Well - life as I have known it for the last 4 months has just seemed to change over night. Harper is constantly on the move now. The bouncy seat is a faint memory. I put it to rest today for good because she kept trying to flip out of it. I've been putting her down on a pallet all last week and that was working good.But suddenly today every time I put her down within a minute - she would be on her stomach. Several times last night she would start crying in the middle of the night (nothing unusual - ha!) and when I would go to get her she would be on her stomach - mad because she couldn't get back over. Right now she is in her bed sleeping on her side.
Gone are the days of laying her down anywhere and doing something quick. I'm afraid she'll roll off the bed or anywhere else I might put her. So we are stuck like glue together. I just THOUGHT I couldn't get anything done before. I know most of you are shaking your head and saying "just wait until she starts crawling and then walking". I know.........I know. My little baby is growing too fast before my eyes. She is also reaching and grabbing for EVERYTHING. It's just so funny how much she is changing so fast.
Also - I have been going to Wal-Mart every week at night after she goes to bed but I didn't make it last night so I thought we would TRY to go together this morning and I had a lot to get so I was afraid it would be a disaster and she did SO great! She just smiled and cooed the entire time! I was so happy! I think Harper knows how much I love Wal-Mart. She knows I love Target too - but she screamed the entire time we were there last time. ha!Scott spent all day yesterday turning half of our garage into a gym. He cleaned off the floor and put down gym matting. He hung a TV and DVD player on the wall so he could do his P90X DVD's out there and I can do Shred (nope - still haven't started). So today was his first day doing P90X and we have a question for all of you who said you have done it.
Did you just do the exercise videos or did you do the diet plan also???? The diet plan is putting me over the edge. The meals have like 5 courses - all dinners have a special soup and everything has a million ingredients. It took me FOREVER tonight to fix his dinner and with a baby who is moving constantly - I don't have time for this. I want to help him do this right but it's almost an impossible plan. I just want to know if you did it and if it made that big of a difference rather than just eating low calorie on your own. HELP!
Also- please keep praying for Katie. She had a better day but they wanted to do a MRI and just couldn't and they are now doing an EEG to see why she isn't responding to the medicine like she should. The baby is still doing good which is great news but Katie is still in horrible pain. She needs your prayers.
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
She is such a cutie! They really do grow fast! As for Px90...haven't done it yet but my husband said he's gonna start it soon. Don't know about the diet part though.
wow...how was I the first commenter?
When my daughter was a baby, she would scream in Target, and not in Wal-Mart. I always thought it was the red color...who knows. But she is def. over that now. BTW, my cousin Cheridyth (that lives by you) got me on your blog as a prayer request..firstly because my sis(also named Kelly) and you had your babies a few days apart. Then of course to pray for Harper's healing. Congrats on being a new mommy...its awesome, isnt it. You need to have my cousin take some pics of you, since she is a SAHM too!! She takes awesome pictures.
Oh, I just love her! It's incredible how fast they grow up! It goes by way too fast.
Harper is so beautiful! Rolling, rolling, rolling, it is only going to get more exciting as each day passes. Your gym looks great! Have fun in there. :)
Time for the exersaucer!
Girl, the exersaucer is about to become your new best friend! I would also invest in a walker, ha! OH...AND a johnny jumper! Wow, it's all coming back to me :0)
My husband is on day 2 of the P90X and after looking at the diet plan, I said no way! I have 3 kids - 6,4 and 2 and don't have time to make all that food. So, he's doing a low calorie diet and eating small meals throughout the day - the bars and shakes too. His friend did it this way and is 6 weeks into it and has already lost a lot and looks great.
My husband did the P90X and I attempted it. We thought the same about the meal plan - it's just a bit un-realistic if you have a life outside of P90X world. The work-outs are great. You can just substitute the "meal plan" for more healthy snacking and a healthy diet.
Harper is getting so big and I swear cuter by the day. There is a whole group of me and my friends that does the P90X and we just watch what we eat (so no we don't follow the food guide, but eat somewhat healthy). The videos are so hard core that is enough for us!! Hope that helps...
My DH does the P90X. He did not do the diet plan. He read over it and got some snack ideas from it, but he basically just counted his own calories and has done really good with it. Good Luck! That is a tough program!
Oh, and I just love to read about your family's adventures and daily happenings!
Yes, it's time for the exersaucer and the play yard! Also, I hope Scott realizes that his "gym" will soon be consumed with Harper's Barbie Jeep, tricycle, scooter...oh, the list goes on! Hope he enjoys it while he can!!
My Shred DVD is still in the packaging!!! I really need to get on the ball. Ha!
And Harper looks cute!
Tonight my husband started the 2nd phase of P90X and we have not done the food. I am doing Weight Watchers and my hubby does not need to lose weight, so we are not doing the food plan. My husband did talk to our nutritionist about their drink after workout and other things. He mentioned some other things were better for the body then what they had in the drink. . .I'll have to e-mail you that later b/c dear hubby is asleep and I don't know what it was. . . Nutrionist did say--not to worry about egg whites--God made the whole egg and nothing wrong with getting "whole" foods in your body. Hope this helps!
great new pictures! Lauren is now on her stomach too! I have to watch her like a hawk! I have done the Shred....so stinkin hard. Ive done it twice...if only I could do it 30 days in a row! HA!
Kelly-I did the shred a few times a week...in my opinion it's impossible to do with a baby..clearly meant for those with children who sleep for hours on end! It is a really good work out though. Oh and P.S. I see that Harper is drooling. I have quite the drooler myself! And my husband always says: "I can't wait til he's crawling" I need my stationary baby a little while longer!!!
Hi Kelly.
As the mother of an in vitro miracle I really can say that they only get better with age. But I seriously remember crying when she was 7-weeks, then 7-months, as time just starts to fly! And as much as I loved and adored on her at 5-months, I am just LOVING her at 5-years (well, she'll turn 5 in August). Every stage: baby, toddler, preschooler, is so special and you have so much to look forward to. By the way, she was our medical miracle after 4 previous losses and then BOOM...baby brother arrived with no medical intervention...just God's hand!
Blessings to you from Kansas City,
Hubby did P90X to a t and didn't see many results. He is already skinny but was hoping to see new muscle development, he didn't. Slight difference, but not enough for how much work it was. The garage gym looks awesome! Oh, and of course, Harper is a doll. :)
I've been on P90X for the last year. I don't want to disappoint you, but the meal plan is extremely important. I cook all of my meals at the beginning of the week, and just warm them up.
My husband does the p90x too and the food part is rather frustrating. He definitely does not need to be eating low calorie. I do, however, need to eat low cal so it gets kind of complicated.
We have been using a site called www.myfitnesspal.com and it helps track every single thing you eat and it will tell you what to eat more or less of. We have been using some of the recipes out of the p90 book though.
Good luck!
My husband and I have done P90X for a little while now. Well, actually, he's done it, I've done 1/2 of the workouts. He has really seen some major toning from just eating right, not from doing the complicated diet that goes along with it. If you do those workouts and eat right, they will WORK whether or not you stick to their diet.
My baby just started rolling at *9 months*! It's fun though isn't it?? :-)
Ahh, yes, the screaming. Just today we were at target and baby screamed for about 15 minutes while I quickly tried to remember what else I needed to get. We usually do really good at any store, but he didn't really have a nap this morning so when we were there at noon he couldn't take it any longer. Those naps are important haha!
My friend does the P90X and I think he's just eating healthier, but not following their diet. If it's complicated-I know he's not because he doesn't cook & he's single so there's no sweet wifey like you doing it for him haha! He said he'd lost 9 pounds pretty quick, but gained it back after this weekend from not eating so good.
Have you thought about a baby carrier? There are tons of options, she may enjoy the vantage point. You could even get things done while wearing her - including nursing!
good luck on the shred. i'm in over a month and sticking to it pretty well!! good luck on the diet food. sounds a bit much, but that's just me!
thanks for keeping us posted on katie's progress. we're praying for her!
Harper is so precious!!
My husband also turned our garage into a gym for P90X a few months ago and he LOVES it. Ha! He is NOT following the diet plan, but he's just eating healthier...he still does have his Dr. Pepper and other "junk" when he wants it, and there has still been a pretty big change in him. I'll have to post before and after pictures on my blog when he's finished. He's taking a week off right now to get ready for his fit test (Air Force). Anyway, I've been reading/following your blog for a while now, but this is only the second time I've commented. The first time was on the pictures of you and your husband wearing Mississippi State shirts! GO DAWGS!! :) Harper is adorable by the way!
Hi Kelly, mommy to four here.... My friend and I have each lost 30 lbs... since Jan. although we don't do the exact p90X diet we do a similar one. BUT... what works for us is that every other Sunday afternoon, we get together and do all the prep work for 10 meals and then freeze them... That way, the meals are not cooked, but chopped, but, bagged, and ready to be put in the oven, crock, or grill... All the prep work is done and voila... dinner time in a snap!!! i hope this helps... ot sure helps me with four kids ages 8,6,4,and 1... We are a busy family who enjoys lots of healthy family meals TOGETHER!!!!!
Love the new gym!! Scott knows the BFL eating plan and it is VERY doable... I'm a firm believer in that program. I think if he's eating good, he'll see the results. I've heard grown men say that P90X program is a KILLER. I'll be interested to hear what Scott thinks of it.
Enjoy that rollie-pollie!
I questioned the screaming baby in the stores when Kenadie was a baby and a professional - in the child field - told me that it is the lighting above that either soothes them or drives them insane, she suggested I try sunglasses on her while we were at a store she would scream in and it worked! CRAZY but true. lighting affects thier moods.
My son would roll over in the middle of the night when he first started rolling over and cry because he couldn't get back over. We called it the beached whale! :)
e-mail me sometime and I would love to send you some of the YUMMY healthy meals we have enjoyed! We don't even feel like we are on a diet...
my husband and i are doing p90x and are on like week 6, and we arent doing the diet plan, we just make sure we eat sensible, my brother was a personal trainer for several yrs and he sticks to oatmeal and some egg whites in the morning, and lots of chicken... chicken, chicken, chicken, small portions, and steamed veggies... fish is great to , like salmon, talapia, just try to stay away from anything fried, i know its soooooooooo good but he will see results by doing the workout and eating right, good luck scott!!!
Harper is on the move!! She is too cute. They do grow up so fast.
Can't help on the diet front. Haven't heard of that one.
My husband did the P90X videos and diet. The diet did not do well for him, but he loved the videos. I would suggest picking a different diet - or perhaps no diet at all. Just eat well, by what the food pyramid and doctors recommend, and you should do well. Doing diets are bad because you can just do them for awhile as your body gets used to them. You have to be on them for life. My parents own a gym and are physical trainers, so they know a lot about it.
That's my input!
*I meant you CAN'T just do them for awhile, sorry.
My hubby is doing the p90x and we don't do the diet plan with it. I just try and cook high protein meals and lots of veggies! I'm just too lazy to cook a 5 course meal! ha.. just being honest! :)
Thanks for the pointers on my post!
My husband started off on a low carb/high protein diet for the 1st month, and now he is just counting calories. He has done really well! Good luck!
First of all, where have I been... what the heck is P90X?? Everyone had a comment about it.. now I'm going to google it!
I need Harper to teach Owen a few of her moves. Owen is 16 months and still won't roll, crawl or walk.. he just butt scoots from point A to B and is happy as can be. Darn bummer Heart. He has his Physical Therapists wrapped around his pinky finger and babbles his way out of doing anything productive when they're here. If he only had any other delay, I'd be worried.
Harper is so very sweet and I have to tell you, I about peed my pants when I read about the "Dawson accident" in the last post. HILARIOUS! Although, i'm sure he didn't think so.
Hi Kelly,
The photo of your garage made me laugh because this last January, my husband did the exact same thing to ours.:) I was doing great,until I got pregnant in February.Oh well, 6 weeks was pretty good,right?;)
Anyway, my dh was very good with both the diet and exercise segments. He even got himself a binder and made copies of the sheets that tell you how many carbs,proteins, etc.you can have daily. He was very diligent, for awhile. ha! The food part isn't too hard if you just modify it a bit.I would always serve lean protein,veggies and complex carbs. We didn't totally adhere to the carb. recommendation because they only gave you a few a day! Also, I wouldn't recommend doing that at all while nursing.
Just try things like stir-fry, with lots of veggies and brown rice, soups,lean,low fat chili,etc.I liked the recipes they gave and used quite a few of those. He (my dh)is getting back on track with it all in June and I'll try and do a little here and there while pregnant.
Good luck with it all! :) Keep us updated on how you guys like it.
I hope that Katie turns the corner soon!
WOW!! Harper is getting so big, I can't believe she is rolling over already. She will be walkig before you know it.
Oh by the way...good luck when you start the Shred!! I thought I was in good shape before I started it. One word, well actually two. WRONG and PAIN!!! The workout is only 20 minutes and I could hardly make it through all of it. Also the next 4 days I could hardly move...it kicked my butt!! I have since given up on the Shred and go to the gym instead. I now only do the Shred when I don't have time for the gym.
Good Luck!
Harper just gets cuter and cuter by the day! I remember how my daughter used to cry and get so mad when she would wake up and find herself rolled over on her stomach and couldn't get back on her back and I would have to go in her room and turn her over :)
I am keeping Katie in my prayers.
btw I did the Shred tonight for the first time and holy-moly I can totaly feel it.
God Bless,
Grace and Ava.
P90x eh? Cool! Although disabled, I am a member of Team Beachbody and spend all of my time there on Jason Scheff's P90x forum. What a great group of people...we're like family. :) Have fun with the new gym!
The home gym looks great! How are you keeping the garage cool this summer...a fan?
The exersaucer and jumperoo are good alternatives to the bouncy seat!
My husband has just done the dvd's and has had great results. The diet plan is waaaaay too complicated!
She is adorable. I can't believe how fast she is growing!
Harpers adorable! Can she come show Delainey how to move? I swear at 11 months that baby remains the most diva like baby i've ever seen (NOOOOOO dont make me stand, walk, crawl.... I want you do to it FOR me!)!!! :)
It seems like you have a lot of responses already but I'm on week 4 of p90x and I do follow the diet plan almost perfectly.
I've done a lot of research and reading on the program and the bottom line, it just doesn't work as well without the diet portion. Sure you'll see results, but honestly, without both components it's the same as if he just went out for a jog or did his own workout...it isn't worth the money if you do the exercise portion alone. But i'm not sure what outcome he's looking for so it may be OK for him.
They have the detailed recipes in there but they also have a portion chart, he could have a piece of chicken, a veggie and fruit for dinner and he's good to go. You don't have to follow the fancy recipes, I definitely don't. If he can commit to just 30 days of the diet, he'll see a big difference bc the diet, with the phase 1 one workout just MELTS fat away. It's worth biting the bullet and eating chicken for 30 straight days, I promise!
Also make sure he is drinking the recovery drink, or some form of one from a store...it makes a HUGE difference. I get Muscle Milk or EPS Light, both you can find at Walmart.
Sorry this is long, us p90x people could go on and on. My last piece of advice, there are lots of p90x message boards and blogs and I highly suggest reading them, they have great alternative recipes and helpful tips!
Ok, I'm done now! :)
Love the blog btw!
Hey Kelly,
My husband and I are doing P90X. ANd let me tell you...it ROCKS!!!! We are on week 5 and are seeing amazing results. And no, we do not follow the meal plan. Corey, my husband, drinks the recovery drink, but that's it. We do watch what we eat, but nothing too specific. Scott WILL see results even without the meal plan...I promise. He will love it, but it is HARD, so tell him to hang in there.
I just LOVE your blog. I read many, but this is my favorite. Thanks for being so real! Your love for the Lord is so evident. And Harper is such a sweetie! As for p90x...my husband did the same thing to our garage about 3 months ago and embarked on the journey. He is not doing the meal plan, but we have simply changed our eating habits and he has had an amazing change in his body and weight loss. (I probably need to join him after having 4 little ones in 5 years...wowzer!) Thanks again for blogging....I look forward to reading it every day!
I think a sling could come in very handy for you. Just think how cute you'd look!
I love these pictures of Harper, she looks like she is ready to take off!! My Ethan is 18 months now and wants to run everywhere! I remember when I thought he would never crawl! It seems like he went from crawling to walking in a few months time, so it's going to go fast! Ethan likes Wal-Mart too =) Still praying for Katie!
i absolutely love your blog and little Harper is so beautiful!
as for P90X, my hubby has been doing it for about 3 months now. he doesn't do the diet, just reduced his carbs, eating more protein and drinking protein shakes. he still eats a regular dinner with us so i don't make anything different. he has lost a bunch of weight and is gaining muscle like crazy.
Hi Kelly,
To be honest, I hadn't heard of P90X so I'm unable to offer any advice but I can say my husband & I have used Bill Phillip's "Eating for Life: Your Guide to Great Health, Fat Loss and Increased Energy". It has a lot of great recipes in this book but what's really great is that it's a whole meal put together, not just an entree. In the back of the book it has examples of what to eat during the day...Anyway, you can find out more about him by googling Bill Phillips, Body for Life or Eating for Life! We both lost weight using this plan, in addition to exercising. Just lovin' the photos of Harper and blown away at how fast she is growing! She is precious as can be! =)
Have a wonderful day!
My hubby started P90x and did not do the diet, but instead did his own little diet. I don't think its necessary to stick with their diet plan. :)
My husband is doing P90X now....he's near his 60 day mark now. He followed the diet..not to a "T" but he did the videos too. He lost 19 pounds in the first3 weeks. He has since stopped the diet but still does the dvd's and hasn't gained a pound back yet. I tried the ab ripper dvd with him and lasted for like 3 minutes and then was sore for 3 days after!!
You are going to begin to LOVE the excersaucer and you MUST get a johnny jump up! They are wonderful! Harper sure is cute.
Oh Kelly, your sweet girl is so cute!!! My son, Riley is only a few months older than Harper, so it always takes me back a few months when you talk about her development. Such great milestones she's reaching! Riley loves hanging out in the cart or in the sling when we're in the store now, as long as he's not hungry. :)
Just prayed for your friend Katie. Keep us posted!
I have never done what you were talking about (the diet thing) but my hubby and I did change our eating in January - todate we have both lost over 40 lbs.
We eat veggies every night and cut out all cheese, mayo, butter (you know all the good stuff) we also bought smaller plates, Salad like plates and eat off of them - cuts down on our portion size ... good luck and the gym looks great!
My brother-in-law and his wife do P90x and they don't do the diet. They both have toned up times a million and are a happy with the effects.
I hear ya on the movement - my baby just learned to crawl and within days of that learned to pull up and can take steps holding onto things! My daughter went through the escaping the bouncy seat too. However, she's 8 months old now and we are able to use it again in the mornings while we get ready for work. She eats a bottle while sitting here. However, other great keepers for just a quick break are the jumperoo and your new exersaucer. Our daughter LOVES to jump and her jumperoo was a great investment! Harper's an absolute cutie!
We did the Sonoma Diet in conjunction with the videos. The principals were similar and the Sonoma diet was SOOOOO much easier to follow because you just know what % of your plate should be veggies or carbs or whatever and you know which foods you can and can't eat. The diet does make a difference.
Harper is getting so big! Precious! It goes by fast... my little boy is 4 1/2 and it seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital!! OK... so my husband and I are doing P90x together! This is our 2nd week. It is really hard but a GREAT workout! We are using the diet plan. We are counting calories and I am cooing a lot of the recipes they suggest. They are quick and easy and taste really good. Try out the spinach scramble and let me know what you think! It tastes great! Good~luck to you both! I'm thinking of starting a p90x journal on my blog.... just so I can look back at my progress!!
I keep hearing about p90x on Facebook from friends, but don't know anything about it, sorry! Asher is like Harper in that whenever I put him on his tummy he rolls to his back! He's been waking up consistently at 6am b/c he rolled over. At first he always got mad, but now he just lays there and coos. So cute!!! I hope Harper begins to like it so she can enjoy herself! :)
Oh yes, the days of just walking away are now gone. My daughter used to roll herself under the kitchen table. It was kind of funny where we would see her get herself.
We haven't tried the P90X, although my husband has mentioned it. I feel like I have a gym all over my house. The pull-up bar in the doorway, the kettlebells behind the chairs, the freeweights under the couch. Thank goodness I can hide them. My husband likes to workout while he watches TV. Too funny. We eat very simple most of the time. Breakfast is oatmeal with blueberries, honey and pecans. Lunch is leftovers or my favorite, PB & J. Dinner is usually a meat (lots of baked or grilled chicken, a veggie, and a "little" rice, couscous or roasted potatoes. The key is definitely moderation. Small portions. And healthy snacks in between meals. It is easier to lose weight when you eat smaller meals and snacks more often, every 2-3 hours. It really boosts your metabolism:) Wow..I feel like I'm rambling on. Hope your day is great!
When my oldest daughter was Harper's age, she would also roll to her stomach in the middle of the night until I would come in and flip her back over. It was like having a turtle. :) What worked for us were those newborn triangle-shaped wedges. I put them below her arms on either side of her torso so there was no chance of suffocation or anything. But I wedged her in there pretty tight so she wouldn't flip over. It worked like a charm. Soon enough, she was flipping over between them but by that point, she was strong enough to roll both ways and I didn't need to use them anymore. Good luck! And I know nothing of P90X - sounds like too much work to make that food to me!
I have friends that just do the work outs and are doing great and making excellent progress!
Hi Kelly- my boyfriend is doing the P90X program. I'm doing the food with him and he's doing the food and workouts. He has a 2 year old and we've found that if we take Sunday to do all the cooking for the week, it eliminates all the time you would spend on it during your evenings. It's a lot of prep work and usually takes us about 4 hours on Sunday, but we get 5 lunches and 5 dinners made and don't have to worry about it later! Making the food together is also just a nice way to spend time together. He said the workouts are awesome, but it wouldn't be the same if he weren't doing the nutrition side along with it.
Hope this helps!
Fun! I have a baby girl about the same age as harper and she is on the move now too! So cute!
Get ready! She will be all over the place before you know it!
Josh turned part of our garage into a gym this winter. I had all these plans to use it and I used it once!!:)
Mobile means one thing... one day she will be able to help you do the laundry, wash dishes, take out the trash, and maybe even clean a toilet or two. Wishful thinking, but look at the (blinding) bright side. :) By the way, don't think I am nutty, but her arms are absolutely adorable and look so squishable. She is gorgeous!
Hi Kelly,
I do the P90X and it is a killer, but I do not do the diet plan. I am a mom with three young children and there is no way I have time for that! I keep myself on a low calorie diet each day. I have seen results, but the thing with P90X is you have to push the play button everyday to see results. In other words, you have to do the program each day. I also do SHRED and I love it when I am in a hurry and want to get some sort of workout in! I use to run on the treadmill when my twin boys were babies and asleep.
Harper is so beautiful! What a joy! My children also love reading about Harper!
Blessings to you.
I remember those days of them getting stuck on their tummies and not being able to get back onto their backs. My husband and I called it the "Turtle Move" only turtles get stuck on their back, but you get the idea.
She is a cutie!
Have you tried a "jump-a-roo"? That was a life-saver for me once my son was too active for the bouncy seat. It's so great- you can hang it in any doorway, and they can bounce away while you get stuff done. For a while, it was the only way that I could take a shower. Eli LOVES it.
I know a few people who have done P90X without the diet plan and it has worked well...some who didn't need to lose weight ate what they wanted; others that did just ate low fat and just got ideas from the diet plan but didn't really follow it. I did P90X for a while before our big move derailed me. I didn't even attempt that diet plan...ick. I still saw great results.
i am really not trying to be rude, i PROMISE. it is just driving me crazy because im a grammar nazi. please, please, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use well instead of good. please. i will love you forever
Don't feel bad, I haven't started my exercising yet, either. Well, I DID start walking. But not everyday! haha
She is such a cute little girl! And, if she has out grown any of those headbands..and bows ..I am more than willing to accept hand-me downs!! hahaha.
my hubby and i did it and we didn't do the food plan...trust me, the exercise is more than enough...and unless he wants to get sick every night (ie: throwing up during a workout)...he'll stay motivated to eat better.
My neighbors and I have been doing the P90X but, no, we are not following the diet. I looked it over but as the mom of four boys I just don't have the time for that. From what others have said, the diet plan is optional.
In fact, I found the whole program a little too time consuming for my life right now, so I also purchased The Shred... plan to start it this week. We'll have to compare notes! : )
Hey Kelly,
Love to read you posts!!! I'm from southern illinois and have a 7 mo. old son named Max...we have the same saucer....love it...and have found that if you fold a blanket and put it in the bottom of the saucer...his feet can touch...he has actually tried jumping up and down!! Didn't know if you needed the advice, but thought I'd share..
Keep posting.
Kelly B
Oh geez, my Sarah (3 months) has only this last week started letting the shopping trips to Wal-Mart be enjoyable again. I was about ready to pull my hair out.
As many have said, the diet is very important with P90X but you have a few options: their meal plan and menus or just follow the portion guide that shows how much of what you need to be eating (on page 15 of the nutrition guide). The protein shakes and recovery drink made a big difference for us too. It takes a few weeks to get used to it, but I was amazed at how easy it was once we got used to it. The workouts..ugh...an hour a day! How could you not loose weight and tone up if you're actually doing it.
Oh my goodness, the mobility has just begun! It only gets harder from here, yet more fun and exciting too.
As for exercise...I'm working on that now with no success so if you find success....please let me know.
Precious little one. Reading your post today made me giggle, thinking about Harper moving and rolling. So cute!
I wish you luck with the new exercise program.
i do not have the will power to do diets much less a steady work out plan... but my boss is currently doing the P90X videos AND diet. she doesn't eat specific things for each meal, she just counts the protiens, carbs, dairies, fruits that you're supposed to have each day. for the first month you're only allowed one carb per day, 5 protiens, 1 fruit and i think two dairy products. she will have eggs for breakfast, cottage cheese with fruit for a am snack, a large salad with lots of veggies for lunch, maybe string cheese for afternoon snack and a large dinner with two servings of protien (so maybe a lg piece of chicken or steak) with a bunch of veggies. she's been on it for a week and she's lost 1/2 inch around her waist, arms, and thighs. and she's lost 5 lbs.
she's a much stronger lady than i am!
Kelly-I love all of Harper's outfits (especially with the monogramming) where did you get them? Also, all of her blankets are so cute! Where do you get all of this cute stuff?
I have found that the Baby Ergo carrier is great because they can ride along with you as you do your chores. It offers great back support. We also got a lot of use out of a cool bungee jumper we bought from Amazon that hung in our doorway. Avery loved it!
If your husband is looking for a great diet and exercise plan I HIGHLY suggest the Body for Life programs. I'm currenly on it myself and the food is simple and delicious. My best friend has completed the 12 weeks and is down 55lbs!
I suggest buying the book and the Eating for Life cookbook.
hi kelly...my husband did p90x.....i did a couple of the meals and then i was like NO WAY! it took me forever to make the asparagus soup! i have 50 million spices in my cabinet that i bought with great intentions but it was just too unrealistic with kids and working outside the home also. my husband swears on eating small frequent meals, healthy snacks. he lost like 30 pounds! that worked well for him.
hi kelly...my husband did p90x.....i did a couple of the meals and then i was like NO WAY! it took me forever to make the asparagus soup! i have 50 million spices in my cabinet that i bought with great intentions but it was just too unrealistic with kids and working outside the home also. my husband swears on eating small frequent meals, healthy snacks. he lost like 30 pounds! that worked well for him.
Hey Kelly....I love your blog. I am a NICU nurse and have been obsessed reading about the great progress with Harper. She is beautiful!
My husband and I have both done P90X twice. We did both the diet and the exercise...however, after spending way to much at the grocery on all the food, I just took the suggestions and made up my own meal plan. Turkey burgers, lots of chicken and even some Weight Watcher meals. I didn't have time to do all the fixing either with my kids running around. Even though I didn't follow the same foods, I followed the same calorie/protein/fat/carb requirements and it worked. Good luck!
Little Harper is so cute. Pretty soon she'll be on her hands and knees scooting around and crawling all of a sudden! I've done P90X and did not do the very involved food plan. The very best plan is lots of protein (grilled or baked), veggies, lots of water, no soda and very little refined sugar. The Zone is a great plan. Your hubby (and you) are still relatively young and the pounds will drop off easily combined with the workout. Good luck!
Hi Kelly! I love your sweet post and reading all the joy in your blog 'voice' - thanks for your writing!
I am not familiar with P90X, but I have been using a site called nutrimirror.com - it's fabulous. You put in some info about yourself and enter everything you eat plus your exercise and it gives you a daily analysis of your remaining nutritional needs (fiber, protein, vitamins, water intake...). Plus it's free! Which is why i am not getting paid for this great promotional... :) Anyway, that might be helpful in tracking your family's dietary needs. It definitely motivates me to see exactly what percentages of everything I have eaten or still need to eat!
She is adorable, Kelly. Harper's outfits are the cutest thing!
I just started the Shred this week and I happen to love it. It's just been 4 days & granted, I am still only on Level 1. I plan to stay on Level 1 for 7 days, then up to Level 2 for 7, then Level 3.
I already have a work-out routine of 50-60 mins. of cardio plus some light weight training & abs, etc., so I am merely adding the Shred to my daily work-out. I wanted to increase my work-out for a few weeks to get faster results and I love that the Shred is only 20 minutes. It DOES make you sweat & Jillian does not allow you to let up.
I hope you get a chance to try it & I hope you like it.
Hi Kelly-
My hubby and I were both doing P90X, started before Christmas...BAD timing!!! :-)...really, what were we thinking?! I like to cook (and eat!) way too much and that diet plan was just not going to work for us! We did still see lots of results when we stuck to the exercise routine though, we just watched what we ate and watched our proportions with it. We could hardly move after day one, but it got easier each time we did it...I'm sure the two of us together looked just too funny doing some of those video, we laughed at each other a lot during it!
Sweet little Harper is just as cute as can be!
Where did you get the blanket that Harper is laying on? SO CUTE!!
Hi- I just found your link from another blog! My husband and I are doing the P90X together, we are on the 2nd month. The best meal plan to follow is the portions. The recipes are VERY complicated. With the portions, he just figures out which category he falls under- 1 or 2 etc...and then, just have plenty of the suggested foods in your pantry and fridge. It has really been super easy to do it this way and we are never hungry!!
Hope this help!! (Oh- and the recovery drink is super yummy and helps your muscles not to feel so sore the next day--Bring IT!!)
I just wanted you to know that there was an advertisement for a very bad blog on your website today that I am sure you would not want to be associated with.
I'll let you know the website if you want to e-mail me. I don't want to openly post it here.
:) Ginny
Not the whole "diet plan" we just cooked some of the recipes out of the book...the easier ones.
Harper is such a cutie. You always have her in the cutest clothes and I love the pink and brown blanket she's laying on in these pictures. I just wanted to let you know I love reading your blog. :)
FOr me, crawling was the WORST! I begged for walking because my daughters knees and clothes and the tops of her feet would be filthy after crawling. You only THINK your floor is clean when it's just mopped. Nope, if there is dirt, she will find it. So walking was welcomed. I found that putting my daughter in the jumper (formerly known as a johnny jump up)worked great for being able to get things done. I could just stick her in the doorway by me and she would go to town while I did the dishes or laundry. WE got our jumper at Babies R Us about 2 years ago, I didn't even know they still made them!
I hope Harper starts sleeping better for you soon. I almost feel guilty saying that both of mine started sleeping 6-7 hours at night 1 month old, and that first month I was falling alseep everywhere like a little old man with narcolepsy (sp?) Hang in there.
I am sure at this point the lack of sleep is 'painful' ~ anyone who says otherwise hasn't lost sleep on a constant basis for weeks at a time!! LOL But KNOW that the days are LONG, but the years are SHORT and when you get a few good nights' sleep, the memory will fade (at least the part that hurts :) I remember thinking I would never sleep again, and now when I think of those times, I smile ~ YOU WILL TOO!!!!
Carolyn in CA
Can someone tell me what the shred is?
My husband is extremely avid about his workouts and he did P90X and LOVED it. He does follow a strict diet though. He says the workout is 30% of getting fit and the diet is 70%.
My husband told me he follows the old Body-For-Life diet which consists of 6 meals per day, each meal consists of 1 protein and 1 carb. Add a vegetable to two of the meals and call it a day. Judge portion size by the size of 1 of your closed fists (this will vary for your husband who probably has bigger hands than you, which means it will give him more calories). This is simple and my husband uses one cheat day per week.
that is so funny to me because my husband just did the same thing...our garage is a gym too. which i'll be happier about when I can get out there and do more. He is doing the same workout..well, about to. He is traveling alot right now so hopes to start soon but in the mean time I'm suppose to read up on the meal plan and i'm scared. keep updates if you can! hugs
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