them in the nursery at church. All the babies are hooked to them :)
Kelly, I had the absolute best time with you, Harper and Kandi today! Harper is the most precious thing and I could have so taken her home with me!!! You lunch was so scrumptious. You were so sweet to do that for us! I'm still cracking up at how magical that video was. I've never seen anything like it! Ha! Oh, and first think EG asked me was, "Did you hold that baby?" I think she may be a little jealous. Ha!
How much fun to see your old college roommates! It is so neat that you and Leigh Ann are friends. I agree that she is just the sweetest person ever!
Hope Harper decides to sleep tonight for you! :)
Oh I'm cracking up at your college picture! Y'all look so different! I am going to have fun teasing Kandi about seeing her college picture - ha! So cool that you all are still good friends!
Yes, we love those Baby Praise DVD's too! :)
They have the Baby Praise cds too.
Works wonders in the car!!
I almost bought my little boy Carson that same DVD today but wasn't sure if he would like it. Glad to hear a good review. Harper and her mommy are too cute.
What a great day catching up with your friends!!
Isn't it strange that you still feel like you did back in 92 but so much has change? Love catching up with old roommates and laughing about the silly stuff!!
Hi. We have that DVD too and my first born enjoyed it. However, there is another DVD series that I recommend - BABY FAITH. Using puppets and old hymns and Jodi Benson (voice of Ariel from the Little Mermaid), babies are exposed to Bible stories. There's Noah, Joseph, Christmas, Creation and of course Moses. (Titles are God Made Animals, God Made Families, God Made Christmas, God Made Me and God Made Babies). I wish they would make some more! Now my 3 yr old and my 14 mth old watch together - in fact my baby said "Dog" yesterday when Noah called for the dogs to come.
Your little Harper is beautiful.
In Him,
How fun to see your college roomies again, that made me think of how much I miss my college friends and roommates. Every picture that you take of yourself is perfect, even back in 1992! Harper is so dang adorable!
I'm sorry for posting this in your comments, but I don't know how to e-mail you :(
First, I have to say that I thought I could handle being a mom to just boys, but every time I see Harper it makes me want a little girl so much!
Second, I have a prayer request for you.I know that considering recent events, and the fact that I have never commented on your blog before (although I read daily), may cause some pause, but I know that you are an amazing prayer warrior and have such a huge heart for babies in need.
A girl that I went to high school with and grew up close to delivered her son at 24 weeks at home. He is now in the NICU and received some not-so-good news today. Will you please lift them up in prayer?!?! Here is her newly created site that she is using to keep everyone updated.
Thank you!
oh praise baby... it is better than mylicon!!!
before you know it she will be mesmerized by baby sign time too! go ahead and stock up on those now too.
I just wanted to say how much I love you red shirt with buttons from college!! :) I love looking back at old pictures! I did sun-in one too many times!!
YAY for good times with good friends! Glad y'all didn't have to hang out in the closet during your visit!
Kelly you look so good! Your arms look so in shape!
I'll have to look into those praise baby dvds!
I'm LOL at that pic of you and your friends. Isn't it fun to look back on old fashion trends? Check out those big buttons!
Harper is so adorable!
My little ones love Baby Praise, too!
I would not have picked you out in that photo! ha Looks like you had a fun visit with old friends. What a nice treat!!!
Its so great that you are such great friends with your roommates! I hope to be as lucky as I get older :)
I've never commented on your blog before but I have been reading for a while now and thought I would drop by and say hi! I'm always excited to see what cute outfits Harper is donning each day :D
What a super fun day!!! So glad you had a chance to catch up with friends!
We also have the Praise Baby DVDs. There are much loved here. I bought them when our second, Cade, was just a little one. Our two since then also love them!! I bought a DVD set of 3.....actually, we all enjoy them!! Glad to see you had a great day. Terrible weather here today!!
Thanks for sending ya'lls storm to us...we had weather straight form Arkansas about 2 hours was ROUGH!!
Lucy has "Praise Baby" DVDs. They had just come out when she was born, and we got one as a gift. I went straight to our Christian book store and bought all the rest of them they had out at them time. They are the sweetest!!
Ya'll have a wonderful weekend!!
How fun to visit with college roomies...crazy how the years go by so fast! Love the red shirt with the buttons!
I wonder if my niece Kensley would like watching those videos...might pick up one for her!
Hey...does Harper have a baby be blessed doll? I tried to go on their website to order one for K and can't find any available....they all say out of stock...don't know if it is normally hard to get ahold of one?...
Oh my twin daughters so LOVE Praise Baby as well. They weren't too big on Baby Einstein but around 3 to 4 months old I started turning on Praise Baby, and they can be screaming and here the music start and immediately calm down and start watching it. My girls are now a year old and we own all of the DVD's and they still love to watch them all over and over. Search the web for them if you want to buy more b/c you can find better deals than the $15 in a store. Also the Bedtime Lullaby one is the newest, and it really isn't just for bedtime. It has newer songs and a lot more nature scenes. It is my girls favorite now. I am not big on tv watching but I figure those dvd's are teaching them to enjoy praise and worship music, not just wasting their time. Plus when you have a screaming baby or 2 you do whatever it takes to get a few moments of calmness!
Where can I buy Praise Baby DVD's?
HI Kelly, Glad you had such a wonderful visit with your college roomies. You look beautiful as a brunette in the old photo. And Miss Harper looks adorable as usual. I know your friends couldn't get enough "baby sugar" today. The storms you had today, are here tonight in GA. We have had so much rain I have been expecting the animals to start lining up!
Keeping you in my heart in GA.
Oh goodness tornado sirens make me glad I live out here in the PNW. We have freakish snow storms in the winter but I'll take that over a tornado anyday!
Harper is a doll. Good friends are such a blessing. I'm glad you had a good day to catch up.
Perhaps this is because I'm from out here in the PNW but what in the world is OBU?
Love the pictures!! What fun to get caught up with friends!
Wow you've changed!
Continuing to pray!
Psalms 18:4-6 The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid. The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me. In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.
Prayer Bears
My email address
How wonderful to have something that will feed and soothe Harper's spirit during meltdown time!
Our little twin babies LOVE the old Donut Man DVDs- that and The Gaithers!
How great you got to visit w/ your friends!
Aww! Yay for catching up with old friends!! I love that.
I forgot about Baby Praise somehow. My oldest (who is only 4) watched it all the time. I am going to have to pick one up for London, my baby.
All four of you ladies look beautiful!
What cute photos! Oh, I love a good girls catch up!
Aww, what a fun day! I'm so glad that you got to meet up with your college friends! Harper is cuter and cuter each time I "see" her! And I'm gonna check out these DVDs!
I just love reading your blog--I read every day and have learned so much about being a mom. I am due in September with my first and have learned so much from you. I'm so glad you were able to visit with your friends---how fun! Hope Harper gets some rest soon. And BTW, you look GREAT with dark hair---you're just so darling!
Sugar in New Orleans
Kelly I have that shirt and after I washed it the first time the collar got all ruffely-like. Any suggestions?
Kandi and Leigh Ann were so sweet to visit you and Harper! And you were so sweet to make them a yummy lunch!
D LOVED Praise Baby DVDs and preferred them over Baby Einstein, too. It wasn't until he was between 9-12 months old that he became interested in Baby Einstein and even still he LOVED Praise Baby. :)
Oh Kelly, Kelly, I had the BEST time yesterday. When we pulled into LAH's driveway last night, I said "WHERE did those last 12, almost 13 hours GO?!?!?" I don't think we stopped for a breath the entire day! Can't believe you cooked us such yummy inspire me. I loved seeing you and Harper so much. I hope you come feel brave enough to come see us in LR soon!
I had to giggle at the red shirt because I had numerous pieces of clothing with the big buttons on them. Some had bows tied through them! Glad you were able to catch up with old friends!
great pictures!
I love the visits with my sorority sisters...and now...30 years daughter is my sister!! Great pictures. Have a nice weekend. ~Natalie
What a blessing that you are in driving distance of some of your best friends! I praise the Lord for phones that make it easier when we're so far away although the time difference can throw a wrench in things! :)
wow that is some red shirt with buttons all over it! You are brave to post that on here!! Just seriously....:)
Isn't it wonderful to catch up with old friends and share your wonderful little girl with them.
I had that same shirt - the one with the buttons - in college, except mine was blue. I love reading your blog. Thanks for sharing such encouraging words with us all.
My 7 month old loves Praise Baby DVD's too, hang on to them though because her 2 yr old big sister STILL loves to sing along too while she plays with toys in the same room. I recently bought the Sing Over Me CD while it was $5 at Family Christian that you had recommended while Harper was in the hospital and we LOVE IT! Thanks Kelly!
Friends are the BEST...aren't they?? How fun that they were able to come! :) That makes me want to come see you and Harper even more, now!
Also, I might have to suggest those Praise Baby DVD's to my sister, for Jorgen. I'm just glad you were able to find something that works for sweet little Harper!
Thanks for sharing those pictures! You are truly just beautiful! You "shine" in every picture!
Love ya, friend!
How fun!!!!! The blessings of friendship is such an incredible thing :O)
Poppy seed casserole is my hubby's favorite. He complains that I don't make it enough! I love that you have kept friendships from college! In highschool and college I was so obsessed with having a boyfriend that wasn't until my late twentys that I started developing those type of friendships. It is the one thing I wish I could do over, but I have some fabulous ones now! Thanks for sharing as always!
Oh, I miss my college roommates. You're lucky yours live close enough to you. Mine live about 12 hours away :(
And girl, you are sportin' the buttons on that shirt!! Too funny!
Harper is so cute! I hope she starts to like sleep again for your sanity as well! My little girl LOVES the praise baby DVD's as well! I also love them because I can sing along! Hope you enjoy your weekend!
I might have to add some Praise Baby DVD's to our collection. Maybe they will help calm Nathan down during his treatments.
Sounds like you made a yummy lunch. I have never heard of those dvds but will have to remember those for when we have a little one.
Would not be able to pick you out of a line up with that dark hair...ha!
Sweet times with sweet friends....nothing better than that!!
wow kelly, I can't believe you made her bed every day. I didn't make mine every day and sure as heck wouldn't have made anyone else's!
LOVE the button shirt! lol gotta love what we wore then
oh, and Elijah loves Praise Baby too. Our copy stays in the car and we pop in in when he's fussy. The older kids like to sing along.
Sounds like y'all had a great visit.
They didn't have Praise Baby DVDs when the boys were young, but my kids used to love to go to bed at night with some soothing Christian music.
Yea for catching up with old friends!!! Love the 1992 picture!
I LOVE seeing these pictures of you guys back in the day! I might have to bust out some of my own!!! I was really thinking of doing a post about my hair - like the one you did that one time! You all will really laugh!! haha
Our secret weapon with the movies was Baby Beethoven {with Hudson} it was like a drug! He would stare at it for hours if I let him! I sure wish he would watch it today!!!!
Hey you asked about an "H" girl name for future use - have you thought of Hadley?? That was going to be Hudson's name if he was a girl. I still love that name even though we chose not to use it.
A few days ago you requested prayer for a couple who lost one of their triplets. A forum for triplet families is 'The Triplet Connection'. They have a group for bereaved families - some have lost one and some all three. If you have contact with them, could you direct them that way? They will find a great support system.
Hi Kelly, Would you please let your readers know I am having a Father's Day Give-A-Way. They can visit my site for the details. Thanks, Stacey Paden
Love the Praise Baby. I LOVE non-annoying Christian kids' music, and it is sooo hard to come by.
Soon you will graduate to Seeds Family Worship, scripture set to great music, which is the best ever!!
How funny is that picture of Harper "checking them out" ?!?! That look on her face just tickles me! I think it's those raised eyebrows. And I love Leigh Ann's blog. She seems like such a sweet, fun, and truly genuine are so lucky to have such great friends (I'm sure you already know that, though). Really good and true friends are not easy to come by. And her children are too cute for words, too. OK...I love it when you post old pictures...seriously, I think the first time I saw one that you posted...I didn't know which one was you. It was a big group pic. I NEVER would have guessed you had naturally dark hair. Never...would...have...guessed! Y'all have a good Sunday tomorrow!
I love that God blesses us with sweet friends! Girl, your fashion has come a long way from the red button embellished t-shirt! ;) Ha!
Oh girl! That shirt with the big buttons all over it??? CRACKIN' ME UP!!! I had one of those!!!!
I haven't commented in awhile. Harper looks great!
It's so fun to catch up with friends, although the picture looks nothing like you now! Glad you all had a great time!
You do so well with prayer requests, I would love to put in one for a friend of mine.
She is 21 weeks pregnant with a very very wanted little girl. They just found out she has Trisomy 18 via some tests.
Please keep her and her unborn daughter in your prayers if at all possible.
Thank you.
I just wanted to add a link to her blog too.
She hasn't updated it yet with the news, but I thought it might be nice to have the link when she does.
Oh my goodness, Kelly, I thought of you this morning when I got to church and realized I'd worn a dress that wouldn't allow me to, ahem, "access the kitchen" for Jack. The neck was too tight to pull I had to go from the bottom of the dress and pull it all the way up!!!! Had somebody walked in on me... I don't even want to think about that! So not cute. hahaha! I guess that dress will not be in rotation for a while....
Oh how fun! I know they were just tickled to get to see you and that girl of yours. Ya'll are just about the prettiest group of college roommates I've ever seen! And I have no doubt ya'll are probably also the SWEETEST!
Glad you got Praise Baby. It changed our lives when we bought our first one. I call it, "Chase having his 'quiet time' with Jesus every night before he goes to bed."
love your dark hair it looked great with your complexion
I just had to comment when I read the names of your friends!! My name is technically Emily Kandra, but have always been called "Kandi" (spelled that way).. My little sister is Leigh Ann (spelled that way as well).. Funny that your two best friends have those names and are spelled identical to ours.. Harper is just precious.. I love keeping up with your blog and would love to share our home, but we are just not there yet!!
Where can you get the Praise Baby collection? I looked at our Wal-Mart today and could not find them.
It is so neat the see the pictures of you and your friends from college. I went to Henderson (across the street...LOL) during the same time period.
I have a question of sorts. First off you are beautiful as a brunette and a blonde. I am a brunette who has always thought that I could never go blonde and it look good. But your hair looks great and healthy. I would never have known that your hair was once so dark.
How did you go about making the change from brunette to blonde? Did you do it gradually or just take the plunge? I would SO love to do it myself. Any advise??
Thank you for considering my question. I love your blog and have followed for quite some time. I am especially loving the Friday home posts.
I wanted to clear up one comment that I made, when I said that I would "love to do it myself" I meant change the color not actually DO it myself....I would definitely go to a salon. Just wanted to clear that up. : )
Praise Baby rocks! I have always believed they have earned a Nobel Peace Prize ... at least for the peace they create in my home! They are also the reason my 22-month twins says, "mobie" (movie) and "sit". Apparently I have told them they need to sit down to watch the movie! :-)
I'm sorry, but I CAN NOT stop laughing about those huge buttons on your shirt! Haha!!
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