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So Kris Allen won American Idol and I could not be happier! Apparently 38 million of the 100 million votes came from Arkansas. We don't mess around. Now if only we could vote for who wins football games ........the hogs would be national champions.
- I know Harper is smart.....but she is working on her multiplication tables of 2 this week. Saturday night she slept for a 10 hour stretch, Sunday night - an 8 hour stretch, Monday night - a 6 hour stretch (I'm not making this up), Tuesday night - we got a 4 hour stretch and last night ......if she got 2 straight hours in - I don't believe it. ha!

- I'm making some meals for a family in my church today and realized that I have never posted my recipe for Mexican chicken (a.k.a. King Ranch Chicken). I would just skip it and assume you all have it because it's such a staple but I would have assumed that about poppy seed chicken and hashbrown casserole too and I would have been wrong. So if you want it - it's on the recipe blog.
- Don't forget to clear off your dining room tables tonight of schoolwork, bills, crafts so you can take a picture for tomorrow's home tour. Or keep it real and show us how you REALLY use your dining room. ha!
Kaye is giving away another awesome tile on her blog today - in fact - I think she is giving away more than one!!! I don't think she has the post up yet but I have to post this while H is napping so keep checking back with her and sign up to win!!! You will love her stuff!!!!
- I could make about 5 wigs for locks of love out of the hair I have lost in the last few weeks. Thank goodness I have thick hair...............did ya'll have this issue after having a baby? It just started and it's ridiculous. We might as well have a golden lab in the house with all the (fake) blond hair I am shedding.
- Someone in our house is about to get REAL excited because there is a new dog park in town and if the stars all align this afternoon - Harper and I are going to take a certain white haired little person there today. Can't wait!
I'm glad to see him win Idol too. I'm glad small town American won a small victory.
Brent (Abby's Dad)
I lost a LOT of hair a couple of months after having my baby. It was awful!
I love the tile! Gonna go sign up now. :)
yes! The hair usually starts to fall out around 4 months. You are right on track. And since you are nursing it is a slow process. Mine didn't stop coming out until I quit nursing when the baby was 1. Good thing I have thick hair, too!
But the worst part of it is the new hair growth that pops up. My new hair is curly, which is strange!
My fell out too! It will get better!
We loved Kris as well even if we couldn't vote but I was glad he won.
I lost a ton of hair as well with both babies.
I am having a ton of hair fall out too! My hair dresser warned me that would happen, and she was right! Now the dining room, that's a room I can work with, ha! I think I'll be able to actually do this one since we never go in there :)
I am so happy that Kris won American Idol too! I don't have children yet, but I understand your pain about not getting sleep during the night. I have a black lab who lately wants to wake me up every hour just to play or jump in the bed with me. He is 110 lbs so he is way too big to sleep with Mommy!
Oh my god yes, the hair falling out thing happened to me...and it's still happening! I tell my husband all of the time that I am surprised that I am not bald yet. Unlike you, I did not have that much hair to begin with (and it's really thin), so every day when I see a glob of hair on my hand after washing it, I want to cry!
Yay for Arkansas!!
And yes my hair is falling out STILL!! Someone told me "naked naturals" shampoo helps. I just got some....we'll see!
i would so walk with you all today! bummers...much love!
YIPPEEEEEE for Kris winning!!!!!!! Can't wait until his album comes out!
hey is anyone else having trouble reading Kelly's blog?? every time i open the page, my internet shuts down.... :( i managed to open the reply page before it crashed this time, but i didn't get to read the post!
I was so excited Kris won, even if last night was my first time to hear him sing!HA! I'm sure my votes were what caused him to win!:)
Just get ready. Your hair may be falling out but in another month or two it will start growing back and you will have baby bangs. You can't imagine the extent of the bad hair days that go on around here. It seriously looks like someone took a weed eater to my bangs. It's awful! Am I encouraging or what? Haha!!
Have a fun day!!
YES!!! My son is 15 months old and my hair just now stopped falling out!! I miss my thick beautiful pregnancy hair!! Oh and Yay Kris!!!!! Oklahoma loves him too!!
When I had my first son nobody told me that all my hair would start to fall out either. I, like you, have very thick hair and I promise, you will think you are going bald before it gets back to normal. I asked my Dr and he told me it was perfectly normal, that your body is just hormonally getting back to your new "normal". The same thing happened with my second and I think now my hair is thicker than before!
My hair did the same thing! Yikes...It does stop after a while...smiles~
My hair just stopped falling out and Braelyn is 7 months old. I thought I would loose it all. Every morning when I washed my hair, I would have a handful of hair....not fun.
I love Harper's little dress. Don't ya love the faces they give you?
Happy cooking!
Thanks so much for sharing the giveaway information. Appreciate your kind nature more than you know.
Blessings today and always and please know I'm praying for more sleep for you and sweet Harper.
AKA "President of Kelly's Posse":)
Matthew 21:22
LOL with the comment about your hair.... i had the same problem after my first baby was born... i have dark hair and it was the most annoying thing to see all over the bathroom floor! then i had my second and guess what? it's happening again! but don;t worry it gets better after two months or so... i think it has to do with th IV or epidural we get while in labor. I have thick hair as well so my hair dresser tells me i can afford to loose some hair but how i feel sorry for those with thin hair, it must be torture!
And just hang in there Haprper will sleep throught the night again they do things like that on and off the first 6 months!
I am still loosing my hair after 4 1/2 months. Not used to it since I have thick hair. The person that cut my hair last time said it is because of the epidural. It is getting a little better.
Go KRIS! And if you are anything like I have been after 2 kids, you will continue to shed like a dog for, well I did for 4 years until my next pregnancy! LOL! Have fun with all that!
I lost a ridiculous amount of hair after I had my son! I think it was also because I seemed to lose none while I was pregnant with him. It went on for what seemed like months, as I recall. And then I had little fuzzies growing out forever- I had to cut bangs to hide them! He's 14 months and my hair seems pretty much back to normal now :)
I love Harper's little fishy dress! I have a friend who has been looking everywhere for that fabric, do you know where you got it from?
God bless you guys!
~Hannah in CA :)
Harper is so precious! I love her fishy outfit! A TEN hour stretch of straight sleeping?! Whoa! I bet that felt like a little slice of heaven... ;o) I could handle some of that right now!
Haha! Oops! The above comment from "Mike" was from me...Katie! Haha!
My son is a week older than Harper, and I just started going through the same thing! Hair is everywhere...all over me, all over him, all over our house! I only wish I had thick hair though...oh well!
My daughter will be 4 months old on the 27th and I started shedding too. I was prepared since this is my second kiddo. I just shampoo my hair less (I use dry shampoo on my roots in between washings) and I've given my blow dryer & flat iron a break. Not easy, but it helps!
Yes indeedy... especially after my 1st... she was about 4 months old and then handfuls of hair would come out... it was ridiculous. I asked the doctor and they said totally normal.
Apparently you shed 100 hairs a day normally, but not during pregnancy... you hold onto them (hence the extra full hair), but once those pregnancy hormones start to balance out after baby arrives, you start to lose your normal amount plus what you would have if you had not been pregnant.
Hang in there... I know it's a pain... and alarming at times!
Julie D. (FL)
Woohoo Kris!! I was SOO happy to see him win because he seems to be such a sweet and humble person who really doesnt realise how much talent he has. I will be buying his CD as soon as it comes out. Arkansas rocks!! The girls I nannied for had grandparents who lived in Conway :o)
I hope Harper's sleep gets better for you tonight. These babies are such teasers - they sleep through and make you think you have turned a corner and then just giggle - fooled you!!
Enjoy the dog park and this beautiful weather!
Katie :o)
first-isnt kris such a cutie, im so glad he won as well
also, i wish you could see my shower wall. its gross, but if i let all that hair that is falling out down the drain, id be buying draino every week! its insane. im lucky as well that I always have had thick thick hair, bc ever since kennedy was born i feel like i am losing it on a consistent basis. no fun...
Atleast your hair is blonde! My hair just started falling out too and it is DARK brown. It is sooo disgusting!!! Don't worry it will stop soon.
Yes. It is quite normal to start loosing hair at about 4 mos post-partum. Mine started at about 20 weeks and continued until my son was almost a year! It was at its worst when he was between 4 and 8 months. But I have very thick hair too so i didn't stress too much.
Hope Harper starts sleeping more.
Stacey in Missippi
Too funny about the poppyseed chicken. We stayed with new friends in Oklahoma last month (she's from Arkansas). We had poppyseed chicken, and I'd never had it before. I couldn't stop eating it. YUMMMMMMY!
Yeah Kris!
My hair shed a lot too...but don't worry, because my baby is one now and I haven't been shedding for awhile now. It's temporary, but it does make a mess in the bathroom. :)
I LOVE - LOVE what you said about voting for the Razorbacks! What a great idea! I told a friend this morning that I think Kris won because AR was so excited about him.
The hair thing is normal and may last awhile. In fact, at some point you're going to feel as if you're going bald. Just remember, the hair you're losing is only what you would have normally lost during the time you were pregnant. You lose very little hair during that time, so now you're getting rid of all of it at once plus what you would normally lose on a daily basis. It will eventually stop.
Kelly I love your blog. Seriously your baby girl is STUNNING! I love seeing her photos, she is just so beautiful. Love Kris Allen too...SOOOO happy he won!
Sorry, I meant to also say...
I've donated hair to Locks of Love 4 times in 9 years. The last time I planned my haircut right at the end of my pregnancy so that I would have more hair to donate. LOL Plus then after the baby was here I would have short hair falling out instead of really long hair. My hairstylist thought it was so funny, but I'm just a planner. LOL
Oh yes I lost tons of hair too! I would say for a good year after I had my babies! It grew back...slowly ;)
Have fun at the dog park! They are so entertaining!!
Love Harper's outfit!!
Oh yes the hair loss is normal. Watch the drain in the shower... My hair loss clogged ours up bad! It levels off after a bit and now at 1 year my hair is "normal" again minus the fact I dyed it dark brown :)
Can't wait to try the chicken.
Yes, my hair sheds like crazy and is thick too, we would have a brown lab in the house though! Wait, do labs shed?? HA!!! It is so annoying having to sweep up all that hair everytime I do it or brush it!! Hope Harper starts sleeping through the night again soon!
Hi Kelly- thanks for the recipe. I might try it out tonight! Sounds like something we'd LOVE!
I shed like CRAZY a few months after my son was born and then after a month or two, it just stopped and went back to normal. The worst part was when it all grew back in- I had an aura of baby hairs for a long time. Oh the joys- but its so worth it!
Aaaah, yes, the dreaded hair loss! It was awful. Don't worry, you won't go bald or anything, but finding hair all over the place is annoying. It will go away soon - I think mine lasted for a couple of months.
I will have to try your chicken recipe. I tried one before from a magazine and it was gross. Being from Texas you would think I had made it or even had it before my first attempt........ Nope neither.
AAAhhhh...the post-partum shed. Did it both times when my babies were about 4 months old. Don't will stop eventually! :)
I don't have any kids so I can't answer your question about hair falling out. lol. It's a good thing I have thick hair too though because when I do have kids, at least I'll still have some hair. lol. I'm go glad Kris won last night. I thought Adam would win just because it seems everyone online is fans of him. But Adam will get a record deal anyway. He'll get all kinds of offers. He's just way out there though. Kris is so wholesome! Looking forward to your new recipe. I LOVE looking at your recipes and seeing what looks good to make! Thank you for posting them! :) Hope you enjoy your day! (And also hope that Harper sleeps a lot tonight) lol.
My hair fell out for about 6 months after I had my baby, and I already have fine, thin hair. I thought it would never stop!
I was an Adam Lambert fan myself even though I'm from AR but Oh each is own and they were both good. I lost a ton of hair after Kai and am still losing it. I have a thyroid condition that adds to that though. The sleeping through the night thing is great until they stop. Kai was great about sleeping all night and then just started waking up again about 2mos ago...UGH! I am exhaughsted!!! I hope you have better luck with your precious baby girl Harper. She sure is sweet!
Mine started to fall out when Lena Kate was about 4 months and it is still coming out in gobs...5 weeks later. I find it everywhere...even in diapers...poor kid can't even escape Momma's hair falling out! Yes, thank God for thick hair
Don't worry about the shedding! I have hair shedding issues even though I have not ever had a baby. You will think that you are going to lose all of your hair but I promise you won't. I want to see some pictures of y'all at the dog park!
I love Kris! I live in Conway and we had huge watch/voting parties every single night. The Ferris Center at UCA was packed full multiple time. It's absoultly wonderful to see a good hearted, christian man win American Idol.
I had a really big hair loss problem right after I gave birth. I would brush my hair and what can out looked like a small animal. The only thing that helped was cutting. I had pretty long hair(about to where the back of my bra was) and I cut it to about the length of yours in your header picture. It helped a ton.
I still am loosing my hair like crazy and Alex is 2! I can not STAND it!!
Her eyes look so tired in the picture in her boppy!!!
Yay for Kris!!!!
I lost so much hair after having mine too.....I guess that's just normal. :)
Have fun at the park!
Girl me too! My hair dresser told me that normally your hair goes through "growth" and "shed" phases. When you are pregnant you stay in the growth phase. That's why pregnant women get such thick beautiful hair. Then after all the hormones start to get straight again, it starts back "growing" and "shedding" but now it has to shed all that extra hair that you hung onto during pregnancy. Lord, I thought I had some serious illness with my first baby. I somehow missed the hair falling out part in all the pregnancy books I read. Probably read it and forgot it! =)
Yes!!! I am losing all of my hair too. When I wash it it falls out in handfuls. Glad to know I am not the only one!!!
I used to have glorious thick hair, but since having 3 boys my hair has thinned out incredibly. I have started taking silicea gel and it has worked.
My hair is way thicker.
Even though I am not a hogs fan (I would be killed living in Norman if I wasn't a Sooner fan) I am sooooo glad he won American Idol. So glad that all of ya'll voted! Also, I lost so much hair after having Payton, my husband bought me a little thing to put over the drain. I had never had that problem before so I had never thought to cover the drain. Ha!
HOORAY FOR KRIS! i was on pins and needles. i don't have kids, so i don't know about the post baby hair loss, but i lost a bunch of hair a few months after i got married and i went to the dr and he said that stress can trigger hair loss and that you hair grows in 3 month cycles, so 3+ months after extreme stress can trigger big hair loss. so with harper in the NICU for awhile that could have sometime to do with it.
Poor Harper, her little eyes are red, and she looks so tired! Are Mommy's eyes red too? Hope you're able to take a good nap, if you're not getting sleep at night. :-)
Yes, like others have said, I lost tons of hair (for months) after I gave birth. Eventually everything returns to normal! :) It really did take about nine months for the side of my leg to get the feeling back, for my hair to stop falling out, and for my carpal tunnel issues to go away in my hands.
Oh the things we do for our sweet ones. That is a very precious picture!
YES!!! My hair started falling out too after I had my baby 7 months ago! It may just be that I don't get to wash it as much as I used to! HA!
After each baby, I lost more and more hair. It was outrageous. I, too, have thick hair, so you couldn't tell, but my vacuum cleaner certainly could!
YES! The hair goes after the baby comes...though it waits til month 3 or 4. I used to have VERY long hair, but got tired of cleaning up all the VERY long hair and chopped it all off! ha. :)
Poor Harper, she looks exhausted in that picture...I hope she can get back into the "sleep all night" routine for you.
AND, YAY KRIS!!!!!!!!!
I did a post today about how excited I was that Kris won Idol as well. He totally deserved it and I actually even danced around my living room after they announced him. God is good! Hope the Stamps family is all well, by the way I love Harper's little romper in the picture today, my daughter had he same one last year when she was that age =)
I normally don't comment, I just lurk. I know you probably get so many people telling you things all the time. But I just couldn't help myself this time! lol
I noticed how dark and red underneath her eyes are. My son has the same problem his are always really dark underneath and it's because he has allergies. The pediatrician refers to it as "allergy shiners" because they look like black eyes. Maybe she has allergies and that's why she's getting up soo often now? Just a suggestion maybe something to eventually look into if it doesn't get better. She sure is a cutie!
Harper's lack of sleep is showing, she looks so tired, poor thing :(.
Hope to see pics of Dawson loving the dog park!!!
My did the same thing after I had the was crazy. I have super thick hair but I even had one balding patch. It came back thicker ..........and DARKER!!! I was a blonde all of my life and now a dark brunett. I still highlight it.......alot!
Praying for Harper to sleep more soundly! Blessings!
Yep! Mine is falling out like crazy too! And then it will start growing back in and you'll get "baby bangs"! Fun!
Congratulations on another milestone of motherhood! I have a friend who didn't know hair could fall out after pregnancy and she seriously thought she had a horrible disease. And then you'll be discover what Amanda means by baby bangs!
soooo glad Kris won!!! way to go all you Arkansas people great job voting... sounds like you will have a fun day with little Miss H and Dawson!!
Cute post! Too bad Harper isn't still sleeping 10 hours! Too funny about your hair.
YAY for Kris winning American Idol!!! I love him!!!
My 6 month old has the same little outfit Harper has on. SO CUTE!!! And YES YES YES to the hair loss. Thank goodness I have thick hair because it literally falls out in clumps (after both of my girls), and especially in the shower when I'm washing it. I was shocked the first time it started. I'm just glad I could stand to lose a little:).
Have fun at the dog park!
After descibing the lack of sleep in your home, Harper's pictures is hilarious - she looks exhausted - like maybe someone else is the cause of sleep loss! :)
Your comment about cleaning off the dining table is too funny! As I type mine is covered with paper, glue, paper cutter, ribbon, scissors and more. I am in the middle of making Patriotic decorations. Paper chains, firecracker centerpieces and more!
I have the same thing with my hair! With my first it started falling out at 6 months. With my second it started at 3 months! It lasted a couple of months the first time and seems to be slowing down now, which would be a little more that 2 months.
I just make sure I take a vitamin and try to eat well! I said try!
I have thick hair as well, but it does make me very nervous!
My son (5 1/2 months) does not do well at night either! I know it will get better . . . just waiting it out I guess!
I just started reading your blog recently - and it's SO FUN and sweet! Anyways just wanted to let you know that I didn't STOP losing my hair until after I stopped breastfeeding. Many a doctor, beautician, and friend said oh around 6-9 months you'll see it start to lessen. No ma' took a whole month after I stopped nursing to keep my locks off the floor, out of the drain, and just plan on my head. (So that was a 11 months for me) Be thankful for thick hair, I know I was :)
P.S love the "name sign" -- I'm going to sign up RIGHT NOW!
My hair fell out by the droves. The girl that does my hair commented several months back that it was going to start looking really funny soon because of all the new growth. I am in the funny looking stage right now and my hair straightener just died to make things worse.
We Arkansans showed them didn't we?! :) They basically wrote our boy Kris off Tuesday night, but don't count us out! lol
Also, I have thick, long hair and it fell out constantly. It shall pass soon!
I laughed about Harper's silly sleeping habits/ sometimes seems as if they know, right? Well, hopefully she'll start multiplying those numbers back up soon! Oh, and the doesn't really fall out while pregnant, so after a few months beyond giving birth, there will be more strands of hair lost than you're used to. Mine started getting wavy after my 2nd baby, too...which is odd after having completely stick-straight hair for about 25 yrs. Hope you all get to enjoy the dog park!
Harper's got those tired red, I need sleep baby eyes in that pic. It never ends, mine is 4 and still gets those eyes.
YES, my hair fell out in clumps. It's the hormones readjusting.
I took my pictures yesterday. Actually I went through my entire house and took pictures for future blog posts...
Girl, you are so cute! I check in on your blog from time to time. I live in your area and am good friends with Amanda Vestal.
Great Blog!!
I'm so glad Kris won!! Did you know he is a worship leader at New Life Church in Conway? My co-worker goes to church there and says he is a great christian guy!! Hope you have fun at the dog park!! I wish we had one here.
I think it's normal to lose hair after having a baby. My mom had incredibly thick, curly hair all through her life, but after she had me it got much thinner and the curls became more relaxed. It happened again after she had my sister. She said it was actually a blessing, because it's a lot softer and easier to take care of now.
Have fun at the dog park!
I remember my hair falling out after I had Mabry. I was really upset because I had never heard of such a thing and was convinced I was going to go bald. Can we say left over pregnancy hormones? After awhile it calmed down and stopped falling out so much. Though I still sometimes notice it and she is almost 2 and hasn't nursed in 6 months. Thank the Lord for thick hair!
southern people don't mess around, do they? i'm so excited kris won... if it wasn't danny then he's the next best shot! i've just started following your blog and i enjoy it. your little harper is too cute!
It's very common to start losing all that hair about 4 months postpartum. It won't slow down for awhile. Thankfully, you probably didn't lose much at all during pregnancy, so it's just making up for lost time!!! This has happened with all of my babies. You're completely normal, and I promise you won't go bald! :)
Yes! I have lost so much hair since having my baby it's a wonder I'm not bald!! It's gotten better recently though. My husband used to be amazed at all the places he'd find hair. The funniest was usually when he changed our baby's diaper, she'd have hairs in her diaper. Ha!
Yes, I am still losing tons of hair and he is 7 months old today! Harper looks like she was up all night in that pic, but she's still beautiful!
Hey Kelly!
Yep, I lost a ton of hair after both my boys were born...which totally bit because I have really thin hair. I just had to stick it in a pony tail for several months. Oh, and after loosing it I started growing it...not the thick locks I wanted, just new growth on my hair line around my face. Yep, a bunch of crazy baby hairs that will not be tamed...even now, almost a year after my youngest was born, I still have wild baby hair all around my hair line! I would love to cut bangs to cover, but I have a cowlick and bangs just don't work. Boohoo! One more thing the other moms I know never mentioned when I got pregnant!
That hair thing is the worst!! I seriously had bald spots on both sides of my head right above my ears. It freaked my hubby out! It grows back, but it takes FOREVER!!! It lasted a really long time with both of mine so get used to it!
I lost tons of hair after both of my pregnancies! After my first pregnancy, I thought something was wrong, but it is completely normal and now my hair is back to normal as well. I enjoyed having all of that hair b/c it was so thick, now it's thin again :)
I enjoy reading your blog daily!
All four started at almost three months, and for about three months I had thin, straggly hair, especially on the side near my forehead. I cut it short each time. But, after that was done, it came in curlier and curlier each time and now I have nicer hair than I've ever had. So I grew it long again!
YES! on the hair! if you think that it is bad, wait until it starts growing back and you'll have little sprouts all over your head! Keep popping the pre-natals and nioxin is a great shampoo for growing the hair back! :)
Oh my goodness did I lose a lot of hair...I also have a thick head of hair but I finally chopped it really short so it wouldn't stop up the shower drain ahahahah. Yes I think it's normal. But while I was pregnant I had beautiful, thick, wavy hair.
OH YES! I'm shedding. I find my hair everywhere (my daughter is 4 1/2 months old). I also wear glasses so, I can't see my hair as it circles my drain in the shower until its TOO late. Ha. Enjoy. With my son 4 years ago I had to have bangs cut because my hair in the front came out and when it started growing back is was all catiwompus. So fun. But totally worth it! Course I don't have to tell you that.
On the "hairy" issue...Yes! I lost tons, but, good news, it does stop and grow again. :)
I am so relieved (well, not for you, but to know that I'm not alone) to know that I'm not alone with the sleeping issues!
I have 3 kids- Gabriel, 4, Louise 2 and Alice who is just a week younger than Harper (she was born Jan. 26). Gabriel and Louise both, at around 2 months, just went from sleeping 4 hours to sleeping 12 hours and that was it, they did their nights from then on out. Alice, on the other hand, has been practicing numerous multiplication tables and even inventing her own since she was 2 months old!!! One night it will be 12 hours, the next night 4, the next night 6. We live in Paris (I'm American, my husband is French) and the kids share a room, but I haven't moved Alice into the nursery yet because of her weird sleeping patterns.
One of these days, right?
I just found your blog recently and love reading!
Harper always has the cutest little outfits. I hope she lets you sleep at least 6 hours tonight ;)
I am so confused on the sleeping arrangements of our 4 month old too. I am so sleep deprived I have no idea what time I am getting up anymore. My hair started falling out a couple of weeks ago and will not stop coming out in clumps. You are not alone. I cut my hair off yesterday to at least shorten the hairs the won't stay where they are supposed to. :)
Oh yes, my hair is falling out like crazy. I have a bald patch on one side of my forehead. I look real cute with a ponytail right now, let me tell ya. Enjoy the dog park! We used to love to take Beckham when we lived in Dallas.
Yes - around 4 months PP all the hair you held onto during your pregnancy falls out. It is quite alarming at first.
I know you support your home boy Kris, but I was sad that Adam (IMO the better talent) did not get his deserved title.
I just took a look at my dining room, which is probably the only room I would come close to consider sharing and it is in need of a tidy up I guess I won't be participating tomorrow, but I do enjoy seeing all the other homes!
I'm with you on the hair loss. Jude is 7 and a half months old and there is still no slowing. I could probably wig an entire cancer ward. I've always had REALLY thick hair, but this is crazy1
She is just a doll! Hopefully more sleep is in your near future! :)
My hair has been falling out for about 3 months now. It started about 4 months after having my baby girl ... and it's still falling out! I have fairly thin hair to begin with - hopefully it stops soon! (and I'm tired of vacuuming and sweeping hair!)
Oh yeah, i had my twins 6 months ago and i started shedding tons of hair around 2-3mos post partum and i am still shedding like crazy, you would think i would be bald by now or it would of at least thinned my hair but nope, still have thick hair. LOL
I wonder how long it will last, its been too long for me to remember with my older twins.
I found this on a blog. I doubt your case is as extreme as this bloggers, but worthy of passing along what worked for her!
Fast forward four years and two babies later. I began to lose my hair. The majority of postpartum women go through a shedding time a few months after delivery. I considered this as the cause for my hair loss. But I kept losing hair. I was losing it in gobs. And I noticed that I wasn't really recovering from my c-section. I continued to be greatly fatigued. My muscles felt like lead. My brain was in a perpetual fog. I lost my ability to follow conversation and to stay awake as long as my children. And I kept losing my hair!
I saw doctors, doctors and more doctors... both allopathic and alternative health practitioners. I had tests, tests and more tests. Every doctor could tell me what it wasn't but none could tell me what it was. Even the holistic therapies made no noticeable difference. This debilitating fatigue lasted over four years. I lost 75% of my hair volume. Meanwhile, I was still eating an impeccable diet.
During those years, I had also been taking various health food store vitamins... at no small cost! I read about vitamin deficiencies but thought that couldn't be my problem since I was taking expensive supplements. I switched them out from time to time, but never saw any improvement.
Fast forward to my introduction to Shaklee. It was actually the toxin-free cleaning products that first drew my attention to Shaklee. Since I was very health-conscious, I wanted our kids to grow up in a safe environment and I decided to give Shaklee's Get Clean a try. Then I began learning about their supplements and what makes them unique. I didn't think they could be that much different than my other supplements. But I gave them a try as I did everything else that had the potential for healing.
This brings me pretty much to the end of the story. Within two weeks of starting Shaklee's multi-vitamin and B Complex, my hair stopped falling out and I began to feel alive again. Within two months I was daring to call myself normal. Could it be that I, who was so well-nourished, was vitamin-deficient? Could it be that my body was displaying signs and symptoms as a call for nourishment above my stellar diet?
In looking back, I can see that my body was so seriously depleted from my years of negative nutrition that, after two babies, my systems began to shut down. I may have been getting a dosage of nutrients from my food sufficient for the day, but NOT to make up for lost ground. And I may have been getting some help from the supplements I was taking, but I have learned a lot about why the vitamins I was swallowing were not being used by my body... I'll have to post soon about how to read vitamin labels.
I'm not claiming that vitamins will heal all diseases. I'm just sharing my story and saying that maybe, just maybe, your body is where mine was in crying out for good nourishment.
Here are the links for the products mentioned in the post:
Hi hon, I rarely comment, but always read. I was thrilled that Kris won too!
As far as the hair goes, totally normal. You'll lose hair for a couple of weeks to a couple of months, mass amounts, it's all those hormones! It'll slow down though, no worries!
Have a wonderful good day.
GOD Bless
i love all the bows you have for harper...thanks for sharing where you get them! my sil is about to have a girl and i cant wait to get her some! also, yes i lost tons of hair while nursing, both with my first and now with my 2nd!..soon you will start to get new baby hairs that grow...ohh the joys of motherhood!!! but i wouldnt change it for anything!
I lost a lot of hair (mostly in the shower)after my first daughter up until I got pregnant with my second daughter when my first was 11 months old. My little one is 7 weeks old today and I haven't started losing hair again just yet, I'm hoping I don't since I have baby fine hair as it is.
My OB told me to continue to take my prenatal supplements even well after I had stopped breast feeding, and a few extras don't hurt either if taken the right way.
Why is Harper red underneath her eyes?
Yep, I thought Kris might win just from what I'd heard everyone saying.
yes girl! I lost so much hair after my little boy arrived. It didn't stop falling out until he was 8-9 months old. I ended up just keeping our spare dustbuster in the bathroom. I had to vacuum each time I did my hair!
OH MY GOSH---I am so glad I'm not alone in the hair-shedding thing! Kelly, it's ridiculous. I was almost worried something was medically wrong with me. Whew! Yes, I am shedding like a dog too. At first I thought it was because my hair was long but yours is short, so I guess it's universal? Now I feel better..
I lost a ton of hair after having my son. Two years later and it is STILL growing back. I honestly thought I would go bald:) I was told by several people that this is very normal though very annoying. I now have a ton of little wispys all the time thanks to the regrowth. It was all worth it though....and I would have another child again and lose my hair in a heartbeat:)
Ah yes, the hair loss. It stink, but it is totally normal. Good luck!!
Oh girl! On the hair! I went so crazy after my first one losing hair that I made my friends examine my part line almost weekly (ok..more like daily!) b/c I really thought I was going bald! I didn't have long between pregnancies so it started getting thick again...Now I'm 18 months postpardom and still losing hair, but luckily I have so much hair that it's only noticable to me! Plus right after you get highlights it looks way thicker so that's also a cure for me! I love getting my hair highlighted!! =)
I lost so much hair after my sons were born that I asked my husband, "Since God knows how many hairs I have on my head, why is he letting more than I had before fall out?" :-).
Don't worry, I'm back to normal now, though (my youngest is turning 3 next week).
I few months after my Kyndra was born my hair came out like crazy! I could've swore I had a bald spot somewhere....
My daughter is 11 months old, and I'm surprised I'm not bald!! I guess my house looks like a big ole brown poodle lives in it!!
I SO understand about the hair....I went about 3-4 months before my hair started falling out again after my precious boy was born. I pull out TONS everyday! I sure didn't miss that while pregnant! :)
I am so excited for Kris Allen and what that has done for Arkansas.
I lost lots of hair a year after my daughter was born. It was so strange. I was gettting my hair cut and the hair dresser was washing my hair. Wads of it were coming out. She asked me if I had been sick. I told her no. She talked me into going to see my OBGYN to see what was going on. In all of her years of cutting hair, she had never seen someone lose their hair after almost a year of having a baby. She thought it happened a few months after the child is born. Well, I went to the doctor and had my Thyroid checked and a physical. Eveything came back fine. I was just late losing my hair. My hair is thick, too, so no one really noticed except my hair dresser and me. It was really weird.
Oh how I love to read bullited lists!! I love a bunch of random thoughts!!
Hope you guys had great day! I hope some certain little white haired dog had some fun at the doggie park today.
yup the 4 month fall out lol
poor Harper, she looks like she was way past her nap time!
My hair loss started about 4 months post partum with all 3 of my girls. It's awful! My hairdresser was very concerned with my last 2 pregnancies because I lost so much hair. Yuck!
We love Kris Allen! sooo happy he won! Your daughter is precious.
"King Ranch Chicken" is my husband's favorite dish that I make. In fact we had it for dinner Tuesday night.
I was SO VERY happy that Kris Allen won last night!!!
When I had my daughter, I didn't lose any hair at the 4 month mark and I thought I got off easily...until around 10 months and then I was shedding like a dog. Seriously, when I got out of the shower it looked like a dog had been in there. But, eventually it all evened out.
Harper is precious!
YEs! With the hair! My hairdresser even confirmed it when I had my first child. He said it doesn't start until around 3-6 months after birth and can last several months. Get ready! Get the switfer out!
I'm very happy with the Kris win too! I put only Kris Allen music on my blog for the next week or so as my little yippe! : )
Love Harper's picture!! She is a beauty. My hair was right above my shoulders when I had my son. My hair is VERY thick also, however, when I started shedding after his birth (about four months) I got nervous. Doc's found that I was a little anemic. Of course lack of sleep doesn't help either.
I always lost my hair exactly 4 months after my babies were born. I read recently it is because there is a hormone that causes the baby's hair to grow - and bonus, it makes momma's grow too. But a few weeks after birth, that hormone depletes and we shed like dogs in summer.
It ALSO depletes in the baby about this time - so at the same time their hair falls out and they get the little bald businessman look! So if Harper's hair is not falling out yet - get ready!
PS - Harper may be on a growth spurt. They come like clockwork at 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months. All you can do is feed her nonstop for 3 days. It totally stinks but it only lasts a couple of days.
Also - she was such a big baby wasn't she, she may need cereal to make it through the night. My daughter was a 10 pounder, and she slept thru the night at 5 weeks but started waking up at 7 weeks (it was cruel, I tell ya, to get the sleep and then have it taken away.) The dr said she was so big she was hungry, so I put a formula scoop of cereal in every bottle, and after a week she was sleeping 10-12 hours again.
Yes, with both of my babies! Apparently right around 4 months after you have a baby your hormones change and it causes your hair to fall out! I was glad I had thick hair, for a change!
I'm SO excited that Kris won too! I can't believe we had 38 million of the votes. That's crazy! I'm just pumped that someone with a strong walk with God is going to be influencing this country, rather than the alternative. I'm also sad, but happy too, to hear that you're losing hair. I started losing handfuls of hair in the shower just a couple of weeks ago. Nice to know someone's there with me. I thought maybe it was because I was weaning, but maybe it's just the weather? I'd like to think it's the weather. :)
I just love all the cute little headbands Harper is always wearing...I def. want a girl when I have kids so I can do the same =)
I went through losing a bunch of hair when the boys were 4 months old. It came out in bunches when I would take a shower. Pregnancy is so good for your skin, hair, nails and breasts. I wish you could bottle it!
I was certain my hair would not come back! I got not just a receding hair line but two total bald spots while nursing! It did come back though after I stopped nursing- phew!!! Also, you inspired me & I went out and got a glass canister @ Tuesday Morning to replace that ugly plastic monstrosity that our animal crackers were in :) THANKS
Woohoo for Kris and Aekansas:)
Yes, my hair started falling out like crazy when B was about 4 seemed to stop after a couple of months but recently started again (she's 9 months now). Isn't it bizarre? And I found it si strange that I'd never gotten the memo about that happening:)
Thank you for sharing Kaye's site! I found something that I absolutely love (the verse we used for our wedding)! Thanks!
hey! after my first child, i had the same hair loss problem. it got worse when i stopped taking my pre-natal vitamin. after my second child, when he was about 3 months old, i had this CRAZY oily scalp issue, as in, poor-canola-oil-over-your-head bad! i had to get special shampoo to fix it! ha! good luck, it will get better =)
Um, YES! I'm losing a ton of hair! Everytime I wash my hair, my hands are covered in it. You'll get some new hair growth soon...hence the name of Amanda's blog Baby Bangs!
Yes! I am losing TONS of hair too! I see it all the time with my customers who have just had babies (I'm a hairstylist.) Harper is sooo sweet!
I love a list, too! Love you, Kelly! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog and for your prayers. I keep thinking about you in my "post partum recovery" stuff....remembering that you were dealing with all the things I am dealing with WHILE your daughter was in the NICU. I am humbled by it...because the emotions alone are so tough...even without hospital stays, sickness, etc.
I can't wait to get our girls together someday!!! Harper is adorable in that outfit and bow, BTW!
Love ya!
Just found out about your blog from a friend....she said you were in NWA and had a great blog to read. We live in Springdale, have a 4 month old and I'm losing hair like crazy too! :-) Looks like I'm going to be hooked on this blog as well!
YAY!! I'm a Kris fan too, although not from Arkansas. We're in WV and we love the down home boy like the rest of the Arkansas natives! And to answer your question....yes I lost my hair by the handfuls after I had Ethan. It stopped pretty quickly though, almost like my vitamins had to kick back in!
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