I've decided that May might be my least favorite month. They say April Showers bring May Flowers but in Arkansas (and most of the south) - it just brings May Monsoons. We are all ready for summer and warm weather and sunny days and it has rained about 40 days straight. I think we are all ready to get on the ark........but the sun came out today and I am so happy. I better enjoy it - it might be the only sunny day until June.Yesterday I went and had lunch at my friend Jennifer's house. Jennifer and I went to college together at OBU and we lived on the same hall of our dorm (O C Bailey) for a year and a half. She is so fun and she is the mother of FOUR extremely cute children 6 and under. Not only do I enjoy being around her so much but she is great help to me because she has so much recent experience and she is married to a pediatrician (who also went to OBU with us). I've been really thankful for her friendship lately and glad she only lives a few miles from me. Harper had a great time watching her girls play. Jennifer's 4 year old took our picture - ha! It might be a little blurry but I think she may have an eye! :-) (and the blurriness distracts from the fact I desperately need lipstick). ha!
Slowly but surely Harper's skin is getting better! Thanks for all the wonderful advice! Just by skipping a few baths and constant lotioning - it is a huge difference. I'm going to keep trying a few things until we find the perfect solution but I feel better about it. And we have seen a HUGE difference in her - she is so much happier. I feel terrible that she has been so fussy all this time because her skin made her so miserable. Bless her sweet heart. She has been just precious the last few days!
Today we took an outing to the mall. Harper slept for over 2 hours while we were there! I ran into several people who told me they read my blog and had prayed for Harper. That just blows me away and I'm so thankful for all of you!
(Today's outfit courtesy of Wal-Mart : $5. P.S. I took my first trip into Gymboree today. Thank goodness Harper started throwing a fit the two minutes in and we had to leave because I saw a WEALTH of cuteness. That store is DANGEROUS to me. MUST STAY AWAY!)
We have a busy week this week. This weekend is my MIL's birthday, mother's day and baby dedication and both sides of our families are coming. I'm going to have a big lunch on Sunday to celebrate so I'm trying to get everything together and clean and cook. It will be a fun weekend! And I'm getting my hair done Saturday - so I'm leaving them ALL to babysit for several hours. Pray for them (and Harper)! ha!
Remember - we are touring living rooms on Friday!!!!! (we will keep the home tours going every Friday until we run out of rooms......I'll try to cover everything)And if you missed the post I deleted - I have to show you the glass jar I got at Hobby Lobby on 1/2 price to keep our animal crackers in!!! Thanks to your suggestions on the kitchen tour.
(P.S. I'm going to post that infertility poem on the prayer blog tonight if you are looking for it)
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
Harper is beautiful!!!!
And I LOVE that headband...sooo cute.
What about touring playrooms sometime?? I would love to see different ideas!
Harper is really growing!!! She is just so darn cute! I love all the headbands!
I don't have time to read all the comments from the day you mentioned having trouble with Harper's excema, so I may be repeating something you've already heard. My son suffered with it during his first year but with only using Dove bar soap, head and shoulders shampoo, and Cetaphil lotion we had a major improvement! Doctor's recommendation so you've probably heard that already! It will get better with time!! She is adorable!
It just stopped raining here, too (Massachusetts), I know just how you feel!
Future Miss Arkansas!! She is such a beauty! I just love her outfit she has on! So glad the skin problems are better and she is a happy gal!
I LOVE her outfit....where is it from? Only if you have time to respond! Can we tour nurseries too? OR a favorite room in the house so everyone picks their own? I need ideas :) and LOVE doing the tours
Harper is such a doll. Loving her latest outfit and headband!!! We got a "Harper" headband for our baby girl that will be here July 1st.
oh and yes, I love idea from comment above to tour nurseries. That would so help to the mommy to be's!
I love Harper's outfit today. So glad her skin is doing better.
I hope you and your family have a blessed weekend together! You will have to post pictures of the baby dedication.
Oh my goodness Harper's headband is just too cute for words! Yay for napping at the mall!
Hey Kelly! Your hair looks great--don't get too much cut! So glad Miss Thang is feeling better. She looks so happy!
My birthday is this weekend too!! Sounds like you are going to have a great weekend!! I can't wait to see all the pics from the events, I love Harpers little outfit and that pink and green bow!! So cute!! You will have a great 1st mother's day!!
I'm glad her skin is getting better. Poor baby! She is so sweet.
I LOVE that outfit!
She is precious!
Kelly, I have some Gymboree coupons if you're interested. I think there is an e-mail link on my profile. And Hanna Andersson- cute stuff on sale. Love it because it lasts 2-3 years.
May is so busy and so rainy here in NJ as well!
Harper is just the cutest, I love that outfit and $5!?! That's crazy!
I have a quick question about the living room, I have a living room and a family room. When you say living room to do mean the fancy room that never gets used or the one that is lived and not as fancy??
Brody and I were at the Promanade today! Sad day that we didn't see you two. We went at 1:00.
Harper's outfit is so cute! And I'm so glad that her skin is feeling better. I'm sure that was very uncomfortable.
And I cannot wait to see pics from Mother's Day/Baby Dedication. I know it will be a wonderful day for you!
She is just a doll!!!! Hope you have a happy Mother's day!!! and I LOVE the cookie jar. I did see it before you deleted that post! I need one of those! :o)
I have a daughter who was born Jan 1st and Gymboree is dangerous for me too....especially when they have sales. Harper is so cute, its so fun to read what she does since my daughter is so close in age.
From one Arkansas girl to another- Yay for a sunny day, even if it's not supposed to last long I'll take it.
And yes Gymboree is a very dangerous! Their clothes are just to darn cute. A word of advice DO NOT sign up for the email list. It's just trouble waiting to happen.
Harper is so cute in that orange and pink outfit! Love the cookie jar and I did see it and posted about it on the other post, but I thought I would post again! I hope you have a WONDERFUL Mother's Day with your family & HARPER!!! ~Megan from AR
I can't find your email address anywhere on the blog, but I have a question :) So I have no choice but to ask here in the "comments" question...Anyway, I LOVE the metal rack in the corner of your kitchen sitting area, and have been looking for something like it for my dining room for MONTHS. Would you mind sharing where you found it? Thanks so much!!
Y'all down in Wal-Mart country must have a lot better selection than we do here. Our Wal-Mart has NOTHING as cute as that dress!
If you have dipped your toes into that which is Gymboree, you are pretty much done for. Just take a deep breath, accept it....and have a BLAST because these little girls can only wear these clothes for such a short while.
If you love Gymboree....let me fill you in a little more blissfulness (warning....really, really cute!) at www.janieandjack.com. Don't say I did't warn you! You'll die!
What are you having for lunch for your celebrations??
Cute as ever!! Glad you got to spend time with Jennifer and her kids!! Awesome!! Also glad that Harper has been better these last few days!! That's a PRAISE for sure!
Love you
You make me laugh...every time I am in a picture, I have to make sure I have my lipstick on, although sometimes I just can't get to it. I have the best family snapshot after church from a couple of weeks ago...except...I have on no lipstick. Wondering if we could photoshop some in :)
Harper is precious!!
Precious outfit! And what a great idea for the animal crackers--now they look delicious AND decorative on the cabinet!
I was in Gymboree today too, and Crosby was screaming, but I just kept on shopping! My bank account wishes I would have walked away! I love their stuff--for boys and girls! Did you see the little seashell line? I bought Alexee an outfit from that line today. Now that her hair is getting longer, the hairbows/accessories tempt me, too!
If you get an ark built before we do, swing by and pick us up...we're about to float away! The sun finally popped out this afternoon--such a welcomed thing!
Love the outfit! Love the price!
Love the jar! Love Hobby Lobby!
Cant wait for Friday to see more beautiful homes.
my first trip to your blog. Harper is beautiful, congratulations to you and your still-new family! I love how you are spreading the power of prayer with your blog. God bless you.
Lovin' the animal "cookie jar".
Did you have a moment to look at the "Daddy's Little Monkey" shirt I emailed you about at Gymboree before Harper got fussy?? If you buy anything there, you should buy that shirt since you've called her lil monkey before. I think she would look great in the teal color!
Ahh Gymboree--a mama's bliss and a savings account's nightmare ;)
I would have emailed but didn't see it. Please take a look at Noah's Road and add him to your prayers.
I feel so for his parents, young parents like you whose world came crumbling down.
When we run out of rooms maybe we could tour peoples yards or garages. I'm sure some people are super organized with their garage. I'm only semi-organized. It would be fun to see those as well though.
Love the new picture of Harper! Her outfit is precious!
I LOVE Harper's dress!! Pink & orange are so cute together and they are great colors for her. And you can't beat a $5 dress!
I also love the glass jar for the animal crackers. They look so pretty! Everything looks better in a pretty glass jar!
Gymboree is a very scary place, but oh so cute! If you can find an outlet, sometimes they have good sales though. Consignment sales are good too...I got a Gymboree dress and matching shoes for $9!
Harper is too cute, and she's getting so big!
Love Gymboree, Harper's cute $5 WalMart outfit and that a 4-year-old took such a good picture! Oh, I also love the animal cracker jar! :)
Precious, Precious!!
LOL My one year old LOVES Harper. He gets excited to 'see' her. Too cute!
We were lucky to get loads of hand-me-downs of Gymboree clothes. They have the cutest stuff. I am glad to hear (and see) that Harper's eczema is getting better. She is just so adorable.
Love the Jar. Love the pictures of Harper. Love MONSOON season (only ours in in August so it is welcome after months of 110degree heat). LOVE GYMBOREE!!! I'm glad Mr. Owen will be naked in his hospital bed while he waits for a heart.. it'll save SO much money on his clothes! (looking at the bright side). Kamryn is 9 and perfectly content with Target clothes.. Love that too!
Looking forward to Living Room Friday.
Kelly, you are so stinkin' cute! Love the black shirt you have on. And yes, I'm with you...GYMBOREE is dangerous! :0)
you look so little in that pic with your friend! you're lucky to get back in shape so soon! love harpers outfit & precious bow! gymboree IS a dangerous place but if you sign up online for emails & coupons, they're sending out a 30% off one next week for total purchase! and the outlet stores carry last years lines at a discount!
Gymboree is wonderful....it is my fav place!
I know what you mean about the rain. I live in East TN and it's been raining day after day! I'm so sick of it! lol. I saw a little bit of sunshine about 30 minutes ago, but of course it's too late to enjoy it. LOL. Sunday is looking better with only 20% of rain... hopefully it'll be all sunshine instead!
Btw, you look very cute and so glad Harper's eczema is getting better. That must be nice to live close to your friend who's hubby is a pediatrician! :) Hope you see sunshine soon!
Harper's outfit is too cute, and only five bucks.. Their stuff is getting very cute! WHat a big weekend you are having! Can't wait to see your posts and see H's outfit! Happy Wednesday!
Kelly, I just love the outfit Harper is wearing and the headband color coordinates so well! Love the bright colors on her! She gets more adorable every day!! So glad to hear her Excema is clearing up--hope it's gone for good real soon. =)
Have a great evening! Will pray for sunshine for you.
Jennifer is also a great friend of mine! I worked with Lance for several years when he first started his practice before I had my daughter. I just love Jennifer and Lance too!
What is Hobby Lobby???
Oh no! What happened to the kitchen links? I was out of town this weekend, and sat down to look last night, but I only made it through the first fifty! :( Is there still a link? Our kitchen is in desperate need of an update, and I was super excited about all the ideas! Thanks!
Kelly, I am shopping again for Harper. Everytime I see zebra print, I think of her :) Go to my blog, I am hosting an on line just so posh party. You have so many people who read your blog, you should host one too. All you have to do it send an email or post on your blog and when people buy, you get rewards. Ok so go to the website from my blog and type in Monogrammed Pink Brown Zebra Dress. It is a Harper must have !!!
I lived in OC Bailey too!! I was on the 3rd floor West side. I loved it because we had the room right by the community bathroom. So every one had to pass by our room every day. We had an "open door" policy so we were always hanging out with someone.
I went to Gymboree also and saw a wealth of cuteness!! Could of spent at least 1000!
Oh how we need the rain. It hasn't rained in such a long time and everything is dying.......the grass is brown, the trees are brown, the plants are brown, yuck!
Maybe some of that 'monsoon' can make it's way down south to Florida.
Cute outfit!
I love to read about the deals you buy. Reminds me of me and how I always tell my hubby how much money I save us. Hee Hee.
How cute are those 2 mommas in that first picture!
So glad Harper's skin is feeling better. And I know her feeling happier makes everyone invovled have some deep joy! :-)
I heart ya'll!
Such cute cute pictures!!! This weekend is going to be oh-so special. Make sure you have all the cameras charged and ready to go. And, I'll be praying for complete peace, joy and His presence to rest upon you all weekend long.
So much love,
I don't know how I found your blog but have loved it & have also prayed for Harper. I was just wondering when you graduated from OBU. I went there as well & graduated in Dec. 2006.
You are such a great Mom & Harper is precious.
I think the pic of you is great and as always, cute pics of Harper-girl. SO glad to hear you are having some skin success stories...that is just the pits!
We are so sick of the rain....but we finally got a little sun today, too. I'm afraid we will need the ark tomorrow and this weekend again, though.
Can't WAIT to see baby dedication pics!
Hey girl! You're from Arkansas? I used to live in Harrison a year and worked at Hillcrest Nursing Home when I was Mennonite, I always thot Arkansas was so beautiful (ok the scenery sure beats our cow pies and cornfields of IL)even if it seems like a state way back in the sticks! do you live near Harrison? Harper is adorable and i've also found some neat clothing at Walmart for my girls...gotta be frugal! :) luv your posts!
she's soooo cute! glad to hear she's feeling better. have you tried a.cquaphor? that and c.etaphil were lifesavers when our little man was a newborn. he outgrew his eczema (or maybe it never WAS eczema...) but those 2 brands made our lives MUCH more pleasant when rashes and dry skin ruled our world.
Happy first Mother's Day!
Hey - I don't normally comment, but like your blog a lot! I saw where you said sweet Harper has had some skin problems. My three year old was born with lots of baby acne, rashes, and other random splotches. A friend of mine suggested I start using California Organic Baby Products (now sold at Target and Publix if you have those near you and you can go to their site too). Desperate to try anything to make my little boy's skin better I bought their baby wash, diaper rash cream, and CALENDULA CREAM. About a week after using these products, his skin cleared up. It was truly amazing. The Calendula Cream is the best product, and I still use it on him. When my second baby boy came around last year I immediately began using these products on him and he has NEVER had any skin problems. I should make a commercial for these people after such a long comment :-) Hope Harper's skin clears up! Thanks for all you do - love the focus you've put on infertility lately. We had a Molar Pregnancy the first time we tried to conceive that totally changed our time table for having kids, but we have since learned how perfect God's timing is and are overjoyed with the two boys HE has blessed us with!
So glad you got to get out and have two hours of Harper sleep to brouse around!!!!! And how cute are those pictures? EXTREMELY CUTE!!!! :O)
I love ya'll!!!
Our Sweet baby girl is being dedicated this weekend at church also! what a great mother's day gift, huh?!? :)
You are so funny!! Only you would notice the need for lipstick in that photo!
Gymboree will be hard to stay away from when I have g-babies!!! I fell in love in there when I shopped for my neices baby gift.
Great idea to post the poem on the prayer blog.
I hope your first Mother's Day is truly blessed, Kelly. I've prayed for one for you for a long time!!
Can I make a suggestion for a Friday room? How about Harper's closet and other "kid's" closets? We have a small closet in our daughters room and it is so hard to keep organized and neat. I would LOVE to see some suggestions.
Hi, I am Amanda Bidwell. My husband Deric and I live here in NWA but grew up in Indiana. My friend back in Indiana came across your blog and posted her own blog about how cute you and Harper are. I just thought it was so neat that we live in the same area but I only found your blog because of my friend 750 miles away. I do have to say your baby girl is ADORABLE! So sweet! I look forward to reading your blogs!
You are just beautiful inside and out!!! Thanks for your posts!!!
Kelly, you look so happy. God has blessed you with a beatiful daughter. May God continue to Bless you in everything.
Love the animal cookies!! I have the exact same brown canisters you have (love them too by the way). We have animal cookies in one, cheerios in the other, and goldfish in the small one. So easy to grab when you have a hungry munchkin. Of course you have a ways to go before you get to those but since it looked like your were empty, maybe an idea for the future:) Harper and you are looking beautiful as always!!!
Continue to love seeing the Harper picture/outfit of the day! What a doll .. Also, loving how you have been wearing your hair "semi-curled"! Goregous.
Gymboree is so great because the employees are always so helpful! Plus, they are very smart...they keep a tv playing kid movies on for the kids to watch while moms shop! Very, very smart :). My younger kids never mind going there because they know they get to watch tv!!! I love the cookie jar; my husband loves those kind of animal cookies, also. He would die if he came home to a jar that big in our kitchen full of them...hmmm, that might be a good Father's Day present :).
I have been reading your blog for a while now, but have never posted before! I had to laugh at the gymboree comment! I remember the first time I went into gymboree and I told my husband I just wanted to get a few nice outfits for our daughter! I am now a gymboree addict! And now I have 3 kids to clothe! They have gymbucks and sales and coupons, so it's really not so bad! You can get on a mailing list at gymbohaven.com, they actually send you pics of the new lines coming out from gymboree, before the outfits are sale online! Gymboree was just the start with all of the cute clothes and matching accessories! Not gymboree related, but I buy a lot of my daughters clothes off of forgetmenotkids.com Baby Lulu is a favorite brand of mine! Very girly! Anyways! Love your blog! You have a beautiful little girl!
Love her outfit so much, I love love love those colors together! She is so beautiful! :)
Gymboree is dangerous!! I have their credit card so I can get an extra 5% off my purchases. Gets me in lots of trouble. Thanks goodness I have boys--not crazy about all the boy stuff but the girl stuff--can you say DEBT!!
ok, miss harpers outfit does not look like it cost 5 bucks at all! go mama! it looks like something from childrens place or gap!
love the animal cracker jar! I can just see Harper trying to get into it when she gets older! hehe
as for her skin issues, try bathing her with liquid Dove soap only, and do not use soap on her face, just warm water only. lotions and creams usually clog up the pores so they cant breathe and prevent skin from clearing up. so just try some warm plain water on face...and gently pat dry. the only stuff i ever used on the babies skin was Aquaphor as it was recommened by the pedi dermatologist. any other baby lotions have perfumes which are irritating or they contain alcohol (check labels) and alcohol dries out skin and makes it break out. hope these hints help out! Both you and Harper look stunning, as always!
Dont forget to post your menu/ recipes for Harpers christening !
She is so adorable!!
You are invited to an eParty!
At Granny B's Clothesline *Pillowcase Dresses & More*
Hosted by Amanda Fairbanks
You will receive a 10% discount as a guest of Amanda's
When you order: May 15 - 18, 2009
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Schedule your eParty today !
Granny B's Clothesline has Pillowcase dresses, Vintage Pillowcase dresses, Pillowcase Capri sets, Matching Doll dresses, Hair bows, and vintage pillowcase dresses custom made from your family heirlooms.
Gymboree is more dangerous for you than I because all the little girl's lines have so many cute accessories. However, as a thrifty mama that you know I am, their clothes can be a good deal IF you use a 30% off coupon on sale clothes during a gymbucks period, then redeem the gymbucks for the items you didn't get later. The clothes seem to hold up really well. Since Wells has followed the size charts really closely so far, I've been buying ahead for him there. Cross your fingers that it works next fall/winter :-)
Shop Gymboree during the sales and get gym-bucks. That was the only cute store to shop at in Alaska, my daughters closet looked like the store for her first 18 months of her life. Ha ha.
I got the cutest dress from Wal mart the other day and it totally made me think of you guys.
When my daughter Abby started having problems with excema I started usiing Cetaphil bar soap or the liquid to bathe her (and as a baby you can use it to wash their hair as well) and use Cetaphil lotion after the bath. I only bathed Abby every other day during the winter and would give her a quick sponge bath with just a warm wet washcloth oin the off days. For the areas that got really bad I also used Aquaphor on those to help keep mor moisture in her skin. The dry winter months have always been the roughest for her (she's 3 1/2 now) but as long as I keep her lubed up with lotion it doesn't seem to get too bad.
Avoid soaps and lotions and detergents with dyes and fragrances in them. I also switched my laundry detergent to All Free and Clear because even the Dreft was bothering her.
Best of luck...it's tough when your baby is uncomfortable and you can't fix it right away :(
So I try to only comment when I have something really good to say since you have, oh, 200 comments each day to read. . . . but I just had to tell you (again!) how precious you are! I'm praying that this weekend is everything you've ever hoped for and so much more. My sister and BIL are also dedicating their 5 month old on Sunday and we're having a big family brunch afterwards. So we're all cooking and cleaning, too! Fun times!!
Oh, I'm glad you have your friend Jennifer for help and advice.
Well, Lawsy Mercy your animal crackers "have a home" to live in...just precious.
Have a lovely day ya hear
Gymboree is a favorite of lots of my friends. They ask for gift certificates for birthdays, etc. but they're best money saving way to purchase is to shop Ebay and consignment shops (baby clothes are barely worn).
Ok I know Gymboree looks pricey, but the trick is only looking at the sale rack and waiting until you have a coupon and gymbucks time.
They have a coupon coming out for the 14th- 17th and it is a circle of friends coupon, I will send you the coupon when I get it through email, if you don't mind giving me your email address.
The coupon is 30% off your entire purchase. When you go they should still be doing gymbucks, which means for every 50 dollars you spend you'll get $25 of gymboree money for your next purchase (the dates are set on the gumbucks.
It might seem like fifty dollars is more than you want to spend, but we load up on close for the next year and save so much.
I typically I will spend about 6-12 dollars on a dress. Also it is a great place to stock up on tights for the fall and winter.
Gymboree should pay me for all the advertising I do for them :) I am a big fan of great deals.
Here is my email abivens2@gmail.com
let me know if you would like a coupon.
Hi Kelly! I have never commented on your blog - but have been a reader for a long time! My daughter, (Ashley) "Life Beyond the Pink" told me all about your blog!
May has also been my favorite month of the year. I LOVE Spring and in the Houston area - spring has almost come and gone by May. It's getting downright HOT! But I'll take that over rain! I also love May because it's my birthday month! My birthday is Monday - but many times it falls on Mother's Day. It used to bug me that my kids would only give me one gift! I would tease them, asking, "Now is this my birthday gift or my Mother's Day gift?" I would watch them stumble around and finally tell me it was a "combo" gift! Ha! Love your blog, love your baby, love your beliefs!!! You're a great mom, wife, and daughter! Don't let any "negative" comments stir you up - there will always be nay-sayers in every crowd! Love you new friend!!
Harper just looks absolutely precious in that outfit!
Love the animal cracker jar. Now the trick will be to et Scott to put the top back on! Ha!
HEY KELLY! - I know you have gotten like thousands of people giving you advice on Eczema but here's anothers. 2 of my precious little grandsons fought this as infants and still have recurrences of it. The best thing my daughter learned it to NEVER put anything on their face except pure water and either Baby Phisoderm or the Aveeno body wash with NO SCENT. They both used prescription "Dermatop" (only in small amounts) and when it got really bad - Boudreaux's butt paste works wonders. Just a small dab on the face before bedtime.
I love your blog. Even though I am a young Nana (46) - your blog inspires me daily.
I just wanted to mention, I don't know what you use to bathe harper but my daughter's eczema cleared up just by switching her to an Aveeno bath product. Maybe that would help Harper as well.
I am so glad to hear that Harper's skin is clearing up. My 2 girls both have eczema and what I have found that helps the most is, instead of using LOTION, we use either Eucerin cream or Aquaphor. The lotion can actually dry out eczema skin even more. Creams are much better. Eucerin is a thick white cream and Aquaphor or more like Vaseline. They have been a lifesaver for us!
Got to love Wal Mart how cute is she in floral dress!!! I just bought myself a cute dress from there yesterday!
I couldn't find your email...so I had to leave a comment for you. If you like gymboree you'll like crazy 8 even better. it is made by gymboree but it is the more affordable version of it! :) LOVE THAT! :) http://babycheapskate.blogspot.com/2009/05/coupons-30-off-at-gymboree-next-week.html here is a coupon for you..and go to crazy 8 site and check it out
The Children's Place is also dangerous! I love the place!!! As far as the weather, we live in Norman, and yes I am ready for the sun too!
OC Bailey - Never commented but have been reading your blog for months. Was Mom B your dorm mom at OC Bailey? she was my mother-in-law. We spent many nights at the dorm when our daughter (now 21) was a toddler. All the girls were so sweet to her. Harper is such a precious gift from God.
I just had my first daughter 9 months ago, and I have fallen in love with gymboree! from one deal-loving mama to another, you gotta get in on their coupons and sales. I average about $6 per item there by using coupons with sales. That's Wal Mart and Target prices for amazing quality and SUPER cuteness.
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