Happy Mother's Day to each of you! We have had a busy but wonderful weekend. I'm probably the most tired (but happy) that I've ever been. I think weeks of not sleeping and the stress of today has finally caught up with me. Harper and I laid together on the couch and took a 2 hour nap this afternoon. I think she knows when Mommy is about to give out. So on to the weekend in pictures.
Scott's parents came on Friday night. It was Scott's mom's 60th birthday so we greeted her with a tiny cake I got at the local upscale gas station/grocery store. (Michael Blount - if you are reading this - wanted you to notice what's in the background - BLUE BELL!) :-)
Saturday after we were all dressed, fed, changed and fed again - we headed out to eat lunch at P.F. Chang's. Harper's head band is a little weird here but she looked cute in another Wal-Mart outfit!
Scott and his dad look like they are heading to a razorback game. ha! YUM for Mongolian Beef and Kung Pao Shrimp! :-)
My mom came in the afternoon and Scott and his dad worked the rest of the day putting in lights in our garage because Scott is turning our garage into a mini gym (more on that later). I went and got my hair done (you'll notice it's shorter in pictures to come) while the two Judy's babysat. Here they are taking Harper on a walk. I think Harper was pretty good. I was nervous leaving her for 3 hours but I'm pretty sure with 3 grandparents and her dad - she was just fine!
JiJi held Harper during most of the meals so Momma could eat - thanks for all you did this weekend Judy!!

After dinner we bathed Harper and got everything ready for Sunday. This is kind of gross but funny - my mom caught this picture of Harper spitting up in mid air. ha! Just one of those things we deal with constantly as moms, ha!

This morning as I was getting up - Scott hid cards for me almost like an Easter egg hunt. I found one card laying by Dawson that was from him to me. ha! Then Harper was holding this one while she watched her video. And then he had one for me from him. Each one was very special and he wrote things that meant so much to me. I'm so thankful for Scott and Harper and our little family. I think it goes without saying how special this day is to me this year!

This morning was Mother's Day service and baby dedication. A day I have looked forward to for years (mostly dreading this day but always holding out hope for the day it would be me!) This picture is special. If you have read my blog - you know about Baby
Brayden. He was born 3 days before Harper to our friends Jenna and Chris. He was also born with lung issues and was flown to Little Rock and spent a month in the
NICU. During the time he and Harper were in the hospital, our church family spent so much time praying for both of these babies and I hope that they knew just what their prayers meant as we stood on that platform this morning with our healthy babies - miracles from God. God truly is so good! This was their first time to meet and Harper is already trying to hold on to
Brayden so I guess she knows they are going to be good friends. They were also both miracle babies that were prayed for for years before they finally came!

Here is me and my miracle baby. I hope to take a special mother's day picture of the two of us each year (and any other babies that might come along! ha!)

Here we were waiting to do dedication. We sang a lot of songs and there were 14 people baptised before we went up so we had a long wait. I was trying to keep Harper happy. She did really good.

There were I think 13 babies dedicated. See if you can find us! In case you are wondering what baby dedication is........basically we as parents stand before the church and dedicate our child to the Lord and promise to raise them in a Godly home. Our pastor challenged us to make Jesus the center of our homes and not just on Sundays and then prayed over us. It is my prayer that Scott and I do always point Harper to Jesus. I pray every day that He will be her first love and that she will always live for Him.

Listening to our pastor speak. The church gave us a little Bible for Harper and a book on parenting.
(I got my dress at Ann Taylor Loft. And just keeping it real - I had to stand with my arms in front of me like that because I was so nervous I had sweat rings. ha!ha!ha!)

Harper and her mother and grandmother

I ordered this cake from the best bakery in
NWA - Rick's. I thought it turned out cute. It was my VERY favorite and what hopefully will be Harper's favorite - red velvet! SO YUM!

I fixed lunch for our families and Laurie and Steve. This was before I got all the food on the table.

Harper and her grandmother. Harper drooled and spit up all over her first dress so we changed her into her Easter dress for more pictures. ha! We missed you Granddaddy!!!!!!

Laurie, Steve, Emily and Sarah Kate - we were so glad
ya'll could join us for lunch

We had Honey baked ham, salad, potato casserole, green bean bundles, grape salad (that I got the recipe from my friend Amanda), monkey bread rolls and cake. I'll post a couple of recipes on my recipe blog later tonight or tomorrow. (By the way - you have to check out the recipe blog -
Leslie gave me a makeover and I ABSOLUTELY love it!)

The morning just wore Harper out - this was her during lunch. Notice she's wearing a sweet pearl bracelet - can't start too early learning to accessorise.

Harper and her grandparents

Emily entertained us with dancing after lunch
All in all - it was a wonderful first mother's day (although technically my first mother's day was last year and we ate dinner at a restaurant that had the most amazing view of a Hawaiian sunset and that was pretty great too. ha!) We have a great view of another Arkansas rainy day here.
Congrats on the dedication and mother's day. It looks like a really wonderful day and I love the pictures.
Loved the post and all the pictures!! So glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day! Loved the pic of you and Harper together!! Have a great rest of your Sunday!
You look so beautiful in all these pictures!! I think it's the pure happiness shining right through!! Hope you enjoyed your first Mother's Day with Harper!
What a wonderful Mother's Day! Did you get your dress at ATL? I wore a shirt from there that looks just like it. Looks like y'all had a great weekend!
Congrats :)
Happy mother's day!! What a wonderful day!
I'm so glad I got to see the Stamps this morning. Harper is adorable as always & her mommy is looking great!! (which makes me ask if you want to walk M or W if it's not raining so I can look great as well :-) Happy Mother's Day!
you are such a beautiful mommy kelly! Ive been thinking & praying for ya'll all day.
Looks like you had amazing Mother's Day weekend. Harper is so adorable. I have to ask where you got your dress, love it!
Looks like another fun filled, wonderful week end and a great Mother's Day for you.
Glad you had a good one.
Happy Mothers Day!
I loved all the pictures! It looked like you had a great day! Happy Mothers Day!
Funny, your mom and m-i-l are both Judys. My mom and m-i-l are both Doris. Love the mother's day post. Happy 1st Mother's Day! =)
Happy first Mother's day! You have a beautiful family, and many blessings!
Happy Mother's Day Kelly!!!
Congratulations and Happy Mother's Day!
Kelly, could you share the recipe for green bean bundles? They look yummy!
Happy Mother's Day! That dress is so cute, where did you get it?
What a beautiful day..even with the rainy weather!
You and your sweetie look gorgeous!!!
Happy Mother's Day!
Congratulations on your first (or second) Mother's Day. Your happiness definitely shows in your pictures.
In the spit up picture, it looks like she's eating an icicle! LOL!
Hope you get some rest :)
Those bows on Harper make me want a girl!! Your family looks beautiful! LOVE your dress~~where is it from? Also...we went to PF Changs for dinner....I heart Mongolian Beef! Happy Mother's Day!
Hi Kelly! Can I add a "where did you get your dress" question? Seems like a silly thing to do on my first comment, but the dress is adorable1
So nice to hear your mother's day went well!
BTW I make Greenbean Rollups ALL THE TIME and they are a huge hit when I bring them to parties! Everyone just RAVES on how amazing they are and I smile so proudly because they are so easy to make!
Love your dress! So cute! You are a skinny minny!
LOVE the cake from Rick's! I get chocolate every month but I am going to have to get their red velvet one month. I love RV cake.
Harper looked precious today, as always. The dedication pictures are so great! I'm so thankful you had a wonderful Mother's Day surrounded by your family and friends. I know you have waited a long time for today.
Kelly - SO precious (as always!) Congrats on a wonderfully blessed Mother's Day and Baby Dedication. I am certain that you and Scott will be godly role models for your sweet Harper! God Bless your family.
Happy Mother's Day Kelly. I am so happy to see you enjoyed it so much. Harper looked beautiful for her dedication and you, as always, looked amazing.
Upstate New York
Happy Mother's Day. Isn't it great to be called MOM! I just love hearing, 'Mom, mommy, and mama', all day long. My three boys are the world to me.
Harper looks great. You have a beautiful family.
Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Happy Mothers Day
Awwwwl!!! Awesome pictures...love your hair cut and your dress...Harper looks adorable. Thank you so much for sharing your stories I LOVE READING YOUR BLOG. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!
I just read on the side of your blog, "If we met in real life, we'd be friends" and I'm starting to think that would be true. I'm an Arkansan uprooted by my Arkansan husband to Connecticut. We miss all things southern such as Hobby Lobby, Sonic, calling the Hogs, etc. Harper and my daughter Kate are about the same age. Both our parents live in Fayetteville, my parents are OBU alums. I was just wondering what made you choose Brown as a middle name? That happens to be my maiden name and I've always wanted to use it...and seeing you use it gave me confidence. Happy Mother's Day and thanks for giving a southern girl misplaced in the north something so fun to read!
Happy 1st Mother's Day! I love your turquoise dress, so cute!
Happy Mother's Day!! You look great!! I love your hair. Of course, Harper is just beautiful. I think your mom and mil must have the same name, just like us, my mom and mil are both named Joy. What a sweet time for you and your family. Glad it was a good day.
What a wonderful day. I will continue to pray for Harper and her growth with the Lord. It is hard to imagine how life is going to be when they are teenagers. The best thing for them is christian parents to set an example and it seems you are doing all the right things.
Happy Mother's Day!!!!
Awww...that sounds like such a great weekend. You look so pretty and Harper is adorable as always. I bet you are so tired, though. You sound like me this weekend...just go, go, go!! Get some rest and have a great week! :) I am soooo happy for you!
Beautiful pictures! Glad you had a happy mother's day!
Happy Mother's Day Kelly!! You look beautiful as always!! That picture of Harper spitting up made me laugh out loud!!! Hilarious! The pics look great and I love your dress!! Looks like y'all had a great weekend!!
love the spit up picture and I so know about sweat stains after having a baby! :) beautiful moments. baby dedications are so precious.
LONGEST and BEST post I've read all day. It's amazing what a few pictures of a baby can do to you. You are so blessed. I lvoe seeing all the pictures of you and your family.
Happy Mother's Day!!
Kelly - I found your blog just a few days after Harper was born and have prayed for you and your sweet girl! I have enjoyed reading updates and seeing pictures of your beautiful family! Just wanted to wish you a Happy First Mother's Day!!!
Happy First Mothers Day!!!!!! I celebrated my first today too!!! What an amazing feeling!
Your dress is so cute. Harper is a beautiful miracle and I love reading about your life!
What a great weekend you had with family. You all make such a cute family. I have that exact Ann Taylor dress and love it.
Happy Mother's Day to you! I hope you had a wonderful day, it sure looked like the baby dedication was super special to you all. I am so happy for you guys.
Harper is so adorable. I hope you had a Great Mother's Day! Isn't having a little girl just wonderful?!
I am sure today has been a very memorable and wonderful day for you!
Happy Mother's Day. Loved seeing all the pics!
Love the post. Happy Mother's Day to you! I had to laugh because we had green bean bundles too!! So delish!
You look great Kelly! Happy Mother's Day to you! I love your hair short like that and Harper is so adorable!
Happy Mothers Day! I love seeing the pictures! You and Harper both look lovely!
First of all, Happy Mother's Day to you, your friend and the Grandmas. Second, thank you for sharing this joyful day with pictures.
Just wanted to say that you, your dress, your arms, and your family look beautiful! So happy for you on this special day!
Wonderful pictures! You look beautiful and so does Harper of course. I love your dress and cute hair!
Congratulations~ Hope you have a restful Monday!!
Awe, congrats to Harper and you guys on the baby dedication. I want you to post the green bean bundle recipe because that looked so good!
Happy Mother's Day! So glad it was happy!
You look beautiful! I hope I look that good after having kids. & Harper is a little doll.
Happy First Mother's Day. Kelly! Looks like a wonderful day!
what a precious post!
happy mother's day Kelly!!
you look so happy and that makes me smile :o)
Happy Mothers Day to a most amazing mama! I loved all of the pictures from your day and especially enjoyed seeing the ones of Harper being dedicated. Our girls were dedicated last year right before Mothers day and it was such a wonderful event for us! Make sure you post some of those recipes you promised b/c I'm drooling just thinking about them!
Congrats on your 1st Mothers Day!!! What a blessed weekend y'all had!! :)
This is a precious post! Happy Mother's Day! Loved your dress!
So glad you were blessed on this special day with your first year with Harper! Can't wait to see you soon!! ;)
I love your dress, and that rectangular plate is really neat!
Happy Mother's Day! I know this must have been so special for you. Harper looks beautiful in her dress at dedication.
I wanted to tell you that I, too, have a mom and mother-n-law both named Judy. I thought it was funny when I read that in your blog about the 2 Judy's. That is how I refer to mine, sometimes. Mine are friends, since my husband and I are high school sweethearts. They both live in Jackson, MS (where we grew up). My kids call my mother-n-law JuJu. And my mom is MeMe. Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you.
Kristy (a friend of Jamie Garner's)
Happy Mother's Day Kelly! You are the PERFECT mom! I wish that I will be half the mother you are when the time comes. Congratulations on the dedication today. By the way you look gorgeous! I love the dress!
<3 HEE
I LOVE your dress!!! P.S. I finally got a chance talked to Scott at work. He is so nice, but I'm sure you already knew that.
Happy Mother's Day, Kelly. You are truly blessed.
I used something that you have previously done: talked about songs that mean alot to you; on my blog tonight and every night this week.
Thought you'd like to see the first night's song listing.
What a wonderful day for you! This was also my first Mother's Day (if you don't count being pregnant last year). Rick's is SO yummy. I'm drooling over that cake.
What a special day! I will always remember my babies dedications!
And I just have to say, I went and checked the freezer for Blue Bell when I saw yours. I found enough for a tiny bowl. Yum!
That spit up picture is hilarious! And I have to say, your shoes are divine! Where did those come from? Your dress is cute, too, and you can't even see the sweat rings! :) Happy Mother's Day and Happy Baby Dedication Day - so special!
I loved reading about your weekend and seeing all the great pictures! I'm so happy for you guys and thankful that you got to celebrate Mothers Day in this amazing way this year--what a blessing!
The cake for her dedication is super cute!
Happy Mother's Day Kelly! You looked beautiful on this special day. I hope you had a great weekend with your family.
What a wonderful day! I'll never forget how special it was for our family when we participated in the Baby Dedication for both of our boys. What an awesome gift God has given us to be parents and what a beautiful proclamation that we can make to continue to raise them in faith-filled homes. I'm SO happy for you!!
Happy Mother's Day!! I'm glad you had such a special day and weekend!
Happy Mother's Day!
What a wonderful day you had! Love all the pics...your blog always makes me smile!
Happy Mothers day Kelly!! You look STUNNING!!!!! And of course Harper looks adorable!!!!
What a blessed day, and how perfect that you dedicate the baby God gave you back to Him.
We did baby dedications today at our church, and I actually skipped it this year and just spent the day by myself (and with Jesus!) and kept thinking with a smile about all the first time mom's like you who had waited so long and today were celebrating!! Glory to God!!!!
Also, LOVE the picture of your family and Brayden's family together, those are ANSWERED PRAYERS!!!!!!
Happy FIRST Mother's Day!!! I am so happy that you were able to dedicate Harper on such a special day!! Your food looks delicious. I love green bean bundles and I can make a red velvet cake!! Just ask my mom and my brother. It is there favorite so they each get one for their birthdays every year.
Kelly, I just love reading your blog. It has given me the confidence to write about more personal things on my own blog. I thought I would share my own 1st Mother's Day post with you. My son is my miracle baby, too. I also struggled with infertility and multiple miscarriages, in addition to the loss of my first child. Thankfully, we were finally able to have a healthy child, my son Camden. I hope you enjoy the post. Also, loving the upscale gas station/bakery. Please post a picture of that!
Happy Mother's Day! I love all the pictures! :)
Kelly, I started reading your blog right after Harper was born. I've come back weekly and absolutely love your encouragement. My husband and I have two children, both came with no effort whatsoever. I just want to thank you for bringing to my realization that so many women long for this day. As I just read your post and looked at all your pictures I couldn't stop crying. Each time I have thought about today (during the day) I've remembered to pray for those sisters who don't yet have children. You are a beautiful sister in the Lord and I am grateful for you. Happy Mother's Day.
Go here: http://www.totalmomsense.net/2009/01/sunday-supper-asian-monday-edition.html I have the recipe for Mongolian Beef and it's JUST LIKE P.F. Chang's- I have the chicken lettuc wrap recipe too- I'll post it this week! Try the Mongolian Beef - your family will love you!!!
Oh- your dress was darling and the picture of Harper spitting up is priceless! Absolutely priceless! Happy Mother's Day- I know it was a sweet one.
Looks like it was just a wonderful day. Harper is just so sweet! Congratulations on her dedication and I'm so glad you a a great first Mother's Day!!
Happy Mother's Day! You look great in your dress. I love all the pics! I am so glad you are living your dream.
Sounds like you guys had a great weekend! I loved all the pictures. I really liked the color of your dress! I'm for sure going to have to check out your recipes blog for those recipes--everything looked so yummy!
Happy Mother's Day!!!
I thought about you today, about how much it would mean being your first one with a little baby to hold.
(My first was spent in the hospital as my little girl was born a few hours before...it was a great gift!)
I had to laugh about your upscale gas station bakery comment...we traveled to MO for mothers day (we live in Fayetteville) and stopped there. I was trying to tell my family about it and they thought I was nuts!! A salad bar and produce section in a gas station?? YUP!
YAY! Happy Mother's Day, Kelly!
Wonderful pictures to capture your special weekend!
LOVE YOUR dress.....I love Ann Taylor stuff! I haven't shopped there since the baby was born though :-(
The spitup picture is too funny. I love Harper's little bracelet. There is nothing more precious than baby jewelry!!
I think the picture of you keeping Harper happy in worship is cute....plus your husband is checking his watch at the same time haha!
dont ever worry about writing the 'longest blog ever' lol...i think i can speak for everyone else in that we all LOVE seeing pictures of your little cutie! happy 1st mother's day and congrats on harper's dedication! :) _megan_ from wi
Lemme try to remember everything I was gonna say...lol...cute haircut, LOVE the dress-I almost bought the same one at ATL but went with the pink summer one instead, congrats on Harpers dedication, beautiful cake!, and....Happy 1st Mother's Day!
There is so much to comment on!
1. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! Praise Him for bringing you little Harper, the miracle dumplin'! :)
2. Your dress is super cute!
3. So many cakes! Yum....
4. I think it's really cool that your church does that.
5. The spit up photo is seriously one to hang on to. I cannot believe you got that on "film" for all eternity. Teehee!
6. What a blessing to have both the parents near to you on this day.
Lots of Love,
Happy Mother's Day!
My husband and I dedicated our sweet baby boy today too! I think I forgot to put on deodorant before we left for church (just keepin' it real for you too!). I was way too worried about everything being perfect this morning and forgot the basics. I actually prayed that Jackson would have his blow out early. God answered my prayer, but I should have been more specific. I should have prayed that Jackson would have both of his blow outs before church! (ha!). Oh well, Jackson was surprisingly wonderful during the service. We just kept shoving gold fish in his mouth! Happy, happy mother's day! Love your dress too!
HAPPY HAPPY MOther's day!!!
Happy Mothers Day! What a wonderful blessing to have such a happy, healthy family to celebrate on Mother's Day 2009! I love the picture of the "Blue Bell" ice cream, especially since we are from Texas and have grown up eating it. The interesting part is that we are selling our house to move to Brenham to get out of the city to a smaller community environment to raise our family. The pictures are gorgeous! Your green dress is so cute and I love that cake. Red velvet is one of my favorites as well, along with banana cake. Yummy!
P.S. I just realized that sentence about Brenham may not make sense to those not living in Texas. Brenham is the town where Blue Bell is made. It's such a cute place.
Oh Happy Mother's Day Kelly! I'm so glad you had a great day...the Lord is so good to us all! I had to call and wish Bon a happy mother's day today...I'm so excited! Hopefully this time next year maybe I'll be/or on the way to being a Mom too! Thank you for all your prayers :) Love, Becky
Happy Mother's Day, you look beautiful in your non-black dress!
Because of you, I have been remembering to pray for those struggling to have children.
Here is a link to the BEST Red Velvet recipe.
Peace and joy!
Happy Mother's day! I was so glad to have my first too! I feel so blessed to have my girl! I just thank God so much.
Love your dress, I tried it on at Ann Taylor Loft but it did not look as good on me! ;-)
Congratulations & Happy Mothers Day! It looks like you hada beautiful day! I wanted to tell you I love your hair like that. When you posted the Hawaiian photos last week I was thinking that your hair looked really nice like that! You look wonderful!
First time commenter coming out of the woodwork to say Happy Mother's Day - what a joy to see you get to celebrate it together after such an amazing journey to this point! God is so faithful, isn't he? It was the theme of my own mother's day post.
Best to you and yours on this precious day!
Looks like a perfect day!! My daughter was dedicated today as well:) Happy Mother's Day to you ... so very happy for you!!
So happy that you are realizing all the things you'd hoped for. Happy Mother's Day, Kelly.
Great post. We do a baby dedication at my church too when there are new babies and it always makes me cry even though I am single and no kids. So glad your day went well.
It looks like you all had a great weekend and Mother's Day!!! Harper is adorable, like always! Happy Mother's Day!!!
Thank you for sharing all of your sweet dedication pictures!! And what a sweet photo of Harper & Brayden and the miracles that they are...God is good.
it was so much fun reading (and viewing) your fun weekend! i love all the pictures!! :)
YOU rock! And I just about fell out of my chair with the spit up picture!!! Hysterical! I have a feeling that one will come back around to haunt her!! haha
Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day!!!! The spit up picture was hilarious!!!!! I first thought she had a white ribbon hanging out of her mouth...ha!!!
Kelly I am so happy for ALL of you. The Lord has truely blessed you and will continue for doing his work.
Glad this Mother's Day was a good one- long awaited!! I have been in your shoes.
Mother's Day after infertility is wonderful, isn't it? It brings a true appreciation for it all.
You did have a full weekend! Your dress for the dedication was so cute! I really adore the photo of you keeping Harper happy in the pew before her dedication. What a sweet moment captured! Your expression is precious. Happy Mother's Day!
Glad you had such a special day.
Stopping by to let you know I'm praying!
Isaiah 12:2-3 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
Prayer BearsMy email address
Happy Mother's Day! Harper is such a precious blessing and I know you are so proud to be her Mommy! She always looks so adorable, and you look great too! Oh, and the Blue Bell is the first thing I noticed in that picture....it's the best ever!
Love your new haircut & that dress is fab! Great color for you.
I love that Harper was dedicated on mother's day. I still have not dedicated my babies and it's something we have been talking about over the last few months. I almost feel kind of silly doing it with my oldest as he just turned 9. So I have been putting it off till I make up my mind.
Sounds like y'all had a wonderful, busy & tiring weekend but a very blessed one!
Kelly - I've been reading your blog for some time, have prayed numerous times for Harper and just have really so enjoyed learning about you and your family. I was brought to tears reading this post. What a glorious, FAITHFUL God we serve!! Thank you, Jesus!! I am so happy for you and your family. So, so thrilled! God gets all the glory and I love that you give Him that due all the time!
What I think is even more awesome about your story and your family is I know that had things NOT turned out so wonderful for Harper, you would still worship Jesus and still praise Him. I have never met you and really only know you by what I've read on this blog, but I know this to be true.
I just have the sense that you are the type of person who would say this: "No matter what God...I'm going to praise you."
Praise God above for you and Scott, Harper and your beautiful family! Your 'blog lurkers' are beyond thrilled for your family!
Heather in Oklahoma
Kelly....love the dress and the hair!! You look so pretty! I can TOTALLY relate to sweat rings!!! Cracks me up!
You look so beautiful in these pictures. I hope you had a fabulous 1st Mother's Day!
You are so blessed to have had such a wonderful mother's day...and I love how scott gave you so many cards, that is just too sweet :)
Hope your Mommy's Day was special. and your story of your dedication is SO Sweet. We hope our dedication is just as special only 7 families can do it at a time at our church.
You look fabulous! and Harper is getting so big and as always she is Special!
Looks like a gorgeous day!
Kelly, you know I love the pictures of Harper, and you KNOW I love those headbands with bows/flowers on them. AND it makes me love them even more with that one on top! She reminds me of an 80's girl! ha ha I LOVE IT!
I am so glad your Mother's Day went so well! And, congrats on having her dedicated. I believe ours will be coming up soon!!
I love your dress, your luncheon, and especially the spitup photo! Yesterday, my baby, Kate (two weeks younger than Harper), was distracting the people who sit behind us in church with her cuteness, especially when she put her whole fist in her mouth and started sucking very loudly. Then, as we were all giggling at that, she stopped and spit up all over me! Nothing out of the ordinary, but first time in church! The upside was that I had to take her out then, and people could actually pay attention to Daddy's sermon!
What a special day for you and one I know you'll ALWAYS remember. Loved the pictures and here's to MANY more mother's days to come :)
SO glad you had such a special mother's day! God is so so good.
It sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day!
Quick question: Can you tell me where you got that blanket? I'd like to have one for when our little girl Megan Grace arrives. It looks to be exactly what I've been looking for. Thanks!
Also, the dress was beautiful and good color on you. Those cakes look very tasty as well :)
Happy mothers day a day late :) I'm home with my new baby girl and look forward to baby dedication in the next few months...this time especially since she is a miracle like miss Harper :) she was breathing when she was born and we are so grateful! I loved your honesty about sweat rings :) I'm always worried about that too. Great dress and I love the color!
Awww Kelly that post was so cute. I am so glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend...love, love, love PF CHangs! And your Mother's Day meal looked so yummy that I am sitting here starving (at 7:30 in the morning!) ha ha! Have a great week!
What a wonderful Mother's Day you had! I love all the pictures. Your dress is adorable!
The cake you had made was just perfect for the day!
what an enjoyable post. Thanks for sharing your day. Your family is lovely.
ok Kelly I love the new short hair style!
The cake is so beautiful!
And you have the cutest dressed little girl ever, I only make boys lol!
Happy mothers day :)
Happy belated mother's day to you! What a wonderful day for you and your family!
It looks like a very very Happy Mother's Day. I am so glad you had such a great day! Everything looked sooo beautiful! Your family, the clothes, the food (I am sooo hungry now!!)everything was just perfect!!
Ohh if you want to get rid of sweat rings you should get certain dri at walgreens (its in the deodrant section and I LOVE it). YOu use that every 3 nights and you stop sweating under your arm pits!!
Well I hope you guys have a great week!!!
What a lovely Mother's Day for you.
You have such a supportive family.
Your husband's idea of giving you multiple Mother's Day cards is brilliant.
And I love Mongolian beef.
Love the posting. Love the dress too. I have to ask, I'm assuming the answer is yes, but could you nurse in that dress without having to pull it up... :)
How precious is little Miss Harper!
What a blessed Mother's Day you had. Thank you for sharing your day with us.
The cake was so pretty.
Have a wonderful week.
~Melissa :)
Happy Mother's Day! :) Harper is one lucky lady to have you for a mommy! :) I also MUST have the recipe for the green been bundles!
I can only imagine how much this day meant to you! Happy Mother's Day Kelly! Loved the spit up pic...soooo funny! That's keepin it REAL!!!!
Happy Mother's Day, Kelly!! Happy baby dedication, too. The day looked perfect. Your pictures are stunning--amazing quality and priceless. :o)
I had to laugh when I saw the spit-up picture. We have one of Collin doing the same thing...he's our 1 year old. Check out this link...this is one of his professional 3 month pictures. He had acid reflux, so he spit up most of the time during the first 3 months of his life. http://moxiejacobs.blogspot.com/2009/05/classic-collin-picture.html
Happy Mother's Day!!
Happy Mother's Day, Kelly! All that food looks so good, I'm coming to your house next year!! I love the picture of the 3 generations, too.
what a wonderful weekend! Always love all your pictures!
What a special way to celebrate Mother's Day! I always love it when baby dedications fall happen on that Sunday!
The pictures are so sweet...love the dress you picked for the special occasion!
Those recipes look super yummy...can't wait to try them both out!
Loved looking at all the pictures!!! What a special day! Harper is so blessed. I think that that is so neat having Baby Dedication on Mother's Day. I'll be looking at your recipes later!!! Looked yummy!
Love this post! All the pictures are so adorable.
And now I'm craving something from Rick's soooo bad. I haven't found any bakeries in Colorado that even come close to Rick's.
Glad you enjoyed Mother's Day!
Belated Happy Mother's Day! LOVE the new shorter haircut, iy's very flattering and amkes you look younger and thinner. Not that you're heavy, just becomes the shape of your face!
Happy Mother's Day--a day late. I love your dress and your new haircut. Harper is beautiful and your mom's are precious. I just love reading your blog. Have a good week!
Beautiful! Happy Mothers Day - even though...I think every day is mothers day now! :)
Your family looks stunning!
What a wonderful day full of special memories and what a beautiful testimony to the grace and power of our Almighty God.
Love all the pictures. You have a beautiful family. I am so so glad you got to celebrate Mother's Day. It is truly a blessing.
Kelly I have loved all your posts. I stumbled up on your blog a few months ago. I recently had a miscarriage and have had a tough time with a lot of things. Your story helps me hold hope that one day I will have the joy of being a mom! Mother's day was tougher than I expected! Your day looked beautiful!
What a fabulous Mother's Day for you and your family! Thanks for sharing your story.
I too want to know if you could nurse in the dress? Have you found any "regular dresses" that you can nurse in?
I LOVE this post and isn't it amazing how God can move and work in a year! I love that Scott put cards all over the house!! I love the pics of the baby dedication and Harper in all her pink! She always looks cute, but I love it when she is in that pink seat!!!
So glad you had a good weekend with grandparents!
I love your teal dress! Please tell me where it is from? :)
Oh my gosh---we had Christmas cookies from Rick's every year when I was growing up. YUMMY!!!!!
Kelly, I would love to get the grape salad recipe! Will you be adding it to your recipe blog? Thanks.
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