Today we had Play Group at this little pumpkin's house (John Michael). His momma, Mary Avery, is going to have another baby in November and we are so excited!
Sarah Kate just LOVES Harper and she ATTACKS her every time she sees her. It just tickles me. Harper doesn't know what to think. I can't wait for a few more months when Harper is sitting up and they can actually "play" together. It literally makes my heart just want to burst with happiness to see our girls being friends.
This is Robin and Caleb. Caleb is one month younger than Harper and getting so big. He is always so calm and good. The only thing that scared him was Harper's bow. He got a horrible look on his face after he saw it.
I was thinking yesterday that IF we have another child and IF that child is a girl - we are going to have to come up with a unique, cute name that starts with an H. So if you know any - send them to me. I like to plan ahead you know. ha! (And if it's a boy - we already know his name would be Hudson and I have so much girl stuff with just an "H" on it - it would a shame to waste!)
Remember if you would like to win some free ice cream (and seriously - who wouldn't????) - go and leave me a comment here.
Okay - Miss Harper is taking a nap and I have a LONG list of chores to get done before she wakes back up! Have a GREAT day!!!!
P.S. Harper slept on her stomach most of last night. I couldn't keep her off of it. She kept rolling over so Scott and I just prayed really hard over her and I had to give my worry over to the ONE who created her. We gave her over to God the minute she was born. Scott and I said right then and there that if God took her we would still praise Him and we would have. So even though I'm terrified of SIDS and the swine flu and cancer and car wrecks and anything else that could possibly happen to her - her little life is in His hands and only He knows the hours or the days that she will live. And I sleep a lot better knowing I'm not in control. And she slept a little better too. :-)
Kelly, I so remember those fears and now my baby boy (a year old...sniff sniff) loves to sleep on his tummy!! He did when he was an infant too and it was scary, but then you hear the voices of a million women telling you that's what they used to recommend...yada yada yada! Here's to hoping you find what works with sweet Harper...AND, keep up the good work on raising her the right way and the ONE will keep His hand on her!!
Yay for sleep! You're doing great. I remember with my first that every single little thing worried me to death. All you can do is your best, and glorify the Father, and the rest is in His very capable hands!
I love the name Hadley for a girl! Very different and not alot of people have it! Also, my son slept on his stomach starting at 2 weeks old, and since he had good head control I didn't worry about it too much, he slept alot more sound!
I've never commented here before...but I started DVRing the reality show Southern Belles on SoapNet & love the name Hadley (for future planning!).
Oh yes! You must post that dirt desert for sure! I usually just read and not comment but that brought me out of hibernation :-) My nine year old just saw that and about came through the computer! About Harper rolling over...You will never get sleep if you don't let her sleep on her tummy. We are all terrified of SIDS...but by this time, she's capable of turning herself, holding herself up and that means she can get her face out of the mattress and breathe safely too. :-) And yes, we are not in control. I have a hard time with that..but I'm trying. I just had to tell you I so enjoy your have been a huge witness to me. Thank you.
No wonder Caleb was so scared of the beautiful bow, it's as big as his face. Kelly your funny.
hey girl! i LOVE "H" fact i'm pregnant and if we have a girl, her name will be sadie harper! a couple of other names i love are hadley, hampton, and halli.
Haven, Halle/Hallie, or Heidi
Oh, I like Hadley too, we know only one...very different. What about Hudson? Maybe Hayden? Harley? I love boys names used for girls. Although I have an Ellie and an Ethan and Ruby Kate will arrive in August!
Sweet Harper is growing so fast! Beautiful little girl! What an answer to prayer! Go God!
Love you guys just like I know you! =)
names... we had a lot of H names picked out to go w/ our last name (hill). my fave is harper, too, but we also liked hayden for a girl. i used to model with a beautiful auburn haired, green eyed girl named hayden, and it stuck w/ me.
tummy sleeping.... my mom laughs because once i came home and she had brax asleep on his tummy--i freaked out, saying "you're going to KILL him!!!!!!!!!" she just chuckled, and said, "honey, you slept on YOUR tummy from the day you were born--i didn't kill YOU, did i?????" harper will be just fine.... she's old enough to pick her head up if she needs to adjust it.
with that said, i totally feel the same way about trying to give brax to God and not worry about all the horrible things that could happen to him. especially after reading blog after blog of sad baby stories.... it's easy to let satan take over and imagine the worst. but your post reminded me that God is in control.... NO MATTER WHAT.
ps. do you really read ALL these comments???????
Cute H names include
Hadley and Hallie
I think Hadley Rose is just gorgeous.
i think harrison is cute for a girl and dirt cake is delicious!
I LOVE that bib and just might have to try and make one like it sometime!
My mind would fill with worry each night when I laid D down to sleep
and I would do exactly the same thing...PRAY and give him over to God!!! Our children belong to Him not us and it's the only thing we can do. How privileged are we that God has entrusted us to care for some of His children here on earth???
Gee, I thought I was going to be original with my suggestion of Hadley, but I guess not. My 18 year old cousin has that name and he's a boy so it work either way... although I wouldn't put a male Hadley in that bib! ha.
I'm a fan of Hallie Grace...goes nicely with Harper Brown I think.
I like Haven also.
My "H" pick for the next girl is Hadley.
My boys both liked their tummies for sleeping and we took the bumper pads out as an added precaution so that they couldn't get wedged inbetween the matress and the pads.
We also invested in a Baby Angel Care monitor. It is a baby monitor with a sensor pad that fits under the matress. It can detect the slighest breathing and has an alarm that goes off it no movement is detected in 15 seconds. It actually beeps a warning beep and then the full alarm goes off if the baby doesn't move. Our youngset has sleep apenea and set it off quite frequently the first few months of his life.
I think Graco makes them now.
Hilary or Heidi... I think both of them are cute. But I think you will have a boy next.
I've never posted a comment before either, but I LOVE talking about baby names. It's funny, Hadley was a name I was going to suggest too; actually, that was what my dad was almost named, but I really like it for a girl! Hannah is of course a classic pretty name, too. I'm gonna have to keep thinking of some H names!
Also, since I'm taking the time to post a comment, I just wanted to say I've been following your blog since Harper was born, and even though I don't know you, your personality and your spirituality are inspirational to me. I often find myself questioning when bad things happen now and thinking "I wonder what Kelly would say about what God is doing in this situation?" You are definitely a very influential person.
I love the pics of baby Harper, too. She is SO cute (but you knew that!)
I agree with the other ladies, once they are old enough to roll over to their tummy, there isn't much you can do and I think their risk reduces dramatically. But I know the fear in your heart, you will always have it as long as your are a mother! :)
I like the name Hudson for a girl!
I like Hallie and Hadley. I think it would be neat if you had a boy next time! One of each seems like it would be fun!:)
I'm such a worrier and I would pray a lot during the night as well! The first time Brody slept through the night, I woke up at 7 and ran into his room and found him on his stomach and almost freaked out! I scooped him up to make sure he was breathing. He got so mad because he was sleeping great until I came in!:) I think that was the moment I realized I had to let go. We have all been there, too! You are doing great!
Our youngest daughter used to do the same thing and we talked to her doctor about it and he said it was fine because she was old enough to roll over and could raise her head. I think she was about Harper's age. We prayed too though :) I would see what her doctor says..maybe it would give you some "extra" peace! ha I love the name Hadley that everyone is suggesting! And the dirt cake looks sooo delicious. I am expecting and now I'm craving it and I don't even know what it tastes like!! haha Must go to store... :)
what about Holiday for a girls name?
Hali and Hadley are super sweet too!
I just had to tell you that when I glanced at the "Slow Churned" ad on the sidebar,I thought it said "Church" and the people looked like they were praising the Lord. I was excited about Christian ice cream! lol Oh well, I still think it is a gift from God. Harper is a doll. Lovin' those hair bows.
Halle, Hope and Hunter.
I want to tell you what my Pediatrician told me when I was stressing over one of mine sleeping on their tummy...he said, "you and I (meaning me and him obviously) both slept on our tummies and we were just fine...truth is no one knows what causes SIDS and what direction a baby lays is just a guess...truth of the matter is, they change their recommendations every few that baby to God's care and let him sleep on his tummy"...and so I did.
Can you get the foam bumpers so she doesn't move?
I have the same problem! My daughter has so many clothes, bibs, burp clothes, onesies... I could go on and on with either her name or an "M" on it... It has seriously crossed my mind to try and figure out an "M" name if I have another girl!
Never to early to be prepared with names. When my daughter Ivy was only 6months old, surprise I got pregnant again. Took two years the first time to get pregnant, so it was really a surprise. Anyways I thought I would put my two cents in about the H names. Haylee, Harmony, and my fav. Hazel. I always enjoy reading your blog, keep up the great work on sharing.
SIDS was all I could think about when my babies were baby-babies...But i read somewhere and asked are pedi if I should roll them back over when they roll onto thier bellies. once they can roll over and lift thier little heads, they're okay! I still check on them though when we go to bed and when hubby wakes for work at 3 am.
Looks like y'all had a ton of fun! :)
Oh...and that baby who slept on his tummy...he'll be getting his drivers license in about three weeks !!! Yikes!
I freaked out a little, too, when my Lourdyn started flipping onto her stomach to sleep. Every new stage seems to give me more things to worry about! She is doing awesome, though, and I'm sure Harper will as well. :)
When I was a baby (back in the stone ages), that's how everybody recommended babies sleep! My mom put me on my tummy to sleep, and I'm still here. I honestly believe that's why I sleep on my stomach to this day! Isn't it funny how recommendations change so dramatically?
That being said, I'm going to be one worry wort of a mother, and I completely don't blame you for worrying about her :) She gets more precious every day!
I just wanted to let you know that Both of my children (son 3 1/2 and daughter 14 months) have insisted on sleeping on their bellies since they could roll over. I mentioned it to my pediatrician with my son and he said "go home call your mother and ask her how she was told to put you to sleep!". I did and of course she put us to bed on our bellies. So I let go of that fear and my children are excellent sleepers now! Just a thought!!
Aren't play groups awesome? I've found such life and support and hope in spending time with others mom's and hearing that I'm not alone in my crazy adventures. My daughter slept on her stomach almost right from birth. We got a lot of flack but I always felt that no matter what I do, my child will be with her Father on his timing no matter what I do. You're right, they are in His hands and those hands are faithful. God Bless Kelly!
Like you I was terrified of SIDS (and still am). But I also knew that whatever is meant to be is in the Lord's hands. He knows how long my precious baby will be on this earth and nothing can change that. That being said, Angel Care makes a monitor with a sensor pad to go under the crib mattress. it senses the baby's breathing and if it doesn't feel the baby moving, and alarm goes off. Someone gave me one as a shower gift b/c her sister works in a NICU and said they used them for the babies in there. I love ours. Anyway, just a friendly tip.
our backup name for adelaide was hadley. i also like hartley and hattie. you picked a good letter because i think most girl h names are cute!
I love Hayden and Hannah! Those are my favs. Looks like the play date was fun and I can't wait to make that dessert! Yum!
If they are the ones doing the rolling, there is no need to worry. Still no blankies, animals, etc, but you can rest easy about her sleeping on the stomach. Maybe she will even sleep a little better.
My baby would ONLY sleep on her stomach, we bought this breathing monitor.
I knew God was bigger than a monitor, I also slept better having it under her. This one had better reviews than many others. We used it until she turned a year and only had 2 false (I still really don't know if they were false alarms.)
I like Hartleigh and Harley!! Harper just gets cuter everyday!!
My daughter would ONLY sleep on her stomach from the moment she was born. Otherwise, I was literally up every 15 minutes. I prayed over her many times and can't even count on the number of times I checked on her throughout the night just placing my hand on her back to make sure she was still breathing. So I totally feel your pain but the doctor assured us it was ok as long as there wasn't anything near her like a blanket or stuffed animal.
I love to think of names so I decided to jump in. I looked on our company website for H first names - for heaven's sake don't use Heather, Hope or Holly! Wow, there are a lot of those out there! I did see any interesting spelling of Haley I liked (Haleh). Then I looked at last names (so you could continue your trend) & I really liked: Haisley, Hampton, & Holland.
Thanks so much for the little ps at the end of your post. I guess every mom is terrified of those things and I think those of us who have had a hard time with pregnancy(I had 3 miscarriages) are especially so. An I still freak out over those things and my little is 2. I needed the remember about God being in control. Being a control freak I tend to forget that!
Hadley is a very cute "H" name that I would have loved to name my daughter but we were going with "t" to go with her brother. Harper and Hadley, wouldn't that be cute?
CRAZY!! I have loved the name Hadley for years and years... look how many people like it! :) I still love it though. I also love Hazel. Haeden, Harper, Haddie and Huston are all cute for girls.:)
Before everyone started talking about SIDS, doctors recommended babies sleeping on their stomachs.
My mom let my brother and I sleep on our stomachs and nothing happened to us. If you think about people are ALWAYS talking about something that's bad for your child now that used to be good.
Don't live your life in fear girl! God is big enough to take care of everything.
Also, I'm not sure you could reuse Harper's things that have H's on them if you have a boy. A boy with a pink bib would look kind of funny. :)
I think once they are turning over the SIDS stats drop pretty low. Rest easy.=)
Hadley!! My friend named her little girl that and it is adorable!!
My boys are Cash and Cillian (Killian with a C) and I love them together!!
Planning ahead is great!
The name Harlow is super cute =)
I forgot to say that she's old enough now, so it's nothing to worry about.
Kelly- My daughter has been a stomach sleeping since Harper's age, I couldn't fight it and why mess with a good thing that makes them sleep?! She will be just fine and I will say a little prayer for her as well each night for your peace of mind. Take care!
I can totally identify with your concerns over babies sleeping on their bellies! My daughter (now 17 months) would NOT sleep on her back from birth, but would instantly and happily fall asleep on her belly. I had to accept that no matter what medical sources say, God created her with the need to sleep on her belly, and HE was going to take care of her! Don't worry over it, God is in control!
I am so excited that Harper is well enough to have play dates with friends. I am loving the bow headbands she is rocking!
I've always been told by our doctors and I've read in several books that once the baby is old enough to roll herself onto her stomach, it is okay to sleep that way (if she rolls herself that way in her sleep, not to put her to sleep on the tummy). So don't be nervous; Harper will be just fine. You're such a cute mama!
I actually think the name Hudson could go either way and would be a very cute girl name! You should ask MckMama about any other cute H names b/c she's got a GREAT list of beautiful and unique baby names!
And I think you should look at this. HA!
"H" names for you... one of good friends from college is named Hylan. She is the sweetest girl from Savannah, Ga that you could ever meet. Another one of my friends from college just had a sweet baby last Friday and they named her Halle Kate. So there are my two names for you: Hylan and Halle. I really like the sound of Harper and Hylan!
I have a baby the same age as Harper. We have the AngelCare monitor system and we love it! It is worth it so I can sleep knowing she is safe. I know you probably already have a monitor though.
Some H names that I think are cute are Harlow, Halle, and Harman.
Oh me! I love dirt cake too and their version with the gummy worms is just to adorable! You and your friends are so very blessed to be able to have little playdates and children all close together! I also worried about my Charli as she started rolling over to her tummy at night! You are right though, it is all the Lords hands! Loves & Hugs from KY!
I couldn't sleep when mine were babies after they were on their tummies. I was terrified, I feel ya. Oh my goodness, that bib is precious and the other stuff is too. I have noticed an increase in the name Harper...I went to school with a Harper. I think people are naming their little girls Harper so they can buy your stuff on Ebay. Ha! She has such cute stuff. I had a few cute H names but it looks like everyone else already beat me to it!!! Have a fabulous Thursday!
I love Hadley, Haven, and Harlee!
She does have so much H stuff! :)
I love thinking of names...hmmmm
Holly, Harlow, Halle, Hope, Heidi, Hayden, Hollis...that's all I gots!
<3 Ya!
I think Hallie is a darling name. Sounds southern, but not too weird. Kinda like Haley, but less common.
Also, have you seen this sleep positioner?
When my nephews were born, my SIL used something similar (try keeping 3 on their backs!). Don't know how big it goes, but it might be an option.
Kelly, I am so afraid of SIDS too. Bennett keeps flipping over to his stomach as well. I ended up taking his bumper out last week. I decided that even though it was cute..I just could never forgive myself if something happened to him because of that bumper! Also, I have just had to pray and ask God to let me not live in fear too. It has really helped me sleep better!
First of all, don't stress about the tummy sleeping. If she's getting there on her own and is happier to be there, just let her. Chances are, she'll be just fine.
Next, Hannah isn't all that original, but it is a beautiful name that starts with H.
Have a terrific day1
We started letting Cora sleep on her tummy when she was REALLY little (like 6 weeks old). . .it was the only thing that helped with her acid reflux while she slept. Believe me, I understand your fears! I still go in and check on her several times during her naps and before I go to bed! But, the good news is that Cora started sleeping through the night shortly after we started letting her sleep on her tummy. . .maybe Harper will follow that path, too!
H names I like... Hollis, Harlow and Haven. I love reading your blog, and Harper is too cute!
Kelly: Many, many of us were raised sleeping on our bellies. Truth be known the "experts" do not know what causes SIDS! They are grasping for straws because it's an area in medicine they can't figure out! Our friend who is a pediatrician and has studied SIDS firmly believes this! My babies didn't sleep more than a few minutes on their backs before they were screaming. When they could turn their heads side to side really well is when they went all night on their backs! Babies have died from SIDS on their backs, too! I am not trying to scare you, but give you a little ease. For crying out loud, they can't even figure out if eggs are good for you or not! :-) Love your blog and read it everyday! :)
I lobe the name Hadley as many others suggested! A co-worker of mine has a little girl named Hadley & it's such a sweet name. I also like the name Hilary.
As soon as our son could roll, he would flip during the night. As your pediatrician, he/she may says it's ok if she can roll back? For some reasons I was much more afraid of SIDS when our daughter was born (aren't we supposed to be more relaxed with the 2nd?!? not me!) and I bought one of those sleep positioners, but I took it out of the crib after using it a couple of times. It seemed like it would cause a breathing issue. She would scoot down in her crib and have her face right near the pads of the positioner.
Our daughter is 21 months & I still wake up once a night and go check on her! :)
I have a friend who has a daughter named Hudson. It may be stuck in your head now as a boy name, but I think it could go either way. I also know a Hampton.
And...this has nothing to do with this post, but every time you post a picture of your friend Laurie she always looks so "put together" and cute. I'm tellin' you...if we were friends and you stopped by my house, you may catch me in sweats and with my face not "on" :)
Hey Kelly,
I was having trouble getting my little boy to sleep through the night when he was an infant and when my mother-in-law was here helping me she told me to put him on his stomach (because that is what she did with all 3 of her boys....of course 30 years ago). So I tried it, even though I was worried and he slept great! He started sleeping through the night and he is still a great sleeper at 21 months.
Kelly! Your daughter is absolutly adorable and I told my hubby the other day if we ever have a girl I would love to name her Harper! :) Well I just wanted to let you know we have slept our son on his stomach since he was abt 4 weeks old cause thats the only way he would. I was always worried and prayed a ton and now he is 5 months old and doing wonderful. Actually now he rolls to his back and gets stuck there! So just pray a lot and like you said the Lord is in control! Harper is a beauty!!!
LOVE making dirt cake! It's even cuter when you put it in a plastic flower pot (new, of course) and put a silk flower or two in the top! Makes a fun treat for a party! :)
Cute "H" names to consider!
i've always thought the names Hayes and Heatherly were cute! i'd normally never tell anyone, but now we're done baby-making. :0)
Just had to post & tell you that I am loving reading about your precious Harper!! I made my way to your blog when Harper was in the hospital & have done lots of catching up since then! I am expecting my own little "H" baby in 7 weeks! And guess what his name will be? Hudson! :-) Great minds think alike!!! Hope you got your list of chores done before Miss Harper woke up today!
I love Hadleigh and Harlow! Are you trying to tell us a secret? I'm so excited!!!
Here are a few H name suggestions. Halle (like Halle Berry) is my husband's great aunt's name who is 106 years old:) I also love the names Henley, Hannah, Hope, and Hayden.
I am fearful daily but looking to the Lord will help you through!
When we see parents in the pediatric clinic and they ask about their baby rolling over onto the stomach, we basically say that once they start rolling, there's not much you can do! They are mobile just like you and I are, so they're going to get to the position they want. So, I'd say you did right in letting her sleep how she wanted and placing your trust in God! He's got her in His hands anyway! :-)
How about Hillary like your friend? I think it's such a cute name!
I just love the expression on Harper's face as Sarah Kate is going in for the attack. You can just tell she's thinking "Is anyone going to save me?!"
so you probably already got this comment, but I don't have time to read them all (my baby is currently napping!) but it's okay for her to sleep on her stomach if she rolled herself there. Once they can roll over they are generally fine. I'm really happy to hear that you are giving it God. It gave me SO much peace when my two year old was little to know that his days have already been numbered by our sovereign God and He alone will give us the grace to live each and every day no matter what that brings. (and we've had some hard days... our baby had a stroke before he was born and it's been rough). But the Lord alone is good and I'm so glad you know that and praise him for it! Harper is growing so fast and is so cute! I wish we lived closer, as my baby is just two weeks older than Harper and was due one week after she was born. I'm convinced they would be great friends! Okay, I gotta run, just like you lots to do before nap is over! -dee
Holleman and Haegan are great girl names
I love that men's cluelessness over fashion starts at birth. I hope that super cute baby boy gets used to bows soon - he's growing up in the South and those bows are here to stay!
Can't wait to see Harper's room with Harper in it! Hope you include pictures of the closet :-)
Love Hadley! Harper and Hadley - too cute:) Hope it happens for you someday!
Looks like a lovely day with friends!
In regard to giving Harper into God's hands - my mother has always said, and our priest is the one that told her, that she doesn't pray for God to protect/save/salvage/guard me, she just prays that God is with me. She says, "no matter what may happen in your life, I just want God to be with you." I always liked that way of thinking, "please God, be with her."
Thanks for sharing your yummy fave recipes! What great fun to have a play group....we're living away from friends and loved ones, but moving back to where my hubby and I met and started our family and I'm looking forward to playdates, too! Oh, and when each of my children first slept on their bellies, I too was worried. I didn't sleep the first couple nights either did that...I kept checking their breathing! You're doing amazing! Just keep being attentive, follow your instincts, and she'll do her part to grow and be beautiful!
I have been reading your blog for a few months... love it, just never get up the guts to say hi! My sister lives in Fayetteville and is a huge Razorbacks fan, so I laugh at your jokes and think of her!
I love the idea of naming your future baby girl with an "H" name to re-use Harpers stuff.... when I had my last baby (almost 3 years ago) we thought for sure he was going to be a girl... we planned to name "her" Hannalei. This is a town in Kauai (we went there while pregnant) and also a beautiful name if you ask me! Hannalei Nani was to be our girl.... Nani means beautiful in Hawaiin!
Good luck, I will stay tuned for the names you love!
Hey Kelly! I don't have time to read all the comments (imagine that), so I don't know if anyone has told you this or not... but... I bought the Angel Care Monitor for Jonah from Babies R Us, and it is the best thing EVER. It alarms if the baby stops moving for 20 seconds (that includes chest movement/breathing). It's only gone off once, and it saved his life! THE BEST $90 I'VE EVER SPENT. It might give you a little more peace of mind. Just a tip that's helped me have more sanity! Hope to meet you someday.
Both of my girls as soon as they could roll were sleeping on their stomachs. Its great to give our babies to the One in ultimate control but I also asked my doctor about it and he said that once they are strong enough to roll themselves, that they're usually ok on their tummies. Just always lay them day for bed on their backs. So try not to worry too much. Generally they sleep better too since their jerky movements and such are less likely to wake them on their tummies.
The last paragraph made me think of the book I'm currently reading, "What Southern Women Know About Faith" by Ronda Rich. So much of what she writes reminds me of your blog. You should check it out .. I think you'd really like it (especially the foreword by Stevie Waltrip (Darrell's wife) about prayer and their long wait for a child). God Bless You, Scott, and Harper!
Okay my "H" name was Hadley. I have never heard of it until I just recently saw it on another blog! By the comments here, it looks like there will be ALOT of Hadley's in the future...haha...
ALso I know someone who has a daughter and her name is "Hudson" so I guess you could use it for a girl or boy!
Kelly - I've recently become addicted to your home tour :) I read this post about Harper sleeping on her tummy. Like you, I was TERRIFIED for Ellie to do it but that's the ONLY way she would sleep! One of my dear, older mom friends gave me the best advice ever: Your her momma and God gave you insticts just for her. Do what you think is best...Ellie's still a tummy sleeper!! :)
Haisley :)
It's like Haley + Paisley. I like it!
If Harper is sleeping on her belly and she's sleeping better, don't fret. My little ones both slept tummy-down and both still do! God really is in control of sweet Harper's life! The biggest part of learning to trust God for me was trusting him with my children!
I like the name Hadlee for a girl!
Also, just keep in mind that it takes 24 hours a day for one child and 24 hours a day for a dozen.
Been a's more choices!!
All are either girl names or gender neutral. so "they say! little grannyson Carter was born May 3rd. The Lord worked it out that I was THERE! What a gift!
I'm glad you are having so much fun with playdates!
I vote for Baby Girl #2 to be named Hyacinth!
Hi I thought I'd add in my comment here. I don't have any kids, but I'm a pediatric RN on an infant unit. :)
Once a baby is able to roll over, you don't have to put them on their back anymore. You can start them out like that if you want, but they don't have to sleep on their backs once they can roll. They can sleep on their tummy all they want.
The thought is, if they can roll over, they can move/lift their body weight enough to move their head to be able to breathe. Since I've seen pictures of Miss Harper on her tummy looking at the camera, she should be fine on her tummy.
Hope that helps!
My neice wanted to name her baby sister Hadley. Just a thought. :)
So we have a LOT of monogrammed stuff too, and I finally wised up and just started putting an "L" so we could possibly use it again. We planned our second girl name (Lilly) all because of Lainey's monogrammed stuff! Anyways! I'm sure several people will post this name, but I have recently fallen in love with the name Hadley. I had never heard of it until that new Southern Belles of Louisville show came on Soapnet. I think Harper and Hadley would be precious! Have a great day!
She's getting so big. I love the name Harley, but not like the motorcycle haha!
Don't worry about Harper on her tummy! All 3 of mine wouldn't sleep unless they were on their tummy. We would always test them, if they turned their head into the mattress and didn't continue to move it to one side, we knew they weren't ready for their tummy. Our pediatrician said, once they can roll over, it shouldn't be anything to worry about!
A nice H name could be Harley. Harley and Harper would be cute!!!
I love reading your blog. My son is only a couple of weeks older than Harper and I can relate to your days so well!!!
My blog is
I like Hadley, Harmony and Hayden :)
Fun times with kids and their parents, yummy looking cake and precious gifts....thanks so much for sharing your day with us.
Praying for Him to take away any fear you have....
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
Do you know how many calories are in that dirt cake? I do Ha Ha
My mom made it a few weeks ago for work and I checked the calorie count online for her and it was something like 875 in a 1/2 cup serving. Glad now you didn't eat the whole thing. :-)
BTW Harper is cute as ever
Being a parent in general is terrifying, but you guys are doing a great job! Some babies are just tummy sleepers - I was one, and my son prefers it, too! God will watch over you guys, I know it!
If you have another girl, I like the name Hadley or Hadlie.
Just to let you know...all 5 of my kids have slept on their tummies...when my oldest was born, that was the recommended way! When my 2nd came along, it was the side, and they sold all kinds of nice things to help keep them propped up...none of which really worked, and besides, they hated doing it that way anyway!! With The 3rd we were told "only back", but by then I had realized you have to work with the child a bit, so she ended up on her tummy...and so did #'s 4 and 5. :o) Like you said, God is in control, and SIDS can happen regardless of how they sleep (and none of our children had any of the high risk factors they warn against as well), so pray, and then sleep! (It'll get bad waking up again when she learns how to pull herself up and not be able to get back down...and when they start dreaming...and potty-training...and dating...:o) Whoever coined "sleeping through the night" for a child must not have actually had any! )
One another note- I feel bad that you feel you must qualify every statement you make about a struggle in "mommyhood" with how thankful you are for Harper. By now, we know you are thankful, but you are also human! Of course it gets hard, and you get tired, and yiou might not prefere things to go the way they are going. It is ok to be stressed out and even frustrated, with our children. I am so thankful for my family and I love them dearly and oprayed for them...and that doesn't change that they can drive me to the edge (and somethimes over it! :o) ) That is like saying to the girl who prayed for a husband "ok, since you wnated him so bad, you can't be frustrated with anything he does ever! He is perfect and you have to think that ALL the time!" -so not going to happen! :o) I am sorry you feel that you have to justify yourself to the blog world each time you share a frustration,, and I just wanted to tell you that I think you are doing a wonderful job as Harper's mommy, and I enjoy reading your stories, and I always can see (read) how very much you love her...even on 2 hours of sleep! :o) Many blessings-
Laura from FL
I like Hattie because it sounds southern! And my baby only sleeps on his tummy...he screams on his back! :)
Love the dirt cake and your blog. I would agree with some of the other comments that it might be time to take out the bumpers on the crib, just for an extra precaution (babies can get caught between all the padding) my little one sleeps with his face pressed against the rails of his crib. I find him that way every morning, so I am glad that we elected not to use bumpers. He is now a toddler and I still check on him regularly throughout the night. As I pray for him tonight, I will pray for you and your sweet girl as well.
My little boy would ONLY sleep on his tummy. I could not get him to sleep longer than 20 minutes at a time for weeks. Finally, I tried putting him on his tummy for a nap with me sitting and watching him as he slept for 3 HOURS!! After that, we starting putting him on his tummy and he would immediatly roll to it when he got strong enough. He will be three years old in two weeks. I know it is so scary and I am not the type to argue with what the experts say, but my boy was fine. I'm glad she got some sleep! :)
My boys were all belly sleepers and they survived. As a matter of fact - between the birth of my first and birth of my third, the instructions changed. Go figure. She'll be fine.
The dirt cake is great but have you seen the litter box cake? Google it... it's adorable.
And personally... I like Heather for an H name for a girl... and it actually took me a few minutes to think of it... been a long day.
what a fun day!
oh my I could eat all of that dirt cake too. so we both don't get in trouble, how about we just half it together lol
I worried about the tummy sleeping too, but he just refuses to sleep any other way now!
Can we get a copy of Mary Avery's chicken salad recipe??
Some of my favorite "H" names (other than Harper, of course!) are Harley, Hayden, and Holland.
All four of my kiddos slept on their backs. I was at my 6 wk appointment with my first and my friend, who was babysitting, put him on his back. He slept 4 hours, longer than he had ever slept.
I really think Hudson would make a great name for a little girl, should you ever find yourself in the market for another girl name! :0
Just thought up another...
Haddison, call her Haddi for short. ;)
My 7 month old has slept on his stomach for months! That is the only way he will sleep. Now that he can roll over he rolls to his stomach even if I try to lay him on his back. I am sure Harper will be fine...maybe she knows best and that's why she rolls to her stomach!
Those fears will subside somewhat as the years go on. I have two kids ages 22 and 19. At the time they were born, you were suppose to put babies on their tummy to sleep. It never hurt them. Although, when Carly was born, 7 years ago, I did tend to place her on her back and sides. To this day, she will not sleep on her tummy!
Just wanted to let you know that the Director for the local chapter OF the March of Dimes is named, Hadden and she is soooo cute. Like cute enough you would hate her if she wasnt so darn sweet too! Anyway, I just fell in love with that name after she and I met.
FYI, my next baby (if I get my way) will be Haven. Girl or Boy and I will attack the girl who steals my baby name! LOL
I'm so jealous that you have so many friends with babies! All of my friends are still doing the single thing and here I am, married with a kid. I can't wait to have play dates but have a feeling she'll be the old kid when other babies are around. Love your blog and how cute all of your "girly" stuff is for Harper.
Mine were tummy sleepers too - that was what was 'in' then lol!
You have such nice friends!
Oh my goodness that dirt cake looks amazing!! I will be printing out that reciepe and adding it to my collection.
Kelly, I am a first time poster I believe but a long time reader. I have a 15 month old boy and am pregnant again. I wanted to highly recommend the angel monitor made by Bebe sounds I believe. It was my favorite baby product and I could not have lived without it. It is a pad that goes under the mattress and monitors their breathing. You can get it at babiesrus online and Target.
Harper is so darn cute! I don't know if anyone has mentioned this name yet but I love the name Hartley! It is my Mom's maiden name and we thought about using but it didn't work well with our last name!
oh Kelly! I used to go in and roll my first back over! It's scary leaving them in there all alone... my 2nd I just kept checking compulsivly...i've got to get myself a video monitor!
I like Hammond.... but I also love Hudson for a girl. That's my maiden name and wanted it for a boy, but would use it in a heartbeat for a little girl.
what about Hattie, Hadley, or Harper Jr..... in any case she/he will be blessed to have you!!!!
Giving your children to the Lord is the hardest, but most important part of being a mother! I've learned that the hard way. When my daughter was born I wouldn't take my eyes off of her. I would trust NO ONE with her care, not even my Mom - I barely slept, even when she slept. I was so terrified of her dying. I was a stickler with her sleeping on her back, and she remains to this day, pretty much a back sleeper. She is four and a half.
Somewhere in her first year I gave her over to the Lord. I remember telling the Lord He could take her if He wanted. That may sound extreme, but I had to give up the control - all the way! It hasn't been a one time thing for me though. I've had to give her life over to Him many times the past 4 1/2 yrs.
God has taken four of my babies to Heaven, through miscarriage, and I've had to relearn each time what it means to truly give my kiddos over to Him. It never gets easy, but it always brings peace.
I now have a 9 month old son, and I've had to do the same with his life, though I will say I think I've grown in that area some, and it is coming more naturally to me to trust the Lord with his life and his sister's.
Somewhere around 4 months he started sleeping on his tummy, all on his own. It freaked me out at first, but I had the monitor right by him, so all night I could hear him breathing, and I would check on him through the night. It is impossible to get him to sleep on his back. So, I'm sure Harper will be fine!!!
Boy, no one tells us these parts of motherhood, huh? :) You're doing so great Kelly! And seriously, Harper is just such a doll. I always want to reach right into the computer and kiss her sweet little head.
Oh, dirt cake. My first memory of eating this was in 5th grade. We actually "made" it in class (I think it was earth day or something.) But! We put gummy worms in it to really make it like dirt. :)
Okay, everyone can stop laughing now... :) I just realized there were gummy worms in the picture of the dirt cake you ate too. :) I guess I'm not super observant.
Ruthie :)
Hey Kelly- just so you'll feel better- my pediatrician (who was president of the National Association of Pediatric Doctors) told me that the whole sleeping on the back thing is really more of a "pc" thing and it is totally fine for them to sleep on their stomachs as long as they don't have huge spit-up problems at night. Both of my kiddos slept on their stomachs their entire infanthood and they are fine- nary an ear infection!
Hey Kelly,
Our 2nd daughter would only sleep well on her tummy and I too just gave into it. But, I did get an 'Angel' monitor. It's made by 'bebe sounds.' It has a pad that is placed under the mattress and detects if the baby stops breathing. You can make it as sensitive to movement as you want. It has given me such peace of mind. I know it works, b/c it has gone off before. Of course, I sprint across the house and the baby was just curled up in a bottom corner of the crib. The pad just couldn't detect her that far away. It does cost about $100, but very worth it!
hope this helps!
I'm sure people have already said this, but my doctor said once they can roll over on their own, there's not as much to worry about and there's not much you can do about it. It's scary at first, but you'll get used to it. I felt the same way when my son, Colin, started doing the same thing.
I've always thought Haven was a cute girls name!
you don't need me to tell you I like Hadleigh...when 100 other people have :) But do make sure you'd really like to have another "H" first, we have 3 J's and it's a tongue twister shouting out names :) Maybe God will have you blessing another little girl baby you meet someday with "H" hand-me-downs. Ya never know :) Our friends just had a Haylee, and there is also a Haiden in my daughter's class. But Harper is so unique that maybe you will have a Hudson next!
Yes, Kelly, God truly does know the number of our days, though some days I need to be reminded again myself with regard to mt own children.
Just to encourage you- my husband was a miracle baby, and still is a miracle man today. He was born in the 1960's when surgery wasn't possible, and he has 3 rare heart defects, we found out after we were married, he "shouldn't" have lived beyond the age of 16. God has chosen thus far NOT to heal him, but instead sustains his life as he lives to glorify his Heavenly Father.Yes, we have emergencies every 3 to 6 months or so, even when he's been ministering overseas. But God is Sovereign and faithful and true. We learned early on in our marriage, that no matter WHAT happens, Satan can never win when God is glorified.
I believe God has a plan for Harper, and her life so far is a wonderful testimony.
I love following your babies are grown , so I enjoy going back in time with you and sweet harper.
I love names about , "Henley " and " Hayden "
My son (Kade) has slept on his tummy since he was able to roll over. I used to go in and flip him over but he would be back to his tummy before long. Also, a thought for a very unique baby girl "H" name is Havilah. It is biblical and not common at all. I have never left a comment but have been checking your blog and praying for Harper since she was born. God Bless!
Holyn - isn't that a cute girl name? I also like Hennesy. All 3 of my babies (Campbell, Charlotte and Christian) slept on their tummies - just keep the room cool and obviously nothing else in the crib, but I am sure you know all that...she'll be just fine!
After reading some of the other comments, I have fallen in love with the name Hadley. I was wondering if you were watching the Southern Belles of Louisville. It has become my new must see!
Harper is the sweetest thing ever! I think she would make an awesome big sister. I have an 18 month old daughter named Avery and I am trying to convince my husband that if we do have another child and it is a girl I LOVE the name Honor. I think Harper and Honor would been great "H" names!! LOVE your blog Kelly, you are a great mother and an awesome example of a woman of God!!
All 4 of my boys are/were tummy sleepers
Even when they were in EOPC, the nurses would lay them on their tummies.
ITA, give it to God, that is what gets me through my worries. I vote for Hattie, but I'm biased because that is my daughter's name.
I'm so sad I miss play group. BTW - Southern Belles is on the DVR if you want to come watch!
My niece's name is Haven. I like it. And, oh, look, it starts with and "h." :)
I am a traditionalist- love the name Hannah. Biblical and what a namesake for a young lady. Hannah was so strong and trusted the Lord to provide for her. Kind of reminds me of you Kelly!
What a fun play date! You guys are going to have so much fun when those babies are about 2!! Also, I just have to giggle when I hear all of your friends with 2 names. I LOVE IT!! How many do you have by the way...friends that go by 2 names.
I also feel your worry about SIDS there many many many nights I would just sit and watch my babies breath.
It is funny that I don't know you in real life but I have realized that we have a few common friends. Berkli went to my church when she and Richard lived in Dallas. Also, I know your friend whose mom you quoted regarding Kris a few posts ago. Stacy and I went to school together when she lived in Dallas. Small world. I have another friend who was college roommates with your friend who is in the hospital right now too.
Also, my pedi said once a baby rolls onto their stomach on their own, they are old enough and strong enough that you don't really need to worry about it anymore. I hope that helps you rest a little easier.
I LOVE baby names. When someone is pregnant or just had a baby, the first thing I ask them is "What's the baby's name?"
I LOVE Hayden for a girl! And Hannah.
I already have 2 girl names picked out for my future kiddos.
Aliza for a girl (it means joyful, which is why I LOVE it).
And Karis for a girl (which means grace)
OH, and I want to adopt a little Chinese girl and name her Lilly!
I hope my future husband is okay with this! :) HA
OK I had to laugh. I just did a post about Arkansas and the deal with double names and then you went and mentioned like 3 in a row from your play date. I love it!
I actually love double names and I love Arkansas too. I just like to make fun. Maybe I'm jealous of all the trees. and Harper are just precious! I so enjoy your blog! You sweet, precious Harper is in good hands...God's hands. You are so right about God being in control. It just seems to take your fears is an amazing peace to have within. God has BIG plans for your little Harper....don't worry! Now...I have to clean my kids rooms in the morning, so I can take some pics for the "Show Me Where You Live" tour! LOL! Have a blessed weekend with your family!
Oh how I WISH I could buy bows like that for my little girl!! SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!
And, just so you know, Audrey slept on her stomach for the first 2 weeks of her life! She would have it no other way!!! Now, she just likes to sleep on her side! But, you are right. God is in control! It is hard to remember that, to "hand" everything over to Him {even though He really has had it all along!!}
I love the name Harper but my nieces name is Heavan and her middle name is Leigh, so they call her Heavan Leigh - Let us know which ones you liked the best :)
Love dirt cake :) it's a staple at any get together!
As for the H names, I like the name Haiden. More unique version of the Hayden.
Haiden or Hadley!
Such a fun day! And that dirt cake looks amazing!!.... Some favorite 'H' names are Hilary (my cousin's name), and Hutton.
Blessings- have a fantastic weekend!
Ok, as far as names go...I like Hanley or Henley!!
And...Grace slept on her tummy from the time she was 6 weeks old because she had a floppy airway (because she got her Nana'a short neck!) so she was able to breathe and sleep easier on her tummy. She didn't start going to sleep on her back until we moved her to her big girl bed in December!
My boys were both stomach sleepers. At first my husband I would sleep in shifts holding them on our chests because we were so terrified with all the "back to sleep" stuff. Finally after many sleepless weeks we realized that God was in control of our babies. If they slept better on their stomach, God would watch over them. Get some rest and believe in our creator who continues to watch over your little angel.
I have always loved the name Hadassah (Queen Esther's other name!) especially after reading Tommy Tenney's book entitled "Hadassah- One night with the King" as well as Francine River's "Mark of the Lion" Series. I really wanted to consider it for my daughter- call her Haddie or Hattie- but my husband thought it a little too original. :)(So her name is Avery) My son is Hudson so you know I whole- heartedly support that one!! :)
With as many post as you have I know you won't read this but I have been reading your blog for about 3 months now and thought I would post. I work at a school and there is a girl named Hayleigh. I know Haley is common now but the spelling was cute.I remember in high school I had Heather picked out if I ever had a girl. I named her Caroline instead. I also had a lot of worries when Caroline was born, I thought she would always quit breathing. I drove her and me both crazy the first night, moving her to see if she was. She was and is now 19.She also loved sleeping on her belly.It will be fine, I know how it is my son was born at 8 months and had lung problems. They said he would die the first night. He stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks and now he is 12.It's hard but you will start to let go ( a little) ha! Good luck! and I enjoy your blog so much
Here are some "H" names (by the way, my middle child's name is HUDSON!!):
Harper will be fine on her tummy now that she can roll and support hear head and move it around. I think the main fear of babies sleeping on their tummies is that they could suffocate if they turned face down and couldn't get back up. But Harper is a big girl who can roll and turn she'll be great! I'll admit that I have those same fears too though. I found what I though was a lump under my 2 year olds breast and was looking up to see if little kids could get breast cancer, only to find out that I just need to have the doctor watch it and its really common and will go away. But I was thrown back into reality when I remembered who my Father was and that I should not have been worried at all. :-)
I personally like the name "Hope":)I think it's such a great name, not only because that's my name but in these uncertain times we just "Hope" everything turns out for the best when they are little and when they grow and become adults. I have a friend that named her baby Hope because she saw an abnormality of her heart during one of her ultrasounds and her and her fiancee just kept saying they "Hoped" everything would be ok. It was that and then we are such good friends and she thinks I'm a good person that she named her Hope. There aren't enough of us in the I say pick Hope!!!!
Kelly- Once babies can roll over themselves, it's fine for them to sleep on their tummyies, (even say all the pediatricians). It's before they can roll themselves that they recommend putting them on their backs to sleep. My babies all slept on their tummies better after that milestone. So don't worry over it! :)
Kelly- Amen that God is in control- but something I really believe was a blessing from God for us was the Angel Care monitor. It's a sensor pad that goes under the mattress and beeps if there's no movement (including breathing) for more than 20 seconds. I didn't have it for my 1st and did for my 2nd and 3rd, and I really believe my brain allowed me to sleep a little more deeply knowing the monitor was on. (My little boy had severe GERD, and we were concerned he might choke on his own spit up, which is why we got it.) Just a thought- you can get them at Babies R Us and it seems like they were in the $100 range when we got one 3 1/2 years ago.
Puddin's real name is Hadleigh and I think it's the most fantabulous name out there! We almost went with "H" names but when the boys were born we couldn't think of 2 H names we liked that seemed to fit! So, now we have TONS of monogrammed stuff with "H" and "Hadleigh" all over it! Oh well, what's a girl to do? BTW- one of her BFF's name is Halle Rose...Very pretty too.
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