I've had a busy day and I'm working with very little sleep because now along with waking up every 2 hours for feedings - Harper is waking up in between those when she flips herself over and can't get back ("Help I've fallen and I can't get up"). So I'm just so tired I almost didn't post tonight. That combined with the fact that I documented my day with my poor little point and shoot camera that just takes such awful pictures ............but I'm going to go ahead and share our day and I have a few prayer requests.Julie, one of my former co-workers (for YEARS) - we worked together at my very first job at 22 up until I quit recently, is having a little boy in 2 weeks or less and my old office had a little lunch shower for her today and they were nice enough to invite me. So Harper and I met up with them at Copelands.
Unfortunately - Harper was in a very unhappy mood (ALL DAY) so I had to stand while she screamed most of the meal. It was still good to see everyone!
I was thinking today that I have 3 friends (2 in the blog world but I've met them in person and 1 real life friend) and they have had/are having 3 baby girls 3 Tuesdays in a row and the baby's are all named AVERY! How funny is that? They don't know each other but I know all 3 of them. Does that even make sense or seem neat or am I just so tired I'm delirious?After lunch, I drove around until Harper fell asleep and then we headed over to visit Laurie and the girls. Emily was supposed to be napping but she heard my voice and decided to come out! I love that girl so much.
Well - I really think I can't type much more. I'm sorry if I haven't commented on your blogs or responded to your e-mails lately - I just feel like I'm in a fog right now. It's a very thankful fog and a happy fog.........but it's a fog all the same.
- I want to share that my friend Katie is doing much better and has moved out of the ICU. God is good. She still needs prayer but I'm hoping she will be just fine soon.
- Please pray for this family who recently welcomed little Khloe to the world. She has Trisomy 13. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/melissarobbins
- We now have FIFTY-NINE praises on the Prayer Blog (59! 59! 59!) If you are wondering how to get on the prayer blog - the best way is probably to just leave a comment on the blog and I'll get you added. It can take me a couple of days sometimes but I WILL get you on there. If you have e-mailed me and don't see your name on there - please just leave a comment on the prayer blog and I'll get you on there.
- Remember that Friday is the day to tour nurseries/children's rooms. If you don't have children - don't feel left out - just enjoy the tour and get ideas and come back and join the next week!!!!
Oh sweet girl!! You just take it easy and don't worry about responding to "us" right now! Take care of yourself and Miss Harper!!
I'll be praying for those listed! Thank you for sharing that!
Love you tons and sending LOTS of HUGS!!!
Girl! I'm going to have to move in for a week and get that baby to sleep all night for you!!! I feel so sorry for you! I never had trouble in that dept {all 4 times!} and I really hate you are having this issue.
hope you get some rest soon.i have a 6 month old, 2 , and 5 year old and very much understand the 'baby fog'. The good news is...the fog will lift! I totally felt so bad for you reading about you having to stand during lunch. Oh, wouldn't it be nice just to sit and have a nice lunch out?! I feel your pain! The three baby 'avery's' IS super cool and funny. Love it. how crazy is that?! Prayin for some rest for you tonight.
Don't you worry about us! Sometimes I feel so silly leaving messages and you might be like "who the heck is this girl" HA but I've been following your blog for a long time and think Harper is Precious with a capital P! I hope you have a nice & rested day tomorrow!
Your blog is so cute and I LOVE to hop on and read it. I can't wait for Friday to do nurseries!
I think Harper is a doll and love that you use this platform to get the word out on people who need prayers.
Hi Kelly.
I've been reading your blog since Harper was born, she is so adorable.
After reading your post today my immediate thought was teething. Both of my kids were so miserable when they were teething, and they both started around Harper's age.
Good luck with the sleep, can't wait for the room tour tomorrow
I know you tried the Paci before without success, but my son was unreceptive until 4 months. I had my mom/husband/neighbor try to get him to take it instead of me. Someone told me that he wouldn't take it from me because he could "smell" the food. This worked like a charm and since he could grab it himself, he quickly found his mouth which led to sleeping.
Good luck with your precious Harper. The fog will lift but remeber that new fog moves in all the time. We are currently dealing with the trying to climb out of bed fog.
Sorry, I was a couple blogs behind, but wanted to comment on your blog from yesterday. I read about the Shred from you and another blog I follow, and figured since my wedding was in a little over a month, I'd try it. I consider myself somewhat in shape, but this DVD (even level 1) is enough to kick your behind. I definitely work up a good sweat, and am moving on to level 2 tomorrow. You have to try it!!! Plus, it's only 20 minutes per workout, so no excuse. (My secret is to start the DVD about 10 minutes before I want to work out, because the intro is long and you can't skip through it.)
Give it a try! You can do it!
hi! I wanted to let you know that I read your post a while ago about the 30 day shred and I decided to try it. I got the dvd at target and started. I made myself a little "sticker" chart (cheesy i know) and determined to do it for 30 days IN A ROW. I'm working on losing baby weight. I took my measurements 6 days into it and now, two weeks later, with 5 days left... I've lost 3 more lbs and about 4 inches.
It's a great workout, but it's hard sometimes to fit it in. I just keep telling myself that I can do ANYTHING for 20 minutes and sometimes I've had to do it right before bed. Most of the time I do it when my daughter is napping, but she will sit and play while I'm shredding (not my best workout though)
just wanted to share the encouragement! :0
Yay for all the praises! Keep them coming!
Well, I think as a mom, you get used to living in a fog. I don't think I have slept 8 hours in a row since my daughter was born 3 years ago. But like you, I am immeasurably grateful for the fog!!!
So sorry you're not getting good sleep. I know it's a good fog, but please don't worry about posting if you are too tired! We love hearing what Harper is up to, but completely understand what it's like to be too tired to think straight.
Take care!
Donna from Texas
i have a 5 month old and can sooooo relate to the lack of sleep. also, just to make you laugh... i have a 5 yr old daughter named avery! actually, we considered naming our new baby harper, but decided on elizabeth ("libby"). here's hoping we both get some sleep tonight! ;)
Kelly, I remember the fog well...this too shall pass. For Harper moving around during the day, have you thought of a playpen? Safe for her and you can get something done, like eat lunch.Do they still make those? I had kids when the earth was still flat.Laurie's kids are so cute! You have to get a video of you dancing with Emily. And three Avery's! My goodness...
Glad Katie is doing better and Reese is ok. Bless her heart.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
It gets better. PROMISE! :)
I'm so sorry that you aren't getting much sleep. That can make a girl CRAZY! I won't offer any advice because all babies are different. I will just say that I hope Harper starts sleeping better for you and that you can get some rest! Looking forward to Friday and seeing all the cute nursery/kid's rooms! Take care!
Oh, you sweet mama you!! The fact that you even managed to post, is amazing to me!! Elle never had a problem with the flipping but she did cry every time her binky fell out of her mouth. Oh, memories. It does get better :-)
"This too shall pass!" I have been in your shoes! My little girl woke up every 2 hours through the night for many many months! And she also would get stuck on her tummy and scream to be "flipped." It will get better! Promise!
(I know it's hard to remember that at 2 am when you've had no sleep!) Praying for you!
I am so with you on the no sleep! It begins to wear on you after a few days. Emma Grace is 20 months old (not to discourage you) and is sleeping terribly lately. She wakes up fusing or screaming after midnight and it continues every 10 minutes or so. I took her to the doctor yesterday and her ears are fine, but the doctor did say that they could be bothering her from our flights last week. Oh, how long can it last. Not that you really wanted to hear that discouraging news but I just wanted you to know I am sleepy with you! Good luck tonight, I will say a prayer for a good night for you and Harper.
I have an Avery! (but she was born on a monday. almost three years ago.) And the fog will lift! (or maybe it doesn't lift and we just get used to living in the fog?lol!)I also wanted to add my encouragement on the dread, i mean shred. I started three days ago and it does kick your butt! and jillian's actually not as mean as i thought she'd be.
Hi Kelly - Not sure how I stumbled on your blog (maybe through Blue Eyed Bride?!?), but I've enjoyed following your story and find you so inspirational. Hope you get some rest :-)
You write a great post even when you're exhausted! =)
Hope you have a wonderful night and get some sleep.
BTW, I'm having problems with your blog. Some days I could read it without problems and then I saw a blue and brown background that don't let me read your posts.
And the other problem is Mr. Linky. I can't see it anymore, I don't know what happened.
Oh the fog! I remember it so well! You poor thing. I'm going to email you pictures of how I tuck my baby into bed. Harper won't be able to flip herself if you try this. Pinkie swear! Do you have a gro bag? If not, they are definitely worth getting. Lots of love Kelly. I've been there and I know how you are feeling. you are doing an AWESOME job xxxx
I have been reading your blog for awhile now - since before your precious girl was born - but have never commented. Your little lady is just SO cute! I'm a single gal with no kids but know that kids are bundle of blessings that also come with sleep deprivation. Don't apologize for being tired - I think all of us that have grown to love and appreciate you through your blog know you wouldn't trade a minute of it for the world and that that precious bundle brings you nothing but joy. Even when that makes you tired and foggy. We can all see how you are lovin' being a mommy - and all that comes with it! Don't worry for a minute about nay-sayers.
How funny, Kelly. I comment pretty often, well, about once every 2-3 weeks, but read your blog 2-3 times daily and I live
in Franklin Co., VA and have a little 18 month old girl named
Avery Jane. I did not realize it
was becoming so popular! Can't wait for more recipes and hope that you, or should I say Harper, gets into a better sleep pattern. Many prayers, Kristin
i have an avery too!!! she is 15 months...harper is beautiful btw :)
Just an idea, and I don't know if someone's already said this before or not...
I was totally going through what you're going through with my twins. I was getting up every other hour with one of them. They were on a two hour rotation, but not on the same schedule! I started to pump and feed them bottles instead. Yes, I miss my nursing time, but they're sleeping because they're getting fuller. They are still getting my milk, but they're just taking it in bottle form. You don't have to exclusively give bottles, but I would suggest nursing during the day and then giving a bottle before bed. See if that works. I highly recommend it.
This, too, shall pass! :)
Sounds like a fun day...and a tired Mommy! Thanks for the post! And thankful for the praises!
I think this is the first time I have commented, but I can't remember. I haven't read through the other comments yet, but I thought I would suggest an infant sleep positioner. They are WONDERFUL! I just gave mine to my sister in law or I would totally send it to you, but they aren't expensive. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=4645524
This is the link to the one I found online. And I even found it at Walmart because I know it's your favorite place. I would try it out and see how it works with Harper.
Cami in Colorado
It WILL get easier and she WILL start sleeping through the night. Although it might be sporadic at first.... ;) Hang in there
Oh girl! I know what you mean about fogs, standing while your baby screams, trying to visit etc! I'm praying for you! My little man MIGHT be finally settling down. He's been really fighting sleep lately and it's gets hard. We are thankful for our precious gifts, but we're human! I hope you can get some sweet sleep!
Hoping your getting some sleep :).
I think Avery's and Emma's will be taking over the world in 18 years.
Hi! Im Candela from Argentina. Im the one of million of anonim readers. I just pass every day but rarely i leave a comment. And i love you blog!Your baby is a sweet!
Well i was looking for a mail but i couldnt find it. Im just new here and have a blog about the things i do. So..if you perhaps have some time and would like to pass there..
Hope you like it!
even though this request doesn't really fit on your prayer blogs i would covet your prayers. my husband needs a job, he recently graduated from seminary with a masters of divinty and we desperately want to serve the Lord in a church and we can't find anything. please pray!!
Help! I just had time tonight to sit down and look through the rooms from last Friday but they are no longer there. Is there a way to see them or does it just last a day or two? Maybe on this Friday say how long it will be available so I'll know. I hate I missed it!!!
Hi Kelly...I was thinking that it may be time for Harper to be in her own room. You mentioned she was in her pack and play next to your bed. Maybe if you can not hear her so easily, she will figure out how to turn back over or sleep on her tummy. And you can maybe get a bit more sleep.
I hope she starts back to sleeping through the night. What does your pediatrician say?
I know how hard it is to go without your sleep. Hang in there mama!
Kelly I'm sorry you are so pooped out lately. Whew! I'm tired for you...;)
Cute photos of everyone!
~Melissa :)
Thanks for taking the time to post. I love to read your inspirational posts. Everyday I check to see if you have something new. For some reason... Everything you say is more fun and interseting than anything I say. Your such a great BLOGGER!:)lol
I promise Harper will come into her own-probably sooner than you think. I still love those late night-even though my eyes hurt the next day!
Stop by my blog --my baby will be 1 soon and I am doing birthday details until the 2nd of June.
Although I might need to take a break to do nursery on Friday--I love Cillian's nursery!!!
You have new mommy fog!! It comes and goes... welcome to Mommyhood. :)
I'm sorry you aren't getting much sleep. My kids have always been AMAZING sleepers (oh, that sounds like I'm rubbing it in) but they also don't nap which makes 7pm a bear. Harper WILL sleep through the night eventually and you WILL get 8 hours of sleep again.. promise!! This is only temporary but savor the midnight feedings.. it goes away all too fast.
Now go get some sleep.
Do you have one of those wedge things that keeps baby on her back? It has a wedge on both sides, and usually can be switched to they can lay on their side. If you have one, you could try using that at night. She couldn't roll onto her tummy, and may get more sleep. Good luck. Love your blog!!
Oh Kelly you are in my thoughts and prayers for some rest. I'm not a mother yet so I don't know much about parenting; however, you seem to be handling it all so well. You are an inspiration and your daughter is simply precious. For being exhausted you sure do just keep on "trucking" along and getting out. Just two more days until the weekend. Please take care of yourself and just focus on your beautiful family!
Hi Kelly! I love your blog, and Harper is just so precious!!! I just wanted to leave you a quick note to say we had the same issue with my daughter when she learned to roll over onto her tummy - she would roll over during the night and cry because she was confused. (She was almost five months at the time.) We finally let her cry it out one night after she rolled over, because she just kept rolling over again and again, so flipping her wasn't getting us anywhere. Within two nights she had started rolling herself over onto her tummy and sleeping through the night. I know every baby is different, but it might be worth a try! Good luck!
Praying for you!!! Do you think that Harper might be teething? My 4 month old is right now and he's having a tough time with it. A dose of tylenol and baby orajel at bedtime worked for him last night.
It seems as though they get into a good sleep pattern and then they have to go to the doctor for a check up and shots and it messes the whole thing up! Poor little things... what am I talking about? Poor mamas!!!
HI Kelly. I wanted to tell you that I can totally relate to your night. My baby boy REFUSED to sleep in his bed after about 10 PM last night and ended up in bed with me which is never a good thing. I'm afraid he will suffocate or get rolled on or something so I don't sleep so well. I think that babies just go through times when they don't sleep well -- especially if they are teething.
Also, I LOVE your where you live series. I don't participate because I live in a parsonage and most of the furniture isn't mine, nor is it "me". And my kids rooms aren't finished enough for me to want to share with anyone.....
Hope your Thursday is better!
in HIM -
I just had to post a comment when I read about your friends with baby girls names Avery. I'm 16 weeks pregnant and find out what I'm having in 18 more days, and if it's a girl, her name is going to be Avery Noelle! (Noelle is my middle name). I have loved that name for years and I really hope I get to use it!
You poor thing! I can relate with you since my little one did the same thing. Can you maybe try putting rolled up blankets on either side of her when she is sleeping so that it is a little harder for her to roll over them? Just a suggestion, and it will get better. Just keep trucking along!
Sorry Harper had a bad day :-(
My little guy has been pretty unhappy lately since he's cutting a new tooth...we're giving him teething tablets like candy!
The lack of sleep is SO hard! Do you have those sleep wedges for Harper? Those are a lifesaver is helping to keep a baby from rolling around while sleeping! I got ours at Target for about $15 I think?
We are in teething mode right now at 15 months so I'd love to say it gets better but we are right back to getting up at night again!
I just left a comment to bring that number up to 60 praises!! thank you so much for starting that blog and giving us a chance to pray over each other
You poor thing! I'm working on no sleep too, but for different reasons...big snake! I blogged about it. Anyway, I am going to pray for another long night of sleep for your precious girl!
I'm so sorry you're still not getting sleep. That is not fun.
I know it is rotten feeling so tired. My daughter was not a good sleeper at all. Not for a very long time...don't get discouraged though. I was told by many that I was part of the problem because I went to her immediately and didn't let her cry very long at all. She was one that would throw up if she screamed too long. I just didn't want to change sheets everynight either. I did eventually start letting her cry a little longer and learn settle herself but she was over a year old before I did. I have several friends that started letting their children settle themselves from a very early age and by 2-3 months they would just put them down and they would sleep all night. I guess I'm not that good.:) Do what works best for you. Hang in there...it will get better.
Note to self:
Never post about getting good sleep.
Never post about getting good sleep.
Never post about getting good sleep.
These little ones sure know when mommy writes about getting some good zzz's don't they? Elliott is famous for proving me wrong. Every time. It is funny that a few weeks ago, when I saw that Harper was sleeping well, I thought to myself...not for long.
I am not a superstitious person, but when it comes to this, I am convinced they know SOMETHING.
Hang in there! This too shall pass.
My 18 month old daughter's name is Avery! Who knew it would be such a trend?! LOVE it. I'm happy for your friends to have their own little "Avery"s.
My son, Hudson, slept horribly for 15 months but then he started sleeping great! Unfortunately I have no advice except sympathy and the tried and true "nothing last forever!!"
At least Harper is so pretty!! :)
lol just start chanting "this to shall pass".... in a blink of an eye she will be driving and then i'll be up with a whole new set of worries! ;)
Sounds like a wonderfully busy day!
I hope you get some better sleep soon! Just think-- Harper HAS slept thru the night before so you know she CAN do it, it is reasonable to expect that from her at this age so hopefully you can keep working on it and get her into a good routine very soon. Rest IS so important, for everyone! Best wishes!
I have a coupon for a free chips and queso dip from Chili's that I want to send you-
I can't find your email address anywhere on the blog- I know you get tons of emails but I thought you might want this one :)
If you get a chance (once you get some sleep :)) email me at:
cluthren@mailbox.sc.edu or post your email address somewhere so I can get you your favorite free chips from Chili's!
So sorry you're sleep deprived!! I remember those days. One day I was folding laundry and I had a HUGE pile of laundry beside me on the couch. It just looked so comfy and inviting. I remember thinking, "If I could just lay on top of that laundry, that would be so nice." So I just layed over on it and next thing I know, my neighbor is standing in front of me waking me up!!! She had let herself in and found me asleep on top of the laundry! haha
That is when I had four babies under four years old! But I was so embarassed!!
I feel your pain, believe me! ;)
I know you probably get a ton of unsolicited advice and I don't want to be one of those people! So if you want to try to get Harper sleeping through the night, I'd be happy to share some of my own experiences. In the meantime, I hope you get some sleep, and that you continue to enjoy every moment of being a mom!
We had the same problem with our girl, Addison, until we bought the best thing $25 can buy...A WEDGE!
Whether we put her on her tummy, back, or side, the wedge kept her from rolling over in her sleep (which was constantly waking us ALL up!)
Best of luck to you. You will both be MUCH happier once you can get some rest. Bless your hearts.
Hope you get some rest, Kelly!!!
Be sure to enter the fabulous Chobani Greek Yogurt giveaway on my blog...
I know the feeling. My son is 7 months and still wakes up every 3-4 hours all night everynight. He has not once slept all night, I guess he is just a hungry growing boy:) My little girl slept all night from 8 weeks. Just a difference I guess, wouldn't change anything for the world though;)
My son is 9 months and was doing that to me recently- ear infections caused it- yuck! I will admit for a while he slept in the swing all night because I was willing to do anything for sleep. Also, my animal crackers are now in a glass jar :) thanks!
Would you please email me your email address???
I know what you mean about a fog! I live in the fog most days! haha
I love the green striped dress Miss Emily is wearing! I have the same dress for Charlotte and Audrey, but in pink!! WAL-MART BABY! haha That was very nice of your old co-workers to invite you to the shower! I am sure it had to be nice to catch up with everyone!
PRAISES that your friend is doing better and out of the ICU!
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